From 9dee0e5075254ea362c82299521913c01d5b955e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: uwe <>
Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2018 15:59:46 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] documented modules and functions

 .../intermediate_format/identification.xqm    | 212 +++++++++++++++-
 modules/intermediate_format/markerset.xqm     | 229 ++++--------------
 modules/intermediate_format/preprocessing.xqm |  53 +++-
 .../whitespace-handling.xqm                   |  39 ++-
 4 files changed, 333 insertions(+), 200 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/intermediate_format/identification.xqm b/modules/intermediate_format/identification.xqm
index ef9757f..8ff41e0 100644
--- a/modules/intermediate_format/identification.xqm
+++ b/modules/intermediate_format/identification.xqm
@@ -1,19 +1,73 @@
 xquery version "3.0";
+ : IDENTIFICATION Module ("ident", "")
+ : *******************************************************************************************
+ : This module defines functions and variables to set reading markers in tei:lem or tei:rdg elements.
+ : The problem it solves is to identify non-Blocklevel-elements self not containing Blocklevel-elements
+ : on their first or last decendants path to set textcritical markers required in the printed version of a
+ : BdN digital edition.
+ :
+ : The basic idea is constructing a some kind of first- and last-descendants PATH for reading nodes (tei:lem and tei:rdg) describing
+ : a save PATH of non-BLE self not including Blocklevel-elements on their own first- or last-decendants paths down the tree.  
+ : 
+ : It includes the helping module "markerset" holding helper functions to collect and construct reading markers
+ : @version 2.0 (2018-01-29)
+ : @note This new versions identification algorithm is more flexible and much more configurable as in the old version 1
+ : @status working
+ : @author Uwe Sikora
+ :)
 module namespace ident="";
 import module namespace markerset = "" at "markerset.xqm";
 declare default element namespace "";
+(:############################# Modules Variables #############################:)
+ : ident:blocklevel-elements
+ : Variable defining Blocklevelelements by name 
+ : 
+ : @version 2.0 (2018-01-29)
+ : @author Uwe Sikora
+ :)
 declare variable $ident:blocklevel-elements := ('titlePage', 'titlePart', 'aligned', 'div', 'list', 'item', 'table', 'row', 'cell', 'head', 'p', 'note');
+(:############################# Modules Functions #############################:)
+ : ident:in-sequence()
+ : This function checks if nodes are includes in a sequence of nodes 
+ :
+ : @param $values the nodes to check against the sequence
+ : @param $sequence a sequence of AtomicTypes
+ : @return xs:boolean ('true' else 'false')
+ : 
+ : @version 2.0 (2018-01-29)
+ : @status working
+ : @author Uwe Sikora
+ :)
 declare function ident:in-sequence
     ( $values as xs:anyAtomicType* , $sequence as xs:anyAtomicType*) as xs:boolean {
     $values = $sequence
+ : ident:is-or-are-ble()
+ : This function checks if nodes are Blocklevelelements 
+ :
+ : @param $values the nodes to check against the sequence
+ : @return xs:boolean ('true' else 'false')
+ : 
+ : @version 2.0 (2018-01-29)
+ : @note derived function from ident:in-sequence
+ : @status working
+ : @author Uwe Sikora
+ :)
 declare function ident:is-or-are-ble
     ( $values as xs:anyAtomicType* ) as xs:boolean {
@@ -21,8 +75,21 @@ declare function ident:is-or-are-ble
+ : ident:first-descendants-path()
+ : This recursive function describes the so called first-descendants PATH,
+ : that is the path of all save first nodes (1) not self a BLE and not including
+ : BLEs and (2) listen to defined parameters
+ :
+ : @param $node the nodes in the PATH from where all following nodes and thus the path itsel is defined
+ : @return set of node() representing the PATH
+ : 
+ : @version 2.0 (2018-01-30)
+ : @status working
+ : @author Uwe Sikora
+ :)
 declare function ident:first-descendants-path
-    ($node as node()?) as node()* {
+    ( $node as node()? ) as node()* {
     let $first-child := (
         let $target := $node/child::node()[1]
@@ -55,8 +122,21 @@ declare function ident:first-descendants-path
+ : ident:last-descendants-path()
+ : This recursive function describes the so called last-descendants PATH,
+ : that is the path of all save last nodes (1) not self a BLE and not including
+ : BLEs and (2) listen to defined parameters
+ :
+ : @param $node the nodes in the PATH from where all following nodes and thus the path itsel is defined
+ : @return set of node() representing the PATH
+ : 
+ : @version 2.0 (2018-01-30)
+ : @status working
+ : @author Uwe Sikora
+ :)
 declare function ident:last-descendants-path
-    ($node as node()?) as node()* {
+    ( $node as node()? ) as node()* {
     let $last-child := (
         let $target := $node/child::node()[last()]
@@ -95,8 +175,19 @@ declare function ident:last-descendants-path
+ : ident:first-save-node()
+ : This function identifies the first-save node for a given node()
+ :
+ : @param $node the node of which the first save node should be identified
+ : @return the first save node of a defined set of save nodes
+ : 
+ : @version 2.0 (2018-01-30)
+ : @status working
+ : @author Uwe Sikora
+ :)
 declare function ident:first-save-node
-    ($node as node()) as node()* {
+    ( $node as node() ) as node()* {
     let $first := ident:first-descendants-path($node)
                   [not ( ident:is-or-are-ble(self::node()/name()) )]
@@ -106,8 +197,19 @@ declare function ident:first-save-node
+ : ident:last-save-node()
+ : This function identifies the last-save node for a given node()
+ :
+ : @param $node the node of which the last save node should be identified
+ : @return the last save node of a defined set of save nodes
+ : 
+ : @version 2.0 (2018-01-30)
+ : @status working
+ : @author Uwe Sikora
+ :)
 declare function ident:last-save-node
-    ($node as node()) as node()* {
+    ( $node as node() ) as node()* {
     let $last := ident:last-descendants-path($node)
                  [not ( ident:is-or-are-ble(self::node()/name()) )]
@@ -117,8 +219,26 @@ declare function ident:last-save-node
+ : ident:identify-targets()
+ : This function identifies the first and last save node for a given reading (tei:lem and tei:rdg)
+ : It also collect the sibling readings as shortcuts (name and attributes) to build a set
+ : of reading markers for opening and closing Markers 
+ :
+ : @param $node the reading nodegoing to be evaluated
+ : @return evaluation report for the node acording to the following form
+ :  - element "rdg" or "lem" incl. copied attributes
+ :      - element "target"[@type = "open"] incl. @id (generated)
+ :      - element "target"[@type = "close"] incl. @id (generated)
+ :      - element "marker"[@type = "open"] incl. @id (generated)
+ :      - element "marker"[@type = "close"] incl. @id (generated)
+ : 
+ : @version 2.0 (2018-01-31)
+ : @status working
+ : @author Uwe Sikora
+ :)
 declare function ident:identify-targets
-    ($node as node()) as node()* {
+    ( $node as node() ) as node()* {
     let $first := ident:first-save-node($node)            
     let $last := ident:last-save-node($node)
@@ -130,13 +250,13 @@ declare function ident:identify-targets
             element {"target"}{
                 attribute {"type"}{ "open" },
-                attribute {"gid"}{ generate-id($first) },
-                $first
+                attribute {"gid"}{ generate-id($first) }(:,
+                $first:)
             element {"target"}{
                 attribute {"type"}{ "close" },
-                attribute {"gid"}{ generate-id($last) },
-                $last
+                attribute {"gid"}{ generate-id($last) }(:,
+                $last:)
             element {"marker"}{
                 attribute {"type"}{ "open" },
@@ -150,8 +270,21 @@ declare function ident:identify-targets
+ : ident:walk()
+ : This recursive function represents the main conversion which adds the reading markers
+ : for tei:lem and tei:rdg nodes 
+ :
+ : @param $nodes nodes to be converted
+ : @param $reading-sequence sequence holding the evaluation reports of the relevant readings in the nodes' context
+ : @return converted node
+ : 
+ : @version 2.0 (2018-02-01)
+ : @status working
+ : @author Uwe Sikora
+ :)
 declare function ident:walk
-    ($nodes as node()*, $reading-sequence as item()*) as item()* {
+    ( $nodes as node()*, $reading-sequence as item()* ) as item()* {
     for $node in $nodes
@@ -186,8 +319,22 @@ declare function ident:walk
+ : ident:mark-node()
+ : This function checks if a given node is a identified first or last save node
+ : and sets in case of positive identification sets opening and closing markers before and after the node
+ :
+ : @param $nodes nodes to be checked and in case of positive identification decorated with markers
+ : @param $reading-sequence sequence holding the evaluation reports of the relevant readings in the nodes' context
+ : @return converted node()
+ : 
+ : @version 2.0 (2018-02-01)
+ : @status working
+ : @author Uwe Sikora
+ :)
 declare function ident:mark-node
-    ($node as node(), $reading-sequence as item()* ) as node()* {
+    ( $node as node(), $reading-sequence as item()* ) as node()* {
     let $node-id := generate-id( $node )
     let $in-reading-sequence := $reading-sequence//target[@gid eq $node-id]
@@ -220,6 +367,20 @@ declare function ident:mark-node
+ : ident:mark-text()
+ : This function checks if a given text() is a identified first or last save node
+ : and sets in case of positive identification sets opening and closing markers before and after the node
+ :
+ : @param $nodes nodes to be checked and in case of positive identification decorated with markers
+ : @param $reading-sequence sequence holding the evaluation reports of the relevant readings in the nodes' context
+ : @return converted node()
+ : 
+ : @version 2.0 (2018-02-01)
+ : @status deprecated. integrated in ident:mark-node()
+ : @author Uwe Sikora
+ :)
 (:declare function ident:mark-text
     ($node as node(), $reading-sequence as item()* ) as node()* {
@@ -237,6 +398,18 @@ declare function ident:mark-node
+ : ident:fetch-marker-from-sequence()
+ : Helperfunction to collect the reading markers from a given reading sequence
+ :
+ : @param $node-id id to be checked against the reading-sequences target-ids
+ : @param $reading-sequence sequence holding the evaluation reports of the relevant readings in the nodes' context
+ : @return reading markers as node()* for the node associated with node-id
+ : 
+ : @version 2.0 (2018-02-01)
+ : @status working
+ : @author Uwe Sikora
+ :)
 declare function ident:fetch-marker-from-sequence
     ($node-id as xs:string, $reading-sequence as item()* ) as node()* {
@@ -250,8 +423,21 @@ declare function ident:fetch-marker-from-sequence
+ : ident:identify-unit-test()
+ : Some kind of test-unit-function to eval the main identification functionality of this module on all tei:lem and tei:readings of a given xml-tree
+ :
+ : @param $nodes xml-tree to be tested
+ : @return test report for each tei:lem and tei:reading as node()*
+ : 
+ : @version 2.0 (2018-02-01)
+ : @status working
+ : @note meant to test the identification algorithm
+ : @author Uwe Sikora
+ :)
 declare function ident:identify-unit-test
-    ($nodes as node()*) as node()* {
+    ( $nodes as node()* ) as node()* {
     for $node at $nr in $nodes//node()[self::lem or self::rdg]
     let $identified-targets := ident:identify-targets($node)
diff --git a/modules/intermediate_format/markerset.xqm b/modules/intermediate_format/markerset.xqm
index 4453242..a257146 100644
--- a/modules/intermediate_format/markerset.xqm
+++ b/modules/intermediate_format/markerset.xqm
@@ -1,9 +1,31 @@
 xquery version "3.0";
+ : MARKERSET Module ("markerset", "")
+ : *******************************************************************************************
+ : This module is a helper module and defines functions to collect and construct reading markers
+ :
+ : @version 2.0 (2018-01-29)
+ : @status working
+ : @author Uwe Sikora
+ :)
 module namespace markerset="";
 declare default element namespace "";
+(:############################# Modules Functions #############################:)
+ : markerset:collect-markers()
+ : This function collect markers for a given reading.
+ : It destinguishes tei:lem and tei:rdg. In case of tei:lem it collects all sibling tei:rdgs. In case of tei:rdg it collect itself.
+ :
+ : @param $reading the reading node to collect readings for
+ : @return node() representing a markerset of readings for the given node
+ : 
+ : @version 2.0 (2018-01-29)
+ : @status working
+ : @author Uwe Sikora
+ :)
 declare function markerset:collect-markers
     ( $reading as node()* ) as item() {
@@ -34,6 +56,17 @@ declare function markerset:collect-markers
+ : markerset:merge-markers()
+ : This function merges markers in a given set by the same type. It orders the merged markers according to an explicit ordering.
+ :
+ : @param $markerset node() including the markers that should be merged
+ : @return node()* representing the merged markerset
+ : 
+ : @version 2.0 (2018-01-29)
+ : @status working
+ : @author Uwe Sikora
+ :)
 declare function markerset:merge-markers
     ( $markerset as node()* ) as item()* {
@@ -59,8 +92,8 @@ declare function markerset:merge-markers
- : interform:marker() - Marker Constructor
- : Constructor function whch creates the marker element with name, mark-type and references 
+ : markerset:marker()
+ : Constructor function which creates the marker element with name, mark-type and references 
  : @param $name The name of the marker element
  : @param $mark The mark type e.g. open or close
@@ -84,187 +117,23 @@ declare function markerset:marker
-declare function markerset:construct-marker-from-markerset
-    ( $name as xs:string, $marker-type as xs:string, $marker-set as node()* ) as item()* {
-    for $marker in $marker-set/node()
-    return (
-        markerset:marker($name, $marker-type, $marker)
-    )
- : interform:are-nodes-in-sequence()
- : This function checks if a node() from a given nodeset is or contains named Elements in a sequence. 
- : In this case it returns 'true' else 'false' 
+ : markerset:construct-marker-from-markerset
+ : Helping function to construct markers for a sequence of markersets
- : @param $nodes the nodes() to check for BLEs
- : @param $bleElements a list of defined BLEs
- : @return xs:boolean ('true' else 'false')
- : 
- : @version 1.1 (2017-09-22)
- : @status working
- : @author Uwe Sikora
-declare function interform:are-nodes-in-sequence
-    ($nodes as node()*, $sequence as item()*) as xs:boolean{
-    some $node in $nodes
-    satisfies
-        if(functx:is-value-in-sequence($node/name(), $sequence)) then(
-            fn:true()
-        ) 
-        else (
-            fn:false()
-        )
- :)
-(: **************************************************************************************************************
- :      Target Mapping Conversion
- : ************************************************************************************************************** :)
-(:declare function interform:marker-targets
-    ($app-index) {
-    let $targets := $app-index//node()[self::first or self::last]
-    let $ids := distinct-values( $targets/string(@target) )
-    let $map := map:merge(
-        for $id in $ids
-        let $targets-by-id := $targets[@target eq $id]
-        return 
-            map:entry($id , 
-                element {"target"} {
-                    attribute {"id"}{$id},
-                    (\:element {"COMPARE"}{
-                        $targets-by-id/ancestor::node()[self::lem or self::rdg]/parent::node()/parent::node()
-                    },:\)
-                    element {"targetNode"}{
-                        $targets-by-id[1]/node()
-                    },
-                    element {"markers"}{
-(\:                        element {"open"}{interform:first-marker-set($id, $app-index)},:\)
-(\:                        element {"close"}{interform:last-marker-set($id, $app-index)}:\)
-                        element {"open"}{interform:create-marker-sets($targets-by-id[self::first], "open")},
-                        element {"close"}{ reverse(interform:create-marker-sets($targets-by-id[self::last], "close")) }
-                    }
-               }
-           )
-    )
-    return 
-        ($map)
- : interform:create-marker-sets
- : This function creates marker sets for each given target. The input needs to be the last- or first-nodes().
- : Afterwards the single readings are merged for each set and rdgMarkers are build
- :
- : @param $marker-set the nodes() representing a set of Markers
- : @param $marker-type the type of the marker ("open" or "close")
- : @return set of element("rdgMarker")*
- : 
- : @version 1.1 (2017-09-22)
- : @status working
- : @author Uwe Sikora
- :)
-(:declare function interform:create-marker-sets
-    ( $marker-set as node()* , $marker-type as xs:string) as item()* {
-    let $targets := (
-        for $item in $marker-set
-        let $entry-index := $item/ancestor::entry/string(@n)
-        let $markers :=  $item/parent::position/following-sibling::markers/node()
-        let $merged := interform:merge-readings($markers[not(@type eq "v")])
-        order by $entry-index ascending
-        return 
-            interform:build-markers($marker-type, $merged)
-    )
-    return $targets
- : interform:build-markers()
- : constructs rdgMarker elements from set of tei:rdg nodes
- :
- : @param $type The type of the marker element
- : @param nodes A set of tei:rdg elements
- : @return rdgMarker element()s for each rdg in the set
- :
- : @version 1.1 (2017-09-13)
- : @author Uwe Sikora
- :)
-(:declare function interform:build-markers
-    ($type as xs:string, $nodes as node()*) as item()* {
-    for $node in $nodes
-    return
-        interform:marker('rdgMarker', $type, $node)
- : interform:merge-readings()
- : This function merges all readings in the given set sharing the same tei:rdg[@type]
- : If no type was provided 'none' is set as type
+ : @param $name The name of the marker element
+ : @param $marker-type The mark type e.g. open or close
+ : @param $marker-set The markersets for which reading markers shall be coonstructed
+ : @return item()* representing the constructed rdgMarker sets
- : @param $readings the readings as a sequence
- : @return $node the merged readings
- :   
- : @version 1.0 (2017-09-14)
+ : @version 1.0 (2018-02-29)
  : @author Uwe Sikora
-(:declare function interform:merge-readings
-    ($readings as node()*) as item()* {
-    let $targets := (
-        for $reading in $readings
-        return
-            if ($reading[@type]) then (
-                $reading
-            ) 
-            else (
-                element { name($reading) } {
-                    $reading/@*,
-                    attribute type {'none'}
-                }
-            )
-    )
+declare function markerset:construct-marker-from-markerset
+    ( $name as xs:string, $marker-type as xs:string, $marker-set as node()* ) as item()* {
-    return (   
-        for $type in distinct-values($targets/@type)
-        let $rdgs := $targets[@type = $type]
-        return
-            element {"rdg"}{
-                attribute wit {$rdgs/@wit},
-                attribute id {$rdgs/@id},
-                attribute context {distinct-values($rdgs/@context)},
-                attribute type {$type}
-            }
+    for $marker in $marker-set/node()
+    return (
+        markerset:marker($name, $marker-type, $marker)
-(:declare function interform:get-marks
-    ($node as node(), $map) as item()* {
-    if (data($node/@id) and map:contains( $map, data($node/@id)) ) then (
-        let $map-item := $map(data($node/@id))
-        let $open-marks := $map-item/*:markers/*:open
-        let $close-marks := $map-item/*:markers/*:close
-        return (
-           $open-marks,
-            $close-marks
-        ) 
-    ) else ()
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/intermediate_format/preprocessing.xqm b/modules/intermediate_format/preprocessing.xqm
index 654491a..1e79955 100644
--- a/modules/intermediate_format/preprocessing.xqm
+++ b/modules/intermediate_format/preprocessing.xqm
@@ -1,11 +1,34 @@
 xquery version "3.0";
+ : PREPROCESSING Module ("pre", "")
+ : *******************************************************************************************
+ : This module contains the preprocessing routines for the intermediate format
+ :
+ : It imports the whitespace handling helper module to make some whitespace handling duricng the preprocessing
+ : @version 2.0 (2018-01-29)
+ : @status working
+ : @author Uwe Sikora
+ :)
 module namespace pre="";
 import module namespace whitespace = "" at "whitespace-handling.xqm";
 declare default element namespace "";
+(:############################# Modules Functions #############################:)
+ : pre:preprocessing-textNode
+ : preprocessing function which converts each text() into a xml-node "textNode". This function is a experimental fall back solution and not the main preprocessing routine!
+ :
+ : @param $nodes the nodes to be converted
+ : @return item()* representing the converted node
+ : 
+ : @version 1.2 (2017-10-15)
+ : @status working
+ : @author Uwe Sikora
+ :)
 declare function pre:preprocessing-textNode
     ($nodes as node()*) as item()* {
@@ -67,7 +90,20 @@ declare function pre:preprocessing-textNode
-(: Would be great if $recursive-function would be a real function and not a node-sequence :)
+ : pre:pre:default-element
+ : function that suites as default element constructor for the preproseccing conversion.
+ : It is more or less a copy function, copying the elements name and its node and recurively leeds the conversion to its child-nodes
+ :
+ : @param $node the node to be copied
+ : @param $recursive-function the recursive function as some kind of call back to the main conversion
+ : @return item()* representing the converted node
+ : 
+ : @version 1.0 (2018-01-31)
+ : @note Would be great if $recursive-function would be a real function and not a node-sequence (TO-DO)
+ : @status working
+ : @author Uwe Sikora
+ :)
 declare function pre:default-element
     ( $node as node(), $recursive-function as node()* ) as item()* {
@@ -77,6 +113,18 @@ declare function pre:default-element
+ : pre:preprocessing
+ : main preprocessing function.
+ :
+ : @param $nodes the nodes to be converted
+ : @return item()* representing the converted node
+ : 
+ : @version 2.0 (2018-02-01)
+ : @status working
+ : @author Uwe Sikora
+ :)
 declare function pre:preprocessing
     ($nodes as node()*) as item()* {
@@ -84,6 +132,7 @@ declare function pre:preprocessing
             case processing-instruction() return ()
             case text() return (
                 whitespace:text($node, "&#160;")
diff --git a/modules/intermediate_format/whitespace-handling.xqm b/modules/intermediate_format/whitespace-handling.xqm
index 0fc375f..66539a4 100644
--- a/modules/intermediate_format/whitespace-handling.xqm
+++ b/modules/intermediate_format/whitespace-handling.xqm
@@ -1,8 +1,31 @@
 xquery version "3.0";
+ : WHITESPACE Module ("whitespace", "")
+ : *******************************************************************************************
+ : This module contains the functions to handle different whitespace operations on text
+ :
+ : @version 1.0 (2018-01-02)
+ : @status working
+ : @author Uwe Sikora
+ :)
 module namespace whitespace="";
 declare default element namespace "";
+(:############################# Modules Functions #############################:)
+ : whitespace:text()
+ : This function handles whitespace in defined text() nodes
+ :
+ : @param $text the text-node to be converted
+ : @param $escape-char a optional escape-character replacing all whitespace characters
+ : @return text()* representing the escaped text()
+ :
+ : @version 2.0 (2018-01-30)
+ : @status working
+ : @author Uwe Sikora
+ :)
 declare function whitespace:text
     ( $text as text()*, $escape-char as xs:string? ) as text()* {
@@ -22,16 +45,22 @@ declare function whitespace:text
         else ()
- : string:escape-whitespace
+ : whitespace:escape-text()
  : This function replaces whitespaces in a text() 
- : with one defined preservation character
+ : with a defined preservation character
+ :
+ : @param $text the text-node to be converted
+ : @param $escape the escape-character replacing all whitespace characters
+ : @return text()* representing the escaped text()
- : @version 1.0 (2017-09-14)
+ : @version 2.0 (2018-01-30)
+ : @status working
  : @author Uwe Sikora
 declare function whitespace:escape-text
-    ($text, $escape as xs:string) as text()* {
+    ( $text, $escape as xs:string ) as text()* {
     text {replace($text, '[\s]+', $escape)}