diff --git a/modules/intermediate_format/preprocessing.xqm b/modules/intermediate_format/preprocessing.xqm
index b81b7f56f1be490955b03b22cbb137e5b7fb7b16..3bfa7cf0e0d105e94e9f77ee139b905dfc01b608 100644
--- a/modules/intermediate_format/preprocessing.xqm
+++ b/modules/intermediate_format/preprocessing.xqm
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ declare function pre:preprocessing
             case element(pb) return (
-                let $preceeding-sibling := $node/preceding-sibling::node()[1]
+                let $preceding-sibling := $node/preceding-sibling::node()[1]
                 let $following-sibling := $node/following-sibling::node()[1]
                 let $first := $node = $node/parent::node()/node()[not(self::text() and normalize-space(self::node()) = '')][1]
                 let $ignore := ("docAuthor", "app", "index", "seg", "bibl")
@@ -195,15 +195,29 @@ declare function pre:preprocessing
                         if ( 
-                                ( $preceeding-sibling[self::text() and not(normalize-space(.) = '')] and ends-with($preceeding-sibling, " ") = false() )
-                                and
-                                ( $following-sibling[self::text() and not(normalize-space(.) = '')] and starts-with($following-sibling, " ") = false() )
-                            ) then ( attribute {"break"}{"no"} ) 
+                            ( $preceding-sibling[self::text() and not(normalize-space(.) = '')] and ends-with($preceding-sibling, " ") = false() )
+                            and
+                            ( $following-sibling[self::text() and not(normalize-space(.) = '')] and starts-with($following-sibling, " ") = false() )
+                        ) then ( attribute {"break"}{"no"} ) 
+                        (:else if ( 
+                                ( $preceeding-sibling[self::text() and not(normalize-space(.) = '')] and ends-with($preceeding-sibling, " ") = true() )
+                                and
+                                ( $following-sibling[self::text() and not(normalize-space(.) = '')] and starts-with($following-sibling, " ") = true() )
+                            ) then ( attribute {"clear"}{"left"} ) :)
                         else if ( $following-sibling[self::docAuthor or self::app or self::index or self::seg or self::bibl] ) then (
                             attribute {"break"}{"yes"}
+                        else if ( 
+                            ( $preceding-sibling[self::text() and normalize-space(.) = ''] )
+                            and
+                            ( $following-sibling[self::text() and normalize-space(.) = ''] )
+                        ) then (
+                            attribute {"break"}{"yes"}
+                        )
                         else ( )