xquery version "3.0"; (:~ : PREPROCESSING Module ("pre", "http://bdn.edition.de/intermediate_format/preprocessing") : ******************************************************************************************* : This module contains the preprocessing routines for the intermediate format : : It imports the whitespace handling helper module to make some whitespace handling duricng the preprocessing : @version 2.0 (2018-01-29) : @status working : @author Uwe Sikora :) module namespace pre="http://bdn.edition.de/intermediate_format/preprocessing"; import module namespace whitespace = "http://bdn.edition.de/intermediate_format/whitespace_handling" at "whitespace-handling.xqm"; declare default element namespace "http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0"; (:############################# Modules Functions #############################:) (:~ : pre:preprocessing-textNode : preprocessing function which converts each text() into a xml-node "textNode". This function is a experimental fall back solution and not the main preprocessing routine! : : @param $nodes the nodes to be converted : @return item()* representing the converted node : : @version 1.2 (2017-10-15) : @status working : @author Uwe Sikora :) declare function pre:preprocessing-textNode ($nodes as node()*) as item()* { for $node in $nodes return typeswitch($node) case processing-instruction() return () case text() return ( if (normalize-space($node) eq "") then () else ( element {"textNode"} { (:attribute {"interformId"}{ generate-id($node) },:) $node } ) ) case element(TEI) return ( element{$node/name()}{ $node/@*, pre:preprocessing-textNode($node/node()), element{"editorialNotes"}{ $node//note[@type eq "editorial"] } } ) case element(lem) return ( element{$node/name()}{ $node/@*, attribute {"id"}{ generate-id($node)}, pre:preprocessing-textNode($node/node()) } ) case element(rdg) return ( element{$node/name()}{ $node/@*, attribute {"id"}{ generate-id($node)}, pre:preprocessing-textNode($node/node()) } ) case element(note) return ( if ($node[@type eq "editorial"]) then ( ) else ( element{$node/name()}{ $node/@*, pre:preprocessing-textNode($node/node()) } ) ) default return ( element{$node/name()}{ $node/@*, pre:preprocessing-textNode($node/node()) } ) }; (:~ : pre:pre:default-element : function that suites as default element constructor for the preproseccing conversion. : It is more or less a copy function, copying the elements name and its node and recurively leeds the conversion to its child-nodes : : @param $node the node to be copied : @param $recursive-function the recursive function as some kind of call back to the main conversion : @return item()* representing the converted node : : @version 1.0 (2018-01-31) : @note Would be great if $recursive-function would be a real function and not a node-sequence (TO-DO) : @status working : @author Uwe Sikora :) declare function pre:default-element ( $node as node(), $recursive-function as node()* ) as item()* { element{$node/name()}{ $node/@*, $recursive-function } }; (:~ : pre:preprocessing : main preprocessing function. : : @param $nodes the nodes to be converted : @return item()* representing the converted node : : @version 2.0 (2018-02-01) : @status working : @author Uwe Sikora :) declare function pre:preprocessing ($nodes as node()*) as item()* { for $node in $nodes return typeswitch($node) case processing-instruction() return () case text() return ( whitespace:text($node, " ") ) case comment() return () case element(TEI) return ( element{$node/name()}{ $node/@*, pre:preprocessing($node/node()), element{"editorialNotes"}{ for $editorial-note in $node//note[@type eq "editorial"] return pre:default-element( $editorial-note, pre:preprocessing($editorial-note/node()) ) } } ) case element(teiHeader) return ( $node ) case element(div) return ( if ($node[@type = 'section-group']) then ( pre:preprocessing($node/node()) ) else ( pre:default-element( $node, pre:preprocessing($node/node()) ) ) ) case element(lem) return ( element{$node/name()}{ $node/@*, attribute {"id"}{ generate-id($node)}, pre:preprocessing($node/node()) } ) case element(rdg) return ( element{$node/name()}{ $node/@*, attribute {"id"}{ generate-id($node)}, pre:preprocessing($node/node()) } ) case element(note) return ( if ( $node[@type != "editorial"] or $node[ not(@type) ] ) then ( pre:default-element( $node, pre:preprocessing($node/node()) ) ) else ( ) ) case element(pb) return ( let $preceeding-sibling := $node/preceding-sibling::node()[1] let $following-sibling := $node/following-sibling::node()[1] return element {$node/name()}{ $node/@*, if ( ends-with($preceeding-sibling, " ") eq false() and starts-with($following-sibling, " ") eq false() ) then ( attribute {"break"}{"no"} ) else ( )(:, attribute {"whitespace"}{ if (ends-with($preceeding-sibling, " ")) then ( "before" ) else (), if (starts-with($following-sibling, " ")) then ( "after" ) else () }:) } ) case element(hi) return ( if($node[@rend = 'right-aligned' or @rend = 'center-aligned']) then( element {'aligned'} { $node/@*, pre:preprocessing($node/node()) } ) else ( pre:default-element( $node, pre:preprocessing($node/node()) ) ) ) case element(seg) return ( if($node[@type = 'item']) then( element {'item'} { $node/@*[name() != 'type'], pre:preprocessing($node/node()) } ) else if($node[@type = 'row']) then( element {'row'} { $node/@*[name() != 'type'], pre:preprocessing($node/node()) } ) else ( pre:default-element( $node, pre:preprocessing($node/node()) ) ) ) default return ( pre:default-element( $node, pre:preprocessing($node/node()) ) ) };