diff --git a/convert-anystyle-data/anystyle-to-tei.ipynb b/convert-anystyle-data/anystyle-to-tei.ipynb
index c9f6348aea00397ab70d04d683fe1152fa340a35..fcdbdb32bcdd4ffe9ec6f935ff28787f55331dbe 100644
--- a/convert-anystyle-data/anystyle-to-tei.ipynb
+++ b/convert-anystyle-data/anystyle-to-tei.ipynb
@@ -636,7 +636,12 @@
    "metadata": {},
    "cell_type": "markdown",
-   "source": "## Recreate GT from TEI",
+   "source": [
+    "## Recreate GT from TEI\n",
+    "\n",
+    "This is easier/more accurate from the original AnyStyle data because of whitespace/punctuation issues (see `refs` folder)\n",
+    "but included here as an example how to do it. "
+   ],
    "id": "bb9da323c357ca4c"
@@ -679,9 +684,11 @@
     "        # iterate over the <bibl> elements\n",
     "        for bibl in note.findall('tei:bibl', ns):\n",
     "            text = etree.tostring(bibl, method=\"text\", encoding='utf-8').decode()\n",
+    "            # we need to remove the whitespace that comes with the pretty-printed xml\n",
     "            clean_text = re.sub(r'\\n *', ' ', text)\n",
     "            while re.search(r'  ', clean_text):\n",
     "                clean_text = re.sub(r'  ', ' ', clean_text)\n",
+    "            # fix issues with whitespace before and after punctuation\n",
     "            clean_text = re.sub(r' ,', ',', clean_text)\n",
     "            clean_text = re.sub(r' \\.', '.', clean_text)\n",
     "            clean_text = re.sub(r'\\( ', '(', clean_text)\n",
@@ -700,113 +707,6 @@
    "id": "4c19609699dc79c"
-  {
-   "metadata": {},
-   "cell_type": "markdown",
-   "source": [
-    "## Extract bibliographic data from TEI files using XSLT\n",
-    "\n",
-    "https://github.com/OpenArabicPE/convert_tei-to-bibliographic-data"
-   ],
-   "id": "b0a231dc7bdd8b01"
-  },
-  {
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "source": [
-    "from lxml import etree\n",
-    "import glob\n",
-    "from urllib.request import urlopen\n",
-    "import requests\n",
-    "\n",
-    "if not 'cache' in locals():\n",
-    "    cache = {}\n",
-    "\n",
-    "class HttpsResolver(etree.Resolver):\n",
-    "    def resolve(self, url, id, context):\n",
-    "        if url in cache:\n",
-    "            xml_str = cache[url]\n",
-    "        else:\n",
-    "            r = requests.get(url)\n",
-    "            assert(r.status_code == 200)\n",
-    "            xml_str = cache[url] = r.content\n",
-    "        return self.resolve_string(xml_str, context, base_url=url)\n",
-    "\n",
-    "xml_parser = etree.XMLParser(no_network=False)\n",
-    "xml_parser.resolvers.add(HttpsResolver())\n",
-    "\n",
-    "def apply_xslt(xslt_path, xml_input_path, xml_output_path):\n",
-    "    try:\n",
-    "        if xslt_path.startswith('http'):\n",
-    "            with urlopen(xslt_path) as f:\n",
-    "                xslt_doc = etree.parse(f, parser=xml_parser)\n",
-    "        else:\n",
-    "            xslt_doc = etree.parse(xslt_path)\n",
-    "        xml_doc = etree.parse(xml_input_path)\n",
-    "        transformer = etree.XSLT(xslt_doc)\n",
-    "        new_xml = transformer(xml_doc)\n",
-    "        with open(xml_output_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:\n",
-    "            f.write(new_xml)\n",
-    "    except etree.XSLTParseError as e:\n",
-    "        print(f\"Error parsing XSLT file at {xslt_path}: {e}\")\n",
-    "\n",
-    "xslt_url = 'https://openarabicpe.github.io/convert_tei-to-bibliographic-data/xslt/convert_tei-to-biblstruct_bibl.xsl'\n",
-    "\n",
-    "for input_path in glob.glob('tei/*.xml'):\n",
-    "    print(f'Converting {input_path}')\n",
-    "    base_name = os.path.basename(input_path)\n",
-    "    output_path = f'tei-biblstruct/{base_name}'\n",
-    "    apply_xslt(xslt_url, input_path, output_path )\n"
-   ],
-   "metadata": {
-    "collapsed": false,
-    "ExecuteTime": {
-     "end_time": "2024-08-17T20:26:23.085932Z",
-     "start_time": "2024-08-17T20:26:21.140245Z"
-    }
-   },
-   "id": "cb3b4140ab153c08",
-   "outputs": [
-    {
-     "name": "stdout",
-     "output_type": "stream",
-     "text": [
-      "Converting tei\\10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml\n",
-      "Error parsing XSLT file at https://openarabicpe.github.io/convert_tei-to-bibliographic-data/xslt/convert_tei-to-biblstruct_bibl.xsl: Failed to compile predicate\n",
-      "Converting tei\\10.1111_1467-6478.00080.xml\n",
-      "Error parsing XSLT file at https://openarabicpe.github.io/convert_tei-to-bibliographic-data/xslt/convert_tei-to-biblstruct_bibl.xsl: Failed to compile predicate\n",
-      "Converting tei\\10.1515_zfrs-1980-0103.xml\n",
-      "Error parsing XSLT file at https://openarabicpe.github.io/convert_tei-to-bibliographic-data/xslt/convert_tei-to-biblstruct_bibl.xsl: Failed to compile predicate\n",
-      "Converting tei\\10.1515_zfrs-1980-0104.xml\n",
-      "Error parsing XSLT file at https://openarabicpe.github.io/convert_tei-to-bibliographic-data/xslt/convert_tei-to-biblstruct_bibl.xsl: Failed to compile predicate\n"
-     ]
-    }
-   ],
-   "execution_count": 6
-  },
-  {
-   "metadata": {
-    "ExecuteTime": {
-     "end_time": "2024-08-17T20:26:33.167772Z",
-     "start_time": "2024-08-17T20:26:33.116862Z"
-    }
-   },
-   "cell_type": "code",
-   "source": [
-    "!saxon -s:\"tei/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml\" -xsl:\"https://openarabicpe.github.io/convert_tei-to-bibliographic-data/xslt/convert_tei-to-biblstruct_bibl.xsl\""
-   ],
-   "id": "2e6d27dc670c0038",
-   "outputs": [
-    {
-     "name": "stderr",
-     "output_type": "stream",
-     "text": [
-      "Der Befehl \"saxon\" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder\n",
-      "konnte nicht gefunden werden.\n"
-     ]
-    }
-   ],
-   "execution_count": 7
-  },
    "metadata": {},
    "cell_type": "code",
diff --git a/convert-anystyle-data/biblStruct/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml b/convert-anystyle-data/biblStruct/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/convert-anystyle-data/biblStruct/10.1111_1467-6478.00080.xml b/convert-anystyle-data/biblStruct/10.1111_1467-6478.00080.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/convert-anystyle-data/biblStruct/10.1515_zfrs-1980-0103.xml b/convert-anystyle-data/biblStruct/10.1515_zfrs-1980-0103.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/convert-anystyle-data/biblStruct/10.1515_zfrs-1980-0104.xml b/convert-anystyle-data/biblStruct/10.1515_zfrs-1980-0104.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/convert-anystyle-data/biblStruct/metadata/10.1111_1467-6478.00057-bibl_biblStruct.TEIP5.xml b/convert-anystyle-data/biblStruct/metadata/10.1111_1467-6478.00057-bibl_biblStruct.TEIP5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2695d2b8d54d171c8eeb2a9af965f4fc54df63ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/convert-anystyle-data/biblStruct/metadata/10.1111_1467-6478.00057-bibl_biblStruct.TEIP5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1786 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
+   <teiHeader xmlns:mods="http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3"
+              xmlns:oape="https://openarabicpe.github.io/ns"
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+              xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
+      <fileDesc>
+         <titleStmt>
+            <title>Bibliographic data for 10.1111_1467-6478.00057</title>
+         </titleStmt>
+         <publicationStmt>
+            <p>This bibliographic data is in the public domain.</p>
+         </publicationStmt>
+         <sourceDesc>
+            <p>10.1111_1467-6478.00057</p>
+         </sourceDesc>
+      </fileDesc>
+   </teiHeader>
+   <standOff>
+      <listBibl>
+         <biblStruct source="file:/C:/Users/Boulanger/DataspellProjects/experiments/convert-anystyle-data/tei/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml#">
+            <analytic>
+               <title level="a">Citizenship and Feminist Politics</title>
+               <author>
+                  <persName>
+                     <forename>A.</forename>
+                     <surname>Phillips</surname>
+                  </persName>
+               </author>
+            </analytic>
+            <monogr>
+               <title level="m">Citizenship</title>
+               <editor>
+                  <persName>
+                     <forename>G.</forename>
+                     <surname>Andrews</surname>
+                  </persName>
+               </editor>
+               <imprint>
+                  <date>1991</date>
+               </imprint>
+               <biblScope unit="pp">77</biblScope>
+            </monogr>
+         </biblStruct>
+         <biblStruct source="file:/C:/Users/Boulanger/DataspellProjects/experiments/convert-anystyle-data/tei/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml#">
+            <analytic>
+               <title level="a">Mere Auxiliaries to the Commonwealth”: Women and the Origins of Liberalism</title>
+               <author>
+                  <persName>
+                     <forename>T.</forename>
+                     <surname>Brennan</surname>
+                  </persName>
+               </author>
+               <author>
+                  <persName>
+                     <forename>C.</forename>
+                     <surname>Pateman</surname>
+                  </persName>
+               </author>
+            </analytic>
+            <monogr>
+               <title level="j">Political Studies</title>
+               <imprint>
+                  <date>1979</date>
+               </imprint>
+               <biblScope unit="vol">27</biblScope>
+               <biblScope unit="pp">183</biblScope>
+            </monogr>
+         </biblStruct>
+         <biblStruct source="file:/C:/Users/Boulanger/DataspellProjects/experiments/convert-anystyle-data/tei/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml#">
+            <analytic>
+               <title level="a">A Woman’s Place: Women and Politics in Australia</title>
+               <author>
+                  <persName>
+                     <forename>M.</forename>
+                     <surname>Sawer</surname>
+                  </persName>
+               </author>
+               <author>
+                  <persName>
+                     <forename>M.</forename>
+                     <surname>Simms</surname>
+                  </persName>
+               </author>
+            </analytic>
+            <monogr>
+               <imprint>
+                  <date>1993</date>
+               </imprint>
+            </monogr>
+         </biblStruct>
+         <biblStruct source="file:/C:/Users/Boulanger/DataspellProjects/experiments/convert-anystyle-data/tei/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml#">
+            <analytic>
+               <title level="a">Embodying the Citizen</title>
+            </analytic>
+            <monogr>
+               <title level="m">Public and Private: Feminist Legal Debates</title>
+               <editor>
+                  <persName>
+                     <forename>M.</forename>
+                     <surname>Thornton</surname>
+                  </persName>
+               </editor>
+               <imprint>
+                  <date>1995</date>
+               </imprint>
+            </monogr>
+         </biblStruct>
+         <biblStruct source="file:/C:/Users/Boulanger/DataspellProjects/experiments/convert-anystyle-data/tei/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml#">
+            <analytic>
+               <title level="a">Historicising Citizenship: Remembering Broken Promises</title>
+            </analytic>
+            <monogr>
+               <title level="j">Melbourne University Law Rev</title>
+               <imprint>
+                  <date>1996</date>
+               </imprint>
+               <biblScope unit="vol">20</biblScope>
+               <biblScope unit="pp">1072</biblScope>
+            </monogr>
+         </biblStruct>
+         <biblStruct source="file:/C:/Users/Boulanger/DataspellProjects/experiments/convert-anystyle-data/tei/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml#">
+            <analytic>
+               <title level="a">Is Citizenship Gendered?</title>
+               <author>
+                  <persName>
+                     <forename>S.</forename>
+                     <surname>Walby</surname>
+                  </persName>
+               </author>
+            </analytic>
+            <monogr>
+               <title level="j">Sociology</title>
+               <imprint>
+                  <date>1994</date>
+               </imprint>
+               <biblScope unit="vol">28</biblScope>
+               <biblScope unit="pp">379</biblScope>
+            </monogr>
+         </biblStruct>
+         <biblStruct source="file:/C:/Users/Boulanger/DataspellProjects/experiments/convert-anystyle-data/tei/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml#">
+            <analytic>
+               <title level="a">Metaphysical First Principles of the Doctrine of Right</title>
+               <author>
+                  <persName>
+                     <forename>I.</forename>
+                     <surname>Kant</surname>
+                  </persName>
+               </author>
+            </analytic>
+            <monogr>
+               <title level="m">The Metaphysics of Morals</title>
+               <imprint>
+                  <date>1991</date>
+               </imprint>
+               <biblScope unit="pp">125–6, s. 146</biblScope>
+            </monogr>
+         </biblStruct>
+         <biblStruct source="file:/C:/Users/Boulanger/DataspellProjects/experiments/convert-anystyle-data/tei/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml#">
+            <analytic>
+               <title level="a">Marriage and the Boundaries of Citizenship</title>
+               <author>
+                  <persName>
+                     <forename>U.</forename>
+                     <surname>Vogel</surname>
+                  </persName>
+               </author>
+            </analytic>
+            <monogr>
+               <title level="m">The Condition of Citizenship</title>
+               <editor>
+                  <persName>
+                     <forename>B.</forename>
+                     <surname>van Steenbergen</surname>
+                  </persName>
+               </editor>
+               <imprint>
+                  <date>1994</date>
+               </imprint>
+               <biblScope unit="pp">75</biblScope>
+            </monogr>
+         </biblStruct>
+         <biblStruct source="file:/C:/Users/Boulanger/DataspellProjects/experiments/convert-anystyle-data/tei/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml#">
+            <analytic>
+               <title level="a">Civil Citizenship against Social Citizenship?</title>
+               <author>
+                  <persName>
+                     <forename>N.</forename>
+                     <surname>Fraser</surname>
+                  </persName>
+               </author>
+               <author>
+                  <persName>
+                     <forename>L.</forename>
+                     <surname>Gordon</surname>
+                  </persName>
+               </author>
+            </analytic>
+            <monogr>
+               <imprint/>
+            </monogr>
+         </biblStruct>
+         <biblStruct source="file:/C:/Users/Boulanger/DataspellProjects/experiments/convert-anystyle-data/tei/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml#">
+            <monogr>
+               <author>
+                  <persName>
+                     <surname>Vogel</surname>
+                  </persName>
+               </author>
+               <imprint/>
+            </monogr>
+         </biblStruct>
+         <biblStruct source="file:/C:/Users/Boulanger/DataspellProjects/experiments/convert-anystyle-data/tei/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml#">
+            <analytic>
+               <title level="a">Commentaries</title>
+               <author>
+                  <persName>
+                     <forename>W.</forename>
+                     <surname>Blackstone</surname>
+                  </persName>
+               </author>
+            </analytic>
+            <monogr>
+               <imprint>
+                  <date>1979</date>
+               </imprint>
+               <biblScope unit="pp">442</biblScope>
+            </monogr>
+         </biblStruct>
+         <biblStruct source="file:/C:/Users/Boulanger/DataspellProjects/experiments/convert-anystyle-data/tei/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml#">
+            <monogr>
+               <author>
+                  <persName>
+                     <surname>Vogel</surname>
+                  </persName>
+               </author>
+               <imprint/>
+            </monogr>
+         </biblStruct>
+         <biblStruct source="file:/C:/Users/Boulanger/DataspellProjects/experiments/convert-anystyle-data/tei/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml#">
+            <analytic>
+               <title level="a">Female Sexualization: A Collective Work of Memory</title>
+            </analytic>
+            <monogr>
+               <editor>
+                  <persName>
+                     <forename>F.</forename>
+                     <surname>Haug</surname>
+                  </persName>
+               </editor>
+               <imprint>
+                  <date>1987</date>
+               </imprint>
+               <biblScope unit="pp">196</biblScope>
+            </monogr>
+         </biblStruct>
+         <biblStruct source="file:/C:/Users/Boulanger/DataspellProjects/experiments/convert-anystyle-data/tei/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml#">
+            <analytic>
+               <title level="a">Self and Subjectivities: Languages of Claim in Property Law</title>
+               <author>
+                  <persName>
+                     <forename>A.</forename>
+                     <surname>Bottomley</surname>
+                  </persName>
+               </author>
+            </analytic>
+            <monogr>
+               <title level="j">J. of Law and Society</title>
+               <imprint>
+                  <date>1993</date>
+               </imprint>
+               <biblScope unit="vol">20</biblScope>
+               <biblScope unit="pp">56, 61</biblScope>
+            </monogr>
+         </biblStruct>
+         <biblStruct source="file:/C:/Users/Boulanger/DataspellProjects/experiments/convert-anystyle-data/tei/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml#">
+            <analytic>
+               <title level="a">Power and Formation: New Foundations for a Radical Concept of Power</title>
+               <author>
+                  <persName>
+                     <forename>D.</forename>
+                     <surname>West</surname>
+                  </persName>
+               </author>
+            </analytic>
+            <monogr>
+               <imprint>
+                  <date>1987</date>
+               </imprint>
+            </monogr>
+         </biblStruct>
+         <biblStruct source="file:/C:/Users/Boulanger/DataspellProjects/experiments/convert-anystyle-data/tei/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml#">
+            <analytic>
+               <title level="a">Inquiry 137</title>
+            </analytic>
+            <monogr>
+               <imprint/>
+               <biblScope unit="pp">145</biblScope>
+            </monogr>
+         </biblStruct>
+         <biblStruct source="file:/C:/Users/Boulanger/DataspellProjects/experiments/convert-anystyle-data/tei/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml#">
+            <analytic>
+               <title level="a">Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972–1977</title>
+               <author>
+                  <persName>
+                     <forename>M.</forename>
+                     <surname>Foucault</surname>
+                  </persName>
+               </author>
+            </analytic>
+            <monogr>
+               <editor>
+                  <persName>
+                     <forename>C.</forename>
+                     <surname>Gordon</surname>
+                  </persName>
+               </editor>
+               <imprint>
+                  <date>1980</date>
+               </imprint>
+               <biblScope unit="pp">98</biblScope>
+            </monogr>
+         </biblStruct>
+         <biblStruct source="file:/C:/Users/Boulanger/DataspellProjects/experiments/convert-anystyle-data/tei/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml#">
+            <analytic>
+               <title level="a">Feminism, and Legal Method: The Difference it Makes</title>
+               <author>
+                  <persName>
+                     <forename>M.J.</forename>
+                     <surname>Mossman</surname>
+                  </persName>
+               </author>
+            </analytic>
+            <monogr>
+               <title level="j">Aust. J. of Law and Society</title>
+               <imprint>
+                  <date>1986</date>
+               </imprint>
+               <biblScope unit="vol">3</biblScope>
+               <biblScope unit="pp">30</biblScope>
+            </monogr>
+         </biblStruct>
+         <biblStruct source="file:/C:/Users/Boulanger/DataspellProjects/experiments/convert-anystyle-data/tei/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml#">
+            <analytic>
+               <title level="a">Ancient Law: Its Connection with the Early History of Society and its Relation to Modern Ideas</title>
+               <author>
+                  <persName>
+                     <forename>H.S.</forename>
+                     <surname>Maine</surname>
+                  </persName>
+               </author>
+            </analytic>
+            <monogr>
+               <imprint>
+                  <date>1912</date>
+               </imprint>
+               <biblScope unit="pp">174</biblScope>
+            </monogr>
+         </biblStruct>
+         <biblStruct source="file:/C:/Users/Boulanger/DataspellProjects/experiments/convert-anystyle-data/tei/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml#">
+            <monogr>
+               <imprint/>
+            </monogr>
+         </biblStruct>
+         <biblStruct source="file:/C:/Users/Boulanger/DataspellProjects/experiments/convert-anystyle-data/tei/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml#">
+            <analytic>
+               <title level="a">The Transformation of American Law, 1780–1860</title>
+               <author>
+                  <persName>
+                     <forename>M.J.</forename>
+                     <surname>Horwitz</surname>
+                  </persName>
+               </author>
+            </analytic>
+            <monogr>
+               <imprint>
+                  <date>1977</date>
+               </imprint>
+               <biblScope unit="pp">160</biblScope>
+            </monogr>
+         </biblStruct>
+         <biblStruct source="file:/C:/Users/Boulanger/DataspellProjects/experiments/convert-anystyle-data/tei/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml#">
+            <analytic>
+               <title level="a">Governing the Hearth: Law and the Family in Nineteenth-Century America</title>
+               <author>
+                  <persName>
+                     <forename>M.</forename>
+                     <surname>Grossberg</surname>
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+         <biblStruct source="file:/C:/Users/Boulanger/DataspellProjects/experiments/convert-anystyle-data/tei/10.1515_zfrs-1980-0104.xml#">
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+                  <persName>
+                     <surname>Zweigert</surname>
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+               <author>
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+               <biblScope unit="pp">12 ff</biblScope>
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+         <biblStruct source="file:/C:/Users/Boulanger/DataspellProjects/experiments/convert-anystyle-data/tei/10.1515_zfrs-1980-0104.xml#">
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+               <author>
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+         <title>Citizenship and Feminist Politics</title>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+            <title>Public and Private: Feminist Legal Debates</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
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+         </originInfo>
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+         <title>Historicising Citizenship: Remembering Broken Promises</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Melbourne University Law Rev</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>201072</part>
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+         <title>Is Citizenship Gendered?</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart>S. Walby</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Walby</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">S.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>Sociology</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+         </originInfo>
+         <part>28379</part>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Metaphysical First Principles of the Doctrine of Right</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">bookSection</genre>
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+         <namePart>I. Kant</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Kant</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">I.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>The Metaphysics of Morals</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
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+            <issuance>monographic</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>125–6, s. 146</part>
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+         <title>Marriage and the Boundaries of Citizenship</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart>U. Vogel</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Vogel</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">U.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>The Condition of Citizenship</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
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+            <issuance>monographic</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>75</part>
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+         <title>Civil Citizenship against Social Citizenship?</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart>N. Fraser</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Fraser</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">N.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>L. Gordon</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Gordon</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">L.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+      </relatedItem>
+      <accessCondition valueURI="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/</accessCondition>
+   </mods>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Commentaries</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart>W. Blackstone</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Blackstone</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">W.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>442</part>
+      </relatedItem>
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+   </mods>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Female Sexualization: A Collective Work of Memory</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>196</part>
+      </relatedItem>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Self and Subjectivities: Languages of Claim in Property Law</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart>A. Bottomley</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Bottomley</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">A.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>J. of Law and Society</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
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+         <part>2056, 61</part>
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+         <title>Power and Formation: New Foundations for a Radical Concept of Power</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart>D. West</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">West</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">D.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <title>Inquiry 137</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972–1977</title>
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+         <namePart type="family">Foucault</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">M.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Feminism, and Legal Method: The Difference it Makes</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart>M.J. Mossman</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Mossman</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">M.J.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>Aust. J. of Law and Society</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>330</part>
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+         <title>Ancient Law: Its Connection with the Early History of Society and its Relation to Modern Ideas</title>
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+         <namePart>H.S. Maine</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Maine</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">H.S.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <part>174</part>
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+         <title>The Transformation of American Law, 1780–1860</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart>M.J. Horwitz</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Horwitz</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">M.J.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <part>160</part>
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+         <title>Governing the Hearth: Law and the Family in Nineteenth-Century America</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart>M. Grossberg</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Grossberg</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">M.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <title>Married Women’s Separate Property in England, 1660–1833</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart>S. Staves</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <title>The Rule of Love”: Wife Beating as Prerogative and Privacy</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart>R.B. Siegel</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+      </name>
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+            <title>Yale Law J</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+         <title>The Sexual Contract</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart>C. Pateman</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Pateman</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">C.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+      </name>
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+         <title>Family Matters</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart>K. O’Donovan</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">O’Donovan</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">K.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
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+         <part>especially 43–59</part>
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+         <title>All E.R</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="marcgt">periodical</genre>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Contracting in the Haven: Balfour v. Balfour Revisited</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>M. Freeman</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Freeman</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">M.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Exploring the Boundaries of Contract</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <issuance>monographic</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>74</part>
+      </relatedItem>
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+   </mods>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Masculinity, Law and the Family</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart>R. Collier</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Collier</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">R.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <part>127 and throughout</part>
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+         <title>An Introduction to the Law of Contract</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart>P.S. Atiyah</namePart>
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+         <namePart type="given">P.S.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+      </name>
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+         <title>A.L.R.C., Matrimonial Property</title>
+         <title>Report of the Joint Select Committee on Certain Aspects of the Operation and Interpretation of the Family Law Act</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+            <title>report no. 37</title>
+         </titleInfo>
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+         <title>Private Ordering in Family Law – Will Women Benefit?</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart type="given">M.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>Thornton</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
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+         </originInfo>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>Yale Law J</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
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+         <title>The Marriage Contract: Spouses, Lovers, and the Law</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart type="given">L.</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">J.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+      </name>
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+         <title>Family Law and the Pursuit of Intimacy</title>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+         <title>Promises Broken: Courtship, Class, and Gender in Victorian England (1995)</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart>G.S. Frost</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Frost</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">G.S.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <title>Is Citizenship Gender-Specific?</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">bookSection</genre>
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+         <namePart>U. Vogel</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Vogel</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">U.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>The Frontiers of Citizenship</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
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+            <issuance>monographic</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>59</part>
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+         <title>Money and Marriage</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart type="family">Pahl</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">J.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <title>Australian Family Law in Context: Commentary and Materials</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart>P. Parkinson S. Parker</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">S. Parker</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">P.</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">Parkinson</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>J. Behrens</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Behrens</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">J.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Management of the Community Estate during an Intact Marriage</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart>J.T. Oldham</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Oldham</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">J.T.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Law and Contemporary Problems</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>5699</part>
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+   </mods>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>What Causes Fundamental Legal Ideas? Marital Property in England and France in the Thirteenth Century’</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
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+         <namePart type="family">Donahue</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Michigan Law Rev</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>7859</part>
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+         <title>Sexing the Subject (of Law)</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
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+         <namePart type="family">Naffine</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">N.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <title>Contracts Review Act</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Private Property and the Limits of American Constitutionalism: The Madisonian Framework and its Legacy</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
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+         <namePart>J. Nedelsky</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Nedelsky</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">J.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Democratic Theory: Essays in Retrieval</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart type="given">C.B.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <title>Sexually Transmitted Debt”: A Feminist Analysis of Laws Regulating Guarantors and Co-Borrowers</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart>N. Howell</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Howell</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">N.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
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+            <title>Aust. Feminist Law J</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>493</part>
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+         <title>The Free Exercise of Her Will: Women and Emotionally Transmitted Debt</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart type="family">Baron</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">P.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>Law in Context</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>1323</part>
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+         <title>The Husband, the Bank, the Wife and Her Signature</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart type="family">Fehlberg</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">B.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Modern Law Rev</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Protecting Women who provide Security for a Husband’s, Partner’s or Child’s Debts. The Value and Limits of an Economic Perspective’</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart>M. Richardson</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Richardson</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">M.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>Legal Studies</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>16368</part>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>The Husband, the Bank, the Wife and Her Signature – the Sequel</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart>B. Fehlberg</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Fehlberg</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">B.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Modern Law Rev</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>59675</part>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>N.S.W.L.R</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local">periodical</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt">periodical</genre>
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+   </mods>
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+         <title>Australian Family Property Law</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart type="family">Hardingham</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">I.J.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>M.A. Neave</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Neave</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">M.A.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
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+         <title>Sexual Divisions in Law</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart type="given">K.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <part>especially 112–18</part>
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+         <title>The New Property</title>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>Yale Law J</title>
+         </titleInfo>
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+      </titleInfo>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+         <title>Property Rights and Third Party Creditors – the Scope and Limitations of Equitable Doctrines</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>Australian J. Family Law</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>Sydney Law Rev</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
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+         <namePart>Justice T. E. Lindenmayer</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Lindenmayer</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">Justice</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">T. E.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <namePart>P.A. Doolan</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Doolan</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">P.A.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>Aust. J. Family Law</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>8111, 133</part>
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+         <title>The Economics of Wifing Services: Law and Economics on the Family</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart>B. Bennett</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Bennett</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">B.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>J. of Law and Society</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>The Divorce Revolution: The Unexpected Social and Economic Consequences for Women and Children in America</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+      </name>
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+         <title>Feminism, Marriage, and the Law in Victorian England, 1850–1895</title>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+      </name>
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+         <title>Three Approaches to Family Law Disputes – Intention/Belief, Unjust Enrichment and Unconscionability’</title>
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+         <namePart type="given">M.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>Equity, Fiduciaries and Trusts</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
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+            <issuance>monographic</issuance>
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+         <title>Storytelling and the Law: A Case Study of Louth v. Diprose</title>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>Melbourne University Law Rev</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
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+         <title>Feminist Ethics and Historicism</title>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+         <namePart type="given">South Wales Law Reform</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+      </name>
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+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <namePart type="given">Rights</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+         <namePart type="given">A.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>The Law of Contract</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>J. Smith</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Smith</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">J.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+   </mods>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Form and substance in Private Law Ajudication</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>D. Kennedy</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Kennedy</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">D.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Harvard Law Rev</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>891685</part>
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+   </mods>
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+         <title>The Renewal of the Liberal Law Degree</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart type="family">Hepple</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">B.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>Cambridge Law J</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>470, at 485 and 481</part>
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+         <title>Introduction</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart>P.A. Thomas</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Thomas</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">P.A.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>Socio-Legal Studies</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
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+            <issuance>monographic</issuance>
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+         <part>19</part>
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+         <title>Law’s Community</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart type="family">Cotterrell</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">R.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
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+         <part>296</part>
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+         <title>Company Law</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <genre authority="marcgt"/>
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+            <publisher>S. Wheeler</publisher>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part/>
+      </relatedItem>
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+         <title>report A Time for Change</title>
+         <title>Report of the Committee on Legal Education</title>
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+         <namePart type="family">Marre’s</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <title>The Robbins report on higher education, Higher Education</title>
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+         <title>Higher Education in the learning society</title>
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+         <namePart type="given">into Higher</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <title>First Report on Legal Education and Training</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <title>Working on the Chain Gang?</title>
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+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <namePart>F. Cownie</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Cownie</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">F.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>Contemporary Issues in Law</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
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+         <part>215, at 24–6</part>
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+         <title>Education for Life or for Work?</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart>M. Jeeves J. MacFarlane</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">J. MacFarlane</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">M.</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">Jeeves</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <namePart>A. Boon</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Boon</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">A.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         </titleInfo>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
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+         <part>137835, at 836</part>
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+         <title>Universities: Actual and Ideal</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>T.H. Huxley, Collected Essays</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
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+            <issuance>monographic</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>Volume III215</part>
+      </relatedItem>
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+         <title>Inaugural address to the University of St Andrews</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>Collected Work of John Stuart Mill: Volume</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
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+            <issuance>monographic</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>XXI218</part>
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+         <title>Education and the University</title>
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+         <namePart>F.R. Leavis</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Leavis</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">F.R.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <title>Liberalising Legal Education</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart>A. Bradney</namePart>
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+         <namePart type="given">A.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>The Law School: Global Issues, Local Questions</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
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+            <issuance>monographic</issuance>
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+         <title>Of Blackstone’s Tower: Metephors of Distance and Histories of the English Law School</title>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>S. Turow, One L</title>
+         </titleInfo>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
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+         <title>Reflections on Legal Education</title>
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+         <namePart type="family">Kahn-Freund</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">O.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>Modern Law Rev</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>29121, at 129</part>
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+         <title>The New English Literatures</title>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <part>at 216–17</part>
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+         <title>Jurisprudence by Sir John Salmond</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <part>at 256 and 257</part>
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+         <title>The Division of Labour in Society</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart>E. Durkheim</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Durkheim</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+      </name>
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+         <title>The Quiet Revolution: Improving Student Learning in Law</title>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <namePart>R. Johnstone</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Johnstone</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
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+         <title>Define and Empower: Women Students Consider Feminist Learning</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+            <title>Law and Critique</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+         <part>I47 at pp. 54–55</part>
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+         <title>The Invisible Author of Legal Authority</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>Law and Critique</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+         <part>VII173 at pp. 173–6</part>
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+         <title>Masculinism, Law and Law Teaching</title>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>International J. of the Sociology of Law</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>19427, at 429</part>
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+         <title>Administrative Law, Collective Consumption and Judicial Policy</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart>P. McAuslan</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">McAuslan</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">P.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Modern Law Rev</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>461, at 8</part>
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+         <title>The Convergence of the Law School and the University</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart>P. Samuelson</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Samuelson</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">P.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>The Am. Scholar</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>44256, at 258</part>
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+         <title>A Survey of Law Schools in the United Kingdom, 1996</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart>P. Harris</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Harris</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">P.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>M. Jones</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Jones</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">M.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>The Law Teacher</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>3138, at 46</part>
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+         <title>A third survey of university legal education</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart>J. Wilson</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Wilson</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">J.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Legal Studies</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>13143, at 152</part>
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+         <title>Law Teachers: Lawyers or Academics?</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart type="given">Mortimer</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <namePart>N. Whatley</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Whatley</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">N.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
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+         <title>Business Law for Non-Lawyers: Setting the Stage for Teaching, Learning and Assessment at Hong Kong Polytechnic University</title>
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+         <namePart type="family">Skwarok</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>The Law Teacher</title>
+         </titleInfo>
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+         <title>Law, Law Staff and CNAA Business Studies Degree Courses</title>
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+         <namePart>N. Bastin</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Bastin</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>The Law Teacher</title>
+         </titleInfo>
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+         <part>1912, at 13</part>
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+         <title>Legal Skills for Non-Law Students: Added Value or Irrelevant Diversion?</title>
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+         <namePart>A. Ridley</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Ridley</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>The Law Teacher</title>
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+         <part>28281, at 282</part>
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+         <title>Legal Literacy for Managers: The Role of the Educator</title>
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+         <namePart>T. Vilkinas</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+      </name>
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+            <title>The Law Teacher</title>
+         </titleInfo>
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+         <part>24246, at 248</part>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+      </name>
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+            <title>Pressing Problems in the Law</title>
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+         <part>10–24</part>
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+         <title>Curriculum Development in Legal Studies</title>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+      </name>
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+            <title>The Law Teacher</title>
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+         <part>20110, at 112</part>
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+         <title>Errata: An Examined Life</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <title>Die Staatsanwaltschaft im Prozeß strafrechtlicher Sozialkontrolle.</title>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
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+         <namePart>Klaus Sessar</namePart>
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+         <namePart type="given">Klaus</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <namePart>Wiebke Steffen</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+         <title>Zur Soziologie des Arbeitsgerichtsverfahrens.</title>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+         <namePart>Siegfried Schönholz</namePart>
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+         <title>Recht als gradualisiertes Konzept</title>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Alternative Rechtsformen und Alternativen zum Recht</title>
+            <title>Jahrbuch für Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie</title>
+         </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart>Sheldon Messinger</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+         <title>Everday Disputes and Mediation in the United States: A Reply to Professor Felstiner</title>
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+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>Michael Lowy</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Lowy</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">Michael</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
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+         <title>Die Definitionsmacht der Polizei.</title>
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+         <title>Influences of Social Organization on Dispute processing</title>
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+         <title>Why the ,Haves* Come out Ahead: Speculations on the Limits of Legal Change</title>
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+         <title>Rechtstatsachen im Räumungsstreit. Frankfurt/Main.</title>
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+         <title>Thinking about Access: A Preliminary Typology of Possible Strategies.</title>
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+         <namePart>Earl Johnson</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+            <title>Access to Justice</title>
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+         <title>Das Gerichtsverfahren als Konfliktlösungsprozeß — Einstellung von Klägern und Beklagten zu Mietprozessen.</title>
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+         <title>Legitimation durch Verfahren.</title>
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+         <title>Kommunikation über Recht in Interaktionssystemen</title>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+      </name>
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+            <title>Alternative Rechtsformen und Alternativen zum Recht</title>
+            <title>Jahrbuch für Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie</title>
+         </titleInfo>
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+         <title>Rechtshilfebedürfnis und Verrechtlichung am Beispiel einer Berliner Mieterinitiative</title>
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+         <title>Gewerkschaftlicher Rechtsschutz — Geschichte des freigewerkschaftlichen Rechtsschutzes und der Rechtsberatung der Deutschen Arbeitsfront von 1894—1945.</title>
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+         <title>Alternativen der Rechtsberatung: Dienstleistung, Fürsorge und kollektive Selbsthilfe</title>
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+         <namePart>Irmela Gorges</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+            <title>Alternative Rechtsformen und Alternativen zum Recht</title>
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+         <title>Alternatives in Dispute Processing in a Small Claim Court</title>
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+         <title>Arbeitsplatzsicherung oder Kompensation - Rechtliche Formen des Bestandsschutzes im Vergleich</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart>Siegfried Schönholz</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Arbeitslosigkeit und Recht</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
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+         <title>GMD-Bericht, Manuskript. Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung.</title>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+         <title>The Public Ordering of Private Cases; Winning Civil Court Cases</title>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>Law and Society Review</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>vol. 9293-306</part>
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+         <title>Nichtkriminalisierung als Struktur und Routine</title>
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+         <title>Bereitschaft zur Anzeigeerstattung</title>
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+         <namePart>Peter MacNaughton-Smith</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">MacNaughton-Smith</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">Peter</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>Richard Rosellen</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Rosellen</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">Richard</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <title>Private Verbrechenskontrolle — eine empirische Untersuchung zur Anzeigeerstattung</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
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+         <namePart>Richard Rosellen</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Rosellen</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">Richard</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <title>Fachserie 10 (Rechtspflege) Reihe 2.1, Tabelle 10</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart>Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Wiesbaden</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">Statistisches</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">Bundesamt</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <namePart>Gorges</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Gorges</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <namePart>Ticmann).</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Ticmann).</namePart>
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+         <title>Projektbericht Rechtsschutzversicherung*.</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <namePart>Fiedler</namePart>
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+         </role>
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+         <title>Recht als gradualisiertes Konzept</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         </role>
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+         <namePart>Danzig</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Danzig</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
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+         <namePart type="family">Lowy</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <title>Comparative Sutvey Analysis</title>
+         <title>Comparative Methods in the Social Sciences</title>
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+         <title>Comparative Methods in Sociology</title>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>Stanford Law Rev</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
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+         <title>Einige Anmerkungen über die Beziehung zwischen Rechtssoziologie und Rechtsvergleichung</title>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>ZvglRW</title>
+         </titleInfo>
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+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Livre du centenaire de la Societe de legislation comparee</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <place/>
+            <issuance>monographic</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>75 (83)</part>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>The Strategy of Cross-National Survey Research for the Development of Social Theory</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart>Nowak</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Nowak</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <titleInfo/>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>3 (9 ff.)</part>
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+   </mods>
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+         <title>Interkulturelle Forschung in der Rechtssoziologie</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart>Rose</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Rose</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <titleInfo/>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
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+         <part>171 ff</part>
+      </relatedItem>
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+   </mods>
+   <mods>
+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Probleme des interkulturellen Vergleichs in der Ethnologie</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>Wirsing</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Wirsing</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Sociologus</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>25</part>
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+         <title>Situation actuelle et Programme de travail de Techno logie juridique</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart type="family">Poirier</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Rev. int. Sc. Soc</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>22509 (526)</part>
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+         <title>Elegant Models, Empirical Pictures, and the Complexities of Contract</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>Macaulay</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Macaulay</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Law &amp; Soc. Rev</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>11507 ff</part>
+      </relatedItem>
+      <accessCondition valueURI="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/</accessCondition>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Comparative Sociology - In What Ways Different From Other Sociologies?</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart>Grimshau</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Grimshau</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo/>
+         <genre authority="marcgt"/>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>3 (18)</part>
+      </relatedItem>
+      <accessCondition valueURI="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/</accessCondition>
+   </mods>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Introduction; Comparative Sociology — The State of the Art</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">bookSection</genre>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>Tomasson</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Tomasson</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Comparative Studies in Sociology</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <place/>
+            <issuance>monographic</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>Vol. 11</part>
+      </relatedItem>
+      <accessCondition valueURI="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/</accessCondition>
+   </mods>
+   <mods>
+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Comparative Survey Analysis — An Annotated Bibliography 1967 — 1973</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
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+         <namePart type="family">Almasy</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>Balandier</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Balandier</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>Delatte</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Delatte</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <genre authority="marcgt"/>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Comparative Sociology</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart type="family">Marsh</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <titleInfo/>
+         <genre authority="marcgt"/>
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+            <place/>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>375 ff</part>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Les règles de la methode sociologique</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart>Durkheim</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Durkheim</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <titleInfo/>
+         <genre authority="marcgt"/>
+         <originInfo>
+            <place/>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>137</part>
+      </relatedItem>
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+   </mods>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Comparative Sociology — Some Problems of Theory and Method</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>Payne</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Payne</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Brit. J. Soc</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>2413 (15 ff.).</part>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Social Institutions - Comparative Method</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart type="family">Eisenstadt</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <place/>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>Bd. 14421 (423)</part>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Methodische Probleme des interkulturellen Vergleichs</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">bookSection</genre>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>Boesch</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Boesch</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>Eckensberger</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Eckensberger</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Handbuch der Psychologie</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <issuance>monographic</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>Bd. Vll 1 (2. Auf514 (520 ff.)</part>
+      </relatedItem>
+      <accessCondition valueURI="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/</accessCondition>
+   </mods>
+   <mods>
+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>A Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+            <place/>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
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+      </relatedItem>
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+   </mods>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Intelligible Comparisons</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart type="family">Zelditch</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo/>
+         <genre authority="marcgt"/>
+         <originInfo>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>267 (270 ff.)</part>
+      </relatedItem>
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+   </mods>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Die soziologische Dimension der Rechtsvergleichung</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart type="family">Zweigert</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo/>
+         <genre authority="marcgt"/>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>151 (159)</part>
+      </relatedItem>
+      <accessCondition valueURI="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/</accessCondition>
+   </mods>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Comparative Law and Scientific Explanation</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">bookSection</genre>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>Merryman</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Merryman</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Law in the United States of America in Social and Technological Revolution</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <place/>
+            <issuance>monographic</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>81 (89 ff.)</part>
+      </relatedItem>
+      <accessCondition valueURI="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/</accessCondition>
+   </mods>
+   <mods>
+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Sociologie juridique</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
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+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart>Carbonnier</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Carbonnier</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo/>
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+            <place/>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>188 N. 1</part>
+      </relatedItem>
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+   </mods>
+   <mods>
+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Höchstrichterliche Rechtsprechung als Triebfehier sozialen Wandels</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart type="family">Heidrich</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Jahr buch für Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt"/>
+         <originInfo>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>3305 (330 ff.)</part>
+      </relatedItem>
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+   </mods>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Strafrecht und vergleichende Kriminologie</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
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+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>Kaiser</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Kaiser</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Strafrecht, Straf rechtsvergleichung</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
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+            <issuance>monographic</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>79 ff</part>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Die Vergleichung als Methode der Strafrechtswissenschaft und der Kriminologie</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart type="family">Villmow</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>Albrecht</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Albrecht</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>MschrKrim</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Ziele und Methoden der Rechtsvergleichung</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">bookSection</genre>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>K. H. Neumayer</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Neumayer</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">K.</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">H.</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Recueil des travaux suisses présentés au IXe Congrès international de droit compare</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <issuance>monographic</issuance>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Erkenntnistheoretisches zum Verhältnis von Rechtssoziologie und Rechtsvergleichung</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <title>Sozialwissenschaftliche Aspekte der Rechtsvergleichung</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart type="family">Heidrich</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <part>178 (186 ff.)</part>
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+         <title>Patterns of Legal Culture as a Variable for the Chances of Legal Innovation</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">bookSection</genre>
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+         <namePart type="family">Blankenburg</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>innovations in the Legal Services</title>
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+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
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+            <place/>
+            <issuance>monographic</issuance>
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+         <title>Comparative Law and Social Theory</title>
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+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart type="family">Abel</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">R.</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Am. J. Comp. L</title>
+         </titleInfo>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
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+         <part>26219 (224 ff.)</part>
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+         <title>Some Comments on Comparative Methodologies in Criminal Justice</title>
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+         <namePart type="family">Blazicek</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>Janeksela</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Janeksela</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Int. J. Crim. Pen</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>6233 (240)</part>
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+   </mods>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Comparative Law and Social Change - On the Origins, Style, Decline and Revival of the Law and Development Movement</title>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
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+         <namePart type="family">Merryman</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Am. J. Comp. L</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>25457 (479)</part>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Systemvergleich im Arbeitsrecht? Vorüberlegungen zu einigen Methodenfragen</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart type="family">Däubler</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Demokratie und Recht</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>123 (31 ff.).</part>
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+   </mods>
+   <mods>
+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Zur Vergleichbarkeit analoger Rechtsinstitute in verschiede nen Gesellschaftsordnungen</title>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>Puttfarken</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Puttfarken</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
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+            <title>Rechtsvergleichung</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
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+         <title>Task Contingencies and National Administrative Culture as Determinants for Labour Market Administration</title>
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+         <namePart type="family">Blankenburg</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>HM discussion papers</title>
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+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+         <title>Methodology Problems and Possibilities in Comparative Research</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart type="family">Armer</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <title>Möglichkeiten und Probleme des Kulturvergleichs am Beispiel einer Agressionsstudie</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
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+         <namePart type="family">Trommsdorf</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>KZfSS</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+         <part>30361 (364 ff.)</part>
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+         <title>Juvenile Deliquency and Development</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart type="family">Malewswka</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>Peyre</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Peyre</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <title>The Cross-Cultural Use of Sample Surveys — Problems of Comparability</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart type="family">Scheuch</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
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+         <title>Der internationale Vergleich</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart>Biervert</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Biervert</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Techniken empirischer Sozialforschung</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <issuance>monographic</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>Bd. 2113 (124 ff.)</part>
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+         <title>The Uses of Survey Research in the Study of Comparative Politics — Issues and Strategies</title>
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+         <namePart type="family">Verba</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Soziologische Ãœberlegungen zu einer Theorie der angewandten Rechtsvergleichung</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart type="family">Gessner</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+   </mods>
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+         <title>Social Theory and Social Structure</title>
+         <title>The OECD Social Indicator Development Programme - 1976 Progress Report on Phase II</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart type="family">Merton</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <titleInfo/>
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+            <publisher>OECD</publisher>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>82 ff40</part>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Marriage Stability, Divorce, and the Law</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart type="family">Rheinstein</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <titleInfo/>
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+         </originInfo>
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+      </relatedItem>
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+   </mods>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Die Messung von Mitbestimmungsnormen — Darstellung eines international vergleichenden Forschungsansatzes</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart type="family">Wilpert</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <genre authority="marcgt"/>
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+            <publisher>HM-Paper</publisher>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
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+         <part>13) 2 ff</part>
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+         <title>Ideologie als determinierendes Ele ment zur Bildung der Rechtskreise</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart type="family">Constantinesco</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Zeitschrift für Rechtsvergleichung</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Über den Stil der „Stilthe orie" in der Rechtsvergleichung</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart type="family">Constantinesco</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>ZvglRW</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+         <part>78154 ff</part>
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+         <title>Cultural Determinants of the Exercise of Power in a Hierarchy</title>
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+         <namePart type="family">Hofstede</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management Working Paper</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
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+            <issuance>monographic</issuance>
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+         <title>Industrial Democracy in Europe</title>
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+         <namePart type="family">Group</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">IDE-International</namePart>
+         <namePart type="given">Research</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+         <title>Die Rechtshonoratioren und ihr Einfluß auf Charakter und Funk tion der Rechtsordnungen</title>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>RabelsZ</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Rechtsstile und Rechtshono ratioren. Ein Beitrag zur Methode der Rechtsvergleichung</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
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+         <namePart type="family">Bernstein</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>RabelsZ</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+         </originInfo>
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+         <title>Lawyers and their Societies -- A Comparative Analysis of the Legal Profession in Germany and the United States</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         </role>
+      </name>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>The Legal Profession in Comparative Perspective</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart>ders</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">ders</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Social System and Legal Process</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <place/>
+            <issuance>monographic</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>97 ff</part>
+      </relatedItem>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Politische Inhaltsanalyse von Rechtslehrertexten</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+            <title>ZfS</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>8362 ff</part>
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+         <title>Analysis and Interpretation in Cross-National Survey Research</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
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+         <part>95 (101) ff</part>
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+         <title>The Disputing Process — Law in Ten Societies</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <namePart>Todd</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Todd</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <title>Problem in der Kriminologie</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart type="family">Kaiser</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Comparative Crime Victimization Surveys — Some Problems and Results</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart type="family">Clinard</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Int. J. Crim, and Pen</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>6221 ff</part>
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+         <title>Legal Problems and the Citizen</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <namePart>Zander</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Zander</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>Brooke</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Brooke</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Legal Problems and the Use of Law in Tokio and London - A Preliminary Study in International Comparison</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>ZfS</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>7228 ff</part>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Rechtspro bleme oder private Schwierigkeiten — Die Inanspruchnahme von Rechtshilfe in den Nieder landen</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>Groenendijk</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Groenendijk</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>Sloot</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Sloot</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Jahrbuch für Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>5109 ff</part>
+      </relatedItem>
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+   </mods>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Comparative Studies on the Attitudes Towards Various Legal Systems</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart type="family">Podgdrecki</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Polish Sociological Bulletin</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>21 No. 183 (88 ff.)</part>
+      </relatedItem>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Zur Effek tivität der Rechtssoziologie: die Rekonstruktion der Gesellschaft durch Recht</title>
+      </titleInfo>
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+         <namePart type="family">Ziegen</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo/>
+         <genre authority="marcgt"/>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>196 ff</part>
+      </relatedItem>
+      <accessCondition valueURI="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/</accessCondition>
+   </mods>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Legal Consciousness as a Research Problem</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart>Podgdrecki</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Podgdrecki</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>European Yearbook in Law and Sociology 1977</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <place/>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>85 (88 ff.)</part>
+      </relatedItem>
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+   </mods>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>The Legal Consciousness“: A Survey of Research on Knowledge and Opinion about Law</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">bookSection</genre>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>Kutchinsky</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Kutchinsky</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Knowledge and Opinion about Law</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <place/>
+            <issuance>monographic</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>101 (126)</part>
+      </relatedItem>
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+   </mods>
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+         <title>Public Opinion on Law</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">bookSection</genre>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>Podgdrecki</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Podgdrecki</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Knowledge and Opinion about Law</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <issuance>monographic</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part/>
+      </relatedItem>
+      <accessCondition valueURI="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/</accessCondition>
+   </mods>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Interkultureller Vergleich</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">bookSection</genre>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>Heintz</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Heintz</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Handbuch der empirischen Sozialfor schung</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <issuance>monographic</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>Bd. 4 (3. Aufl405 (414 f.)</part>
+      </relatedItem>
+      <accessCondition valueURI="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/</accessCondition>
+   </mods>
+   <mods>
+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Über methodische und organisatorische Grenzen der empirischen Rechts forschung in Entwicklungsländern</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart>Hegenbarth</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Hegenbarth</namePart>
+         <role>
+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
+      <relatedItem type="host">
+         <titleInfo>
+            <title>Informationsbrief für Rechtssoziologie</title>
+         </titleInfo>
+         <genre authority="marcgt">journal</genre>
+         <originInfo>
+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>Son derheft 25 ff</part>
+      </relatedItem>
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+   </mods>
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+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Recht und Konflikt — Eine soziologische Untersuchungprivatrechtlicher Konflikte in Mexiko</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
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+         <namePart>Gessner</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Gessner</namePart>
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+            <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="code">aut</roleTerm>
+         </role>
+      </name>
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+         <titleInfo/>
+         <genre authority="marcgt"/>
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+            <issuance>continuing</issuance>
+         </originInfo>
+         <part>37 ff</part>
+      </relatedItem>
+      <accessCondition valueURI="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/</accessCondition>
+   </mods>
+   <mods>
+      <titleInfo>
+         <title>Problems in Comparative Criminology</title>
+      </titleInfo>
+      <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
+      <genre authority="local" xml:lang="en">journalArticle</genre>
+      <genre authority="marcgt" xml:lang="en">article</genre>
+      <name type="personal">
+         <namePart>Friday</namePart>
+         <namePart type="family">Friday</namePart>
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+         <title>Vergleichende Sozialwissenschaft</title>
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+         <title>The Organization and Execution of Cross-National Survey Research Projects</title>
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+         <title>Methodological Aspects of the Project „Local Legal Systems</title>
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+         <title>Die kritische Wertung in der Rechtsvergleichung</title>
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+         <title>Rechtstatsachenforschung und Gesetzgebung — Hinweise zur Entwicklung einer Gesetzgebungssoziologie in Frank reich</title>
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+            <title>Interview und Analyse</title>
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+         <title>Recht und Konflikt — Mexiko und Afrika</title>
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+            <title>Verfassung und Recht in Obersee</title>
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+AU  - Phillips, A. Phillips A.
+TI  - Citizenship and Feminist Politics
+BT  - Citizenship
+ID  - ref1
+ER  - 
+AU  - Brennan, T. Brennan T.
+AU  - Pateman, C. Pateman C.
+TI  - Mere Auxiliaries to the Commonwealth”: Women and the Origins of Liberalism
+JO  - Political Studies
+ID  - ref2
+ER  - 
+AU  - Sawer, M. Sawer M.
+AU  - Simms, M. Simms M.
+TI  - A Woman’s Place: Women and Politics in Australia
+ID  - ref3
+ER  - 
+TI  - Embodying the Citizen
+BT  - Public and Private: Feminist Legal Debates
+ID  - ref4
+ER  - 
+TI  - Historicising Citizenship: Remembering Broken Promises
+JO  - Melbourne University Law Rev
+ID  - ref5
+ER  - 
+AU  - Walby, S. Walby S.
+TI  - Is Citizenship Gendered?
+JO  - Sociology
+ID  - ref6
+ER  - 
+AU  - Kant, I. Kant I.
+TI  - Metaphysical First Principles of the Doctrine of Right
+BT  - The Metaphysics of Morals
+ID  - ref7
+ER  - 
+AU  - Vogel, U. Vogel U.
+TI  - Marriage and the Boundaries of Citizenship
+BT  - The Condition of Citizenship
+ID  - ref8
+ER  - 
+AU  - Fraser, N. Fraser N.
+AU  - Gordon, L. Gordon L.
+TI  - Civil Citizenship against Social Citizenship?
+ID  - ref9
+ER  - 
+AU  - Blackstone, W. Blackstone W.
+TI  - Commentaries
+ID  - ref10
+ER  - 
+TI  - Female Sexualization: A Collective Work of Memory
+ID  - ref11
+ER  - 
+AU  - Bottomley, A. Bottomley A.
+TI  - Self and Subjectivities: Languages of Claim in Property Law
+JO  - J. of Law and Society
+ID  - ref12
+ER  - 
+AU  - West, D. West D.
+TI  - Power and Formation: New Foundations for a Radical Concept of Power
+ID  - ref13
+ER  - 
+TI  - Inquiry 137
+ID  - ref14
+ER  - 
+AU  - Foucault, M. Foucault M.
+TI  - Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972–1977
+ID  - ref15
+ER  - 
+AU  - Mossman, M.J. Mossman M.J.
+TI  - Feminism, and Legal Method: The Difference it Makes
+JO  - Aust. J. of Law and Society
+ID  - ref16
+ER  - 
+AU  - Maine, H.S. Maine H.S.
+TI  - Ancient Law: Its Connection with the Early History of Society and its Relation to Modern Ideas
+ID  - ref17
+ER  - 
+AU  - Horwitz, M.J. Horwitz M.J.
+TI  - The Transformation of American Law, 1780–1860
+ID  - ref18
+ER  - 
+AU  - Grossberg, M. Grossberg M.
+TI  - Governing the Hearth: Law and the Family in Nineteenth-Century America
+ID  - ref19
+ER  - 
+AU  - Staves, S. Staves S.
+TI  - Married Women’s Separate Property in England, 1660–1833
+ID  - ref20
+ER  - 
+AU  - Siegel, R.B. Siegel R.B.
+TI  - The Rule of Love”: Wife Beating as Prerogative and Privacy
+JO  - Yale Law J
+ID  - ref21
+ER  - 
+AU  - Pateman, C. Pateman C.
+TI  - The Sexual Contract
+ID  - ref22
+ER  - 
+AU  - O’Donovan, K. O’Donovan K.
+TI  - Family Matters
+ID  - ref23
+ER  - 
+TI  - All E.R
+ID  - ref24
+ER  - 
+AU  - Freeman, M. Freeman M.
+TI  - Contracting in the Haven: Balfour v. Balfour Revisited
+BT  - Exploring the Boundaries of Contract
+ID  - ref25
+ER  - 
+AU  - Collier, R. Collier R.
+TI  - Masculinity, Law and the Family
+ID  - ref26
+ER  - 
+AU  - Atiyah, P.S. Atiyah P.S.
+TI  - An Introduction to the Law of Contract
+ID  - ref27
+ER  - 
+AU  - A.L.R.C, A.L.R.C
+TI  - A.L.R.C., Matrimonial Property Report of the Joint Select Committee on Certain Aspects of the Operation and Interpretation of the Family Law Act
+JO  - report no. 37
+ID  - ref28
+ER  - 
+AU  - Neave, M. Neave M.
+TI  - Private Ordering in Family Law – Will Women Benefit?
+BT  - Thornton
+ID  - ref29
+ER  - 
+AU  - Dalton, C. Dalton C.
+TI  - An Essay in the Deconstruction of Contract Doctrine
+JO  - Yale Law J
+ID  - ref30
+ER  - 
+AU  - Weitzman, L. J. Weitzman L. J.
+TI  - The Marriage Contract: Spouses, Lovers, and the Law
+ID  - ref31
+ER  - 
+AU  - Regan, M.C. Regan M.C.
+TI  - Family Law and the Pursuit of Intimacy
+ID  - ref32
+ER  - 
+AU  - Frost, G.S. Frost G.S.
+TI  - Promises Broken: Courtship, Class, and Gender in Victorian England (1995)
+ID  - ref33
+ER  - 
+AU  - Vogel, U. Vogel U.
+TI  - Is Citizenship Gender-Specific?
+BT  - The Frontiers of Citizenship
+ID  - ref34
+ER  - 
+AU  - Pahl, J. Pahl J.
+TI  - Money and Marriage
+ID  - ref35
+ER  - 
+AU  - S. Parker, P. Parkinson S. Parker P. Parkinson
+AU  - Behrens, J. Behrens J.
+TI  - Australian Family Law in Context: Commentary and Materials
+ID  - ref36
+ER  - 
+AU  - Oldham, J.T. Oldham J.T.
+TI  - Management of the Community Estate during an Intact Marriage
+JO  - Law and Contemporary Problems
+ID  - ref37
+ER  - 
+AU  - Donahue, C. Donahue C.
+TI  - What Causes Fundamental Legal Ideas? Marital Property in England and France in the Thirteenth Century’
+JO  - Michigan Law Rev
+ID  - ref38
+ER  - 
+AU  - Naffine, N. Naffine N.
+TI  - Sexing the Subject (of Law)
+ID  - ref39
+ER  - 
+TI  - Contracts Review Act
+ID  - ref40
+ER  - 
+AU  - Nedelsky, J. Nedelsky J.
+TI  - Private Property and the Limits of American Constitutionalism: The Madisonian Framework and its Legacy
+ID  - ref41
+ER  - 
+AU  - Macpherson, C.B. Macpherson C.B.
+TI  - Democratic Theory: Essays in Retrieval
+ID  - ref42
+ER  - 
+AU  - Howell, N. Howell N.
+TI  - Sexually Transmitted Debt”: A Feminist Analysis of Laws Regulating Guarantors and Co-Borrowers
+JO  - Aust. Feminist Law J
+ID  - ref43
+ER  - 
+AU  - Baron, P. Baron P.
+TI  - The Free Exercise of Her Will: Women and Emotionally Transmitted Debt
+JO  - Law in Context
+ID  - ref44
+ER  - 
+AU  - Fehlberg, B. Fehlberg B.
+TI  - The Husband, the Bank, the Wife and Her Signature
+JO  - Modern Law Rev
+ID  - ref45
+ER  - 
+AU  - Richardson, M. Richardson M.
+TI  - Protecting Women who provide Security for a Husband’s, Partner’s or Child’s Debts. The Value and Limits of an Economic Perspective’
+JO  - Legal Studies
+ID  - ref46
+ER  - 
+AU  - Fehlberg, B. Fehlberg B.
+TI  - The Husband, the Bank, the Wife and Her Signature – the Sequel
+JO  - Modern Law Rev
+ID  - ref47
+ER  - 
+TI  - N.S.W.L.R
+ID  - ref48
+ER  - 
+AU  - Hardingham, I.J. Hardingham I.J.
+AU  - Neave, M.A. Neave M.A.
+TI  - Australian Family Property Law
+ID  - ref49
+ER  - 
+AU  - O’Donovan, K. O’Donovan K.
+TI  - Sexual Divisions in Law
+ID  - ref50
+ER  - 
+AU  - Reich, C.A. Reich C.A.
+TI  - The New Property
+JO  - Yale Law J
+ID  - ref51
+ER  - 
+AU  - Glendon, M.A. Glendon M.A.
+TI  - The New Family and the New Property
+ID  - ref52
+ER  - 
+AU  - Parkinson, P. Parkinson P.
+TI  - Property Rights and Third Party Creditors – the Scope and Limitations of Equitable Doctrines
+JO  - Australian J. Family Law
+ID  - ref53
+ER  - 
+AU  - Riley, J. Riley J.
+TI  - The Property Rights of Home-Makers under General Law: Bryson v. Bryant
+JO  - Sydney Law Rev
+ID  - ref54
+ER  - 
+AU  - Lindenmayer, Justice T. E. Lindenmayer Justice T. E.
+AU  - Doolan, P.A. Doolan P.A.
+TI  - When Bankruptcy and Family Law Collide
+JO  - Aust. J. Family Law
+ID  - ref55
+ER  - 
+AU  - Bennett, B. Bennett B.
+TI  - The Economics of Wifing Services: Law and Economics on the Family
+JO  - J. of Law and Society
+ID  - ref56
+ER  - 
+AU  - Weitzman, L.J. Weitzman L.J.
+TI  - The Divorce Revolution: The Unexpected Social and Economic Consequences for Women and Children in America
+ID  - ref57
+ER  - 
+AU  - Shanley, M.L. Shanley M.L.
+TI  - Feminism, Marriage, and the Law in Victorian England, 1850–1895
+ID  - ref58
+ER  - 
+AU  - Neave, M. Neave M.
+TI  - Three Approaches to Family Law Disputes – Intention/Belief, Unjust Enrichment and Unconscionability’
+BT  - Equity, Fiduciaries and Trusts
+ID  - ref59
+ER  - 
+AU  - Sarmas, L. Sarmas L.
+TI  - Storytelling and the Law: A Case Study of Louth v. Diprose
+JO  - Melbourne University Law Rev
+ID  - ref60
+ER  - 
+AU  - Colebrook, C. Colebrook C.
+TI  - Feminist Ethics and Historicism
+JO  - Aust. Feminist Studies
+ID  - ref61
+ER  - 
+AU  - Fineman, M. Albertson Fineman M. Albertson
+TI  - The Neutered Mother, the Sexual Family and Other Twentieth Century Tragedies
+ID  - ref62
+ER  - 
+AU  - O’Donovan, K. O’Donovan K.
+TI  - Should all Maintenance of Spouses be abolished?
+JO  - Modern Law Rev
+ID  - ref63
+ER  - 
+AU  - Freeman, M.D.A. Freeman M.D.A.
+AU  - Lyon, C.M. Lyon C.M.
+TI  - Cohabitation without Marriage: An Essay in Law and Social Policy
+ID  - ref64
+ER  - 
+AU  - Commission, New South Wales Law Reform Commission New South Wales Law Reform
+TI  - De Facto Relationships: Issues Paper
+ID  - ref65
+ER  - 
+AU  - Review, Eds. of the Harvard Law Review Eds. of the Harvard Law
+TI  - Sexual Orientation and the Law
+ID  - ref66
+ER  - 
+AU  - Overington, C. Overington C.
+TI  - Why can’t They Marry?
+JO  - The Age
+ID  - ref67
+ER  - 
+AU  - Lesbian, Lesbian
+AU  - Service, Gay Rights Service Gay Rights
+TI  - The Bride Wore Pink; Legal Recognition of Our Relationships
+ID  - ref68
+ER  - 
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+AU  - Jones, G. Jones G.
+TI  - “Traditional” Legal Scholarship: a Personal View
+BT  - What Are Law Schools For?
+ID  - ref1
+ER  - 
+AU  - Goff, R. Goff R.
+TI  - The Search for Principle
+JO  - Proceeedings of the British Academy
+ID  - ref2
+ER  - 
+AU  - Dicey, A. Dicey A.
+TI  - Can English Law be taught at the Universities?
+ID  - ref3
+ER  - 
+AU  - Smith, J. Smith J.
+TI  - The Law of Contract
+ID  - ref4
+ER  - 
+AU  - Kennedy, D. Kennedy D.
+TI  - Form and substance in Private Law Ajudication
+JO  - Harvard Law Rev
+ID  - ref5
+ER  - 
+AU  - Hepple, B. Hepple B.
+TI  - The Renewal of the Liberal Law Degree
+JO  - Cambridge Law J
+ID  - ref6
+ER  - 
+AU  - Thomas, P.A. Thomas P.A.
+TI  - Introduction
+BT  - Socio-Legal Studies
+ID  - ref7
+ER  - 
+AU  - Cotterrell, R. Cotterrell R.
+TI  - Law’s Community
+ID  - ref8
+ER  - 
+TI  - Company Law
+PB  - S. Wheeler
+ID  - ref9
+ER  - 
+AU  - Marre’s, Marre’s
+TI  - report A Time for Change Report of the Committee on Legal Education
+ID  - ref10
+ER  - 
+TI  - The Robbins report on higher education, Higher Education
+ID  - ref11
+ER  - 
+AU  - Education, Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education Committee of Inquiry into Higher
+TI  - Higher Education in the learning society
+ID  - ref12
+ER  - 
+TI  - First Report on Legal Education and Training
+ID  - ref13
+ER  - 
+AU  - Bradney, A. Bradney A.
+AU  - Cownie, F. Cownie F.
+TI  - Working on the Chain Gang?
+JO  - Contemporary Issues in Law
+ID  - ref14
+ER  - 
+AU  - J. MacFarlane, M. Jeeves J. MacFarlane M. Jeeves
+AU  - Boon, A. Boon A.
+TI  - Education for Life or for Work?
+JO  - New Law J
+ID  - ref15
+ER  - 
+AU  - Huxley, T.H. Huxley T.H.
+TI  - Universities: Actual and Ideal
+BT  - T.H. Huxley, Collected Essays
+ID  - ref16
+ER  - 
+AU  - Mill, J.S. Mill J.S.
+TI  - Inaugural address to the University of St Andrews
+BT  - Collected Work of John Stuart Mill: Volume
+ID  - ref17
+ER  - 
+AU  - Leavis, F.R. Leavis F.R.
+TI  - Education and the University
+ID  - ref18
+ER  - 
+AU  - Bradney, A. Bradney A.
+TI  - Liberalising Legal Education
+BT  - The Law School: Global Issues, Local Questions
+ID  - ref19
+ER  - 
+AU  - Goodrich, P. Goodrich P.
+TI  - Of Blackstone’s Tower: Metephors of Distance and Histories of the English Law School
+JO  - S. Turow, One L
+ID  - ref20
+ER  - 
+AU  - Kahn-Freund, O. Kahn-Freund O.
+TI  - Reflections on Legal Education
+JO  - Modern Law Rev
+ID  - ref21
+ER  - 
+AU  - King, M. King M.
+TI  - The New English Literatures
+ID  - ref22
+ER  - 
+TI  - Jurisprudence by Sir John Salmond
+ID  - ref23
+ER  - 
+AU  - Durkheim, E. Durkheim E.
+TI  - The Division of Labour in Society
+ID  - ref24
+ER  - 
+AU  - Le Brun, M. Le Brun M.
+AU  - Johnstone, R. Johnstone R.
+TI  - The Quiet Revolution: Improving Student Learning in Law
+ID  - ref25
+ER  - 
+TI  - Define and Empower: Women Students Consider Feminist Learning
+JO  - Law and Critique
+ID  - ref26
+ER  - 
+AU  - Conklin, W. Conklin W.
+TI  - The Invisible Author of Legal Authority
+JO  - Law and Critique
+ID  - ref27
+ER  - 
+AU  - Collier, R. Collier R.
+TI  - Masculinism, Law and Law Teaching
+JO  - International J. of the Sociology of Law
+ID  - ref28
+ER  - 
+AU  - McAuslan, P. McAuslan P.
+TI  - Administrative Law, Collective Consumption and Judicial Policy
+JO  - Modern Law Rev
+ID  - ref29
+ER  - 
+AU  - Samuelson, P. Samuelson P.
+TI  - The Convergence of the Law School and the University
+JO  - The Am. Scholar
+ID  - ref30
+ER  - 
+AU  - Harris, P. Harris P.
+AU  - Jones, M. Jones M.
+TI  - A Survey of Law Schools in the United Kingdom, 1996
+JO  - The Law Teacher
+ID  - ref31
+ER  - 
+AU  - Wilson, J. Wilson J.
+TI  - A third survey of university legal education
+JO  - Legal Studies
+ID  - ref32
+ER  - 
+AU  - P. Leighton, T. Mortimer P. Leighton T. Mortimer
+AU  - Whatley, N. Whatley N.
+TI  - Law Teachers: Lawyers or Academics?
+ID  - ref33
+ER  - 
+AU  - Skwarok, L. Skwarok L.
+TI  - Business Law for Non-Lawyers: Setting the Stage for Teaching, Learning and Assessment at Hong Kong Polytechnic University
+JO  - The Law Teacher
+ID  - ref34
+ER  - 
+AU  - Bastin, N. Bastin N.
+TI  - Law, Law Staff and CNAA Business Studies Degree Courses
+JO  - The Law Teacher
+ID  - ref35
+ER  - 
+AU  - Ridley, A. Ridley A.
+TI  - Legal Skills for Non-Law Students: Added Value or Irrelevant Diversion?
+JO  - The Law Teacher
+ID  - ref36
+ER  - 
+AU  - Cartan, G. Cartan G.
+AU  - Vilkinas, T. Vilkinas T.
+TI  - Legal Literacy for Managers: The Role of the Educator
+JO  - The Law Teacher
+ID  - ref37
+ER  - 
+AU  - Birks, P. Birks P.
+TI  - Short Cuts
+BT  - Pressing Problems in the Law
+ID  - ref38
+ER  - 
+AU  - Harris, P. Harris P.
+TI  - Curriculum Development in Legal Studies
+JO  - The Law Teacher
+ID  - ref39
+ER  - 
+AU  - Steiner, G. Steiner G.
+TI  - Errata: An Examined Life
+ID  - ref40
+ER  - 
diff --git a/convert-anystyle-data/ris/10.1515_zfrs-1980-0103.ris b/convert-anystyle-data/ris/10.1515_zfrs-1980-0103.ris
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..681433c71d71431a85ef97fc10a14df55d574b05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/convert-anystyle-data/ris/10.1515_zfrs-1980-0103.ris
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+AU  - Baumgärtei, Gottfried Baumgärtei Gottfried
+TI  - Gleicher Zugang zum Recht für alle.
+ID  - ref1
+ER  - 
+AU  - Bender, Rolf Bender Rolf
+AU  - Schumacher, Rolf Schumacher Rolf
+TI  - Erfolgsbarrieren vor Gericht.
+ID  - ref2
+ER  - 
+AU  - Black, Donald Black Donald
+TI  - The Mobilization of Law
+JO  - Journal of Legal Studies
+ID  - ref3
+ER  - 
+AU  - Blankenburg, Erhard Blankenburg Erhard
+AU  - Blankenburg, Viola Blankenburg Viola
+AU  - Morasch, Helmut Morasch Helmut
+TI  - Der lange Weg in die Berufung
+BT  - Tatsachenforschung in der Justiz
+ID  - ref4
+ER  - 
+AU  - Blankenburg, Erhard Blankenburg Erhard
+TI  - Nichtkriminalisierung als Struktur und Routine Hans und Günter Kaiser: Kriminologie und Strafverfahren.
+ID  - ref5
+ER  - 
+AU  - Blankenburg, Erhard Blankenburg Erhard
+AU  - Sessar, Klaus Sessar Klaus
+AU  - Steffen, Wiebke Steffen Wiebke
+TI  - Die Staatsanwaltschaft im Prozeß strafrechtlicher Sozialkontrolle.
+ID  - ref6
+ER  - 
+AU  - Blankenburg, Erhard Blankenburg Erhard
+AU  - Schönholz, Siegfried Schönholz Siegfried
+TI  - Zur Soziologie des Arbeitsgerichtsverfahrens.
+ID  - ref7
+ER  - 
+AU  - Blankenburg, Erhard Blankenburg Erhard
+TI  - Recht als gradualisiertes Konzept
+BT  - Alternative Rechtsformen und Alternativen zum Recht Jahrbuch für Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie
+ID  - ref8
+ER  - 
+AU  - Carlin, Jerome- Carlin Jerome-
+AU  - Messinger, Sheldon Messinger Sheldon
+TI  - Civil Justice and the Poor.
+ID  - ref9
+ER  - 
+AU  - Richard, Richard
+AU  - Lowy, Michael Lowy Michael
+TI  - Everday Disputes and Mediation in the United States: A Reply to Professor Felstiner
+JO  - Law and Society Review
+ID  - ref10
+ER  - 
+AU  - Feest, Johannes Feest Johannes
+AU  - Blankenburg, Erhard Blankenburg Erhard
+TI  - Die Definitionsmacht der Polizei.
+ID  - ref11
+ER  - 
+AU  - Felstiner, William L. F Felstiner William L. F
+TI  - Influences of Social Organization on Dispute processing
+JO  - Law and Society Review
+ID  - ref12
+ER  - 
+AU  - Felstiner, William L. F Felstiner William L. F
+TI  - Avoidance as Dispute Processing: An Elaboration
+JO  - Law and Society Review
+ID  - ref13
+ER  - 
+AU  - Galanter, Marc Galanter Marc
+TI  - Why the ,Haves* Come out Ahead: Speculations on the Limits of Legal Change
+JO  - Law and Society Review
+ID  - ref14
+ER  - 
+AU  - Geiger, Theodor Geiger Theodor
+TI  - Vorstudien zu einer Soziologie des Rechts.
+ID  - ref15
+ER  - 
+AU  - Neuwied. Gessner, Volkmar Neuwied. Gessner Volkmar
+TI  - Recht und Konflikt.
+ID  - ref16
+ER  - 
+AU  - Hilden, Hartmut Hilden Hartmut
+TI  - Rechtstatsachen im Räumungsstreit. Frankfurt/Main.
+ID  - ref17
+ER  - 
+AU  - Johnson, Earl Johnson Earl
+TI  - Thinking about Access: A Preliminary Typology of Possible Strategies.
+BT  - Access to Justice
+ID  - ref18
+ER  - 
+AU  - Koch, Hartmut Koch Hartmut
+TI  - Das Gerichtsverfahren als Konfliktlösungsprozeß — Einstellung von Klägern und Beklagten zu Mietprozessen.
+ID  - ref19
+ER  - 
+AU  - Luhmann, Niklas Luhmann Niklas
+TI  - Legitimation durch Verfahren.
+ID  - ref20
+ER  - 
+AU  - Luhmann, Niklas Luhmann Niklas
+TI  - Kommunikation über Recht in Interaktionssystemen
+BT  - Alternative Rechtsformen und Alternativen zum Recht Jahrbuch für Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie
+ID  - ref21
+ER  - 
+AU  - Reifner, Udo Reifner Udo
+TI  - Rechtshilfebedürfnis und Verrechtlichung am Beispiel einer Berliner Mieterinitiative
+ID  - ref22
+ER  - 
+AU  - Reifner, Udo Reifner Udo
+TI  - Gewerkschaftlicher Rechtsschutz — Geschichte des freigewerkschaftlichen Rechtsschutzes und der Rechtsberatung der Deutschen Arbeitsfront von 1894—1945.
+ID  - ref23
+ER  - 
+AU  - Reifner, Udo Reifner Udo
+AU  - Gorges, Irmela Gorges Irmela
+TI  - Alternativen der Rechtsberatung: Dienstleistung, Fürsorge und kollektive Selbsthilfe
+BT  - Alternative Rechtsformen und Alternativen zum Recht Jahrbuch für Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie
+ID  - ref24
+ER  - 
+AU  - Sarat, Sarat
+TI  - Alternatives in Dispute Processing in a Small Claim Court
+JO  - Law and Society Review
+ID  - ref25
+ER  - 
+AU  - Schönholz, Siegfried Schönholz Siegfried
+TI  - Arbeitsplatzsicherung oder Kompensation - Rechtliche Formen des Bestandsschutzes im Vergleich
+BT  - Arbeitslosigkeit und Recht
+ID  - ref26
+ER  - 
+AU  - Steinbach, E Steinbach E.
+TI  - GMD-Bericht, Manuskript. Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung.
+ID  - ref27
+ER  - 
+AU  - Wanner, Craig Wanner Craig
+TI  - The Public Ordering of Private Cases; Winning Civil Court Cases
+JO  - Law and Society Review
+ID  - ref28
+ER  - 
+AU  - ich, ich
+TI  - Nichtkriminalisierung als Struktur und Routine
+ID  - ref29
+ER  - 
+AU  - MacNaughton-Smith, Peter MacNaughton-Smith Peter
+AU  - Rosellen, Richard Rosellen Richard
+TI  - Bereitschaft zur Anzeigeerstattung
+ID  - ref30
+ER  - 
+AU  - Rosellen, Richard Rosellen Richard
+TI  - Private Verbrechenskontrolle — eine empirische Untersuchung zur Anzeigeerstattung
+ID  - ref31
+ER  - 
+AU  - Wiesbaden, Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden Statistisches Bundesamt
+TI  - Fachserie 10 (Rechtspflege) Reihe 2.1, Tabelle 10
+ID  - ref32
+ER  - 
+AU  - Blankenburg, Blankenburg
+AU  - Gorges, Gorges
+AU  - Reifner, Reifner
+AU  - Ticmann)., Ticmann).
+TI  - Projektbericht ,Rechtshilfebedürfnisse sozial Schwacher
+ID  - ref33
+ER  - 
+AU  - Blankenburg, Blankenburg
+AU  - Fiedler, Fiedler
+TI  - Projektbericht Rechtsschutzversicherung*.
+ID  - ref34
+ER  - 
+TI  - Recht als gradualisiertes Konzept
+ID  - ref35
+ER  - 
+AU  - Felstiner, Felstiner
+AU  - Danzig, Danzig
+AU  - Lowy, Lowy
+TI  - Law and Society Review
+ID  - ref36
+ER  - 
diff --git a/convert-anystyle-data/ris/10.1515_zfrs-1980-0104.ris b/convert-anystyle-data/ris/10.1515_zfrs-1980-0104.ris
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f138d967a6ff134566aff4529505f08f424cd16b
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+++ b/convert-anystyle-data/ris/10.1515_zfrs-1980-0104.ris
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+TI  - Rechtssoziologie und Rechtsvergleichung
+ID  - ref1
+ER  - 
+TI  - Compa rative Research Across Cultures and Nations
+ID  - ref2
+ER  - 
+AU  - Smelser, Smelser
+TI  - Comparative Sutvey Analysis Comparative Methods in the Social Sciences
+ID  - ref3
+ER  - 
+AU  - Englewood Cliffs, N. J Englewood Cliffs N. J.
+TI  - Cross National Comparative Survey Research
+ID  - ref4
+ER  - 
+AU  - Zweigert, Zweigert
+AU  - Kötz, Kötz
+TI  - Comparative Methods in Sociology Einführung in die Rechtsvergleichung
+ID  - ref5
+ER  - 
+AU  - Rabel, Rabel
+TI  - Aufgabe und Notwendigkeit der Rechtsvergleichung
+ID  - ref6
+ER  - 
+AU  - Rabel, Rabel
+TI  - Gesammelte Aufsätze
+ID  - ref7
+ER  - 
+AU  - Abel, R. Abel R.
+TI  - Law Books and Books About Law
+JO  - Stanford Law Rev
+ID  - ref8
+ER  - 
+AU  - Benda-Beckmann, Benda-Beckmann
+TI  - Einige Anmerkungen über die Beziehung zwischen Rechtssoziologie und Rechtsvergleichung
+JO  - ZvglRW
+ID  - ref9
+ER  - 
+AU  - Carbonnier, Carbonnier
+TI  - L’apport du droit compare ä la sociologie juridique
+BT  - Livre du centenaire de la Societe de legislation comparee
+ID  - ref10
+ER  - 
+AU  - Nowak, Nowak
+TI  - The Strategy of Cross-National Survey Research for the Development of Social Theory
+ID  - ref11
+ER  - 
+AU  - Rose, Rose
+TI  - Interkulturelle Forschung in der Rechtssoziologie
+ID  - ref12
+ER  - 
+AU  - Wirsing, Wirsing
+TI  - Probleme des interkulturellen Vergleichs in der Ethnologie
+JO  - Sociologus
+ID  - ref13
+ER  - 
+AU  - Poirier, Poirier
+TI  - Situation actuelle et Programme de travail de Techno logie juridique
+JO  - Rev. int. Sc. Soc
+ID  - ref14
+ER  - 
+AU  - Macaulay, Macaulay
+TI  - Elegant Models, Empirical Pictures, and the Complexities of Contract
+JO  - Law & Soc. Rev
+ID  - ref15
+ER  - 
+AU  - Grimshau, Grimshau
+TI  - Comparative Sociology - In What Ways Different From Other Sociologies?
+ID  - ref16
+ER  - 
+AU  - Tomasson, Tomasson
+TI  - Introduction; Comparative Sociology — The State of the Art
+BT  - Comparative Studies in Sociology
+ID  - ref17
+ER  - 
+AU  - Almasy, Almasy
+AU  - Balandier, Balandier
+AU  - Delatte, Delatte
+TI  - Comparative Survey Analysis — An Annotated Bibliography 1967 — 1973
+ID  - ref18
+ER  - 
+AU  - Marsh, Marsh
+TI  - Comparative Sociology
+ID  - ref19
+ER  - 
+AU  - Durkheim, Durkheim
+TI  - Les règles de la methode sociologique
+ID  - ref20
+ER  - 
+AU  - Payne, Payne
+TI  - Comparative Sociology — Some Problems of Theory and Method
+JO  - Brit. J. Soc
+ID  - ref21
+ER  - 
+AU  - Eisenstadt, Eisenstadt
+TI  - Social Institutions - Comparative Method
+JO  - International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences
+ID  - ref22
+ER  - 
+AU  - Boesch, Boesch
+AU  - Eckensberger, Eckensberger
+TI  - Methodische Probleme des interkulturellen Vergleichs
+BT  - Handbuch der Psychologie
+ID  - ref23
+ER  - 
+TI  - A Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology
+ID  - ref24
+ER  - 
+AU  - Zelditch, Zelditch
+TI  - Intelligible Comparisons
+ID  - ref25
+ER  - 
+AU  - Zweigert, Zweigert
+TI  - Die soziologische Dimension der Rechtsvergleichung
+ID  - ref26
+ER  - 
+AU  - Merryman, Merryman
+TI  - Comparative Law and Scientific Explanation
+BT  - Law in the United States of America in Social and Technological Revolution
+ID  - ref27
+ER  - 
+AU  - Carbonnier, Carbonnier
+TI  - Sociologie juridique
+ID  - ref28
+ER  - 
+AU  - Heidrich, Heidrich
+TI  - Höchstrichterliche Rechtsprechung als Triebfehier sozialen Wandels
+JO  - Jahr buch für Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie
+ID  - ref29
+ER  - 
+AU  - Kaiser, Kaiser
+TI  - Strafrecht und vergleichende Kriminologie
+BT  - Strafrecht, Straf rechtsvergleichung
+ID  - ref30
+ER  - 
+AU  - Villmow, Villmow
+AU  - Albrecht, Albrecht
+TI  - Die Vergleichung als Methode der Strafrechtswissenschaft und der Kriminologie
+JO  - MschrKrim
+ID  - ref31
+ER  - 
+AU  - Neumayer, K. H. Neumayer K. H.
+TI  - Ziele und Methoden der Rechtsvergleichung
+BT  - Recueil des travaux suisses présentés au IXe Congrès international de droit compare
+ID  - ref32
+ER  - 
+AU  - Rehbinder, Rehbinder
+TI  - Erkenntnistheoretisches zum Verhältnis von Rechtssoziologie und Rechtsvergleichung
+ID  - ref33
+ER  - 
+AU  - Heidrich, Heidrich
+TI  - Sozialwissenschaftliche Aspekte der Rechtsvergleichung
+ID  - ref34
+ER  - 
+AU  - Blankenburg, Blankenburg
+TI  - Patterns of Legal Culture as a Variable for the Chances of Legal Innovation
+BT  - innovations in the Legal Services
+ID  - ref35
+ER  - 
+AU  - Abel, R. Abel R.
+TI  - Comparative Law and Social Theory
+JO  - Am. J. Comp. L
+ID  - ref36
+ER  - 
+AU  - Blazicek, Blazicek
+AU  - Janeksela, Janeksela
+TI  - Some Comments on Comparative Methodologies in Criminal Justice
+JO  - Int. J. Crim. Pen
+ID  - ref37
+ER  - 
+AU  - Merryman, Merryman
+TI  - Comparative Law and Social Change - On the Origins, Style, Decline and Revival of the Law and Development Movement
+JO  - Am. J. Comp. L
+ID  - ref38
+ER  - 
+AU  - Däubler, Däubler
+TI  - Systemvergleich im Arbeitsrecht? Vorüberlegungen zu einigen Methodenfragen
+JO  - Demokratie und Recht
+ID  - ref39
+ER  - 
+AU  - Zweigert, Zweigert
+AU  - Puttfarken, Puttfarken
+TI  - Zur Vergleichbarkeit analoger Rechtsinstitute in verschiede nen Gesellschaftsordnungen
+BT  - Rechtsvergleichung
+ID  - ref40
+ER  - 
+AU  - Blankenburg, Blankenburg
+TI  - Task Contingencies and National Administrative Culture as Determinants for Labour Market Administration
+JO  - HM discussion papers
+ID  - ref41
+ER  - 
+AU  - Armer, Armer
+TI  - Methodology Problems and Possibilities in Comparative Research
+ID  - ref42
+ER  - 
+AU  - Trommsdorf, Trommsdorf
+TI  - Möglichkeiten und Probleme des Kulturvergleichs am Beispiel einer Agressionsstudie
+JO  - KZfSS
+ID  - ref43
+ER  - 
+AU  - Malewswka, Malewswka
+AU  - Peyre, Peyre
+TI  - Juvenile Deliquency and Development
+ID  - ref44
+ER  - 
+AU  - Scheuch, Scheuch
+TI  - The Cross-Cultural Use of Sample Surveys — Problems of Comparability
+ID  - ref45
+ER  - 
+AU  - Biervert, Biervert
+TI  - Der internationale Vergleich
+BT  - Techniken empirischer Sozialforschung
+ID  - ref46
+ER  - 
+AU  - Verba, Verba
+TI  - The Uses of Survey Research in the Study of Comparative Politics — Issues and Strategies
+ID  - ref47
+ER  - 
+AU  - Gessner, Gessner
+TI  - Soziologische Ãœberlegungen zu einer Theorie der angewandten Rechtsvergleichung
+ID  - ref48
+ER  - 
+AU  - Merton, Merton
+TI  - Social Theory and Social Structure The OECD Social Indicator Development Programme - 1976 Progress Report on Phase II
+ID  - ref49
+ER  - 
+AU  - Rheinstein, Rheinstein
+TI  - Marriage Stability, Divorce, and the Law
+ID  - ref50
+ER  - 
+AU  - Wilpert, Wilpert
+TI  - Die Messung von Mitbestimmungsnormen — Darstellung eines international vergleichenden Forschungsansatzes
+PB  - HM-Paper
+ID  - ref51
+ER  - 
+AU  - Constantinesco, Constantinesco
+TI  - Ideologie als determinierendes Ele ment zur Bildung der Rechtskreise
+JO  - Zeitschrift für Rechtsvergleichung
+ID  - ref52
+ER  - 
+AU  - Constantinesco, Constantinesco
+TI  - Über den Stil der „Stilthe orie" in der Rechtsvergleichung
+JO  - ZvglRW
+ID  - ref53
+ER  - 
+AU  - Hofstede, Hofstede
+TI  - Cultural Determinants of the Exercise of Power in a Hierarchy
+BT  - European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management Working Paper
+ID  - ref54
+ER  - 
+AU  - Group, IDE-International Research Group IDE-International Research
+TI  - Industrial Democracy in Europe
+ID  - ref55
+ER  - 
+AU  - Rheinstein, Rheinstein
+TI  - Die Rechtshonoratioren und ihr Einfluß auf Charakter und Funk tion der Rechtsordnungen
+JO  - RabelsZ
+ID  - ref56
+ER  - 
+AU  - Bernstein, Bernstein
+TI  - Rechtsstile und Rechtshono ratioren. Ein Beitrag zur Methode der Rechtsvergleichung
+JO  - RabelsZ
+ID  - ref57
+ER  - 
+AU  - Ruescbemeyer, Ruescbemeyer
+TI  - Lawyers and their Societies -- A Comparative Analysis of the Legal Profession in Germany and the United States
+ID  - ref58
+ER  - 
+AU  - ders, ders
+TI  - The Legal Profession in Comparative Perspective
+BT  - Social System and Legal Process
+ID  - ref59
+ER  - 
+AU  - Klausa, Klausa
+TI  - Politische Inhaltsanalyse von Rechtslehrertexten
+JO  - ZfS
+ID  - ref60
+ER  - 
+AU  - Teune, Teune
+TI  - Analysis and Interpretation in Cross-National Survey Research
+ID  - ref61
+ER  - 
+AU  - Nader, Nader
+AU  - Todd, Todd
+TI  - The Disputing Process — Law in Ten Societies
+ID  - ref62
+ER  - 
+AU  - Kaiser, Kaiser
+TI  - Problem in der Kriminologie
+ID  - ref63
+ER  - 
+AU  - Clinard, Clinard
+TI  - Comparative Crime Victimization Surveys — Some Problems and Results
+JO  - Int. J. Crim, and Pen
+ID  - ref64
+ER  - 
+AU  - Abel-Smith, Abel-Smith
+AU  - Zander, Zander
+AU  - Brooke, Brooke
+TI  - Legal Problems and the Citizen
+ID  - ref65
+ER  - 
+AU  - Rokumoto, Rokumoto
+TI  - Legal Problems and the Use of Law in Tokio and London - A Preliminary Study in International Comparison
+JO  - ZfS
+ID  - ref66
+ER  - 
+AU  - Schuyt, Schuyt
+AU  - Groenendijk, Groenendijk
+AU  - Sloot, Sloot
+TI  - Rechtspro bleme oder private Schwierigkeiten — Die Inanspruchnahme von Rechtshilfe in den Nieder landen
+JO  - Jahrbuch für Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie
+ID  - ref67
+ER  - 
+AU  - Podgdrecki, Podgdrecki
+TI  - Comparative Studies on the Attitudes Towards Various Legal Systems
+JO  - Polish Sociological Bulletin
+ID  - ref68
+ER  - 
+AU  - Ziegen, Ziegen
+TI  - Zur Effek tivität der Rechtssoziologie: die Rekonstruktion der Gesellschaft durch Recht
+ID  - ref69
+ER  - 
+AU  - Podgdrecki, Podgdrecki
+TI  - Legal Consciousness as a Research Problem
+JO  - European Yearbook in Law and Sociology 1977
+ID  - ref70
+ER  - 
+AU  - Kutchinsky, Kutchinsky
+TI  - The Legal Consciousness“: A Survey of Research on Knowledge and Opinion about Law
+BT  - Knowledge and Opinion about Law
+ID  - ref71
+ER  - 
+AU  - Podgdrecki, Podgdrecki
+TI  - Public Opinion on Law
+BT  - Knowledge and Opinion about Law
+ID  - ref72
+ER  - 
+AU  - Heintz, Heintz
+TI  - Interkultureller Vergleich
+BT  - Handbuch der empirischen Sozialfor schung
+ID  - ref73
+ER  - 
+AU  - Hegenbarth, Hegenbarth
+TI  - Über methodische und organisatorische Grenzen der empirischen Rechts forschung in Entwicklungsländern
+JO  - Informationsbrief für Rechtssoziologie
+ID  - ref74
+ER  - 
+AU  - Gessner, Gessner
+TI  - Recht und Konflikt — Eine soziologische Untersuchungprivatrechtlicher Konflikte in Mexiko
+ID  - ref75
+ER  - 
+AU  - Friday, Friday
+TI  - Problems in Comparative Criminology
+JO  - Int. J. Crim
+ID  - ref76
+ER  - 
+AU  - Rokkan, Rokkan
+TI  - Vergleichende Sozialwissenschaft
+ID  - ref77
+ER  - 
+AU  - Szalai, Szalai
+TI  - The Organization and Execution of Cross-National Survey Research Projects
+ID  - ref78
+ER  - 
+AU  - Blegvad, Blegvad
+TI  - Methodological Aspects of the Project „Local Legal Systems
+BT  - Sociology of Law and Legal Sciences
+ID  - ref79
+ER  - 
+AU  - Zweigert, Zweigert
+TI  - Die kritische Wertung in der Rechtsvergleichung
+BT  - Festschrift für Schmitthoff
+ID  - ref80
+ER  - 
+AU  - Dörner, Dörner
+TI  - Rechtstatsachenforschung und Gesetzgebung — Hinweise zur Entwicklung einer Gesetzgebungssoziologie in Frank reich
+JO  - Interview und Analyse
+ID  - ref81
+ER  - 
+AU  - Bryde, Bryde
+TI  - Recht und Konflikt — Mexiko und Afrika
+JO  - Verfassung und Recht in Obersee
+ID  - ref82
+ER  - 
diff --git a/convert-anystyle-data/tei-to-bibformats.ipynb b/convert-anystyle-data/tei-to-bibformats.ipynb
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/convert-anystyle-data/tei-to-bibformats.ipynb
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+ "cells": [
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+   "source": "# Convert the generated TEI to bibliographic formats\n",
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+   "cell_type": "markdown",
+   "source": [
+    "## Download required XSLT documents\n",
+    "\n",
+    "we use XSLT provided by https://github.com/OpenArabicPE/convert_tei-to-bibliographic-data "
+   ],
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+    "import os\n",
+    "from urllib.parse import urljoin\n",
+    "import requests\n",
+    "from lxml import etree\n",
+    "\n",
+    "def download_xslt(url, target_dir = 'lib/xslt'):\n",
+    "    \"\"\"written by GPT-4\"\"\"\n",
+    "    response = requests.get(url)\n",
+    "    response.raise_for_status()  \n",
+    "    doc = etree.fromstring(response.content)\n",
+    "    for elem in doc.xpath('//*[local-name() = \"import\"]'):\n",
+    "        import_url = urljoin(url, elem.get('href'))  # Construct a full URL based on the href attribute relative to the original url\n",
+    "        download_xslt(import_url, target_dir)\n",
+    "    os.makedirs(target_dir, exist_ok=True)\n",
+    "    with open(os.path.join(target_dir, os.path.basename(url)), 'wb') as f:\n",
+    "        f.write(response.content)\n",
+    "    print(f'Downloaded {os.path.basename(url)}')\n",
+    "\n",
+    "base_url = 'https://openarabicpe.github.io/convert_tei-to-bibliographic-data/xslt'\n",
+    "xslt_docs = ['convert_tei-to-mods_bibl.xsl']\n",
+    "for xslt_doc in xslt_docs:\n",
+    "    download_xslt(f'{base_url}/{xslt_doc}')\n"
+   ],
+   "id": "1de7cedbb3514188",
+   "outputs": [
+    {
+     "name": "stdout",
+     "output_type": "stream",
+     "text": [
+      "Downloaded date-functions.xsl\n",
+      "Downloaded parameters.xsl\n",
+      "Downloaded functions.xsl\n",
+      "Downloaded convert_tei-to-biblstruct_functions.xsl\n",
+      "Downloaded convert_tei-to-mods_functions.xsl\n",
+      "Downloaded convert_tei-to-mods_bibl.xsl\n"
+     ]
+    }
+   ],
+   "execution_count": 40
+  },
+  {
+   "metadata": {},
+   "cell_type": "markdown",
+   "source": [
+    "## Extract bibliographic data from TEI files using XSLT\n",
+    "\n",
+    "### Using lxml - currently not working\n"
+   ],
+   "id": "d08d51f8767602c5"
+  },
+  {
+   "metadata": {
+    "ExecuteTime": {
+     "end_time": "2024-08-21T16:24:16.226255Z",
+     "start_time": "2024-08-21T16:24:16.196421Z"
+    }
+   },
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "source": [
+    "from lxml import etree\n",
+    "import glob\n",
+    "from urllib.request import urlopen\n",
+    "import requests\n",
+    "\n",
+    "def apply_xslt(xslt_path, xml_input_path, xml_output_path):\n",
+    "    try:\n",
+    "        xslt_doc = etree.parse(xslt_path)\n",
+    "        xml_doc = etree.parse(xml_input_path)\n",
+    "        transformer = etree.XSLT(xslt_doc)\n",
+    "        new_xml = transformer(xml_doc)\n",
+    "        with open(xml_output_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:\n",
+    "            f.write(new_xml)\n",
+    "    except etree.XSLTParseError as e:\n",
+    "        print(f\"Error parsing XSLT file at {xslt_path}: {e}\")\n",
+    "\n",
+    "for input_path in glob.glob('tei/*.xml'):\n",
+    "    print(f'Converting {input_path}')\n",
+    "    base_name = os.path.basename(input_path)\n",
+    "    output_path = f'tmp/{base_name.replace(\".xml\", \"-mods.xml\")}'\n",
+    "    apply_xslt('lib/xslt/convert_tei-to-mods_bibl.xsl', input_path, output_path)\n"
+   ],
+   "id": "af437a5ab3cc41a3",
+   "outputs": [
+    {
+     "name": "stdout",
+     "output_type": "stream",
+     "text": [
+      "Converting tei\\10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml\n",
+      "Error parsing XSLT file at lib/xslt/convert_tei-to-mods_bibl.xsl: xsltParseStylesheetTop: ignoring misplaced import element\n",
+      "Converting tei\\10.1111_1467-6478.00080.xml\n",
+      "Error parsing XSLT file at lib/xslt/convert_tei-to-mods_bibl.xsl: xsltParseStylesheetTop: ignoring misplaced import element\n",
+      "Converting tei\\10.1515_zfrs-1980-0103.xml\n",
+      "Error parsing XSLT file at lib/xslt/convert_tei-to-mods_bibl.xsl: xsltParseStylesheetTop: ignoring misplaced import element\n",
+      "Converting tei\\10.1515_zfrs-1980-0104.xml\n",
+      "Error parsing XSLT file at lib/xslt/convert_tei-to-mods_bibl.xsl: xsltParseStylesheetTop: ignoring misplaced import element\n"
+     ]
+    }
+   ],
+   "execution_count": 41
+  },
+  {
+   "metadata": {},
+   "cell_type": "markdown",
+   "source": [
+    "### Using Saxon:\n",
+    "\n",
+    "- download ZIP from https://github.com/Saxonica/Saxon-HE/releases/download/SaxonHE12-5/SaxonHE12-5J.zip\n",
+    "- unpack in lib/SaxonHE12-5J"
+   ],
+   "id": "781d0e0e7a9dd346"
+  },
+  {
+   "metadata": {
+    "ExecuteTime": {
+     "end_time": "2024-08-22T08:23:04.884935Z",
+     "start_time": "2024-08-22T08:22:57.085635Z"
+    }
+   },
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "source": [
+    "import subprocess\n",
+    "import os\n",
+    "\n",
+    "def transform_tei(xslt_path, file_path='tei', output_path='.'):\n",
+    "    file_path = os.path.normpath(file_path)\n",
+    "    xslt_path = os.path.normpath(xslt_path)\n",
+    "    cmd = ['java', '-jar', 'lib/SaxonHE12-5J/saxon-he-12.5.jar', \n",
+    "           f'-s:{file_path}',\n",
+    "           f'-xsl:{xslt_path}',\n",
+    "           f'-o:{output_path}',\n",
+    "           'p_target-language=de', 'p_github-action=true']\n",
+    "    process = subprocess.run(cmd, capture_output=True, text=True)\n",
+    "    if process.returncode != 0:\n",
+    "        raise RuntimeError(process.stderr)\n",
+    "    return process\n",
+    "\n",
+    "transform_tei(xslt_path='lib/xslt/convert_tei-to-biblstruct_bibl.xsl', output_path='biblStruct')\n",
+    "transform_tei(xslt_path='lib/xslt/convert_tei-to-mods_bibl.xsl', output_path='mods')"
+   ],
+   "id": "34087ef2f498ffa6",
+   "outputs": [
+    {
+     "data": {
+      "text/plain": [
+       "CompletedProcess(args=['java', '-jar', 'lib/SaxonHE12-5J/saxon-he-12.5.jar', '-s:tei', '-xsl:lib\\\\xslt\\\\convert_tei-to-mods_bibl.xsl', '-o:mods', 'p_target-language=de', 'p_github-action=true'], returncode=0, stdout='', stderr='')"
+      ]
+     },
+     "execution_count": 84,
+     "metadata": {},
+     "output_type": "execute_result"
+    }
+   ],
+   "execution_count": 84
+  },
+  {
+   "metadata": {},
+   "cell_type": "markdown",
+   "source": [
+    "## Convert MODS to RIS tagged file format\n",
+    "\n",
+    "This requires the install the bibutils suite of executables https://sourceforge.net/p/bibutils/home/Bibutils/ \n",
+    "(in windows, install it to the standard WSL distro)"
+   ],
+   "id": "5e75488ae4379946"
+  },
+  {
+   "metadata": {
+    "ExecuteTime": {
+     "end_time": "2024-08-22T08:19:43.322537Z",
+     "start_time": "2024-08-22T08:19:43.087262Z"
+    }
+   },
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "source": [
+    "import subprocess\n",
+    "import platform\n",
+    "\n",
+    "cmd = ['bash', 'lib/xml2ris.sh']\n",
+    "if platform.system() == 'Windows':\n",
+    "    cmd = ['wsl.exe', '-e'] + cmd\n",
+    "output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)\n",
+    "print(output.decode())"
+   ],
+   "id": "fde37a9e4a182bad",
+   "outputs": [
+    {
+     "name": "stdout",
+     "output_type": "stream",
+     "text": [
+      "Converted mods/metadata/10.1111_1467-6478.00057-bibl.MODS.xml to ris/10.1111_1467-6478.00057.ris\n",
+      "xml2ris: Processed 68 references.\n",
+      "Converted mods/metadata/10.1111_1467-6478.00080-bibl.MODS.xml to ris/10.1111_1467-6478.00080.ris\n",
+      "xml2ris: Processed 40 references.\n",
+      "Converted mods/metadata/10.1515_zfrs-1980-0103-bibl.MODS.xml to ris/10.1515_zfrs-1980-0103.ris\n",
+      "xml2ris: Processed 36 references.\n",
+      "Converted mods/metadata/10.1515_zfrs-1980-0104-bibl.MODS.xml to ris/10.1515_zfrs-1980-0104.ris\n",
+      "xml2ris: Processed 82 references.\n",
+      "\n"
+     ]
+    }
+   ],
+   "execution_count": 83
+  },
+  {
+   "metadata": {
+    "ExecuteTime": {
+     "end_time": "2024-08-22T08:18:13.159229Z",
+     "start_time": "2024-08-22T08:18:13.145443Z"
+    }
+   },
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "source": "",
+   "id": "8a013a47766a81cc",
+   "outputs": [],
+   "execution_count": 80
+  },
+  {
+   "metadata": {},
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "outputs": [],
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "source": "",
+   "id": "bf5722a2500cf1a"
+  }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+  "kernelspec": {
+   "display_name": "Python 3",
+   "language": "python",
+   "name": "python3"
+  },
+  "language_info": {
+   "codemirror_mode": {
+    "name": "ipython",
+    "version": 2
+   },
+   "file_extension": ".py",
+   "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+   "name": "python",
+   "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+   "pygments_lexer": "ipython2",
+   "version": "2.7.6"
+  }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 5
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