[{"editor": "Armer/Grimshaw (.)", "title": "Comparative Social ResearchMethodological Problems and Strategies", "date": "1973"}, {"editor": "Drobnig/ Rebbinder (.)", "title": "Rechtssoziologie und Rechtsvergleichung", "date": "1977"}, {"editor": "Rokkan (.)", "title": "Compa rative Research Across Cultures and Nations", "date": "1968"}, {"editor": "Rokkan/Verba/Viet/ Almasy (.)", "title": "Comparative Sutvey Analysis", "date": "1969"}, {"author": "Smelser,", "title": "Comparative Methods in the Social Sciences"}, {"author": "Englewood Cliffs, N. 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Abel", "title": "Law Books and Books About Law", "journal": "Stanford Law Rev", "date": "1973"}, {"citation-number": "4", "author": "Benda-Beckmann", "title": "Einige Anmerkungen \u00fcber die Beziehung zwischen Rechtssoziologie und Rechtsvergleichung", "journal": "ZvglRW", "date": "1979"}, {"citation-number": "5", "author": "Carbonnier", "title": "L\u2019apport du droit compare \u00e4 la sociologie juridique", "container-title": "Livre du centenaire de la Societe de legislation comparee", "date": "1969"}, {"citation-number": "6", "author": "Carbonnier", "backref": "vorige N.) a.a.O"}, {"citation-number": "7", "author": "Nowak", "title": "The Strategy of Cross-National Survey Research for the Development of Social Theory", "editor": "in: Szalai/Petrella"}, {"citation-number": "7", "author": "Rose", "title": "Interkulturelle Forschung in der Rechtssoziologie", "editor": "in: Drobnig/Rehbinder"}, {"citation-number": "8", "author": "Wirsing", "title": "Probleme des interkulturellen Vergleichs in der Ethnologie", "journal": "Sociologus", "date": "1975"}, {"citation-number": "8", "author": "Poirier", "title": "Situation actuelle et Programme de travail de Techno logie juridique", "journal": "Rev. int. 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H. Neumayer", "title": "Ziele und Methoden der Rechtsvergleichung", "container-title": "Recueil des travaux suisses pr\u00e9sent\u00e9s au IXe Congr\u00e8s international de droit compare", "date": "1976"}, {"citation-number": "24", "author": "Rehbinder", "title": "Erkenntnistheoretisches zum Verh\u00e4ltnis von Rechtssoziologie und Rechtsvergleichung", "editor": "in: Drobnig/Rehbinder"}, {"citation-number": "25", "author": "Merryman", "backref": "oben N. 18)"}, {"citation-number": "26", "author": "Heidrich", "title": "Sozialwissenschaftliche Aspekte der Rechtsvergleichung", "editor": "in: Drobnig/Rehbinder"}, {"citation-number": "27", "author": "Blankenburg", "title": "Patterns of Legal Culture as a Variable for the Chances of Legal Innovation", "editor": "in: Blankenburg (.)", "container-title": "innovations in the Legal Services", "date": "1980"}, {"citation-number": "28", "author": "Rehbinder", "backref": "oben N. 24)"}, {"citation-number": "29", "author": "R. 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