diff --git a/dependencies/csc_events_to_hypnogram.m b/dependencies/csc_events_to_hypnogram.m
index 32f60ee088bc2fffaa4e8e9e4818131812b7f39f..3622bf877cfac64caf8aeb7685e6fa500e885ffd 100644
--- a/dependencies/csc_events_to_hypnogram.m
+++ b/dependencies/csc_events_to_hypnogram.m
@@ -1,32 +1,84 @@
-function [EEG, table_data, handles] = csc_events_to_hypnogram(EEG, flag_plot)
+function [EEG, table_data, handles] = csc_events_to_hypnogram(EEG, flag_plot, flag_mode)
 % turns event data from the csc_eeg_plotter into sleep stages and plots data
-handles = [];
 % Notes
 % ^^^^^
-% ignores event 4 labels
+% flag_mode denotes whether its classical (0) or transitional scoring (1)
+% the essential distinction is how to treat "event 4": in classical scoring this
+% is used to mark arousals (one at the start and end of the arousal), in 
+% transitional scoring arousals are marked simply as brief wake periods and 
+% "event 4" is used to denote signal artefacts (and ignored for scoring)
-% pre-allocate to wake
-stages = single(zeros(1, EEG.pnts));
+% custom options
+if nargin < 2
+    flag_plot = false;
+    flag_mode = 0; % default to classical sleep scoring
+elseif nargin < 3
+    flag_mode = 0;
-% convert event timing from seconds to samples
-event_timing = floor([EEG.csc_event_data{:, 2}] * EEG.srate);
-% loop over each event
-for n = 1 : length(EEG.csc_event_data)
+% remove all event 4 and save in separate arousal/artefact table
+% ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
+% find event 4s
+event4_logical = [EEG.csc_event_data{:, 3}] == 4;
+event4_ind = find(event4_logical);
+% create new table of only event 4s
+event4_table = [EEG.csc_event_data(event4_logical, :)];
+% pre-allocate arousal logical
+EEG.swa_scoring.arousals = false(EEG.pnts, 1);
+% loop over each event 4
+if flag_mode == 0
+    % there should be an even number of event 4s since each marks start and end
+    % of an arousal
+    if mod(sum(event4_logical), 2)
+        error('There is an odd number of event 4s, check your events')
+    end
-    % ignore "event 4" (artefacts) for basic sleep analysis
-    if EEG.csc_event_data{n, 3} == 4
-        continue
+    for n = 1 : 2 : sum(event4_logical)
+        % find samples
+        start_sample = floor(event4_table{n, 2} * EEG.srate);
+        end_sample = floor(event4_table{n + 1, 2} * EEG.srate);
+        % mark the interval samples as true
+        EEG.swa_scoring.arousals(start_sample : end_sample) = true;
-    if n ~= length(EEG.csc_event_data)
+elseif flag_mode == 1
+    % each artefact's end is simply marked by the next stage
+    for n = 1 : sum(event4_logical)
+        % find samples
+        start_sample = floor(event4_table{n, 2} * EEG.srate);
+        end_sample = floor(EEG.csc_event_data{event4_ind(n) + 1, 2} * EEG.srate);
+        % mark the interval samples as true
+        EEG.swa_scoring.arousals(start_sample : end_sample) = true;
+    end
+% produce the sleep scoring stages %
+% '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' %
+% create a temporary table without event 4
+tmp_events = EEG.csc_event_data(~event4_logical, :);
+% convert event timing from seconds to samples
+event_timing = floor([tmp_events{:, 2}] * EEG.srate);
+% pre-allocate to wake
+stages = int8(ones(1, EEG.pnts) * -1);
+% loop over each scoring event
+for n = 1 : length(tmp_events)
+    % check for last event
+    if n ~= length(tmp_events)
         stages(event_timing(n) : event_timing(n + 1)) = ...
-            EEG.csc_event_data{n, 3};
+            tmp_events{n, 3};
         stages(event_timing(n) : end) = ...
-        EEG.csc_event_data{n, 3};
+        tmp_events{n, 3};
@@ -38,8 +90,7 @@ stages(stages == 6) = 0;
 EEG.swa_scoring.stages = stages;
 % get the sleep stats
-table_data = swa_sleep_statistics(EEG, 0, 'deutsch');
+table_data = swa_sleep_statistics(EEG, 0, 'deutsch', flag_mode);
 if flag_plot
@@ -51,11 +102,14 @@ if flag_plot
     % convert time to hours for plot
     time_range = EEG.times / 1000 / 60 / 60;
-    REM_range = stages; REM_range(REM_range ~= 1) = NaN;
+    % create a new range to colour REM in red
+    REM_range = double(stages); REM_range(REM_range ~= 1) = NaN;
     % plot hypnogram
     handles.fig = figure('color', 'w');
     handles.ax = axes('nextplot', 'add', ...
+        'xlim', [0, time_range(end)], ...
         'ytick', 0:4, ...
         'yticklabel', {'WACH', 'REM', 'N1', 'N2', 'N3'}, ...
         'yDir', 'reverse', ...
@@ -65,14 +119,20 @@ if flag_plot
     handles.REM_plot =  plot(time_range, REM_range, ...
         'lineWidth', 4, ...
         'color', 'r');
+    % plot arousals/artefacts
+    arousal_range = double(EEG.swa_scoring.arousals);
+    arousal_range(arousal_range == 0) = NaN;
+    handles.arousals =  plot(time_range, arousal_range - 1.2, ...
+        'lineWidth', 3, ...
+        'color', 'k');
     % label axes
     xlabel('time (hours)')
     ylabel('sleep stage')
     % make a pie chart
     pie_data = cell2mat(table_data(3:7, 4));
-%     pie_labels = {'wake', 'N1', 'N2', 'N3', 'REM'};
     figure('color', 'w');
-%     handles.pie = pie(pie_data, pie_labels);
     handles.pie = pie(pie_data, {'', '', '', '', ''});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dependencies/csc_subplot.m b/dependencies/csc_subplot.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..27ca2a4436a8c2be6af0302b020c1c08f39b8367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dependencies/csc_subplot.m
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+function handles = csc_subplot(n_rows, n_columns, axes_space)
+if nargin < 3
+    axes_space = 0.05;
+% open a figure
+handles.fig = figure('color', 'w', 'units', 'norm');
+% determine axes spacing (normalised units)
+axes_space = 0.05;
+axes_width = 1 / n_columns - axes_space * 1.5;
+axes_height = 1 / n_rows - axes_space * 1.5;
+% determine axes positions
+axes_x_s = linspace(axes_width + axes_space, 1 - axes_space, n_columns) - axes_width;
+axes_y_s = linspace(axes_height + axes_space, 1 - axes_space, n_rows) - axes_height;
+% create all axes
+for h = 1 : n_columns
+    for v = 1 : n_rows
+        handles.axes(v, h) = axes(...
+            'position', [...
+                axes_x_s(h), axes_y_s(n_rows - v + 1), ...
+                axes_width, axes_height], ...
+                'nextplot', 'add');
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/io/mff_scripts_internal/mff_convert_to_EEGLAB.m b/io/mff_scripts_internal/mff_convert_to_EEGLAB.m
index 924d593fc75c5d1e4cbd85c7adb31201e8735970..f2514ed7018443fc082e7e3df3e6321bc410f70a 100644
--- a/io/mff_scripts_internal/mff_convert_to_EEGLAB.m
+++ b/io/mff_scripts_internal/mff_convert_to_EEGLAB.m
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 function EEG = mff_convert_to_EEGLAB(fileName, save_name, recording_system)
 % if the filename is not specified open a user dialog
 if nargin < 1
@@ -53,22 +54,57 @@ EEG.chanlocs(257:end)=[];
 % either write directly to file or to struct
-    % calculate total size and pre-allocate
-    EEG.data = zeros(EEG.nbchan, mffData.signal_binaries(recording_system).channels.num_samples(1), 'single');
     % open a progress bar
     waitHandle = waitbar(0,'Please wait...', 'Name', 'Importing Channels');
-    % fill the EEG.data
-    for current_channel = 1 : EEG.nbchan
+        % calculate total size and pre-allocate
+        EEG.data = zeros(EEG.nbchan, mffData.signal_binaries(recording_system).channels.num_samples(1), 'single');
-        % update the waitbar
-        waitbar(current_channel/EEG.nbchan, waitHandle, sprintf('Channel %d of %d', current_channel, EEG.nbchan))
+        % fill the EEG.data
+        for current_channel = 1 : EEG.nbchan
+            % update the waitbar
+            waitbar(current_channel/EEG.nbchan, waitHandle, sprintf('Channel %d of %d', current_channel, EEG.nbchan))
+            % get all the data
+            temp_data = mff_import_signal_binary(mffData.signal_binaries(recording_system), current_channel, 'all');
+            EEG.data(current_channel, :) = temp_data.samples;
+        end
+    else
-        % get all the data
-        temp_data = mff_import_signal_binary(mffData.signal_binaries(recording_system), current_channel, 'all');
-        EEG.data(current_channel, :) = temp_data.samples;
+        % get the first channel
+        temp_data = mff_import_signal_binary(mffData.signal_binaries(recording_system), 1, 'all');
+        % NOTE: decimate function takes care of filtering
+%         % design filter (cheby 1 _ 10th order _ nyquist)
+%         filter_design = designfilt('lowpassiir', 'FilterOrder', 10, ...
+%             'PassbandFrequency', temp_data.sampling_rate / 4, 'PassbandRipple', 1, 'SampleRate', temp_data.sampling_rate);
+%         % filter the channel
+%         temp_data.samples = filtfilt(filter_design, double(temp_data.samples));
+        % downsample the channel
+        temp_data.samples = single(decimate(double(temp_data.samples), 2));
+        % pre-allocate EEG to remaining size
+        EEG.data = zeros(EEG.nbchan, length(temp_data.samples), 'single');
+        EEG.data(1, :) = temp_data.samples;
+        % loop for rest of channels
+        for current_channel = 2 : EEG.nbchan
+            % update the waitbar
+            waitbar(current_channel/EEG.nbchan, waitHandle, sprintf('Channel %d of %d', current_channel, EEG.nbchan))
+            % get all the data
+            temp_data = mff_import_signal_binary(mffData.signal_binaries(recording_system), current_channel, 'all');
+            temp_data.samples = single(decimate(double(temp_data.samples), 2));
+            EEG.data(current_channel, :) = temp_data.samples;
+        end
     % delete the progress bar
diff --git a/preprocessing/artifact_rejection/csc_artifact_detection_fft.m b/preprocessing/artifact_rejection/csc_artifact_detection_fft.m
index bb42f66c55ed0fc1ef23d21911ea33310e850819..99ae4b44db412c1c53d92ff255cf94b0abff632e 100644
--- a/preprocessing/artifact_rejection/csc_artifact_detection_fft.m
+++ b/preprocessing/artifact_rejection/csc_artifact_detection_fft.m
@@ -1,22 +1,23 @@
-function bad_epochs = csc_artifact_detection_fft(fft_bands, bands_of_interest, method)
+function bad_epochs = csc_artifact_detection_fft(fft_all, freq_range, options)
 % plot the fft power of each channel for each epoch and find samples above
 % the manually set threshold
-% specify parameters
-    %TODO: make these parameters options
-default_percentile = 99;
-% only select the bands of interest from the fft
-fft_bands = fft_bands(:,:, bands_of_interest);
-% calculate the default percentiles over epochs (dim=2) of each band
-channel_thresholds = squeeze(prctile(fft_bands, default_percentile, 2));
 % plot the channels and bands of interest
-if strcmp(method, 'semi_automatic')
+if strcmp(options.method, 'semi_automatic')
+    [channel_thresholds, fft_bands] = csc_artifact_rejection_fft_gui(fft_all, freq_range, options);
+    % concatenate the ffts
+    fft_bands = csc_calculate_freq_bands(fft_all, freq_range, options);
+    % only select the bands of interest from the fft
+    fft_bands = fft_bands(:,:, options.bands_of_interest);
+    % calculate the default percentiles over epochs (dim=2) of each band
+    channel_thresholds = squeeze(prctile(fft_bands, options.default_percentile, 2));
-    channel_thresholds = csc_artifact_rejection_fft_gui(fft_bands, channel_thresholds);
 % create threshold matrix
@@ -24,9 +25,9 @@ threshold_matrix = repmat(channel_thresholds, [size(fft_bands, 2), 1]);
 threshold_matrix = reshape(threshold_matrix, size(fft_bands));
 % find the above threshold samples
-bad_channel_epoch_bands = fft_bands > threshold_matrix;
+bad_epochs = fft_bands > threshold_matrix;
-% find samples with minimum number above threshold epochs
-    %TODO: provide minimum number of channels
-bad_epochs = any(sum(bad_channel_epoch_bands, 3), 1);
+% % find samples with minimum number above threshold epochs
+% % TODO: provide minimum number of channels
+% bad_epochs = any(sum(bad_epochs, 3), 1);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/preprocessing/artifact_rejection/csc_artifact_rejection.m b/preprocessing/artifact_rejection/csc_artifact_rejection.m
index a5fcc8bc4511f386d259aad443e549e3c443778a..bd02c70cc167913c21aedf1c9ceb9329829f396a 100644
--- a/preprocessing/artifact_rejection/csc_artifact_rejection.m
+++ b/preprocessing/artifact_rejection/csc_artifact_rejection.m
@@ -25,22 +25,19 @@ switch method
         % calculate the fft
         % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
         [fft_all, freq_range] = csc_average_reference_and_FFT(EEG, options);
-        % concatenate the ffts
-            %TODO: have the bands of interest as options
-        fft_bands = csc_calculate_freq_bands(fft_all, freq_range, options);
         % run the artifact detection
         % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
         % calculate the bad epochs using thresholding of the band of
         % interest (2nd parameters)
-        bad_epochs = csc_artifact_detection_fft(fft_bands, [1, 5], 'semi_automatic');
-        % calculate the bad epochs in time
-        bad_epochs_time = (find(bad_epochs) * options.epoch_length) - options.epoch_length;
+        % TODO: bands of interest should be an option as well
+        EEG.bad_epochs = csc_artifact_detection_fft(fft_all, freq_range, options);
-        % rearrange the time stamps into regions
-        EEG.bad_regions = [bad_epochs_time', bad_epochs_time' + options.epoch_length];
+%         % calculate the bad epochs in time
+%         bad_epochs_time = (find(bad_epochs) * options.epoch_length) - options.epoch_length;
+%         % rearrange the time stamps into regions
+%         EEG.bad_regions = [bad_epochs_time', bad_epochs_time' + options.epoch_length];
         fprintf(1, 'Error: unrecognised option call: %s', method);
@@ -58,12 +55,15 @@ saveName = [EEG.filename(1:end-4), '_fftANok.mat'];
 varargin = varargin{1};
 options = struct(...
-    'ave_ref',          0       ,...
-    'bad_channels',     []      ,...
-    'save_file',        0       ,...
-    'save_name',        saveName,...
-    'epoch_length',     6       ,...
-    'freq_limit',       40     );
+    'ave_ref', 0, ...
+    'bad_channels', [], ...
+    'bands_of_interest', [1, 5], ...
+    'default_percentile', 99, ...
+    'method', 'semi_automatic', ...
+    'save_file',  0, ...
+    'save_name', saveName, ...
+    'epoch_length', 6, ...
+    'freq_limit', 40 );
 % read the acceptable names
 optionNames = fieldnames(options);
diff --git a/preprocessing/artifact_rejection/csc_artifact_rejection_fft_gui.m b/preprocessing/artifact_rejection/csc_artifact_rejection_fft_gui.m
index 8dbfc4f908401c846946d2b95767b829e9b0bbf7..fa05f0add43d50bf484d374e85459fdf6d2d3d8e 100644
--- a/preprocessing/artifact_rejection/csc_artifact_rejection_fft_gui.m
+++ b/preprocessing/artifact_rejection/csc_artifact_rejection_fft_gui.m
@@ -1,7 +1,19 @@
-function channel_thresholds = csc_artifact_rejection_fft_gui(fft_bands, thresholds)
+function [channel_thresholds, fft_bands] = csc_artifact_rejection_fft_gui(fft_all, freq_range, options)
 % set some default options
-options.ylimitmax = 0;
+options.ylimitmax = 1;
+% calculate the intial bands
+% concatenate the ffts
+fft_bands = csc_calculate_freq_bands(fft_all, freq_range, options);
+% only select the bands of interest from the fft
+fft_bands = fft_bands(:,:, options.bands_of_interest);
+% calculate the default percentiles over epochs (dim=2) of each band
+thresholds = squeeze(prctile(fft_bands, options.default_percentile, 2));
 % create the figure
 handles.fig = figure(...
@@ -14,6 +26,8 @@ handles.fig = figure(...
     'KeyPressFcn', {@cb_KeyPressed});
+set(handles.fig, ...
+    'CloseRequestFcn', {@pb_accept});
 % slider for channel navigation
@@ -52,10 +66,10 @@ band_minimum = squeeze(min(min(fft_bands, [], 1), [], 2));
 band_maximum = squeeze(max(max(fft_bands, [], 1), [], 2));
 % draw axes
-for a = 1:no_bands
+for a = 1 : no_bands
     handles.axes(a) = axes(...
         'parent',       handles.fig             ,...
-        'position',     [axes_pos_x(a) 0.1, axes_width, 0.75]   ,...
+        'position',     [axes_pos_x(a) 0.35, axes_width, 0.5]   ,...
         'nextPlot',     'add'                   ,...
         'color',        [0.2, 0.2, 0.2]         ,...
         'xcolor',       [0.9, 0.9, 0.9]         ,...
@@ -66,7 +80,7 @@ for a = 1:no_bands
     % set the y limits of the axes to be minimal and maximal possible
     if options.ylimitmax
-            'ylim',         [band_minimum(a), band_maximum(a)]);
+            'ylim',         [0, band_maximum(a)]);
     % set the callback
@@ -76,13 +90,36 @@ end
 % set the xlimits of the axes
 set(handles.axes, 'xlim', [0, size(fft_bands, 2)]);
-% push button to finish editing thresholds
+% draw spectral axes
+handles.spectral_ax = axes(...
+        'parent',       handles.fig             ,...
+        'position',     [0.075, 0.05, 0.85, 0.2]   ,...
+        'nextPlot',     'add'                   ,...
+        'color',        [0.2, 0.2, 0.2]         ,...
+        'xcolor',       [0.9, 0.9, 0.9]         ,...
+        'ycolor',       [0.9, 0.9, 0.9]         ,...
+        'fontName',     'Century Gothic'        ,...
+        'fontSize',     8                       );
+% push button to reset channel threshold
 handles.pb_accept = uicontrol(...
     'Parent',   handles.fig,...   
     'Style',    'pushbutton',...    
-    'String',   'accept',...
+    'String',   'reset',...
+    'Units',    'normalized',...
+    'Position', [0.1 .875 0.1 0.05],...
+    'FontName', 'Century Gothic',...
+    'FontSize', 11);
+set(handles.pb_accept, 'Callback', {@pb_accept})
+% push button to finish editing thresholds
+handles.pb_accept = uicontrol(...fft_bands
+    'Parent',   handles.fig,...   
+    'Style',    'pushbutton',...    
+    'String',   'done',...
     'Units',    'normalized',...
-    'Position', [0.8 .875 0.05 0.05],...
+    'Position', [0.8 .875 0.1 0.05],...
     'FontName', 'Century Gothic',...
     'FontSize', 11);
 set(handles.pb_accept, 'Callback', {@pb_accept})
@@ -90,6 +127,8 @@ set(handles.pb_accept, 'Callback', {@pb_accept})
 % set the data into the figure structure
 guidata(handles.fig, handles);
+setappdata(handles.fig, 'fft_all', fft_all);
+setappdata(handles.fig, 'freq_range', freq_range);
 setappdata(handles.fig, 'fft_bands', fft_bands);
 setappdata(handles.fig, 'thresholds', thresholds);
@@ -101,6 +140,7 @@ uiwait(handles.fig);
 % once uiwait resumes get the most current thresholds
 channel_thresholds = getappdata(handles.fig, 'thresholds');
+fft_bands = getappdata(handles.fig, 'fft_bands');
 % and delete the figure
 delete (handles.fig);
@@ -115,6 +155,8 @@ handles = guidata(object);
 % get the data
 fft_bands = getappdata(handles.fig, 'fft_bands');
 thresholds = getappdata(handles.fig, 'thresholds');
+fft_all = getappdata(handles.fig, 'fft_all');
+freq_range = getappdata(handles.fig, 'freq_range');
 % always plot the first channel in the initial plot
 nCh = 1;
@@ -122,7 +164,7 @@ nCh = 1;
 % loop plot the channel for each band on the appropriate axes
 for b = 1:size(fft_bands, 3);
     % plot the data
-    handles.plot(b) = plot(fft_bands(nCh,:,b),...
+    handles.plot(b) = plot(fft_bands(nCh,:,b),...channel_thresholds
         'parent',   handles.axes(b), ...
         'color',    [0.8, 0.8, 0.8]);
@@ -147,6 +189,29 @@ set(handles.labels,...
     'interpreter', 'latex');
+% calculate the original spectrum
+original_spectra = sqrt(mean(fft_all(nCh, :, :) .^2 , 3));
+% calculate the "thresholded" spectrum
+currently_good_epochs = ...
+    fft_bands(nCh, :, 1) < thresholds(nCh, 1) | ...
+    fft_bands(nCh, :, 2) < thresholds(nCh, 2);
+thresholded_spectra = sqrt(mean(fft_all(nCh, :, currently_good_epochs) .^2 , 3));
+% plot the overall spectrum
+flag_log = true;
+if flag_log
+    handles.original_spectra = plot(freq_range, log(original_spectra), ...
+        'parent', handles.spectral_ax, ...
+        'color', [0.4, 0.4, 0.4], ...
+        'lineWidth', 6);
+    handles.thresholded_spectra = plot(freq_range, log(thresholded_spectra), ...
+        'parent', handles.spectral_ax, ...
+        'color', [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], ...
+        'lineWidth', 1);
 % set the handles structure
 guidata(handles.fig, handles);
@@ -165,7 +230,7 @@ thresholds = getappdata(handles.fig, 'thresholds');
 nCh = handles.jslider.getValue();
 % loop for replotting
-for b = 1:size(fft_bands, 3);
+for b = 1:size(fft_bands, 3)
        'ydata', fft_bands(nCh,:,b));
@@ -177,6 +242,36 @@ end
 % update the channel indicator
 set(handles.channel_indicator, 'string', num2str(nCh));
+function fcn_update_spectra(object)
+% fast update of the thresholded ydata in the spectrum
+% get the GUI figure handles
+handles = guidata(object);
+% get the data
+fft_bands = getappdata(handles.fig, 'fft_bands');
+thresholds = getappdata(handles.fig, 'thresholds');
+fft_all = getappdata(handles.fig, 'fft_all');
+% get the current channel
+nCh = handles.jslider.getValue();
+% calculate the original spectrum
+original_spectra = sqrt(mean(fft_all(nCh, :, :) .^2 , 3));
+% calculate the "thresholded" spectrum
+currently_good_epochs = not(...
+    fft_bands(nCh, :, 1) > thresholds(nCh, 1) | ...
+    fft_bands(nCh, :, 2) > thresholds(nCh, 2));
+thresholded_spectra = sqrt(mean(fft_all(nCh, :, currently_good_epochs) .^2 , 3));
+% replace the spectrum
+flag_log = true;
+if flag_log   
+    set(handles.original_spectra, 'ydata', log(original_spectra));
+    set(handles.thresholded_spectra, 'ydata', log(thresholded_spectra));
 function cb_KeyPressed(object, eventdata)
 % callback function when the keyboard is pressed
@@ -195,7 +290,9 @@ switch eventdata.Key
+        % update the plots
+        fcn_update_spectra(object)
     case 'rightarrow'
@@ -204,14 +301,16 @@ switch eventdata.Key
+        % update the plots
+        fcn_update_spectra(object)
     case 'uparrow'
         current_limits = get(handles.axes, 'ylim');
         % set each axes individually
         for n = 1:length(current_limits) 
-            set(handles.axes(n), 'ylim', current_limits{n}/1.3);
+            set(handles.axes(n), 'ylim', [0, current_limits{n}(2) / 1.3]);
     case 'downarrow'
@@ -219,7 +318,7 @@ switch eventdata.Key
         % set each axes individually
         for n = 1:length(current_limits) 
-            set(handles.axes(n), 'ylim', current_limits{n}*1.3);
+            set(handles.axes(n), 'ylim', [0, current_limits{n}(2) * 1.3]);
@@ -251,6 +350,7 @@ setappdata(handles.fig, 'thresholds', thresholds);
 % update the axes
 function pb_accept(~, ~)
diff --git a/preprocessing/csc_quick_spectral_analysis.m b/preprocessing/csc_quick_spectral_analysis.m
index 630d117afd067f013b05e3cb45fde2a252a2d266..d7715309af7bf6443ae279ff4b8e4bdc15d9b8c9 100644
--- a/preprocessing/csc_quick_spectral_analysis.m
+++ b/preprocessing/csc_quick_spectral_analysis.m
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
-function [spectral_data, spectral_range] = csc_quick_spectral_analysis(EEG)
+function [spectral_data, spectral_range] = csc_quick_spectral_analysis(EEG, flag_plot)
+% performs 1 second window spectral analysis using pwelch on EEG structure
+% check inputs
+if nargin < 2
+    flag_plot = true;
 % flag parameters
 % TODO: put as input arguments
@@ -26,10 +32,17 @@ end
 % remove bad channels
 if flag_remove_channels
     if isfield (EEG, 'bad_channels')
+        % bad channels should be a cell array of lists
         fprintf(1, 'Removing bad channels...\n');
         EEG.data(EEG.bad_channels{1}, :) = [];
         EEG.chanlocs(EEG.bad_channels{1}) = [];
         EEG.nbchan = size(EEG.data, 1);
+    elseif isfield (EEG, 'good_channels')
+        % good channels should be a logical vector
+        fprintf(1, 'Removing bad channels...\n');
+        EEG.data(~EEG.good_channels, :) = [];
+        EEG.chanlocs(~EEG.good_channels) = [];
+        EEG.nbchan = size(EEG.data, 1);
@@ -66,18 +79,20 @@ else
-% define ranges of interest
-delta_range = spectral_range >= 0.9 & spectral_range <= 4.1;
-spindle_range = spectral_range >= 10.9 & spectral_range <= 16.1;
 % topography
 % ''''''''''
-% calculate average power
-delta_power = double(sqrt(mean(spectral_data(delta_range, :) .^ 2)));
-spindle_power = double(sqrt(mean(spectral_data(spindle_range, :) .^ 2)));
-delta_median = median(delta_power);
-spindle_median = median(spindle_power);
-% plot topographies
-csc_Topoplot(log(delta_power), EEG.chanlocs);
-csc_Topoplot(log(spindle_power), EEG.chanlocs);
+if flag_plot
+    % define ranges of interest
+    delta_range = spectral_range >= 0.9 & spectral_range <= 4.1;
+    spindle_range = spectral_range >= 10.9 & spectral_range <= 16.1;
+    % calculate average power
+    delta_power = double(sqrt(mean(spectral_data(delta_range, :) .^ 2)));
+    spindle_power = double(sqrt(mean(spectral_data(spindle_range, :) .^ 2)));
+    delta_median = median(delta_power);
+    spindle_median = median(spindle_power);
+    % plot topographies
+    csc_Topoplot(log(delta_power), EEG.chanlocs);
+    csc_Topoplot(log(spindle_power), EEG.chanlocs);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/csc_phase_locking_factor.m b/tools/csc_phase_locking_factor.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2b46bd8d8a644ae2ad9c47424773452cbcf3db2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/csc_phase_locking_factor.m
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+function [PLF, threshold] = csc_phase_locking_factor(time_series, srate, flag_filter)
+% filter data if necessary
+if flag_filter
+    fprintf(1, 'Filtering data at > 8Hz... \n');
+    fc = 8; % cut off frequency
+    fn = floor(srate / 2); % nyquivst frequency = sample frequency/2;
+    order = 3; % 3rd order filter, high pass
+    [b a] = butter(order, (fc/fn), 'high');
+    % reshape time series to long
+    num_trials = size(time_series, 2);
+    time_series = time_series(:);
+    time_series = filtfilt(b, a, double(time_series));
+    % reshape back to trials
+    time_series = reshape(time_series, [], num_trials);
+for k= 1 : size(time_series,2)
+    hilberT(:,k) = hilbert((time_series(:,k))); %for every trial calculate hilbert transform
+    hilberT(:,k) = hilberT(:,k)./abs(hilberT(:,k)); %divide for the absolute value to obtain the instantaneous phase
+% statistical significance
+tendbaseline=726; % end of baseline, in sample
+alpha=0.01; %alpha value
+xrayle=raylpdf(xaxe,meanbase./sqrt(pi/2)); %build the rayle dirtribution
+while acch==0
+    if sum(xrayle(1:is))/sum(xrayle)>(1-alpha)
+        acch=1;
+    else
+        is=is+1;
+    end
+threshold = xaxe(1, is);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/visualisation/csc_component_plot.m b/visualisation/csc_component_plot.m
index b9e19f051a04ada94b514aecebdd567e15779760..769379c4cf5e9bac2eb13e6a7bb496e40eaf7c2a 100644
--- a/visualisation/csc_component_plot.m
+++ b/visualisation/csc_component_plot.m
@@ -4,6 +4,16 @@ function component_list = csc_component_plot(EEG)
 % make the figure
 handles = define_interface();
+% check for good channels field in EEG
+if ~isfield(EEG, 'good_channels')
+    EEG.good_channels = true(EEG.nbchan, 1);
+% check for marked bad_data
+if ~isfield(EEG, 'bad_data')
+   EEG.bad_data = false(1, EEG.pnts);   
 % check for EEG.icaact
 if isempty(EEG.icaact)
     fprintf(1, 'recalculating EEG.icaact...\n')
@@ -15,6 +25,9 @@ if isempty(EEG.icaact)
+% save the EEG to the figure
+setappdata(handles.fig, 'EEG', EEG);  
 % allocate the component list from scratch
 % TODO: look for previously run good_components and put on component list
@@ -25,21 +38,23 @@ else
     handles.component_list = true(number_components, 1);
-% check for marked bad_data
-if ~isfield(EEG, 'bad_data')
-   EEG.bad_data = false(1, EEG.pnts);   
 % set some specific properties from the data
 set([handles.ax_erp_time, handles.ax_erp_image],...
     'xlim', [EEG.times(1), EEG.times(end)] / 1000);
+% check if trialed data
+if EEG.trials > 1
+    ica_data = reshape(EEG.icaact, size(EEG.icaact, 1), []);
+    ica_data = EEG.icaact;
 % run the frequency analysis on all components at once
 % use pwelch
 fprintf(1, 'Computing frequency spectrum for all components\n');
 window_length = 5 * EEG.srate;
 [spectral_data, spectral_range] = pwelch(...
-    EEG.icaact(:, ~EEG.bad_data)' ,... % data (transposed to channels are columns)
+    ica_data' ,... % data (transposed to channels are columns)
     hanning(window_length) ,...    % window length with hanning windowing
     floor(window_length / 2) , ...   % overlap
     window_length ,...    % points in calculation (window length)
@@ -51,7 +66,6 @@ handles.spectral_data = spectral_data(spectral_range < 45, :, :)';
 % update the figure handles
 guidata(handles.fig, handles)
-setappdata(handles.fig, 'EEG', EEG);    
 % initial plot
@@ -264,7 +278,12 @@ handles.plots.image = ...
 % plot the evoked potential %
 % ------------------------- %
 data_to_plot = mean(EEG.icaact(no_comp, : , :), 3)';
-data_to_plot(EEG.bad_data) = nan;
+if isfield(EEG, 'bad_data')
+    data_to_plot(EEG.bad_data) = nan;
+elseif isfield(EEG, 'good_data')
+    data_to_plot(~EEG.good_data) = nan;
 handles.plots.erp_time = ...
     EEG.times / 1000, data_to_plot,...
@@ -290,7 +309,7 @@ handles.plots.spectra = ...
 % plot the topography %
 % ------------------- %
 handles.plots.topo = ...
-    csc_Topoplot(EEG.icawinv(:, no_comp), EEG.chanlocs ,...
+    csc_Topoplot(EEG.icawinv(EEG.good_channels, no_comp), EEG.chanlocs(EEG.good_channels) ,...
     'axes', handles.ax_topoplot ,...
     'plotChannels', false);
@@ -341,8 +360,11 @@ else
 % re-set the image of all trials %
+trial_images = squeeze(EEG.icaact(current_component, :, :))';
 set(handles.plots.image, ...
-    'cData', squeeze(EEG.icaact(current_component, :, :))');
+    'cData', trial_images);
+% re-adjust the axes limits to match image percentiles
+set(handles.ax_erp_image, 'CLim', [prctile(trial_images(:), 2), prctile(trial_images(:), 98)]);
 % re-set the evoked potential %
 data_to_plot = mean(EEG.icaact(current_component, : , :), 3)';
@@ -361,11 +383,15 @@ set(handles.plots.spectra, ...
 % ------------------- %
 % plot the topography %
 % ------------------- %
+current_topo_data = EEG.icawinv(EEG.good_channels, current_component);
 handles.plots.topo = ...
-    csc_Topoplot(EEG.icawinv(:, current_component), EEG.chanlocs ,...
+    csc_Topoplot(current_topo_data, EEG.chanlocs(EEG.good_channels),...
     'axes', handles.ax_topoplot ,...
     'plotChannels', false);
+% adjust the color limits
+set(handles.plots.topo.CurrentAxes, 'CLim', [min(current_topo_data), max(current_topo_data)]);
 guidata(handles.fig, handles)
diff --git a/visualisation/csc_eeg_plotter.m b/visualisation/csc_eeg_plotter.m
index 7a77ed410533680bf3d250f1db7e65fc9fbc1301..8ee6aa1599978e92b0772a2599ed229ed2eb09b2 100644
--- a/visualisation/csc_eeg_plotter.m
+++ b/visualisation/csc_eeg_plotter.m
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ function EEG = csc_eeg_plotter(varargin)
 % TODO: Fix this ugly default setting style (e.g. handles.options...)    
 % declare defaults
-FILTER_OPTIONS = [0.3 40]; % default filter bandpass
+FILTER_OPTIONS = [0.7 40; 10 40; 0.3 10; 0.1 10]; % default filter bandpass
 handles.n_disp_chans = 12; % number of initial channels to display
 handles.v_grid_spacing = 1; % vertical grid default spacing (s)
 handles.h_grid_spacing = 75; % horizontal grid default spacing (uV)
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ handles.menu.filter_toggle = uimenu(handles.menu.options,...
 handles.menu.filter_settings = uimenu(handles.menu.options,...
     'label', 'filter settings',...
     'accelerator', 'f' ,...
-    'callback', {@fcn_options, 'filter_settings'});
+    'callback', {@fcn_filter_settings});
 handles.menu.icatoggle = uimenu(handles.menu.options,...
     'label', 'toggle channels/components',...
     'checked', 'off' ,...
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ else % normal plotting of activity
                 % recalculate data based on projections
                 projection_data = EEG.icawinv(:, EEG.good_components) ...
-                    * EEG.icaact(EEG.good_components, range);
+                    * icaData(EEG.good_components, range);
                 % subselect displayed channels
                 data_to_plot = projection_data(...
@@ -436,25 +436,38 @@ end
 if strcmp(get(handles.menu.filter_toggle, 'checked'), 'on') ...
         && handles.plotICA == 0
-    % determine filtering parameters
-    % check for empty boxes for one-sided filters
-    if isnan(handles.filter_options(2))
+    % calculate and filter separately for each channel type
+    for n = 1 : 4
-        [filt_param_b, filt_param_a] = butter(2, ...
-            handles.filter_options(1)/(EEG.srate/2), 'high');
+        % which channels to apply this to
+        channel_ind = handles.channel_types(handles.disp_chans) == n;
-    elseif isnan(handles.filter_options(1))
+        % check if relevant
+        if sum(channel_ind) == 0
+            continue
+        end
-        [filt_param_b, filt_param_a] = butter(2, ...
-            handles.filter_options(2)/(EEG.srate/2), 'low');
-    else
-        [filt_param_b, filt_param_a] = ...
-            butter(2,[handles.filter_options(1)/(EEG.srate/2),...
-            handles.filter_options(2)/(EEG.srate/2)]);
+        % determine filtering parameters
+        % check for empty boxes for one-sided filters
+        if isnan(handles.filter_options(n, 2))
+            [filt_param_b, filt_param_a] = butter(2, ...
+                handles.filter_options(n, 1) / (EEG.srate / 2), 'high');
+        elseif isnan(handles.filter_options(1))
+            [filt_param_b, filt_param_a] = butter(2, ...
+                handles.filter_options(n, 2) / (EEG.srate / 2), 'low');
+        else
+            [filt_param_b, filt_param_a] = ...
+                butter(2,[handles.filter_options(n, 1)/(EEG.srate/2),...
+                handles.filter_options(n, 2) / (EEG.srate / 2)]);
+        end
+        % apply the filter to the data window
+        data_to_plot(channel_ind, :) = single(filtfilt(filt_param_b, filt_param_a, ...
+            double(data_to_plot(channel_ind, :)'))');
-    % apply the filter to the data window
-    data_to_plot = single(filtfilt(filt_param_b, filt_param_a, double(data_to_plot'))');
@@ -532,8 +545,12 @@ end
 % plot the channel data
 % ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 if flag_replot
-    % delete existing handles
-    if isfield(handles, 'plot_eeg'); delete(handles.plot_eeg); end
+    % delete existing handles and lines
+    if isfield(handles, 'plot_eeg') 
+        delete(handles.plot_eeg); 
+        handles = rmfield(handles, 'plot_eeg');
+    end
     % plot lines
     handles.plot_eeg = line(time, data_to_plot,...
@@ -555,7 +572,10 @@ end
 % plot the labels in their own boxes
 % ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 % delete existing handles
-if isfield(handles, 'labels'); delete(handles.labels); end
+if isfield(handles, 'labels')
+    delete(handles.labels); 
+    handles = rmfield(handles, 'labels');
 handles.labels = zeros(handles.n_disp_chans, 1);
 % loop for each label
 for n = 1 : handles.n_disp_chans
@@ -732,6 +752,7 @@ if ~isfield(EEG, 'csc_montage')
     EEG.csc_montage.label_channels = cell(EEG.nbchan, 1);
     for n = 1 : EEG.nbchan
         EEG.csc_montage.label_channels(n) = {num2str(n)};
+        EEG.csc_montage.channel_type(n) = {'EEG'};
     EEG.csc_montage.channels(:, 1) = 1:EEG.nbchan;
     EEG.csc_montage.channels(:, 2) = EEG.nbchan;
@@ -750,6 +771,21 @@ if ~isfield(EEG.csc_montage, 'scaling')
     EEG.csc_montage.scaling(:, 1) = ones(EEG.nbchan, 1);
+% check for channel type for backwards compatibility with old montages
+if ~isfield(EEG.csc_montage, 'channel_type')
+    for n = 1 : length(EEG.csc_montage.label_channels)
+        EEG.csc_montage.channel_type{n, 1} = 'EEG';
+    end
+% recalculate channel types
+handles.channel_types = ones(length(EEG.csc_montage.channel_type), 1);
+channel_types = {'EEG', 'EMG', 'EOG', 'Other'};
+for n = 1 : 4
+    type_ind = cellfun(@(x) strcmp(x, channel_types{n}), EEG.csc_montage.channel_type);
+    handles.channel_types(type_ind) = n;
 % check that the montage has enough channels to display
 if length(EEG.csc_montage.label_channels) < handles.n_disp_chans
     handles.n_disp_chans = length(EEG.csc_montage.label_channels);
@@ -760,39 +796,29 @@ end
 % load ICA time courses if the information need to construct them is available.
 if isfield(EEG, 'icaweights') && isfield(EEG, 'icasphere')
     if ~isempty(EEG.icaweights) && ~isempty(EEG.icasphere)
-        % If we have the same number of components as channels...
-        if size(EEG.icaweights, 1) == size(eegData, 1)
-            % check for epoched data
-            ica_data = (EEG.icaweights * EEG.icasphere) ...
-                * EEG.data(EEG.icachansind, :);
+        % re-calculate the ICA activations
+        ica_data = (EEG.icaweights * EEG.icasphere) ...
+            * EEG.data(EEG.icachansind, :);
+        % pad the remaining data in case not equal size
+        if ~[size(EEG.icaweights, 1) == size(eegData, 1)]
+            dimdiff = size(eegData, 1) - size(EEG.icaweights, 1);
+            pad = zeros(dimdiff, size(eegData, 2));
-            setappdata(handles.fig, 'icaData', ica_data);
-            % If we have fewer components than channels (maybe you've already removed
-            % some of them), then pad the ICA weights with zeros and produce component
-            % activations as if you had the same number of components as channels.
+            % add to ica activations
+            ica_data = [ica_data; pad];
-        elseif size(EEG.icaweights, 1) < size(eegData,1)
-            dimdiff = size(eegData, 1) - size(EEG.icaweights, 1);
-            pad = zeros(dimdiff, size(EEG.icaweights, 2));
-            paddedweights = [EEG.icaweights ; pad];
-            try
-                ica_data = paddedweights * EEG.icasphere * eegData;
-            catch
-                fprintf('%s. %s.\n',...
-                    'Data were reinterpolated after IC removal',...
-                    'Can no longer display IC activations');
-                ica_data = zeros(size(eegData));
-            end
-            setappdata(handles.fig, 'icaData', ica_data);
-        else
-            error('ICA unmixing matrix is too large for data');
+        % save the ica data to the handles structure
+        setappdata(handles.fig, 'icaData', ica_data);
+        % check for a "good_components" field
+        if ~isfield(EEG, 'good_components')
+            EEG.good_components = true(size(EEG.icaweights, 1), 1);
+        end
-    % check for a "good_components" field
-    if ~isfield(EEG, 'good_components') && ~isempty(EEG.icaweights)
-        EEG.good_components = true(size(ica_data, 1), 1);
-    end
 % adjust initially scaling to match the data
@@ -809,20 +835,20 @@ if isfield(EEG, 'hidden_channels')
     handles.hidden_channels = EEG.hidden_channels;
+% look for bad trials
+if isfield(EEG, 'marked_trials')
+    handles.trials = EEG.marked_trials;
+    % allocate marked trials
+    handles.trials = false(EEG.trials, 1);
 % turn on the montage option
 set(handles.menu.montage, 'enable', 'on');
-% allocate marked trials
-handles.trials = false(EEG.trials, 1);
-guidata(handles.fig, handles)
 % update the handles
 guidata(object, handles);
-% reset the scrollbar values
-handles.vertical_scroll.Max = -1;
-handles.vertical_scroll.Min = -(EEG.nbchan - length(handles.disp_chans) + 1);
 function fcn_close_window(object, ~)
 % just resume the ui if the figure is closed
 handles = guidata(object);
@@ -869,7 +895,7 @@ handles.fig = figure(...
 handles.table = uitable(...
     'parent',       handles.fig             ,...
     'units',        'normalized'            ,...
-    'position',     [0.05, 0.25, 0.9, 0.7]   ,...
+    'position',     [0.05, 0.30, 0.9, 0.65]   ,...
     'backgroundcolor', handles.csc_plotter.colorscheme.bg_col_2 ,...
     'foregroundcolor', handles.csc_plotter.colorscheme.fg_col_1 ,...
     'columnName',   {'label','time', 'type'});
@@ -880,7 +906,7 @@ handles.clear_button = uicontrol(...
     'Style',    'pushbutton' ,...
     'String',   'clear event(s)' ,...
     'Units',    'normalized' ,...
-    'Position', [0.05 0.15 0.9 0.04],...
+    'Position', [0.05 0.20 0.9 0.04],...
     'FontName', 'Century Gothic' ,...
     'FontSize', 11,...
     'tooltipString', 'delete above selected events');
@@ -892,11 +918,11 @@ handles.import_button = uicontrol(...
     'Style',    'pushbutton' ,...
     'String',   'import events' ,...
     'Units',    'normalized' ,...
-    'Position', [0.05 0.10 0.9 0.04] ,...
+    'Position', [0.05 0.15 0.9 0.04] ,...
     'FontName', 'Century Gothic',...
     'FontSize', 11 ,...
     'tooltipString', 'import events' ,...
-    'enable', 'off');
+    'enable', 'on');
 set(handles.import_button, 'callback', {@pb_event_option, 'import'});
 % export to workspace
@@ -905,12 +931,24 @@ handles.export_button = uicontrol(...
     'Style',    'pushbutton',...
     'String',   'export to workspace',...
     'Units',    'normalized',...
-    'Position', [0.05 0.05 0.9 0.04],...
+    'Position', [0.05 0.10 0.9 0.04],...
     'FontName', 'Century Gothic',...
     'FontSize', 11,...
     'tooltipString', 'export to workspace');
 set(handles.export_button, 'callback', {@pb_event_option, 'export'});
+% export to file
+handles.save_button = uicontrol(...
+    'Parent',   handles.fig,...
+    'Style',    'pushbutton',...
+    'String',   'save to file',...
+    'Units',    'normalized',...
+    'Position', [0.05 0.05 0.9 0.04],...
+    'FontName', 'Century Gothic',...
+    'FontSize', 11,...
+    'tooltipString', 'export to file');
+set(handles.save_button, 'callback', {@pb_event_option, 'save'});
 % get the underlying java properties
 jscroll = findjobj(handles.table);
@@ -1154,6 +1192,9 @@ handles.trial_borders = plot(x, y(1),...
     'parent', handles.main_ax,...
     'buttonDownFcn', {@bdf_mark_trial});
+% set previously marked trials color
+set(handles.trial_borders(handles.trials), 'markerFaceColor', [0.9, 0.2, 0.2]);
 % update the GUI handles
 guidata(handles.fig, handles)
@@ -1200,12 +1241,39 @@ switch option
         fcn_redraw_events(handles.csc_plotter.fig, []);
     case 'import'
-        % TODO: import from workspace variable and EEG.event
+        % load an event file
+        [file_name, file_path] = uigetfile('*.mat');
+        loaded_event_file = load(fullfile(file_path, file_name));
+        if isfield(loaded_event_file, 'event_data')
+            set(handles.table, 'data', loaded_event_file.event_data);
+            % put the new table into the structure
+            % Get the EEG from the figure's appdata
+            EEG = getappdata(handles.csc_plotter.fig, 'EEG');
+            EEG.csc_event_data = loaded_event_file.event_data;
+            setappdata(handles.csc_plotter.fig, 'EEG', EEG);
+            % re-draw the event window in main
+            fcn_redraw_events(handles.csc_plotter.fig, []);
+        else
+            % TODO: event error message
+        end
     case 'export'
         % assign events to base workspace
         event_data = fcn_compute_events(handles.csc_plotter);
         assignin('base', 'event_data', event_data);
+    case 'save'
+        % save the events as a file
+        event_data = fcn_compute_events(handles.csc_plotter);
+        % Ask where to put file...
+        [saveFile, savePath] = uiputfile('*.mat');
+        save(fullfile(savePath, saveFile), 'event_data', '-mat');
@@ -1738,6 +1806,79 @@ elseif any(strcmp(event.Modifier, {'control', 'alt'}))
+function fcn_filter_settings(object, event)
+% get the original figure handles
+handles.csc_plotter = guidata(object);
+EEG = getappdata(handles.csc_plotter.fig, 'EEG');
+% make a window
+handles.fig = figure(...
+    'name',         'csc filter settings',...
+    'numberTitle',  'off',...
+    'color',        handles.csc_plotter.colorscheme.bg_col_1,...
+    'menuBar',      'none',...
+    'units',        'normalized',...
+    'outerPosition', [0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2]);
+% montage table
+handles.table = uitable(...
+    'parent',       handles.fig             ,...
+    'units',        'normalized'            ,...
+    'position',     [0.05, 0.30, 0.9, 0.65]   ,...
+    'backgroundcolor', handles.csc_plotter.colorscheme.bg_col_2 ,...
+    'foregroundcolor', handles.csc_plotter.colorscheme.fg_col_1 ,...
+    'columnEditable', [false, true, true, false], ...
+    'columnFormat', {'char', 'numeric', 'numeric', 'char'}, ...
+    'columnName',   {'type', 'high', 'low', 'color'});
+% set the data
+data = cell(4, 4);
+data(:, 1) = {'EEG', 'EMG', 'EOG', 'Other'};
+data(:, [2, 3]) = num2cell(handles.csc_plotter.filter_options);
+% TODO: make color options for individual channel types
+data(:, 4) = {'d'};
+set(handles.table, 'Data', data);
+% automatically adjust the column width using java handle
+jscroll = findjobj(handles.table);
+jtable  = jscroll.getViewport.getView;
+% create the save button
+handles.apply_filters = uicontrol(...
+    'parent',       handles.fig,...
+    'style',        'push',...    
+    'string',       'apply',...
+    'foregroundColor', 'k',...
+    'units',        'normalized',...
+    'position',     [0.275 0.1 0.5 0.1],...
+    'fontName',     'Century Gothic',...
+    'fontWeight',   'bold',...   
+    'fontSize',     10);
+set(handles.apply_filters, 'callback', {@fcn_apply_filters});
+% save those handles
+guidata(handles.fig, handles);
+function fcn_apply_filters(object, event)
+% get filter figure handles
+handles = guidata(object);
+handles.csc_plotter = guidata(handles.csc_plotter.fig);
+% get relevant filter data
+data = get(handles.table, 'Data');
+filter_data = cell2mat(data(:, [2, 3]));
+% put in plotter figure handles
+handles.csc_plotter.filter_options = filter_data;
+% save those handles
+guidata(handles.fig, handles);
+guidata(handles.csc_plotter.fig, handles.csc_plotter);
+% update the plot
+update_main_plot(handles.csc_plotter.fig, 1);
 % Montage Functions
 % ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -1822,8 +1963,9 @@ handles.table = uitable(...
     'position',     [0.675, 0.1, 0.3, 0.8]  ,...
     'backgroundcolor', [0.1, 0.1, 0.1; 0.2, 0.2, 0.2],...
     'foregroundcolor', [0.9, 0.9, 0.9]      ,...
-    'columnName',   {'name','chan','ref', 'scale'},...
-    'columnEditable', [true, true, true, true]);
+    'columnName',   {'name','chan','ref', 'scale', 'type'},...
+    'columnFormat', {'char', 'numeric', 'numeric', 'numeric', {'EEG', 'EMG', 'EOG', 'Other'}}, ...
+    'columnEditable', [true, true, true, true, true]);
 % automatically adjust the column width using java handle
 jscroll = findjobj(handles.table);
@@ -1859,6 +2001,14 @@ handles.reference_list = uicontrol(     ...
     'selectionHighlight', 'off'         ,...
     'fontName',     'Century Gothic'    ,...
     'fontSize',     8);
+% if montage exists set to reference already chosen
+switch EEG.csc_montage.reference
+    case 'custom'
+        set(handles.reference_list, 'value', 2);
+    case 'average'
+        set(handles.reference_list, 'value', 3);
+% set callback
 set(handles.reference_list, 'callback', {@fcn_montage_buttons, 'reference'});
 % create the buttons
@@ -1885,7 +2035,8 @@ handles.button_delete = uicontrol(...
     'FontWeight', 'bold',...   
     'FontSize', 10);
 set(handles.button_delete, 'callback', {@fcn_button_delete});
+guidata(handles.fig, handles);
+guidata(handles.csc_plotter.fig, handles.csc_plotter);
 handles.button_reset = uicontrol(...
     'Parent',   handles.fig,...
     'Style',    'push',...    
@@ -1916,6 +2067,7 @@ data = cell(length(EEG.csc_montage.label_channels), 3);
 data(:, 1) = deal(EEG.csc_montage.label_channels);
 data(:, [2,3]) = num2cell(EEG.csc_montage.channels);
 data(:, 4) = num2cell(EEG.csc_montage.scaling);
+data(:, 5) = deal(EEG.csc_montage.channel_type);
 % put the data into the table
 set(handles.table, 'data', data);
@@ -2082,6 +2234,7 @@ end
 EEG.csc_montage.label_channels = data(:,1);
 EEG.csc_montage.channels = cell2mat(data(:,[2,3]));
 EEG.csc_montage.scaling = cell2mat(data(:, 4));
+EEG.csc_montage.channel_type = data(:, 5);
 % compatibility with older matlab versions (handles dot notation).
 if verLessThan('matlab', '8.4')
@@ -2102,10 +2255,6 @@ end
 % Reset hidden channels
 handles.csc_plotter.hidden_chans = [];
-% update the slider to reflect new montage
-handles.csc_plotter.vertical_scroll.Value = -1;
-handles.csc_plotter.vertical_scroll.Min = -(EEG.nbchan - length(handles.csc_plotter.disp_chans));
 % change montage name
 % compatibility with older matlab versions (handles dot notation).
 tmp_list = get(handles.montage_list, 'string');
@@ -2115,6 +2264,14 @@ else
     EEG.csc_montage.name = tmp_list{get(handles.montage_list, 'Value')};
+% recalculate channel type (faster plotting if calculated once here)
+handles.csc_plotter.channel_types = ones(length(EEG.csc_montage.channel_type), 1);
+channel_types = {'EEG', 'EMG', 'EOG', 'Other'};
+for n = 1 : 4
+    type_ind = cellfun(@(x) strcmp(x, channel_types{n}), EEG.csc_montage.channel_type);
+    handles.csc_plotter.channel_types(type_ind) = n;
 % update the handle structures
 guidata(handles.fig, handles);
 guidata(handles.csc_plotter.fig, handles.csc_plotter);
@@ -2123,7 +2280,6 @@ setappdata(handles.csc_plotter.fig, 'EEG', EEG);
 % update the plot
 function fcn_montage_buttons(object, ~, event_type)
 % get the montage handles
 handles = guidata(object);
@@ -2132,7 +2288,7 @@ switch event_type
     case 'add'
         % add a row of ones to the table 
         old_data = handles.table.Data;
-        new_row = {'', 1, 0, 1};
+        new_row = {'', 1, 0, 1, 'EEG'};
         set(handles.table, 'Data', [old_data; new_row]);
     case 'reset'
@@ -2148,6 +2304,7 @@ switch event_type
         [montage(:, 2)] = deal(num2cell(1 : EEG.nbchan)); % actual number
         montage(:, 3) = {EEG.nbchan}; % reference
         montage(:, 4) = {1}; % scaling
+        [montage(:, 5)] = deal({'EEG'});
         % assign to table
         set(handles.table, 'Data', montage);
@@ -2176,7 +2333,15 @@ EEG.csc_montage.name = montage_name;
 if ~isempty(montage_name) && ~strcmp(montage_name, 'original')
     montage = load(fullfile(montage_dir, montage_name), '-mat');
     if isfield(montage, 'data')
+        % check for missing channel types
+        if size(montage.data, 2) < 5
+            montage.data(:, 5) = deal({'EEG'});
+        end
+        % set into the table
         set(handles.table, 'data', montage.data);
         fprintf(1, 'Warning: could not find montage data in the file.\n');