diff --git a/oaipmh-core/pom.xml b/oaipmh-core/pom.xml
index bd0a82afa0cb925a5fedfecead745c542e2c5fee..31c9ba12ab31b8af430facb02dd1a7332ff847b2 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/pom.xml
+++ b/oaipmh-core/pom.xml
@@ -134,34 +134,17 @@
 									<format property="BUILDDATE" pattern="yyyyMMddHHmm" />
-									file="./src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OaipmhServiceVersion.java">
-									package
-									info.textgrid.middleware;
-									public
-									final
-									class
-									OaipmhServiceVersion {
-									private
-									OaipmhServiceVersion() {
+									file="./src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OAIPMHServiceVersion.java">
+									package info.textgrid.middleware;
+									public final class
+									OAIPMHServiceVersion {
+									private OAIPMHServiceVersion() {
+									public static final String VERSION = "${project.version}";
+									public static final String BUILDDATE = "${BUILDDATE}";
-									static
-									final
-									String
-									VERSION
-									=
-									"${project.version}";
-									public static
-									final
-									String
-									BUILDDATE =
-									"${BUILDDATE}";
-									public static final String
-									BUILDNAME
-									=
-									"${project.artifactId}";
-									}</echo>
+									static final String BUILDNAME = "${project.artifactId}"; }</echo>
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/.gitignore b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/.gitignore
index 1eaedf14d2390cd9142b89a80d876e11e76b12bf..96d426505d716a260e0becd70cd80e227a4b4b38 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/.gitignore
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/IDIOMImages.java b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/IDIOMImages.java
index fd3ad45fb96a2ea74ec094096cdfc97b8fe9ee35..78018c032928be4e9d96b6b25924fc32ffebe07c 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/IDIOMImages.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/IDIOMImages.java
@@ -21,13 +21,14 @@ import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
 import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult;
 import org.classicmayan.tools.ImageMetsMods;
 import org.classicmayan.tools.MediaHarvester;
-import org.classicmayan.tools.TextGridUri;
 import org.json.JSONArray;
 import org.json.JSONException;
 import org.w3c.dom.Document;
 import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
 import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
+import info.textgrid.clients.CrudClient;
 import info.textgrid.clients.tgcrud.CrudClientException;
+import info.textgrid.clients.tgcrud.TextGridObject;
 import info.textgrid.middleware.oaipmh.GetRecordType;
 import info.textgrid.middleware.oaipmh.HeaderType;
 import info.textgrid.middleware.oaipmh.ListIdentifiersType;
@@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ import info.textgrid.middleware.oaipmh.ResumptionTokenType;
+// FIXME Why do we have to implement three classes??
 public class IDIOMImages implements RecordDelivererInterface, RecordListDelivererInterface,
     IdentifierListDelivererInterface {
@@ -48,10 +50,11 @@ public class IDIOMImages implements RecordDelivererInterface, RecordListDelivere
   private String perPage;
   private String pageNumber;
   private int totalHits;
-  private String rbacSessionID;
+  private String idiomRbacSessionID;
+  private String idiomTgcrudEndpoint;
-  protected static Map<String, Integer> cursorCollector = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
-  protected static Map<String, String> fromUntilCollector = new Hashtable<String, String>();
+  private static Map<String, Integer> cursorCollector = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
+  private static Map<String, String> fromUntilCollector = new Hashtable<String, String>();
@@ -60,6 +63,14 @@ public class IDIOMImages implements RecordDelivererInterface, RecordListDelivere
+  /**
+   * 
+   */
+  public IDIOMImages(String tgcrudEndpoint, String rbacSessionID) {
+    this.idiomTgcrudEndpoint = tgcrudEndpoint;
+    this.idiomRbacSessionID = rbacSessionID;
+  }
    * @throws JSONException
@@ -114,7 +125,7 @@ public class IDIOMImages implements RecordDelivererInterface, RecordListDelivere
         String dateStamp = mediaList.getJSONObject(i).get("created_at").toString();
         String identifier = mediaList.getJSONObject(i).get("id").toString();
-        record.setHeader(buildOAIPMH_RecordHeader(dateStamp, identifier));
+        record.setHeader(buildOAIPMHRecordHeader(dateStamp, identifier));
       } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
         // TODO Auto-generated catch block
@@ -170,7 +181,8 @@ public class IDIOMImages implements RecordDelivererInterface, RecordListDelivere
-  public GetRecordType getRecordById(String id) throws JSONException, IOException, ParseException {
+  public GetRecordType getRecordById(final String id)
+      throws JSONException, IOException, ParseException {
     GetRecordType singleImageMetsMods = new GetRecordType();
     RecordType conedaKorRecord = new RecordType();
@@ -179,33 +191,43 @@ public class IDIOMImages implements RecordDelivererInterface, RecordListDelivere
     DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
     DocumentBuilder builder;
-    ImageMetsMods immByTGURI = null;
+    ImageMetsMods immByTGObject = null;
+    String changedID = id;
     if (!id.startsWith("textgrid:")) {
-      id = "textgrid:" + id;
+      changedID = "textgrid:" + id;
-    log.fine("processing id: " + id);
+    log.fine("processing id: " + changedID);
+    log.fine("tgcrud endpoint: " + this.idiomTgcrudEndpoint);
+    log.fine("tgcrud rbac sid: " + OAIPMHUtilities.hideSID(this.idiomRbacSessionID));
     try {
-      immByTGURI = new ImageMetsMods(new TextGridUri(id), this.rbacSessionID);
-      log.fine("image id/title: " + immByTGURI.getID() + " / " + immByTGURI.getTitle());
+      // Get TG-crud client.
+      CrudClient cc = new CrudClient(this.idiomTgcrudEndpoint).enableGzipCompression();
+      TextGridObject tgo =
+          cc.read().setTextgridUri(changedID).setSid(this.idiomRbacSessionID).execute();
+      // Get image object.
+      immByTGObject = new ImageMetsMods(tgo);
+      log.fine("image id/title: " + immByTGObject.getID() + " / " + immByTGObject.getTitle());
       builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
-      log.fine("immByTGURI: " + (immByTGURI != null ? immByTGURI.getXML() : "NULL"));
+      log.fine("immByTGURI: " + immByTGObject.getXML());
-      Document doc = builder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(immByTGURI.getXML())));
+      Document doc = builder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(immByTGObject.getXML())));
-      if (id.contains(".")) {
-        conedaKorRecord.setHeader(buildOAIPMH_RecordHeader(
-            OAIPMHUtilities.datestampAsString(immByTGURI.getCreationDate()),
-            id.substring(0, id.indexOf("."))));
+      if (changedID.contains(".")) {
+        conedaKorRecord.setHeader(buildOAIPMHRecordHeader(
+            OAIPMHUtilities.datestampAsString(immByTGObject.getCreationDate()),
+            changedID.substring(0, changedID.indexOf("."))));
       } else {
-        conedaKorRecord.setHeader(buildOAIPMH_RecordHeader(
-            OAIPMHUtilities.datestampAsString(immByTGURI.getCreationDate()), id));
+        conedaKorRecord.setHeader(buildOAIPMHRecordHeader(
+            OAIPMHUtilities.datestampAsString(immByTGObject.getCreationDate()), changedID));
@@ -218,40 +240,12 @@ public class IDIOMImages implements RecordDelivererInterface, RecordListDelivere
     return singleImageMetsMods;
-  /*
-   * public ListRecordsType getAllMedia() throws JSONException, IOException, ParseException,
-   * SAXException, TransformerFactoryConfigurationError, TransformerException{ ListRecordsType
-   * imageMetsModsList = new ListRecordsType(); MediaHarvester mediaHarvester = new
-   * MediaHarvester(getKindID(),getPerPage(), getPageNumber()); int perPage = 100;
-   * setTotalHits(mediaHarvester.getTotalMedia()); for(int j=1; j*perPage<=100 ;j++){ mediaHarvester
-   * = new MediaHarvester(getKindID(),getPerPage(), Integer.toString(j)); JSONArray mediaList =
-   * mediaHarvester.getMediaListFromConedaKor().getJSONArray("records"); int harvestedEntities =
-   * j*perPage; DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
-   * DocumentBuilder builder; for(int i=0; i<mediaList.length(); i++){ try{ ImageMetsMods imm = new
-   * ImageMetsMods(mediaList.getJSONObject(i));
-   * 
-   * 
-   * builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = builder.parse(new InputSource(new
-   * StringReader(imm.getXML())));
-   * 
-   * RecordType record = new RecordType(); MetadataType metadataMets = new MetadataType();
-   * metadataMets.setAny(doc.getDocumentElement()); record.setMetadata(metadataMets);
-   * imageMetsModsList.getRecord().add(record); //printXML(doc);
-   * 
-   * } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-   * e.printStackTrace(); }
-   * 
-   * }
-   * 
-   * } return imageMetsModsList; }
-   */
    * @param dateStamp
    * @param Identifier
    * @return
-  public HeaderType buildOAIPMH_RecordHeader(String dateStamp, String Identifier) {
+  public HeaderType buildOAIPMHRecordHeader(String dateStamp, String Identifier) {
     HeaderType recordHeader = new HeaderType();
@@ -405,15 +399,43 @@ public class IDIOMImages implements RecordDelivererInterface, RecordListDelivere
    * @return
-  public String getRbacSessionID() {
-    return this.rbacSessionID;
+  public String getIdiomRbacSessionID() {
+    return this.idiomRbacSessionID;
-   * @param rbacSessionID
+   * @param idiomRbacSessionID
+   */
+  public void setIdiomRbacSessionID(String idiomRbacSessionID) {
+    this.idiomRbacSessionID = idiomRbacSessionID;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @return
+   */
+  public String getIdiomTgcrudEndpoint() {
+    return this.idiomTgcrudEndpoint;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param idiomTgcrudEndpoint
+   */
+  public void setIdiomTgcrudEndpoint(String idiomTgcrudEndpoint) {
+    this.idiomTgcrudEndpoint = idiomTgcrudEndpoint;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @return
+   */
+  public static Map<String, Integer> getCursorCollector() {
+    return cursorCollector;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @return
-  public void setRbacSessionID(String rbacSessionID) {
-    this.rbacSessionID = rbacSessionID;
+  public static Map<String, String> getFromUntilCollector() {
+    return fromUntilCollector;
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/IdentifierListDelivererAbstract.java b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/IdentifierListDelivererAbstract.java
index fc210f4f01ec0b22785c76fbc64837146a61debd..bbe1aad3bb625385905a5b7d3660060780b7495b 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/IdentifierListDelivererAbstract.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/IdentifierListDelivererAbstract.java
@@ -25,23 +25,22 @@ import info.textgrid.middleware.oaipmh.ResumptionTokenType;
 public abstract class IdentifierListDelivererAbstract implements IdentifierListDelivererInterface {
   // **
-  // FINALS
+  // STATIC
   // **
-  protected static final int lifeTimeResToken = 100;
+  private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(IdentifierListDelivererAbstract.class.getName());
   // **
-  // STATIC
+  // FINALS
   // **
-  // FIXME Why is a global logger defined here?
-  private static Logger log = Logger.getGlobal();
+  protected static final int lifeTimeResToken = 100;
   // **
   // CLASS
   // **
-  protected OAI_ESClient oaiEsClient;
+  protected OAIPMHElasticSearchClient oaiEsClient;
   protected boolean textgrid;
   protected boolean dariah;
@@ -173,11 +172,11 @@ public abstract class IdentifierListDelivererAbstract implements IdentifierListD
     // Check the need for a resumption token!
-    ResumptionTokenType resTokenForResponse = OAIPMHUtilities.getResumptionToken(
+    ResumptionTokenType responseToken = OAIPMHUtilities.getResumptionToken(
         listFurtherValues.getHits().getTotalHits(), resumptionToken, cursorCollector,
         listFurtherValues.getScrollId(), this.searchResponseSize, i);
-    if (resTokenForResponse != null) {
-      lit.setResumptionToken(resTokenForResponse);
+    if (responseToken != null) {
+      lit.setResumptionToken(responseToken);
     return listFurtherValues;
@@ -347,19 +346,6 @@ public abstract class IdentifierListDelivererAbstract implements IdentifierListD
     this.rangeField = fieldForRange;
-  /**
-   * @return
-   */
-  public OAI_ESClient getOaiEsClient() {
-    return this.oaiEsClient;
-  }
-  /**
-   * @param oaiEsClient
-   */
-  public void setOaiEsClient(OAI_ESClient oaiEsClient) {
-    this.oaiEsClient = oaiEsClient;
-  }
    * @param lit
@@ -509,4 +495,18 @@ public abstract class IdentifierListDelivererAbstract implements IdentifierListD
     this.specFieldPrefix = specFieldPrefix;
+  /**
+   * @return
+   */
+  public OAIPMHElasticSearchClient getOaiEsClient() {
+    return this.oaiEsClient;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param oaiEsClient
+   */
+  public void setOaiEsClient(OAIPMHElasticSearchClient oaiEsClient) {
+    this.oaiEsClient = oaiEsClient;
+  }
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/IdentifierListDelivererDC.java b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/IdentifierListDelivererDC.java
index d75e52f85c701c01e85c5deb0444f079824896ca..3458d5f46b71b90ed52ea054cb44b4ee0423671e 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/IdentifierListDelivererDC.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/IdentifierListDelivererDC.java
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import info.textgrid.middleware.oaipmh.ListIdentifiersType;
 public class IdentifierListDelivererDC extends IdentifierListDelivererAbstract {
-  protected static Map<String, Integer> cursorCollector = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
+  private static Map<String, Integer> cursorCollector = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
    * <p>
@@ -96,4 +96,15 @@ public class IdentifierListDelivererDC extends IdentifierListDelivererAbstract {
     return lit;
+  // **
+  // **
+  /**
+   * @return
+   */
+  public static Map<String, Integer> getCursorCollector() {
+    return cursorCollector;
+  }
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM.java b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM.java
index bd7475ee9b57a5e202a5d27d6f1e2c2ca433c843..d68d884989c0921f9a3de287e3c0d5e65766d9f2 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM.java
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import java.io.IOException;
 import java.text.ParseException;
 import java.util.Hashtable;
 import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
 import org.elasticsearch.action.search.SearchRequest;
 import org.elasticsearch.action.search.SearchResponse;
 import org.elasticsearch.action.search.SearchScrollRequest;
@@ -19,7 +20,9 @@ import info.textgrid.middleware.oaipmh.ListIdentifiersType;
 import info.textgrid.middleware.oaipmh.ResumptionTokenType;
- *
+ * @author Max Brodhun, SUB Göttingen
+ * @author Stefan E. Funk, SUB Göttingen
+ * @version 2022-09-21
 public class IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM extends IdentifierListDelivererAbstract {
@@ -27,7 +30,11 @@ public class IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM extends IdentifierListDelivererAbstrac
   // **
-  protected static Map<String, Integer> cursorCollector = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
+  private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM.class.getName());
+  private static Map<String, Integer> cursorCollector = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
+  private RecordDelivererIDIOM idiomRecord;
   // **
   // CLASS
@@ -44,41 +51,30 @@ public class IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM extends IdentifierListDelivererAbstrac
     super(textgrid, dariah);
-  /*
-   * (non-Javadoc)
-   * 
-   * @see info.textgrid.middleware.IdentifierListDelivererAbstract#processIdentifierList(java.lang.
-   * String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
+  /**
+   *
   public ListIdentifiersType processIdentifierList(final String from, final String to,
       final String set, final String resumptionToken) throws ParseException, IOException {
     ListIdentifiersType identifierList = new ListIdentifiersType();
     BoolQueryBuilder recordFilterForClassicMayan;
-    BoolQueryBuilder both;
     RangeQueryBuilder rangeQuery = QueryBuilders.rangeQuery("lastModified").from(from).to(to);
-    BoolQueryBuilder test = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(
+    BoolQueryBuilder projectQuery = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(
         QueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery("project.id", "TGPR-0e926f53-1aba-d415-ecf6-539edcd8a318"));
-    BoolQueryBuilder artefact = QueryBuilders.boolQuery()
+    BoolQueryBuilder artefactQuery = QueryBuilders.boolQuery()
         .must(QueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery("format", "text/tg.inputform+rdf+xml"))
         .must(QueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery("notes", "ARTEFACT"));
-    BoolQueryBuilder conedakor = QueryBuilders.boolQuery()
+    BoolQueryBuilder conedakorQuery = QueryBuilders.boolQuery()
         .must(QueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery("format", "application/json"))
         .must(QueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery("notes", "ConedaKorMediumData"));
+    BoolQueryBuilder both = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().should(artefactQuery).should(conedakorQuery);
-    both = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().should(artefact).should(conedakor);
-    BoolQueryBuilder bla = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(rangeQuery)
-        .must(test.filter(both));
+    BoolQueryBuilder bla =
+        QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(rangeQuery).must(projectQuery.filter(both));
     recordFilterForClassicMayan = bla;
     SearchResponse scrollResp;
@@ -92,6 +88,9 @@ public class IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM extends IdentifierListDelivererAbstrac
+    log.fine("es elient/index: " + (this.oaiEsClient == null ? "null" : this.oaiEsClient) + "/"
+        + (this.oaiEsClient == null ? "null" : this.oaiEsClient.getEsIndex()));
     if (resumptionToken != null) {
       SearchScrollRequest scrollRequest = new SearchScrollRequest(resumptionToken);
@@ -111,15 +110,11 @@ public class IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM extends IdentifierListDelivererAbstrac
         // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-      // scrollResp = OAI_ESClient.getEsClient().prepareSearchScroll(resumptionToken)
-      // .setScroll(TimeValue.timeValueHours(24L)).execute().actionGet();
     String scrollID = scrollResp.getScrollId();
     long completeListSize = scrollResp.getHits().totalHits;
-    // long listSize = Queries.getAmountOfArtefacts();
     if (completeListSize > 0) {
       int i = 0;
@@ -129,18 +124,21 @@ public class IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM extends IdentifierListDelivererAbstrac
         String textgridURI =
             OAIPMHUtilities.fieldLoader(new JSONObject(hit.getSourceAsMap()), "textgridUri");
-        RecordDelivererIDIOM idiomRecord = new RecordDelivererIDIOM(true, false);
-        identifierList.getHeader()
-            .add(idiomRecord.getRecordById(textgridURI.replace(".0", "")).getRecord().getHeader());
+        // IF we really do need the RecordDelivererIDIOM object here, we have to set the
+        // elasticsearch client!
+        this.idiomRecord.setOaiEsClient(this.oaiEsClient);
+        // FIXME BTW: We only need ID and DATESTAMP for ListIdentifiers, WHY do we get every
+        // complete RECORD??
+        identifierList.getHeader().add(this.idiomRecord
+            .getRecordById(textgridURI.replace(".0", "")).getRecord().getHeader());
       // Check the need for a resumption token!
-      ResumptionTokenType resTokenForResponse = OAIPMHUtilities.getResumptionToken(completeListSize,
+      ResumptionTokenType responseToken = OAIPMHUtilities.getResumptionToken(completeListSize,
           resumptionToken, cursorCollector, scrollID, this.idiomResponseSize, i);
-      if (resTokenForResponse != null) {
-        identifierList.setResumptionToken(resTokenForResponse);
+      if (responseToken != null) {
+        identifierList.setResumptionToken(responseToken);
     } else {
@@ -163,4 +161,25 @@ public class IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM extends IdentifierListDelivererAbstrac
     this.idiomResponseSize = idiomResponseSize;
+  /**
+   * @return
+   */
+  public static Map<String, Integer> getCursorCollector() {
+    return cursorCollector;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @return
+   */
+  public RecordDelivererIDIOM getIdiomRecord() {
+    return this.idiomRecord;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param idiomRecord
+   */
+  public void setIdiomRecord(RecordDelivererIDIOM idiomRecord) {
+    this.idiomRecord = idiomRecord;
+  }
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/MetadataFormatListDelivererAbs.java b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/MetadataFormatListDelivererAbstract.java
similarity index 88%
rename from oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/MetadataFormatListDelivererAbs.java
rename to oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/MetadataFormatListDelivererAbstract.java
index 249d014d355530edd9ffeaeeb6103b4c80f082c7..81dfae0452d75e74d33b8557a31250e8d5a45737 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/MetadataFormatListDelivererAbs.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/MetadataFormatListDelivererAbstract.java
@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ import info.textgrid.middleware.oaipmh.RequestType;
-public abstract class MetadataFormatListDelivererAbs
+public abstract class MetadataFormatListDelivererAbstract
     implements MetadataFormatListDelivererInterface {
   // CLASS
-  protected OAI_ESClient oaiEsClient;
+  protected OAIPMHElasticSearchClient oaiEsClient;
   private boolean idExist = true;
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public abstract class MetadataFormatListDelivererAbs
    * @param textgrid
    * @param dariah
-  public MetadataFormatListDelivererAbs() {
+  public MetadataFormatListDelivererAbstract() {
@@ -92,14 +92,14 @@ public abstract class MetadataFormatListDelivererAbs
    * @return
-  public OAI_ESClient getOaiEsClient() {
+  public OAIPMHElasticSearchClient getOaiEsClient() {
     return this.oaiEsClient;
    * @param oaiEsClient
-  public void setOaiEsClient(OAI_ESClient oaiEsClient) {
+  public void setOaiEsClient(OAIPMHElasticSearchClient oaiEsClient) {
     this.oaiEsClient = oaiEsClient;
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/MetadataFormatListDelivererDH.java b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/MetadataFormatListDelivererDH.java
index f609e84675304ff600dc391428ad4105725b9404..38ac270b2d45cd9715da22c98373cdf7df13d103 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/MetadataFormatListDelivererDH.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/MetadataFormatListDelivererDH.java
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import info.textgrid.middleware.oaipmh.ListMetadataFormatsType;
-public class MetadataFormatListDelivererDH extends MetadataFormatListDelivererAbs {
+public class MetadataFormatListDelivererDH extends MetadataFormatListDelivererAbstract {
    * @param textgrid
@@ -15,13 +15,10 @@ public class MetadataFormatListDelivererDH extends MetadataFormatListDelivererAb
     // NOTE We do not have specific metadata formats for DHREP right now.
-  /*
-   * (non-Javadoc)
-   * 
-   * @see
-   * info.textgrid.middleware.MetadataFormatListDelivererInterface#setMetadataFormatList(java.lang.
-   * String)
+  /**
+   *
+  @Override
   public ListMetadataFormatsType setMetadataFormatList(String id) {
     // Get things from abstract class.
     return super.setMetadataFormatList();
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/MetadataFormatListDelivererTG.java b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/MetadataFormatListDelivererTG.java
index 4ccb0ea2c202516d062a48a00a3de671dfd03a1c..0e003c06fb8580fc7cb51dcf3ea96d5b67cd1b9b 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/MetadataFormatListDelivererTG.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/MetadataFormatListDelivererTG.java
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import info.textgrid.middleware.oaipmh.MetadataFormatType;
-public class MetadataFormatListDelivererTG extends MetadataFormatListDelivererAbs {
+public class MetadataFormatListDelivererTG extends MetadataFormatListDelivererAbstract {
@@ -77,17 +77,12 @@ public class MetadataFormatListDelivererTG extends MetadataFormatListDelivererAb
     // Get things from abstract class.
     ListMetadataFormatsType result = super.setMetadataFormatList();
-    // Add metadata format for IDIOM.
+    // Add metadata format for IDIOM METS.
     MetadataFormatType mftIdiomMets = new MetadataFormatType();
-    MetadataFormatType idiomImages = new MetadataFormatType();
-    idiomImages.setMetadataNamespace(OAIPMHUtilities.IDIOM_IMAGE_NAMESPACE);
-    idiomImages.setSchema(OAIPMHUtilities.IDIOM_IMAGE_SCHEMA_LOCATION);
-    result.getMetadataFormat().add(idiomImages);
     return result;
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OaiPmhClient.java b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OAIPMHClient.java
similarity index 83%
rename from oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OaiPmhClient.java
rename to oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OAIPMHClient.java
index f5bcfd8a6390756d37654ffe9bd6fd73011da309..1f4e496e91f30bef6959987c74b88010a6f8bb12 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OaiPmhClient.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OAIPMHClient.java
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.JAXRSClientFactory;
-public class OaiPmhClient {
+public class OAIPMHClient {
   private String identifier;
   private String metadataPrefix;
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public class OaiPmhClient {
    * @param endpoint
-  public OaiPmhClient(String endpoint) {
+  public OAIPMHClient(String endpoint) {
     this.producer = JAXRSClientFactory.create(endpoint + "/oai", OAIPMHProducer.class);
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public class OaiPmhClient {
    * @param verb
    * @return
    * @throws ParseException
- * @throws IOException 
+   * @throws IOException
   public String request(String verb) throws ParseException, IOException {
     return this.producer.getRequest(verb, this.identifier, this.metadataPrefix, this.set, this.from,
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ public class OaiPmhClient {
   public String getVersion() {
-    return OaipmhServiceVersion.BUILDNAME + "-" + OaipmhServiceVersion.VERSION + "+"
-        + OaipmhServiceVersion.BUILDDATE;
+    return OAIPMHServiceVersion.BUILDNAME + "-" + OAIPMHServiceVersion.VERSION + "+"
+        + OAIPMHServiceVersion.BUILDDATE;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OAI_ESClient.java b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OAIPMHElasticSearchClient.java
similarity index 87%
rename from oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OAI_ESClient.java
rename to oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OAIPMHElasticSearchClient.java
index 541403255f6a35bd82fe890309de94f66b7cd552..f56d3cf50aeee1619b85ea2b98779bae083aee68 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OAI_ESClient.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OAIPMHElasticSearchClient.java
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ import org.elasticsearch.client.RestHighLevelClient;
  * @author Maximilian Brodhun, SUB Göttingen
  * @author Stefan E. Funk, SUB Göttingen
- * @version 2022-09-07
+ * @version 2022-09-08
  * @since 2014-01-09
-public class OAI_ESClient {
+public class OAIPMHElasticSearchClient {
   private String url;
   private int[] ports;
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ public class OAI_ESClient {
    * Constructor for the connection to an ElasticSearch index.
    * </p>
-   * @param url address for the ELasticSearch connection
-   * @param port for the ElasticSearch connection
-   * @param clusterName indicating the name of the cluster where the index exists
+   * @param url Address for the ELasticSearch connection
+   * @param ports Ports for the ElasticSearch connection
+   * @param itemLimit Limit of items returned
-  public OAI_ESClient(String url, int[] ports, int itemLimit) {
+  public OAIPMHElasticSearchClient(String url, int[] ports, int itemLimit) {
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OAIPMHImpl.java b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OAIPMHImpl.java
index bd9c1685a01791420cd670175aada10ac2ae7ea6..915594c5f5f689bf70a77c3b298a8cf8d10d7e14 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OAIPMHImpl.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OAIPMHImpl.java
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import info.textgrid.middleware.oaipmh.VerbType;
  * @author Maximilian Brodhun, SUB Göttingen
  * @author Stefan E. Funk, SUB Göttingen
- * @version 2022-09-07
+ * @version 2022-09-21
  * @since 2014-01-29
 public class OAIPMHImpl implements OAIPMHProducer {
@@ -71,12 +71,14 @@ public class OAIPMHImpl implements OAIPMHProducer {
   private RecordDelivererIDIOM recordIDIOM;
   private RecordDelivererDATACITE recordDATACITE;
+  private MetadataFormatListDelivererInterface metadataFormatList;
+  private SetListDeliverer setList;
   private IdentifierListDelivererDC identifierListDC;
   private IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM identifierListIDIOM;
   private IdentifierListDelivererDATACITE identifierListDATACITE;
-  private MetadataFormatListDelivererInterface metadataFormatList;
-  private SetListDeliverer setList;
+  private IDIOMImages idiomImages;
   // **
   // PUBLIC
@@ -124,13 +126,14 @@ public class OAIPMHImpl implements OAIPMHProducer {
     this.recordListIDIOM = recordListIDIOM;
     this.recordListDATACITE = recordListDATACITE;
+    this.metadataFormatList = metadataFormatList;
+    this.setList = setList;
     this.identifierListDC = identifierList;
     this.identifierListIDIOM = identifierListIDIOM;
     this.identifierListDATACITE = identifierListDATACITE;
-    this.metadataFormatList = metadataFormatList;
-    this.setList = setList;
+    this.idiomImages = imageList;
@@ -208,8 +211,8 @@ public class OAIPMHImpl implements OAIPMHProducer {
   public String getVersion() {
-    return OaipmhServiceVersion.BUILDNAME + "-" + OaipmhServiceVersion.VERSION + "+"
-        + OaipmhServiceVersion.BUILDDATE;
+    return OAIPMHServiceVersion.BUILDNAME + "-" + OAIPMHServiceVersion.VERSION + "+"
+        + OAIPMHServiceVersion.BUILDDATE;
@@ -295,6 +298,9 @@ public class OAIPMHImpl implements OAIPMHProducer {
       // Take IDIOM if IDIOM prefix.
       if (request.getMetadataPrefix().equals(OAIPMHConstants.METADATA_IDIOM_PREFIX)) {
         recDeliv = this.recordIDIOM;
+        log.fine("  ##  creating RecordDelivererIDIOM");
       if (request.getMetadataPrefix().equals(OAIPMHConstants.METADATA_OPENAIRE_PREFIX)) {
         recDeliv = this.recordDATACITE;
@@ -303,9 +309,20 @@ public class OAIPMHImpl implements OAIPMHProducer {
       // Finally start the QUERY!
       GetRecordType getRecord = new GetRecordType();
+      log.fine("  ##  created RecordDelivererIDIOM");
       String id = request.getIdentifier();
+      log.fine("  ##  ID = " + id);
       try {
+        log.fine("  ##  calling getRecordById");
         getRecord = recDeliv.getRecordById(id);
+        log.fine("  ##  called getRecordById");
       } catch (ParseException | DatatypeConfigurationException | IOException e) {
         // TODO Auto-generated catch block
@@ -336,7 +353,7 @@ public class OAIPMHImpl implements OAIPMHProducer {
   public OAIPMHtype listIdentifiersRequest(OAIPMHtype oaipmhRoot, RequestType request)
       throws ParseException {
-    IDIOMImages imm = new IDIOMImages();
     // Check request first.
     ErrorHandler requestErrors = IdentifierListDelivererAbstract.requestChecker(request);
     if (requestErrors.getError().getValue() != null) {
@@ -361,14 +378,13 @@ public class OAIPMHImpl implements OAIPMHProducer {
       // format we shall use.
       else {
         // Token is from DC request.
-        if (IdentifierListDelivererDC.cursorCollector != null
-            && IdentifierListDelivererDC.cursorCollector
-                .containsKey(request.getResumptionToken())) {
+        if (IdentifierListDelivererDC.getCursorCollector() != null && IdentifierListDelivererDC
+            .getCursorCollector().containsKey(request.getResumptionToken())) {
           idListDeliv = this.identifierListDC;
         // Token is from IDIOM request.
-        else if (IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM.cursorCollector != null
-            && IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM.cursorCollector
+        else if (IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM.getCursorCollector() != null
+            && IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM.getCursorCollector()
                 .containsKey(request.getResumptionToken())) {
           idListDeliv = this.identifierListIDIOM;
@@ -379,14 +395,14 @@ public class OAIPMHImpl implements OAIPMHProducer {
           idListDeliv = this.identifierListDATACITE;
         // Token is from IDIOMImages request.
-        else if (IDIOMImages.cursorCollector != null
-            && IDIOMImages.cursorCollector
-                .containsKey(request.getResumptionToken())) {
-          idListDeliv = imm;
-          imm.setKindID("1");
-          imm.setPerPage("100");
-          imm.setPageNumber(
-              Integer.toString(IDIOMImages.cursorCollector.get(request.getResumptionToken())));
+        else if (IDIOMImages.getCursorCollector() != null
+            && IDIOMImages.getCursorCollector().containsKey(request.getResumptionToken())) {
+          // TODO Make configurable in config file??
+          this.idiomImages.setKindID("1");
+          this.idiomImages.setPerPage("100");
+          this.idiomImages.setPageNumber(
+              Integer.toString(IDIOMImages.getCursorCollector().get(request.getResumptionToken())));
+          idListDeliv = this.idiomImages;
         // We have got an invalid resumptionToken here!
         else {
@@ -529,8 +545,6 @@ public class OAIPMHImpl implements OAIPMHProducer {
   public OAIPMHtype listRecordsRequest(OAIPMHtype oaipmhRoot, RequestType request)
       throws ParseException, IOException {
-    IDIOMImages imm = new IDIOMImages();
     // Check request first.
     ErrorHandler requestErrors = RecordListDelivererAbstract.requestChecker(request);
     if (requestErrors.getError().getCode() != null) {
@@ -546,6 +560,9 @@ public class OAIPMHImpl implements OAIPMHProducer {
           recListDeliv = this.recordListDC;
         if (request.getMetadataPrefix().equals(OAIPMHConstants.METADATA_IDIOM_PREFIX)) {
+          log.fine("  ##  creating RecordListDelivererIDIOM");
           recListDeliv = this.recordListIDIOM;
         if (request.getMetadataPrefix().equals(OAIPMHConstants.METADATA_OPENAIRE_PREFIX)) {
@@ -563,8 +580,11 @@ public class OAIPMHImpl implements OAIPMHProducer {
           recListDeliv = this.recordListDC;
         // Token is from IDIOM request.
-        else if (RecordListDelivererIDIOM.cursorCollector != null
-            && RecordListDelivererIDIOM.cursorCollector.containsKey(request.getResumptionToken())) {
+        else if (RecordListDelivererIDIOM.getCursorCollector() != null && RecordListDelivererIDIOM
+            .getCursorCollector().containsKey(request.getResumptionToken())) {
+          log.fine("  ##  creating RecordListDelivererIDIOM restok");
           recListDeliv = this.recordListIDIOM;
         // Token is from DATACITE request.
@@ -573,14 +593,15 @@ public class OAIPMHImpl implements OAIPMHProducer {
                 .containsKey(request.getResumptionToken())) {
           recListDeliv = this.recordListDATACITE;
-        // Token is from DATACITE request.
-        else if (IDIOMImages.cursorCollector != null
-            && IDIOMImages.cursorCollector.containsKey(request.getResumptionToken())) {
-          imm.setKindID("1");
-          imm.setPerPage("100");
-          imm.setPageNumber(
-              Integer.toString(IDIOMImages.cursorCollector.get(request.getResumptionToken())));
-          recListDeliv = imm;
+        // Token is from IDIOMImages request.
+        else if (IDIOMImages.getCursorCollector() != null
+            && IDIOMImages.getCursorCollector().containsKey(request.getResumptionToken())) {
+          // TODO Make configurable in config file??
+          this.idiomImages.setKindID("1");
+          this.idiomImages.setPerPage("100");
+          this.idiomImages.setPageNumber(
+              Integer.toString(IDIOMImages.getCursorCollector().get(request.getResumptionToken())));
+          recListDeliv = this.idiomImages;
         // We have got an invalid resumptionToken here!
         else {
@@ -592,12 +613,16 @@ public class OAIPMHImpl implements OAIPMHProducer {
+      log.fine("  ##  creating ListRecordsType");
       ListRecordsType listRecords = recListDeliv.getRecords(
+      log.fine("  ##  created ListRecordsType");
       if (listRecords != null) {
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OAIPMHUtilities.java b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OAIPMHUtilities.java
index ed39fd6aaa39a514dca6bc32c866547bd74ae136..aea29bc2447b377524d1ad807233e3a50f28f6ec 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OAIPMHUtilities.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OAIPMHUtilities.java
@@ -264,10 +264,10 @@ public class OAIPMHUtilities {
       final String resumptionToken, Map<String, Integer> cursorCollector, final String scrollID,
       final int searchResponseSize, final int i) {
-    log.fine("Creating a ResumptionToken:\n " + "CompleteListSize: " + completeListSize + "\n"
-        + "ResumptionToken: " + resumptionToken + "\n" + "CursorCollector: " + cursorCollector
-        + "\n" + "ScrollID: " + scrollID + "\n" + "SearchResponseSize: " + searchResponseSize + "\n"
-        + "IterationStep: " + i);
+    log.fine("Creating a ResumptionToken:\n" + "  CompleteListSize: " + completeListSize + "\n"
+        + "  ResumptionToken: " + resumptionToken + "\n" + "  CursorCollector: " + cursorCollector
+        + "\n" + "  ScrollID: " + scrollID + "\n" + "  SearchResponseSize: " + searchResponseSize
+        + "\n" + "  IterationStep: " + i);
     int cursor;
@@ -480,17 +480,25 @@ public class OAIPMHUtilities {
    * @return
    * @throws IOException
-  protected static GetResponse getRcordByIDFromElasticSearch(OAI_ESClient theESClient,
+  protected static GetResponse getRcordByIDFromElasticSearch(OAIPMHElasticSearchClient theESClient,
       String idInElasticSearchIndex, String[] includes, String[] excludes) throws IOException {
+    log.fine("id in es index: " + idInElasticSearchIndex);
+    log.fine("include/exclude: " + includes.length + "/" + excludes.length);
     // Setting the source context for fetching the fields from the elastic search index
     FetchSourceContext fetchSourceContext = new FetchSourceContext(true, includes, excludes);
+    log.fine("esclient/index: " + (theESClient != null ? theESClient : "null") + "/"
+        + (theESClient != null ? theESClient.getEsIndex() : "null"));
     // Building the getRequest against the elastic search index
     GetRequest getRequest =
         new GetRequest(theESClient.getEsIndex(), theESClient.getEsType(), idInElasticSearchIndex)
+    log.fine("get request id: " + getRequest.id());
     // Declaration of the result from the get-request
     GetResponse esResultObject = theESClient.getEsClient().get(getRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
@@ -627,7 +635,7 @@ public class OAIPMHUtilities {
    * @param theID
    * @return A valid setSpec value for the set.
-  protected static String getSetSpec(String theSetSpec, String theSpecPrefix, String theID) {
+  public static String getSetSpec(String theSetSpec, String theSpecPrefix, String theID) {
     String result = theSetSpec;
@@ -644,6 +652,26 @@ public class OAIPMHUtilities {
     return result;
+  /**
+   * @param theSID
+   * @return
+   */
+  public static String hideSID(String theSID) {
+    String result = "(null or empty)";
+    if (theSID != null && !theSID.isEmpty()) {
+      int size = theSID.length();
+      if (size < 5) {
+        result = "(sid existing and too short)";
+      } else {
+        result = theSID.substring(0, 4) + "...";
+      }
+    }
+    return result;
+  }
   // **
   // **
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordDelivererAbstract.java b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordDelivererAbstract.java
index 1fbfba358392a404432d24d8c9f724b1fb393d30..a27af1c74d8c17f2e7e787ba7d66720411b166b3 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordDelivererAbstract.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordDelivererAbstract.java
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ public abstract class RecordDelivererAbstract implements RecordDelivererInterfac
   protected boolean textgrid;
   protected boolean dariah;
-  protected OAI_ESClient oaiEsClient;
+  protected OAIPMHElasticSearchClient oaiEsClient;
   protected String[] fields;
   protected String[] workFields;
@@ -297,14 +297,14 @@ public abstract class RecordDelivererAbstract implements RecordDelivererInterfac
    * @return
-  public OAI_ESClient getOaiEsClient() {
+  public OAIPMHElasticSearchClient getOaiEsClient() {
     return this.oaiEsClient;
    * @param oaiEsClient
-  public void setOaiEsClient(OAI_ESClient oaiEsClient) {
+  public void setOaiEsClient(OAIPMHElasticSearchClient oaiEsClient) {
     this.oaiEsClient = oaiEsClient;
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordDelivererDATACITE.java b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordDelivererDATACITE.java
index 68fd8b8e674ff171ffd2fd31235960a4122a7149..74f10c0b9e912345774726c396393c0aa04e11ca 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordDelivererDATACITE.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordDelivererDATACITE.java
@@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
 package info.textgrid.middleware;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
 import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.InputStream;
 import java.text.ParseException;
 import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Properties;
 import java.util.logging.Logger;
 import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConfigurationException;
 import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings;
@@ -64,7 +61,7 @@ public class RecordDelivererDATACITE extends RecordDelivererAbstract {
   private JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject();
   // This variables contains the field requested in the ElasticSearch Index. The content will be
-  // given by a configuration file
+  // given by a configuration file.
   private String oarIdentifierField;
   private String oarSizeField;
   private String[] oarTitleFields;
@@ -84,9 +81,6 @@ public class RecordDelivererDATACITE extends RecordDelivererAbstract {
   private String relationToWorkObject;
   private String handle;
-  // // This variable contains the XML-content for a whole OpenAire file
-  // private Resource resource = new Resource();
    * @param textgrid flag to indicate that the content of the record is context of the TextGrid
    *        Repository.
@@ -98,10 +92,8 @@ public class RecordDelivererDATACITE extends RecordDelivererAbstract {
     super(textgrid, dariah);
-  /*
-   * (non-Javadoc)
-   * 
-   * @see info.textgrid.middleware.RecordDelivererInterface#getRecordById(java.lang.String)
+  /**
+   *
   public GetRecordType getRecordById(final String idInElasticSearchIndex)
@@ -886,83 +878,6 @@ public class RecordDelivererDATACITE extends RecordDelivererAbstract {
   // **
-  /**
-   * <p>
-   * Set all the props from config file, if bean can not be configured by spring if doing a new
-   * RecordDelivererDATACITE().
-   * </p>
-   * 
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  protected void setConfigFileProps() throws IOException {
-    // FIXME Let spring configure this anyhow! We have all settings in our beans.xml anyway!
-    // FIXME Configure config file name differently!
-    InputStream input = new FileInputStream("/etc/dhrep/oaipmh/oaipmh.properties");
-    Properties p = new Properties();
-    p.load(input);
-    // Set basic fields.
-    this.fields = OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("fields", p);
-    this.setWorkFields(OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("workFields", p));
-    this.setFormatField(p.getProperty("formatField"));
-    this.setFormatToFilter(p.getProperty("formatToFilter"));
-    this.setDateOfObjectCreation(p.getProperty("dateOfObjectCreation"));
-    this.setRelationToFurtherMetadataObject(p.getProperty("relationToFurtherMetadataObject"));
-    this.setRepositoryObjectURIPrefix(p.getProperty("repositoryObjectURIPrefix"));
-    this.setIdentifierField(p.getProperty("identifierField"));
-    // Set DC fields.
-    this.setContributor(OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("contributorList", p));
-    this.setCoverage(OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("coverageList", p));
-    this.setCreator(OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("creatorList", p));
-    this.setDates(OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("dateList", p));
-    this.setDescriptions(OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("descriptionList", p));
-    this.setFormats(OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("formatList", p));
-    this.setIdentifiers(OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("identifierList", p));
-    this.setLanguages(OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("languageList", p));
-    this.setPublishers(OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("publisherList", p));
-    this.setRelations(OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("relationList", p));
-    this.setRights(OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("rightsList", p));
-    this.setSources(OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("sourceList", p));
-    this.setSubjects(OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("subjectList", p));
-    this.setTitles(OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("titleList", p));
-    this.setTypes(OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("typeList", p));
-    // Set OpenAire config fields.
-    this.setOarIdentifierField(p.getProperty("oar.identifierField"));
-    this.setOarSizeField(p.getProperty("oar.sizeField"));
-    this.setOarTitleFields(OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("oar.titleFields", p));
-    this.setOarDateFields(OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("oar.dateFields", p));
-    this.setOarContributorFields(
-        OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("oar.contributorFields", p));
-    this.setOarCreatorFields(OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("oar.creatorFields", p));
-    this.setOarLanguageFields(
-        OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("oar.languageFields", p));
-    this.setOarAlternateIdentifierFields(
-        OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("oar.alternateIdentifierFields", p));
-    this.setOarFormatFields(OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("oar.formatFields", p));
-    this.setOarRightsFields(OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("oar.rightsFields", p));
-    this.setOarDescriptionFields(
-        OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("oar.descriptionFields", p));
-    this.setOarRelatedIdentifierFields(
-        OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("oar.relatedIdentifierFields", p));
-    this.setOarGeoLocationFields(
-        OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("oar.geoLocationFields", p));
-    this.setOarVersionFields(OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("oar.versionFields", p));
-    this.setOarSubjectFields(OAIPMHUtilities.fetchFieldsFromPropFile("oar.subjectFields", p));
-    // Set more fields.
-    this.setRelationToWorkObject(p.getProperty("oar.relationToWorkObject"));
-    this.setHandle(p.getProperty("oar.handle"));
-    this.setSpecFieldPrefix(p.getProperty("specFieldPrefix"));
-    this.setSpecField(p.getProperty("specField"));
-    input.close();
-  }
    * @return
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordDelivererDC.java b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordDelivererDC.java
index fd2325f4d638cd85222efa56150d39a3c483d924..9dcc625d9b133d3f1c794387356b4a0950238ee5 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordDelivererDC.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordDelivererDC.java
@@ -49,89 +49,98 @@ public class RecordDelivererDC extends RecordDelivererAbstract {
       changedId = changedId.replace(this.repositoryObjectURIPrefix, "");
+    log.fine("id: " + id);
+    log.fine("changed id: " + changedId);
     // Get ES response, get record for given ID.
-    GetResponse esResultObject = null;
+    String[] includes = this.fields;
+    String[] excludes = Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY;
     try {
-      String[] includes = this.fields;
-      String[] excludes = Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY;
-      esResultObject =
+      GetResponse esResultObject =
           OAIPMHUtilities.getRcordByIDFromElasticSearch(this.oaiEsClient, id, includes, excludes);
-    } catch (IOException e1) {
-      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-      e1.printStackTrace();
-      log.severe("could not fetch the result of elasticsearch");
-    }
-    if (esResultObject.isExists()) {
-      String identifier;
-      // **
-      // DARIAH
-      // **
-      if (this.dariah == true) {
-        dublinCoreBuilder = putContentIntoDCFieldListsDH(esResultObject);
-        JSONObject json = new JSONObject(esResultObject.getSourceAsMap());
-        identifier = OAIPMHUtilities.fieldLoader(json, this.identifierField);
-        String dateOfCreation = "NO_DATE_SET!";
-        if (OAIPMHUtilities.fieldLoader(json, this.dateOfObjectCreation) != null) {
-          try {
-            dateOfCreation = OAIPMHUtilities
-                .convertDateFormat(
-                    OAIPMHUtilities.fieldLoader(json, this.dateOfObjectCreation).toString())
-                .toXMLFormat();
-          } catch (ParseException e) {
-            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-            e.printStackTrace();
-          } catch (DatatypeConfigurationException e) {
-            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-            e.printStackTrace();
+      log.fine("es result id/size: " + (esResultObject != null
+          ? esResultObject.getId() + "/" + esResultObject.getFields().size()
+          : "null"));
+      if (esResultObject != null && esResultObject.isExists()) {
+        String identifier;
+        // **
+        // DARIAH
+        // **
+        if (this.dariah == true) {
+          dublinCoreBuilder = putContentIntoDCFieldListsDH(esResultObject);
+          JSONObject json = new JSONObject(esResultObject.getSourceAsMap());
+          identifier = OAIPMHUtilities.fieldLoader(json, this.identifierField);
+          String dateOfCreation = "NO_DATE_SET!";
+          if (OAIPMHUtilities.fieldLoader(json, this.dateOfObjectCreation) != null) {
+            try {
+              dateOfCreation = OAIPMHUtilities
+                  .convertDateFormat(
+                      OAIPMHUtilities.fieldLoader(json, this.dateOfObjectCreation).toString())
+                  .toXMLFormat();
+            } catch (ParseException e) {
+              // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+              e.printStackTrace();
+            } catch (DatatypeConfigurationException e) {
+              // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+              e.printStackTrace();
+            }
+          String setSpec = OAIPMHUtilities.fieldLoader(json, this.specField);
+          String setSpecValue =
+              OAIPMHUtilities.getSetSpec(setSpec, this.specFieldPrefix, identifier);
+          record.setHeader(
+              OAIPMHUtilities.computeResponseHeader(dateOfCreation, identifier, setSpecValue));
+          record.setMetadata(dublinCoreBuilder.getDC());
-        String setSpec = OAIPMHUtilities.fieldLoader(json, this.specField);
-        String setSpecValue = OAIPMHUtilities.getSetSpec(setSpec, this.specFieldPrefix, identifier);
+        // **
+        // TEXTGRID
+        // **
-        record.setHeader(
-            OAIPMHUtilities.computeResponseHeader(dateOfCreation, identifier, setSpecValue));
-        record.setMetadata(dublinCoreBuilder.getDC());
-      }
+        if (this.textgrid == true
+            && esResultObject.getSourceAsMap().get(this.formatField).equals(this.formatToFilter)) {
-      // **
-      // TEXTGRID
-      // **
-      if (this.textgrid == true
-          && esResultObject.getSourceAsMap().get(this.formatField).equals(this.formatToFilter)) {
-        String workUri = DublinCoreFieldLoader
-            .fillListFromTGWorkValues(esResultObject,
-                new String[] {this.relationToFurtherMetadataObject})
-            .get(0);
-        workUri = workUri.substring(this.repositoryObjectURIPrefix.length());
-        dublinCoreBuilder =
-            putContentIntoDCFieldListsTG(esResultObject, furtherDCElements(workUri));
-        identifier = esResultObject.getSourceAsMap().get(this.identifierField).toString();
-        String dateOfCreation =
-            esResultObject.getSourceAsMap().get(this.dateOfObjectCreation).toString();
-        String setSpec = DublinCoreFieldLoader
-            .fillListFromTGWorkValues(esResultObject, TGConstants.RELATIONS_LIST).get(0);
-        String setSpecValue = OAIPMHUtilities.getSetSpec(setSpec, this.specFieldPrefix, identifier);
-        record.setHeader(OAIPMHUtilities.computeResponseHeader(
-            OAIPMHUtilities.convertDateFormat(dateOfCreation).toString(), identifier,
-            setSpecValue));
-        record.setMetadata(dublinCoreBuilder.getDC());
-      }
+          log.fine("---processing tg result---");
-      getRecordType.setRecord(record);
+          String workUri = DublinCoreFieldLoader.fillListFromTGWorkValues(esResultObject,
+              new String[] {this.relationToFurtherMetadataObject}).get(0);
-    } else {
-      return null;
+          log.fine("work uri: " + workUri);
+          workUri = workUri.substring(this.repositoryObjectURIPrefix.length());
+          dublinCoreBuilder =
+              putContentIntoDCFieldListsTG(esResultObject, furtherDCElements(workUri));
+          identifier = esResultObject.getSourceAsMap().get(this.identifierField).toString();
+          String dateOfCreation =
+              esResultObject.getSourceAsMap().get(this.dateOfObjectCreation).toString();
+          String setSpec = DublinCoreFieldLoader
+              .fillListFromTGWorkValues(esResultObject, TGConstants.RELATIONS_LIST).get(0);
+          String setSpecValue =
+              OAIPMHUtilities.getSetSpec(setSpec, this.specFieldPrefix, identifier);
+          record.setHeader(OAIPMHUtilities.computeResponseHeader(
+              OAIPMHUtilities.convertDateFormat(dateOfCreation).toString(), identifier,
+              setSpecValue));
+          record.setMetadata(dublinCoreBuilder.getDC());
+        }
+        getRecordType.setRecord(record);
+      } else {
+        return null;
+      }
+    } catch (IOException e) {
+      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+      log.severe("could not fetch the result of elasticsearch");
     return getRecordType;
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordDelivererIDIOM.java b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordDelivererIDIOM.java
index 453a6c486ee90756a08ce3ea9a35a42bdf3c3298..bbf05513b38dbb251a87ac9149676e7b8521d892 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordDelivererIDIOM.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordDelivererIDIOM.java
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import info.textgrid.middleware.oaipmh.RecordType;
  * @author Maximilian Brodhun, SUB Göttingen
  * @author Stefan E. Funk, SUB Göttingen
- * @version 2022-09-07
+ * @version 2022-09-21
  * @since 2019-03-12
@@ -32,10 +32,11 @@ public class RecordDelivererIDIOM extends RecordDelivererAbstract {
   private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(RecordDelivererIDIOM.class.getName());
-  private String dateOfLastObjectModification;
-  private String objectType;
+  private IDIOMImages idiomImages;
   RecordType record = new RecordType();
+  private String dateOfLastObjectModification;
+  private String objectType;
    * @param textgrid
@@ -45,67 +46,6 @@ public class RecordDelivererIDIOM extends RecordDelivererAbstract {
     super(textgrid, dariah);
-  /**
-   * <p>
-   * ElasticSearch request in non-public index to get the datestamps for the object creation and
-   * last modification date in TextGridRep.
-   * </p>
-   * 
-   * @param idInDatabase
-   * @throws ParseException
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  public void setDatestamps(String idInDatabase) throws ParseException, IOException {
-    String changedId = idInDatabase;
-    // FIXME NOT USED??
-    // String[] includes = new String[] {TGConstants.CREATED, TGConstants.MODIFIED_FIELD};
-    // String[] excludes = Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY;
-    // FetchSourceContext fetchSourceContext = new FetchSourceContext(true, includes, excludes);
-    if (idInDatabase.startsWith("textgrid:")) {
-      changedId = idInDatabase.substring("textgrid:".length());
-    }
-    if (!idInDatabase.contains(".0")) {
-      // changedId = changedId.substring(0,changedId.length() - 1) + "0";
-      changedId = changedId + ".0";
-    }
-    // FIXME NOT USED??
-    // GetRequest getRequest =
-    // new GetRequest("textgrid-nonpublic", OAI_ESClient.getEsType(), changedId)
-    // .fetchSourceContext(fetchSourceContext);
-    // FIXME NOT USED??
-    // GetResponse objectInDatabase = null;
-    // try {
-    // objectInDatabase = OAI_ESClient.getEsClient().get(getRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
-    // } catch (IOException e) {
-    // // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-    // e.printStackTrace();
-    // }
-    JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
-    String[] fields = {TGConstants.CREATED, TGConstants.MODIFIED_FIELD, "notes"};
-    // FIXME Is a NEW client instance used here or the one from the abstract class? We do need
-    // non-public data here!
-    this.oaiEsClient.setEsIndex("textgrid-nonpublic");
-    json = new JSONObject(OAIPMHUtilities
-        .getRcordByIDFromElasticSearch(this.oaiEsClient, changedId, fields, Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY)
-        .getSource());
-    this.dateOfObjectCreation =
-        OAIPMHUtilities.datestampAsString(OAIPMHUtilities.fieldLoader(json, TGConstants.CREATED));
-    this.dateOfLastObjectModification = OAIPMHUtilities
-        .datestampAsString(OAIPMHUtilities.fieldLoader(json, TGConstants.MODIFIED_FIELD));
-    this.setObjectType(OAIPMHUtilities.fieldLoader(json, "notes"));
-  }
    * <p>
    * Building the record XML object for the OAI-PMH response.
@@ -121,7 +61,7 @@ public class RecordDelivererIDIOM extends RecordDelivererAbstract {
     log.fine("identifier: " + id);
-    setDatestamps(id);
+    setDatestampsAndObjectType(id);
     // Get TG URI and TG base URI from ID.
     String tgURI = id;
@@ -133,13 +73,11 @@ public class RecordDelivererIDIOM extends RecordDelivererAbstract {
     tgBaseURI = tgBaseURI.replace(".0", "");
     log.fine("tg uri/base uri: " + tgURI + "/" + tgBaseURI);
+    log.fine("object type is: " + this.objectType);
+    log.fine(this.objectType + " doc/dom: " + this.dateOfObjectCreation + "/"
+        + this.dateOfLastObjectModification);
-    log.fine("object type is: " + this.getObjectType());
-    if (this.getObjectType().equals("ARTEFACT")) {
-      log.fine("artefact doc/dom: " + this.dateOfObjectCreation + "/"
-          + this.dateOfLastObjectModification);
+    if (this.objectType.equals("ARTEFACT")) {
       try {
         ClassicMayanMetsMods metsmods = new ClassicMayanMetsMods(
@@ -157,8 +95,14 @@ public class RecordDelivererIDIOM extends RecordDelivererAbstract {
         // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-    } else if (this.getObjectType().startsWith("ConedaKorMediumData")) {
-      GetRecordType idi = new IDIOMImages().getRecordById(id);
+    }
+    else if (this.objectType.startsWith("ConedaKorMediumData")) {
+      log.fine("calling idiom image getRecordById()");
+      GetRecordType idi = this.idiomImages.getRecordById(id);
       // Fixes #64
       if (idi != null) {
         this.record = idi.getRecord();
@@ -220,6 +164,47 @@ public class RecordDelivererIDIOM extends RecordDelivererAbstract {
     return metadataMets;
+  /**
+   * <p>
+   * ElasticSearch request in non-public index to get the datestamps for the object creation and
+   * last modification date in TextGridRep.
+   * </p>
+   * 
+   * @param idInDatabase
+   * @throws ParseException
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  private void setDatestampsAndObjectType(String idInDatabase) throws ParseException, IOException {
+    String changedId = idInDatabase;
+    if (idInDatabase.startsWith("textgrid:")) {
+      changedId = idInDatabase.substring("textgrid:".length());
+    }
+    if (!idInDatabase.contains(".0")) {
+      changedId = changedId + ".0";
+    }
+    log.fine("changedId: " + changedId);
+    JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
+    String[] fields = {TGConstants.CREATED, TGConstants.MODIFIED_FIELD, "notes"};
+    json = new JSONObject(OAIPMHUtilities
+        .getRcordByIDFromElasticSearch(this.oaiEsClient, changedId, fields, Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY)
+        .getSource());
+    this.dateOfObjectCreation =
+        OAIPMHUtilities.datestampAsString(OAIPMHUtilities.fieldLoader(json, TGConstants.CREATED));
+    this.dateOfLastObjectModification = OAIPMHUtilities
+        .datestampAsString(OAIPMHUtilities.fieldLoader(json, TGConstants.MODIFIED_FIELD));
+    this.objectType = OAIPMHUtilities.fieldLoader(json, "notes");
+  }
   // **
   // **
@@ -227,15 +212,15 @@ public class RecordDelivererIDIOM extends RecordDelivererAbstract {
    * @return
-  public String getObjectType() {
-    return this.objectType;
+  public IDIOMImages getIdiomImages() {
+    return this.idiomImages;
-   * @param objectType
+   * @param idiomImages
-  public void setObjectType(String objectType) {
-    this.objectType = objectType;
+  public void setIdiomImages(IDIOMImages idiomImages) {
+    this.idiomImages = idiomImages;
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordListDelivererAbstract.java b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordListDelivererAbstract.java
index 109532f683d994ff995c2e25cacbf680759d3d84..c4e4c40968e5b548d99e2a3f821c67aa5d0d8f16 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordListDelivererAbstract.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordListDelivererAbstract.java
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import info.textgrid.middleware.oaipmh.ResumptionTokenType;
 public abstract class RecordListDelivererAbstract implements RecordListDelivererInterface {
-  protected OAI_ESClient oaiEsClient;
+  protected OAIPMHElasticSearchClient oaiEsClient;
   protected boolean textgrid;
   protected boolean dariah;
@@ -180,14 +180,14 @@ public abstract class RecordListDelivererAbstract implements RecordListDeliverer
    * @return
-  public OAI_ESClient getOaiEsClient() {
+  public OAIPMHElasticSearchClient getOaiEsClient() {
     return this.oaiEsClient;
    * @param oaiEsClient
-  public void setOaiEsClient(OAI_ESClient oaiEsClient) {
+  public void setOaiEsClient(OAIPMHElasticSearchClient oaiEsClient) {
     this.oaiEsClient = oaiEsClient;
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordListDelivererDATACITE.java b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordListDelivererDATACITE.java
index 0315d98df5add257aadb89972f237eec12c20c61..2f52c1ca7efdec5697a83b0962a0daa036526712 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordListDelivererDATACITE.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordListDelivererDATACITE.java
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import info.textgrid.middleware.oaipmh.RecordType;
  * @author Maximilian Brodhun, SUB Göttingen
  * @author Stefan E. Funk, SUB Göttingen
- * @version 2022-09-07
+ * @version 2022-09-08
  * @since 2020-06-13
 public class RecordListDelivererDATACITE extends RecordListDelivererAbstract {
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ public class RecordListDelivererDATACITE extends RecordListDelivererAbstract {
   protected static Map<String, Integer> cursorCollector = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
+  private RecordDelivererDATACITE dataciteRecord;
    * @param textgrid
    * @param dariah
@@ -52,14 +54,7 @@ public class RecordListDelivererDATACITE extends RecordListDelivererAbstract {
   public ListRecordsType getRecords(String from, String to, String set, String resumptionToken)
       throws ParseException, IOException {
-    ListRecordsType openAireRecordList = new ListRecordsType();
-    // Create one RecordDeliverer only, to configure all fields only ONCE.
-    // FIXME May be solved using spring configuration, but I do not know how!
-    RecordDelivererDATACITE openAireRecord =
-        new RecordDelivererDATACITE(this.textgrid, this.dariah);
-    // Must be done here, as spring does not configure this bean if instantiated with "new".
-    openAireRecord.setConfigFileProps();
+    ListRecordsType recordList = new ListRecordsType();
     List<String> URIList = getUriList(from, to, set, resumptionToken);
     for (String uri : URIList) {
@@ -79,14 +74,13 @@ public class RecordListDelivererDATACITE extends RecordListDelivererAbstract {
       // DARIAH
       // **
       try {
-        GetRecordType grt = openAireRecord.getRecordById(eventuallyChangedUri);
+        GetRecordType grt = this.dataciteRecord.getRecordById(eventuallyChangedUri);
         RecordType record = grt.getRecord();
         // Header is already set by getRecordById().
-        openAireRecordList.getRecord().add(record);
+        recordList.getRecord().add(record);
       } catch (DatatypeConfigurationException e) {
         // TODO Auto-generated catch block
@@ -94,9 +88,9 @@ public class RecordListDelivererDATACITE extends RecordListDelivererAbstract {
-    openAireRecordList.setResumptionToken(getResTokenForResponse());
+    recordList.setResumptionToken(getResTokenForResponse());
-    return openAireRecordList;
+    return recordList;
@@ -126,7 +120,7 @@ public class RecordListDelivererDATACITE extends RecordListDelivererAbstract {
         // Add new record with set metadata in it (to also find collection metadata in Repository
         // Search!)
+        // FIXME Did we do this??
       if (this.textgrid == true) {
@@ -251,4 +245,22 @@ public class RecordListDelivererDATACITE extends RecordListDelivererAbstract {
     return uriList;
+  // **
+  // **
+  /**
+   * @return
+   */
+  public RecordDelivererDATACITE getDataciteRecord() {
+    return this.dataciteRecord;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param dataciteRecord
+   */
+  public void setDataciteRecord(RecordDelivererDATACITE dataciteRecord) {
+    this.dataciteRecord = dataciteRecord;
+  }
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordListDelivererDC.java b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordListDelivererDC.java
index 77f37df62dea06dfd8e2c96af40d3a35cd8b2e56..3dcab2361da91a580164d1f34d574c475b468811 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordListDelivererDC.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordListDelivererDC.java
@@ -264,16 +264,16 @@ public class RecordListDelivererDC extends RecordListDelivererAbstract {
       // Check the need for a resumption token!
-      log.fine("  ##  completeListSize: " + completeListSize);
-      log.fine("  ##  resumptionToken: " + resumptionToken);
-      log.fine("  ##  scrollid: " + scrollID);
-      log.fine("  ##  searchResponseSize: " + this.searchResponseSize);
+      log.fine("completeListSize: " + completeListSize);
+      log.fine("resumptionToken: " + resumptionToken);
+      log.fine("scrollid: " + scrollID);
+      log.fine("searchResponseSize: " + this.searchResponseSize);
       ResumptionTokenType resTokenForResponse = OAIPMHUtilities.getResumptionToken(completeListSize,
           resumptionToken, cursorCollector, scrollID, this.searchResponseSize, i);
       if (resTokenForResponse != null) {
-        log.fine("  ##  resTokenForResponse: " + resTokenForResponse.getValue());
+        log.fine("resTokenForResponse: " + resTokenForResponse.getValue());
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordListDelivererIDIOM.java b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordListDelivererIDIOM.java
index a689c517155680715fa5703cbe1aa8721385c5da..05bc663317c44d4ab7eea89876a4b3c1518dc0ac 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordListDelivererIDIOM.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/RecordListDelivererIDIOM.java
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import info.textgrid.middleware.oaipmh.ResumptionTokenType;
  * @author Maximilian Brodhun, SUB Göttingen
  * @author Stefan E. Funk, SUB Göttingen
- * @version 2022-09-07
+ * @version 2022-09-19
  * @since
 public class RecordListDelivererIDIOM extends RecordListDelivererAbstract {
@@ -33,9 +33,13 @@ public class RecordListDelivererIDIOM extends RecordListDelivererAbstract {
   // **
   private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(RecordListDelivererIDIOM.class.getName());
+  private static Map<String, Integer> cursorCollector = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
-  protected static Map<String, Integer> cursorCollector = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
+  // **
+  // CLASS
+  // **
+  private RecordDelivererIDIOM idiomRecord;
   // Set default to 30, can be changed in oaipmh.properties.
   private int idiomResponseSize = 30;
@@ -56,28 +60,24 @@ public class RecordListDelivererIDIOM extends RecordListDelivererAbstract {
     ListRecordsType recordList = new ListRecordsType();
-    BoolQueryBuilder recordFilterForClassicMayan;
-    BoolQueryBuilder both;
     RangeQueryBuilder rangeQuery = QueryBuilders.rangeQuery("lastModified").from(from).to(to);
-    BoolQueryBuilder test = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(
+    BoolQueryBuilder projectQuery = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(
         QueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery("project.id", "TGPR-0e926f53-1aba-d415-ecf6-539edcd8a318"));
-    BoolQueryBuilder artefact = QueryBuilders.boolQuery()
+    BoolQueryBuilder artefactQuery = QueryBuilders.boolQuery()
         .must(QueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery("format", "text/tg.inputform+rdf+xml"))
         .must(QueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery("notes", "ARTEFACT"));
-    BoolQueryBuilder conedakor = QueryBuilders.boolQuery()
+    BoolQueryBuilder conedakorQuery = QueryBuilders.boolQuery()
         .must(QueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery("format", "application/json"))
         .must(QueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery("notes", "ConedaKorMediumData"));
-    both = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().should(artefact).should(conedakor);
+    BoolQueryBuilder both = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().should(artefactQuery).should(conedakorQuery);
     BoolQueryBuilder queryBuilder =
-        QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(rangeQuery).must(test.filter(both));
-    recordFilterForClassicMayan = queryBuilder;
+        QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(rangeQuery).must(projectQuery.filter(both));
+    BoolQueryBuilder recordFilterForClassicMayan = queryBuilder;
     // QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(rangeQuery).should(recordFilteroClassicMayanARTEFACT).should(recordFilterForClassicMayanCONEDAKOR);
     SearchResponse scrollResp;
@@ -133,34 +133,13 @@ public class RecordListDelivererIDIOM extends RecordListDelivererAbstract {
         log.fine("record type: " + recordType);
         log.fine("textgridURI: " + textgridURI);
-        RecordDelivererIDIOM idiomRecord = new RecordDelivererIDIOM(true, false);
-        // FIXME Record type is coped with in RecordDelivererIDIOM, so we do not have to use a
-        // conditional here.
-        // if (recordType.equals("ARTEFACT")) {
-        GetRecordType idi = idiomRecord.getRecordById(textgridURI.replace(".0", ""));
+        GetRecordType idi = this.idiomRecord.getRecordById(textgridURI.replace(".0", ""));
         log.fine("idi.header: " + (idi == null ? "null" : idi.getRecord().getHeader()));
-        // } else if (recordType.startsWith("ConedaKorMediumData")) {
-        //
-        // GetRecordType idi = new IDIOMImages().getRecordById(textgridURI);
-        //
-        // log.fine("idi.header: " + (idi == null ? "null" : idi.getRecord().getHeader()));
-        //
-        // // Fixes #64
-        // if (idi != null) {
-        // // If image is complete/has metadata (whatever?), set IDIOM image record.
-        // recordList.getRecord().add(idi.getRecord());
-        // }
-        // // else {
-        // // // If image is incomplete/has no metadata (whatever?), set "normal" record?
-        // // recordList.getRecord()
-        // // .add(idiomRecord.getRecordById(textgridURI.replace(".0", "")).getRecord());
-        // // }
-        // }
+        log.fine("record added: " + idi.getRecord().getHeader().getIdentifier());
       // Check the need for a resumption token!
@@ -169,12 +148,12 @@ public class RecordListDelivererIDIOM extends RecordListDelivererAbstract {
       if (resTokenForResponse != null) {
-    } else
-    {
+    } else {
+    log.fine("record list size: " + recordList.getRecord().size());
     return recordList;
@@ -196,4 +175,25 @@ public class RecordListDelivererIDIOM extends RecordListDelivererAbstract {
     this.idiomResponseSize = idiomResponseSize;
+  /**
+   * @return
+   */
+  public RecordDelivererIDIOM getIdiomRecord() {
+    return this.idiomRecord;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param idiomRecord
+   */
+  public void setIdiomRecord(RecordDelivererIDIOM idiomRecord) {
+    this.idiomRecord = idiomRecord;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @return
+   */
+  public static Map<String, Integer> getCursorCollector() {
+    return cursorCollector;
+  }
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/SetListDeliverer.java b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/SetListDeliverer.java
index e5e053751c2de0e603ffb1ddf664158ba51e98f4..04be7ab961177073b11b6d72831e7f89001b0055 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/SetListDeliverer.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/SetListDeliverer.java
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public class SetListDeliverer {
   private boolean textgrid;
   private boolean dariah;
-  private OAI_ESClient oaiEsClient;
+  private OAIPMHElasticSearchClient oaiEsClient;
    * @param oaiEsClient
@@ -343,14 +343,14 @@ public class SetListDeliverer {
    * @return
-  public OAI_ESClient getOaiEsClient() {
+  public OAIPMHElasticSearchClient getOaiEsClient() {
     return this.oaiEsClient;
    * @param oaiEsClient
-  public void setOaiEsClient(OAI_ESClient oaiEsClient) {
+  public void setOaiEsClient(OAIPMHElasticSearchClient oaiEsClient) {
     this.oaiEsClient = oaiEsClient;
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OaiPmhTestDH.java b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OaiPmhTestDH.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b1290437cc1281db0cb4d52f87e40f3052f9985e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OaiPmhTestDH.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-package info.textgrid.middleware;
-import java.text.ParseException;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Ignore;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import info.textgrid.middleware.oaipmh.DeletedRecordType;
-import info.textgrid.middleware.oaipmh.GranularityType;
-import info.textgrid.middleware.common.TextGridMimetypes;
- * FIXME: Add documentation how to use this class, use SSH tunnel?
- */
-public class OaiPmhTestDH {
-  public static OAI_ESClient oaiEsClient;
-  private static RecordDelivererDC record;
-  private static RecordListDelivererDC recordList;
-  private static IdentifierListDelivererDC identifierList;
-  private static MetadataFormatListDelivererInterface metadataFormatList =
-      new MetadataFormatListDelivererDH();
-  private static SetListDeliverer setListDARIAH = new SetListDeliverer(false, true);
-  // private static OpenAireRecord openAireRecord;
-  private static RecordDelivererDATACITE recordDATACITE;
-  // private static OpenAireRecordList openAireRecordList;
-  private static RecordListDelivererDATACITE recordListDATACITE;
-  // private static OpenAireIdentifierList openAireIdentifierList;
-  private static IdentifierListDelivererDATACITE identifierListDATACITE;
-  private static IDIOMImages idiomImages;
-  private DeletedRecordType deletedRecordType = DeletedRecordType.NO;
-  private GranularityType granularityType = GranularityType.YYYY_MM_DD_THH_MM_SS_Z;
-  private RepIdentification rep = new RepIdentification("DARIAH-DE Repository",
-      "https://trep.de.dariah.eu", this.deletedRecordType, "2011-06-11T02:32:40Z",
-      this.granularityType, "2.0", "funk@sub.uni-goettingen.de");
-  /**
-   * FIXME: it should not be necessary to put idiom record variables for a DARIAH test case
-   */
-  private static RecordDelivererIDIOM recordIDIOM;
-  private static RecordListDelivererIDIOM recordListIDIOM;
-  private static IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM identifierListIDIOM =
-      new IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM(true, false);
-  private OAIPMHImpl request =
-      new OAIPMHImpl(this.rep,
-          OaiPmhTestDH.record,
-          OaiPmhTestDH.recordIDIOM,
-          OaiPmhTestDH.recordDATACITE,
-          OaiPmhTestDH.recordList,
-          OaiPmhTestDH.recordListIDIOM,
-          OaiPmhTestDH.recordListDATACITE,
-          OaiPmhTestDH.metadataFormatList,
-          OaiPmhTestDH.setListDARIAH,
-          OaiPmhTestDH.identifierList,
-          OaiPmhTestDH.identifierListIDIOM,
-          // OaiPmhTestDH.openAireIdentifierList);
-          OaiPmhTestDH.identifierListDATACITE,
-          OaiPmhTestDH.idiomImages);
-  OAIPMHUtilities settings = new OAIPMHUtilities();
-  /**
-   * @throws Exception
-   */
-  @BeforeClass
-  public static void setUp() throws Exception {
-    int[] ports = new int[] {9202};
-    oaiEsClient = new OAI_ESClient("localhost", ports, 100);
-    oaiEsClient.setEsIndex("dariah-public");
-    oaiEsClient.setEsType("metadata");
-    record = new RecordDelivererDC(false, true);
-    record.setOaiEsClient(oaiEsClient);
-    record.setWorkFields(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_FIELDS);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws ParseException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testGetRequestIdentify() throws ParseException {
-    System.out.println("Test for the verb \"Identify\" with succesfull response");
-    String r = this.request.getRequest("Identify", "", "", "", "", "", "");
-    System.out.println(r);
-    System.out.println("-----------------------------------\n");
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws ParseException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testGetRequestGetRecordDariah() throws ParseException {
-    OaiPmhTestDH.record.setContributor(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_CONTRIBUTOR_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.record.setCoverage(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_COVERAGE_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.record.setCreator(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_CREATOR_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.record.setDates(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_DATE_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.record.setDescriptions(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_DESCRIPTION_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.record.setFormats(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_FORMAT_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.record.setIdentifiers(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_IDENTIFIER_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.record.setLanguages(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_LANGUAGE_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.record.setPublishers(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_PUBLISHER_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.record.setRelations(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_RELATIONS_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.record.setRights(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_RIGHTS_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.record.setSources(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_SOURCE_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.record.setSubjects(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_SUBJECT_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.record.setTitles(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_TITLE_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.record.setTypes(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_TYPE_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.record.setFields(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_FIELDS);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.record.setFormatField(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_FORMAT);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.record.setFormatToFilter("metadata");
-    OaiPmhTestDH.record.setDateOfObjectCreation(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_MODIFIED_FIELD);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.record
-        .setRepositoryObjectURIPrefix(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_ITEM_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.record.setIdentifierField("administrativeMetadata.dcterms:identifier");
-    System.out.println("Test for the verb \"GetRecord\" for DARIAH with succesfull response");
-    String p = this.request.getRequest("GetRecord", "hdl:21.T11991/0000-0005-E1AA-D", "oai_dc", "",
-        "", "", "");
-    System.out.println(p);
-    System.out.println("-----------------------------------\n");
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws ParseException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testListRecordsDariah() throws ParseException {
-    OaiPmhTestDH.recordList.setContributors(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_CONTRIBUTOR_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.recordList.setCoverages(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_COVERAGE_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.recordList.setCreators(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_CREATOR_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.recordList.setDates(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_DATE_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.recordList.setDescriptions(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_DESCRIPTION_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.recordList.setFormats(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_FORMAT_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.recordList.setIdentifiers(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_IDENTIFIER_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.recordList.setLanguages(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_LANGUAGE_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.recordList.setPublishers(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_PUBLISHER_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.recordList.setRelations(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_RELATIONS_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.recordList.setRights(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_RIGHTS_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.recordList.setSources(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_SOURCE_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.recordList.setSubjects(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_SUBJECT_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.recordList.setTitles(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_TITLE_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.recordList.setTypes(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_TYPE_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.recordList.setFormatField(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_FORMAT);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.recordList.setDateOfObjectCreation(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_CREATED);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.recordList.setRangeField(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_MODIFIED_FIELD);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.recordList.setDateOfObjectCreation(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_RANGE_FIELD);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.recordList.setIdentifierField(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_IDENTIFIER);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.recordList.setFormatToFilter(TextGridMimetypes.DARIAH_COLLECTION);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.recordList.setModifiedField(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_MODIFIED_FIELD);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.recordList
-        .setRelationToFurtherMetadataObject("descriptiveMetadata.dc:relation");
-    OaiPmhTestDH.recordList.setSearchResponseSize(100);
-    String r = this.request.getRequest("ListRecords", "", "oai_dc", "21.T11991/0000-0003-718E-E",
-        "", "", "");
-    System.out.println(r);
-    System.out.println("-----------------------------------\n");
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws ParseException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testListSetsDARIAH() throws ParseException {
-    OaiPmhTestDH.setListDARIAH.setFormatField(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_FORMAT);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.setListDARIAH.setIdentifierField(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_IDENTIFIER);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.setListDARIAH
-        .setRepositoryObjectURIPrefix(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_ITEM_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.setListDARIAH.setIdentifierField("administrativeMetadata.dcterms:identifier");
-    OaiPmhTestDH.setListDARIAH
-    String r = this.request.getRequest("ListSets", "", "", "", "", "", "");
-    System.out.println(r);
-    System.out.println("-----------------------------------\n");
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws ParseException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testListIdentifiersDARIAH() throws ParseException {
-    OaiPmhTestDH.identifierList.setFieldForRange(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_RANGE_FIELD);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.identifierList
-        .setIdentifierListFields(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_IDENTIFIER_LIST_FIELDS);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.identifierList
-        .setDateOfObjectCreation("administrativeMetadata.dcterms:modified");
-    OaiPmhTestDH.identifierList
-        .setRepositoryObjectURIPrefix(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_ITEM_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX);
-    OaiPmhTestDH.identifierList.setIdentifierField("administrativeMetadata.dcterms:identifier");
-    OaiPmhTestDH.identifierList.setSearchResponseSize("100");
-    String r = this.request.getRequest("ListIdentifiers", "", "oai_dc", "", "", "", "");
-    System.out.println(r);
-    System.out.println("-----------------------------------\n");
-  }
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OaiPmhTestUtilities.java b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OaiPmhTestUtilities.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 02f272b4d78bb156a15ffc2f151528b56390ff66..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OaiPmhTestUtilities.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-package info.textgrid.middleware;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.net.URISyntaxException;
-import java.net.URL;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
-import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.Client;
-import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.WebClient;
-import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
- * <p>
- * Some online tests for the TextGrid OAIMPH service.
- * </p>
- * 
- * @author Stefan E. Funk, SUB Göttingen
- */
-public class OaiPmhTestUtilities {
-  // **
-  // FINALS
-  // **
-  protected static final String OAI_DC_PREFIX = "oai_dc";
-  protected static final String OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX = "oai_datacite";
-  protected static final String OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX = "oai_idiom_mets";
-  protected static final String EXPECTED_OAIDC_FORMAT_CONTENT = "<oai_dc:dc>";
-  protected static final String EXPECTED_IDIOMMETS_FORMAT_CONTENT = "<mets ";
-  protected static final String EXPECTED_DATACITE_FORMAT_CONTENT = "<datacite:resource>";
-  protected static final String NO_SET = null;
-  protected static final String ERROR = " >>> ERROR";
-  protected static final String OK = " >>> OKIDOKI";
-  protected static final String TESTING = "\n >>> TESTING ";
-  protected static final String NO_THREAD_NAME = "";
-  protected static final String NOT_TESTED = " >>> NOT_TESTED";
-  protected static final String NO_TOKEN = "-1";
-  protected static final String VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS = "ListIdentifiers";
-  protected static final String VERB_LIST_RECORDS = "ListRecords";
-  protected static final String VERB_GET_RECORD = "GetRecord";
-  protected static final String VERB_IDENTIFY = "Identify";
-  protected static final String VERB_LIST_METADATA_FORMATS = "ListMetadataFormats";
-  protected static final String VERB_LIST_SETS = "ListSets";
-  protected static final boolean NO_METADATA_FORMAT_WITH_RESTOK = false;
-  protected static final boolean METADATA_FORMAT_WITH_RESTOK = true;
-  protected static final String NO_FROM = null;
-  protected static final String NO_UNTIL = null;
-  // Time to wait between the single queries using resumption tokens in milliseconds.
-  protected static final Long TIME = 275l;
-  protected static final long OAIPMH_CLIENT_TIMEOUT = 120000;
-  /**
-   * @param theClient
-   * @param thePath
-   * @return
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  protected static Response getHttpResponse(Client theClient, String thePath) throws IOException {
-    return getHttpResponse(theClient, thePath, "");
-  }
-  /**
-   * @param theClient
-   * @param thePath
-   * @param theThreadName
-   * @return
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  protected static Response getHttpResponse(Client theClient, String thePath, String theThreadName)
-      throws IOException {
-    Response result;
-    try {
-      Thread.sleep(TIME);
-    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-      // Nothing interrupts here!
-    }
-    WebClient w = WebClient.fromClient(theClient).replaceQuery(thePath);
-    System.out.println("\t" + theThreadName + "HTTP GET " + w.getCurrentURI());
-    result = w.get();
-    // Check HTTP status.
-    int status = result.getStatus();
-    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
-      System.err.println("\t" + theThreadName + "status: " + status);
-      System.err.println(ERROR);
-      assertTrue(false);
-    } else {
-      System.out.println("\t" + theThreadName + "status: " + status);
-    }
-    return result;
-  }
-  /**
-   * @param theMillis
-   * @return
-   */
-  public static String getDurationInSecs(long theMillis) {
-    int SECS_IN_MILLIS = 1000;
-    int secs = SECS_IN_MILLIS;
-    return theMillis / secs + " second" + ((theMillis / secs) != 1 ? "s" : "");
-  }
-  /**
-   * <p>
-   * Loads a resource.
-   * </p>
-   * 
-   * TODO Put together with the method in TGCrudServiceUtilities! Maybe create a first build maven
-   * module for utility things.
-   * 
-   * @param {@link String} The resource to search for.
-   * @return {@link File} The resource.
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  protected static File getResource(String resPart) throws IOException {
-    File res;
-    // If we have an absolute resPart, just return the file.
-    if (resPart.startsWith(File.separator)) {
-      return new File(resPart);
-    }
-    URL url = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource(resPart);
-    if (url == null) {
-      throw new IOException("Resource '" + resPart + "' not found");
-    }
-    try {
-      res = new File(url.toURI());
-    } catch (URISyntaxException ue) {
-      res = new File(url.getPath());
-    }
-    return res;
-  }
-  /**
-   * @param theProperty
-   * @return
-   */
-  protected static List<String> getListFromProperties(String theProperty) {
-    List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
-    String parts[] = theProperty.split(",");
-    for (String part : parts) {
-      result.add(part.trim());
-    }
-    return result;
-  }
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OaiPmhTextgridOnlineTests.java b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OaiPmhTextgridOnlineTests.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b15c4f2ada23c366a5eee71eb210c69071cc6d47..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OaiPmhTextgridOnlineTests.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1538 +0,0 @@
-package info.textgrid.middleware;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.InputStream;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Properties;
-import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
-import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
-import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
-import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
-import java.util.concurrent.Future;
-import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
-import org.apache.cxf.helpers.IOUtils;
-import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.Client;
-import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.JAXRSClientFactory;
-import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.WebClient;
-import org.apache.cxf.transport.http.HTTPConduit;
-import org.apache.cxf.transports.http.configuration.HTTPClientPolicy;
-import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Ignore;
-import org.junit.Test;
- * <p>
- * Some online tests for the TextGrid OAIMPH service.
- * </p>
- * 
- * @author Stefan E. Funk, SUB Göttingen
- */
-// @Ignore
-public class OaiPmhTextgridOnlineTests {
-  // **
-  // FINALS
-  // **
-  // private static final String PROPERTIES_FILE = "oaipmh.test.textgridlab-org.properties";
-  // TODO There is NO IDIOM test data for testing on dev.textgridlab.org! So eventually all
-  // IDIOM tests will fail!
-  private static final String PROPERTIES_FILE = "oaipmh.test.dev-textgridlab-org.properties";
-  // **
-  // **
-  // Some JAXRS things.
-  private static String oaipmhEndpoint;
-  private static OAIPMHProducer JAXRSClient;
-  static Client oaipmhWebClient;
-  // Properties
-  private static String expectedListSets;
-  private static String checkGetRecordDC;
-  private static String expectedGetRecordDC;
-  private static String checkGetRecordIDIOM;
-  private static String checkGetRecordIDIOM_Images;
-  private static String expectedGetRecordIDIOM_Images;
-  private static String expectedGetRecordIDIOM;
-  private static String checkGetRecordDATACITE;
-  private static String expectedGetRecordDATACITE;
-  private static String checkListRecordsDC;
-  private static String checkListRecordsDCFrom;
-  private static String checkListRecordsDCUntil;
-  private static String checkListRecordsIDIOMFrom;
-  private static String checkListRecordsIDIOMUntil;
-  private static String checkListRecordsDATACITEFrom;
-  private static String checkListRecordsDATACITEUntil;
-  private static String checkListIdentifiersSet;
-  private static int checkListIdentifiersPagesToTestIDIOM;
-  private static int checkListIdentifiersRecordsPerPageIDIOM;
-  private static List<String> checkGetRecordIDList = new ArrayList<String>();
-  // **
-  // **
-  /**
-   * @throws Exception
-   */
-  @BeforeClass
-  public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
-    // Load properties file.
-    Properties p = new Properties();
-    p.load(new FileInputStream(OaiPmhTestUtilities.getResource(PROPERTIES_FILE)));
-    System.out.println("Properties file: " + PROPERTIES_FILE);
-    p.list(System.out);
-    // Get other needed properties.
-    oaipmhEndpoint = p.getProperty("oaipmhEndpoint");
-    expectedListSets = p.getProperty("expectedListSets");
-    checkGetRecordDC = p.getProperty("checkGetRecordDC");
-    expectedGetRecordDC = p.getProperty("expectedGetRecordDC");
-    checkGetRecordIDIOM = p.getProperty("checkGetRecordIDIOM");
-    checkGetRecordIDIOM_Images = p.getProperty("checkGetRecordIDIOM_Images");
-    expectedGetRecordIDIOM_Images = p.getProperty("expectedGetRecordIDIOM_Images");
-    expectedGetRecordIDIOM = p.getProperty("expectedGetRecordIDIOM");
-    checkGetRecordDATACITE = p.getProperty("checkGetRecordDATACITE");
-    expectedGetRecordDATACITE = p.getProperty("expectedGetRecordDATACITE");
-    checkListRecordsDC = p.getProperty("checkListRecordsDC");
-    checkListRecordsDCFrom = p.getProperty("checkListRecordsDCFrom");
-    checkListRecordsDCUntil = p.getProperty("checkListRecordsDCUntil");
-    checkListRecordsIDIOMFrom = p.getProperty("checkListRecordsIDIOMFrom");
-    checkListRecordsIDIOMUntil = p.getProperty("checkListRecordsIDIOMUntil");
-    checkListRecordsDATACITEFrom = p.getProperty("checkListRecordsDATACITEFrom");
-    checkListRecordsDATACITEUntil = p.getProperty("checkListRecordsDATACITEUntil");
-    checkListIdentifiersSet = p.getProperty("checkListIdentifiersSet");
-    checkListIdentifiersPagesToTestIDIOM =
-        Integer.parseInt(p.getProperty("checkListIdentifiersPagesToTestIDIOM"));
-    checkListIdentifiersRecordsPerPageIDIOM =
-        Integer.parseInt(p.getProperty("checkListIdentifiersRecordsPerPageIDIOM"));
-    checkGetRecordIDList =
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.getListFromProperties((String) p.get("checkGetRecordIDList"));
-    // Get OAI-PMH REST endpoint and HTTP client.
-    System.out.println("Getting OAI-PMH HTTP client --> " + oaipmhEndpoint + " <--");
-    // Get proxy first, set policy.
-    JAXRSClient = JAXRSClientFactory.create(oaipmhEndpoint, OAIPMHProducer.class);
-    HTTPConduit conduit = WebClient.getConfig(JAXRSClient).getHttpConduit();
-    HTTPClientPolicy policy = new HTTPClientPolicy();
-    policy.setReceiveTimeout(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAIPMH_CLIENT_TIMEOUT);
-    conduit.setClient(policy);
-    // Create Web Client from Web Proxy.
-    oaipmhWebClient = WebClient.client(JAXRSClient);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws Exception
-   */
-  @AfterClass
-  public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception {
-    //
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws Exception
-   */
-  @Before
-  public void setUp() throws Exception {
-    //
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws Exception
-   */
-  @After
-  public void tearDown() throws Exception {
-    //
-  }
-  // **
-  // TESTS
-  // **
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testGetVersion() throws IOException {
-    String shouldStartWith = "oaipmh-core";
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testGetVersion()");
-    String versionString = JAXRSClient.getVersion();
-    if (!versionString.startsWith(shouldStartWith)) {
-      System.err.println(
-          OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR + ": response should start with '" + shouldStartWith + "'");
-      assertTrue(false);
-    }
-    System.out.println("\tresponse: " + versionString);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testRootUrl() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testRootUrl()");
-    // Still hard coded in OAIPMH service!
-    String shouldContain = "textgridrep.org";
-    Response httpResponse = OaiPmhTestUtilities.getHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient, "oai",
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME);
-    int status = httpResponse.getStatus();
-    String response = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) httpResponse.getEntity());
-    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK || !response.contains(shouldContain)) {
-      System.err.println("\tstatus: " + status);
-      System.err
-          .println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR + ": response should contain '" + shouldContain + "'");
-      assertTrue(false);
-    }
-    System.out.println("\tresponse: " + response);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testIdentify() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testIdentify()");
-    // Still hard coded in OAIPMH service!
-    String shouldContain = "textgridrep.org";
-    Response httpResponse = OaiPmhTestUtilities.getHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient,
-        "verb=" + OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_IDENTIFY, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME);
-    int status = httpResponse.getStatus();
-    String response = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) httpResponse.getEntity());
-    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK || !response.contains(shouldContain)) {
-      System.err.println("\tstatus: " + status);
-      System.err
-          .println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR + ": response should contain '" + shouldContain + "'");
-      assertTrue(false);
-    }
-    System.out.println("\tresponse: " + response);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testListMetadataFormats() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testListMetadataFormats()");
-    String shouldContainDC = OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX;
-    String shouldContainIDIOM = OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX;
-    String shouldContainDATACITE = OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX;
-    Response httpResponse = OaiPmhTestUtilities.getHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient,
-        "verb=" + OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_METADATA_FORMATS,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME);
-    int status = httpResponse.getStatus();
-    String response = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) httpResponse.getEntity());
-    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK || !response.contains(shouldContainDC)
-        || !response.contains(shouldContainIDIOM) || !response.contains(shouldContainDATACITE)) {
-      System.err.println("\tstatus: " + status);
-      System.err.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR + ": response should contain '" + shouldContainDC
-          + "' and '" + shouldContainIDIOM + "' and '" + shouldContainDATACITE + "'");
-      assertTrue(false);
-    }
-    System.out.println("\tresponse: " + response);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testListSets() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testListSets()");
-    Response httpResponse = OaiPmhTestUtilities.getHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient,
-        "verb=" + OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_SETS, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME);
-    int status = httpResponse.getStatus();
-    String response = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) httpResponse.getEntity());
-    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK || !response.contains(expectedListSets)) {
-      System.err.println("\tstatus: " + status);
-      System.err.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR + ": response should contain '"
-          + expectedListSets + "'");
-      System.err.println(response);
-      assertTrue(false);
-    }
-    System.out.println("\tresponse: " + response);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testGetRecordOAIDC() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testGetRecordOAIDC()");
-    String path = "verb=" + OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD + "&identifier="
-        + checkGetRecordDC + "&metadataPrefix="
-        + OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX;
-    Response httpResponse = OaiPmhTestUtilities.getHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient, path,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME);
-    int status = httpResponse.getStatus();
-    String response = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) httpResponse.getEntity());
-    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK
-        || !response.contains(expectedGetRecordDC)) {
-      System.err.println("\tstatus: " + status);
-      System.err.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR + ": response should contain '"
-          + expectedGetRecordDC + "'");
-      System.err.println(response);
-      assertTrue(false);
-    }
-    System.out.println("\tresponse: " + response);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testGetRecordOAIDCNoPrefix() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testGetRecordOAIDCNoPrefix()");
-    String path = "verb=" + OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD + "&identifier="
-        + checkGetRecordDC + "&metadataPrefix="
-        + OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX;
-    Response httpResponse = OaiPmhTestUtilities.getHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient, path,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME);
-    int status = httpResponse.getStatus();
-    String response = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) httpResponse.getEntity());
-    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK
-        || !response.contains(expectedGetRecordDC)) {
-      System.err.println("\tstatus: " + status);
-      System.err.println(
-          OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR + ": response should contain '"
-              + checkGetRecordDC + "'");
-      System.err.println(response);
-      assertTrue(false);
-    }
-    System.out.println("\tresponse: " + response);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testGetRecordIDIOMMETS() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testGetRecordIDIOMMETS()");
-    String path = "verb=" + OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD + "&identifier="
-        + checkGetRecordIDIOM + "&metadataPrefix="
-        + OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX;
-    Response httpResponse = OaiPmhTestUtilities.getHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient, path,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME);
-    int status = httpResponse.getStatus();
-    String response = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) httpResponse.getEntity());
-    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK
-        || !response.contains(expectedGetRecordIDIOM)) {
-      System.err.println("\tstatus: " + status);
-      System.err.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR + ": response should contain '"
-          + expectedGetRecordIDIOM + "'");
-      System.err.println(response);
-      assertTrue(false);
-    }
-    System.out.println("\tresponse: " + response);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testGetRecordIDIOMMETS_Image() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testGetRecordIDIOMMETS_Image()");
-    String path =
-        "verb=" + OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD + "&identifier=" + checkGetRecordIDIOM_Images
-            + "&metadataPrefix=" + OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX;
-    Response httpResponse = OaiPmhTestUtilities.getHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient, path,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME);
-    int status = httpResponse.getStatus();
-    String response = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) httpResponse.getEntity());
-    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK
-        || !response.contains(expectedGetRecordIDIOM_Images)) {
-      System.err.println("\tstatus: " + status);
-      System.err.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR + ": response should contain '"
-          + expectedGetRecordIDIOM_Images + "'");
-      System.err.println(response);
-      assertTrue(false);
-    }
-    System.out.println("\tresponse: " + response);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testGetRecordIDIOMMETSNoPrefix() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testGetRecordIDIOMMETSNoPrefix()");
-    String path = "verb=" + OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD + "&identifier="
-        + checkGetRecordIDIOM + "&metadataPrefix="
-        + OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX;
-    Response httpResponse = OaiPmhTestUtilities.getHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient, path,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME);
-    int status = httpResponse.getStatus();
-    String response = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) httpResponse.getEntity());
-    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK
-        || !response.contains(expectedGetRecordIDIOM)) {
-      System.err.println("\tstatus: " + status);
-      System.err.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR + ": response should contain '"
-          + expectedGetRecordIDIOM + "'");
-      System.err.println(response);
-      assertTrue(false);
-    }
-    System.out.println("\tresponse: " + response);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testGetRecordDATACITE() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testGetRecordDATACITE()");
-    String path = "verb=" + OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD + "&identifier="
-        + checkGetRecordDATACITE + "&metadataPrefix="
-        + OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX;
-    Response httpResponse = OaiPmhTestUtilities.getHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient, path,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME);
-    int status = httpResponse.getStatus();
-    String response = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) httpResponse.getEntity());
-    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK
-        || !response.contains(expectedGetRecordDATACITE)) {
-      System.err.println("\tstatus: " + status);
-      System.err.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR + ": response should contain '"
-          + expectedGetRecordDATACITE + "'");
-      System.err.println(response);
-      assertTrue(false);
-    }
-    System.out.println("\tresponse: " + response);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testGetRecordDATACITENoPrefix() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testGetRecordDATACITENoPrefix()");
-    String path =
-        "verb=" + OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD + "&identifier="
-            + checkGetRecordDATACITE
-            + "&metadataPrefix=" + OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX;
-    Response httpResponse = OaiPmhTestUtilities.getHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient, path,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME);
-    int status = httpResponse.getStatus();
-    String response = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) httpResponse.getEntity());
-    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK
-        || !response.contains(expectedGetRecordDATACITE)) {
-      System.err.println("\tstatus: " + status);
-      System.err.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR + ": response should contain '"
-          + expectedGetRecordDATACITE + "'");
-      System.err.println(response);
-      assertTrue(false);
-    }
-    System.out.println("\tresponse: " + response);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testListRecordsOAIDCMorePages() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testListRecordsOAIDCMorePages()");
-    testList(oaipmhWebClient, OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS, checkListRecordsDC,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 20, 100, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_FROM, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_UNTIL,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_METADATA_FORMAT_WITH_RESTOK);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testListRecordsOAIDCMorePagesFromUntil() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testListRecordsOAIDCMorePagesFromUntil()");
-    testList(oaipmhWebClient, OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS, checkListRecordsDC,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 0, 100, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME,
-        checkListRecordsDCFrom, checkListRecordsDCUntil,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_METADATA_FORMAT_WITH_RESTOK);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test(expected = IOException.class)
-  public void testListRecordsIDIOMMETSSomePagesAndMetadataFormatWithRestok() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING
-        + "testListRecordsIDIOMMETSSomePagesAndMetadataFormatWithRestok()");
-    testList(oaipmhWebClient, OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX, 3, 30, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_FROM, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_UNTIL,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.METADATA_FORMAT_WITH_RESTOK);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test
-  // @Ignore
-  public void testListRecordsIDIOMMETSAllPages() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testListRecordsIDIOMMETSAllPages()");
-    testList(oaipmhWebClient, OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX, 0, 30, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_FROM, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_UNTIL,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_METADATA_FORMAT_WITH_RESTOK);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * NOTE The amount of records will change due to changes on the data! Please check from and until
-   * values before!
-   *
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test
-  @Ignore
-  public void testListRecordsIDIOMMETSMorePagesFromUntil() throws IOException {
-    System.out
-        .println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testListRecordsIDIOMMETSMorePagesFromUntil()");
-    testList(oaipmhWebClient, OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX, 6, 30, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME,
-        checkListRecordsIDIOMFrom,
-        checkListRecordsIDIOMUntil,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_METADATA_FORMAT_WITH_RESTOK);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testListRecordsIDIOMMETSMorePages() throws IOException {
-    System.out
-        .println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testListRecordsIDIOMMETSMorePages()");
-    testList(oaipmhWebClient, OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX, 6, 30, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_FROM, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_UNTIL,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_METADATA_FORMAT_WITH_RESTOK);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testListRecordsDATACITEMorePages() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testListRecordsDATACITEMorePages()");
-    testList(oaipmhWebClient, OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX, 15, 100, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_FROM, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_UNTIL,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_METADATA_FORMAT_WITH_RESTOK);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test
-  // @Ignore
-  public void testListRecordsDATACITEAllPages() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testListRecordsDATACITEAllPages()");
-    testList(oaipmhWebClient, OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX, 0, 100, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_FROM, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_UNTIL,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_METADATA_FORMAT_WITH_RESTOK);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testListRecordsDATACITEMorePagesFromUntil() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testListRecordsDATACITEMorePagesFromUntil()");
-    testList(oaipmhWebClient, OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX, 15, 100, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME,
-        checkListRecordsDATACITEFrom,
-        checkListRecordsDATACITEUntil,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_METADATA_FORMAT_WITH_RESTOK);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testListIdentifiersOAIDCMorePages() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testListIdentifiersOAIDCMorePages()");
-    testList(oaipmhWebClient, OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-        checkListIdentifiersSet, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 30,
-        100,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_FROM,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_UNTIL, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_METADATA_FORMAT_WITH_RESTOK);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test(expected = IOException.class)
-  public void testListIdentifiersOAIDCMorePagesAndMetadataFormatWithRestok() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING
-        + "testListIdentifiersOAIDCMorePagesAndMetadataFormatWithRestok()");
-    testList(oaipmhWebClient, OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-        checkListIdentifiersSet, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 30,
-        100,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_FROM,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_UNTIL, OaiPmhTestUtilities.METADATA_FORMAT_WITH_RESTOK);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test
-  @Ignore
-  public void testListIdentifiersIDIOMMETSAllPages() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testListIdentifiersIDIOMMETSAllPages()");
-    testList(oaipmhWebClient, OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX, 0, 30,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_FROM,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_UNTIL, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_METADATA_FORMAT_WITH_RESTOK);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testListIdentifiersIDIOMMETSMorePages() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testListIdentifiersIDIOMMETSMorePages()");
-    testList(oaipmhWebClient, OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX, 6, 30,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_FROM,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_UNTIL, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_METADATA_FORMAT_WITH_RESTOK);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test(expected = IOException.class)
-  public void testListIdentifiersIDIOMMETSSomePagesAndMetadataFormatWithRestok()
-      throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING
-        + "testListIdentifiersIDIOMMETSSomePagesAndMetadataFormatWithRestok()");
-    testList(oaipmhWebClient, OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX, 3, 30,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_FROM,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_UNTIL, OaiPmhTestUtilities.METADATA_FORMAT_WITH_RESTOK);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testListIdentifiersDATACITEMorePages() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testListIdentifiersDATACITEMorePages()");
-    testList(oaipmhWebClient, OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX, 22, 100,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_THREAD_NAME, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_FROM,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_UNTIL, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_METADATA_FORMAT_WITH_RESTOK);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   * @throws ExecutionException
-   * @throws InterruptedException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testListIdentifiersConcurrentlyIDIOMMETSMorePages()
-      throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
-    System.out.println(
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testListIdentifiersConcurrentlyIDIOMMETSMorePages()");
-    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
-    Future<Boolean> f1 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX, 3, 30, "C1"));
-    Future<Boolean> f2 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX, 5, 30, "C2"));
-    Future<Boolean> f3 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX, 8, 30, "C2"));
-    executor.shutdown();
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK + ": [C1]=" + f1.get() + ", [C2]=" + f2.get()
-        + ", [C3]=" + f3.get());
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   * @throws ExecutionException
-   * @throws InterruptedException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testListRecordsConcurrentlyIDIOMMETSMorePages()
-      throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
-    System.out
-        .println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testListRecordsConcurrentlyIDIOMMETSMorePages()");
-    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
-    Future<Boolean> f1 =
-        executor.submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX, 2, 30, "D1"));
-    Future<Boolean> f2 =
-        executor.submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX, 3, 30, "D2"));
-    Future<Boolean> f3 =
-        executor.submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX, 4, 30, "D3"));
-    executor.shutdown();
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK + ": [D1]=" + f1.get() + ", [D2]=" + f2.get()
-        + ", [D3]=" + f3.get());
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   * @throws InterruptedException
-   * @throws ExecutionException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testRestokConcurrentlyListIdentifiersDC()
-      throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testRestokConcurrentlyListIdentifiersDC()");
-    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
-    Future<Boolean> f1 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 36, 100, "A1"));
-    Future<Boolean> f2 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 27, 100, "A2"));
-    Future<Boolean> f3 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 19, 100, "A3"));
-    executor.shutdown();
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK + ": [A1]=" + f1.get() + ", [A2]=" + f2.get()
-        + ", [A3]=" + f3.get());
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   * @throws InterruptedException
-   * @throws ExecutionException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testRestokConcurrentlyListIdentifiersIDIOMMETS()
-      throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
-    System.out
-        .println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testRestokConcurrentlyListIdentifiersIDIOM()");
-    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
-    Future<Boolean> f1 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX, 13, 30, "A1"));
-    Future<Boolean> f2 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX, 35, 30, "A2"));
-    Future<Boolean> f3 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX, 11, 30, "A3"));
-    executor.shutdown();
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK + ": [A1]=" + f1.get() + ", [A2]=" + f2.get()
-        + ", [A3]=" + f3.get());
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   * @throws InterruptedException
-   * @throws ExecutionException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testRestokConcurrentlyListIdentifiersDATACITE()
-      throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
-    System.out
-        .println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testRestokConcurrentlyListIdentifiersDATACITE()");
-    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
-    Future<Boolean> f1 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX, 13, 100, "A1"));
-    Future<Boolean> f2 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX, 20, 100, "A2"));
-    Future<Boolean> f3 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX, 8, 100, "A3"));
-    executor.shutdown();
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK + ": [A1]=" + f1.get() + ", [A2]=" + f2.get()
-        + ", [A3]=" + f3.get());
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws InterruptedException
-   * @throws ExecutionException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testRestokConcurrentlyListIdentifiersDCAndIDIOMMETS()
-      throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
-    System.out.println(
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testRestokConcurrentlyListIdentifiersDCAndIDIOMMets()");
-    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
-    Future<Boolean> f1 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 53, 100, "DC1"));
-    Future<Boolean> f2 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 28, 100, "DC2"));
-    Future<Boolean> f3 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX,
-            checkListIdentifiersPagesToTestIDIOM,
-            checkListIdentifiersRecordsPerPageIDIOM,
-            "IDIOM"));
-    executor.shutdown();
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK + ": [DC1]=" + f1.get() + ", [DC2]=" + f2.get()
-        + ", [IDIOM]=" + f3.get());
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws InterruptedException
-   * @throws ExecutionException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testRestokConcurrentlyListRecordsDC()
-      throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testRestokConcurrentlyListRecordsDC()");
-    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4);
-    Future<Boolean> f1 =
-        executor.submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 44, 100, "DC1"));
-    Future<Boolean> f2 =
-        executor.submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 33, 100, "DC2"));
-    Future<Boolean> f3 =
-        executor.submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 66, 100, "DC3"));
-    Future<Boolean> f4 =
-        executor.submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 28, 100, "DC4"));
-    executor.shutdown();
-    System.out.println(
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK + ": [DC1]=" + f1.get() + ", [DC2]=" + f2.get() + ", [DC3]="
-            + f3.get() + ", [DC4]=" + f4.get());
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   * @throws InterruptedException
-   * @throws ExecutionException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testRestokConcurrentlyListRecords() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testRestokConcurrentlyListRecords()");
-    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
-    Future<Boolean> f1 =
-        executor.submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 6, 100, "B1"));
-    Future<Boolean> f2 =
-        executor.submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 7, 100, "B2"));
-    Future<Boolean> f3 =
-        executor.submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 8, 100, "B3"));
-    Future<Boolean> f4 =
-        executor.submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 9, 100, "B4"));
-    executor.shutdown();
-    System.out.println(
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK + ": [B1]=" + f1.get() + ", [B2]=" + f2.get() + ", [B3]=" + f3.get()
-            + ", [B4]=" + f4.get());
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws InterruptedException
-   * @throws ExecutionException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testListRecordsRestokConcurrentlyDCAndIDIOMMETS()
-      throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
-    System.out
-        .println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testListRecordsRestokConcurrentlyDCAndIDIOMMets()");
-    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
-    Future<Boolean> f1 =
-        executor.submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 34, 100, "DC1"));
-    Future<Boolean> f2 =
-        executor.submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 27, 100, "DC2"));
-    Future<Boolean> f3 =
-        executor.submit(new OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET, OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX,
-            checkListIdentifiersPagesToTestIDIOM,
-            checkListIdentifiersRecordsPerPageIDIOM,
-            "IDIOM"));
-    executor.shutdown();
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK + ": [DC1]=" + f1.get() + ", [DC2]=" + f2.get()
-        + ", [IOIOM]=" + f3.get());
-  }
-  /**
-   * @throws IOException
-   * @throws InterruptedException
-   * @throws ExecutionException
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testConcurrentlyOAIDCGetRecord() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "testConcurrentlyOAIDCGetRecord()");
-    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(18);
-    Future<Boolean> f1 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD,
-            checkGetRecordIDList.get(0),
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
-            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
-    Future<Boolean> f2 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD,
-            checkGetRecordIDList.get(1),
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
-            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
-    Future<Boolean> f3 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD,
-            checkGetRecordIDList.get(2),
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
-            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
-    Future<Boolean> f4 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD,
-            checkGetRecordIDList.get(3),
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
-            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
-    Future<Boolean> f5 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD,
-            checkGetRecordIDList.get(4),
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
-            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
-    Future<Boolean> f6 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD,
-            checkGetRecordIDList.get(5),
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
-            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
-    Future<Boolean> f7 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD,
-            checkGetRecordIDList.get(6),
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
-            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
-    Future<Boolean> f8 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD,
-            checkGetRecordIDList.get(7),
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
-            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
-    Future<Boolean> f9 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD,
-            checkGetRecordIDList.get(8),
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
-            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
-    Future<Boolean> f10 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD,
-            checkGetRecordIDList.get(9),
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
-            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
-    Future<Boolean> f11 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD,
-            checkGetRecordIDList.get(10),
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
-            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
-    Future<Boolean> f12 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD,
-            checkGetRecordIDList.get(11),
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
-            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
-    Future<Boolean> f13 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD,
-            checkGetRecordIDList.get(12),
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
-            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
-    Future<Boolean> f14 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD,
-            checkGetRecordIDList.get(13),
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
-            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
-    Future<Boolean> f15 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD,
-            checkGetRecordIDList.get(14),
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
-            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
-    Future<Boolean> f16 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD,
-            checkGetRecordIDList.get(15),
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
-            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
-    Future<Boolean> f17 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD,
-            checkGetRecordIDList.get(16),
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
-            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
-    Future<Boolean> f18 = executor
-        .submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_GET_RECORD,
-            checkGetRecordIDList.get(17),
-            OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
-            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
-    executor.shutdown();
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK + "[GR1]=" + f1.get() + ", [GR2]=" + f2.get()
-        + ", [GR3]=" + f3.get() + ", [GR4]=" + f4.get() + ", [GR5]=" + f5.get() + ", [GR6]="
-        + f6.get() + ", [GR7]=" + f7.get() + ", [GR8]=" + f8.get() + ", [GR9]=" + f9.get()
-        + ", [GR10]=" + f10.get() + ", [GR11]=" + f11.get() + ", [GR12]=" + f12.get()
-        + ", [GR13]=" + f13.get() + ", [GR14]=" + f14.get() + ", [GR15]=" + f15.get()
-        + ", [GR16]=" + f16.get() + ", [GR17]=" + f17.get() + ", [GR18]=" + f18.get());
-  }
-  /**
-   * <p>
-   * Starts a new OAI-PMH thread.
-   * </p>
-   */
-  private class OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread implements Callable<Boolean> {
-    protected String verb;
-    protected String set;
-    protected String metadataPrefix;
-    protected int numberOfPagesToTest;
-    protected int recordsExpectedPerRequest;
-    protected String threadName;
-    /**
-     * @param theVerb
-     * @param theSet
-     * @param theMetadataPrefix
-     * @param numberOfPagesToTest
-     * @param recordsExpectedPerRequest
-     */
-    public OaiPmhResumptionTokenTestThread(String theVerb, String theSet, String theMetadataPrefix,
-        int numberOfPagesToTest, int recordsExpectedPerRequest, String theThreadName) {
-      this.verb = theVerb;
-      this.set = theSet;
-      this.metadataPrefix = theMetadataPrefix;
-      this.numberOfPagesToTest = numberOfPagesToTest;
-      this.recordsExpectedPerRequest = recordsExpectedPerRequest;
-      this.threadName = theThreadName;
-    }
-    /*
-     * (non-Javadoc)
-     * 
-     * @see java.lang.Thread#run()
-     */
-    @Override
-    public Boolean call() throws IOException {
-      testList(oaipmhWebClient, this.verb, this.set, this.metadataPrefix,
-          this.numberOfPagesToTest, this.recordsExpectedPerRequest, this.threadName,
-          OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_FROM, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_UNTIL,
-          OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_METADATA_FORMAT_WITH_RESTOK);
-      return true;
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * <p>
-   * Starts a new OAI-PMH thread.
-   * </p>
-   */
-  private class OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread implements Callable<Boolean> {
-    protected String verb;
-    protected String identifier;
-    protected String metadataPrefix;
-    protected String threadName;
-    /**
-     * @param theVerb
-     * @param theIdentifier
-     * @param theMetadataPrefix
-     * @param theThreadName
-     */
-    public OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(String theVerb, String theIdentifier, String theMetadataPrefix,
-        String theThreadName) {
-      this.verb = theVerb;
-      this.identifier = theIdentifier;
-      this.metadataPrefix = theMetadataPrefix;
-      this.threadName = theThreadName;
-    }
-    /*
-     * (non-Javadoc)
-     * 
-     * @see java.util.concurrent.Callable#call()
-     */
-    @Override
-    public Boolean call() throws IOException {
-      String url = "verb=" + this.verb + "&identifier=" + this.identifier + "&metadataPrefix="
-          + this.metadataPrefix;
-      OaiPmhTestUtilities.getHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient, url, this.threadName);
-      return true;
-    }
-  }
-  // **
-  // **
-  /**
-   * TODO Generalise in OaiPmhTestUtilities!
-   * 
-   * @param theClient
-   * @param theVerb
-   * @param theSet
-   * @param theMetadataPrefix
-   * @param maxNumberOfPagesToTest
-   * @param recordsExpectedPerRequest
-   * @param theThreadName
-   * @param from
-   * @param until
-   * @param resumptionTokenANDMetadataPrefix
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  protected static void testList(Client theClient, final String theVerb, final String theSet,
-      final String theMetadataPrefix, final int maxNumberOfPagesToTest,
-      final int recordsExpectedPerRequest, final String theThreadName, final String from,
-      final String until, final boolean resumptionTokenANDMetadataPrefix) throws IOException {
-    String threadName = tn(theThreadName);
-    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
-    String testOccurance = "header";
-    if (theVerb.equals(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS)) {
-      testOccurance = "record";
-    }
-    String path = "verb=" + theVerb + "&metadataPrefix=" + theMetadataPrefix;
-    if (theSet != null) {
-      path += "&set=" + theSet;
-    }
-    if (from != null && until != null) {
-      path += "&from=" + from + "&until=" + until;
-    }
-    Response httpResponse = OaiPmhTestUtilities.getHttpResponse(theClient, path, threadName);
-    int status = httpResponse.getStatus();
-    int loopCount = 1;
-    long timeRunning = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
-    System.out.println("\t" + threadName + "time: "
-        + OaiPmhTestUtilities.getDurationInSecs(timeRunning) + " (loop " + loopCount
-        + (maxNumberOfPagesToTest != 0 ? "/" + maxNumberOfPagesToTest : "") + ")");
-    String responseString = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) httpResponse.getEntity());
-    // Test resumption token tags.
-    String restok = examineResumptionTokenTag(responseString, testOccurance,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_TOKEN, recordsExpectedPerRequest, loopCount, threadName);
-    // Test general metadata content (if verb is listRecords!), must go conform with the metadata
-    // prefix setting.
-    if (theVerb.equals(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS)) {
-      examineContent(responseString, theMetadataPrefix);
-    }
-    while (status == HttpStatus.SC_OK && !restok.equals(OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_TOKEN)) {
-      loopCount += 1;
-      synchronized (threadName) {
-        if (maxNumberOfPagesToTest > 0 && loopCount > maxNumberOfPagesToTest) {
-          System.out
-              .println("\t" + threadName + "TESTING ONLY " + maxNumberOfPagesToTest + " pages!");
-          break;
-        }
-        path = "verb=" + theVerb + "&resumptionToken=" + restok;
-        if (resumptionTokenANDMetadataPrefix) {
-          path += "&metadataPrefix=" + theMetadataPrefix;
-        }
-        httpResponse = OaiPmhTestUtilities.getHttpResponse(theClient, path, threadName);
-        timeRunning = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
-        System.out.println("\t" + threadName + "time: "
-            + OaiPmhTestUtilities.getDurationInSecs(timeRunning) + " (loop " + loopCount
-            + (maxNumberOfPagesToTest != 0 ? "/" + maxNumberOfPagesToTest : "") + ")");
-        // Test resumption token tags.
-        responseString = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) httpResponse.getEntity());
-        restok = examineResumptionTokenTag(responseString, testOccurance, restok,
-            recordsExpectedPerRequest, loopCount, threadName);
-        // Test general metadata content (if verb is listRecords!), must go conform with the
-        // metadata // prefix setting.
-        if (theVerb.equals(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS)) {
-          examineContent(responseString, theMetadataPrefix);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Only check for max loops, if we do have less loops and no resumption token, it will be fine,
-    // too!
-    if (!restok.equals(OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_TOKEN) && loopCount < maxNumberOfPagesToTest) {
-      System.out.println(threadName + OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR + ": Must have done "
-          + maxNumberOfPagesToTest + " loops, but did only " + loopCount);
-      assertTrue(false);
-    }
-    // Check for single loop, we need MORE!
-    if (loopCount == 1) {
-      System.out
-          .println(threadName + OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR + ": Must have more than one loop!");
-      assertTrue(false);
-    }
-    System.out.println("\t" + threadName + OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
-  }
-  /**
-   * TODO Generalise in OaiPmhTestUtilities!
-   * 
-   * @param theResponse
-   * @param recordOrHeader
-   * @param oldtok
-   * @param recordsExpectedPerRequest
-   * @param loopCount
-   * @param theThreadName
-   * @return Resumption token string, if existing, -1 if either no <resumptionToken> tag is
-   *         existing, tag is existing and has no token value.
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  public static String examineResumptionTokenTag(final String theResponseString,
-      final String recordOrHeader, final String oldtok, final int recordsExpectedPerRequest,
-      final int loopCount, final String theThreadName) throws IOException {
-    // Test for OAIPMH errors.
-    if (theResponseString.contains("<error code=\"badArgument\">")) {
-      String message =
-          theThreadName + OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR + " IN OAIPMH RESPONSE: " + theResponseString;
-      System.out.println(message);
-      throw new IOException(message);
-    }
-    // Count response objects at first.
-    int recordCount = 0;
-    int i = theResponseString.indexOf("<" + recordOrHeader + ">", 0);
-    while (i != -1) {
-      recordCount++;
-      i++;
-      i = theResponseString.indexOf("<" + recordOrHeader + ">", i);
-    }
-    System.out.println("\t" + theThreadName + recordOrHeader + "s: " + recordCount);
-    // Check if token tag is existing.
-    int tokStart = theResponseString.indexOf("<resumptionToken");
-    int tokEnd = theResponseString.indexOf("</resumptionToken");
-    if (tokStart == -1 && tokEnd == -1) {
-      System.out.println("\t" + theThreadName + "token: no token");
-      return OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_TOKEN;
-    }
-    String restokTmp = theResponseString.substring(tokStart, tokEnd);
-    // Get token tag.
-    String toktag = restokTmp.substring(0, restokTmp.indexOf(">") + 1).trim();
-    System.out.println("\t" + theThreadName + "tokentag: " + toktag);
-    // Get token.
-    String restok = restokTmp.substring(restokTmp.indexOf(">") + 1).trim();
-    System.out.println("\t" + theThreadName + "token: " + restok);
-    // Check if old and new token are equal or not.
-    boolean tokchanged = !oldtok.equals(restok);
-    System.out.println("\t" + theThreadName + "tokchngd: " + tokchanged);
-    // Get completeListSize and cursor.
-    String sizeStr = toktag.substring(toktag.indexOf("completeListSize=\"") + 18);
-    int size = Integer.parseInt(sizeStr.substring(0, sizeStr.indexOf("\"")));
-    String cursorStr = toktag.substring(toktag.indexOf("cursor=\"") + 8);
-    int cursor = Integer.parseInt(cursorStr.substring(0, cursorStr.indexOf("\"")));
-    System.out.println("\t" + theThreadName + "size: " + size + " / " + cursor);
-    // If token is provided, test cursor and element count!
-    if (!restok.isEmpty()) {
-      synchronized (OaiPmhTextgridOnlineTests.class) {
-        // Check <record> or <header> count, must be recordsExpectedPerRequest!
-        if (recordCount != recordsExpectedPerRequest) {
-          String message =
-              OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR + ": " + recordOrHeader + " count mismatch, must be "
-                  + recordsExpectedPerRequest + " if token is provided, but is " + recordCount;
-          assertTrue(message, false);
-        }
-        if (size <= recordsExpectedPerRequest) {
-          String message =
-              OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR + ": completeListSize count mismatch, must be > "
-                  + recordsExpectedPerRequest + " if token is provided, but is " + size;
-          assertTrue(message, false);
-        }
-        if (cursor != recordsExpectedPerRequest * loopCount) {
-          String message = OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR + ": cursor must be "
-              + (loopCount * recordsExpectedPerRequest) + " in loop " + loopCount + ", but is "
-              + cursor;
-          assertTrue(message, false);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // If no token is provided, stop querying.
-    else {
-      // Check <record> count, must be completeListSize % recordsExpectedPerRequest.
-      if (recordCount != size % recordsExpectedPerRequest) {
-        System.err.println(theThreadName + OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR + ": " + recordOrHeader
-            + " count mismatch, should be " + size % recordsExpectedPerRequest + ", but is "
-            + recordCount);
-        assertTrue(false);
-      }
-      // No resumption token available in response.
-      return OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_TOKEN;
-    }
-    return restok;
-  }
-  /**
-   * @param theThreadName
-   * @return
-   */
-  private static String tn(String theThreadName) {
-    String result = theThreadName;
-    if (theThreadName != null && !theThreadName.equals("") && !theThreadName.endsWith(" ")) {
-      result = "[" + theThreadName + "] ";
-    }
-    return result;
-  }
-  /**
-   * @param theResponseString
-   * @param theMetadataFormat
-   */
-  private static void examineContent(String theResponseString, String theMetadataFormat) {
-    // Check for correct metadata content according to metadata prefix.
-    if (theMetadataFormat.equals(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX)
-        && !theResponseString
-            .contains("metadataPrefix=\"" + OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX + "\"")
-        && !theResponseString.contains(OaiPmhTestUtilities.EXPECTED_OAIDC_FORMAT_CONTENT)) {
-      System.out
-          .println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DC_PREFIX + " needs to deliver content with schema: "
-              + OaiPmhTestUtilities.EXPECTED_OAIDC_FORMAT_CONTENT + "!");
-      System.out.println("ERROR:\n" + theResponseString);
-      assertTrue(false);
-    } else if (theMetadataFormat.equals(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX)
-        && !theResponseString.contains(
-            "metadataPrefix=\"" + OaiPmhTestUtilities.EXPECTED_IDIOMMETS_FORMAT_CONTENT + "\"")
-        && !theResponseString.contains(OaiPmhTestUtilities.EXPECTED_IDIOMMETS_FORMAT_CONTENT)) {
-      System.out.println(
-          OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX + " needs to deliver content with schema: "
-              + OaiPmhTestUtilities.EXPECTED_IDIOMMETS_FORMAT_CONTENT + "!");
-      System.out.println("ERROR:\n" + theResponseString);
-      assertTrue(false);
-    } else if (theMetadataFormat.equals(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX)
-        && !theResponseString
-            .contains("metadataPrefix=\"" + OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX + "\"")
-        && !theResponseString.contains(OaiPmhTestUtilities.EXPECTED_DATACITE_FORMAT_CONTENT)) {
-      System.out.println(
-          OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX + " needs to deliver content with schema: "
-              + OaiPmhTestUtilities.EXPECTED_DATACITE_FORMAT_CONTENT + "!");
-      System.out.println("ERROR:\n" + theResponseString);
-      assertTrue(false);
-    } else {
-      System.out.println(theResponseString);
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/TestDHOAIPMHLocally.java b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/TestDHOAIPMHLocally.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b613e8c5ec35ba6872408d9f284947a5829ebd31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/TestDHOAIPMHLocally.java
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+package info.textgrid.middleware.test;
+import java.text.ParseException;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.oaipmh.DeletedRecordType;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.oaipmh.GranularityType;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.IDIOMImages;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.IdentifierListDelivererDATACITE;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.IdentifierListDelivererDC;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.MetadataFormatListDelivererDH;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.MetadataFormatListDelivererInterface;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.OAIPMHConstants;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.OAIPMHElasticSearchClient;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.OAIPMHImpl;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.OAIPMHUtilities;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.RecordDelivererDATACITE;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.RecordDelivererDC;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.RecordDelivererIDIOM;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.RecordListDelivererDATACITE;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.RecordListDelivererDC;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.RecordListDelivererIDIOM;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.RepIdentification;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.SetListDeliverer;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.common.TextGridMimetypes;
+ * FIXME: Add documentation how to use this class, use SSH tunnel?
+ */
+public class TestDHOAIPMHLocally {
+  public static OAIPMHElasticSearchClient oaiEsClient;
+  private static RecordDelivererDC record;
+  private static RecordListDelivererDC recordList;
+  private static IdentifierListDelivererDC identifierList;
+  private static MetadataFormatListDelivererInterface metadataFormatList =
+      new MetadataFormatListDelivererDH();
+  private static SetListDeliverer setListDARIAH = new SetListDeliverer(false, true);
+  // private static OpenAireRecord openAireRecord;
+  private static RecordDelivererDATACITE recordDATACITE;
+  // private static OpenAireRecordList openAireRecordList;
+  private static RecordListDelivererDATACITE recordListDATACITE;
+  // private static OpenAireIdentifierList openAireIdentifierList;
+  private static IdentifierListDelivererDATACITE identifierListDATACITE;
+  private static IDIOMImages idiomImages;
+  private DeletedRecordType deletedRecordType = DeletedRecordType.NO;
+  private GranularityType granularityType = GranularityType.YYYY_MM_DD_THH_MM_SS_Z;
+  private RepIdentification rep = new RepIdentification("DARIAH-DE Repository",
+      "https://trep.de.dariah.eu", this.deletedRecordType, "2011-06-11T02:32:40Z",
+      this.granularityType, "2.0", "funk@sub.uni-goettingen.de");
+  /**
+   * FIXME: it should not be necessary to put idiom record variables for a DARIAH test case
+   */
+  private static RecordDelivererIDIOM recordIDIOM;
+  private static RecordListDelivererIDIOM recordListIDIOM;
+  private static IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM identifierListIDIOM =
+      new IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM(true, false);
+  private OAIPMHImpl request =
+      new OAIPMHImpl(this.rep,
+          TestDHOAIPMHLocally.record,
+          TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordIDIOM,
+          TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordDATACITE,
+          TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList,
+          TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordListIDIOM,
+          TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordListDATACITE,
+          TestDHOAIPMHLocally.metadataFormatList,
+          TestDHOAIPMHLocally.setListDARIAH,
+          TestDHOAIPMHLocally.identifierList,
+          TestDHOAIPMHLocally.identifierListIDIOM,
+          // OaiPmhTestDH.openAireIdentifierList);
+          TestDHOAIPMHLocally.identifierListDATACITE,
+          TestDHOAIPMHLocally.idiomImages);
+  OAIPMHUtilities settings = new OAIPMHUtilities();
+  /**
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @BeforeClass
+  public static void setUp() throws Exception {
+    int[] ports = new int[] {9202};
+    oaiEsClient = new OAIPMHElasticSearchClient("localhost", ports, 100);
+    oaiEsClient.setEsIndex("dariah-public");
+    oaiEsClient.setEsType("metadata");
+    record = new RecordDelivererDC(false, true);
+    record.setOaiEsClient(oaiEsClient);
+    record.setWorkFields(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_FIELDS);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws ParseException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testGetRequestIdentify() throws ParseException {
+    System.out.println("Test for the verb \"Identify\" with succesfull response");
+    String r = this.request.getRequest("Identify", "", "", "", "", "", "");
+    System.out.println(r);
+    System.out.println("-----------------------------------\n");
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws ParseException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testGetRequestGetRecordDariah() throws ParseException {
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.record.setContributor(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_CONTRIBUTOR_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.record.setCoverage(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_COVERAGE_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.record.setCreator(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_CREATOR_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.record.setDates(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_DATE_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.record.setDescriptions(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_DESCRIPTION_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.record.setFormats(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_FORMAT_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.record.setIdentifiers(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_IDENTIFIER_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.record.setLanguages(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_LANGUAGE_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.record.setPublishers(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_PUBLISHER_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.record.setRelations(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_RELATIONS_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.record.setRights(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_RIGHTS_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.record.setSources(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_SOURCE_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.record.setSubjects(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_SUBJECT_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.record.setTitles(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_TITLE_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.record.setTypes(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_TYPE_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.record.setFields(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_FIELDS);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.record.setFormatField(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_FORMAT);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.record.setFormatToFilter("metadata");
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.record
+        .setDateOfObjectCreation(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_MODIFIED_FIELD);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.record
+        .setRepositoryObjectURIPrefix(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_ITEM_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.record.setIdentifierField("administrativeMetadata.dcterms:identifier");
+    System.out.println("Test for the verb \"GetRecord\" for DARIAH with succesfull response");
+    String p = this.request.getRequest("GetRecord", "hdl:21.T11991/0000-0005-E1AA-D", "oai_dc", "",
+        "", "", "");
+    System.out.println(p);
+    System.out.println("-----------------------------------\n");
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws ParseException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testListRecordsDariah() throws ParseException {
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setContributors(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_CONTRIBUTOR_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setCoverages(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_COVERAGE_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setCreators(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_CREATOR_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setDates(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_DATE_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setDescriptions(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_DESCRIPTION_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setFormats(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_FORMAT_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setIdentifiers(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_IDENTIFIER_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setLanguages(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_LANGUAGE_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setPublishers(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_PUBLISHER_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setRelations(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_RELATIONS_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setRights(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_RIGHTS_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setSources(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_SOURCE_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setSubjects(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_SUBJECT_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setTitles(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_TITLE_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setTypes(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_TYPE_LIST);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setFormatField(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_FORMAT);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setDateOfObjectCreation(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_CREATED);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setRangeField(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_MODIFIED_FIELD);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList
+        .setDateOfObjectCreation(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_RANGE_FIELD);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setIdentifierField(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_IDENTIFIER);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setFormatToFilter(TextGridMimetypes.DARIAH_COLLECTION);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setModifiedField(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_MODIFIED_FIELD);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList
+        .setRelationToFurtherMetadataObject("descriptiveMetadata.dc:relation");
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setSearchResponseSize(100);
+    String r = this.request.getRequest("ListRecords", "", "oai_dc", "21.T11991/0000-0003-718E-E",
+        "", "", "");
+    System.out.println(r);
+    System.out.println("-----------------------------------\n");
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws ParseException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testListSetsDARIAH() throws ParseException {
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.setListDARIAH.setFormatField(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_FORMAT);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.setListDARIAH
+        .setFormatToFilter(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_COLLECTION_MIMETYPE);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.setListDARIAH.setIdentifierField(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_IDENTIFIER);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.setListDARIAH
+        .setRepositoryObjectURIPrefix(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_ITEM_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.setListDARIAH
+        .setIdentifierField("administrativeMetadata.dcterms:identifier");
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.setListDARIAH
+    String r = this.request.getRequest("ListSets", "", "", "", "", "", "");
+    System.out.println(r);
+    System.out.println("-----------------------------------\n");
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws ParseException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testListIdentifiersDARIAH() throws ParseException {
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.identifierList.setFieldForRange(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_RANGE_FIELD);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.identifierList
+        .setIdentifierListFields(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_IDENTIFIER_LIST_FIELDS);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.identifierList
+        .setDateOfObjectCreation("administrativeMetadata.dcterms:modified");
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.identifierList
+        .setRepositoryObjectURIPrefix(OAIPMHConstants.TEST_DARIAH_ITEM_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX);
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.identifierList
+        .setIdentifierField("administrativeMetadata.dcterms:identifier");
+    TestDHOAIPMHLocally.identifierList.setSearchResponseSize("100");
+    String r = this.request.getRequest("ListIdentifiers", "", "oai_dc", "", "", "", "");
+    System.out.println(r);
+    System.out.println("-----------------------------------\n");
+  }
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/TestOAIPMHUtilities.java b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/TestOAIPMHUtilities.java
similarity index 97%
rename from oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/TestOAIPMHUtilities.java
rename to oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/TestOAIPMHUtilities.java
index ef6827e8eda78b7b376545601b9add74dc99499a..f43f39f4961ae6adf76e03c8562324be962e615d 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/TestOAIPMHUtilities.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/TestOAIPMHUtilities.java
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-package info.textgrid.middleware;
+package info.textgrid.middleware.test;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
 import org.junit.Test;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.OAIPMHUtilities;
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OaiPmhTestTG.java b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/TestTGOAIPMHLocally.java
similarity index 71%
rename from oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OaiPmhTestTG.java
rename to oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/TestTGOAIPMHLocally.java
index 0a410c38a720a416021e07c4b76b0e3fe9f37122..0b2e8ac862d8456702c0f74e99fe3ca77cfd48f4 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OaiPmhTestTG.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/TestTGOAIPMHLocally.java
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package info.textgrid.middleware;
+package info.textgrid.middleware.test;
 import java.io.IOException;
 import java.text.ParseException;
@@ -12,6 +12,26 @@ import org.json.JSONObject;
 import org.junit.BeforeClass;
 import org.junit.Ignore;
 import org.junit.Test;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.DublinCoreBuilder;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.IDIOMImages;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.IdentifierListDelivererDATACITE;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.IdentifierListDelivererDC;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.MetadataFormatListDelivererInterface;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.MetadataFormatListDelivererTG;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.OAIPMHConstants;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.OAIPMHElasticSearchClient;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.OAIPMHImpl;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.OAIPMHUtilities;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.RecordDelivererDATACITE;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.RecordDelivererDC;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.RecordDelivererIDIOM;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.RecordListDelivererDATACITE;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.RecordListDelivererDC;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.RecordListDelivererIDIOM;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.RepIdentification;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.SetListDeliverer;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.TGConstants;
 import info.textgrid.middleware.common.TextGridMimetypes;
 import info.textgrid.middleware.oaipmh.DeletedRecordType;
 import info.textgrid.middleware.oaipmh.GranularityType;
@@ -22,13 +42,15 @@ import info.textgrid.middleware.oaipmh.GranularityType;
  * @author Maximilian Brodhun, SUB Göttingen
  * @author Stefan E. Funk, SUB Göttingen
-public class OaiPmhTestTG {
+public class TestTGOAIPMHLocally {
   // **
   // **
-  public static OAI_ESClient oaiEsClient;
+  public static OAIPMHElasticSearchClient oaiEsClient;
   private static RecordDelivererDC record;
   private static RecordDelivererIDIOM recordIDIOM;
   private static RecordDelivererDATACITE recordDATACITE;
@@ -55,18 +77,18 @@ public class OaiPmhTestTG {
   private MetadataFormatListDelivererInterface metadataFormatList =
       new MetadataFormatListDelivererTG();
   private OAIPMHImpl request = new OAIPMHImpl(this.rep,
-      OaiPmhTestTG.record,
-      OaiPmhTestTG.recordIDIOM,
-      OaiPmhTestTG.recordDATACITE,
-      OaiPmhTestTG.recordList,
-      OaiPmhTestTG.recordListIDIOM,
-      OaiPmhTestTG.recordListDATACITE,
+      TestTGOAIPMHLocally.record,
+      TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordIDIOM,
+      TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordDATACITE,
+      TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList,
+      TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordListIDIOM,
+      TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordListDATACITE,
-      OaiPmhTestTG.setListTextGrid,
-      OaiPmhTestTG.identifierList,
-      OaiPmhTestTG.identifierListIDIOM,
-      OaiPmhTestTG.identifierListDATACITE,
-      OaiPmhTestTG.idiomImages);
+      TestTGOAIPMHLocally.setListTextGrid,
+      TestTGOAIPMHLocally.identifierList,
+      TestTGOAIPMHLocally.identifierListIDIOM,
+      TestTGOAIPMHLocally.identifierListDATACITE,
+      TestTGOAIPMHLocally.idiomImages);
   OAIPMHUtilities settings = new OAIPMHUtilities();
@@ -77,7 +99,7 @@ public class OaiPmhTestTG {
   public static void setUp() throws Exception {
     int[] ports = new int[] {9202};
-    oaiEsClient = new OAI_ESClient("localhost", ports, 100);
+    oaiEsClient = new OAIPMHElasticSearchClient("localhost", ports, 100);
@@ -88,14 +110,13 @@ public class OaiPmhTestTG {
     recordIDIOM = new RecordDelivererIDIOM(true, false);
-    /*
-     * openAireRecord = new OpenAireRecord(true, false); openAireRecord.setOaiEsClient(oaiEsClient);
-     * 
-     * openAireRecordList = new OpenAireRecordList(true, false);
-     * 
-     * openAireIdentifierList = new OpenAireIdentifierList(true, false);
-     */
+    recordDATACITE = new RecordDelivererDATACITE(true, false);
+    recordDATACITE.setOaiEsClient(oaiEsClient);
+    recordListDATACITE = new RecordListDelivererDATACITE(true, false);
+    recordListDATACITE.setOaiEsClient(oaiEsClient);
+    identifierListIDIOM = new IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM(true, false);
     recordList = new RecordListDelivererDC(true, false);
@@ -340,7 +361,7 @@ public class OaiPmhTestTG {
   public void testGetRequestListRecordsIDIOMImagesWithResToken() throws ParseException {
     System.out.println("Test for the verb \"ListRecords\" with successful response for IMAGES");
-    IDIOMImages.cursorCollector.put("2930c87d-5209-4b14-9d6a-72f10476d947", 129);
+    IDIOMImages.getCursorCollector().put("2930c87d-5209-4b14-9d6a-72f10476d947", 129);
     String p = this.request.getRequest("ListRecords", "",
         "", "", "", "", "2930c87d-5209-4b14-9d6a-72f10476d947");
@@ -355,7 +376,7 @@ public class OaiPmhTestTG {
   public void testGetRequestListIdentifiersIDIOMImageswithResToken() throws ParseException {
     System.out.println("Test for the verb \"ListIdentifiers\" with successful response");
-    IDIOMImages.cursorCollector.put("8eea2c07-7dc9-4404-a106-c1412b9ce8b4", 129);
+    IDIOMImages.getCursorCollector().put("8eea2c07-7dc9-4404-a106-c1412b9ce8b4", 129);
     String p = this.request.getRequest("ListIdentifiers", "",
         "", "", "", "", "8eea2c07-7dc9-4404-a106-c1412b9ce8b4");
@@ -439,12 +460,14 @@ public class OaiPmhTestTG {
   public void testListIdentifierSetsDC() throws ParseException {
-    OaiPmhTestTG.identifierList.setFieldForRange(TGConstants.RANGE_FIELD);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.identifierList.setIdentifierListFields(TGConstants.IDENTIFIER_LIST_FIELDS);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.identifierList.setDateOfObjectCreation(TGConstants.CREATED);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.identifierList.setRepositoryObjectURIPrefix(TGConstants.ITEM_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.identifierList.setIdentifierField("textgridUri");
-    OaiPmhTestTG.identifierList.setSearchResponseSize("100");
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.identifierList.setFieldForRange(TGConstants.RANGE_FIELD);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.identifierList
+        .setIdentifierListFields(TGConstants.IDENTIFIER_LIST_FIELDS);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.identifierList.setDateOfObjectCreation(TGConstants.CREATED);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.identifierList
+        .setRepositoryObjectURIPrefix(TGConstants.ITEM_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.identifierList.setIdentifierField("textgridUri");
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.identifierList.setSearchResponseSize("100");
     System.out.println("Test for the verb \"ListIdentifiers\" with successful response");
     String p =
         this.request.getRequest("ListIdentifiers", "", "oai_dc", "", "2000-02-05", "", "junk");
@@ -459,26 +482,29 @@ public class OaiPmhTestTG {
   public void testListIdentifierWithResumptionTokenDC() throws ParseException {
-    OaiPmhTestTG.identifierList.setFieldForRange(TGConstants.RANGE_FIELD);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.identifierList.setIdentifierListFields(TGConstants.IDENTIFIER_LIST_FIELDS);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.identifierList.setDateOfObjectCreation(TGConstants.CREATED);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.identifierList.setRepositoryObjectURIPrefix(TGConstants.ITEM_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.identifierList.setIdentifierField("textgridUri");
-    OaiPmhTestTG.identifierList.setSearchResponseSize("100");
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.identifierList.setFieldForRange(TGConstants.RANGE_FIELD);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.identifierList
+        .setIdentifierListFields(TGConstants.IDENTIFIER_LIST_FIELDS);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.identifierList.setDateOfObjectCreation(TGConstants.CREATED);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.identifierList
+        .setRepositoryObjectURIPrefix(TGConstants.ITEM_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.identifierList.setIdentifierField("textgridUri");
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.identifierList.setSearchResponseSize("100");
     System.out.println("Test for the verb \"ListIdentifiers\" with successful response");
     String p = this.request.getRequest("ListIdentifiers", "", "oai_dc", "", "", "", "");
     String resToken = "";
-    for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : IdentifierListDelivererDC.cursorCollector.entrySet()) {
+    for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : IdentifierListDelivererDC.getCursorCollector()
+        .entrySet()) {
       resToken = entry.getKey();
     System.out.println("HASH MAP BEFORE: ");
-    System.out.println(IdentifierListDelivererDC.cursorCollector);
+    System.out.println(IdentifierListDelivererDC.getCursorCollector());
     String p2 = this.request.getRequest("ListIdentifiers", "", "", "", "", "", resToken);
     System.out.println("HASH MAP AFTER: ");
-    System.out.println(IdentifierListDelivererDC.cursorCollector);
+    System.out.println(IdentifierListDelivererDC.getCursorCollector());
@@ -521,14 +547,14 @@ public class OaiPmhTestTG {
         "", "", "", "");
     String resToken = "";
-    for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM.cursorCollector
+    for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM.getCursorCollector()
         .entrySet()) {
       resToken = entry.getKey();
     String p2 = this.request.getRequest("ListIdentifiers", "", "", "", "", "", resToken);
     System.out.println("HASH MAP AFTER: ");
-    System.out.println(IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM.cursorCollector);
+    System.out.println(IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM.getCursorCollector());
@@ -539,30 +565,33 @@ public class OaiPmhTestTG {
   public void testListRecordSets() throws ParseException {
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setContributors(TGConstants.CONTRIBUTOR_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setCoverages(TGConstants.COVERAGE_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setCreators(TGConstants.CREATOR_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setDates(TGConstants.DATE_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setDescriptions(TGConstants.DESCRIPTION_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setFormats(TGConstants.FORMAT_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setIdentifiers(TGConstants.IDENTIFIER_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setLanguages(TGConstants.LANGUAGE_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setPublishers(TGConstants.PUBLISHER_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setRelations(TGConstants.RELATIONS_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setRelationsForWork(TGConstants.RELATIONS_FOR_WORK_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setRights(TGConstants.RIGHTS_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setSources(TGConstants.SOURCE_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setSubjects(TGConstants.SUBJECT_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setTitles(TGConstants.TITLE_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setTypes(TGConstants.TYPE_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setFormatField(TGConstants.FORMAT);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setFormatToFilter(TextGridMimetypes.EDITION);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setDateOfObjectCreation(TGConstants.CREATED);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setRelationToFurtherMetadataObject(TGConstants.EDITION_ISEDITIONOF);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setRepositoryObjectURIPrefix(TGConstants.ITEM_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setRangeField(TGConstants.CREATED);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setModifiedField(TGConstants.MODIFIED_FIELD);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setIdentifierField("textgridUri");
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setContributors(TGConstants.CONTRIBUTOR_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setCoverages(TGConstants.COVERAGE_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setCreators(TGConstants.CREATOR_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setDates(TGConstants.DATE_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setDescriptions(TGConstants.DESCRIPTION_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setFormats(TGConstants.FORMAT_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setIdentifiers(TGConstants.IDENTIFIER_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setLanguages(TGConstants.LANGUAGE_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setPublishers(TGConstants.PUBLISHER_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setRelations(TGConstants.RELATIONS_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList
+        .setRelationsForWork(TGConstants.RELATIONS_FOR_WORK_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setRights(TGConstants.RIGHTS_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setSources(TGConstants.SOURCE_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setSubjects(TGConstants.SUBJECT_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setTitles(TGConstants.TITLE_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setTypes(TGConstants.TYPE_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setFormatField(TGConstants.FORMAT);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setFormatToFilter(TextGridMimetypes.EDITION);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setDateOfObjectCreation(TGConstants.CREATED);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList
+        .setRelationToFurtherMetadataObject(TGConstants.EDITION_ISEDITIONOF);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList
+        .setRepositoryObjectURIPrefix(TGConstants.ITEM_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setRangeField(TGConstants.CREATED);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setModifiedField(TGConstants.MODIFIED_FIELD);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setIdentifierField("textgridUri");
     System.out.println("Test for the verb \"ListRecords\" with sets with successful response");
     // String p = this.request.getRequest("ListRecords", "", "oai_dc",
@@ -592,12 +621,13 @@ public class OaiPmhTestTG {
         "", "", "");
     String resToken = "";
-    for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : RecordListDelivererIDIOM.cursorCollector.entrySet()) {
+    for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : RecordListDelivererIDIOM.getCursorCollector()
+        .entrySet()) {
       resToken = entry.getKey();
       String p2 = this.request.getRequest("ListRecords", "", "", "", "", "", resToken);
       System.out.println("HASH MAP AFTER: ");
-      System.out.println(RecordListDelivererIDIOM.cursorCollector);
+      System.out.println(RecordListDelivererIDIOM.getCursorCollector());
@@ -622,31 +652,34 @@ public class OaiPmhTestTG {
   public void testListRecords2() throws ParseException {
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setContributors(TGConstants.CONTRIBUTOR_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setCoverages(TGConstants.COVERAGE_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setCreators(TGConstants.CREATOR_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setDates(TGConstants.DATE_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setDescriptions(TGConstants.DESCRIPTION_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setFormats(TGConstants.FORMAT_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setIdentifiers(TGConstants.IDENTIFIER_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setLanguages(TGConstants.LANGUAGE_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setPublishers(TGConstants.PUBLISHER_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setRelations(TGConstants.RELATIONS_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setRelationsForWork(TGConstants.RELATIONS_FOR_WORK_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setRights(TGConstants.RIGHTS_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setSources(TGConstants.SOURCE_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setSubjects(TGConstants.SUBJECT_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setTitles(TGConstants.TITLE_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setTypes(TGConstants.TYPE_LIST);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setFormatField(TGConstants.FORMAT);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setFormatToFilter(TextGridMimetypes.EDITION);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setDateOfObjectCreation(TGConstants.CREATED);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setRelationToFurtherMetadataObject(TGConstants.EDITION_ISEDITIONOF);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setRepositoryObjectURIPrefix(TGConstants.ITEM_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setRangeField(TGConstants.CREATED);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setModifiedField(TGConstants.CREATED);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setIdentifierField(TGConstants.URI);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.recordList.setSearchResponseSize(100);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setContributors(TGConstants.CONTRIBUTOR_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setCoverages(TGConstants.COVERAGE_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setCreators(TGConstants.CREATOR_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setDates(TGConstants.DATE_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setDescriptions(TGConstants.DESCRIPTION_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setFormats(TGConstants.FORMAT_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setIdentifiers(TGConstants.IDENTIFIER_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setLanguages(TGConstants.LANGUAGE_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setPublishers(TGConstants.PUBLISHER_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setRelations(TGConstants.RELATIONS_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList
+        .setRelationsForWork(TGConstants.RELATIONS_FOR_WORK_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setRights(TGConstants.RIGHTS_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setSources(TGConstants.SOURCE_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setSubjects(TGConstants.SUBJECT_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setTitles(TGConstants.TITLE_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setTypes(TGConstants.TYPE_LIST);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setFormatField(TGConstants.FORMAT);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setFormatToFilter(TextGridMimetypes.EDITION);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setDateOfObjectCreation(TGConstants.CREATED);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList
+        .setRelationToFurtherMetadataObject(TGConstants.EDITION_ISEDITIONOF);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList
+        .setRepositoryObjectURIPrefix(TGConstants.ITEM_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setRangeField(TGConstants.CREATED);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setModifiedField(TGConstants.CREATED);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setIdentifierField(TGConstants.URI);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.recordList.setSearchResponseSize(100);
     String r = this.request.getRequest("ListRecords", "", "oai_dc", "", "", "", "");
@@ -683,10 +716,10 @@ public class OaiPmhTestTG {
   public void testListSetsTG() throws ParseException {
-    OaiPmhTestTG.setListTextGrid.setFormatField("format");
-    OaiPmhTestTG.setListTextGrid.setFormatToFilter(TextGridMimetypes.EDITION);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.setListTextGrid.setIdentifierField("textgridUri");
-    OaiPmhTestTG.setListTextGrid.setRepositoryObjectURIPrefix("textgrid:");
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.setListTextGrid.setFormatField("format");
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.setListTextGrid.setFormatToFilter(TextGridMimetypes.EDITION);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.setListTextGrid.setIdentifierField("textgridUri");
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.setListTextGrid.setRepositoryObjectURIPrefix("textgrid:");
     String r = this.request.getRequest("ListSets", "", "", "", "", "", "");
@@ -698,12 +731,13 @@ public class OaiPmhTestTG {
   public void testEmptyRequest() throws ParseException {
-    OaiPmhTestTG.identifierList.setFieldForRange(TGConstants.RANGE_FIELD);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.identifierList.setIdentifierListFields(TGConstants.IDENTIFIER_LIST_FIELDS);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.identifierList.setDateOfObjectCreation(TGConstants.CREATED);
-    OaiPmhTestTG.identifierList.setIdentifierField("textgridUri");
-    OaiPmhTestTG.identifierList.setRepositoryObjectURIPrefix("textgrid:");
-    OaiPmhTestTG.identifierList.setSearchResponseSize("100");
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.identifierList.setFieldForRange(TGConstants.RANGE_FIELD);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.identifierList
+        .setIdentifierListFields(TGConstants.IDENTIFIER_LIST_FIELDS);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.identifierList.setDateOfObjectCreation(TGConstants.CREATED);
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.identifierList.setIdentifierField("textgridUri");
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.identifierList.setRepositoryObjectURIPrefix("textgrid:");
+    TestTGOAIPMHLocally.identifierList.setSearchResponseSize("100");
     String r = this.request.getRequest("", "", "", "", "", "", "");
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.java b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8fe72c04d40072b05a3db29c8ffe5cc8613d7310
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.java
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+package info.textgrid.middleware.test.online;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.FileInputStream;
+import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.net.URISyntaxException;
+import java.net.URL;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
+import org.apache.cxf.helpers.IOUtils;
+import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.Client;
+import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.JAXRSClientFactory;
+import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.WebClient;
+import org.apache.cxf.transport.http.HTTPConduit;
+import org.apache.cxf.transports.http.configuration.HTTPClientPolicy;
+import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.OAIPMHProducer;
+ * <p>
+ * Some online tests for the TextGrid OAIMPH service.
+ * </p>
+ * 
+ * @author Stefan E. Funk, SUB Göttingen
+ */
+public class OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline {
+  // **
+  // FINALS
+  // **
+  public static final String OAI_DC_PREFIX = "oai_dc";
+  public static final String OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX = "oai_datacite";
+  public static final String OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX = "oai_idiom_mets";
+  public static final String VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS = "ListIdentifiers";
+  public static final String VERB_LIST_RECORDS = "ListRecords";
+  public static final String VERB_GET_RECORD = "GetRecord";
+  public static final String VERB_IDENTIFY = "Identify";
+  public static final String VERB_LIST_METADATA_FORMATS = "ListMetadataFormats";
+  public static final String VERB_LIST_SETS = "ListSets";
+  public static final String HEADER_ID_START_TAG = "<identifier>";
+  public static final String HEADER_ID_END_TAG = "</identifier>";
+  public static final String EXPECTED_OAIDC_FORMAT_CONTENT = "<oai_dc:dc>";
+  public static final String EXPECTED_IDIOMMETS_FORMAT_CONTENT = "<mets ";
+  public static final String EXPECTED_DATACITE_FORMAT_CONTENT = "<datacite:resource>";
+  public static final String OK = ">>> OKIDOKI";
+  public static final String TESTING = "\n >>> TESTING ";
+  public static final String NOT_TESTED = " >>> NOT_TESTED";
+  public static final String NO_TOKEN = "-1";
+  public static final String NO_SET = null;
+  public static final String NO_THREAD_NAME = "";
+  public static final boolean NO_METADATA_FORMAT_WITH_RESTOK = false;
+  public static final boolean METADATA_FORMAT_WITH_RESTOK = true;
+  public static final String NO_FROM = null;
+  public static final String NO_UNTIL = null;
+  public static final String NO_QUERY = "";
+  // Time to wait between the single queries using resumption tokens in milliseconds.
+  public static final Long TIME = 275l;
+  public static final String HDL_PREFIX = "hdl:";
+  public static final String STAR_PREFIX = "***";
+  public static final String OAI_PATH = "oai";
+  public static final String VERSION_PATH = "oai/version";
+  public static final long OAIPMH_CLIENT_TIMEOUT = 120000;
+  /**
+   * @param theClient
+   * @param theQuery
+   * @return
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  public static Response getOAIHttpResponse(Client theClient, String theQuery)
+      throws IOException {
+    return getHttpResponse(theClient, NO_THREAD_NAME, OAI_PATH, theQuery);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param theClient
+   * @param theThreadName
+   * @param theQuery
+   * @return
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  public static Response getOAIHttpResponse(Client theClient, String theThreadName,
+      String theQuery) throws IOException {
+    return getHttpResponse(theClient, theThreadName, OAI_PATH, theQuery);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param theClient
+   * @return
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  public static Response getVersionHttpResponse(Client theClient) throws IOException {
+    return getHttpResponse(theClient, NO_THREAD_NAME, VERSION_PATH, NO_QUERY);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param theClient
+   * @param theThreadName
+   * @param thePath
+   * @param theQuery
+   * @return
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  protected static Response getHttpResponse(Client theClient, String theThreadName, String thePath,
+      String theQuery) throws IOException {
+    Response result;
+    try {
+      Thread.sleep(TIME);
+    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+      // Nothing interrupts here!
+    }
+    WebClient w = WebClient.fromClient(theClient).path(thePath).replaceQuery(theQuery);
+    System.out.println("\t" + theThreadName + "HTTP GET " + w.getCurrentURI());
+    result = w.get();
+    // Check HTTP status.
+    int status = result.getStatus();
+    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
+      String message = theThreadName + "status: " + status;
+      assertTrue(message, false);
+    } else {
+      System.out.println("\t" + theThreadName + "status: " + status);
+    }
+    return result;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param theMillis
+   * @return
+   */
+  public static String getDurationInSecs(long theMillis) {
+    int SECS_IN_MILLIS = 1000;
+    int secs = SECS_IN_MILLIS;
+    return theMillis / secs + " second" + ((theMillis / secs) != 1 ? "s" : "");
+  }
+  /**
+   * <p>
+   * Loads a resource.
+   * </p>
+   * 
+   * TODO Put together with the method in TGCrudServiceUtilities! Maybe create a first build maven
+   * module for utility things.
+   * 
+   * @param {@link String} The resource to search for.
+   * @return {@link File} The resource.
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  public static File getResource(String resPart) throws IOException {
+    File res;
+    // If we have an absolute resPart, just return the file.
+    if (resPart.startsWith(File.separator)) {
+      return new File(resPart);
+    }
+    URL url = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource(resPart);
+    if (url == null) {
+      throw new IOException("Resource '" + resPart + "' not found");
+    }
+    try {
+      res = new File(url.toURI());
+    } catch (URISyntaxException ue) {
+      res = new File(url.getPath());
+    }
+    return res;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param theProperty
+   * @return
+   */
+  public static List<String> getListFromProperties(String theProperty) {
+    List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
+    String parts[] = theProperty.split(",");
+    for (String part : parts) {
+      result.add(part.trim());
+    }
+    return result;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @return
+   * @throws IOException
+   * @throws FileNotFoundException
+   */
+  public static Properties getPropertiesFromFile(String theConfigFile)
+      throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
+    Properties result = null;
+    // Load properties file.
+    result = new Properties();
+    result.load(new FileInputStream(getResource(theConfigFile)));
+    System.out.println("Properties file: " + theConfigFile);
+    result.list(System.out);
+    return result;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param theEndpoint
+   * @return
+   */
+  public static Client getOAIPMHWEebClient(String theEndpoint) {
+    Client result = null;
+    // Get OAI-PMH REST endpoint and HTTP client.
+    System.out.println("Getting OAI-PMH HTTP client --> " + theEndpoint + " <--");
+    // Get proxy first, set policy.
+    OAIPMHProducer JAXRSClient = JAXRSClientFactory.create(theEndpoint, OAIPMHProducer.class);
+    HTTPConduit conduit = WebClient.getConfig(JAXRSClient).getHttpConduit();
+    HTTPClientPolicy policy = new HTTPClientPolicy();
+    policy.setReceiveTimeout(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAIPMH_CLIENT_TIMEOUT);
+    conduit.setClient(policy);
+    // Create Web Client from Web Proxy.
+    result = WebClient.client(JAXRSClient);
+    return result;
+  }
+  // **
+  // TG used methods
+  // **
+  /**
+   * @param theClient
+   * @param theVerb
+   * @param theSet
+   * @param theMetadataPrefix
+   * @param maxNumberOfPagesToTest
+   * @param recordsExpectedPerRequest
+   * @param theThreadName
+   * @param from
+   * @param until
+   * @param resumptionTokenANDMetadataPrefix
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  public static void examineTGList(Client theClient, final String theVerb, final String theSet,
+      final String theMetadataPrefix, final int maxNumberOfPagesToTest,
+      final int recordsExpectedPerRequest, final String theThreadName, final String from,
+      final String until, final boolean resumptionTokenANDMetadataPrefix) throws IOException {
+    String threadName = tn(theThreadName);
+    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
+    String testOccurance = "header";
+    if (theVerb.equals(VERB_LIST_RECORDS)) {
+      testOccurance = "record";
+    }
+    String query = "verb=" + theVerb + "&metadataPrefix=" + theMetadataPrefix;
+    if (theSet != null) {
+      query += "&set=" + theSet;
+    }
+    if (from != null && until != null) {
+      query += "&from=" + from + "&until=" + until;
+    }
+    Response httpResponse = getOAIHttpResponse(theClient, threadName, query);
+    int status = httpResponse.getStatus();
+    int loopCount = 1;
+    long timeRunning = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
+    System.out.println("\t" + threadName + "time: " + getDurationInSecs(timeRunning) + " (loop "
+        + loopCount + (maxNumberOfPagesToTest != 0 ? "/" + maxNumberOfPagesToTest : "") + ")");
+    String responseString = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) httpResponse.getEntity());
+    // Test resumption token tags.
+    String restok = examineTGResumptionTokenTag(responseString, testOccurance, NO_TOKEN,
+        recordsExpectedPerRequest, loopCount, threadName);
+    // Test if the header identifiers are sound.
+    if (theVerb.equals(VERB_LIST_RECORDS)) {
+      examineTGHeader(responseString, recordsExpectedPerRequest);
+    }
+    // Test general metadata content (if verb is listRecords!), must go conform with the metadata
+    // prefix setting.
+    if (theVerb.equals(VERB_LIST_RECORDS)) {
+      examineTGContent(responseString, theMetadataPrefix);
+    }
+    while (status == HttpStatus.SC_OK && !restok.equals(NO_TOKEN)) {
+      loopCount += 1;
+      synchronized (threadName) {
+        if (maxNumberOfPagesToTest > 0 && loopCount > maxNumberOfPagesToTest) {
+          System.out.println(
+              "\t" + threadName + ">>> TESTING ONLY " + maxNumberOfPagesToTest + " pages!");
+          break;
+        }
+        query = "verb=" + theVerb + "&resumptionToken=" + restok;
+        if (resumptionTokenANDMetadataPrefix) {
+          query += "&metadataPrefix=" + theMetadataPrefix;
+        }
+        httpResponse = getOAIHttpResponse(theClient, threadName, query);
+        timeRunning = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
+        System.out.println("\t" + threadName + "time: " + getDurationInSecs(timeRunning) + " (loop "
+            + loopCount + (maxNumberOfPagesToTest != 0 ? "/" + maxNumberOfPagesToTest : "") + ")");
+        // Test resumption token tags.
+        responseString = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) httpResponse.getEntity());
+        restok = examineTGResumptionTokenTag(responseString, testOccurance, restok,
+            recordsExpectedPerRequest, loopCount, threadName);
+        // Test if the header identifiers are sound.
+        if (theVerb.equals(VERB_LIST_RECORDS)) {
+          examineTGHeader(responseString, recordsExpectedPerRequest);
+        }
+        // Test general metadata content (if verb is listRecords!), must go conform with the
+        // metadata prefix setting.
+        if (theVerb.equals(VERB_LIST_RECORDS)) {
+          examineTGContent(responseString, theMetadataPrefix);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // Only check for max loops, if we do have less loops and no resumption token, it will be fine,
+    // too!
+    if (!restok.equals(NO_TOKEN) && loopCount < maxNumberOfPagesToTest) {
+      String message = threadName + ": Must have done " + maxNumberOfPagesToTest
+          + " loops, but did only " + loopCount;
+      assertTrue(message, false);
+    }
+    // Check for single loop, we need MORE!
+    if (loopCount == 1) {
+      String message = threadName + ": Must have more than one loop!";
+      assertTrue(message, false);
+    }
+    System.out.println("\t" + threadName + OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param theResponse
+   * @param recordOrHeader
+   * @param oldtok
+   * @param recordsExpectedPerRequest
+   * @param loopCount
+   * @param theThreadName
+   * @return Resumption token string, if existing, -1 if either no <resumptionToken> tag is
+   *         existing, tag is existing and has no token value.
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  private static String examineTGResumptionTokenTag(final String theResponseString,
+      final String recordOrHeader, final String oldtok, final int recordsExpectedPerRequest,
+      final int loopCount, final String theThreadName) throws IOException {
+    // Test for OAIPMH errors.
+    if (theResponseString.contains("<error code=\"badArgument\">")) {
+      String message = theThreadName + ": ERROR IN OAIPMH RESPONSE: " + theResponseString;
+      System.out.println(message);
+      throw new IOException(message);
+    }
+    // Count response objects at first.
+    int recordCount = 0;
+    int i = theResponseString.indexOf("<" + recordOrHeader + ">", 0);
+    while (i != -1) {
+      recordCount++;
+      i++;
+      i = theResponseString.indexOf("<" + recordOrHeader + ">", i);
+    }
+    System.out.println("\t" + theThreadName + recordOrHeader + "s: " + recordCount);
+    // Check if token tag is existing.
+    int tokStart = theResponseString.indexOf("<resumptionToken");
+    int tokEnd = theResponseString.indexOf("</resumptionToken");
+    if (tokStart == -1 && tokEnd == -1) {
+      System.out.println("\t" + theThreadName + "token: no token");
+      return NO_TOKEN;
+    }
+    String restokTmp = theResponseString.substring(tokStart, tokEnd);
+    // Get token tag.
+    String toktag = restokTmp.substring(0, restokTmp.indexOf(">") + 1).trim();
+    System.out.println("\t" + theThreadName + "tokentag: " + toktag);
+    // Get token.
+    String restok = restokTmp.substring(restokTmp.indexOf(">") + 1).trim();
+    System.out.println("\t" + theThreadName + "token: " + restok);
+    // Check if old and new token are equal or not.
+    boolean tokchanged = !oldtok.equals(restok);
+    System.out.println("\t" + theThreadName + "tokchngd: " + tokchanged);
+    // Get completeListSize and cursor.
+    String sizeStr = toktag.substring(toktag.indexOf("completeListSize=\"") + 18);
+    int size = Integer.parseInt(sizeStr.substring(0, sizeStr.indexOf("\"")));
+    String cursorStr = toktag.substring(toktag.indexOf("cursor=\"") + 8);
+    int cursor = Integer.parseInt(cursorStr.substring(0, cursorStr.indexOf("\"")));
+    System.out.println("\t" + theThreadName + "size: " + size + " / " + cursor);
+    // If token is provided, test cursor and element count!
+    if (!restok.isEmpty()) {
+      synchronized (OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.class) {
+        // Check <record> or <header> count, must be recordsExpectedPerRequest!
+        if (recordCount != recordsExpectedPerRequest) {
+          String message = recordOrHeader + " count mismatch, must be "
+              + recordsExpectedPerRequest + " if token is provided, but is " + recordCount;
+          assertTrue(message, false);
+        }
+        if (size <= recordsExpectedPerRequest) {
+          String message = "completeListSize count mismatch, must be > "
+              + recordsExpectedPerRequest + " if token is provided, but is " + size;
+          assertTrue(message, false);
+        }
+        if (cursor != recordsExpectedPerRequest * loopCount) {
+          String message = "cursor must be " + (loopCount * recordsExpectedPerRequest)
+              + " in loop " + loopCount + ", but is " + cursor;
+          assertTrue(message, false);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // If no token is provided, stop querying.
+    else {
+      // Check <record> count, must be completeListSize % recordsExpectedPerRequest.
+      if (recordCount != size % recordsExpectedPerRequest) {
+        String message = theThreadName + ": " + recordOrHeader + " count mismatch, should be "
+            + size % recordsExpectedPerRequest + ", but is " + recordCount;
+        assertTrue(message, false);
+      }
+      // No resumption token available in response.
+      return NO_TOKEN;
+    }
+    return restok;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param theResponseString
+   * @param theMetadataFormat
+   */
+  private static void examineTGContent(String theResponseString, String theMetadataFormat) {
+    // Check for correct metadata content according to metadata prefix.
+    if (theMetadataFormat.equals(OAI_DC_PREFIX)
+        && !theResponseString.contains("metadataPrefix=\"" + OAI_DC_PREFIX + "\"")
+        && !theResponseString.contains(EXPECTED_OAIDC_FORMAT_CONTENT)) {
+      String message = OAI_DC_PREFIX + " needs to deliver content with schema: "
+      assertTrue(message, false);
+    } else if (theMetadataFormat.equals(OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX)
+        && !theResponseString
+            .contains("metadataPrefix=\"" + EXPECTED_IDIOMMETS_FORMAT_CONTENT + "\"")
+        && !theResponseString.contains(EXPECTED_IDIOMMETS_FORMAT_CONTENT)) {
+      String message = OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX + " needs to deliver content with schema: "
+      assertTrue(message, false);
+    } else if (theMetadataFormat.equals(OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX)
+        && !theResponseString.contains("metadataPrefix=\"" + OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX + "\"")
+        && !theResponseString.contains(EXPECTED_DATACITE_FORMAT_CONTENT)) {
+      String message = OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX + " needs to deliver content with schema: "
+      assertTrue(message, false);
+    } else {
+      // DEBUG ONLY!
+      // System.out.println(theResponseString);
+      // DEBUG ONLY!
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * <p>
+   * Check for correct metadata content according to metadata prefix --> We do need to check if we
+   * have different identifiers in the response.
+   * </p>
+   * 
+   * @param theResponseString
+   * @param recordsExpectedPerRequest
+   */
+  private static void examineTGHeader(String theResponseString, int recordsExpectedPerRequest) {
+    boolean IDSUnique = examineTGHeaderIDs(theResponseString);
+    if (IDSUnique) {
+      String message = "Duplicate IDs in the response!";
+      assertTrue(message, false);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * <p>
+   * Creates a hash set containing all the ID values from a certain tag. Used to count elements such
+   * as <identifier> in OAI-PMH header list responses. We want to know here, if we have ID
+   * duplicates in one request.
+   * </p>
+   * 
+   * @param theResponseString
+   * @return
+   */
+  private static boolean examineTGHeaderIDs(String theResponseString) {
+    boolean result = false;
+    HashSet<String> idHash = new HashSet<String>();
+    int startID = 0;
+    int endID = 0;
+    String id = "";
+    int count = 0;
+    // Look for all the header ID tags.
+    while (startID != -1) {
+      count++;
+      startID = theResponseString.indexOf(HEADER_ID_START_TAG, endID);
+      endID = theResponseString.indexOf(HEADER_ID_END_TAG, startID);
+      id = theResponseString.substring(startID + HEADER_ID_START_TAG.length(), endID);
+      idHash.add(id);
+    }
+    // Remove "-1" ID again (and the respective counter).
+    idHash.remove(id);
+    count--;
+    // Check for ID count: Hash size (unique IDs!) must be equal to the count of ID headers!
+    if (count != idHash.size()) {
+      String message =
+          "We must have " + count + " unique IDs in the headers, but we got only " + idHash.size();
+      assertTrue(message, false);
+    }
+    return result;
+  }
+  // **
+  // DH used methods
+  // **
+  // FIXME
+  // **
+  // Commonly used (TG & DH) methods
+  // **
+  /**
+   * @param theThreadName
+   * @return
+   */
+  private static String tn(String theThreadName) {
+    String result = theThreadName;
+    if (theThreadName != null && !theThreadName.equals("") && !theThreadName.endsWith(" ")) {
+      result = "[" + theThreadName + "] ";
+    }
+    return result;
+  }
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests.java b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/dh/TestDHOAIPMHOnline.java
similarity index 68%
rename from oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests.java
rename to oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/dh/TestDHOAIPMHOnline.java
index 640131966c7f10b3c60a113e727ed68491720528..96708e134b9c1e2e5faff81a2423fd8db6b30a67 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/dh/TestDHOAIPMHOnline.java
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package info.textgrid.middleware;
+package info.textgrid.middleware.test.online.dh;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
 import java.io.FileInputStream;
@@ -10,10 +10,6 @@ import java.util.Properties;
 import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
 import org.apache.cxf.helpers.IOUtils;
 import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.Client;
-import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.JAXRSClientFactory;
-import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.WebClient;
-import org.apache.cxf.transport.http.HTTPConduit;
-import org.apache.cxf.transports.http.configuration.HTTPClientPolicy;
 import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
 import org.junit.After;
 import org.junit.AfterClass;
@@ -21,6 +17,7 @@ import org.junit.Before;
 import org.junit.BeforeClass;
 import org.junit.Ignore;
 import org.junit.Test;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.test.online.OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline;
  * <p>
@@ -30,7 +27,7 @@ import org.junit.Test;
  * @author Stefan E. Funk, SUB Göttingen
-public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
+public class TestDHOAIPMHOnline {
   // **
   // FINALS
@@ -39,16 +36,12 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
   private static final String PROPERTIES_FILE = "oaipmh.test.repository-de-dariah-eu.properties";
   // private static final String PROPERTIES_FILE = "oaipmh.test.trep-de-dariah-eu.properties";
-  private static final String HDL_PREFIX = "hdl:";
-  private static final String STAR_PREFIX = "***";
   // **
   // **
   // Some JAXRS things.
   private static String oaipmhEndpoint;
-  private static OAIPMHProducer JAXRSClient;
   private static Client oaipmhWebClient;
   // Properties
@@ -80,8 +73,7 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
     // Load properties file.
     Properties p = new Properties();
-    p.load(new FileInputStream(
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.getResource(PROPERTIES_FILE)));
+    p.load(new FileInputStream(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getResource(PROPERTIES_FILE)));
     System.out.println("Properties file: " + PROPERTIES_FILE);
@@ -106,23 +98,11 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
     checkListIdentifiersSet = p.getProperty("checkListIdentifiersSet");
     checkListIdentifiersSetExpectedPages =
-    checkGetRecordIDList = OaiPmhTestUtilities
-        .getListFromProperties((String) p.get("checkGetRecordIDList"));
-    // Get OAI-PMH REST endpoint and HTTP client.
-    System.out.println(
-        "Getting OAI-PMH HTTP client --> " + oaipmhEndpoint + " <--");
-    // Get proxy first, set policy.
-    JAXRSClient = JAXRSClientFactory.create(oaipmhEndpoint,
-        OAIPMHProducer.class);
-    HTTPConduit conduit = WebClient.getConfig(JAXRSClient).getHttpConduit();
-    HTTPClientPolicy policy = new HTTPClientPolicy();
-    policy.setReceiveTimeout(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OAIPMH_CLIENT_TIMEOUT);
-    conduit.setClient(policy);
-    // Create Web Client from Web Proxy.
-    oaipmhWebClient = WebClient.client(JAXRSClient);
+    checkGetRecordIDList =
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getListFromProperties((String) p.get("checkGetRecordIDList"));
+    // Get web client from endpoint.
+    oaipmhWebClient = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getOAIPMHWEebClient(oaipmhEndpoint);
@@ -161,19 +141,20 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
     String shouldStartWith = "oaipmh-core";
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "#GETVERSION for '"
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#GETVERSION for '"
         + shouldStartWith + "'");
-    String versionString = JAXRSClient.getVersion();
+    Response response = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getVersionHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient);
+    int status = response.getStatus();
+    String versionString = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) response.getEntity());
-    if (!versionString.startsWith(shouldStartWith)) {
-      System.err.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR
-          + ": response should start with '" + shouldStartWith + "'");
-      assertTrue(false);
+    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK && !versionString.startsWith(shouldStartWith)) {
+      String message = "[" + status + "]: response should start with '" + shouldStartWith + "'";
+      assertTrue(message, false);
     System.out.println("\tresponse: " + versionString);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
@@ -221,25 +202,21 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
     String verb = "Identify";
     String shouldContain = "DARIAH-DE Repository";
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "#IDENTIFY");
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#IDENTIFY");
-    Response response = OaiPmhTestUtilities.getHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient,
-        "verb=" + verb);
+    Response response = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getOAIHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient, "verb=" + verb);
     int status = response.getStatus();
     String responseString = IOUtils
         .readStringFromStream((InputStream) response.getEntity());
-    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK
-        || !responseString.contains(shouldContain)) {
-      System.err.println("\tstatus: " + status);
-      System.err.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR
-          + ": response should contain '" + shouldContain + "'");
-      assertTrue(false);
+    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK || !responseString.contains(shouldContain)) {
+      String message = "[" + status + "]: response should contain '" + shouldContain + "'";
+      assertTrue(message, false);
     System.out.println("\tresponse: " + responseString);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
@@ -256,9 +233,9 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
   public void testListRecordsDC() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "#LISTRECORDS");
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#LISTRECORDS");
-    testList("ListRecords", "oai_dc", OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET);
+    testList("ListRecords", "oai_dc", OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET);
@@ -267,7 +244,7 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
   public void testListRecordsSetDC() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "#LISTRECORDS");
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#LISTRECORDS");
     int pages = testList("ListRecords", "oai_dc", checkListRecordsSet);
@@ -284,19 +261,19 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
     String uri = checkListRecordsSet;
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "#LISTRECORDS - HDL PREFIX");
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#LISTRECORDS - HDL PREFIX");
-    if (!uri.startsWith(HDL_PREFIX)) {
-      assertTrue("missing '" + HDL_PREFIX + "' prefix!", false);
+    if (!uri.startsWith(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.HDL_PREFIX)) {
+      assertTrue("missing '" + OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.HDL_PREFIX + "' prefix!", false);
     int pages1 = testList("ListRecords", "oai_dc", uri);
     if (pages1 != checkListRecordsSetExpectedPages) {
       System.out.println(pages1 + " != " + checkListRecordsSetExpectedPages);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "#LISTRECORDS - NO PREFIX");
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#LISTRECORDS - NO PREFIX");
-    if (checkListRecordsSet.startsWith(HDL_PREFIX)) {
+    if (checkListRecordsSet.startsWith(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.HDL_PREFIX)) {
       uri = checkListRecordsSet.substring(4);
     int pages2 = testList("ListRecords", "oai_dc", uri);
@@ -306,7 +283,7 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
     // Check pages count.
     if (pages1 != checkListRecordsSetExpectedPages || pages2 != checkListRecordsSetExpectedPages) {
-      assertTrue("pages count does not match", false);
+      assertTrue("page count does not match", false);
@@ -319,10 +296,10 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
     // TODO Un-ignore if identifier check is implemented!
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "#LISTRECORDS - STAR PREFIX");
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#LISTRECORDS - STAR PREFIX");
-    if (checkListRecordsSet.startsWith(HDL_PREFIX)) {
-      checkListRecordsSet = STAR_PREFIX + checkListRecordsSet.substring(4);
+    if (checkListRecordsSet.startsWith(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.HDL_PREFIX)) {
+      checkListRecordsSet = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.STAR_PREFIX + checkListRecordsSet.substring(4);
     int pages3 = testList("ListRecords", "oai_dc", checkListRecordsSet);
@@ -337,9 +314,9 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
   public void testListRecordsDCFromUntil() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "#LISTRECORDS");
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#LISTRECORDS");
-    testList("ListRecords", "oai_dc", OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET,
+    testList("ListRecords", "oai_dc", OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
         checkListRecordsDCFrom, checkListRecordsDCUntil);
@@ -349,9 +326,9 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
   public void testListRecordsDATASITE() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "#LISTRECORDS");
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#LISTRECORDS");
-    testList("ListRecords", "oai_datacite", OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET);
+    testList("ListRecords", "oai_datacite", OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET);
@@ -360,9 +337,9 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
   public void testListRecordsDATASITEFromUntil() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "#LISTRECORDS");
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#LISTRECORDS");
-    testList("ListRecords", "oai_datacite", OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET,
+    testList("ListRecords", "oai_datacite", OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
         checkListRecordsDATACITEFrom, checkListRecordsDATACITEUntil);
@@ -373,7 +350,7 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
   public void testGetRecordDC() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "#GETRECORD");
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#GETRECORD");
     String identifier = "";
     String shouldContain = "";
@@ -391,7 +368,7 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
   public void testGetRecordDATASITE() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "#GETRECORD");
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#GETRECORD");
     String identifier = "";
     String shouldContain = "";
@@ -408,9 +385,9 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
   public void testListIdentifiersDC() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "#LISTIDENTIFIERS");
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#LISTIDENTIFIERS");
-    testList("ListIdentifiers", "oai_dc", OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET);
+    testList("ListIdentifiers", "oai_dc", OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET);
@@ -419,7 +396,7 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
   public void testListIdentifiersSetDC() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "#LISTIDENTIFIERS");
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#LISTIDENTIFIERS");
     int pages = testList("ListIdentifiers", "oai_dc", checkListIdentifiersSet);
@@ -436,10 +413,10 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
     String uri = checkListIdentifiersSet;
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "#LISTIDENTIFIERS - HDL PREFIX");
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#LISTIDENTIFIERS - HDL PREFIX");
-    if (!uri.startsWith(HDL_PREFIX)) {
-      assertTrue("missing '" + HDL_PREFIX + "' prefix!", false);
+    if (!uri.startsWith(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.HDL_PREFIX)) {
+      assertTrue("missing '" + OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.HDL_PREFIX + "' prefix!", false);
     System.out.println("uri: " + uri);
     int pages1 = testList("ListIdentifiers", "oai_dc", uri);
@@ -447,9 +424,9 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
       System.out.println(pages1 + " != " + checkListIdentifiersSetExpectedPages);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "#LISTIDENTIFIERS - NO PREFIX");
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#LISTIDENTIFIERS - NO PREFIX");
-    if (checkListIdentifiersSet.startsWith(HDL_PREFIX)) {
+    if (checkListIdentifiersSet.startsWith(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.HDL_PREFIX)) {
       uri = checkListIdentifiersSet.substring(4);
     System.out.println("uri: " + uri);
@@ -474,10 +451,11 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
     // TODO Un-ignore if identifier check is implemented!
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "#LISTIDENTIFIERS - STAR PREFIX");
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#LISTIDENTIFIERS - STAR PREFIX");
-    if (checkListIdentifiersSet.startsWith(HDL_PREFIX)) {
-      checkListIdentifiersSet = STAR_PREFIX + checkListIdentifiersSet.substring(4);
+    if (checkListIdentifiersSet.startsWith(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.HDL_PREFIX)) {
+      checkListIdentifiersSet =
+          OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.STAR_PREFIX + checkListIdentifiersSet.substring(4);
     System.out.println("uri: " + checkListIdentifiersSet);
     int pages3 = testList("ListIdentifiers", "oai_dc", checkListIdentifiersSet);
@@ -492,9 +470,9 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
   public void testListIdentifiersDATASITE() throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "#LISTIDENTIFIERS");
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#LISTIDENTIFIERS");
-    testList("ListIdentifiers", "oai_datacite", OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_SET);
+    testList("ListIdentifiers", "oai_datacite", OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET);
   // **
@@ -502,7 +480,7 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
   // **
-   * TODO Generalise in OaiPmhTestUtilities!
+   * TODO Generalise in OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline!
    * @param theResponse
    * @return Resumption token string, if existing, -1 if either no <resumptionToken> tag is
@@ -514,8 +492,7 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
     // Test for OAIPMH errors.
     if (theResponseString.contains("<error code=\"badArgument\">")) {
-      System.err.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR + " IN OAIPMH RESPONSE: " + theResponseString);
-      assertTrue(false);
+      assertTrue("ERROR IN OAIPMH RESPONSE: " + theResponseString, false);
     // Count response objects at first.
@@ -565,21 +542,18 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
     // If token is provided, and we have less than 100 elements: mekkern!
     if (!restok.isEmpty()) {
-      synchronized (OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests.class) {
+      synchronized (TestDHOAIPMHOnline.class) {
         // Check <record> or <header> count, must be 100!
-        if (recordCount != 100) {
-          System.err.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR + ": "
-              + recordOrHeader
-              + " count mismatch, must be 100 if token is provided, but is "
-              + recordCount);
-        }
-        if (size <= 100) {
-          System.err.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR
-              + ": completeListSize count mismatch, must be > 100 if token is provided, but is "
-              + size);
+        String message = "";
+        if (recordCount > 100) {
+          message = recordOrHeader + " count mismatch, must be 100 if token is provided, but is "
+              + recordCount;
+        } else {
+          message =
+              "completeListSize count mismatch, must be > 100 if token is provided, but is " + size;
         if (recordCount != 100 || size <= 100) {
-          assertTrue(false);
+          assertTrue(message, false);
@@ -588,10 +562,9 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
     else {
       // Check <record> count, must be completeListSize % 100.
       if (recordCount != size % 100) {
-        System.err.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR + ": "
-            + recordOrHeader + " count mismatch, should be "
-            + size % 100 + ", but is " + recordCount);
-        assertTrue(false);
+        String message =
+            recordOrHeader + " count mismatch, should be " + size % 100 + ", but is " + recordCount;
+        assertTrue(message, false);
       // No resumption token available in response.
@@ -611,7 +584,7 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
   private static int testList(String theVerb, String theMetadataPrefix,
       String theSet) throws IOException {
     return testList(theVerb, theMetadataPrefix, theSet,
-        OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_FROM, OaiPmhTestUtilities.NO_UNTIL);
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_FROM, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_UNTIL);
@@ -633,46 +606,45 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
     long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
     String testOccurance = "header";
-    if (theVerb.equals(OaiPmhTestUtilities.VERB_LIST_RECORDS)) {
+    if (theVerb.equals(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS)) {
       testOccurance = "record";
-    String path = "verb=" + theVerb + "&metadataPrefix="
+    String query = "verb=" + theVerb + "&metadataPrefix="
         + theMetadataPrefix;
     if (theSet != null && !theSet.isEmpty()) {
-      path += "&set=" + theSet;
+      query += "&set=" + theSet;
     if (from != null && until != null) {
-      path += "&from=" + from + "&until=" + until;
+      query += "&from=" + from + "&until=" + until;
-    Response response = OaiPmhTestUtilities.getHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient,
-        path);
+    Response response = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getOAIHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient, query);
     String responseString = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) response.getEntity());
     int status = response.getStatus();
     long timeRunning = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
-    System.out.println("\ttime: " + OaiPmhTestUtilities.getDurationInSecs(timeRunning));
+    System.out.println("\ttime: " + OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getDurationInSecs(timeRunning));
     String restok = examineResumptionTokenTag(responseString, testOccurance, "");
     result = 1;
     while (status == HttpStatus.SC_OK && !restok.equals("-1")) {
-      path = "verb=" + theVerb + "&resumptionToken=" + restok;
-      response = OaiPmhTestUtilities.getHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient, path);
+      query = "verb=" + theVerb + "&resumptionToken=" + restok;
+      response = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getOAIHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient, query);
       responseString = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) response.getEntity());
       timeRunning = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
-      System.out.println("\ttime: " + OaiPmhTestUtilities.getDurationInSecs(timeRunning));
+      System.out.println("\ttime: " + OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getDurationInSecs(timeRunning));
       restok = examineResumptionTokenTag(responseString, testOccurance, restok);
     System.out.println("\tpage amount: " + result);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
     return result;
@@ -684,28 +656,22 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
   private static void testListSet(String theSet, String theExpectedResponse)
       throws IOException {
-    String verb = "ListSets";
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "#LISTSETS");
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#LISTSETS");
-    Response response = OaiPmhTestUtilities.getHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient,
-        "verb=" + verb);
+    Response response = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getOAIHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient,
+        "verb=" + OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_SETS);
     int status = response.getStatus();
     String responseString = IOUtils
         .readStringFromStream((InputStream) response.getEntity());
-    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK
-        || !responseString.contains(theExpectedResponse)) {
-      System.err.println("\tstatus: " + status);
-      System.err.println(
-          OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR + ": response should contain '" + theExpectedResponse + "'");
-      System.err.println(responseString);
-      assertTrue(false);
+    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK || !responseString.contains(theExpectedResponse)) {
+      String message = "[" + status + "] response should contain '" + theExpectedResponse + "'";
+      assertTrue(message, false);
     System.out.println("\tresponse: " + responseString);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
@@ -716,24 +682,21 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
   private static void testRootURL(String theURL, String shouldContain)
       throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.TESTING + "#ROOTURL");
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#ROOTURL");
-    Response response = OaiPmhTestUtilities.getHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient,
-        theURL);
+    Response response = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getOAIHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient, theURL);
     int status = response.getStatus();
     String responseString = IOUtils
         .readStringFromStream((InputStream) response.getEntity());
     if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK || !responseString.contains(shouldContain)) {
-      System.err.println("\tstatus: " + status);
-      System.err
-          .println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR + ": response should contain '" + shouldContain + "'");
-      assertTrue(false);
+      String message = "[" + status + "] response should contain '" + shouldContain + "'";
+      assertTrue(message, false);
     System.out.println("\tresponse: " + responseString);
-    System.out.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.OK);
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
@@ -743,9 +706,8 @@ public class OaiPmhDariahdeOnlineTests {
   private static void examineIdentifiers(String theResponseString) throws IOException {
     if (theResponseString.contains("<identifier>hdl:21</identifier>")) {
-      System.err.println(OaiPmhTestUtilities.ERROR
-          + " IN OAIPMH RESPONSE: identifier tag is corrupt!" + theResponseString);
-      assertTrue(false);
+      String message = "ERROR IN OAIPMH RESPONSE: identifier tag is corrupt!" + theResponseString;
+      assertTrue(message, false);
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread.java b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3cbbf1c06ea464038bcbbcc313e0847d3f291765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread.java
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+package info.textgrid.middleware.test.online.tg;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
+import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.Client;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.test.online.OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline;
+ * <p>
+ * Starts a new OAI-PMH thread.
+ * </p>
+ */
+public class TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread implements Callable<Boolean> {
+  protected Client client;
+  protected String verb;
+  protected String set;
+  protected String metadataPrefix;
+  protected int numberOfPagesToTest;
+  protected int recordsExpectedPerRequest;
+  protected String threadName;
+  /**
+   * @param theClient
+   * @param theVerb
+   * @param theSet
+   * @param theMetadataPrefix
+   * @param numberOfPagesToTest
+   * @param recordsExpectedPerRequest
+   * @param theThreadName
+   */
+  public TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(Client theClient, String theVerb, String theSet,
+      String theMetadataPrefix, int numberOfPagesToTest, int recordsExpectedPerRequest,
+      String theThreadName) {
+    this.client = theClient;
+    this.verb = theVerb;
+    this.set = theSet;
+    this.metadataPrefix = theMetadataPrefix;
+    this.numberOfPagesToTest = numberOfPagesToTest;
+    this.recordsExpectedPerRequest = recordsExpectedPerRequest;
+    this.threadName = theThreadName;
+  }
+  /*
+   * (non-Javadoc)
+   * 
+   * @see java.lang.Thread#run()
+   */
+  @Override
+  public Boolean call() throws IOException {
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.examineTGList(this.client, this.verb, this.set, this.metadataPrefix,
+        this.numberOfPagesToTest, this.recordsExpectedPerRequest, this.threadName,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_FROM, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_UNTIL,
+    return true;
+  }
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/ClassicMayanTest.java b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestClassicMayanOnline.java
similarity index 82%
rename from oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/ClassicMayanTest.java
rename to oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestClassicMayanOnline.java
index 899cbe7b3417117f4d8a08d7ab0e086d4081f5bb..f574034f090f782e6813876c31f92a0cbe580ecf 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/ClassicMayanTest.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestClassicMayanOnline.java
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package info.textgrid.middleware;
+package info.textgrid.middleware.test.online.tg;
 import java.io.IOException;
 import java.text.ParseException;
@@ -13,13 +13,15 @@ import org.junit.Ignore;
 import org.junit.Test;
 import org.w3c.dom.Document;
 import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
-import info.textgrid.middleware.oaipmh.OAIPMHtype;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.IDIOMImages;
-public class ClassicMayanTest {
+// @Ignore
+public class TestClassicMayanOnline {
+  // FIXME Check ignored tests!! Do they make any sense??
    * @throws JSONException
@@ -30,10 +32,11 @@ public class ClassicMayanTest {
    * @throws TransformerException
+  @Ignore
   public void testGetRecord() throws JSONException, IOException, SAXException, ParseException,
       TransformerFactoryConfigurationError, TransformerException {
-    IDIOMImages imageList = new IDIOMImages();
+    IDIOMImages imageList = new IDIOMImages("idiomTgcrudEndpoint", "idiomRbacSessionID");
     Document document;
     try {
@@ -55,10 +58,11 @@ public class ClassicMayanTest {
    * @throws TransformerException
+  @Ignore
   public void testGetMediaList() throws JSONException, IOException, ParseException, SAXException,
       TransformerFactoryConfigurationError, TransformerException {
-    IDIOMImages imageList = new IDIOMImages();
+    IDIOMImages imageList = new IDIOMImages("idiomTgcrudEndpoint", "idiomRbacSessionID");
@@ -84,11 +88,12 @@ public class ClassicMayanTest {
    * @throws TransformerException
+  @Ignore
   public void testOAIPMHRequest() throws JSONException, IOException, ParseException, SAXException,
       TransformerFactoryConfigurationError, TransformerException {
-    OAIPMHtype request = new OAIPMHtype();
-    IDIOMImages imageList = new IDIOMImages();
+    // OAIPMHtype request = new OAIPMHtype();
+    IDIOMImages imageList = new IDIOMImages("idiomTgcrudEndpoint", "idiomRbacSessionID");
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGBasicsOnline.java b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGBasicsOnline.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a59f218b9a3e3143322b63a08661dd0502f06490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGBasicsOnline.java
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+package info.textgrid.middleware.test.online.tg;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
+import org.apache.cxf.helpers.IOUtils;
+import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.Client;
+import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
+import org.junit.After;
+import org.junit.AfterClass;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.test.online.OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline;
+ * <p>
+ * Some basic online tests for the TextGrid OAIMPH service.
+ * </p>
+ * 
+ * @author Stefan E. Funk, SUB Göttingen
+ */
+public class TestTGBasicsOnline {
+  // **
+  // FINALS
+  // **
+  // private static final String PROPERTIES_FILE = "oaipmh.test.textgridlab-org.properties";
+  // TODO There is NO IDIOM test data for testing on dev.textgridlab.org! So eventually all
+  // IDIOM tests will fail!
+  private static final String PROPERTIES_FILE = "oaipmh.test.dev-textgridlab-org.properties";
+  // **
+  // **
+  // Some JAXRS things.
+  private static String oaipmhEndpoint;
+  static Client oaipmhWebClient;
+  // Properties
+  private static String expectedListSets;
+  // **
+  // **
+  /**
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @BeforeClass
+  public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
+    // Get properties.
+    Properties p = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getPropertiesFromFile(PROPERTIES_FILE);
+    // Set properties.
+    oaipmhEndpoint = p.getProperty("oaipmhEndpoint");
+    expectedListSets = p.getProperty("expectedListSets");
+    // Get OAI-PMH REST endpoint and HTTP client.
+    System.out.println("Getting OAI-PMH HTTP client --> " + oaipmhEndpoint + " <--");
+    // Get web client from endpoint.
+    oaipmhWebClient = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getOAIPMHWEebClient(oaipmhEndpoint);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @AfterClass
+  public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception {
+    //
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @Before
+  public void setUp() throws Exception {
+    //
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @After
+  public void tearDown() throws Exception {
+    //
+  }
+  // **
+  // TESTS
+  // **
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testGetVersion() throws IOException {
+    String shouldStartWith = "oaipmh-core";
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testGetVersion()");
+    Response httpResponse = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getVersionHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient);
+    int status = httpResponse.getStatus();
+    String response = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) httpResponse.getEntity());
+    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK || !response.startsWith(shouldStartWith)) {
+      String message = "response should start with '" + shouldStartWith + "'";
+      assertTrue(message, false);
+    }
+    System.out.println("\tresponse: " + response);
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testRootUrl() throws IOException {
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testRootUrl()");
+    // TODO Still hard coded in OAIPMH service!
+    String shouldContain = "textgridrep.org";
+    Response httpResponse = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getOAIHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient, "/");
+    int status = httpResponse.getStatus();
+    String response = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) httpResponse.getEntity());
+    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK || !response.contains(shouldContain)) {
+      String message = "[" + status + "] response should contain '" + shouldContain + "'";
+      assertTrue(message, false);
+    }
+    System.out.println("\tresponse: " + response);
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testIdentify() throws IOException {
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testIdentify()");
+    // TODO Still hard coded in OAIPMH service!
+    String shouldContain = "textgridrep.org";
+    Response httpResponse = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getOAIHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient,
+        "verb=" + OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_IDENTIFY);
+    int status = httpResponse.getStatus();
+    String response = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) httpResponse.getEntity());
+    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK || !response.contains(shouldContain)) {
+      String message = "[" + status + "] response should contain '" + shouldContain + "'";
+      assertTrue(message, false);
+    }
+    System.out.println("\tresponse: " + response);
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testListMetadataFormats() throws IOException {
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testListMetadataFormats()");
+    String shouldContainDC = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX;
+    String shouldContainIDIOM = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX;
+    String shouldContainDATACITE = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX;
+    Response httpResponse = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getOAIHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient,
+        "verb=" + OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_METADATA_FORMATS);
+    int status = httpResponse.getStatus();
+    String response = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) httpResponse.getEntity());
+    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK || !response.contains(shouldContainDC)
+        || !response.contains(shouldContainIDIOM) || !response.contains(shouldContainDATACITE)) {
+      String message = "[" + status + "] response should contain '" + shouldContainDC + "' and '"
+          + shouldContainIDIOM + "' and '" + shouldContainDATACITE + "'";
+      assertTrue(message, false);
+    }
+    System.out.println("\tresponse: " + response);
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testListSets() throws IOException {
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testListSets()");
+    Response httpResponse = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getOAIHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient,
+        "verb=" + OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_SETS);
+    int status = httpResponse.getStatus();
+    String response = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) httpResponse.getEntity());
+    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK || !response.contains(expectedListSets)) {
+      String message = "[" + status + "] response should contain '" + expectedListSets + "'";
+      assertTrue(message, false);
+    }
+    System.out.println("\tresponse: " + response);
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGGetRecordOnline.java b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGGetRecordOnline.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0c10181bcaf2bf70093e16c57bfd40723c79368e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGGetRecordOnline.java
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+package info.textgrid.middleware.test.online.tg;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
+import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
+import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
+import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
+import java.util.concurrent.Future;
+import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
+import org.apache.cxf.helpers.IOUtils;
+import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.Client;
+import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
+import org.junit.After;
+import org.junit.AfterClass;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.test.online.OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline;
+ * <p>
+ * Some online tests for the TextGrid OAIMPH service --> verb=GetRecord <--
+ * </p>
+ * 
+ * @author Stefan E. Funk, SUB Göttingen
+ * @version 2022-09-21
+ * @since 2022-09-08
+ */
+public class TestTGGetRecordOnline {
+  // **
+  // FINALS
+  // **
+  // private static final String PROPERTIES_FILE = "oaipmh.test.textgridlab-org.properties";
+  // TODO There is NO IDIOM test data for testing on dev.textgridlab.org! So eventually all
+  // IDIOM tests will fail!
+  protected static final String PROPERTIES_FILE = "oaipmh.test.dev-textgridlab-org.properties";
+  // **
+  // **
+  // Some JAXRS things.
+  private static String oaipmhEndpoint;
+  static Client oaipmhWebClient;
+  // Properties
+  private static String checkGetRecordDC;
+  private static String expectedGetRecordDC;
+  private static String checkGetRecordDATACITE;
+  private static String expectedGetRecordDATACITE;
+  private static String checkGetRecordIDIOM;
+  private static String expectedGetRecordIDIOM;
+  private static String checkGetRecordIDIOMImage;
+  private static String expectedGetRecordIDIOMImage;
+  private static List<String> checkGetRecordIDList = new ArrayList<String>();
+  // **
+  // **
+  /**
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @BeforeClass
+  public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
+    // Get properties.
+    Properties p = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getPropertiesFromFile(PROPERTIES_FILE);
+    // Set properties.
+    oaipmhEndpoint = p.getProperty("oaipmhEndpoint");
+    checkGetRecordDC = p.getProperty("checkGetRecordDC");
+    expectedGetRecordDC = p.getProperty("expectedGetRecordDC");
+    checkGetRecordDATACITE = p.getProperty("checkGetRecordDATACITE");
+    expectedGetRecordDATACITE = p.getProperty("expectedGetRecordDATACITE");
+    checkGetRecordIDIOM = p.getProperty("checkGetRecordIDIOM");
+    expectedGetRecordIDIOM = p.getProperty("expectedGetRecordIDIOM");
+    checkGetRecordIDIOMImage = p.getProperty("checkGetRecordIDIOMImage");
+    expectedGetRecordIDIOMImage = p.getProperty("expectedGetRecordIDIOMImage");
+    checkGetRecordIDList =
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getListFromProperties((String) p.get("checkGetRecordIDList"));
+    // Get web client from endpoint.
+    oaipmhWebClient = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getOAIPMHWEebClient(oaipmhEndpoint);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @AfterClass
+  public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception {
+    //
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @Before
+  public void setUp() throws Exception {
+    //
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @After
+  public void tearDown() throws Exception {
+    //
+  }
+  // **
+  // TESTS
+  // **
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testGetRecordOAIDC() throws IOException {
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testGetRecordOAIDC()");
+    String query = "verb=" + OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD + "&identifier="
+        + checkGetRecordDC + "&metadataPrefix=" + OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX;
+    Response httpResponse = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getOAIHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient, query);
+    int status = httpResponse.getStatus();
+    String response = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) httpResponse.getEntity());
+    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK || !response.contains(expectedGetRecordDC)) {
+      String message = "[" + status + "] response should contain '" + expectedGetRecordDC + "'";
+      assertTrue(message, false);
+    }
+    System.out.println("\tresponse: " + response);
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testGetRecordIDIOMMETS() throws IOException {
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testGetRecordIDIOMMETS()");
+    String query = "verb=" + OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD + "&identifier="
+        + checkGetRecordIDIOM + "&metadataPrefix=" + OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX;
+    Response httpResponse = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getOAIHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient,
+        query);
+    int status = httpResponse.getStatus();
+    String response = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) httpResponse.getEntity());
+    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK || !response.contains(expectedGetRecordIDIOM)) {
+      String message = "[" + status + "] response should contain '" + expectedGetRecordIDIOM + "'";
+      assertTrue(message, false);
+    }
+    System.out.println("\tresponse: " + response);
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testGetRecordIDIOMMETSImage() throws IOException {
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testGetRecordIDIOMMETS_Image()");
+    String query =
+        "verb=" + OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD + "&identifier=" + checkGetRecordIDIOMImage
+            + "&metadataPrefix=" + OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX;
+    Response httpResponse = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getOAIHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient,
+        query);
+    int status = httpResponse.getStatus();
+    String response = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) httpResponse.getEntity());
+    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK || !response.contains(expectedGetRecordIDIOMImage)) {
+      String message =
+          "[" + status + "] response should contain '" + expectedGetRecordIDIOMImage + "'";
+      assertTrue(message, false);
+    }
+    System.out.println("\tresponse: " + response);
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testGetRecordDATACITE() throws IOException {
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testGetRecordDATACITE()");
+    String query = "verb=" + OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD + "&identifier="
+        + checkGetRecordDATACITE + "&metadataPrefix=" + OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX;
+    Response httpResponse = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getOAIHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient,
+        query);
+    int status = httpResponse.getStatus();
+    String response = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) httpResponse.getEntity());
+    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK || !response.contains(expectedGetRecordDATACITE)) {
+      String message =
+          "[" + status + "] response should contain '" + expectedGetRecordDATACITE + "'";
+      assertTrue(message, false);
+    }
+    System.out.println("\tresponse: " + response);
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   * @throws InterruptedException
+   * @throws ExecutionException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testConcurrentlyOAIDCGetRecord() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testConcurrentlyOAIDCGetRecord()");
+    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(18);
+    Future<Boolean> f1 =
+        executor.submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD,
+            checkGetRecordIDList.get(0), OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
+    Future<Boolean> f2 =
+        executor.submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD,
+            checkGetRecordIDList.get(1), OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
+    Future<Boolean> f3 =
+        executor.submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD,
+            checkGetRecordIDList.get(2), OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
+    Future<Boolean> f4 =
+        executor.submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD,
+            checkGetRecordIDList.get(3), OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
+    Future<Boolean> f5 =
+        executor.submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD,
+            checkGetRecordIDList.get(4), OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
+    Future<Boolean> f6 =
+        executor.submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD,
+            checkGetRecordIDList.get(5), OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
+    Future<Boolean> f7 =
+        executor.submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD,
+            checkGetRecordIDList.get(6), OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
+    Future<Boolean> f8 =
+        executor.submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD,
+            checkGetRecordIDList.get(7), OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
+    Future<Boolean> f9 =
+        executor.submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD,
+            checkGetRecordIDList.get(8), OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
+    Future<Boolean> f10 =
+        executor.submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD,
+            checkGetRecordIDList.get(9), OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
+    Future<Boolean> f11 =
+        executor.submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD,
+            checkGetRecordIDList.get(10), OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
+    Future<Boolean> f12 =
+        executor.submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD,
+            checkGetRecordIDList.get(11), OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
+    Future<Boolean> f13 =
+        executor.submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD,
+            checkGetRecordIDList.get(12), OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
+    Future<Boolean> f14 =
+        executor.submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD,
+            checkGetRecordIDList.get(13), OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
+    Future<Boolean> f15 =
+        executor.submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD,
+            checkGetRecordIDList.get(14), OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
+    Future<Boolean> f16 =
+        executor.submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD,
+            checkGetRecordIDList.get(15), OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
+    Future<Boolean> f17 =
+        executor.submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD,
+            checkGetRecordIDList.get(16), OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
+    Future<Boolean> f18 =
+        executor.submit(new OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD,
+            checkGetRecordIDList.get(17), OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            "GR[" + checkGetRecordIDList.get(0) + "]"));
+    executor.shutdown();
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK + "[GR1]=" + f1.get() +
+        ", [GR2]=" + f2.get() +
+        ", [GR3]=" + f3.get() +
+        ", [GR4]=" + f4.get() +
+        ", [GR5]=" + f5.get() +
+        ", [GR6]=" + f6.get() +
+        ", [GR7]=" + f7.get() +
+        ", [GR8]=" + f8.get() +
+        ", [GR9]=" + f9.get() +
+        ", [GR10]=" + f10.get() +
+        ", [GR11]=" + f11.get() +
+        ", [GR12]=" + f12.get() +
+        ", [GR13]=" + f13.get() +
+        ", [GR14]=" + f14.get() +
+        ", [GR15]=" + f15.get() +
+        ", [GR16]=" + f16.get() +
+        ", [GR17]=" + f17.get() +
+        ", [GR18]=" + f18.get());
+  }
+  /**
+   * <p>
+   * Starts a new OAI-PMH thread.
+   * </p>
+   */
+  private class OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread implements Callable<Boolean> {
+    protected String verb;
+    protected String identifier;
+    protected String metadataPrefix;
+    protected String threadName;
+    /**
+     * @param theVerb
+     * @param theIdentifier
+     * @param theMetadataPrefix
+     * @param theThreadName
+     */
+    public OaiPmhGetRecordTestThread(String theVerb, String theIdentifier, String theMetadataPrefix,
+        String theThreadName) {
+      this.verb = theVerb;
+      this.identifier = theIdentifier;
+      this.metadataPrefix = theMetadataPrefix;
+      this.threadName = theThreadName;
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    @Override
+    public Boolean call() throws IOException {
+      String query = "verb=" + this.verb + "&identifier=" + this.identifier + "&metadataPrefix="
+          + this.metadataPrefix;
+      OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getOAIHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient, this.threadName, query);
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGListIdentifiersOnline.java b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGListIdentifiersOnline.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b057cd8a1ec50139a25d9bdefd254d195e6fa8e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGListIdentifiersOnline.java
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+package info.textgrid.middleware.test.online.tg;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
+import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
+import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
+import java.util.concurrent.Future;
+import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.Client;
+import org.junit.After;
+import org.junit.AfterClass;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.test.online.OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline;
+ * <p>
+ * Some online tests for the TextGrid OAIMPH service --> verb=ListIdentifiers <--
+ * </p>
+ * 
+ * @author Stefan E. Funk, SUB Göttingen
+ * @version 2022-09-21
+ * @since 2022-09-12
+ */
+public class TestTGListIdentifiersOnline {
+  // **
+  // FINALS
+  // **
+  // private static final String PROPERTIES_FILE = "oaipmh.test.textgridlab-org.properties";
+  // TODO There is NO IDIOM test data for testing on dev.textgridlab.org! So eventually all
+  // IDIOM tests will fail!
+  protected static final String PROPERTIES_FILE = "oaipmh.test.dev-textgridlab-org.properties";
+  // **
+  // **
+  // Some JAXRS things.
+  private static String oaipmhEndpoint;
+  static Client oaipmhWebClient;
+  // Properties
+  private static String checkListIdentifiersSet;
+  private static int checkListIdentifiersPagesToTestIDIOM;
+  private static int checkListIdentifiersRecordsPerPageIDIOM;
+  // **
+  // **
+  /**
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @BeforeClass
+  public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
+    // Get properties.
+    Properties p = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getPropertiesFromFile(PROPERTIES_FILE);
+    // Set properties.
+    oaipmhEndpoint = p.getProperty("oaipmhEndpoint");
+    checkListIdentifiersSet = p.getProperty("checkListIdentifiersSet");
+    checkListIdentifiersPagesToTestIDIOM =
+        Integer.parseInt(p.getProperty("checkListIdentifiersPagesToTestIDIOM"));
+    checkListIdentifiersRecordsPerPageIDIOM =
+        Integer.parseInt(p.getProperty("checkListIdentifiersRecordsPerPageIDIOM"));
+    // Get web client from endpoint.
+    oaipmhWebClient = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getOAIPMHWEebClient(oaipmhEndpoint);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @AfterClass
+  public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception {
+    //
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @Before
+  public void setUp() throws Exception {
+    //
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @After
+  public void tearDown() throws Exception {
+    //
+  }
+  // **
+  // TESTS
+  // **
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testListIdentifiersOAIDCMorePages() throws IOException {
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testListIdentifiersOAIDCMorePages()");
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.examineTGList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        checkListIdentifiersSet,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+        30, 100,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_THREAD_NAME,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_FROM,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_UNTIL,
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test(expected = IOException.class)
+  public void testListIdentifiersOAIDCMorePagesAndMetadataFormatWithRestok() throws IOException {
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING
+        + "testListIdentifiersOAIDCMorePagesAndMetadataFormatWithRestok()");
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.examineTGList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        checkListIdentifiersSet,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+        30, 100,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_THREAD_NAME,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_FROM,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_UNTIL,
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test
+  @Ignore
+  public void testListIdentifiersIDIOMMETSAllPages() throws IOException {
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testListIdentifiersIDIOMMETSAllPages()");
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.examineTGList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX,
+        0, 30,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_THREAD_NAME,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_FROM,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_UNTIL,
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testListIdentifiersIDIOMMETSMorePages() throws IOException {
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testListIdentifiersIDIOMMETSMorePages()");
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.examineTGList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX,
+        6, 30,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_THREAD_NAME,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_FROM,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_UNTIL,
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test(expected = IOException.class)
+  public void testListIdentifiersIDIOMMETSSomePagesAndMetadataFormatWithRestok()
+      throws IOException {
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING
+        + "testListIdentifiersIDIOMMETSSomePagesAndMetadataFormatWithRestok()");
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.examineTGList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX,
+        3, 30,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_THREAD_NAME,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_FROM,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_UNTIL,
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testListIdentifiersDATACITEMorePages() throws IOException {
+    System.out
+        .println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testListIdentifiersDATACITEMorePages()");
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.examineTGList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX,
+        22, 100,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_THREAD_NAME,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_FROM,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_UNTIL,
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   * @throws ExecutionException
+   * @throws InterruptedException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testListIdentifiersConcurrentlyIDIOMMETSMorePages()
+      throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
+    System.out.println(
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testListIdentifiersConcurrentlyIDIOMMETSMorePages()");
+    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
+    Future<Boolean> f1 = executor
+        .submit(new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX,
+            3, 30,
+            "C1"));
+    Future<Boolean> f2 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX,
+            5, 30,
+            "C2"));
+    Future<Boolean> f3 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX,
+            8, 30,
+            "C2"));
+    executor.shutdown();
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK + ": [C1]=" + f1.get() + ", [C2]=" + f2.get()
+        + ", [C3]=" + f3.get());
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   * @throws InterruptedException
+   * @throws ExecutionException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testRestokConcurrentlyListIdentifiersDC()
+      throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
+    System.out
+        .println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testRestokConcurrentlyListIdentifiersDC()");
+    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
+    Future<Boolean> f1 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            36, 100,
+            "A1"));
+    Future<Boolean> f2 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            27, 100,
+            "A2"));
+    Future<Boolean> f3 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            19, 100,
+            "A3"));
+    executor.shutdown();
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK + ": [A1]=" + f1.get() + ", [A2]=" + f2.get()
+        + ", [A3]=" + f3.get());
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   * @throws InterruptedException
+   * @throws ExecutionException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testRestokConcurrentlyListIdentifiersIDIOMMETS()
+      throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
+    System.out
+        .println(
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testRestokConcurrentlyListIdentifiersIDIOM()");
+    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
+    Future<Boolean> f1 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX,
+            13, 30,
+            "A1"));
+    Future<Boolean> f2 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX,
+            35, 30,
+            "A2"));
+    Future<Boolean> f3 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX,
+            11, 30,
+            "A3"));
+    executor.shutdown();
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK + ": [A1]=" + f1.get() + ", [A2]=" + f2.get()
+        + ", [A3]=" + f3.get());
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   * @throws InterruptedException
+   * @throws ExecutionException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testRestokConcurrentlyListIdentifiersDATACITE()
+      throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
+    System.out
+        .println(
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testRestokConcurrentlyListIdentifiersDATACITE()");
+    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
+    Future<Boolean> f1 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX,
+            13, 100,
+            "A1"));
+    Future<Boolean> f2 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX,
+            20, 100,
+            "A2"));
+    Future<Boolean> f3 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX,
+            8, 100,
+            "A3"));
+    executor.shutdown();
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK + ": [A1]=" + f1.get() + ", [A2]=" + f2.get()
+        + ", [A3]=" + f3.get());
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws InterruptedException
+   * @throws ExecutionException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testRestokConcurrentlyListIdentifiersDCAndIDIOMMETS()
+      throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
+    System.out.println(
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING
+            + "testRestokConcurrentlyListIdentifiersDCAndIDIOMMets()");
+    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
+    Future<Boolean> f1 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            53, 100,
+            "DC1"));
+    Future<Boolean> f2 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            28, 100,
+            "DC2"));
+    Future<Boolean> f3 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX,
+            checkListIdentifiersPagesToTestIDIOM,
+            checkListIdentifiersRecordsPerPageIDIOM,
+            "IDIOM"));
+    executor.shutdown();
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK + ": [DC1]=" + f1.get() + ", [DC2]=" + f2.get()
+        + ", [IDIOM]=" + f3.get());
+  }
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGListRecordsOnline.java b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGListRecordsOnline.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4705ef22de04c5b3979b9f9f38155903cfeb1b44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGListRecordsOnline.java
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+package info.textgrid.middleware.test.online.tg;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
+import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
+import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
+import java.util.concurrent.Future;
+import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.Client;
+import org.junit.After;
+import org.junit.AfterClass;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.test.online.OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline;
+ * <p>
+ * Some online tests for the TextGrid OAIMPH service --> verb=ListRecords <--
+ * </p>
+ * 
+ * @author Stefan E. Funk, SUB Göttingen
+ * @version 2022-09-21
+ * @since 2022-09-12
+ */
+public class TestTGListRecordsOnline {
+  // **
+  // FINALS
+  // **
+  // private static final String PROPERTIES_FILE = "oaipmh.test.textgridlab-org.properties";
+  // TODO There is NO IDIOM test data for testing on dev.textgridlab.org! So eventually all
+  // IDIOM tests will fail!
+  protected static final String PROPERTIES_FILE = "oaipmh.test.dev-textgridlab-org.properties";
+  // **
+  // **
+  // Some JAXRS things.
+  private static String oaipmhEndpoint;
+  static Client oaipmhWebClient;
+  // Properties
+  private static String checkListRecordsDCSet;
+  private static String checkListRecordsDCFrom;
+  private static String checkListRecordsDCUntil;
+  private static String checkListRecordsDATACITEFrom;
+  private static String checkListRecordsDATACITEUntil;
+  private static String checkListRecordsIDIOMFrom;
+  private static String checkListRecordsIDIOMUntil;
+  private static int checkListIdentifiersPagesToTestIDIOM;
+  private static int checkListIdentifiersRecordsPerPageIDIOM;
+  // **
+  // **
+  /**
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @BeforeClass
+  public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
+    // Get properties.
+    Properties p = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getPropertiesFromFile(PROPERTIES_FILE);
+    // Set properties.
+    oaipmhEndpoint = p.getProperty("oaipmhEndpoint");
+    checkListRecordsDCSet = p.getProperty("checkListRecordsDCSet");
+    checkListRecordsDCFrom = p.getProperty("checkListRecordsDCFrom");
+    checkListRecordsDCUntil = p.getProperty("checkListRecordsDCUntil");
+    checkListRecordsDATACITEFrom = p.getProperty("checkListRecordsDATACITEFrom");
+    checkListRecordsDATACITEUntil = p.getProperty("checkListRecordsDATACITEUntil");
+    checkListRecordsIDIOMFrom = p.getProperty("checkListRecordsIDIOMFrom");
+    checkListRecordsIDIOMUntil = p.getProperty("checkListRecordsIDIOMUntil");
+    // Get web client from endpoint.
+    oaipmhWebClient = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getOAIPMHWEebClient(oaipmhEndpoint);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @AfterClass
+  public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception {
+    //
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @Before
+  public void setUp() throws Exception {
+    //
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @After
+  public void tearDown() throws Exception {
+    //
+  }
+  // **
+  // TESTS
+  // **
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testListRecordsOAIDCMorePages() throws IOException {
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testListRecordsOAIDCMorePages()");
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.examineTGList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+        18, 100,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_THREAD_NAME,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_FROM,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_UNTIL,
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testListRecordsOAIDCSetMorePages() throws IOException {
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testListRecordsOAIDCSetMorePages()");
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.examineTGList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+        checkListRecordsDCSet,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+        20, 100,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_THREAD_NAME,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_FROM,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_UNTIL,
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test
+  @Ignore
+  public void testListRecordsOAIDCAllPages() throws IOException {
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testListRecordsOAIDCAllPages()");
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.examineTGList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+        0, 100,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_THREAD_NAME,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_FROM,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_UNTIL,
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testListRecordsOAIDCMorePagesFromUntil() throws IOException {
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testListRecordsOAIDCMorePagesFromUntil()");
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.examineTGList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+        checkListRecordsDCSet,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+        0, 100,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_THREAD_NAME,
+        checkListRecordsDCFrom,
+        checkListRecordsDCUntil,
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test(expected = IOException.class)
+  public void testListRecordsIDIOMMETSSomePagesAndMetadataFormatWithRestok() throws IOException {
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING
+        + "testListRecordsIDIOMMETSSomePagesAndMetadataFormatWithRestok()");
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.examineTGList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX,
+        3, 30,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_THREAD_NAME,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_FROM,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_UNTIL,
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test
+  @Ignore
+  public void testListRecordsIDIOMMETSAllPages() throws IOException {
+    // FIXME
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testListRecordsIDIOMMETSAllPages()");
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.examineTGList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX,
+        0, 30,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_THREAD_NAME,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_FROM,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_UNTIL,
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * NOTE The amount of records will change due to changes on the data! Please check from and until
+   * values before!
+   *
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testListRecordsIDIOMMETSMorePagesFromUntil() throws IOException {
+    System.out
+        .println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testListRecordsIDIOMMETSMorePagesFromUntil()");
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.examineTGList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX,
+        6, 30,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_THREAD_NAME,
+        checkListRecordsIDIOMFrom,
+        checkListRecordsIDIOMUntil,
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testListRecordsIDIOMMETSMorePages() throws IOException {
+    System.out
+        .println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testListRecordsIDIOMMETSMorePages()");
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.examineTGList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX,
+        6, 30,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_THREAD_NAME,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_FROM,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_UNTIL,
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testListRecordsDATACITEMorePages() throws IOException {
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testListRecordsDATACITEMorePages()");
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.examineTGList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX,
+        15, 100,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_THREAD_NAME,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_FROM,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_UNTIL,
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test
+  @Ignore
+  public void testListRecordsDATACITEAllPages() throws IOException {
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testListRecordsDATACITEAllPages()");
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.examineTGList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX,
+        0, 100,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_THREAD_NAME,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_FROM,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_UNTIL,
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testListRecordsDATACITEMorePagesFromUntil() throws IOException {
+    System.out
+        .println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testListRecordsDATACITEMorePagesFromUntil()");
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.examineTGList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX,
+        15, 100,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_THREAD_NAME,
+        checkListRecordsDATACITEFrom,
+        checkListRecordsDATACITEUntil,
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   * @throws ExecutionException
+   * @throws InterruptedException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testListRecordsConcurrentlyIDIOMMETSMorePages()
+      throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
+    System.out
+        .println(
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testListRecordsConcurrentlyIDIOMMETSMorePages()");
+    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
+    Future<Boolean> f1 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX, 2, 30, "D1"));
+    Future<Boolean> f2 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX, 3, 30, "D2"));
+    Future<Boolean> f3 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX, 4, 30, "D3"));
+    executor.shutdown();
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK + ": [D1]=" + f1.get() + ", [D2]=" + f2.get()
+        + ", [D3]=" + f3.get());
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws InterruptedException
+   * @throws ExecutionException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testRestokConcurrentlyListRecordsDC()
+      throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testRestokConcurrentlyListRecordsDC()");
+    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4);
+    Future<Boolean> f1 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 44, 100, "DC1"));
+    Future<Boolean> f2 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 33, 100, "DC2"));
+    Future<Boolean> f3 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 66, 100, "DC3"));
+    Future<Boolean> f4 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 28, 100, "DC4"));
+    executor.shutdown();
+    System.out.println(
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK + ": [DC1]=" + f1.get() + ", [DC2]=" + f2.get() + ", [DC3]="
+            + f3.get() + ", [DC4]=" + f4.get());
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws IOException
+   * @throws InterruptedException
+   * @throws ExecutionException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testRestokConcurrentlyListRecords() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testRestokConcurrentlyListRecords()");
+    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
+    Future<Boolean> f1 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 6, 100, "B1"));
+    Future<Boolean> f2 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 7, 100, "B2"));
+    Future<Boolean> f3 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 8, 100, "B3"));
+    Future<Boolean> f4 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX, 9, 100, "B4"));
+    executor.shutdown();
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK + ": [B1]=" + f1.get() + ", [B2]=" + f2.get()
+        + ", [B3]=" + f3.get() + ", [B4]=" + f4.get());
+  }
+  /**
+   * @throws InterruptedException
+   * @throws ExecutionException
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void testListRecordsRestokConcurrentlyDCAndIDIOMMETS()
+      throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
+    System.out.println(
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "testListRecordsRestokConcurrentlyDCAndIDIOMMets()");
+    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
+    Future<Boolean> f1 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            34, 100,
+            "DC1"));
+    Future<Boolean> f2 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            27, 100,
+            "DC2"));
+    Future<Boolean> f3 = executor.submit(
+        new TGOAIPMHResumptionTokenThread(oaipmhWebClient,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_IDIOMMETS_PREFIX,
+            checkListIdentifiersPagesToTestIDIOM,
+            checkListIdentifiersRecordsPerPageIDIOM,
+            "IDIOM"));
+    executor.shutdown();
+    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK + ": [DC1]=" + f1.get() + ", [DC2]=" + f2.get()
+        + ", [IOIOM]=" + f3.get());
+  }
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/test/resources/oaipmh.test.dev-textgridlab-org.properties b/oaipmh-core/src/test/resources/oaipmh.test.dev-textgridlab-org.properties
index ebfefb54791c5d1f2df6e2aafea8ca93047be1a5..4d07edba85923641a0fafdc2f7d7d401356dd178 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/test/resources/oaipmh.test.dev-textgridlab-org.properties
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/test/resources/oaipmh.test.dev-textgridlab-org.properties
@@ -1,26 +1,38 @@
 # OAI-PMH host
-oaipmhEndpoint = https://dev.textgridlab.org/1.0/tgoaipmh/oai
-# ListSets
-expectedListSets = project:TGPR-372fe6dc-57f2-6cd4-01b5-2c4bbefcfd3c
-# GetRecord
+oaipmhEndpoint = https://dev.textgridlab.org/1.0/tgoaipmh
+# GetRecord --> TestGetRecordONLINE.class
 checkGetRecordDC = textgrid:vqn0.0
 expectedGetRecordDC = Heidi
-checkGetRecordIDIOM = textgrid:2sg18.0
-expectedGetRecordIDIOM = Aguateca
-checkGetRecordIDIOM_Images = 11669
-expectedGetRecordIDIOM_Images = Bonampak
 checkGetRecordDATACITE = textgrid:mq05.0
 expectedGetRecordDATACITE = Weise Klugredenn
+checkGetRecordIDIOM = textgrid:2sg18.0
+expectedGetRecordIDIOM = Aguateca
+checkGetRecordIDIOMImage = textgrid:3vcgs.0
+expectedGetRecordIDIOMImage = Edzna, Hieroglyphic Stairway 1, HS.1:1-10, HS.1:45-47, HS.1:48-49
+#checkGetRecordIDIOMImage = textgrid:407sf.0
+#expectedGetRecordIDIOMImage = Acanceh, Structure 1, Stucco Frieze, Detail
 checkGetRecordIDList = textgrid:mq05.0, textgrid:jgv6.0, textgrid:w7rz.0, textgrid:w36b.0, textgrid:mcdv.0, textgrid:v0qx.0, textgrid:xkck.0, textgrid:t3m1.0, textgrid:10rsq.0, textgrid:mq05.0, textgrid:jgv6.0, textgrid:w7rz.0, textgrid:w36b.0, textgrid:mcdv.0, textgrid:v0qx.0, textgrid:xkck.0, textgrid:t3m1.0, textgrid:10rsq.0
 # ListRecords
-checkListRecordsDC = project:TGPR-372fe6dc-57f2-6cd4-01b5-2c4bbefcfd3c
+checkListRecordsDCSet = project:TGPR-372fe6dc-57f2-6cd4-01b5-2c4bbefcfd3c
 checkListRecordsDCFrom = 2012-01-04T01:00:00
 checkListRecordsDCUntil = 2012-01-04T12:00:00
 checkListRecordsIDIOMFrom = 2012-01-04T01:00:00
 checkListRecordsIDIOMUntil = 2012-01-04T12:00:00
 checkListRecordsDATACITEFrom = 2012-01-04T01:00:00
 checkListRecordsDATACITEUntil = 2012-01-04T12:00:00
 # ListIdentifiers
 checkListIdentifiersSet = project:TGPR-59722e29-efcb-330f-b9b4-5ef2fb08edab
 checkListIdentifiersPagesToTestIDIOM = 10
 checkListIdentifiersRecordsPerPageIDIOM = 30
+# ListSets
+expectedListSets = project:TGPR-372fe6dc-57f2-6cd4-01b5-2c4bbefcfd3c
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/test/resources/oaipmh.test.textgridlab-org.properties b/oaipmh-core/src/test/resources/oaipmh.test.textgridlab-org.properties
index db6888109fc0ed7c5f48682154ff60f33f9b0951..b123de236aa2458961d410bea1b4b3b5a99ce0f6 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/test/resources/oaipmh.test.textgridlab-org.properties
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/test/resources/oaipmh.test.textgridlab-org.properties
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
 # OAI-PMH host
 oaipmhEndpoint = https://textgridlab.org/1.0/tgoaipmh/oai
 # ListSets
 expectedListSets = project:TGPR-372fe6dc-57f2-6cd4-01b5-2c4bbefcfd3c
+!! Please CHECK config !!
 # GetRecord
 checkGetRecordDC = textgrid:vqn0.0
 expectedGetRecordDC = Heidi
@@ -12,6 +16,7 @@ expectedGetRecordIDIOM_Images = Aguateca
 checkGetRecordDATACITE = textgrid:mq05.0
 expectedGetRecordDATACITE = Weise Klugredenn
 checkGetRecordIDList = textgrid:mq05.0, textgrid:jgv6.0, textgrid:w7rz.0, textgrid:w36b.0, textgrid:mcdv.0, textgrid:v0qx.0, textgrid:xkck.0, textgrid:t3m1.0, textgrid:10rsq.0, textgrid:mq05.0, textgrid:jgv6.0, textgrid:w7rz.0, textgrid:w36b.0, textgrid:mcdv.0, textgrid:v0qx.0, textgrid:xkck.0, textgrid:t3m1.0, textgrid:10rsq.0
 # ListRecords
 checkListRecordsDC = project:TGPR-372fe6dc-57f2-6cd4-01b5-2c4bbefcfd3c
 checkListRecordsDCFrom = 2012-01-04T01:00:00
@@ -20,6 +25,7 @@ checkListRecordsIDIOMFrom = 2012-01-04T01:00:00
 checkListRecordsIDIOMUntil = 2012-01-04T12:00:00
 checkListRecordsDATACITEFrom = 2012-01-04T01:00:00
 checkListRecordsDATACITEUntil = 2012-01-04T12:00:00
 # ListIdentifiers
 checkListIdentifiersSet = project:TGPR-372fe6dc-57f2-6cd4-01b5-2c4bbefcfd3c
 checkListIdentifiersPagesToTestIDIOM = 10
diff --git a/oaipmh-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/beans.xml b/oaipmh-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/beans.xml
index e70113f3638edcd2d054f14e5bc4bec1da8f16ab..9fd17263dba9f77d040ded3efda66c6e22172569 100644
--- a/oaipmh-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/beans.xml
+++ b/oaipmh-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/beans.xml
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@
 		<property name="ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders" value="true" />
-	<!-- ES client bean -->
+	<!-- ES client beans -->
 	<bean id="ElasticSearchClient"
-		class="info.textgrid.middleware.OAI_ESClient">
+		class="info.textgrid.middleware.OAIPMHElasticSearchClient">
 		<constructor-arg index="0"
 			value="${elasticSearch.url}" />
 		<constructor-arg index="1"
@@ -44,6 +44,19 @@
 		<property name="esType" value="${elasticSearch.type}" />
+	<bean id="NonpublicElasticSearchClient"
+		class="info.textgrid.middleware.OAIPMHElasticSearchClient">
+		<constructor-arg index="0"
+			value="${elasticSearch.url}" />
+		<constructor-arg index="1"
+			value="${elasticSearch.ports}" />
+		<constructor-arg index="2"
+			value="${elasticSearch.itemLimit}" />
+		<property name="esIndex"
+			value="${elasticSearch.nonpublicIndex}" />
+		<property name="esType" value="${elasticSearch.type}" />
+	</bean>
 	<!-- Main class bean -->
 	<bean id="oai" class="info.textgrid.middleware.OAIPMHImpl">
@@ -65,6 +78,14 @@
 		<property name="dariah" value="${dariah}" />
+	<bean id="IDIOMImages"
+		class="info.textgrid.middleware.IDIOMImages">
+		<property name="idiomTgcrudEndpoint"
+			value="${idiomTgcrudEndpoint}" />
+		<property name="idiomRbacSessionID"
+			value="${idiomRbacSessionID}" />
+	</bean>
 	<!-- Define all implementing classes here, chose needed class in main config 
 		file! -->
 	<bean id="MetadataFormatListDelivererDH"
@@ -75,11 +96,6 @@
-	<bean id="IDIOMImages"
-		class="info.textgrid.middleware.IDIOMImages">
-		<property name="rbacSessionID" value="${rbacSessionID}" />
-	</bean>
 	<!-- Bean for verb=Identify -->
 	<bean id="RepIdentification"
@@ -97,7 +113,7 @@
 	<!-- Beans for verb=GetRecord -->
-	<bean scope="prototype" id="RecordDC"
+	<bean id="RecordDC"
 		<constructor-arg index="0" value="${textgrid}" />
 		<constructor-arg index="1" value="${dariah}" />
@@ -174,7 +190,10 @@
 		<property name="specFieldPrefix" value="${specFieldPrefix}" />
 		<property name="specField" value="${specField}" />
-		<property name="oaiEsClient" ref="ElasticSearchClient" />
+		<property name="oaiEsClient"
+			ref="NonpublicElasticSearchClient" />
+		<property name="idiomImages" ref="IDIOMImages" />
 	<bean id="RecordDATACITE"
@@ -287,18 +306,36 @@
 		<property name="oaiEsClient" ref="ElasticSearchClient" />
-	<bean scope="prototype" id="RecordListIDIOM"
+	<bean id="RecordListIDIOM"
 		<constructor-arg index="0" value="${textgrid}" />
 		<constructor-arg index="1" value="${dariah}" />
-		<!-- TODO Why we don't need any property definitions here? -->
+		<property name="fields" value="${fields}" />
+		<property name="workFields" value="${workFields}" />
+		<property name="dateOfObjectCreation"
+			value="${dateOfObjectCreation}" />
+		<property name="relationToFurtherMetadataObject"
+			value="${relationToFurtherMetadataObject}" />
+		<property name="repositoryObjectURIPrefix"
+			value="${repositoryObjectURIPrefix}" />
+		<property name="modifiedField" value="${modifiedField}" />
+		<property name="identifierField" value="${identifierField}" />
+		<property name="rangeField" value="${rangeField}" />
+		<property name="formatField" value="${formatField}" />
+		<property name="formatToFilter" value="${formatToFilter}" />
+		<property name="searchResponseSize"
+			value="${searchResponseSize}" />
+		<property name="specFieldPrefix" value="${specFieldPrefix}" />
+		<property name="specField" value="${specField}" />
 		<property name="idiomResponseSize"
 			value="${idiomResponseSize}" />
-			<property name="oaiEsClient" ref="ElasticSearchClient" />
-		</bean>
+		<property name="oaiEsClient"
+			ref="NonpublicElasticSearchClient" />
+		<property name="idiomRecord" ref="RecordIDIOM" />
+	</bean>
 	<bean id="RecordListDATACITE"
@@ -370,8 +407,10 @@
 		<property name="idiomResponseSize"
 			value="${idiomResponseSize}" />
-			<property name="oaiEsClient" ref="ElasticSearchClient" />
-		</bean>
+		<property name="oaiEsClient"
+			ref="NonpublicElasticSearchClient" />
+		<property name="idiomRecord" ref="RecordIDIOM" />
+	</bean>
 	<bean id="ListIdentifierDATACITE"
diff --git a/oaipmh-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/oaipmh.textgrid.properties b/oaipmh-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/oaipmh.textgrid.properties
index 86f2b80b5dc9f0e652c2ef8f0998b8b3533b7cd5..8a189fce5665601539f598823d7185dbefb6fff5 100644
--- a/oaipmh-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/oaipmh.textgrid.properties
+++ b/oaipmh-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/oaipmh.textgrid.properties
@@ -117,5 +117,8 @@ specFieldPrefix = project:
 idiomResponseSize = 30
-# We do need a TextGrid RBAC Session ID for accessing unpublished image objects from TG-crud.
-rbacSessionID = urglimurgli 
+# NONPUBLIC index only TextGrid IDIOM queries!
+elasticSearch.nonpublicIndex = ***
+# We do need a TG-crud endpoint and a TextGrid RBAC Session ID for accessing unpublished image objects from TG-crud.
+idiomTgcrudEndpoint = ***
+idiomRbacSessionID = ***
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 4cc22313cd6d29fcc807ad126d7dbfa19d0668bb..b67dcbc5d733da37c32a556cd0e7a86656ac9e6d 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
-		<mets-mods-mapping.version>1.1.43-SNAPSHOT</mets-mods-mapping.version>
+		<mets-mods-mapping.version>2.0.0</mets-mods-mapping.version>
@@ -132,4 +132,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file