diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM.java b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM.java
index 3f2727415b11f3b58e50e99afa8b7cb222d1563c..40e78a79e9aac820b2eeb6fda624f17ed97bd677 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/main/java/info/textgrid/middleware/IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM.java
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ public class IdentifierListDelivererIDIOM extends IdentifierListDelivererAbstrac
         // FIXME BTW: We only need ID and DATESTAMP for ListIdentifiers, WHY do we get every
         // complete RECORD??
-        identifierList.getHeader().add(
-            this.idiomRecord.getRecordById(textgridURI.replace(".0", "")).getRecord().getHeader());
+        identifierList.getHeader()
+            .add(this.idiomRecord.getRecordById(textgridURI).getRecord().getHeader());
       // Check the need for a resumption token!
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.java b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.java
index 8fb28f3c255dae2936465fcf190d49638d422901..5f1985a7933a01e353eecf3a0cde58894ee0a6f8 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.java
@@ -21,12 +21,17 @@ import org.apache.cxf.transport.http.HTTPConduit;
 import org.apache.cxf.transports.http.configuration.HTTPClientPolicy;
 import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
 import info.textgrid.middleware.OAIPMHProducer;
+import info.textgrid.middleware.test.online.dh.TestDHOAIPMHOnline;
  * <p>
  * Some online tests for the TextGrid OAIMPH service.
  * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * </p>
+ * 
  * @author Stefan E. Funk, SUB Göttingen
 public class OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline {
@@ -587,10 +592,233 @@ public class OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline {
   // DH used methods
   // **
-  // FIXME
+  /**
+   * @param theResponse
+   * @return Resumption token string, if existing, -1 if either no <resumptionToken> tag is
+   *         existing, tag is existing and has no token value.
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  public static String examineDHResumptionTokenTag(String theResponseString, String recordOrHeader,
+      String oldtok) throws IOException {
+    // Test for OAIPMH errors.
+    if (theResponseString.contains("<error code=\"badArgument\">")) {
+      assertTrue("ERROR IN OAIPMH RESPONSE: " + theResponseString, false);
+    }
+    // Count response objects at first.
+    int recordCount = 0;
+    int i = theResponseString.indexOf("<" + recordOrHeader + ">", 0);
+    while (i != -1) {
+      recordCount++;
+      i++;
+      i = theResponseString.indexOf("<" + recordOrHeader + ">", i);
+    }
+    System.out.println("\t" + recordOrHeader + "s: " + recordCount);
+    // Check if token tag is existing.
+    int tokStart = theResponseString.indexOf("<resumptionToken");
+    int tokEnd = theResponseString.indexOf("</resumptionToken");
+    if (tokStart == -1 && tokEnd == -1) {
+      System.out.println("\ttoken: no token");
+      return "-1";
+    }
+    String restokTmp = theResponseString.substring(tokStart, tokEnd);
+    // Get token tag.
+    String toktag = restokTmp.substring(0, restokTmp.indexOf(">") + 1).trim();
+    System.out.println("\ttokentag: " + toktag);
+    // Get token.
+    String restok = restokTmp.substring(restokTmp.indexOf(">") + 1).trim();
+    System.out.println("\ttoken: " + restok);
+    // Check if old and new token are equal or not.
+    boolean tokchanged = !oldtok.equals(restok);
+    System.out.println("\ttokchngd: " + tokchanged);
+    // Get completeListSize and cursor.
+    String sizeStr = toktag.substring(toktag.indexOf("completeListSize=\"") + 18);
+    int size = Integer.parseInt(sizeStr.substring(0, sizeStr.indexOf("\"")));
+    String cursorStr = toktag.substring(toktag.indexOf("cursor=\"") + 8);
+    int cursor = Integer.parseInt(cursorStr.substring(0, cursorStr.indexOf("\"")));
+    System.out.println("\tsize: " + size + " / " + cursor);
+    // If token is provided, and we have less than 100 elements: mekkern!
+    if (!restok.isEmpty()) {
+      synchronized (TestDHOAIPMHOnline.class) {
+        // Check <record> or <header> count, must be 100!
+        String message = "";
+        if (recordCount > 100) {
+          message = recordOrHeader + " count mismatch, must be 100 if token is provided, but is "
+              + recordCount;
+        } else {
+          message =
+              "completeListSize count mismatch, must be > 100 if token is provided, but is " + size;
+        }
+        if (recordCount != 100 || size <= 100) {
+          assertTrue(message, false);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // If no token is provided, stop querying.
+    else {
+      // Check <record> count, must be completeListSize % 100.
+      if (recordCount != size % 100) {
+        String message =
+            recordOrHeader + " count mismatch, should be " + size % 100 + ", but is " + recordCount;
+        assertTrue(message, false);
+      }
+      // No resumption token available in response.
+      return "-1";
+    }
+    return restok;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param theClient
+   * @param theVerb
+   * @param theMetadataPrefix
+   * @param theSet
+   * @return
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  public static int testDHList(Client theClient, String theVerb, String theMetadataPrefix,
+      String theSet) throws IOException {
+    return testDHList(theClient, theVerb, theMetadataPrefix, theSet, NO_FROM, NO_UNTIL);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param theClient
+   * @param theVerb
+   * @param theMetadataPrefix
+   * @param theSet
+   * @param from
+   * @param until
+   * @return How many pages were delivered
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  public static int testDHList(Client theClient, String theVerb, String theMetadataPrefix,
+      String theSet, String from, String until) throws IOException {
+    int result;
+    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
+    String testOccurance = "header";
+    if (theVerb.equals(VERB_LIST_RECORDS)) {
+      testOccurance = "record";
+    }
+    String query = "verb=" + theVerb + "&metadataPrefix=" + theMetadataPrefix;
+    if (theSet != null && !theSet.isEmpty()) {
+      query += "&set=" + theSet;
+    }
+    if (from != null && until != null) {
+      query += "&from=" + from + "&until=" + until;
+    }
+    Response response = getOAIHttpResponse(theClient, query);
+    String responseString = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) response.getEntity());
+    int status = response.getStatus();
+    long timeRunning = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
+    System.out.println("\ttime: " + getDurationInSecs(timeRunning));
+    String restok = examineDHResumptionTokenTag(responseString, testOccurance, "");
+    examineDHIdentifiers(responseString);
+    result = 1;
+    while (status == HttpStatus.SC_OK && !restok.equals("-1")) {
+      query = "verb=" + theVerb + "&resumptionToken=" + restok;
+      response = getOAIHttpResponse(theClient, query);
+      responseString = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) response.getEntity());
+      timeRunning = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
+      System.out.println("\ttime: " + getDurationInSecs(timeRunning));
+      restok = examineDHResumptionTokenTag(responseString, testOccurance, restok);
+      examineDHIdentifiers(responseString);
+      result++;
+    }
+    System.out.println("\tpage amount: " + result);
+    System.out.println(OK);
+    return result;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param theClient
+   * @param theSet
+   * @param theExpectedResponse
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  public static void testDHListSet(Client theClient, String theSet, String theExpectedResponse)
+      throws IOException {
+    System.out.println(TESTING + "#LISTSETS");
+    Response response = getOAIHttpResponse(theClient, "verb=" + VERB_LIST_SETS);
+    int status = response.getStatus();
+    String responseString = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) response.getEntity());
+    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK || !responseString.contains(theExpectedResponse)) {
+      String message = "[" + status + "] response should contain '" + theExpectedResponse + "'";
+      assertTrue(message, false);
+    }
+    System.out.println("\tresponse: " + responseString);
+    System.out.println(OK);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param theClient
+   * @param theIdentifier
+   * @param theVerb
+   * @param theMetadataPrefix
+   * @param theExpected
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  public static void testDHRecord(Client theClient, String theIdentifier, String theVerb,
+      String theMetadataPrefix, String theExpected) throws IOException {
+    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
+    String query =
+        "verb=" + theVerb + "&identifier=" + theIdentifier + "&metadataPrefix=" + theMetadataPrefix;
+    Response response = getOAIHttpResponse(theClient, query);
+    String responseString = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) response.getEntity());
+    int status = response.getStatus();
+    System.out.println(status);
+    System.out.println(responseString);
+    long timeRunning = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
+    System.out.println("\ttime: " + getDurationInSecs(timeRunning));
+    examineDHIdentifiers(responseString);
+    if (!responseString.contains(theExpected)) {
+      System.out.println("NOT CONTAINED: " + theExpected);
+      assertTrue(false);
+    } else {
+      System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
+    }
+  }
   // **
-  // Commonly used (TG & DH) methods
   // **
@@ -608,4 +836,16 @@ public class OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline {
     return result;
+  /**
+   * @param theResponseString
+   * @return
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  private static void examineDHIdentifiers(String theResponseString) throws IOException {
+    if (theResponseString.contains("<identifier>hdl:21</identifier>")) {
+      String message = "ERROR IN OAIPMH RESPONSE: identifier tag is corrupt!" + theResponseString;
+      assertTrue(message, false);
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/dh/TestDHOAIPMHOnline.java b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/dh/TestDHOAIPMHOnline.java
index 85f73e46b723ba8f688ea1049dd946266463673c..28d29ff8c8702ef958b77757040aabb6b83d7c7b 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/dh/TestDHOAIPMHOnline.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/dh/TestDHOAIPMHOnline.java
@@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ import info.textgrid.middleware.test.online.OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline;
  * Some online tests for the DARIAH-DE Repository OAIMPH service.
  * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * Please set PROPERTIES_FILE and TEST_ALL_PAGES <b>HERE</b>!
+ * </p>
+ * 
  * @author Stefan E. Funk, SUB Göttingen
@@ -226,7 +230,9 @@ public class TestDHOAIPMHOnline {
   public void testListSets() throws IOException {
-    testListSet(expectedListSets, expectedListSets);
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.testDHListSet(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+        expectedListSets);
@@ -237,7 +243,9 @@ public class TestDHOAIPMHOnline {
     System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#LISTRECORDS");
-    testList(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.testDHList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
@@ -249,9 +257,11 @@ public class TestDHOAIPMHOnline {
     System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#LISTRECORDS");
-    int pages = testList(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
-        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX, checkListRecordsDCSet);
+    int pages =
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.testDHList(oaipmhWebClient,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+            OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+            checkListRecordsDCSet);
     if (pages != checkListRecordsDCSetExpectedPages) {
       assertTrue(pages + " != " + checkListRecordsDCSetExpectedPages, false);
@@ -270,8 +280,10 @@ public class TestDHOAIPMHOnline {
     if (!uri.startsWith(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.HDL_PREFIX)) {
       assertTrue("missing '" + OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.HDL_PREFIX + "' prefix!", false);
-    int pages1 =
-        testList(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX, uri);
+    int pages1 = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.testDHList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+        uri);
     if (pages1 != checkListRecordsDCSetExpectedPages) {
       System.out.println(pages1 + " != " + checkListRecordsDCSetExpectedPages);
@@ -281,8 +293,10 @@ public class TestDHOAIPMHOnline {
     if (checkListRecordsDCSet.startsWith(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.HDL_PREFIX)) {
       uri = checkListRecordsDCSet.substring(4);
-    int pages2 =
-        testList(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX, uri);
+    int pages2 = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.testDHList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+        uri);
     if (pages2 != checkListRecordsDCSetExpectedPages) {
       System.out.println(pages2 + " != " + checkListRecordsDCSetExpectedPages);
@@ -310,8 +324,10 @@ public class TestDHOAIPMHOnline {
           OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.STAR_PREFIX + checkListRecordsDCSet.substring(4);
-    int pages3 = testList(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
-        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX, checkListRecordsDCSet);
+    int pages3 = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.testDHList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+        checkListRecordsDCSet);
     if (pages3 != 1) {
       System.out.println(pages3 + " != " + 1);
@@ -325,8 +341,12 @@ public class TestDHOAIPMHOnline {
     System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#LISTRECORDS");
-    testList(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
-        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET, checkListRecordsDCFrom, checkListRecordsDCUntil);
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.testDHList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+        checkListRecordsDCFrom,
+        checkListRecordsDCUntil);
@@ -337,7 +357,9 @@ public class TestDHOAIPMHOnline {
     System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#LISTRECORDS");
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.testDHList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX,
@@ -349,8 +371,11 @@ public class TestDHOAIPMHOnline {
     System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#LISTRECORDS");
-        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET, checkListRecordsDATACITEFrom, checkListRecordsDATACITEUntil);
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.testDHList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_SET,
+        checkListRecordsDATACITEFrom, checkListRecordsDATACITEUntil);
@@ -361,8 +386,11 @@ public class TestDHOAIPMHOnline {
     System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#GETRECORD");
-    testRecord(checkGetRecordDC, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD,
-        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX, expectedGetRecordDC);
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.testDHRecord(oaipmhWebClient,
+        checkGetRecordDC,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+        expectedGetRecordDC);
@@ -373,8 +401,11 @@ public class TestDHOAIPMHOnline {
     System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#GETRECORD");
-    testRecord(checkGetRecordDATACITE, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD,
-        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX, expectedGetRecordDATACITE);
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.testDHRecord(oaipmhWebClient,
+        checkGetRecordDATACITE,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_GET_RECORD,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX,
+        expectedGetRecordDATACITE);
@@ -385,7 +416,9 @@ public class TestDHOAIPMHOnline {
     System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#LISTIDENTIFIERS");
-    testList(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.testDHList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
@@ -397,9 +430,10 @@ public class TestDHOAIPMHOnline {
     System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#LISTIDENTIFIERS");
-    int pages = testList(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX, checkListIdentifiersSet);
+    int pages = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.testDHList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+        checkListIdentifiersSet);
     if (pages != checkListIdentifiersSetExpectedPages) {
       assertTrue(pages + " != " + checkListIdentifiersSetExpectedPages, false);
@@ -419,8 +453,10 @@ public class TestDHOAIPMHOnline {
       assertTrue("missing '" + OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.HDL_PREFIX + "' prefix!", false);
     System.out.println("uri: " + uri);
-    int pages1 = testList(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX, uri);
+    int pages1 = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.testDHList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+        uri);
     if (pages1 != checkListIdentifiersSetExpectedPages) {
       System.out.println(pages1 + " != " + checkListIdentifiersSetExpectedPages);
@@ -431,8 +467,10 @@ public class TestDHOAIPMHOnline {
       uri = checkListIdentifiersSet.substring(4);
     System.out.println("uri: " + uri);
-    int pages2 = testList(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX, uri);
+    int pages2 = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.testDHList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+        uri);
     if (pages2 != checkListIdentifiersSetExpectedPages) {
       System.out.println(pages2 + " != " + checkListIdentifiersSetExpectedPages);
@@ -461,8 +499,11 @@ public class TestDHOAIPMHOnline {
           OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.STAR_PREFIX + checkListIdentifiersSet.substring(4);
     System.out.println("uri: " + checkListIdentifiersSet);
-    int pages3 = testList(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_IDENTIFIERS,
-        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX, checkListIdentifiersSet);
+    int pages3 = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.testDHList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DC_PREFIX,
+        checkListIdentifiersSet);
     if (pages3 != checkListIdentifiersSetExpectedPages) {
       System.out.println(pages3 + " != " + checkListIdentifiersSetExpectedPages);
@@ -476,7 +517,9 @@ public class TestDHOAIPMHOnline {
     System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#LISTIDENTIFIERS");
+    OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.testDHList(oaipmhWebClient,
+        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OAI_DATACITE_PREFIX,
@@ -484,233 +527,6 @@ public class TestDHOAIPMHOnline {
   // **
-  /**
-   * TODO Generalise in OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline!
-   * 
-   * @param theResponse
-   * @return Resumption token string, if existing, -1 if either no <resumptionToken> tag is
-   *         existing, tag is existing and has no token value.
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  private static String examineResumptionTokenTag(String theResponseString,
-      String recordOrHeader, String oldtok) throws IOException {
-    // Test for OAIPMH errors.
-    if (theResponseString.contains("<error code=\"badArgument\">")) {
-      assertTrue("ERROR IN OAIPMH RESPONSE: " + theResponseString, false);
-    }
-    // Count response objects at first.
-    int recordCount = 0;
-    int i = theResponseString.indexOf("<" + recordOrHeader + ">", 0);
-    while (i != -1) {
-      recordCount++;
-      i++;
-      i = theResponseString.indexOf("<" + recordOrHeader + ">", i);
-    }
-    System.out.println("\t" + recordOrHeader + "s: " + recordCount);
-    // Check if token tag is existing.
-    int tokStart = theResponseString.indexOf("<resumptionToken");
-    int tokEnd = theResponseString.indexOf("</resumptionToken");
-    if (tokStart == -1 && tokEnd == -1) {
-      System.out.println("\ttoken: no token");
-      return "-1";
-    }
-    String restokTmp = theResponseString.substring(tokStart, tokEnd);
-    // Get token tag.
-    String toktag = restokTmp.substring(0, restokTmp.indexOf(">") + 1).trim();
-    System.out.println("\ttokentag: " + toktag);
-    // Get token.
-    String restok = restokTmp.substring(restokTmp.indexOf(">") + 1).trim();
-    System.out.println("\ttoken: " + restok);
-    // Check if old and new token are equal or not.
-    boolean tokchanged = !oldtok.equals(restok);
-    System.out.println("\ttokchngd: " + tokchanged);
-    // Get completeListSize and cursor.
-    String sizeStr = toktag.substring(toktag.indexOf("completeListSize=\"") + 18);
-    int size = Integer.parseInt(sizeStr.substring(0, sizeStr.indexOf("\"")));
-    String cursorStr = toktag.substring(toktag.indexOf("cursor=\"") + 8);
-    int cursor = Integer.parseInt(cursorStr.substring(0, cursorStr.indexOf("\"")));
-    System.out.println("\tsize: " + size + " / " + cursor);
-    // If token is provided, and we have less than 100 elements: mekkern!
-    if (!restok.isEmpty()) {
-      synchronized (TestDHOAIPMHOnline.class) {
-        // Check <record> or <header> count, must be 100!
-        String message = "";
-        if (recordCount > 100) {
-          message = recordOrHeader + " count mismatch, must be 100 if token is provided, but is "
-              + recordCount;
-        } else {
-          message =
-              "completeListSize count mismatch, must be > 100 if token is provided, but is " + size;
-        }
-        if (recordCount != 100 || size <= 100) {
-          assertTrue(message, false);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // If no token is provided, stop querying.
-    else {
-      // Check <record> count, must be completeListSize % 100.
-      if (recordCount != size % 100) {
-        String message =
-            recordOrHeader + " count mismatch, should be " + size % 100 + ", but is " + recordCount;
-        assertTrue(message, false);
-      }
-      // No resumption token available in response.
-      return "-1";
-    }
-    return restok;
-  }
-  /**
-   * @param theVerb
-   * @param theMetadataPrefix
-   * @param theSet
-   * @return
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  private static int testList(String theVerb, String theMetadataPrefix, String theSet)
-      throws IOException {
-    return testList(theVerb, theMetadataPrefix, theSet, OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_FROM,
-        OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.NO_UNTIL);
-  }
-  /**
-   * TODO Generalise in OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline??
-   * 
-   * @param theVerb
-   * @param theMetadataPrefix
-   * @param theSet
-   * @param from
-   * @param until
-   * @return How many pages were delivered
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  private static int testList(String theVerb, String theMetadataPrefix, String theSet, String from,
-      String until) throws IOException {
-    int result;
-    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
-    String testOccurance = "header";
-    if (theVerb.equals(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_RECORDS)) {
-      testOccurance = "record";
-    }
-    String query = "verb=" + theVerb + "&metadataPrefix=" + theMetadataPrefix;
-    if (theSet != null && !theSet.isEmpty()) {
-      query += "&set=" + theSet;
-    }
-    if (from != null && until != null) {
-      query += "&from=" + from + "&until=" + until;
-    }
-    Response response = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getOAIHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient, query);
-    String responseString = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) response.getEntity());
-    int status = response.getStatus();
-    long timeRunning = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
-    System.out.println("\ttime: " + OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getDurationInSecs(timeRunning));
-    String restok = examineResumptionTokenTag(responseString, testOccurance, "");
-    examineIdentifiers(responseString);
-    result = 1;
-    while (status == HttpStatus.SC_OK && !restok.equals("-1")) {
-      query = "verb=" + theVerb + "&resumptionToken=" + restok;
-      response = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getOAIHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient, query);
-      responseString = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) response.getEntity());
-      timeRunning = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
-      System.out.println("\ttime: " + OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getDurationInSecs(timeRunning));
-      restok = examineResumptionTokenTag(responseString, testOccurance, restok);
-      examineIdentifiers(responseString);
-      result++;
-    }
-    System.out.println("\tpage amount: " + result);
-    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
-    return result;
-  }
-  /**
-   * TODO Generalise in OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline??
-   * 
-   * @param theIdentifier
-   * @param theVerb
-   * @param theMetadataPrefix
-   * @param theExpected
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  private static void testRecord(String theIdentifier, String theVerb, String theMetadataPrefix,
-      String theExpected) throws IOException {
-    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
-    String query =
-        "verb=" + theVerb + "&identifier=" + theIdentifier + "&metadataPrefix=" + theMetadataPrefix;
-    Response response = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getOAIHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient, query);
-    String responseString = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) response.getEntity());
-    int status = response.getStatus();
-    System.out.println(status);
-    System.out.println(responseString);
-    long timeRunning = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
-    System.out.println("\ttime: " + OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getDurationInSecs(timeRunning));
-    examineIdentifiers(responseString);
-    if (!responseString.contains(theExpected)) {
-      System.out.println("NOT CONTAINED: " + theExpected);
-      assertTrue(false);
-    } else {
-      System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * @param theSet
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  private static void testListSet(String theSet, String theExpectedResponse) throws IOException {
-    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.TESTING + "#LISTSETS");
-    Response response = OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.getOAIHttpResponse(oaipmhWebClient,
-        "verb=" + OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.VERB_LIST_SETS);
-    int status = response.getStatus();
-    String responseString = IOUtils.readStringFromStream((InputStream) response.getEntity());
-    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK || !responseString.contains(theExpectedResponse)) {
-      String message = "[" + status + "] response should contain '" + theExpectedResponse + "'";
-      assertTrue(message, false);
-    }
-    System.out.println("\tresponse: " + responseString);
-    System.out.println(OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline.OK);
-  }
    * @param theURL
    * @param shouldContain
@@ -736,16 +552,4 @@ public class TestDHOAIPMHOnline {
-  /**
-   * @param theResponseString
-   * @return
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  private static void examineIdentifiers(String theResponseString) throws IOException {
-    if (theResponseString.contains("<identifier>hdl:21</identifier>")) {
-      String message = "ERROR IN OAIPMH RESPONSE: identifier tag is corrupt!" + theResponseString;
-      assertTrue(message, false);
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGBasicsOnline.java b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGBasicsOnline.java
index e5c6aa4adb76936cf4221871ead007464aad6325..f833730d701dc8a89b268dc93abbeb2d13a754b1 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGBasicsOnline.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGBasicsOnline.java
@@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ import info.textgrid.middleware.test.online.OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline;
  * Some basic online tests for the TextGrid OAIMPH service.
  * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * Please set PROPERTIES_FILE and TEST_ALL_PAGES in class <b>OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline</b>!
+ * </p>
+ * 
  * @author Stefan E. Funk, SUB Göttingen
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGGetRecordOnline.java b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGGetRecordOnline.java
index 6a17b7d1b98accb2aa06a0c57d8ed814ca86811e..2eb8157fffc99f981dfb6357c16ca40a84e9c308 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGGetRecordOnline.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGGetRecordOnline.java
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ import info.textgrid.middleware.test.online.OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline;
  * Some online tests for the TextGrid OAIMPH service --> verb=GetRecord <--
  * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * Please set PROPERTIES_FILE and TEST_ALL_PAGES in class <b>OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline</b>!
+ * </p>
+ * 
  * @author Stefan E. Funk, SUB Göttingen
  * @version 2022-09-23
  * @since 2022-09-08
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGListIdentifiersOnline.java b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGListIdentifiersOnline.java
index e596799e825e530e2c531f2f8790cf5a76399297..7fff73041aad61b998702c76bbbfcde6c8f3c314 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGListIdentifiersOnline.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGListIdentifiersOnline.java
@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ import info.textgrid.middleware.test.online.OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline;
  * Some online tests for the TextGrid OAIMPH service --> verb=ListIdentifiers <--
  * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * Please set PROPERTIES_FILE and TEST_ALL_PAGES in class <b>OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline</b>!
+ * </p>
+ * 
  * @author Stefan E. Funk, SUB Göttingen
  * @version 2022-09-23
  * @since 2022-09-12
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGListRecordsOnline.java b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGListRecordsOnline.java
index 11def47aa6619b53fc203898172fe0ddce6184be..517adbd98616862fbfd009b46a4e8963c9279d27 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGListRecordsOnline.java
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/tg/TestTGListRecordsOnline.java
@@ -20,8 +20,12 @@ import info.textgrid.middleware.test.online.OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline;
  * Some online tests for the TextGrid OAIMPH service --> verb=ListRecords <--
  * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * Please set PROPERTIES_FILE and TEST_ALL_PAGES in class <b>OAIPMHUtilitiesOnline</b>!
+ * </p>
+ * 
  * @author Stefan E. Funk, SUB Göttingen
- * @version 2022-09-26
+ * @version 2022-09-28
  * @since 2022-09-12
diff --git a/oaipmh-core/src/test/resources/oaipmh.test.textgridlab-org.properties b/oaipmh-core/src/test/resources/oaipmh.test.textgridlab-org.properties
index 49b28e03fa9b9caeb374484962b184508e223d30..3e107e4863440bcfca4a3626e2102bb262ac537c 100644
--- a/oaipmh-core/src/test/resources/oaipmh.test.textgridlab-org.properties
+++ b/oaipmh-core/src/test/resources/oaipmh.test.textgridlab-org.properties
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # OAI-PMH host
-oaipmhEndpoint = https://textgridlab.org/1.0/tgoaipmh/oai
+oaipmhEndpoint = https://textgridlab.org/1.0/tgoaipmh
 # GetRecord
 checkGetRecordDC = textgrid:vqn0.0
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ checkListRecordsDC = project:TGPR-372fe6dc-57f2-6cd4-01b5-2c4bbefcfd3c
 checkListRecordsDCFrom = 2012-01-04T01:00:00
 checkListRecordsDCUntil = 2012-01-04T12:00:00
-checkListRecordsIDIOMFrom = 2012-01-04T01:00:00
-checkListRecordsIDIOMUntil = 2012-01-04T12:00:00
+checkListRecordsIDIOMFrom = 2020-11-27T15:00
+checkListRecordsIDIOMUntil = 2021-11-27T20:00
 checkListRecordsDATACITEFrom = 2012-01-04T01:00:00
 checkListRecordsDATACITEUntil = 2012-01-04T12:00:00