diff --git a/docs/api/tg-authApi.rst b/docs/api/tg-authApi.rst
index 2d31d893b4c5ef177b89715f3acadc7571f4d9c2..e6504ba82d1097f1742674b5c0c21b0f667ff923 100644
--- a/docs/api/tg-authApi.rst
+++ b/docs/api/tg-authApi.rst
@@ -6,52 +6,44 @@ userExists
 Checks whether this UserID (eduPersonPrincipalName) exists in RBAC.
-    * Input Parameters userExistsRequest, with elements
-        * auth - String, SessionID of application or user asking
-        * log - String for log information, optional
-        * username - String containing the ID (ePPN) of the user
-    * Output Parameters booleanResponse, with element
-        * result - boolean, true if user exists, false otherwise
-    * Faults
-       * authenticationFault
+* Input Parameters userExistsRequest, with elements
+   * auth - String, SessionID of application or user asking 
+   * log - String for log information, optional 
+* username - String containing the ID (ePPN) of the user 
+   * Output Parameters booleanResponse, with element 
+   * result - boolean, true if user exists, false otherwise 
+* Faults: 
+   * authenticationFault 
 Returns user records for a list of ePPNs
-    * Input Parameters getNamesRequest, with elements
-       * auth - String, SessionID of user that wants to query for names
-       * log - String,
-       * ePPN - List of Strings
-    * Output Parameters getNamesResponse. It contains 0...n userDetails, which themselves have elements
-       * ePPN - String holding ePPN of user
-       * name - String holding Name (cn) of user
-       * mail - String holding E-Mail address of user
-       * organisation - String holding user' affiliation
-       * agreesearch - Boolean, whether user wants his ID to be found be a search for name or mail address
-       * usersupplieddata - Boolean, whether user himself or his organisation supplied these data
-    * Faults none
+* Input Parameters getNamesRequest, with elements
+   * auth - String, SessionID of user that wants to query for names
+   * log - String,
+   * ePPN - List of Strings
 Returns user records for a name or mail address.
-    * Input Parameters getIDsRequest, with elements
-       * auth - String, SessionID of user that wants to query for names
-       * log - String,
-       * name - String with Name
-       * mail - String with E-Mail Address
-       * organisation - String with Organisation
-    * Output Parameters getIDsResponse. It contains 0...n userDetails, which themselves have elements
-       * ePPN - String holding ePPN of user
-       * name - String holding Name (cn) of user
-       * mail - String holding E-Mail address of user
-       * organisation - String holding user' affiliation
-       * agreesearch - Boolean, whether user wants his ID to be found be a search for name or mail address
-       * usersupplieddata - Boolean, whether user himself or his organisation supplied these data
-    * Faults none
+* Input Parameters getIDsRequest, with elements
+   * auth - String, SessionID of user that wants to query for names
+   * log - String,
+   * name - String with Name
+   * mail - String with E-Mail Address
+   * organisation - String with Organisation
+* Output Parameters getIDsResponse. It contains 0...n userDetails, which themselves have elements
+   * ePPN - String holding ePPN of user
+   * name - String holding Name (cn) of user
+   * mail - String holding E-Mail address of user
+   * organisation - String holding user' affiliation
+   * agreesearch - Boolean, whether user wants his ID to be found be a search for name or mail address
+   * usersupplieddata - Boolean, whether user himself or his organisation supplied these data
+* Faults none
@@ -98,52 +90,46 @@ tgAssignedProjects
 Returns projectIDs of all projects the user has some role in.
-    * Input Parameters tgAssignedProjectsRequest, with elements
-       * auth - String, SessionID of user that wants to query for roles
-       * log - String for log information, optional
-       * level - Integer. Can be either empty (= level 0) or one of the following:
-           * 0 - Returns all projects the user has any role in (default).
-           * 1 - Returns only projects where the user has read access, i.e.
-               * she is Beobachter (observer) or
-               * she is Bearbeiter (editor) or
-               * there are any public resources in the project
-           * 2 - like level 1, but public resources do not count
-           * 3 - Returns only projects where the user has write access, i.e. she is Bearbeiter (editor)
-           * 4 - Returns only projects where the user has delegate access, i.e. she is Projektleiter (project leader)
-    * Output Parameters rolesetResponse, with element
-       * role - String with projectID (no full-qualified role name is needed here). Can occur multiple times.
+ * Input Parameters tgAssignedProjectsRequest, with elements
+    * auth - String, SessionID of user that wants to query for roles
+    * log - String for log information, optional
+    * level - Integer. Can be either empty (= level 0) or one of the following:
+     * 0 - Returns all projects the user has any role in (default).
+     * 1 - Returns only projects where the user has read access, i.e.
+      * she is Beobachter (observer) or
+      * she is Bearbeiter (editor) or
 Returns all projects stored in this RBAC instance with ID, name, and description. See also getProjectDescription().
-   * Input Parameters getAllProjectsRequest, with elements
-       * auth - String, SessionID of user that wants to query for projects. Can be omitted as this information can be reviewed publicly
-       * log - String for log information, optional
-   * Output Parameters getAllProjectsResponse, with element
-       * project - projectInfo, can occur multiple times.
-       * The type projectInfo consists of the following elements:
-           * id - String, project ID, such as "TGPR123"
-           * description - String, project description
-           * name - String, project name
-           * file - String with URI of project file for project-specific settings.
+  * Input Parameters getAllProjectsRequest, with elements
+     * auth - String, SessionID of user that wants to query for projects. Can be omitted as this information can be reviewed publicly
+     * log - String for log information, optional
+  * Output Parameters getAllProjectsResponse, with element
+     * project - projectInfo, can occur multiple times
+     * The type projectInfo consists of the following elements:
+        * id - String, project ID, such as "TGPR123"
+        * description - String, project description
+        * name - String, project name
+        * file - String with URI of project file for project-specific settings.
 Returns all projects stored in this RBAC instance with ID, name, and description that are deactivated and can be reactivated by the current user.
-   * Input Parameters getAllProjectsRequest, with elements
-       * auth - String, SessionID of user that wants to query for projects. Can be omitted as this information can be reviewed publicly
-       * log - String for log information, optional
-   * Output Parameters getDeactivatedProjectsResponse, with element
-       * project - projectInfo, can occur multiple times.
-       * The type projectInfo consists of the following elements:
-           * id - String, project ID, such as "TGPR123"
-           * description - String, project description
-           * name - String, project name
-           * file - String with URI of project file for project-specific settings.
+  * Input Parameters getAllProjectsRequest, with elements
+     * auth - String, SessionID of user that wants to query for projects. Can be omitted as this information can be reviewed publicly
+     * log - String for log information, optional
+  * Output Parameters getDeactivatedProjectsResponse, with element
+     * project - projectInfo, can occur multiple times.
+     * The type projectInfo consists of the following elements:
+        * id - String, project ID, such as "TGPR123"
+        * description - String, project description
+        * name - String, project name
+        * file - String with URI of project file for project-specific settings.
@@ -471,7 +457,7 @@ Hides a project. User must be project leader of the project to be deactivated. H
        * project - String, ProjectID
    * Output Parameters booleanResponse, with element
        * result - boolean, true if operation was successful, false otherwise
-    Faults
+   * Faults
        * authenticationFault
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index b59a43b730e84d868476dd91c10cd351c224b01e..0b33dbf7ea18e40d48326f88147c498ee0d70f6b 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -6,10 +6,6 @@
 The tg-auth* system consists of two main components:
     * openRBAC, a system to maintain, modify, and enforce authorization policies using the Role-Based Access Control framework. See http://www.openrbac.de/, however, the basic software has been heavily customized for use with TextGrid
@@ -105,3 +101,20 @@ Endpoints for the productive TextGridRep:
    * WebAuthN (User Details mode): https://textgridlab.org/1.0/WebAuthN/TextGrid-WebAuth.php?authZinstance=textgrid-esx1.gwdg.de (append "&Sid=XXXX&ePPN=YYY@ZZZ", see above)
    * PWchange: https://textgridlab.org/1.0/PWchange/index.php
    * PWreset: https://textgridlab.org/1.0/pwReset.pl
+API Documentation
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
+   api/tg-authApi.rst
+.. _LICENCE: https://projects.gwdg.de/projects/tg-auth/repository/revisions/master/raw/LICENSE.txt