diff --git a/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.tgaccount/smarty/templates_c/%%13^138^1388B721%%edit_requests.tpl.php b/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.tgaccount/smarty/templates_c/%%13^138^1388B721%%edit_requests.tpl.php
deleted file mode 100644
index fb8e171bd41b17f272dd58724ed1bc8b24833e94..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.tgaccount/smarty/templates_c/%%13^138^1388B721%%edit_requests.tpl.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-<?php /* Smarty version 2.6.22, created on 2010-02-17 13:24:45
-         compiled from edit_requests.tpl */ ?>
-<?php echo '<?xml'; ?>
- version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"<?php echo '?>'; ?>
-<!DOCTYPE html
-     PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
-     "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
-	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
-  <script src="js/prototype.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
-  <title>User Info</title>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" />
-  <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['created']): ?>
-  <script type="text/javascript">
-    var uid = '<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['created']['uid']; ?>
-    var password = '<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['created']['password']; ?>
-    var tempId = <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['request']['lang'] == 'en'): ?>4<?php else: ?>3<?php endif; ?>;
-  </script>
-  <?php else: ?>
-  <script type="text/javascript">
-    var uid;
-    var password;
-    var tempId = <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['request']['lang'] == 'en'): ?>1<?php else: ?>2<?php endif; ?>;
-  </script>
-  <?php endif; ?>
-  <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['mail'] || $this->_tpl_vars['created']): ?> 
-  <?php echo '
-  <script type="text/javascript">
-   document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
-    loadTemplate(tempId);
-    $(\'templateChooser\').options[tempId-1].selected = true;
-   });
-   function loadTemplate(id) {
-      new Ajax.Request(\'ajax/mail_template.php\', {
-                          method:\'get\',
-                          parameters: { id: id, 
-                                        userid: $(\'userID\').value,
-                                        uid: uid,
-                                        password: password,
-                                      },
-                          onSuccess: function(transport){
-                            var data = transport.responseText.evalJSON();
-                            $(\'mail[body]\').value=data.body;
-                            $(\'mail[subject]\').value=data.subject;
-                          }
-                       });
-   }
-  </script>
-  '; ?>
-  <?php endif; ?>
-  <?php echo '
-  <script type="text/javascript">
-  function generatePW() {
-    new Ajax.Request(\'ajax/pwgen.php\', { method:\'get\',
-      onSuccess: function(transport){
-        $(\'ldap[password]\').value=transport.responseText;
-      }
-    });
-  }
-  </script>
-  '; ?>
-  <div id="topMenu">
-  <ul class="menu mainMenu">
-    <li><a href="index.php">Anfragen</a></li>
-    <li> &gt; &nbsp; bearbeiten</li>
-    <li  style="float:right"><a href="index.php?action=logout">Logout <?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['login_user']; ?>
-    </li>
-  </ul>
-  </div>
-  <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['request']): ?>
-  <ul class="subMenu menu">
-    <li onclick="window.location.href='<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-?id=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['id']; ?>
-&action=mail'"><a href="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-?id=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['id']; ?>
-    <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['request']['at_status'] != 1 && $this->_tpl_vars['request']['at_status'] != 2): ?>
-    <li onclick="window.location.href='<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-?id=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['id']; ?>
-&action=create'"><a href="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-?id=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['id']; ?>
-    <?php endif; ?>
-    <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['request']['at_status'] == 2): ?>
-    <li onclick="window.location.href='<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-?id=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['id']; ?>
-&action=reassign'"><a href="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-?id=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['id']; ?>
-    <?php elseif ($this->_tpl_vars['request']['at_status'] != 1): ?>
-    <li onclick="window.location.href='<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-?id=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['id']; ?>
-&action=reject'" ><a href="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-?id=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['id']; ?>
-    <?php endif; ?>
-  </ul>
-  <div style="clear:both;"></div>
-  <div class="spacer" ></div>
-  <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['status']): ?>
-  <div class="status"><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['status']; ?>
-  <?php endif; ?>
-  <table>
-    <tr><th>Datum</th><td><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['timestamp']; ?>
-    <tr><th>Vorname</th><td><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['name']; ?>
-    <tr><th>Nachname</th><td><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['surname']; ?>
-    <tr><th>email</th><td><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['email']; ?>
-    <tr><th>Institution</th><td><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['institution']; ?>
-    <tr><th>Newsletter</th><td>
-      <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['request']['newsletter'] == 0): ?>
-        Nein
-      <?php elseif ($this->_tpl_vars['request']['newsletter'] == 1): ?>
-        Ja
-      <?php endif; ?>
-    </td></tr>
-    <tr><th>Pref_uid</th><td><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['pref_uid']; ?>
-    <tr><th>Sprache</th><td><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['lang']; ?>
-    <tr><th>Status</th>
-        <td>
-          <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['request']['at_status'] == 0): ?>
-            Nicht Zugeordnet
-          <?php elseif ($this->_tpl_vars['request']['at_status'] == 1): ?> 
-            Erstellt: <?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['ldap_uid']; ?>
-          <?php elseif ($this->_tpl_vars['request']['at_status'] == 2): ?>
-            Abgelehnt
-          <?php elseif ($this->_tpl_vars['request']['at_status'] == 3): ?>
-            in Arbeit
-          <?php endif; ?>
-        </td>
-    </tr>
-    <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['id']; ?>
-" id="userID">
-  </table>
-  <?php else: ?>
-   <div class="status">kein Request ausgewählt</div>
-  <?php endif; ?>
-  <div class="spacer"></div>
-  <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['create']): ?>
-    <form action="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-?id=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['id']; ?>
-" method="POST">
-      <fieldset>
-        <legend>Account Anlegen (LDAP)</legend>
-        <label>UserID</label><input name="ldap[uid]" type="text" value="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['pref_uid']; ?>
-" /><br/>
-        <label>Vorname</label><input name="ldap[givenName]" type="text" value="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['name']; ?>
-" /><br/>
-        <label>Nachname</label><input name="ldap[sn]" type="text" value="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['surname']; ?>
-" /><br/>
-        <label>Institution</label><input name="ldap[o]" type="text" value="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['institution']; ?>
-" /><br/>
-        <label>EMail</label><input name="ldap[mail]" type="text" value="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['email']; ?>
-" /><br/>
-        <label>EPPN</label><input name="ldap[eduPersonPrincipalName]" type="text" value="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['eppn']; ?>
-" /><br/>
-        <label>CN</label><input name="ldap[cn]" type="text" value="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['name']; ?>
- <?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['surname']; ?>
-" /><br/>
-        <label>Wants Newsletter</label>
-        <input type="radio" name="ldap[TGWantsNewsletter]" value="TRUE" <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['request']['newsletter'] == 1): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?>>TRUE
-        <input type="radio" name="ldap[TGWantsNewsletter]" value="FALSE" <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['request']['newsletter'] == 0): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?>>FALSE
-        <br/>
-        <label>Passwort</label><input id="ldap[password]" name="ldap[password]" type="text" value="" /><button onClick="generatePW();return false;">Vorschlagen</button><br/>
-        <label for="sandbox">Sandbox</label><input type="checkbox" name="sandbox" id="sandbox" checked="checked" /><br/>
-        <label>&nbsp;</label><input type="submit" name="create[submit]" value="Erstellen">
-      </fieldset>
-    </form>
-  <?php endif; ?>
-  <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['mail'] || $this->_tpl_vars['created']): ?>
-    <fieldset class="mail">
-    <legend>Mail</legend>
-    <label>Mailtemplate</label><select onChange="loadTemplate(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);" id="templateChooser">
-      <?php $_from = $this->_tpl_vars['mail']; if (!is_array($_from) && !is_object($_from)) { settype($_from, 'array'); }if (count($_from)):
-    foreach ($_from as $this->_tpl_vars['temp']):
-        <option value="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['temp']['id']; ?>
-"><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['temp']['title']; ?>
- - <?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['temp']['lang']; ?>
-      <?php endforeach; endif; unset($_from); ?>  
-    </select>
-    <form action="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-?id=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['id']; ?>
-" method="POST">    
-      <label>An</label>    
-      <input type="text" name="mail[reciever]" value="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['email']; ?>
-" /><br/>
-       <label>Betreff</label>    
-      <input  id="mail[subject]" type="text" name="mail[subject]" value="" /><br/>     
-      <label>Text</label>
-      <textarea id="mail[body]" cols="80" rows="20" name="mail[body]"></textarea><br/>
-      <input type="submit" name="mail[submit]" value="senden">
-      </form>
-    </fieldset>
-  <?php endif; ?>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.tgaccount/smarty/templates_c/%%45^45E^45E480CD%%index.tpl.php b/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.tgaccount/smarty/templates_c/%%45^45E^45E480CD%%index.tpl.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d866c9004f4e0e029e7033ff64011b654cc9fcc2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.tgaccount/smarty/templates_c/%%45^45E^45E480CD%%index.tpl.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-<?php /* Smarty version 2.6.22, created on 2009-12-21 13:06:51
-         compiled from index.tpl */ ?>
-<?php echo '<?xml'; ?>
- version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"<?php echo '?>'; ?>
-<!DOCTYPE html
-     PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
-     "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
-	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
-  <script src="js/prototype.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
-  <title>User Info</title>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" />
-  <?php echo '
-  <script>
-   document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
-    loadTemplate(1);
-   });
-   function loadTemplate(id) {
-    //alert("incomes " + id);
-    /*new Ajax.Request(\'/some_url\', {
-      method: \'get\',
-      parameters: { id: \'id\' }
-    });*/
-    new Ajax.Updater( \'mail[body]\', 
-                      \'ajax_resp.php\', 
-                      { method: \'get\', 
-                        parameters: { id: id, 
-                                      userid: $(\'userID\').value }
-                      }
-    );
-   }
-  </script>
-  '; ?>
-	<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['menu']; ?>
-<!--  <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['requests']): ?> 
-  <ul class="requestList">
-  <?php unset($this->_sections['mysec']);
-$this->_sections['mysec']['name'] = 'mysec';
-$this->_sections['mysec']['loop'] = is_array($_loop=$this->_tpl_vars['requests']) ? count($_loop) : max(0, (int)$_loop); unset($_loop);
-$this->_sections['mysec']['show'] = true;
-$this->_sections['mysec']['max'] = $this->_sections['mysec']['loop'];
-$this->_sections['mysec']['step'] = 1;
-$this->_sections['mysec']['start'] = $this->_sections['mysec']['step'] > 0 ? 0 : $this->_sections['mysec']['loop']-1;
-if ($this->_sections['mysec']['show']) {
-    $this->_sections['mysec']['total'] = $this->_sections['mysec']['loop'];
-    if ($this->_sections['mysec']['total'] == 0)
-        $this->_sections['mysec']['show'] = false;
-} else
-    $this->_sections['mysec']['total'] = 0;
-if ($this->_sections['mysec']['show']):
-            for ($this->_sections['mysec']['index'] = $this->_sections['mysec']['start'], $this->_sections['mysec']['iteration'] = 1;
-                 $this->_sections['mysec']['iteration'] <= $this->_sections['mysec']['total'];
-                 $this->_sections['mysec']['index'] += $this->_sections['mysec']['step'], $this->_sections['mysec']['iteration']++):
-$this->_sections['mysec']['rownum'] = $this->_sections['mysec']['iteration'];
-$this->_sections['mysec']['index_prev'] = $this->_sections['mysec']['index'] - $this->_sections['mysec']['step'];
-$this->_sections['mysec']['index_next'] = $this->_sections['mysec']['index'] + $this->_sections['mysec']['step'];
-$this->_sections['mysec']['first']      = ($this->_sections['mysec']['iteration'] == 1);
-$this->_sections['mysec']['last']       = ($this->_sections['mysec']['iteration'] == $this->_sections['mysec']['total']);
-    <li onclick="window.location.href='<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-?breaches_id=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['breaches'][$this->_sections['mysec']['index']]['id']; ?>
-&show=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['show']; ?>
-      <a href="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-?breaches_id=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['breaches'][$this->_sections['mysec']['index']]['id']; ?>
-&show=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['show']; ?>
-        email: <?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['requests'][$this->_sections['mysec']['index']]['email']; ?>
-      </a>
-    </li>
-  <?php endfor; endif; ?>
-  </ul>  
-  <?php endif; ?> -->
-  <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['status']): ?>
-  <div class="status"><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['status']; ?>
-  <?php else: ?>
-  <div class="status" style="visibility:hidden;">&nbsp;</div>
-  <?php endif; ?>
-  <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['request']): ?>
-  <table style="background-color:#eee">  
-    <tr><td>name </td><td><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['name']; ?>
-    <tr><td>email</td><td><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['email']; ?>
-    <tr><td>uid</td><td><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['pref_uid']; ?>
-    <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['id']; ?>
-" id="userID">
-  </table>
-  <a href="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-?id=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['id']; ?>
-  <a href="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-?id=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['id']; ?>
-  <br/>TO
-  <ul>
-  <?php $_from = $this->_tpl_vars['mheaders']['to']; if (!is_array($_from) && !is_object($_from)) { settype($_from, 'array'); }if (count($_from)):
-    foreach ($_from as $this->_tpl_vars['mheader']):
-    <li><a href="#" onClick="showMail()"><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['mheader']->subject; ?>
-  <?php endforeach; endif; unset($_from); ?>
-  </ul>
-  <br/>FROM
-   <ul>
-  <?php $_from = $this->_tpl_vars['mheaders']['from']; if (!is_array($_from) && !is_object($_from)) { settype($_from, 'array'); }if (count($_from)):
-    foreach ($_from as $this->_tpl_vars['mheader']):
-    <li><a href="#" onClick="showMail()"><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['mheader']->subject; ?>
-  <?php endforeach; endif; unset($_from); ?>
-  </ul> 
-  <?php else: ?>
-  <ul class="requestList">
-  <?php $_from = $this->_tpl_vars['requests']; if (!is_array($_from) && !is_object($_from)) { settype($_from, 'array'); }if (count($_from)):
-    foreach ($_from as $this->_tpl_vars['request']):
-    <li onclick="window.location.href='<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-?id=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['id']; ?>
-      <a href="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-?id=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['id']; ?>
-        email: <?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['email']; ?>
-      </a>
-    </li>
-  <?php endforeach; endif; unset($_from); ?>
-  </ul>  
-  <?php endif; ?>
-  <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['mail']): ?>
-    <div>
-    <select onChange="loadTemplate(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);">
-      <?php $_from = $this->_tpl_vars['mail']; if (!is_array($_from) && !is_object($_from)) { settype($_from, 'array'); }if (count($_from)):
-    foreach ($_from as $this->_tpl_vars['temp']):
-        <option value="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['temp']['id']; ?>
-"><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['temp']['title']; ?>
- - <?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['temp']['lang']; ?>
-      <?php endforeach; endif; unset($_from); ?>  
-    </select>
-    </div>
-    <form action="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-?id=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['id']; ?>
-" method="POST">
-    <fieldset>
-    <legend>Mail</legend>
-      <label>To:</label>    
-      <input type="text" name="mail[reciever]" value="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['email']; ?>
-" /><br/>
-      <label>Text:</label>
-      <textarea id="mail[body]" cols="80" rows="20" name="mail[body]"></textarea><br/>
-      <input type="submit" name="mail[submit]" value="senden">
-    </fieldset>
-    </form>
-  <?php endif; ?>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.tgaccount/smarty/templates_c/%%58^581^581993FC%%list_requests.tpl.php b/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.tgaccount/smarty/templates_c/%%58^581^581993FC%%list_requests.tpl.php
deleted file mode 100644
index fda896b85111f32b9b4662c81939bc8a72c95396..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.tgaccount/smarty/templates_c/%%58^581^581993FC%%list_requests.tpl.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-<?php /* Smarty version 2.6.22, created on 2010-01-21 16:32:05
-         compiled from list_requests.tpl */ ?>
-<?php echo '<?xml'; ?>
- version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"<?php echo '?>'; ?>
-<!DOCTYPE html
-     PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
-     "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
-	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
-  <script src="js/prototype.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
-  <title>User Info</title>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" />
-  <div id="topMenu">
-  <ul class="menu mainMenu">
-    <li><a href="index.php">Anfragen</a></li>
-    <li  style="float:right"><a href="index.php?action=logout">Logout <?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['login_user']; ?>
-    </li>
-  </ul>
-  </div>
-  <ul class="subMenu menu">
-  <li <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['show'] == open || $this->_tpl_vars['show'] == ''): ?> class="active" <?php endif; ?> onclick="window.location.href='<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-?show=open'"><a href="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-  <li <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['show'] == assigned): ?> class="active" <?php endif; ?> onclick="window.location.href='<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-?show=assigned'"><a href="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-?show=assigned">in Arbeit</a></li>
-  <li <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['show'] == closed): ?> class="active" <?php endif; ?> onclick="window.location.href='<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-?show=closed'"><a href="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-  <li <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['show'] == all): ?> class="active" <?php endif; ?> onclick="window.location.href='<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-?show=all'"><a href="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['selflink']; ?>
-  </ul>
-  <div style="clear:both;"></div>
-  <div class="spacer" ></div>
-  <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['status']): ?>
-  <div class="status"><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['status']; ?>
-  <?php else: ?>
-  <div class="status" style="visibility:hidden;">&nbsp;</div>
-  <?php endif; ?>
-  <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['requests']): ?>
-  <table class="requestlist">
-    <tr>
-      <th>Name</th>
-      <th>Email</th>
-      <th>Datum</th>
-      <th>Status</th>
-      <!--<th>Bearbeitung</th>-->
-    </tr>
-    <?php $_from = $this->_tpl_vars['requests']; if (!is_array($_from) && !is_object($_from)) { settype($_from, 'array'); }if (count($_from)):
-    foreach ($_from as $this->_tpl_vars['request']):
-    <tr onclick="window.location.href='edit_request.php?id=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['id']; ?>
-'" >
-      <td>
-        <?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['name']; ?>
- <?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['surname']; ?>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['email']; ?>
-      </td>
-      <td><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['timestamp']; ?>
-      <td>
-          <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['request']['at_status'] == 0): ?>
-            Offen
-          <?php elseif ($this->_tpl_vars['request']['at_status'] == 1): ?> 
-            Erstellt: <?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['ldap_uid']; ?>
-          <?php elseif ($this->_tpl_vars['request']['at_status'] == 2): ?>
-            Abgelehnt
-          <?php elseif ($this->_tpl_vars['request']['at_status'] == 3): ?>
-            in Arbeit
-          <?php endif; ?>
-      </td>
-      <!--<td><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['request']['at_assignee']; ?>
-    </tr>
-    <?php endforeach; endif; unset($_from); ?>
-  </table>
-  <?php else: ?>
-  <table class="requestlist">
-    <tr><th>keine offenen Anfragen</th></tr></table>
-  <?php endif; ?>
\ No newline at end of file