diff --git a/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.webauth/WebAuthN/TextGrid-WebAuth.php b/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.webauth/WebAuthN/TextGrid-WebAuth.php
index 3cff6cef04c6f6e122fadc53fe791c4ff71fdf6b..f00011c73695c359ca514450c4325ad7dff8455e 100644
--- a/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.webauth/WebAuthN/TextGrid-WebAuth.php
+++ b/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.webauth/WebAuthN/TextGrid-WebAuth.php
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ if (isset ($_REQUEST["loginname"]) && strlen($_REQUEST["loginname"]) > 0
   $ProvidedAttributes = $ldap->getUserAttributes();
   $_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"] = $AuthNResult["TGID"];
+  error_log("found user: " . $AuthNResult["TGID"]);
diff --git a/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.webauth/WebAuthN/TextGrid-WebAuth.php_BACK b/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.webauth/WebAuthN/TextGrid-WebAuth.php_BACK
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3cff6cef04c6f6e122fadc53fe791c4ff71fdf6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.webauth/WebAuthN/TextGrid-WebAuth.php_BACK
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+// #######################################################
+// Author: Martin Haase / DAASI International GmbH / TextGrid
+// Creation date: 2010-09-23
+// Modification date: 2010-10-19
+// Version: 0.2
+// #######################################################
+$configfile = "/etc/textgrid/tgauth/conf/config_tgwebauth.xml";
+$util = new WebUtils;
+$authZinstance = $_REQUEST["authZinstance"];
+if ( !(isset($authZinstance)) || strlen($authZinstance) <= 0 ) {
+  $util->printAuthFailure("no_tgauth_instance_heading", 
+		      "no_tgauth_instance_detail", 
+		      null, 
+		      null );
+  exit;
+$rbac = new RBAC ( $configfile, $authZinstance );
+// Variant 1: Authentication at Community LDAP
+if (isset ($_REQUEST["loginname"]) && strlen($_REQUEST["loginname"]) > 0
+    && isset ($_REQUEST["password"]) && strlen($_REQUEST["password"]) > 0) {
+  // now authenticating
+  $ldap = new LDAP ( $configfile );
+  $AuthNResult = $ldap->authenticate($_REQUEST["loginname"], $_REQUEST["password"]);
+  if (! $AuthNResult["success"]) {
+    $util->printAuthFailure("authn_failure_heading", 
+			$AuthNResult["detail"], 
+			$_REQUEST["loginname"], 
+			null ); 
+    exit;
+  }
+  $ProvidedAttributes = $ldap->getUserAttributes();
+  $_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"] = $AuthNResult["TGID"];
+// Variant 2: Shibboleth gave us the right REMOTE_USER. 
+// We create a Session here in RBAC, also for Variant1
+if (isset ($_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"])) { // this holds for both shib and ldap authN
+  // now creating session, activating roles, etc, in RBAC
+  $CSResult = $rbac->createSession( $_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"] );
+  if (isset ($AuthNResult)) {
+    $CSResult["rbachash"]["identity_provider"] = $AuthNResult["LDAPname"];
+  } else {
+    $CSResult["rbachash"]["identity_provider"] = $_SERVER["Shib-Identity-Provider"];
+  }
+  if (!$CSResult["success"]) {
+    $util->printAuthFailure("sid_create_failure_heading", 
+			    $CSResult["detail"], 
+			    $_REQUEST["loginname"], 
+			    $CSResult["rbachash"]
+			    ); 
+    exit;
+  }
+  $Sid = $CSResult["rbachash"]["Sid"];
+  $AttributeMap = Array ('surname' => 'sn',
+			 'organisation' => 'o',
+			 'givenname' => 'givenName',
+			 'displayname' => 'cn',
+			 'mail' => 'mail'
+			 );
+  if (!isset ($ldap)) {
+    $ProvidedAttributes = Array();
+    // this is the list of attributes Shibboleth might give to us except from remote_user
+    foreach (array ("o", "sn", "givenName", "cn", "mail") as $a) {
+      if (isset($_SERVER[$a])) { $ProvidedAttributes[$a] = $_SERVER[$a];}
+    }
+  }
+// This is Variant 3: No Session Creation, but just a desire to see (and update) User Attributes
+else if (isset ($_REQUEST["Sid"]) && strlen($_REQUEST["Sid"]) > 0 )  {
+// we might have come directly here using the sid and use an earlier session
+  $Sid = $_REQUEST["Sid"];
+// not enough information, exiting. 
+  else 
+  {
+    // check if we came via Shibboleth, but without an eduPersonPrincipalName 
+    // (which would have been the REMOTE_USER)
+      if (isset( $_SERVER['Shib-Session-ID'] )) {
+	  $util->printAuthFailure("shib_login_failure_heading", 
+				  "shib_login_failure_detail",
+				  "(Shibboleth login, but no ePPN provided)", 
+				  null ); 
+	exit;
+      }
+    else
+      {	
+	$missing = 0;
+	if (!isset($_REQUEST["loginname"]) || strlen($_REQUEST["loginname"]) == 0) {
+	  $missing = 1;
+	}
+	if (!isset($_REQUEST["password"]) || strlen($_REQUEST["password"]) == 0) {
+	  $missing = $missing + 2;
+	}
+	if ($missing == 0) {
+	  $util->printAuthFailure("authn_failure_heading", 
+				  "authn_failure_detail_nothing_to_do",
+				  $_REQUEST["loginname"], 
+				  null ); 
+	  trigger_error("WebAuth does not know what to do (no login or password provided, no remote user, and no session Id), exiting.", E_USER_WARNING);
+	} else if ($missing == 1) {
+	  $util->printAuthFailure("authn_failure_heading", 
+				  "authn_failure_detail_id_missing",
+				  '(null)', 
+				  null ); 
+	} else if ($missing == 2) {
+	  $util->printAuthFailure("authn_failure_heading", 
+				  "authn_failure_detail_password_missing",
+				  $_REQUEST["loginname"], 
+				  null ); 
+	} else if ($missing == 3) {
+	  $util->printAuthFailure("authn_failure_heading", 
+				  "authn_failure_detail_both_missing",
+				  '(null)', 
+				  null ); 
+	}
+	exit;
+      }
+  }
+// no matter where we came from we need to retrieve attributes from RBAC
+$attributes = $rbac->getUserAttributes( $Sid );
+// if we already have enough attributes and just created a session, possibly update
+// them if there came different ones, and then finally print welcome screen causing 
+// the TextGridLab to take over the Sid
+if ($rbac->enoughUserAttributes( $Sid ) && isset ($_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"])) {
+  $util->printAuthSuccess("authn_succeeded_heading",
+			  isset($_REQUEST["loginname"]) ? $_REQUEST["loginname"] : $_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"],
+			  $CSResult["rbachash"],
+			  $rbac->slcData()
+			  ); 
+  $rbac->updateAttributes ( $ProvidedAttributes, $AttributeMap, $Sid ); //  not vital and second-order
+} else {
+  // now presenting the form, let JavaScript take care for the non-empty-check and the help
+  // the form will return either displaying the Sid or just an ACK
+  if (isset ($_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"])) {
+    $util->printAttributeForm( $attributes, $ProvidedAttributes, $AttributeMap, $Sid, $authZinstance, $_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"], $rbac->ToUversion, $rbac->ToUtext);
+  } else if (isset ($_REQUEST["ePPN"]))  { // direct invocation of userdata modification dialogue
+    $util->printAttributeForm( $attributes, null, null, $Sid, $authZinstance, $_REQUEST["ePPN"], $rbac->ToUversion, $rbac->ToUtext);
+  } else {
+    echo "Could not modify attributes, not enough information";
+  }
diff --git a/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.webauth/WebAuthN/WebAuthN2.php b/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.webauth/WebAuthN/WebAuthN2.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..636909e425b4470238884c0fa715f7ee2121b169
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.webauth/WebAuthN/WebAuthN2.php
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+// #######################################################
+// Author: Martin Haase / DAASI International GmbH
+// Creation date: 02.12.2008
+// Modification date: 06/06/2012
+// Version: 2.0
+// #######################################################
+require_once '../i18n_inc/class.I18Nbase.inc.php';
+$t = new I18Ntranslator();
+header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
+$authZinstance = $_REQUEST["authZinstance"];
+if ($authZinstance == null) {
+   echo $t->_('no_tgauth_instance_heading') . "\n";
+   echo $t->_('no_tgauth_instance_detail');
+   exit;
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
+<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+<title>TextGrid WebAuth</title>
+<div style="font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;">
+<h2><?php echo $t->_('login_heading');?></h2>
+<table border="1" rules="cols" cellpadding="4" style="background: #EEEEEE;">
+<td align="center" valign="top">
+<h3><?php echo $t->_('login_option_ldap');?></h3>
+<td align="center" valign="top">
+<h3><?php echo $t->_('login_option_shib');?></h3>
+<td rowspan="2">
+<form action="TextGrid-WebAuth.php" method="post" name="textgriddeform">
+  <p><?php echo $t->_('login_label_id');?><br><input style="-webkit-appearance:none;" name="loginname" type="text" size="30" maxlength="30" value="Login ID" onclick="MachLeer()"></p>
+  <p><?php echo $t->_('login_label_password');?><br><input style="-webkit-appearance:none;" name="password" type="password" size="30" maxlength="30"></p>
+   echo "<input name=\"authZinstance\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"". $authZinstance . "\">";
+  <input type="submit" value="log in">
+<script type="text/javascript">
+function MachLeer () {
+   if (document.textgriddeform.loginname.value == "Login ID")
+ 	document.textgriddeform.loginname.value = "";
+<td align="center" valign="top">
+<form action="../secure/TextGrid-WebAuth.php">
+   echo "<input name=\"authZinstance\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"". $authZinstance . "\">";
+   echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"".$t->_('login_button_shib')."\">";
+echo $t->_('login_shib_explanation');
diff --git a/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.webauth/tglib/LDAP.class.php b/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.webauth/tglib/LDAP.class.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5d95879891813c13a506ba021bd9285dd20bddd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.webauth/tglib/LDAP.class.php
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+// #######################################################
+// Author: Martin Haase / DAASI International GmbH / TextGrid
+// Creation date: 2010-09-23
+// Modification date: 2010-09-03
+// Version: 0.1
+// based on authenticate.php
+// #######################################################
+class LDAP {
+  // Global variables
+  protected $UserAttributes = array();
+  protected $ldaphost;
+  protected $ldapport;
+  protected $binddn;
+  protected $filter;
+  protected $IDattribute;
+  protected $LDAPname;
+  public $availableAttributes = array("o", "sn", "givenName", "cn", "mail");
+  public $AttributeMap = Array ('surname' => 'sn',
+// StefanS will 'o' nicht User-Modifizierbar; daher wird 
+// es nur in RBAC und nicht in DARIAH LDAP geschrieben
+//				'organisation' => 'o',
+				'givenname' => 'givenName',
+				'displayname' => 'cn',
+				'mail' => 'mail',
+				'orgunit' => 'ou',
+				'street' => 'street',
+				'plz' => 'postalCode',
+				'city' => 'l',
+				'tel' => 'telephoneNumber',
+				'interest' => 'dariahResearchInterests',
+				'personid' => 'dariahResearcherId'
+				); 
+  public function __construct( $configfilepath ) {
+    $config = new DOMDocument();
+    $config->load($configfilepath);
+    $xpath = new DOMXPath($config);
+    $xpath->registerNamespace("c", "http://textgrid.info/namespaces/middleware/tgwebauth");
+    $this->ldaphost = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authn[@type='community']/c:key[@name='host']")->item(0)->nodeValue;
+    $this->ldapport = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authn[@type='community']/c:key[@name='port']")->item(0)->nodeValue;
+    $this->binddn = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authn[@type='community']/c:key[@name='binddn']")->item(0)->nodeValue;
+    $this->basedn = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authn[@type='community']/c:key[@name='basedn']")->item(0)->nodeValue;
+    $this->filter = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authn[@type='community']/c:key[@name='filter']")->item(0)->nodeValue;
+    $this->IDattribute = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authn[@type='community']/c:key[@name='IDattribute']")->item(0)->nodeValue;
+    $this->LDAPname = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authn[@type='community']/c:key[@name='name']")->item(0)->nodeValue;
+    $this->setAttributesDN = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authn[@type='community']/c:key[@name='setAttributesDN']")->item(0)->nodeValue;
+    $this->setAttributesPW = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authn[@type='community']/c:key[@name='setAttributesPW']")->item(0)->nodeValue;
+    $this->IDattribute = explode ( ";", $this->IDattribute );
+  }
+  public function authenticate ($login, $password) {
+    $ldapconn = ldap_connect( $this->ldaphost, $this->ldapport );
+    // ldap_connect always returns a handle, does not connect yet
+    // or return array("success" => FALSE, "detail" => "Cannot connect to {$ldaphost}!");
+    ldap_set_option($ldapconn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
+//    $return = ldap_start_tls( $ldapconn );
+//    $file = fopen ("/tmp/ssstls", "a+");
+//    fwrite ($file, serialize($return));
+//    fclose($file);
+    $binddn = preg_replace ('/\${login}/', $login, $this->binddn);
+    $bound = ldap_bind($ldapconn, $binddn , $password);
+    if (!$bound) {
+      return array("success" => FALSE, 
+		   "detail" => "Authentication failed, reason: " . ldap_error ($ldapconn));
+    } else {
+      //echo "Could bind as user ${login}!";
+      $filter = preg_replace ('/\${login}/', $login, $this->filter);
+      $result = ldap_search( $ldapconn, $this->basedn, $filter);
+      $entry  = ldap_first_entry( $ldapconn  , $result  );
+      $this->UserAttributes = ldap_get_attributes ($ldapconn , $entry);
+      foreach ( $this->IDattribute as $idattr ) {
+      	   if ( isset ( $this->UserAttributes[$idattr] ) ) {
+	      	$TGID = $this->UserAttributes[$idattr][0];
+		break;
+	   }     
+      }
+//      $TGID = $this->UserAttributes[$this->IDattribute][0];
+      return array("success" => TRUE, "TGID" => $TGID, "LDAPname" => $this->LDAPname);
+    }
+  }
+  public function getUserAttributes () {
+    $rethash = array();
+    foreach ($this->availableAttributes as $a) {
+      if ( isset($this->UserAttributes[$a])) {
+	$vals = array();
+	for ($i=0; $i<$this->UserAttributes[$a]['count']; $i++) {
+	  $vals[] = $this->UserAttributes[$a][$i];
+	}
+	$rethash[$a] =  implode (';', $vals);
+      }
+    }
+    return $rethash;
+  }
+// Users will be modified via DARIAH SelfService at a later stage
+  public function setUserAttributes ($attrHash, $remote_user) {
+    $arrModify = Array();
+    $needsModification = FALSE;
+    $sendOutMail = FALSE;
+    foreach ($attrHash as $a) {
+      if (is_object($a) && in_array($a->name, array_keys ($this->AttributeMap))) {
+	$arrModify[$this->AttributeMap[$a->name]][] = $a->value;
+	$needsModification = TRUE;
+	if ($a->name === "mail") {
+	  $sendOutMail = $a->value;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    if (! $needsModification ) {
+      return array("success" => TRUE, 
+		   "detail" => "Nothing to do");
+    }
+    $ldapconn = ldap_connect( $this->ldaphost, $this->ldapport );
+    // ldap_connect always returns a handle, does not connect yet
+    // or return array("success" => FALSE, "detail" => "Cannot connect to {$ldaphost}!");
+    ldap_set_option($ldapconn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
+    //ldap_start_tls( $ldapconn );
+    $bound = ldap_bind($ldapconn, $this->setAttributesDN , $this->setAttributesPW);
+    if (!$bound) {
+      return array("success" => FALSE, 
+		   "detail" => "Authentication failed, reason: " . ldap_error ($ldapconn));
+    } else {
+      $filter = "(|";
+      foreach ( $this->IDattribute as $idattr ) {
+      	 $filter .= "(". $idattr."=".$remote_user.")";
+      }
+      $filter .= ")";
+      $result = ldap_search( $ldapconn, $this->basedn, $filter);
+      if ($result === FALSE ) {
+	return array("success" => FALSE, 
+		     "detail" => "Could not find this user with the filter: ".$filter . ldap_error ($ldapconn));
+      }
+      $entry  = ldap_first_entry( $ldapconn  , $result  );
+      $oldmailsArr = ldap_get_values ($ldapconn, $entry, "mail");
+      if ($sendOutMail !== FALSE) {
+	$this->sendmailOut($oldmailsArr, $sendOutMail );
+      } 
+      $modifyResult = ldap_modify($ldapconn, ldap_get_dn($ldapconn, $entry), $arrModify);
+      if ($modifyResult == FALSE ) {
+	return array("success" => FALSE, 
+		     "detail" => "Could not modify this user:" . ldap_error ($ldapconn));
+      }
+      return array("success" => TRUE, "detail" => "Alles bestens");
+    }
+  }
+  public function sendmailOut($oldmailsArr, $newMail ) {
+  }
diff --git a/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.webauth/tglib/RBAC.Class.php_BACK b/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.webauth/tglib/RBAC.Class.php_BACK
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d380a85954aa4c268550e9c1f141f6280a531ab9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.webauth/tglib/RBAC.Class.php_BACK
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+// #######################################################   
+// Author: Martin Haase / DAASI International GmbH / TextGrid    
+// Creation date: 2010-10-13     
+// Modification date: 2010-10-13
+// Version: 0.1  
+// based on TextGrid-Webauth.php     
+// #######################################################   
+class RBAC {
+  // Global variables  
+  protected $authZinstance;
+  protected $rbacbase;
+  protected $sessionCreatorUid;
+  protected $sessionCreatorPw;
+  protected $setnamessecret;
+  public    $ToUversion;
+  protected $ToUFileName;
+  public    $ToUtext;
+  protected $soapExtra;
+  protected $soapPolicy;
+  protected $soapReview;
+  protected $soapAdministration;
+  public function __construct( $configfilepath , $authZinstance ) {
+    require_once( "soapTypes.inc.php" );
+    $config = new DOMDocument();
+    $config->load($configfilepath);
+    $xpath = new DOMXPath($config);
+    $xpath->registerNamespace("c", "http://textgrid.info/namespaces/middleware/tgwebauth");
+    $this->rbacbase = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authz[@instance='${authZinstance}']/c:rbacbase")->item(0)->nodeValue;
+    if (!isset ($this->rbacbase) || strlen($this->rbacbase) == 0) {
+	echo "Error: '${authZinstance}' has no RBAC base configured!<br/>\n";
+	return null;
+    }
+    $this->authZinstance = $authZinstance;
+    $this->sessionCreatorUid = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authz[@instance='${authZinstance}']/c:sessioncreator/c:user")->item(0)->nodeValue;
+    $this->sessionCreatorPw = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authz[@instance='${authZinstance}']/c:sessioncreator/c:password")->item(0)->nodeValue;
+    $this->setnamessecret = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authz[@instance='${authZinstance}']/c:setnamessecret")->item(0)->nodeValue;
+    // -----------------------------------------------------
+    // You'll need these services
+    // -----------------------------------------------------
+    $this->soapExtra = new SoapClient( $this->rbacbase . "wsdl/tgextra.wsdl" );
+    $this->soapPolicy = new SoapClient( $this->rbacbase . "wsdl/tgsystem.wsdl" );
+    $this->soapReview = new SoapClient( $this->rbacbase . "wsdl/tgreview.wsdl" );
+    $this->soapAdministration = new SoapClient( $this->rbacbase . "wsdl/tgadministration.wsdl" );
+  }
+  public function createSession ( $remote_user ) {
+    $rbachash = array("scstatus" => "", // will collect all messages during authentication    
+		      "Sid" => "none", // this will hold the final sessionId then
+		      "rbacbase" => $this->rbacbase,
+		      'authZinstance' => $this->authZinstance
+		      );
+    // ------------------------------------------------------------
+    // check whether remote_user is set and has user@domain format
+    if (preg_match('/([^@]+)@([^@]+)/', $remote_user, $matches) == 1) { 
+	$identified_user = array("authnmethod" => "eduPersonPrincipalName",
+				 "user" => $matches[1],
+				 "scope" => $matches[2] );
+	$rbachash["identified_user"] = $identified_user;
+	$rbachash["remote_user"] =  $remote_user; // TG User ID
+    } else {
+      return array("success" => FALSE,
+		   "detail" => "User ID not given by home institution.<br/>\n"
+		   ."Your school (its Identity Provider) did not provide a useable User ID to TextGrid (".$remote_user .").<br/>\n"
+		   ."Please contact your school's computing centre and ask them to release to TextGrid's Service Provider "
+		   ."the eduPersonPrincipalName attribute.<br/>Thank you.",
+		   "rbachash" => $rbachash);
+      exit;
+    }
+    $rbachash["scstatus"] .= "Authentication Method: ". $identified_user['authnmethod'] . "; ";
+    // -----------------------------------------------------
+    // Before you can create a session you have to
+    // authenticate. If this was successful you get a
+    // session-ID that you should keep
+    // -----------------------------------------------------
+    $serviceAuthReq = new authenticateRequest();
+    $serviceAuthReq->username = $this->sessionCreatorUid;
+    $serviceAuthReq->password = $this->sessionCreatorPw;
+    try {
+      $serviceAuthResponse = $this->soapExtra->authenticate( $serviceAuthReq );
+      if( preg_match( "/[0-9a-z]{2,}/i", $serviceAuthResponse->auth ) ) {
+	$rbachash["scstatus"] .= "WebAuth authenticated at RBAC, received a service SessionId. " ;
+      }
+    } catch( SoapFault $f ) {
+      return array("success" => FALSE,
+		   "detail" => "SOAP FAULT (authenticate)!: " . $f->faultcode . " / " . $f->faultstring,
+		   "rbachash" => $rbachash);
+      exit;
+    }
+    // -----------------------------------------------------
+    // Now you can try to add an active role to your session creator session
+    // -----------------------------------------------------
+    $addRoleReq = new addActiveRoleRequest();
+    $addRoleReq->username = $this->sessionCreatorUid;
+    $addRoleReq->role = "sessionCreator,Anwendung";
+    $addRoleReq->auth = $serviceAuthResponse->auth;
+    try {
+      $addRoleResponse = $this->soapExtra->tgAddActiveRole( $addRoleReq );
+      if( $addRoleResponse->result ) {
+	$rbachash["scstatus"] .= "Added active role of application; ";
+      } else {
+	return array("success" => FALSE,
+		     "rbachash" => $rbachash,
+		     "detail" => "Internal Error, Could not add Role for application.");
+	exit;
+      } 
+    } catch( SoapFault $f ) {
+      return array("success" => FALSE,
+		   "rbachash" => $rbachash,
+		   "detail" => "SOAP FAULT (tgAddActiveRole)!: " . $f->faultcode . " / " . $f->faultstring);
+      exit;
+    }
+    // -----------------------------------------------------
+    // Check whether user exists already in RBAC
+    // -----------------------------------------------------
+    // ---> we do not need this anymore since users are in DARIAH
+    // -----------------------------------------------------
+    // If this was successful you can create the session for remote_user
+    // need to add active roles to the session 
+    // -----------------------------------------------------
+    $creReq = new createSessionRequest();
+    $creReq->intSid = $serviceAuthResponse->auth;
+    //$creReq->username = "mhaase@uni-tuebingen.de";
+    $creReq->username = $remote_user;
+    //$creReq->roleset = Array( "Projektleiter,Projekt-1,Projekt-Teilnehmer" );
+    //$creReq->roleset = Array( "Bearbeiter,Projekt-1,Projekt-Teilnehmer" );
+    //---------------------------
+    // get ALL available roles...
+    $rolesobject = new authorizedRolesRequest();
+    $rolesobject->intSid = $serviceAuthResponse->auth;
+    $rolesobject->username = $remote_user;
+    try {
+      $roleResponse = $this->soapReview->authorizedRoles($rolesobject);
+      $rbachash["scstatus"] .=  "Received all available roles for user; ";
+    } catch (Soapfault $f) {
+      return array("success" => FALSE,
+		   "rbachash" => $rbachash,
+		   "detail" => "SOAP FAULT (authorizedRoles)!: " . $f->faultcode . " / " . $f->faultstring . " / " . $f->getTraceAsString());
+      exit;
+    }
+    if (!isset($roleResponse->role)) {
+      $creReq->roleset = Array();
+    } elseif (is_Array($roleResponse->role)) {
+      $creReq->roleset = $roleResponse->role;
+    } elseif (is_string($roleResponse->role)) {
+      $creReq->roleset = Array($roleResponse->role);
+    } else {
+      $creReq->roleset = Array();
+    }
+    // ------------------------------------------------
+    // Get a newly generated sid from the RBAC system
+    try {
+      $Sid = $this->soapExtra->getSid();
+      $Sid = $Sid->sid;
+      $rbachash["Sid"] = $Sid;
+    } catch (Soapfault $f) {
+      return array("success" => FALSE,
+		   "rbachash" => $rbachash,
+		   "detail" => "RBAC down? Could not generate a new SessionID!" );
+      exit;
+    }
+    // -------------------------------------
+    // Creating the session...
+    $creReq->sid = $Sid;
+    //    $file=fopen("/tmp/creq", "a+");
+    //fwrite ($file, "--------------\n");
+    //fwrite ($file, serialize ($creReq));
+    //fwrite ($file, "\n");
+    //fclose($file);
+    try {
+      $creResponse = $this->soapPolicy->createSession( $creReq );
+      if( $creResponse->result ) {
+	$rbachash["scstatus"] .= "Created sessions with active roles; ";
+      } else {
+	return array("success" => FALSE,
+		     "rbachash" => $rbachash,
+		     "detail" => "Failed to create a new Session!" );
+	exit;
+      }
+    } catch (SoapFault $f) {
+      return array("success" => FALSE,
+		   "rbachash" => $rbachash,
+		   "detail" => "SOAP FAULT (CreateSession)!: " . $f->faultcode . " / " . $f->faultstring);
+      exit;
+    }
+    // --------------------------------------------------------
+    // now all went well, createSession worked, return success
+    return array("success" => TRUE,
+		 "rbachash" => $rbachash);
+  }
diff --git a/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.webauth/tglib/RBAC.class.php b/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.webauth/tglib/RBAC.class.php
index d380a85954aa4c268550e9c1f141f6280a531ab9..7156e042fa2c4ba4f4b90d80fca864f57500c3b4 100644
--- a/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.webauth/tglib/RBAC.class.php
+++ b/info.textgrid.middleware.tgauth.webauth/tglib/RBAC.class.php
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
 // based on TextGrid-Webauth.php     
 // #######################################################   
+include( "ESoapClient.php");
 class RBAC {
@@ -27,9 +29,15 @@ class RBAC {
   protected $soapReview;
   protected $soapAdministration;
+  protected $userAttributes;
+  protected $SLCdata;
   public function __construct( $configfilepath , $authZinstance ) {
     require_once( "soapTypes.inc.php" );
+    error_log("rbac construct called");
     $config = new DOMDocument();
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($config);
@@ -44,11 +52,33 @@ class RBAC {
     $this->sessionCreatorUid = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authz[@instance='${authZinstance}']/c:sessioncreator/c:user")->item(0)->nodeValue;
     $this->sessionCreatorPw = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authz[@instance='${authZinstance}']/c:sessioncreator/c:password")->item(0)->nodeValue;
     $this->setnamessecret = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authz[@instance='${authZinstance}']/c:setnamessecret")->item(0)->nodeValue;
+    $this->ToUversion = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authz[@instance='${authZinstance}']/c:termsOfUse/c:version")->item(0)->nodeValue;
+    $this->ToUFileName = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authz[@instance='${authZinstance}']/c:termsOfUse/c:text")->item(0)->nodeValue;
+    $this->ToUtext = file_get_contents ( $this->ToUFileName );
+    $this->SLCdata = array();
+    $slcSupportEnabling = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authz[@instance='${authZinstance}']/c:SLCsupport/@enable");
+    if ($slcSupportEnabling->length > 0 && $slcSupportEnabling->item(0)->nodeValue === 'true') {
+      $this->SLCdata['slcMode'] = TRUE;
+      $this->SLCdata['slcEntitlementAttributeName'] = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authz[@instance='${authZinstance}']/c:SLCsupport/c:entitlementAttr/@name")->item(0)->nodeValue;
+      $this->SLCdata['slcEntitlementAttributeValue'] = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authz[@instance='${authZinstance}']/c:SLCsupport/c:entitlementAttr")->item(0)->nodeValue;
+      $this->SLCdata['slcPortalDelegationURL'] = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authz[@instance='${authZinstance}']/c:SLCsupport/c:portalDelegationURL")->item(0)->nodeValue;
+      $this->SLCdata['slcNoDelegationURL'] = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authz[@instance='${authZinstance}']/c:SLCsupport/c:noDelegationURL")->item(0)->nodeValue;
+    } else {
+      $this->SLCdata['slcMode'] = FALSE;
+    }
     // -----------------------------------------------------
     // You'll need these services
     // -----------------------------------------------------
+//    error_log("using rbacbase: " . $this->rbacbase);
+//    $this->soapExtra = new SoapClient( $this->rbacbase . "wsdl/tgextra.local.wsdl" );
+//    $this->soapPolicy = new SoapClient( $this->rbacbase . "wsdl/tgsystem.local.wsdl" );
+//    $this->soapReview = new SoapClient( $this->rbacbase . "wsdl/tgreview.local.wsdl" );
+//    $this->soapAdministration = new SoapClient( $this->rbacbase . "wsdl/tgadministration.wsdl" );
     $this->soapExtra = new SoapClient( $this->rbacbase . "wsdl/tgextra.wsdl" );
     $this->soapPolicy = new SoapClient( $this->rbacbase . "wsdl/tgsystem.wsdl" );
     $this->soapReview = new SoapClient( $this->rbacbase . "wsdl/tgreview.wsdl" );
@@ -56,7 +86,13 @@ class RBAC {
+  public function slcData() {
+    return $this->SLCdata;
+  }
   public function createSession ( $remote_user ) {
+    error_log("createSession calles for " . $remote_user);
     $rbachash = array("scstatus" => "", // will collect all messages during authentication    
 		      "Sid" => "none", // this will hold the final sessionId then
@@ -71,6 +107,11 @@ class RBAC {
 				 "user" => $matches[1],
 				 "scope" => $matches[2] );
+	$identified_user['user'] = $this->escapeForDN ($identified_user['user']);
+	$identified_user['scope'] = $this->escapeForDN ($identified_user['scope']);
+	$remote_user = $identified_user['user'] . "@" . $identified_user['scope'];
 	$rbachash["identified_user"] = $identified_user;
 	$rbachash["remote_user"] =  $remote_user; // TG User ID
@@ -95,6 +136,8 @@ class RBAC {
     $serviceAuthReq->username = $this->sessionCreatorUid;
     $serviceAuthReq->password = $this->sessionCreatorPw;
+    error_log("r-bug: suid: " . $this->sessionCreatorUid);
     try {
       $serviceAuthResponse = $this->soapExtra->authenticate( $serviceAuthReq );
@@ -104,7 +147,7 @@ class RBAC {
     } catch( SoapFault $f ) {
       return array("success" => FALSE,
-		   "detail" => "SOAP FAULT (authenticate)!: " . $f->faultcode . " / " . $f->faultstring,
+		   "detail" => "SOAP FAULT (authenticate)!: " . $f->faultcode . " / " . $f->faultstring . " / " . $f->detail,
 		   "rbachash" => $rbachash);
@@ -132,15 +175,54 @@ class RBAC {
     } catch( SoapFault $f ) {
       return array("success" => FALSE,
 		   "rbachash" => $rbachash,
-		   "detail" => "SOAP FAULT (tgAddActiveRole)!: " . $f->faultcode . " / " . $f->faultstring);
+		   "detail" => "SOAP FAULT (tgAddActiveRole)!: " . $f->faultcode . " / " . $f->faultstring . " / " . $f->detail);
     // -----------------------------------------------------
     // Check whether user exists already in RBAC
     // -----------------------------------------------------
-    // ---> we do not need this anymore since users are in DARIAH
+    $userexistreq = new userExistsRequest();
+    $userexistreq->auth = $serviceAuthResponse->auth;
+    $userexistreq->username = $remote_user;
+    try {
+      $existresult = $this->soapExtra->userExists($userexistreq);
+      if (! $existresult->result) {
+	// -----------------------------------------------
+	// User does not exist, so add 'em
+	$adduserrequest = new addUserRequest();
+	$adduserrequest->intSid = $serviceAuthResponse->auth;
+	$adduserrequest->username = $remote_user;
+	$adduserrequest->password = "gnuelpfix"; // this is not relevant and will never be checked
+	try {
+	  $addedUser = $this->soapAdministration->addUser($adduserrequest);
+	  if ($addedUser) {
+	    $rbachash["scstatus"] .= "Added user information to authorization database; ";
+	  } else {
+	    return array("success" => FALSE,
+			 "rbachash" => $rbachash,
+			 "detail" => "Could not add your user ID to authorization database." );
+	    exit;
+	  }
+	} catch(SoapFault $f) {
+	  return array("success" => FALSE,
+		       "rbachash" => $rbachash,
+		       "detail" => "SOAP FAULT (AddUser)!: " . $f->faultcode . " / " . $f->faultstring . " / " . $f->detail );
+	  exit;
+	}
+      } else {
+	$rbachash["scstatus"] .=  "user exists in authentication database; ";
+      }
+    } catch (SoapFault $f) {
+      return array("success" => FALSE,
+		   "rbachash" => $rbachash,
+		   "detail" => "SOAP FAULT (UserExists)!: " . $f->faultcode . " / " . $f->faultstring . " / " . $f->detail );
+      exit;
+    }
     // -----------------------------------------------------
     // If this was successful you can create the session for remote_user
@@ -165,6 +247,7 @@ class RBAC {
       $rbachash["scstatus"] .=  "Received all available roles for user; ";
     } catch (Soapfault $f) {
+      //print_r($f->getTraceAsString());
       return array("success" => FALSE,
 		   "rbachash" => $rbachash,
 		   "detail" => "SOAP FAULT (authorizedRoles)!: " . $f->faultcode . " / " . $f->faultstring . " / " . $f->getTraceAsString());
@@ -218,7 +301,7 @@ class RBAC {
     } catch (SoapFault $f) {
       return array("success" => FALSE,
 		   "rbachash" => $rbachash,
-		   "detail" => "SOAP FAULT (CreateSession)!: " . $f->faultcode . " / " . $f->faultstring);
+		   "detail" => "SOAP FAULT (CreateSession)!: " . $f->faultcode . " / " . $f->faultstring . " / " . $f->detail );
@@ -228,6 +311,84 @@ class RBAC {
 		 "rbachash" => $rbachash);
+  // see RFC XYZ, DN Syntax
+  function escapeForDN ($string) {
+    return preg_replace('/[";+<>,\\\]/', "X", $string);
+  }
+  function getUserAttributes ( $Sid ) {
+    $getMyUAR = new StdClass();
+    $getMyUAR->auth = $Sid;
+    try {
+      $ua = $this->soapExtra->getMyUserAttributes($getMyUAR);
+      $this->userAttributes = $ua->attribute;
+      return $ua->attribute;
+    } catch (SoapFault $f) {
+      return array("success" => FALSE,
+		   "detail" => "SOAP FAULT (getMyUserAttributes)!: " . serialize ($f) );
+    }
+  }
+  function enoughUserAttributes ( $Sid ) {
+    if (!isset($this->userAttributes)) {
+      $this->getUserAttributes( $Sid );  
+    }
+    //       $file = fopen ("/tmp/xxxR.log", "w+");
+    //   fwrite ($file, serialize ($this->userAttributes ) ."\n");
+    //   fclose ($file);
+    foreach ($this->userAttributes as $a) {
+      if ($a->name == "ToUversion" && $a->value != $this->ToUversion ) {
+	return FALSE;
+      }
+      if ($a->mandatory) {
+	if (!isset($a->value)) {
+	  return FALSE;
+	} else {
+	  if (is_string($a->value) && strlen($a->value) < 1) {
+	    return FALSE;
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    return TRUE;
+  }
+  function updateAttributes ( $attrs, $map, $Sid ) {
+    $newattributes = array();
+    foreach ($map as $name => $value) {
+      if (isset($attrs[$value])) {
+	$na = new StdClass();
+	$na->name = $name;
+	$na->value = $attrs[$value];
+	$newattributes[] = $na;
+      }
+    }
+    return $this->setAttributes ($newattributes, $Sid, TRUE);
+  }
+  function setAttributes ( $attrs, $Sid, $loginmode ) {
+    $setMyUserAttributesRequest = new StdClass();
+    $setMyUserAttributesRequest->attribute = $attrs; 
+    $setMyUserAttributesRequest->auth = $Sid;
+    if ($loginmode) {
+      $setMyUserAttributesRequest->webAuthSecret = $this->setnamessecret;
+    } else {
+      $setMyUserAttributesRequest->webAuthSecret = "";
+    }
+    try {
+      $res = $this->soapExtra->setMyUserAttributes($setMyUserAttributesRequest);
+      return $res;
+    } catch (SoapFault $f) {
+      return array("success" => FALSE,
+		   "detail" => "SOAP FAULT (setMyUserAttributes)!: " . $f->faultcode . " / " . $f->faultstring . " / " . $f->detail );
+    }
+  }