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Fabian Korte / de.ugoe.cs.oco
Eclipse Public License 1.0Updated -
dsimm / waggawagga
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterRails-based web-toolkit for the prediction of coiled-coil and single alpha-helix (SAH) domains in proteins.
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Custom lucene analyzers and filters for the eXist XML database.
Archived 0Updated -
This Project provides an implementation of "TowerwarsPP"
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A provenance-aware wrapper for ETL-jobs that are created and exported by Talend Open Studio (for Data Integration).
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Medizinische Informatik - Öffentliche Projekte / transmart / transmartApp
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlytransmartApp modification to fit the requirements of the department.
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LinTim / OpenLinTim
MIT LicenseOpen Source Version of LinTim, see https://www.lintim.net/
Note that the current version is hosted at https://gitlab.rlp.net/lintim/OpenLinTim, for updates please check here
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rwm / de.ugoe.cs.rwm.tocci
Eclipse Public License 1.0Runtime Workflow Modeling Transformations .
Page: https://rwm.pages.gwdg.de/de.ugoe.cs.rwm.tocci/index.hmtl
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