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Leonard Heinz / gromacs-rtc2018_modif
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseModified version of GROMACS 2018.1rtc. The code was modified to apply the constraints to single atoms, to accommodate more index groups in the mdp file and to fix an issue with the number of degrees of freedom, calculated by grompp.
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mpievolbio-scicomp / cgkit
Mozilla Public License 1.1Imported from http://cgkit.sourceforge.net/ with fixes to the build scripts.
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Calculate the Tripartite Information for the Fully Connected Transverse Field Ising Model
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Nikola Milosevic / MRiLab
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseA Numerical Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Simulation Platform
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Simple ray tracing engine used to recreate some of the renders from Ken Perlin's paper "An image synthesizer". The created images were used for a report in the "Computer Graphics" seminar by Prof. Dr. Winfried Kurth (winter term 2019/2020, Göttingen)
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Martin Reinhardt / GROMACS VI Extension
Boost Software License 1.0Updated -
firmware and desktop client for my self-built computer fan controller
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The numerical code used in the Master's Thesis of Niklas Bölter
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René-Marcel Kruse / mein_scikit-learn
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
KIF490 Admins / BBB Greenlight Balancer Resolver
MIT LicenseResolve a BBB Room + a Username to its actual URL using the Greenlight BBB Load Balancer hosted by GWDG.