Display Annotation/ Anmerkung "note type" in TIDO
Implement the Annotation <note type=“com“ place=“end“ target=“#_/>
in the Frontend.
Please use the speech bubble as icon for this Annotation.
In general you can find the requirements how the tags should be displayed in in text panel and annotation panel here: https://intranet.sub.uni-goettingen.de/display/prjGFL/How+to+display+TEI+tags
Expected behaviour in the annotation panel is the following: Place commentary (Stellenkommentar) on the passage enclosed in the text with and reproduced under Anmerkung (speech bubble) lemmatized; shown in italics.
Mareen explained what scholars mean with lemmatized: A lemma repeats the designated text passage, namely the entire passage, if it is not longer than 2 words. If the text passage is longer than 2 words, only the first and last words of the passage are displayed, separated from each other by the string "space dot dot space".