diff --git a/chapters/onboarding.md b/chapters/onboarding.md
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+## FE-Onboarding
+This section focuses on the specific needs and requirements of developers new to the department.
+Please also refer to any of the general information on onboarding within the department, as well as the departmental
+mentoring program.
+This includes skills and tools developers need, as well as a checklist of the basic repos and groups new developers
+should be granted access to.
+A list of relevant and useful mailing lists new developers ought to consider subscribing to is provided at the end of
+he section.
+Developers should keep in mind that a DARIAH-account is needed to access some of the commonly used infrastructure.
+### Skills & Tools
+Here you will find a list of skills and tools that a developer will likely need at one point or another during their
+tenure at FE.
+We assume a basic familiarity with basal technologies such as XML.
+- Ant
+- GitLab CI/CD
+- Implementation of DARIAH-AAI
+- Puppet
+- Docker
+- eXist-db
+- (Lucene-)Indices
+### Repos & Groups
+- The departmental group at GitHub: `https://github.com/subugoe/teams/fe`
+- The departmental group at GWDG's GitLab: `https://gitlab.gwdg.de/fe`
+- The SUB-wide group at GWDG's GitLab: `https://gitlab.gwdg.de/subugoe`
+- DARIAH-wikispace SUB-GWDG-IT
+- (possibly further project-related wikispaces)
+- Kanboard-user group FE
+- (possibly project-related SUB-intranet-spaces)
+### Mailing Lists
+- [eXist-db (eXist open mailing list)](https://sourceforge.net/p/exist/mailman/)
+- [de-RSE](https://de-rse.org/de/)
+- [RfII](http://www.rfii.de/de/start/)
+- relevant [TEI-lists](https://tei-c.org/support/#tei-l)
+### Further Reading
+Beyond the points listed above, developers should consider looking into the media below for any further information that
+is of professional or personal interest.
+- ["Doing Digital Humanities", a Zotero library](https://www.zotero.org/groups/113737/doing_digital_humanities_-_a_dariah_bibliography?)
+- <heise.de>, <golem.de>, etc.
diff --git a/technical-reference-main.txt b/technical-reference-main.txt
index 87092bd5eaec82269c413e8e7bb460f160e764fa..c87417e2455ce9d0cf30169c93d29cba564f6d20 100644
--- a/technical-reference-main.txt
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@@ -12,3 +12,4 @@ chapters/intellectual-property.md