# Installation of neurodocker -> https://www.repronim.org/neurodocker/user_guide/quickstart.html miniconda3 conda create -n neurodocker python=3.9 conda activate neurodocker python -m pip install neurodocker neurodocker --help source activate neurodocker ssh comps08h04 cd /tmp/neurodocker # Generate singularity image neurodocker generate singularity \ --pkg-manager apt \ --base-image neurodebian:bullseye\ --freesurfer version=7.3.0 \ --miniconda version=latest conda_install="python==3.10.13 nipype==1.8.6 nibabel==5.2.0 numpy=1.26.3 pandas==2.1.4" \ --user nonroot > becon # building a new image using the Singularity file export SINGULARITY_TMPDIR=/tmp/TMP export SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=/tmp/CACHE singularity build --fakeroot bullseye.sif becon Container located here because of huge size: /data/pt_life/bullseye.sif (4.5 GB)