diff --git a/docs/build/doctrees/environment.pickle b/docs/build/doctrees/environment.pickle index 901c5f54cb9fcb8ef376c25a195f992e0557a0fd..22575387852092bebd18f307e320b0c446a4b69b 100644 Binary files a/docs/build/doctrees/environment.pickle and b/docs/build/doctrees/environment.pickle differ diff --git a/docs/build/doctrees/matlab.doctree b/docs/build/doctrees/matlab.doctree index 4eca9da13b4350823bc5e801a9f63c2dd5e43d66..3d8afac69bf3baff835a0bc02a373bc804ff66fb 100644 Binary files a/docs/build/doctrees/matlab.doctree and b/docs/build/doctrees/matlab.doctree differ diff --git a/docs/build/html/_sources/matlab.rst.txt b/docs/build/html/_sources/matlab.rst.txt index d9789a905d136a4fa80f409439dc31598e35eb6e..06f25958c307168a624a0d0c7cbc9b14f1d153d0 100644 --- a/docs/build/html/_sources/matlab.rst.txt +++ b/docs/build/html/_sources/matlab.rst.txt @@ -7,3 +7,13 @@ Phase Retrieval .. automodule:: functions.phaseretrieval .. autofunction:: phaserec_ctf +.. autofunction:: phaserec_mba +.. autofunction:: phaserec_smo + +########## +Tomography +########## + +.. automodule:: functions.tomography + +.. autofunction:: ringremove diff --git a/docs/build/html/genindex.html b/docs/build/html/genindex.html index 05c2c874512f6b1fed3bb1b82bb414c9ae4f35d7..af569caceb000a3ef0a2b25a3615b491c17fdebe 100644 --- a/docs/build/html/genindex.html +++ b/docs/build/html/genindex.html @@ -39,12 +39,17 @@ <div class="genindex-jumpbox"> <a href="#F"><strong>F</strong></a> | <a href="#P"><strong>P</strong></a> + | <a href="#R"><strong>R</strong></a> </div> <h2 id="F">F</h2> <table style="width: 100%" class="indextable genindextable"><tr> <td style="width: 33%; vertical-align: top;"><ul> <li><a href="matlab.html#module-functions.phaseretrieval">functions.phaseretrieval (module)</a> +</li> + </ul></td> + <td style="width: 33%; vertical-align: top;"><ul> + <li><a href="matlab.html#module-functions.tomography">functions.tomography (module)</a> </li> </ul></td> </tr></table> @@ -53,6 +58,20 @@ <table style="width: 100%" class="indextable genindextable"><tr> <td style="width: 33%; vertical-align: top;"><ul> <li><a href="matlab.html#functions.phaseretrieval.phaserec_ctf">phaserec_ctf() (in module functions.phaseretrieval)</a> +</li> + </ul></td> + <td style="width: 33%; vertical-align: top;"><ul> + <li><a href="matlab.html#functions.phaseretrieval.phaserec_mba">phaserec_mba() (in module functions.phaseretrieval)</a> +</li> + <li><a href="matlab.html#functions.phaseretrieval.phaserec_smo">phaserec_smo() (in module functions.phaseretrieval)</a> +</li> + </ul></td> +</tr></table> + +<h2 id="R">R</h2> +<table style="width: 100%" class="indextable genindextable"><tr> + <td style="width: 33%; vertical-align: top;"><ul> + <li><a href="matlab.html#functions.tomography.ringremove">ringremove() (in module functions.tomography)</a> </li> </ul></td> </tr></table> @@ -78,6 +97,7 @@ <p class="caption"><span class="caption-text">Dies ist ein Test</span></p> <ul> <li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="matlab.html">Phase Retrieval</a></li> +<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="matlab.html#module-functions.tomography">Tomography</a></li> </ul> <div class="relations"> diff --git a/docs/build/html/index.html b/docs/build/html/index.html index 6d4df74211c1a779d0e90b48cc325614961cd483..b75a2321eae9db11c62cc2ef381cba3d501fccb5 100644 --- a/docs/build/html/index.html +++ b/docs/build/html/index.html @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ <p class="caption"><span class="caption-text">Dies ist ein Test</span></p> <ul> <li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="matlab.html">Phase Retrieval</a></li> +<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="matlab.html#module-functions.tomography">Tomography</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> @@ -73,6 +74,7 @@ <p class="caption"><span class="caption-text">Dies ist ein Test</span></p> <ul> <li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="matlab.html">Phase Retrieval</a></li> +<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="matlab.html#module-functions.tomography">Tomography</a></li> </ul> <div class="relations"> diff --git a/docs/build/html/mat-modindex.html b/docs/build/html/mat-modindex.html index 2bebd56112b522662e9c3215687bc4dddcfa577d..69fc9ff1e1ee268a7bed6f3b99b8162e2dbddf4b 100644 --- a/docs/build/html/mat-modindex.html +++ b/docs/build/html/mat-modindex.html @@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ <td>    <a href="matlab.html#module-functions.phaseretrieval"><code class="xref">functions.phaseretrieval</code></a></td><td> <em></em></td></tr> + <tr class="cg-1"> + <td></td> + <td>    + <a href="matlab.html#module-functions.tomography"><code class="xref">functions.tomography</code></a></td><td> + <em></em></td></tr> </table> @@ -79,6 +84,7 @@ <p class="caption"><span class="caption-text">Dies ist ein Test</span></p> <ul> <li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="matlab.html">Phase Retrieval</a></li> +<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="matlab.html#module-functions.tomography">Tomography</a></li> </ul> <div class="relations"> diff --git a/docs/build/html/matlab.html b/docs/build/html/matlab.html index a17e6ea0dd0dd9ebc4f1d3bca1292e3a4aee7db2..c17efd266d190cba0a6b848c77d80f64989b102a 100644 --- a/docs/build/html/matlab.html +++ b/docs/build/html/matlab.html @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ y-dimension before reconstruction</li> </table> <div class="admonition seealso"> <p class="first admonition-title">See also</p> -<p class="last"><code class="xref mat mat-func docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">phaserec_mba()</span></code></p> +<p class="last"><a class="reference internal" href="#functions.phaseretrieval.phaserec_mba" title="functions.phaseretrieval.phaserec_mba"><code class="xref mat mat-func docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">phaserec_mba()</span></code></a></p> </div> <p class="rubric">Notes</p> <p>Example 1:</p> @@ -116,7 +116,32 @@ y-dimension before reconstruction</li> <span class="n">figure</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">'name'</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="s">'Reconstructed phase-image'</span><span class="p">);</span> <span class="n">imagesc</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">phaseRec</span><span class="p">);</span> <span class="n">colorbar</span><span class="p">;</span> <span class="n">colormap</span> <span class="n">bone</span><span class="p">;</span> </pre></div> </div> -<p>See also phaserec_mba</p> +<p>See also PHASEREC_MBA</p> +</dd></dl> + +<dl class="function"> +<dt id="functions.phaseretrieval.phaserec_mba"> +<code class="descclassname">functions.phaseretrieval.</code><code class="descname">phaserec_mba</code><span class="sig-paren">(</span><em>im1</em>, <em>fresnelNumber</em>, <em>settings</em><span class="sig-paren">)</span><a class="headerlink" href="#functions.phaseretrieval.phaserec_mba" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a></dt> +<dd><p>UNTITLED4 Summary of this function goes here +Detailed explanation goes here</p> +</dd></dl> + +<dl class="function"> +<dt id="functions.phaseretrieval.phaserec_smo"> +<code class="descclassname">functions.phaseretrieval.</code><code class="descname">phaserec_smo</code><span class="sig-paren">(</span><em>im1</em>, <em>fresnelNumber</em>, <em>settings</em><span class="sig-paren">)</span><a class="headerlink" href="#functions.phaseretrieval.phaserec_smo" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a></dt> +<dd><p>UNTITLED Summary of this function goes here +Detailed explanation goes here</p> +</dd></dl> + +</div> +<div class="section" id="module-functions.tomography"> +<span id="tomography"></span><h1>Tomography<a class="headerlink" href="#module-functions.tomography" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1> +<dl class="function"> +<dt id="functions.tomography.ringremove"> +<code class="descclassname">functions.tomography.</code><code class="descname">ringremove</code><span class="sig-paren">(</span><em>sino</em>, <em>settings</em><span class="sig-paren">)</span><a class="headerlink" href="#functions.tomography.ringremove" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a></dt> +<dd><p>this function can be used to remove ring artifacts in tomographic +reconstructions by reducing the amount of horizontal lines in the given +sinogram</p> </dd></dl> </div> @@ -141,6 +166,7 @@ y-dimension before reconstruction</li> <p class="caption"><span class="caption-text">Dies ist ein Test</span></p> <ul class="current"> <li class="toctree-l1 current"><a class="current reference internal" href="#">Phase Retrieval</a></li> +<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="#module-functions.tomography">Tomography</a></li> </ul> <div class="relations"> diff --git a/docs/build/html/objects.inv b/docs/build/html/objects.inv index 0d5fcde6d5ffebac066dd6ea3a1a949a24e3335b..0f89c5119b074248f56849c96b5a5bd0dbee6f74 100644 --- a/docs/build/html/objects.inv +++ b/docs/build/html/objects.inv @@ -2,5 +2,4 @@ # Project: HoloTomoToolbox # Version: # The remainder of this file is compressed using zlib. -xÚM -Â0…÷=ňn+vÛèB\JšL É”&•ºó^Ï“Ø4D[qÈÌ|oò^òVs[‘6˺d´M…&A1›*DH\!Y¶,’óÄQþ‡j5QùfüKJ~æ66ò‹ƒu¥v`¬Hû JˆÝƒ»FoLwЈ8¡ä¤,Áš$Iõ‡dFÝãv7ÐZ…Ú2gbyãU#W°sîaҌ闿iŠ‰/™êkþ¡ÿ_ŸÎ kx9Uøž‡~¾cFOSg°Ý \ No newline at end of file +xÚ¥MNÃ0…÷9Å ºMÔn{‚²@ªh¥.‘cO~$ÛÙ“ªÝq ®ÇIˆk™$¢‚ vñÌû^Þ¼ª·’[²¾èáÑ!»ÏBƒ¼5¤z° -Ê¢a£WgÕj=£â0ÿ NOù*¹º9%åŒ&¦ÿ7ñ†–›0ªèšëÒöîšÁµ¶vh茿%ѶVá<«í°A ùÒô¦ƒ§ð™2E2ˆ&ŠjI v¤é8$9é’.oï 7hY„YÌ0µš¤‚}è^RïSõW¾ùßRwnê®yZÄ=Çfãu…“Íœˆ³(>Äý^Ô˜}ço!1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/build/html/search.html b/docs/build/html/search.html index 33fa615d880486f07387519db2783f2704938872..5f37cee7bc83288315ce26aca62afdfd1f8a903f 100644 --- a/docs/build/html/search.html +++ b/docs/build/html/search.html @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ <p class="caption"><span class="caption-text">Dies ist ein Test</span></p> <ul> <li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="matlab.html">Phase Retrieval</a></li> +<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="matlab.html#module-functions.tomography">Tomography</a></li> </ul> <div class="relations"> diff --git a/docs/build/html/searchindex.js b/docs/build/html/searchindex.js index 853063554ceeb991fe065e5cc0bc9eaa0e1f923e..e6aa983de458867b20cd118b2d06afaa2bc475a3 100644 --- a/docs/build/html/searchindex.js +++ b/docs/build/html/searchindex.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -Search.setIndex({docnames:["index","matlab"],envversion:53,filenames:["index.rst","matlab.rst"],objects:{"functions.phaseretrieval":{phaserec_ctf:[1,1,1,""]},functions:{phaseretrieval:[1,0,0,"-"]}},objnames:{"0":["mat","module","MATLAB module"],"1":["mat","function","MATLAB function"]},objtypes:{"0":"mat:module","1":"mat:function"},terms:{"default":1,"function":1,"return":1,"true":1,Dies:0,The:1,absorpt:1,acquir:1,addit:1,along:1,also:1,amount:1,approach:1,arrai:1,asdf:[],asdfasdfasdf:[],assign:1,assum:1,astigmat:1,autofunct:[],automodul:[],base:1,befor:1,betadeltaratio:1,between:1,bla:[],block:[],blubb:[],bone:1,cell:1,cloeten:1,code:[],colorbar:1,colormap:1,contain:1,correspond:1,ctf:1,deviat:1,dicti:1,dicty_sketch_2048x2048:1,dimens:1,dummi:[],ein:0,empti:1,exampl:1,fals:1,figur:1,fix:1,four:1,frequenc:1,fresn:1,fresnel:1,from:1,high:1,holo:1,hologram:1,homogen:1,imag:1,imagesc:1,index:0,input:1,invers:1,ist:0,lim1:1,lim2:1,load:1,low:1,mat:1,matlab:[],modul:0,name:1,note:1,number:1,numer:1,object:1,one:1,option:1,other:1,pad:1,padi:1,padx:1,page:0,paramet:1,peter:1,phantom:1,phase:0,phase_reconstruct:[],phaserec:1,phaserec_ctf:1,phaserec_mba:1,phaseretriev:1,phasetru:1,pixel:1,possibl:1,pure:1,rand:1,ratio:1,reconstruct:1,regularis:1,replic:1,result:1,retriev:0,same:1,search:0,see:1,set:1,sever:1,shift:1,simset:1,simulatehologram:1,simulatelinear:1,size:1,structur:1,symmetr:1,test:0,type:1,valu:1,vector:1,were:1,which:1},titles:["Welcome to HoloTomoToolbox\u2019s documentation!","Phase Retrieval"],titleterms:{"function":[],api:[],document:0,holotomotoolbox:0,indic:0,matlab:[],phase:1,retriev:1,tabl:0,welcom:0}}) \ No newline at end of file +Search.setIndex({docnames:["index","matlab"],envversion:53,filenames:["index.rst","matlab.rst"],objects:{"functions.phaseretrieval":{phaserec_ctf:[1,1,1,""],phaserec_mba:[1,1,1,""],phaserec_smo:[1,1,1,""]},"functions.tomography":{ringremove:[1,1,1,""]},functions:{phaseretrieval:[1,0,0,"-"],tomography:[1,0,0,"-"]}},objnames:{"0":["mat","module","MATLAB module"],"1":["mat","function","MATLAB 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to HoloTomoToolbox\u2019s documentation!","Phase Retrieval"],titleterms:{"function":[],api:[],document:0,holotomotoolbox:0,indic:0,matlab:[],phase:1,retriev:1,tabl:0,tomographi:1,welcom:0}}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/source/matlab.rst b/docs/source/matlab.rst index d9789a905d136a4fa80f409439dc31598e35eb6e..06f25958c307168a624a0d0c7cbc9b14f1d153d0 100644 --- a/docs/source/matlab.rst +++ b/docs/source/matlab.rst @@ -7,3 +7,13 @@ Phase Retrieval .. automodule:: functions.phaseretrieval .. autofunction:: phaserec_ctf +.. autofunction:: phaserec_mba +.. autofunction:: phaserec_smo + +########## +Tomography +########## + +.. automodule:: functions.tomography + +.. autofunction:: ringremove diff --git a/functions/tomography/alignProfiles.m b/functions/tomography/alignProfiles.m index a4850e8a7b59e8556ec44b4c2b27098d751f32c1..c8fd058dcc279a930f65fee743c3bc03568a592e 100755 --- a/functions/tomography/alignProfiles.m +++ b/functions/tomography/alignProfiles.m @@ -1,73 +1,73 @@ -function shiftval = alignProfiles(profToAlign,profReference,settings) -% Aligns two 1D signals and returns the shift between them - -% profToAlign will be shifted with stepsize (subpixel) between -range and -% +range. The squared difference or standard deviation is calculated for each shift and the position of -% minimal error is returned. -% -% Calculation is performed recursively with decreasing stepsize and -% range until the stepsize is smaller than the accuracy. -% If the inital range is to small it will be enlarged. - - -if nargin<3 - settings=struct; -end - -defaults.method = 'diff'; - -defaults.accuracy=0.01; -defaults.range=20; -defaults.stepsize=0; -defaults.offset=0; - -if (nargin == 0) - shiftval=defaults; - return -end - -settings=completeStruct(settings, defaults); - -% dependent settings -if settings.stepsize == 0 - settings.stepsize = settings.range/20; -end - - -% shifts to try out -shifts = -settings.range+settings.offset:settings.stepsize:settings.range+settings.offset; - -err = zeros(numel(shifts),1); -for iShift=1:numel(shifts) - profShifted = circshiftSubPixel(profToAlign,[shifts(iShift) 0]); - switch settings.method - case 'diff' - err(iShift) = sum((profReference(ceil(settings.range)+1:end-ceil(settings.range))-profShifted(ceil(settings.range)+1:end-ceil(settings.range))).^2); - case 'std' - err(iShift) = sum(std([profReference(ceil(settings.range)+1:end-ceil(settings.range)) profShifted(ceil(settings.range)+1:end-ceil(settings.range))],0,2)); - end -end - -% if multiple minima exist, take the mean value of them -shiftvals = shifts(err==min(err)); -shiftval = mean(shiftvals); - -if sum(abs(shiftvals) == abs(settings.range))>=1 - % if minimum value is on the edge of the range, enlarge the range by a factor of 2 to - % ensure that it is a real minimum - disp (['enlarging range to ', num2str(settings.range*2)]) - settings.range=settings.range*2; - shiftval = alignProfiles(profToAlign,profReference,settings); -else - % value was not on the edge, increase accuracy by decreasing - % stepsize by a factor of 5; use current guess as offset - if settings.stepsize>settings.accuracy - settings.range=settings.range/5; - settings.stepsize=settings.stepsize/5; - settings.offset=shiftval; - shiftval = alignProfiles(profToAlign,profReference,settings); - end -end - -end - +function shiftval = alignProfiles(profToAlign,profReference,settings) +% Aligns two 1D signals and returns the shift between them + +% profToAlign will be shifted with stepsize (subpixel) between -range and +% +range. The squared difference or standard deviation is calculated for each shift and the position of +% minimal error is returned. +% +% Calculation is performed recursively with decreasing stepsize and +% range until the stepsize is smaller than the accuracy. +% If the inital range is to small it will be enlarged. + + +if nargin<3 + settings=struct; +end + +defaults.method = 'diff'; + +defaults.accuracy=0.01; +defaults.range=20; +defaults.stepsize=0; +defaults.offset=0; + +if (nargin == 0) + shiftval=defaults; + return +end + +settings=completeStruct(settings, defaults); + +% dependent settings +if settings.stepsize == 0 + settings.stepsize = settings.range/20; +end + + +% shifts to try out +shifts = -settings.range+settings.offset:settings.stepsize:settings.range+settings.offset; + +err = zeros(numel(shifts),1); +for iShift=1:numel(shifts) + profShifted = circshiftSubPixel(profToAlign,[shifts(iShift) 0]); + switch settings.method + case 'diff' + err(iShift) = sum((profReference(ceil(settings.range)+1:end-ceil(settings.range))-profShifted(ceil(settings.range)+1:end-ceil(settings.range))).^2); + case 'std' + err(iShift) = sum(std([profReference(ceil(settings.range)+1:end-ceil(settings.range)) profShifted(ceil(settings.range)+1:end-ceil(settings.range))],0,2)); + end +end + +% if multiple minima exist, take the mean value of them +shiftvals = shifts(err==min(err)); +shiftval = mean(shiftvals); + +if sum(abs(shiftvals) == abs(settings.range))>=1 + % if minimum value is on the edge of the range, enlarge the range by a factor of 2 to + % ensure that it is a real minimum + disp (['enlarging range to ', num2str(settings.range*2)]) + settings.range=settings.range*2; + shiftval = alignProfiles(profToAlign,profReference,settings); +else + % value was not on the edge, increase accuracy by decreasing + % stepsize by a factor of 5; use current guess as offset + if settings.stepsize>settings.accuracy + settings.range=settings.range/5; + settings.stepsize=settings.stepsize/5; + settings.offset=shiftval; + shiftval = alignProfiles(profToAlign,profReference,settings); + end +end + +end + diff --git a/functions/tomography/astraConeProjection.m b/functions/tomography/astraConeProjection.m index 3cdcbe3e32a7d13c14e97c144fde2f59f9db5ae7..7c567d9937fc2e2ca30c4a38a71a2aca6b3f90bf 100755 --- a/functions/tomography/astraConeProjection.m +++ b/functions/tomography/astraConeProjection.m @@ -1,65 +1,65 @@ -function projs = astraConeProjection(vol,tomoAngles,z01,z02,dx,dx_eff,settings) -% uses the Astra Toolbox to create projections of a given volume in -% cone-beam geometry -% -% Important: z01, z02, dx and dx_eff must have the same dimensions (e.g. -% all mm or all m) - -% -% Optional settings to be passed as 7th argument (and defaults) -% -% outputSize - size of the projections (default: size of projections of Matlab's radon) -% radonOrientation - should orientation of Matlab's radon and ASTRA -% coincide? (1=true) -% -% author: Martin Krenkel and Mareike Toepperwien -% credits go to programmers of the Astra Toolbox - - if (nargin < 7) - settings = struct; - end - - % defaults - defaults.outputSize = 0; % size of the projections, the default of 0 results in the same size as the output of Matlab's radon transform - defaults.radonOrientation = 1; % returns projections with the same orientation as Matlab's radon transform - - % return default settings - if (nargin == 0) - projs=defaults; - return - end - - settings = completeStruct(settings, defaults); - - % dependent settings - if settings.outputSize == 0 - % as in radon - sizeProjs = 2*ceil(norm([size(vol,1) size(vol,2)]-floor(([size(vol,1) size(vol,2)]-1)/2)-1))+3; - settings.outputSize = [size(vol,1) sizeProjs]; - end - - M = z02/z01; - - if (nargin < 6) - dx_eff = dx/M; - end - -%% here it starts -if settings.radonOrientation==1 - vol = permute(vol,[2 1 3]); -end -% volume geometry -volGeom = astra_create_vol_geom(size(vol,2),size(vol,1),size(vol,3)); - -% Create a data object for the projection -projGeom = astra_create_proj_geom('cone', M, M, settings.outputSize(1), settings.outputSize(2), -tomoAngles/180*pi, z01/dx_eff, (z02-z01)/dx_eff); - -[projID, projs] = astra_create_sino3d_cuda(vol, projGeom, volGeom); - -% Clean up -astra_mex_data3d('delete', projID); - -projs = permute(projs,[3 1 2]); - -end - +function projs = astraConeProjection(vol,tomoAngles,z01,z02,dx,dx_eff,settings) +% uses the Astra Toolbox to create projections of a given volume in +% cone-beam geometry +% +% Important: z01, z02, dx and dx_eff must have the same dimensions (e.g. +% all mm or all m) + +% +% Optional settings to be passed as 7th argument (and defaults) +% +% outputSize - size of the projections (default: size of projections of Matlab's radon) +% radonOrientation - should orientation of Matlab's radon and ASTRA +% coincide? (1=true) +% +% author: Martin Krenkel and Mareike Toepperwien +% credits go to programmers of the Astra Toolbox + + if (nargin < 7) + settings = struct; + end + + % defaults + defaults.outputSize = 0; % size of the projections, the default of 0 results in the same size as the output of Matlab's radon transform + defaults.radonOrientation = 1; % returns projections with the same orientation as Matlab's radon transform + + % return default settings + if (nargin == 0) + projs=defaults; + return + end + + settings = completeStruct(settings, defaults); + + % dependent settings + if settings.outputSize == 0 + % as in radon + sizeProjs = 2*ceil(norm([size(vol,1) size(vol,2)]-floor(([size(vol,1) size(vol,2)]-1)/2)-1))+3; + settings.outputSize = [size(vol,1) sizeProjs]; + end + + M = z02/z01; + + if (nargin < 6) + dx_eff = dx/M; + end + +%% here it starts +if settings.radonOrientation==1 + vol = permute(vol,[2 1 3]); +end +% volume geometry +volGeom = astra_create_vol_geom(size(vol,2),size(vol,1),size(vol,3)); + +% Create a data object for the projection +projGeom = astra_create_proj_geom('cone', M, M, settings.outputSize(1), settings.outputSize(2), -tomoAngles/180*pi, z01/dx_eff, (z02-z01)/dx_eff); + +[projID, projs] = astra_create_sino3d_cuda(vol, projGeom, volGeom); + +% Clean up +astra_mex_data3d('delete', projID); + +projs = permute(projs,[3 1 2]); + +end + diff --git a/functions/tomography/astraFDK.m b/functions/tomography/astraFDK.m index d5ee43703f3bb2f413ac414c9b9a7ac5d905a611..793c1a5332531411716c471a2f175a08f8010e5d 100755 --- a/functions/tomography/astraFDK.m +++ b/functions/tomography/astraFDK.m @@ -1,95 +1,95 @@ -function [vol] = astraFDK( projs,tomoAngles,z01,z02,dx,dx_eff,settings) -% uses the Astra Toolbox to perform FDK reconstruction -% -% usage: vol = astraFDK( projs,tomoAngles,z01,z02,dx,dx_eff,settings) -% -% Important: z01, z02, dx and dx_eff must have the same dimensions (e.g. -% all mm or all m) -% -% If the reconstruction anyway looks weird try to change the sign of -% tomoAngles. -% -% Optional settings to be passed as 7th argument (and defaults) -% -% outputSize - size of reconstructed slices (0 = automatic) -% shortScan - scan was not from 0 to 360° (0=false) -% numSlices - number of slices to be reconstructed (1) -% offset - offset to central slice of detector (0) -% iradonOrientation - should orientation of Matlab's iradon and ASTRA -% coincide? (1=true) -% -% authors: Martin Krenkel and Mareike Töpperwien -% credits go to programmers of the Astra Toolbox - - if (nargin < 7) - settings = struct; - end - - % defaults - defaults.outputSize = 0; - defaults.shortScan = 1; - defaults.numSlices = 1; - defaults.offset=0; - defaults.iradonOrientation = 1; - - % return default settings - if (nargin == 0) - vol=defaults; - return - end - - settings = completeStruct(settings, defaults); - - - % dependent settings - if settings.outputSize == 0 - % as in iradon - settings.outputSize = 2*floor(numel(tomoAngles)/(2*sqrt(2))); - end - - %% check usage - if numel(tomoAngles) ~= size(projs,3) - error('Number of tomographic angles does not match number of projections'); - end - -%% here it starts - -% volume geometry -% sizeY, sizeX, sizeZ, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ - -volGeom = astra_create_vol_geom(settings.outputSize, settings.outputSize, settings.numSlices, -settings.outputSize/2, settings.outputSize/2, -settings.outputSize/2, settings.outputSize/2, settings.offset-floor(settings.numSlices/2), settings.offset+ceil(settings.numSlices/2)); - -% create a projection geometry and load data into memory -M = dx/dx_eff; - -% keyboard; -projGeom = astra_create_proj_geom('cone', M, M, size(projs,1), size(projs,2), -tomoAngles/180*pi, z01/dx_eff, (z02-z01)/dx_eff); -projID = astra_mex_data3d('create', '-proj3d', projGeom, permute(projs,[2 3 1])); -% Create a data object for the reconstruction -recID = astra_mex_data3d('create', '-vol', volGeom); - -% Set up the parameters for a reconstruction algorithm using the GPU -cfg = astra_struct('FDK_CUDA'); -cfg.ReconstructionDataId = recID; -cfg.ProjectionDataId = projID; -cfg.option.ShortScan = settings.shortScan; - -% Create the algorithm object from the configuration structure -algID = astra_mex_algorithm('create', cfg); -% astra_mex_algorithm('run', algID, 1); -astra_mex_algorithm('iterate', algID, 1); -% Get the result -vol = astra_mex_data3d('get', recID); - -% same orientation as iradon -if settings.iradonOrientation==1 - vol=permute(vol,[2 1 3]); -end - -% Clean up -astra_mex_algorithm('delete', algID); -astra_mex_data3d('delete', recID); -astra_mex_data3d('delete', projID); - -end - +function [vol] = astraFDK( projs,tomoAngles,z01,z02,dx,dx_eff,settings) +% uses the Astra Toolbox to perform FDK reconstruction +% +% usage: vol = astraFDK( projs,tomoAngles,z01,z02,dx,dx_eff,settings) +% +% Important: z01, z02, dx and dx_eff must have the same dimensions (e.g. +% all mm or all m) +% +% If the reconstruction anyway looks weird try to change the sign of +% tomoAngles. +% +% Optional settings to be passed as 7th argument (and defaults) +% +% outputSize - size of reconstructed slices (0 = automatic) +% shortScan - scan was not from 0 to 360° (0=false) +% numSlices - number of slices to be reconstructed (1) +% offset - offset to central slice of detector (0) +% iradonOrientation - should orientation of Matlab's iradon and ASTRA +% coincide? (1=true) +% +% authors: Martin Krenkel and Mareike Töpperwien +% credits go to programmers of the Astra Toolbox + + if (nargin < 7) + settings = struct; + end + + % defaults + defaults.outputSize = 0; + defaults.shortScan = 1; + defaults.numSlices = 1; + defaults.offset=0; + defaults.iradonOrientation = 1; + + % return default settings + if (nargin == 0) + vol=defaults; + return + end + + settings = completeStruct(settings, defaults); + + + % dependent settings + if settings.outputSize == 0 + % as in iradon + settings.outputSize = 2*floor(numel(tomoAngles)/(2*sqrt(2))); + end + + %% check usage + if numel(tomoAngles) ~= size(projs,3) + error('Number of tomographic angles does not match number of projections'); + end + +%% here it starts + +% volume geometry +% sizeY, sizeX, sizeZ, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ + +volGeom = astra_create_vol_geom(settings.outputSize, settings.outputSize, settings.numSlices, -settings.outputSize/2, settings.outputSize/2, -settings.outputSize/2, settings.outputSize/2, settings.offset-floor(settings.numSlices/2), settings.offset+ceil(settings.numSlices/2)); + +% create a projection geometry and load data into memory +M = dx/dx_eff; + +% keyboard; +projGeom = astra_create_proj_geom('cone', M, M, size(projs,1), size(projs,2), -tomoAngles/180*pi, z01/dx_eff, (z02-z01)/dx_eff); +projID = astra_mex_data3d('create', '-proj3d', projGeom, permute(projs,[2 3 1])); +% Create a data object for the reconstruction +recID = astra_mex_data3d('create', '-vol', volGeom); + +% Set up the parameters for a reconstruction algorithm using the GPU +cfg = astra_struct('FDK_CUDA'); +cfg.ReconstructionDataId = recID; +cfg.ProjectionDataId = projID; +cfg.option.ShortScan = settings.shortScan; + +% Create the algorithm object from the configuration structure +algID = astra_mex_algorithm('create', cfg); +% astra_mex_algorithm('run', algID, 1); +astra_mex_algorithm('iterate', algID, 1); +% Get the result +vol = astra_mex_data3d('get', recID); + +% same orientation as iradon +if settings.iradonOrientation==1 + vol=permute(vol,[2 1 3]); +end + +% Clean up +astra_mex_algorithm('delete', algID); +astra_mex_data3d('delete', recID); +astra_mex_data3d('delete', projID); + +end + diff --git a/functions/tomography/checkRotaxis.m b/functions/tomography/checkRotaxis.m index 91dfbba4b997a3a3984680e3c71d0772a911c5f8..8fe0ab4e1409ef57ec58c13a05345cd66459a386 100755 --- a/functions/tomography/checkRotaxis.m +++ b/functions/tomography/checkRotaxis.m @@ -1,55 +1,56 @@ -function result = checkRotaxis(proj0deg,proj180deg,settings) - -% Compares two images which were recorded at an angular difference of 180°; one of the images is -% flipped around the vertical axis; if the rotation axis is in the center -% of the detector, both images should cancel each other out; in case of a -% misaligned rotation axis, the images have to be shifted against each other -% by the distance of the actual rotation axis to the center of the detector - -% Optional settings to be passed as 3rd argument -% -% shiftx - horizontal shift needed so that the images cancel each -% other out -% shifty - vertical shift needed so that the images cancel each -% other out (this should be zero as otherwise the sample moved in vertical direction during the acquisition) -% tiltAngle - tilt angle of the detector with respect to the rotation -% axis -% cutoff - cuts away the specified number of pixels from the edges of -% the images - -if nargin<3 - settings=struct; -end - -defaults.shiftx = 0; -defaults.shifty = 0; -defaults.tiltAngle = 0; -defaults.cutoff = 0; - -if (nargin == 0) - result = defaults; - return -end - -settings=completeStruct(settings, defaults); - -% rotate the projections -if settings.tiltAngle~=0 - proj0deg = imrotate(proj0deg,settings.tiltAngle,'bilinear','crop'); - proj180deg = imrotate(proj180deg,settings.tiltAngle,'bilinear','crop'); -end - -% shift the projections -if mod(settings.shiftx,1)==0 || mod(settings.shifty,1)==0 - proj0deg = circshiftSubPixel(proj0deg,[0 -settings.shiftx]); - proj180deg = circshiftSubPixel(proj180deg,[settings.shifty -settings.shiftx]); -else - proj0deg = circshiftSubPixel(proj0deg,[0 -settings.shiftx]); - proj180deg = circshiftSubPixel(proj180deg,[settings.shifty -settings.shiftx]); -end - -% show the difference between the first projection and the second -% projection (vertically flipped) -result = proj0deg(settings.cutoff+1:end-settings.cutoff,settings.cutoff+1:end-settings.cutoff)-fliplr(proj180deg(settings.cutoff+1:end-settings.cutoff,settings.cutoff+1:end-settings.cutoff)); - -end \ No newline at end of file +function result = checkRotaxis(proj0deg,proj180deg,settings) + +% Compares two images which were recorded at an angular difference of 180°; one of the images is +% flipped around the vertical axis; if the rotation axis is in the center +% of the detector, both images should cancel each other out; in case of a +% misaligned rotation axis, the images have to be shifted against each other +% by the distance of the actual rotation axis to the center of the detector + +% Optional settings to be passed as 3rd argument +% +% shiftx - horizontal shift needed so that the images cancel each +% other out +% shifty - vertical shift needed so that the images cancel each +% other out (this should be zero as otherwise the sample moved in vertical direction during the acquisition) +% tiltAngle - tilt angle of the detector with respect to the rotation +% axis +% cutoff - cuts away the specified number of pixels from the edges of +% the images + +if nargin<3 + settings=struct; +end + +defaults.shiftx = 0; +defaults.shifty = 0; +defaults.tiltAngle = 0; +defaults.cutoff = 0; + +if (nargin == 0) + result = defaults; + return +end + +settings=completeStruct(settings, defaults); + +% rotate the projections +if settings.tiltAngle~=0 + proj0deg = imrotate(proj0deg,settings.tiltAngle,'bilinear','crop'); + proj180deg = imrotate(proj180deg,settings.tiltAngle,'bilinear','crop'); +end + +% shift the projections +if mod(settings.shiftx,1)==0 || mod(settings.shifty,1)==0 + proj0deg = circshiftSubPixel(proj0deg,[0 -settings.shiftx]); + proj180deg = circshiftSubPixel(proj180deg,[settings.shifty -settings.shiftx]); +else + proj0deg = circshiftSubPixel(proj0deg,[0 -settings.shiftx]); + proj180deg = circshiftSubPixel(proj180deg,[settings.shifty -settings.shiftx]); +end + +% show the difference between the first projection and the second +% projection (vertically flipped) +result = proj0deg(settings.cutoff+1:end-settings.cutoff,settings.cutoff+1:end-settings.cutoff)-fliplr(proj180deg(settings.cutoff+1:end-settings.cutoff,settings.cutoff+1:end-settings.cutoff)); + +end + diff --git a/functions/tomography/create3Dphantom.m b/functions/tomography/create3Dphantom.m index a398603427d3c673ef9ba3bc779bd1708f49f024..a98b206ea841e362575720d506f6311283d1b953 100755 --- a/functions/tomography/create3Dphantom.m +++ b/functions/tomography/create3Dphantom.m @@ -1,102 +1,102 @@ -function phantom = create3Dphantom(outputSize,settings) - -% this function creates a 3D phantom in which a specified number of objects -% with a specified size and geometry are positioned; the positions of these -% objects can be either predefined or random and also the additive strength -% of each object can be chosen as a fixed or random value - -%{ -% Example: create a phantom with spheres of random size and strength -settings=create3Dphantom; -settings.geometry='sphere'; -settings.numObjects=30; -settings.objectStrength=1; -settings.distrStrength='random'; -settings.sizeObjects=100; -settings.distrSize='random'; -phantom=create3Dphantom(512,settings); - -figure; imagesc(phantom(:,:,randi(size(phantom,3)))); colorbar; - -%} - - -if (nargin < 2) - settings = struct; -end - -% defaults -defaults.sizeObjects = 0; % size of the objects; 0 leads to a size of 1/10 of the outputSize -defaults.distrSize = 'fixed'; % switch between 'fixed' for fixed size or 'random' with a random size distribution with maximum settings.sizeObjects and minimum (settings.sizeObjects)/2 -defaults.numObjects = 10; % number of objects within the 3D volume -defaults.geometry = 'sphere'; % geometry of the object; choices: sphere, cube and cylinder (with a random orientation along the three main axes) -defaults.positions = 0; % positions of the object in space; 0 leads to a random distribution -defaults.objectStrength = 1; % additive strength of the objects; -defaults.distrStrength = 'fixed'; % switch between 'fixed' for fixed object strength or 'random' with a random strength between settings.objectStrength and (settings.objectStrength)/2 for each object - -% return default settings -if (nargin == 0) - phantom=defaults; - return -end - -settings = completeStruct(settings, defaults); - -% set size of the objects to 1/10 of the output size if no other settings -% were specified -if settings.sizeObjects == 0 - settings.sizeObjects = floor(outputSize/10); -end - -% determine the radius for each of the objects (either random or fixed value) -if strcmp(settings.distrSize,'random') - radius=(settings.sizeObjects-rand(settings.numObjects,1)*0.5*settings.sizeObjects)/2; -else - radius=(repmat(settings.sizeObjects,[settings.numObjects 1]))/2; -end - - -% determine the additive strength for each of the objects (either random or fixed value) -if strcmp(settings.distrStrength,'random') - delta=settings.objectStrength-rand(settings.numObjects,1)*0.5*settings.objectStrength; -else - delta=repmat(settings.objectStrength,[settings.numObjects 1]); -end - -% determine random positions of objects within the 3D array if no positions -% were given -if settings.positions == 0 - settings.positions = floor((rand(settings.numObjects,3))*(outputSize-2*max(radius)))+max(radius); -end - -% create 3D object -phantom = zeros(outputSize,outputSize,outputSize,'single'); -[X,Y,Z]=meshgrid(1:outputSize); - -% place the individual objects on their positions in the 3D volume -for objectIdx=1:settings.numObjects - % position of the center of the object - posX = settings.positions(objectIdx,1); - posY = settings.positions(objectIdx,2); - posZ = settings.positions(objectIdx,3); - - switch settings.geometry - case 'sphere' - phantom(((X-posX).^2+(Y-posY).^2+(Z-posZ).^2)<=radius(objectIdx)^2)=phantom(((X-posX).^2+(Y-posY).^2+(Z-posZ).^2)<=radius(objectIdx)^2)+delta(objectIdx); - case 'cube' - phantom((abs(X-posX)<radius(objectIdx))&(abs(Y-posY)<radius(objectIdx))&(abs(Z-posZ)<radius(objectIdx)))=phantom((abs(X-posX)<radius(objectIdx))&(abs(Y-posY)<radius(objectIdx))&(abs(Z-posZ)<radius(objectIdx)))+delta(objectIdx); - case 'cylinder' - orientation = rand*3; % determine orientation of the cylinder - if orientation < 1 - phantom((((Y-posY).^2+(Z-posZ).^2)<=radius(objectIdx)^2)&(abs(X-posX)<radius(objectIdx)))=phantom((((Y-posY).^2+(Z-posZ).^2)<=radius(objectIdx)^2)&(abs(X-posX)<radius(objectIdx)))+delta(objectIdx); - elseif orientation < 2 - phantom((((X-posX).^2+(Z-posZ).^2)<=radius(objectIdx)^2)&(abs(Y-posY)<radius(objectIdx)))=phantom((((X-posX).^2+(Z-posZ).^2)<=radius(objectIdx)^2)&(abs(Y-posY)<radius(objectIdx)))+delta(objectIdx); - else - phantom((((Y-posY).^2+(X-posX).^2)<=radius(objectIdx)^2)&(abs(Z-posZ)<radius(objectIdx)))=phantom((((Y-posY).^2+(X-posX).^2)<=radius(objectIdx)^2)&(abs(Z-posZ)<radius(objectIdx)))+delta(objectIdx); - end - otherwise - error('Geometry not known: possible values are sphere, cube or cylinder') - end -end - -end +function phantom = create3Dphantom(outputSize,settings) + +% this function creates a 3D phantom in which a specified number of objects +% with a specified size and geometry are positioned; the positions of these +% objects can be either predefined or random and also the additive strength +% of each object can be chosen as a fixed or random value + +%{ +% Example: create a phantom with spheres of random size and strength +settings=create3Dphantom; +settings.geometry='sphere'; +settings.numObjects=30; +settings.objectStrength=1; +settings.distrStrength='random'; +settings.sizeObjects=100; +settings.distrSize='random'; +phantom=create3Dphantom(512,settings); + +figure; imagesc(phantom(:,:,randi(size(phantom,3)))); colorbar; + +%} + + +if (nargin < 2) + settings = struct; +end + +% defaults +defaults.sizeObjects = 0; % size of the objects; 0 leads to a size of 1/10 of the outputSize +defaults.distrSize = 'fixed'; % switch between 'fixed' for fixed size or 'random' with a random size distribution with maximum settings.sizeObjects and minimum (settings.sizeObjects)/2 +defaults.numObjects = 10; % number of objects within the 3D volume +defaults.geometry = 'sphere'; % geometry of the object; choices: sphere, cube and cylinder (with a random orientation along the three main axes) +defaults.positions = 0; % positions of the object in space; 0 leads to a random distribution +defaults.objectStrength = 1; % additive strength of the objects; +defaults.distrStrength = 'fixed'; % switch between 'fixed' for fixed object strength or 'random' with a random strength between settings.objectStrength and (settings.objectStrength)/2 for each object + +% return default settings +if (nargin == 0) + phantom=defaults; + return +end + +settings = completeStruct(settings, defaults); + +% set size of the objects to 1/10 of the output size if no other settings +% were specified +if settings.sizeObjects == 0 + settings.sizeObjects = floor(outputSize/10); +end + +% determine the radius for each of the objects (either random or fixed value) +if strcmp(settings.distrSize,'random') + radius=(settings.sizeObjects-rand(settings.numObjects,1)*0.5*settings.sizeObjects)/2; +else + radius=(repmat(settings.sizeObjects,[settings.numObjects 1]))/2; +end + + +% determine the additive strength for each of the objects (either random or fixed value) +if strcmp(settings.distrStrength,'random') + delta=settings.objectStrength-rand(settings.numObjects,1)*0.5*settings.objectStrength; +else + delta=repmat(settings.objectStrength,[settings.numObjects 1]); +end + +% determine random positions of objects within the 3D array if no positions +% were given +if settings.positions == 0 + settings.positions = floor((rand(settings.numObjects,3))*(outputSize-2*max(radius)))+max(radius); +end + +% create 3D object +phantom = zeros(outputSize,outputSize,outputSize,'single'); +[X,Y,Z]=meshgrid(1:outputSize); + +% place the individual objects on their positions in the 3D volume +for objectIdx=1:settings.numObjects + % position of the center of the object + posX = settings.positions(objectIdx,1); + posY = settings.positions(objectIdx,2); + posZ = settings.positions(objectIdx,3); + + switch settings.geometry + case 'sphere' + phantom(((X-posX).^2+(Y-posY).^2+(Z-posZ).^2)<=radius(objectIdx)^2)=phantom(((X-posX).^2+(Y-posY).^2+(Z-posZ).^2)<=radius(objectIdx)^2)+delta(objectIdx); + case 'cube' + phantom((abs(X-posX)<radius(objectIdx))&(abs(Y-posY)<radius(objectIdx))&(abs(Z-posZ)<radius(objectIdx)))=phantom((abs(X-posX)<radius(objectIdx))&(abs(Y-posY)<radius(objectIdx))&(abs(Z-posZ)<radius(objectIdx)))+delta(objectIdx); + case 'cylinder' + orientation = rand*3; % determine orientation of the cylinder + if orientation < 1 + phantom((((Y-posY).^2+(Z-posZ).^2)<=radius(objectIdx)^2)&(abs(X-posX)<radius(objectIdx)))=phantom((((Y-posY).^2+(Z-posZ).^2)<=radius(objectIdx)^2)&(abs(X-posX)<radius(objectIdx)))+delta(objectIdx); + elseif orientation < 2 + phantom((((X-posX).^2+(Z-posZ).^2)<=radius(objectIdx)^2)&(abs(Y-posY)<radius(objectIdx)))=phantom((((X-posX).^2+(Z-posZ).^2)<=radius(objectIdx)^2)&(abs(Y-posY)<radius(objectIdx)))+delta(objectIdx); + else + phantom((((Y-posY).^2+(X-posX).^2)<=radius(objectIdx)^2)&(abs(Z-posZ)<radius(objectIdx)))=phantom((((Y-posY).^2+(X-posX).^2)<=radius(objectIdx)^2)&(abs(Z-posZ)<radius(objectIdx)))+delta(objectIdx); + end + otherwise + error('Geometry not known: possible values are sphere, cube or cylinder') + end +end + +end diff --git a/functions/tomography/radon3Darray.m b/functions/tomography/radon3Darray.m index 87bf0ad522f5d72b1edd6cf24c2df8187b15928a..e93eccc29f221bda56349640dca4737fe85111f6 100755 --- a/functions/tomography/radon3Darray.m +++ b/functions/tomography/radon3Darray.m @@ -1,49 +1,49 @@ -%{ -% Example: Radon-transform of a cuboid-phatom -vol = ones([132,112,84]); -vol = padarray(vol, ([200,200,200]-size(vol))/2); -angles = (0:179); -settings.rotationAxis = 1; -projs = radon3Darray(vol, angles, settings); - -figure; imagesc(projs(:,:,randi(numel(angles)))); colorbar; - -%} - -function projs = radon3Darray(vol, tomoAngles, settings) -% performs the radon transform for an entire 3d object along a specified axis via a for-loop -% over the respective dimension of the object; this results in 2d projections as -%, e.g., acquired by area detectors - -if (nargin < 3) - settings = struct; -end - -% defaults -defaults.outputSize = 0; % size of the projections, the default of 0 results in the default size of Matlab's radon transform -defaults.rotationAxis = 3; % along which axis should the object be rotated; 1: along y-axis, 2: along x-axis, 3: along z-axis - -% return default settings -if (nargin == 0) - projs=defaults; - return -end - -settings = completeStruct(settings, defaults); - -% Input and output dimensions -sizeVol = size(vol); -numSlices = sizeVol(settings.rotationAxis); -if settings.outputSize == 0 - sizeSlice = sizeVol(setdiff([1,2,3], settings.rotationAxis)); - settings.outputSize = 2*ceil(norm(sizeSlice-floor((sizeSlice-1)/2)-1))+3; -end - -% Compute Radon transform for each slice -projs = zeros([numSlices, settings.outputSize, numel(tomoAngles)], class(vol)); -for sliceIdx = 1:numSlices - projs(sliceIdx,:,:) = radon(squeeze(getSlice(vol, sliceIdx, settings.rotationAxis)), tomoAngles);%, settings.outputSize); -end - -end - +%{ +% Example: Radon-transform of a cuboid-phatom +vol = ones([132,112,84]); +vol = padarray(vol, ([200,200,200]-size(vol))/2); +angles = (0:179); +settings.rotationAxis = 1; +projs = radon3Darray(vol, angles, settings); + +figure; imagesc(projs(:,:,randi(numel(angles)))); colorbar; + +%} + +function projs = radon3Darray(vol, tomoAngles, settings) +% performs the radon transform for an entire 3d object along a specified axis via a for-loop +% over the respective dimension of the object; this results in 2d projections as +%, e.g., acquired by area detectors + +if (nargin < 3) + settings = struct; +end + +% defaults +defaults.outputSize = 0; % size of the projections, the default of 0 results in the default size of Matlab's radon transform +defaults.rotationAxis = 3; % along which axis should the object be rotated; 1: along y-axis, 2: along x-axis, 3: along z-axis + +% return default settings +if (nargin == 0) + projs=defaults; + return +end + +settings = completeStruct(settings, defaults); + +% Input and output dimensions +sizeVol = size(vol); +numSlices = sizeVol(settings.rotationAxis); +if settings.outputSize == 0 + sizeSlice = sizeVol(setdiff([1,2,3], settings.rotationAxis)); + settings.outputSize = 2*ceil(norm(sizeSlice-floor((sizeSlice-1)/2)-1))+3; +end + +% Compute Radon transform for each slice +projs = zeros([numSlices, settings.outputSize, numel(tomoAngles)], class(vol)); +for sliceIdx = 1:numSlices + projs(sliceIdx,:,:) = radon(squeeze(getSlice(vol, sliceIdx, settings.rotationAxis)), tomoAngles);%, settings.outputSize); +end + +end + diff --git a/functions/tomography/ringremove.m b/functions/tomography/ringremove.m index 0e07ea6a176624f051e859c01633808107d5eca3..ccf6758bb6b771ec5d28abc9407ec91d9c957012 100755 --- a/functions/tomography/ringremove.m +++ b/functions/tomography/ringremove.m @@ -1,106 +1,106 @@ -function sinoCorrected = ringremove(sino,settings) -% this function can be used to remove ring artifacts in tomographic -% reconstructions by reducing the amount of horizontal lines in the given -% sinogram - -% ring removal is either based on the method proposed by Ketcham et al. -% (Ketcham et al., Proc. SPIE 6318:63180O (2006)), denoted as 'additive' in -% the script or on the method proposed by Muench et al. (Muench et al., -% Opt. Expr. 17(10):8567-8591 (2009)), denoted as 'wavelet' - -% large parts of the code for the wavelet-based approach are taken from the -% original paper - -if nargin<2 - settings=struct; -end - -defaults.method = 'additive'; % which ringremove method should be used? 'additive' or 'wavelet' - -defaults.additive_SmoothMethod='mean'; % smoothing method for averaged sinogram: moving averaging window ('mean'), moving median window ('median') or Gaussian filtering ('gauss') -defaults.additive_WindowSize=10; % Window size for moving averaging or median window -defaults.additive_GaussSigma=3; % sigma for the Gaussian filtering -defaults.additive_Strength=1; % strength of the subtraction of the identified stripe artifacts from the original sinogram - -defaults.wavelet_Wname='sym8'; % wavelet base to be used for the decomposition of the sinogram -defaults.wavelet_DecNum=3; % highest decomposition level -defaults.wavelet_Sigma=1; % sigma for the Gaussian filtering of the horizontal part of the sinogram in Fourier space - -if (nargin == 0) - sinoCorrected=defaults; - return -end - -settings=completeStruct(settings, defaults); - - -switch settings.method - case 'additive' - numAngles = size(sino,2); - % averaging of sinogram along the angle - sinoMean = mean(sino,2); - - % smoothing of the sinogram - switch settings.additive_SmoothMethod - case 'mean' - sinoMeanSmoothed = smoothdata(sinoMean,'movmean',settings.additive_WindowSize); - case 'median' - sinoMeanSmoothed = smoothdata(sinoMean,'movmedian',settings.additive_WindowSize); - case 'gauss' - sinoMeanSmoothed = imgaussfilt(sinoMean,settings.additive_GaussSigma); - otherwise - error('Choose between "mean", "median" and "gauss" for setting "additive_SmoothMethod"'); - end - % identification of horizontal stripes - correctionProfile = sinoMean-sinoMeanSmoothed; - % creation of 2d correction mask - correction2D = repmat(correctionProfile,[1 numAngles]); - % sinogram correction - sinoCorrected = sino-settings.additive_Strength*correction2D; - - case 'wavelet' - numAngles = size(sino,2); - sizeProjs = size(sino,1); - - % wavelet decomposition - for decompIdx=1:settings.wavelet_DecNum - [sino,Ch{decompIdx},Cv{decompIdx},Cd{decompIdx}]=dwt2(sino,settings.wavelet_Wname); - end - - % FFT transform of horizontal frequency bands - for decompIdx=1:settings.wavelet_DecNum - % FFT - fCh=fftshift(fft(Ch{decompIdx}')); - [my,mx]=size(fCh); - - % damping of horizontal stripe information - damp=1-exp(-[-floor(my/2):-floor(my/2)+my-1].^2/(2*settings.wavelet_Sigma^2)); - fCh=fCh.*repmat(damp',1,mx); - - % inverse FFT - Ch{decompIdx}=ifft(ifftshift(fCh))'; - end - - % wavelet reconstruction - sinoCorrected=sino; - for decompIdx=settings.wavelet_DecNum:-1:1 - sinoCorrected=sinoCorrected(1:size(Cv{decompIdx},1),1:size(Cv{decompIdx},2)); - sinoCorrected=idwt2(sinoCorrected,Ch{decompIdx},Cv{decompIdx},Cd{decompIdx},settings.wavelet_Wname); - end - - % make sure that corrected sinogram has the same size as the original sinogram - if size(sinoCorrected,2) == numAngles+1 - sinoCorrected = sinoCorrected(:,1:end-1); - end - if size(sinoCorrected,1) == sizeProjs+1 - sinoCorrected = sinoCorrected(1:end-1,:); - end - - otherwise - error('Choose between ringremove based on "additive" or "wavelet" correction for setting "method"'); -end - -end - - - +function sinoCorrected = ringremove(sino,settings) +% this function can be used to remove ring artifacts in tomographic +% reconstructions by reducing the amount of horizontal lines in the given +% sinogram + +% ring removal is either based on the method proposed by Ketcham et al. +% (Ketcham et al., Proc. SPIE 6318:63180O (2006)), denoted as 'additive' in +% the script or on the method proposed by Muench et al. (Muench et al., +% Opt. Expr. 17(10):8567-8591 (2009)), denoted as 'wavelet' + +% large parts of the code for the wavelet-based approach are taken from the +% original paper + +if nargin<2 + settings=struct; +end + +defaults.method = 'additive'; % which ringremove method should be used? 'additive' or 'wavelet' + +defaults.additive_SmoothMethod='mean'; % smoothing method for averaged sinogram: moving averaging window ('mean'), moving median window ('median') or Gaussian filtering ('gauss') +defaults.additive_WindowSize=10; % Window size for moving averaging or median window +defaults.additive_GaussSigma=3; % sigma for the Gaussian filtering +defaults.additive_Strength=1; % strength of the subtraction of the identified stripe artifacts from the original sinogram + +defaults.wavelet_Wname='sym8'; % wavelet base to be used for the decomposition of the sinogram +defaults.wavelet_DecNum=3; % highest decomposition level +defaults.wavelet_Sigma=1; % sigma for the Gaussian filtering of the horizontal part of the sinogram in Fourier space + +if (nargin == 0) + sinoCorrected=defaults; + return +end + +settings=completeStruct(settings, defaults); + + +switch settings.method + case 'additive' + numAngles = size(sino,2); + % averaging of sinogram along the angle + sinoMean = mean(sino,2); + + % smoothing of the sinogram + switch settings.additive_SmoothMethod + case 'mean' + sinoMeanSmoothed = smoothdata(sinoMean,'movmean',settings.additive_WindowSize); + case 'median' + sinoMeanSmoothed = smoothdata(sinoMean,'movmedian',settings.additive_WindowSize); + case 'gauss' + sinoMeanSmoothed = imgaussfilt(sinoMean,settings.additive_GaussSigma); + otherwise + error('Choose between "mean", "median" and "gauss" for setting "additive_SmoothMethod"'); + end + % identification of horizontal stripes + correctionProfile = sinoMean-sinoMeanSmoothed; + % creation of 2d correction mask + correction2D = repmat(correctionProfile,[1 numAngles]); + % sinogram correction + sinoCorrected = sino-settings.additive_Strength*correction2D; + + case 'wavelet' + numAngles = size(sino,2); + sizeProjs = size(sino,1); + + % wavelet decomposition + for decompIdx=1:settings.wavelet_DecNum + [sino,Ch{decompIdx},Cv{decompIdx},Cd{decompIdx}]=dwt2(sino,settings.wavelet_Wname); + end + + % FFT transform of horizontal frequency bands + for decompIdx=1:settings.wavelet_DecNum + % FFT + fCh=fftshift(fft(Ch{decompIdx}')); + [my,mx]=size(fCh); + + % damping of horizontal stripe information + damp=1-exp(-[-floor(my/2):-floor(my/2)+my-1].^2/(2*settings.wavelet_Sigma^2)); + fCh=fCh.*repmat(damp',1,mx); + + % inverse FFT + Ch{decompIdx}=ifft(ifftshift(fCh))'; + end + + % wavelet reconstruction + sinoCorrected=sino; + for decompIdx=settings.wavelet_DecNum:-1:1 + sinoCorrected=sinoCorrected(1:size(Cv{decompIdx},1),1:size(Cv{decompIdx},2)); + sinoCorrected=idwt2(sinoCorrected,Ch{decompIdx},Cv{decompIdx},Cd{decompIdx},settings.wavelet_Wname); + end + + % make sure that corrected sinogram has the same size as the original sinogram + if size(sinoCorrected,2) == numAngles+1 + sinoCorrected = sinoCorrected(:,1:end-1); + end + if size(sinoCorrected,1) == sizeProjs+1 + sinoCorrected = sinoCorrected(1:end-1,:); + end + + otherwise + error('Choose between ringremove based on "additive" or "wavelet" correction for setting "method"'); +end + +end + + +