diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a8c5206a53e686cc23c1fa45dd4625e7bfbf9588..d58e49e5e61f989e0a60381b0b3692fcf4c8cf3c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,25 +1,47 @@
-Grady - will correct you!
+# Grady - will correct you!
 The intention of this tool is to simplify the exam correcting process at the
-University of Goettingen. It is deployed as a Django web application.
+University of Goettingen. It is deployed as a web application consisting
+of a Django-Rest backend and a Vue.js frontend.
 [![pipeline status](https://gitlab.gwdg.de/j.michal/grady/badges/master/pipeline.svg)](https://gitlab.gwdg.de/j.michal/grady/commits/master) [![coverage report](https://gitlab.gwdg.de/j.michal/grady/badges/master/coverage.svg)](https://gitlab.gwdg.de/j.michal/grady/commits/master)
+## Overview
+Grady has three basic functions for the three types of users
+* Reviewers can
+  * edit feedback that has been provided by tutors
+  * mark feedback as final if it should not be modified (only final feedback is
+    shown to students)
+  * delete feedback (submission will be reassigned)
+* Tutors can
+  * request a submission that they have to correct and submit feedback for it
+  * delete their own feedback
+  * review feedback of other tutors
+  * they do not see which student submitted the solution
+* Students can
+  * review their final feedback and score in the post exam review
+An overview over the database can be found in the docs folder.
+## Contributing
 Feature proposals are welcome! If you experienced any bugs or otherwise
 unexpected behavior please submit an issue using the issue templates.
-It is on course possible to contribute but currently there is no standardized
+It is of course possible to contribute but currently there is no standardized
 way since the project is in a very early stage and fairly small. If you feel the
 need to help us out anyway, please contact us via our university email
+## Development
+### Dependencies
 Make sure the following packages and tools are installed:
@@ -32,10 +54,9 @@ These are required to set up the project. All other application dependencies are
 listed in the `requirements.txt` and the `package.json` files. These will be
 installed automatically during the installation process.
+### Installing
-To set up a new instance perform the following steps:
+To set up a new development instance perform the following steps:
 1.  Create a virtual environment with a Python3.6 interpreter and
     activate it. It works like this:
@@ -79,8 +100,7 @@ To set up a new instance perform the following steps:
 8.  Congratulations! Your backend should now be up an running. To setup the frontend
     see the README in the `frontend` folder.
+### Testing
 > "Code without tests is broken by design." -- (Jacob Kaplan-Moss, Django core developer)
@@ -95,22 +115,165 @@ or if you want a coverage report as well you can run:
     make coverage
-Grady has three basic functions for the three types of users
-* Reviewers can
-  * edit feedback that has been provided by tutors
-  * mark feedback as final if it should not be modified (only final feedback is
-    shown to students)
-  * delete feedback (submission will be reassigned)
-* Tutors can
-  * request a submission that they have to correct and submit feedback for it
-  * deleted their own feedback
-  * review feedback of other tutors
-  * they do not see which student submitted the solution
-* Students can
-  * review their final feedback and score in the post exam review
-An overview over the database can be found in the docs folder.
+## Production
+In order to run the app in production, a server with 
+[Docker](https://www.docker.com/) is needed. To make routing to the 
+respective instances easier, we recommend running [traefik](https://traefik.io/)
+as a reverse proxy on the server. For easier configuration of the containers
+we recommend using `docker-compose`. The following guide will assume both these
+dependencies are available.
+### Setting up a new instance
+Simply copy the following `docker-compose.yml` onto your production server:  
+version: "3"
+  postgres:
+    image: postgres:9.6
+    labels:
+      traefik.enable: "false"
+    networks:
+      - internal
+    volumes:
+      - ./database:/var/lib/postgresql/data
+  grady:
+    image: docker.gitlab.gwdg.de/j.michal/grady:master
+    restart: always
+    entrypoint:
+      - ./deploy.sh
+    volumes:
+      - ./secret:/code/secret
+    environment:
+    networks:
+      - internal
+      - proxy
+    labels:
+      traefik.backend: ${INSTANCE}
+      traefik.enable: "true"
+      traefik.frontend.rule: Host:${GRADY_HOST};PathPrefix:${URLPATH}
+      traefik.docker.network: proxy
+      traefik.port: "8000"
+    depends_on:
+      - postgres
+  proxy:
+    external: true
+  internal:
+    external: false
+and set the `INSTANCE`, `URLPATH`, `GRADY_HOST` variables either directly in the 
+compose file or within an `.env` file in the same directory as the `docker-compose.yml`
+(it will be automatically loaded by `docker-compose`).  
+Login to gwdg gitlab docker registry by entering:
+docker login docker.gitlab.gwdg.de
+docker-compose pull
+docker-compose up -d
+will download the latest postgres and grady images and run them in the background.
+### Importing exam data
+#### Exam data structure
+In order to import the exam data it must be in a specific format.  
+You need the following:
+1. A .json file file containing the output of the converted ILIAS export which is
+    generated by [hektor](https://gitlab.gwdg.de/j.michal/hektor)
+2. A .csv file where the columns are: id, name, score, (file suffix). No
+   suffix defaults to .c  
+   Supported suffixes: .c , .java , .hs , .s (for mips)  
+   Important: The name values must be the same as the ones that are contained in
+   the export file file from 1.
+    Example:
+    ```commandline
+    $ cat submission_types.csv
+    a01, Alpha Team, 10, .c
+    a02, Beta Distribution, 10, .java
+    a03, Gamma Ray, 20
+    ```
+3. A path to a directory with sample solutions named
+    <id>-lsg.c (same id as in 2.)
+4. A path to a directory containing HTML files with an accurate
+    description of the task. File name pattern has to be: <id>.html (same id as in 2.)
+    ```commandline
+    $ tree -L 2
+    .
+    ├── code-lsg
+    │   ├── a01-lsg.c
+    │   ├── a02-lsg.c
+    │   └── a03-lsg.c
+    └── html
+        ├── a01.html
+        ├── a02.html
+        └── a03.html
+    ```
+5. (Optional) a .csv file containing module information. This step is purely
+    optional -- Grady works just fine without these information. If you want to
+    distinguish students within one instance or give information about the
+    grading type you should provide this info.
+    CSV file format: module_reference, total_score, pass_score, pass_only
+    Example:
+    ```commandline
+    $ cat mpdules.csv
+    B.Inf.1801,  90, 45, yes
+    B.Mat.31415, 50, 10, no
+    ```    
+6. (Optional) a plain text file containing one username per line. A new tutor 
+    user account will be created with the corresponding username and a randomly
+    generated password. The passwords are written to a `.importer_passwords` file.  
+    Note: Rather than during the import, tutors can register their own accounts 
+    on the web login page. A reviewer can then activate their accounts via the 
+    tutor overview.
+7. A plain text file containing one username per line. A new **reviewer** account 
+    will be created with the corresponding username and a randomly
+    generated password. The passwords are written to a `.importer_passwords` file.  
+    This step should not be skipped because a reviewer account is necessary in order 
+    to activate the tutor accounts.
+#### Importing exam data
+In order to import the exam data it has to be copied into the container
+and the importer script has to be started. This process is still quite manual
+and will likely change in the future.
+Copy the prepared exam data as outlined above to the production server 
+(e.g. via scp). Then copy the data into the running grady container:
+$ docker ps
+CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                         COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                          NAMES
+ce0d61416f83        docker.gitlab.gwdg.de/j.michal/grady:master   "./deploy.sh"            6 weeks ago         Up 6 weeks                                                         grady_1
+$ docker cp exam-data/ ce0d61416f83:/
+This will copy the folder exam-data into the container with the id ce0d61416f83 
+under the root directory.
+Open an interactive shell session in the running container:
+$ docker exec -it ce0d61416f83 /bin/sh
+Change to the `/exam-data/` folder and run the importer script:
+$ python /code/manage.py importer
+The importer script will now interactively guide you through the import process.  
+Note: The step `[2] do_preprocess_submissions` is in part specific to 
+c programming course exam data. The EmptyTest can be used for every kind of 
+submission, the other tests not. Submissions that are empty will be labeled as 
+such and receive a score of 0 during step `[3] do_load_submissions`.  
+Generated user account passwords will be saved under .import_passwords
diff --git a/core/migrations/0011_auto_20181001_1259.py b/core/migrations/0011_auto_20181001_1259.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..96582383f85820924a510a962ec6dca40a4a7745
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/migrations/0011_auto_20181001_1259.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Generated by Django 2.1 on 2018-10-01 12:59
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    dependencies = [
+        ('core', '0010_auto_20180805_1139'),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='submissiontype',
+            name='programming_language',
+            field=models.CharField(choices=[('c', 'C syntax highlighting'), ('java', 'Java syntax highlighting'), ('mipsasm', 'Mips syntax highlighting'), ('haskell', 'Haskell syntax highlighting')], default='c', max_length=25),
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/util/importer.py b/util/importer.py
index a1ed1e617ac375fbd9ffa96c83da892abdbf72f8..705549d87ed4e735aa6afcbe93fb2d78ec326a28 100644
--- a/util/importer.py
+++ b/util/importer.py
@@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ def add_feedback_if_test_recommends_it(test_obj):
     available_tests = util.processing.Test.available_tests()
     if test_obj.label == available_tests[test_obj.name].label_failure \
-            and not hasattr(test_obj.submission, 'feedback') \
-            and (test_obj.name == util.processing.EmptyTest.__name__ or
-                 test_obj.name == util.processing.CompileTest.__name__):
+        and not hasattr(test_obj.submission, 'feedback') \
+        and (test_obj.name == util.processing.EmptyTest.__name__ or
+             test_obj.name == util.processing.CompileTest.__name__):
         return Feedback.objects.update_or_create(
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ def do_load_submission_types():
         desc_dir = i('descriptions dir', 'html')
         with open(submission_types_csv, encoding='utf-8') as tfile:
-            csv_rows = [row for row in csv.reader(tfile)]
+            csv_rows = [row for row in csv.reader(tfile) if len(row) > 0]
         for row in csv_rows:
             tid, name, score, *suffix = (col.strip() for col in row)
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ def do_load_module_descriptions():
         'Where is the file?', 'modules.csv', is_file=True)
     with open(module_description_csv, encoding='utf-8') as tfile:
-        csv_rows = [row for row in csv.reader(tfile)]
+        csv_rows = [row for row in csv.reader(tfile) if len(row) > 0]
     for row in csv_rows:
         data = {
@@ -284,6 +284,45 @@ def do_load_module_descriptions():
         info(f'{modification} ExamType {data["module_reference"]}')
+def _do_check_empty_submissions():
+    submissions = i(
+        'Please provide the student submissions', 'binf1601-anon.json',
+        is_file=True)
+    return (
+        util.processing.process('', '', '', submissions, '', util.processing.EmptyTest.__name__),
+        submissions)
+def _do_preprocess_c_submissions(test_to_run):
+    location = i('Where do you keep the specifications for the tests?',
+                 'anon-export', is_path=True)
+    with chdir_context(location):
+        descfile = i(
+            'Please provide usage for sample solution', 'descfile.txt',
+            is_file=True)
+        binaries = i(
+            'Please provide executable binaries of solution', 'bin',
+            is_path=True)
+        objects = i(
+            'Please provide object files of solution', 'objects',
+            is_path=True)
+        submissions = i(
+            'Please provide the student submissions', 'binf1601-anon.json',
+            is_file=True)
+        headers = i(
+            'Please provide header files if any', 'code-testing',
+            is_path=True)
+        info('Looks good. The tests mights take some time.')
+        return util.processing.process(descfile,
+                                       binaries,
+                                       objects,
+                                       submissions,
+                                       headers,
+                                       test_to_run), submissions
 def do_preprocess_submissions():
@@ -292,7 +331,11 @@ def do_preprocess_submissions():
     can specify what test you want to run.
     Tests do depend on each other. Therefore specifying a test will also
-    result in running all its dependencies\n''')
+    result in running all its dependencies.
+    The EmptyTest can be run on all submission types. The other tests are very specific
+    to the c programming course.
+    \n''')
     test_enum = dict(enumerate(util.processing.Test.available_tests()))
@@ -308,33 +351,13 @@ def do_preprocess_submissions():
     test_to_run = test_enum[int(test_index)]
-    location = i('Where do you keep the specifications for the tests?',
-                 'anon-export', is_path=True)
-    with chdir_context(location):
-        descfile = i(
-            'Please provide usage for sample solution', 'descfile.txt',
-            is_file=True)
-        binaries = i(
-            'Please provide executable binaries of solution', 'bin',
-            is_path=True)
-        objects = i(
-            'Please provide object files of solution', 'objects',
-            is_path=True)
-        submissions = i(
-            'Please provide the student submissions', 'binf1601-anon.json',
-            is_file=True)
-        headers = i(
-            'Please provide header files if any', 'code-testing',
-            is_path=True)
+    # processed_submissions = None
+    if test_to_run == util.processing.EmptyTest.__name__:
+        processed_submissions, submissions = _do_check_empty_submissions()
+    else:
+        processed_submissions, submissions = _do_preprocess_c_submissions(test_to_run)
-        info('Looks good. The tests mights take some time.')
-        processed_submissions = util.processing.process(descfile,
-                                                        binaries,
-                                                        objects,
-                                                        submissions,
-                                                        headers,
-                                                        test_to_run)
     output_f = i('And everything is done. Where should I put the results?',
@@ -379,7 +402,8 @@ def do_load_tutors():
     with open(tutors) as tutors_f:
         for tutor in tutors_f:
-            user_factory.make_tutor(tutor.strip(), store_pw=True)
+            if len(tutor.strip()) > 0:
+                user_factory.make_tutor(tutor.strip(), store_pw=True)
 def do_load_reviewer():
diff --git a/util/processing.py b/util/processing.py
index bb80eb8234c5fb57f5b25039ba320e4bbff2b3e6..5130d93ad35724d23ad694cdb9e6c062b3b2ba05 100644
--- a/util/processing.py
+++ b/util/processing.py
@@ -182,7 +182,8 @@ class UnitTestTest(Test):
 def process(descfile, binaries, objects, submissions, header, highest_test):
     if isinstance(highest_test, str):
-        highestTestClass = Test.available_tests()[highest_test]
+        highest_test_class = Test.available_tests()[highest_test]
+    if highest_test != EmptyTest.__name__:  # not needed for EmptyTest
         global testcases_dict
         testcases_dict = testcases.evaluated_testcases(descfile, binaries)
@@ -191,12 +192,13 @@ def process(descfile, binaries, objects, submissions, header, highest_test):
     # Get something disposable
-    path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-    run_cmd(f'cp -r {objects} {path}')
-    run_cmd(f'cp -r {binaries} {path}')
-    run_cmd(f'cp -r {header} {path}')
-    os.chdir(path)
-    os.makedirs('bin')
+    if highest_test != EmptyTest.__name__:
+        path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        run_cmd(f'cp -r {objects} {path}')
+        run_cmd(f'cp -r {binaries} {path}')
+        run_cmd(f'cp -r {header} {path}')
+        os.chdir(path)
+        os.makedirs('bin')
     def iterate_submissions():
         yield from (obj
@@ -204,11 +206,12 @@ def process(descfile, binaries, objects, submissions, header, highest_test):
                     for obj in student['submissions'])
     for submission_obj in tqdm(iterate_submissions()):
-        highestTestClass(submission_obj)
-        run_cmd('rm code*')
+        highest_test_class(submission_obj)
+        if highest_test != EmptyTest.__name__:
+            run_cmd('rm code*')
     print()  # line after progress bar
-    shutil.rmtree(path)
+    if highest_test != EmptyTest.__name__:
+        shutil.rmtree(path)
     return submissions_json