From 340123149f36e2ef2e2edb09064e974a7a080108 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "robinwilliam.hundt" <>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2019 20:32:56 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Importer is no compatible with Rusty-Hektor 1.0.0

Also removed a bunch of unnecessary code and extracted the test runner into
 requirements.txt   |   2 +-
 util/   | 483 ++++++++++-----------------------------------
 util/ | 242 -----------------------
 util/  |  97 ---------
 4 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 717 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 util/
 delete mode 100644 util/

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 5f8f6778..39aaeba4 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ drf-yasg~=1.12.0
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
index eb5c1703..d72f4878 100644
--- a/util/
+++ b/util/
@@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
-import csv
 import json
 import os
 import readline
-from typing import Callable
+import util
-from django.db import transaction
-import util.processing
+from util.messages import warn
 from core.models import ExamType, Feedback, Submission, SubmissionType, Test
 from core.models import UserAccount as User
 from util.factories import GradyUserFactory
-from util.messages import info, warn
+import semver
 WELCOME = r'''
    ______               __         ____                           __
@@ -22,14 +21,17 @@ WELCOME = r'''
 HISTFILE = '.importer_history'
-RECORDS = '.importer'
 PASSWORDS = '.importer_passwords'
 YES = 'Y/n'
 NO = 'y/N'
 valid = {"yes": True, "y": True, "ye": True, "no": False, "n": False}
@@ -49,22 +51,48 @@ FEEDBACK_MAPPER = dict(zip(TEST_ORDER, ORIGIN_ORDER))
 user_factory = GradyUserFactory()
-class chdir_context(object):
-    """
-    Step into a directory temporarily.
-    """
+def start():
-    def __init__(self, path):
-        self.old_dir = os.getcwd()
-        self.new_dir = path
+    if os.path.exists(HISTFILE):
+        readline.read_history_file(HISTFILE)
-    def __enter__(self):
-        info(f'Changing to {self.new_dir}')
-        os.chdir(self.new_dir)
+    print(WELCOME + '''
-    def __exit__(self, *args):
-        os.chdir(self.old_dir)
-        info(f'Returned to {self.old_dir}')
+    Welcome to the Grady import script!
+    This script aims at making the setup of the database as easy as possible.
+    At the same time it serves as a documentation on how data is imported into
+    Grady. Let\'s dive right in.\n''')
+    try:
+        print('The following sub importers are available:\n')
+        for fid, func in enumerate(call_order):
+            print(f'\t[{fid}] {func.__name__}')
+        print('\t[q] exit')
+        print()
+        fid = i('Choose a number or hit enter to start at the beginning')
+        if not fid:
+            for func in call_order:
+                func()
+        elif fid in ('q', 'quit', 'exit'):
+            return
+        elif not 0 <= int(fid) < len(call_order):
+            warn('There is no loader with this number')
+        else:
+            call_order[int(fid)]()
+    except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt):
+        print()
+        return
+    except FileNotFoundError:
+        raise
+    except Exception:
+        import traceback
+        traceback.print_exc()
+    finally:
+        readline.write_history_file(HISTFILE)
 def i(prompt: str, default: str = '', is_path: bool = False, is_file: bool = False):
@@ -86,332 +114,32 @@ def i(prompt: str, default: str = '', is_path: bool = False, is_file: bool = Fal
     return answer
-def add_feedback_if_test_recommends_it(test_obj):
-    available_tests = util.processing.Test.available_tests()
-    if test_obj.label == available_tests[].label_failure \
-        and not hasattr(test_obj.submission, 'feedback') \
-        and ( == util.processing.EmptyTest.__name__ or
-    == util.processing.CompileTest.__name__):
-        return Feedback.objects.update_or_create(
-            of_submission=test_obj.submission,
-            defaults={
-                'score': 0,
-                'origin': FEEDBACK_MAPPER[],
-                'is_final': True,
-            }
-        )
-def add_tests(submission_obj, tests):
-    auto_correct, _ = User.objects.get_or_create(
-        username='auto_correct',
-        defaults={'is_active': False}
-    )
-    for name in (name for name in TEST_ORDER if name in tests):
-        test_data = tests[name]
-        test_obj, created = Test.objects.update_or_create(
-            name=test_data['name'],
-            submission=submission_obj,
-            defaults={
-                'label': test_data['label'],
-                'annotation': test_data['annotation'],
-            }
-        )
-        add_feedback_if_test_recommends_it(test_obj)
-# submission_type is the name outputted by rust_hektor, type the one from hektor
-def add_submission(student_obj, code, tests, submission_type=None, type=None):
-    if submission_type is None and type is None:
-        raise Exception("Submission need to contain submission_type or type")
-    elif type is not None:
-        submission_type = type
-    submission_type_obj = SubmissionType.objects.get(name=submission_type)
-    submission_obj, _ = Submission.objects.update_or_create(
-        type=submission_type_obj,
-        student=student_obj,
-        defaults={'text': code}
-    )
-    if tests:
-        add_tests(submission_obj, tests)
-def call_loader(func: Callable) -> None:
-    """ This function handles if a function will be executed at all. Currently
-    it just checks in the RECORDS file for the name of the function. If it is
-    present the function will not be executed
-    Args:
-        func (Callable): the loader specified below
-    """
-    if os.path.exists(RECORDS):
-        with open(RECORDS, 'r') as records_f:
-            done = [line.strip() for line in records_f]
-        if func.__name__ in done:
-            warn(f'{func.__name__} has already been processed once.')
-            if not i('Proceed anyway?', NO):
-                return
-    with transaction.atomic():
-        func()  # This executes the specified loader
-    with open(RECORDS, 'a') as records_f:
-        records_f.write(func.__name__)
-        records_f.write('\n')
-    info(f'{func.__name__} is done.')
-def file_suffix_to_lang_name(suffix: str) -> str:
-    suffix2name = {
-        'hs': 'haskell',
-        's': 'mipsasm',
-        'asm': 'mipsasm'
-    }
-    if suffix not in suffix2name:
-        return suffix
-    return suffix2name[suffix]
-def do_load_submission_types():
-    print(
-        '''For the following import you need three files:
-    1) A .csv file where the columns are: id, name, score, (file suffix). No
-       suffix defaults to .c
-       Supported suffixes: .c , .java , .hs , .s (for mips)
-    2) A path to a directory where I can find sample solutions named
-        <id>-lsg.c
-    3) A path to a directory where I can find HTML files with an accurate
-        description of the task. File name pattern has to be: <id>.html
-    Example:
-        $ cat submission_types.csv
-        a01, Alpha Team, 10, .c
-        a02, Beta Distribution, 10, .java
-        a03, Gamma Ray, 20
-        $ tree -L 2
-        .
-        ├── code-lsg
-        │   ├── a01.c
-        │   ├──
-        │   └── a03.hs
-        └── html
-            ├── a01.html
-            ├── a02.html
-            └── a03.html
-    ''')
-    path = i('Where are your files located?', '.', is_path=True)
-    with chdir_context(path):
-        submission_types_csv = i('CSV file', 'submission_types.csv')
-        lsg_dir = i('solution dir', 'code-lsg')
-        desc_dir = i('descriptions dir', 'html')
-        with open(submission_types_csv, encoding='utf-8') as tfile:
-            csv_rows = [row for row in csv.reader(tfile) if len(row) > 0]
-        for row in csv_rows:
-            tid, name, score, *suffix = (col.strip() for col in row)
-            if not suffix:
-                suffix = '.c'
-            else:
-                suffix = suffix[0]
-            suffix = suffix.lower().strip('.')
-            lang_name = file_suffix_to_lang_name(suffix)
-            with \
-                open(os.path.join(lsg_dir, tid + '.' + suffix),
-                     encoding='utf-8') as lsg, \
-                open(os.path.join(desc_dir, tid + '.html'),
-                     encoding='utf-8') as desc:
-                data = {
-                    'name': name,
-                    'description':,
-                    'solution':,
-                    'full_score': int(score),
-                    'programming_language': lang_name
-                }
-            _, created = SubmissionType.objects.update_or_create(
-                name=name,
-                defaults=data
-            )
-            info(f'{"Created" if created else "Updated"} {name}')
-def do_load_module_descriptions():
-    print('''
-    This loader imports descriptions of modules in an exam. This information
-    is used to distinguish students within one instance or give information
-    about the grading type.
-    CSV file format: module_reference, total_score, pass_score, pass_only
-    Example:
-        B.Inf.1801,  90, 45, yes
-        B.Mat.31415, 50, 10, no
-    ''')
-    module_description_csv = i(
-        'Where is the file?', 'modules.csv', is_file=True)
-    with open(module_description_csv, encoding='utf-8') as tfile:
-        csv_rows = [row for row in csv.reader(tfile) if len(row) > 0]
-    for row in csv_rows:
-        data = {
-            field: kind(data) for field, kind, data in zip(
-                ('module_reference', 'total_score', 'pass_score', 'pass_only'),
-                (str, int, int, lambda x: x == 'yes'),
-                (col.strip() for col in row)
-            )
-        }
-        _, created = ExamType.objects.update_or_create(
-            module_reference=data['module_reference'],
-            defaults=data,
-        )
-        modification = "Created" if created else "Updated"
-        info(f'{modification} ExamType {data["module_reference"]}')
-def _do_check_empty_submissions():
-    submissions = i(
-        'Please provide the student submissions', 'binf1601-anon.json',
-        is_file=True)
-    return (
-        util.processing.process('', '', '', submissions, '', util.processing.EmptyTest.__name__),
-        submissions)
-def _do_preprocess_c_submissions(test_to_run):
-    location = i('Where do you keep the specifications for the tests?',
-                 'anon-export', is_path=True)
-    with chdir_context(location):
-        descfile = i(
-            'Please provide usage for sample solution', 'descfile.txt',
-            is_file=True)
-        binaries = i(
-            'Please provide executable binaries of solution', 'bin',
-            is_path=True)
-        objects = i(
-            'Please provide object files of solution', 'objects',
-            is_path=True)
-        submissions = i(
-            'Please provide the student submissions', 'binf1601-anon.json',
-            is_file=True)
-        headers = i(
-            'Please provide header files if any', 'code-testing',
-            is_path=True)
-        info('Looks good. The tests mights take some time.')
-        return util.processing.process(descfile,
-                                       binaries,
-                                       objects,
-                                       submissions,
-                                       headers,
-                                       test_to_run), submissions
-def do_preprocess_submissions():
-    print('''
-    Preprocessing might take some time depending on the amount of data
-    and the complexity of the programs and the corresponding unit tests. You
-    can specify what test you want to run.
-    Tests do depend on each other. Therefore specifying a test will also
-    result in running all its dependencies.
-    The EmptyTest can be run on all submission types. The other tests are very specific
-    to the c programming course.
-    \n''')
-    test_enum = dict(enumerate(util.processing.Test.available_tests()))
-    print('The following test are available:\n')
-    print('\t[q] Do nothing')
-    for j, test in test_enum.items():
-        print(f'\t[{j}] {test}')
-    print()
-    test_index = i('Which tests do you want to run?')
-    if not test_index or test_index == 'q':
-        return
-    test_to_run = test_enum[int(test_index)]
-    # processed_submissions = None
-    if test_to_run == util.processing.EmptyTest.__name__:
-        processed_submissions, submissions = _do_check_empty_submissions()
-    else:
-        processed_submissions, submissions = _do_preprocess_c_submissions(test_to_run)
-    output_f = i('And everything is done. Where should I put the results?',
-                 f'{submissions.rsplit(".")[0]}.processed.json')
-    with open(output_f, 'w+') as outfile:
-        json.dump(processed_submissions, outfile,
-                  sort_keys=True, indent=4)
-    info('Wrote processed data to %s' % os.path.join(os.curdir, output_f))
-def do_load_submissions():
-    file = i('Get me the file with all the submissions',
+def load_hektor_json():
+    file = i('Get me the file with the output from rusty-hektor',
              'submissions.json', is_file=True)
-    if not ExamType.objects.all():
-        raise Exception('Modules need to be loaded before submissions.')
-    else:
-        exam_query_set = ExamType.objects.all()
-        print('Please select the corresponding module')
-        print('You have the following choices:\n')
-        for j, exam_type in enumerate(exam_query_set):
-            print(f'\t[{j}] {exam_type.module_reference}')
-        print()
+    with open(file, 'r') as f:
+        exam_data = json.JSONDecoder().decode(
+    hektor_version = exam_data['meta']['version']
+    if not (semver.match(hektor_version, RUSTY_HEKTOR_MIN_VER) and
+            semver.match(hektor_version, RUSTY_HEKTOR_MAX_VER)):
+        warn(f'The data you\'re trying to import has the wrong version {hektor_version}\n'
+             f'Requirements: {RUSTY_HEKTOR_MIN_VER}, {RUSTY_HEKTOR_MAX_VER}')
-        exam_prompt_key = i('Choose wisely')
-        exam_obj = {'exam': exam_query_set[int(exam_prompt_key)]}
+    exam, _ = ExamType.objects.get_or_create(**exam_data['module'])
-    with open(file) as exam_data_file:
-        exam_data = json.JSONDecoder().decode(
+    for submission_type in exam['submission_types']:
+        SubmissionType.objects.get_or_create(**submission_type)
     for student in exam_data['students']:
-        student_obj = user_factory.make_student(**exam_obj,
+        student_obj = user_factory.make_student(exam=exam,
         for submission_obj in student['submissions']:
             add_submission(student_obj, **submission_obj)
-def do_load_tutors():
-    print('Please import tutor users by providing one name per line')
-    tutors = i('List of tutors', 'tutors', is_file=True)
-    with open(tutors) as tutors_f:
-        for tutor in tutors_f:
-            if len(tutor.strip()) > 0:
-                user_factory.make_tutor(tutor.strip(), store_pw=True)
-def do_load_reviewer():
+def load_reviewers():
     print('Please import reviewer users by providing one name per line')
     reviewers = i('List of reviewers', 'reviewers', is_file=True)
@@ -422,55 +150,56 @@ def do_load_reviewer():
-call_order = (
-    do_load_submission_types,
-    do_load_module_descriptions,
-    do_preprocess_submissions,
-    do_load_submissions,
-    do_load_tutors,
-    do_load_reviewer
+def add_submission(student_obj, code, tests, type=None):
+    submission_type_obj = SubmissionType.objects.get(name=type)
+    submission_obj, _ = Submission.objects.update_or_create(
+        type=submission_type_obj,
+        student=student_obj,
+        defaults={'text': code}
+    )
-def start():
+    if tests:
+        add_tests(submission_obj, tests)
-    if os.path.exists(HISTFILE):
-        readline.read_history_file(HISTFILE)
-    print(WELCOME + '''
+def add_tests(submission_obj, tests):
+    auto_correct, _ = User.objects.get_or_create(
+        username='auto_correct',
+        defaults={'is_active': False}
+    )
-    Welcome to the Grady import script!
+    for name in (name for name in TEST_ORDER if name in tests):
+        test_data = tests[name]
+        test_obj, created = Test.objects.update_or_create(
+            name=test_data['name'],
+            submission=submission_obj,
+            defaults={
+                'label': test_data['label'],
+                'annotation': test_data['annotation'],
+            }
+        )
+        add_feedback_if_test_recommends_it(test_obj)
-    This script aims at making the setup of the database as easy as possible.
-    At the same time it serves as a documentation on how data is imported into
-    Grady. Let\'s dive right in.\n''')
-    try:
-        print('The following sub importers are available:\n')
-        for fid, func in enumerate(call_order):
-            print(f'\t[{fid}] {func.__name__}')
-        print('\t[q] exit')
-        print()
+def add_feedback_if_test_recommends_it(test_obj):
+    available_tests = util.processing.Test.available_tests()
-        fid = i('Choose a number or hit enter to start at the beginning')
+    if test_obj.label == available_tests[].label_failure \
+        and not hasattr(test_obj.submission, 'feedback') \
+        and ( == util.processing.EmptyTest.__name__ or
+    == util.processing.CompileTest.__name__):
+        return Feedback.objects.update_or_create(
+            of_submission=test_obj.submission,
+            defaults={
+                'score': 0,
+                'origin': FEEDBACK_MAPPER[],
+                'is_final': True,
+            }
+        )
-        if not fid:
-            for func in call_order:
-                call_loader(func)
-        elif fid in ('q', 'quit', 'exit'):
-            return
-        elif not 0 <= int(fid) < len(call_order):
-            warn('There is no loader with this number')
-        else:
-            call_loader(call_order[int(fid)])
-    except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt):
-        print()
-        return
-    except FileNotFoundError:
-        raise
-    except Exception:
-        import traceback
-        traceback.print_exc()
-    finally:
-        readline.write_history_file(HISTFILE)
+call_order = [
+    load_hektor_json,
+    load_reviewers
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6063600e..00000000
--- a/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-import abc
-import hashlib
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import tempfile
-from tqdm import tqdm
-    import testcases
-except ModuleNotFoundError:
-    from util import testcases
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def run_cmd(cmd, stdin=None, check=False, timeout=1):
-    return
-        'timeout 1 ' + cmd,
-        stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
-        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-        input=stdin,
-        shell=True,
-        check=check,
-        encoding='utf-8',
-        timeout=timeout
-    )
-def all_subclasses(cls):
-    return cls.__subclasses__() \
-        + [g for s in cls.__subclasses__() for g in all_subclasses(s)]
-def sha1(submission_obj):
-    return hashlib.sha1(submission_obj['code'].encode()).hexdigest()
-def get_submission_id(submission_obj):
-    t = submission_obj['type']
-    m ='(a0\d)', t)
-    return
-class Test(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
-    """docstring for IliasQuestion"""
-    @classmethod
-    def available_tests(cls):
-        return {sub.__name__: sub for sub in all_subclasses(cls)}
-    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
-        assert hasattr(cls, 'depends'), "depends not defined"
-        assert hasattr(cls, 'label_success'), "label_success not defined"
-        assert hasattr(cls, 'label_failure'), "label_failure not defined"
-        return super().__new__(cls)
-    def __init__(self, submission_obj, **kwargs):
-        if not self.dependencies_satisfied(submission_obj):
-            self.result = False
-            self.annotation = "TEST DEPENDENCY NOT MET"
-            self.serialize(submission_obj)
-        elif str(self) in submission_obj['tests']:
-            self.deserialize(submission_obj['tests'][str(self)])
-        else:
-            self.result, self.annotation = self.run_test(submission_obj)
-            self.serialize(submission_obj)
-    def __bool__(self):
-        return self.result
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self.__class__.__name__
-    def dependencies_satisfied(self, submission_obj):
-        return all(dep(submission_obj).result for dep in self.depends)
-    def deserialize(self, test):
-        self.result = test['label'] == self.label_success
-        self.annotation = test['annotation']
-    def serialize(self, submission_obj):
-        as_dict = {
-            'name': str(self),
-            'annotation': self.annotation
-        }
-        if self.result:
-            as_dict['label'] = self.label_success
-        else:
-            as_dict['label'] = self.label_failure
-        submission_obj['tests'][str(self)] = as_dict
-    @abc.abstractmethod
-    def run_test(self, submission_obj) -> (bool, str):
-        return NotImplemented
-class EmptyTest(Test):
-    """docstring for EmptyTest"""
-    depends = ()
-    label_success = 'NOT_EMPTY'
-    label_failure = 'EMPTY'
-    def run_test(self, submission_obj):
-        return bool(submission_obj['code'].strip()), ""
-class CompileTest(Test):
-    depends = (EmptyTest, )
-    label_success = 'COMPILATION_SUCCESSFUL'
-    label_failure = 'COMPILATION_FAILED'
-    def run_test(self, submission_obj):
-        ret = run_cmd(
-            "gcc -Wall -c -x c -std=c11 -Icode-testing -o code.o -",
-            submission_obj['code'])
-        return not ret.returncode, ret.stderr
-class LinkTest(Test):
-    depends = (CompileTest, )
-    label_success = 'LINKING_SUCCESSFUL'
-    label_failure = 'LINKING_FAILED'
-    def run_test(self, submission_obj):
-        if submission_obj['type'] not in testcases_dict:
-            return False, 'This program was not required to be executable.'
-        cid = get_submission_id(submission_obj)
-        ret = run_cmd(f"gcc-7 -o ./bin/{cid} objects/{cid}-testing.o code.o")
-        return not ret.returncode, ret.stderr
-class UnitTestTest(Test):
-    """docstring for UnitTestTest"""
-    depends = (LinkTest, )
-    label_success = 'UNITTEST_SUCCSESSFUL'
-    label_failure = 'UNITTEST_FAILED'
-    @staticmethod
-    def testcase(i, args, stdout, cid):
-        try:
-            ret = run_cmd("./bin/%s %s" % (cid, args), check=True, timeout=0.1)
-            assert ret.stdout == stdout
-        except AssertionError:
-            return False, "Case #{}: [ASSERT FAIL] ./prog {:>2} WAS '{}' SHOULD '{}'".format(  # noqa: E501
-                i, args, ret.stdout.strip(), stdout.strip())
-        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
-            return False, "Case #{:>2}: [FAILED] ./prog {} ERROR '{}'".format(
-                i, args, err.stderr.strip())
-        except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
-            return False, "Case #{:>2}: [TIMEOUT] ./prog {}".format(i, args)
-        else:
-            return True, "Case #{:>2}: [SUCCESS] ./prog {}".format(i, args)
-    def run_test(self, submission_obj):
-        task = testcases_dict[submission_obj['type']]
-        cid = get_submission_id(submission_obj)
-        return_data = [self.testcase(i, case, result, cid)
-                       for i, (case, result) in enumerate(zip(task['cases'],
-                                                              task['results']))
-                       ]
-        results, messages = zip(*return_data)
-        return all(results), '\n'.join(messages)
-def process(descfile, binaries, objects, submissions, header, highest_test):
-    if isinstance(highest_test, str):
-        highest_test_class = Test.available_tests()[highest_test]
-    if highest_test != EmptyTest.__name__:  # not needed for EmptyTest
-        global testcases_dict
-        testcases_dict = testcases.evaluated_testcases(descfile, binaries)
-    with open(submissions) as submission_file:
-        submissions_json = json.JSONDecoder().decode(
-    # Get something disposable
-    if highest_test != EmptyTest.__name__:
-        path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        run_cmd(f'cp -r {objects} {path}')
-        run_cmd(f'cp -r {binaries} {path}')
-        run_cmd(f'cp -r {header} {path}')
-        os.chdir(path)
-        os.makedirs('bin')
-    def iterate_submissions():
-        yield from (obj
-                    for student in tqdm(submissions_json['students'])
-                    for obj in student['submissions'])
-    for submission_obj in tqdm(iterate_submissions()):
-        highest_test_class(submission_obj)
-        if highest_test != EmptyTest.__name__:
-            run_cmd('rm code*')
-    print()  # line after progress bar
-    if highest_test != EmptyTest.__name__:
-        shutil.rmtree(path)
-    return submissions_json
-def parseme():
-    import argparse
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-    parser.add_argument('descfile')
-    parser.add_argument('binaries')
-    parser.add_argument('objects')
-    parser.add_argument('submissions')
-    parser.add_argument('header')
-    parser.add_argument('test')
-    return parser.parse_args()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    args = parseme()
-    testcases_dict = testcases.evaluated_testcases(args.descfile,
-                                                   args.binaries)
-    print(json.dumps(process(args.descfile,
-                             args.binaries,
-                             args.objects,
-                             args.submissions,
-                             args.header,
-                             args.test),
-                     sort_keys=True,
-                     indent=4))
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index 819d871a..00000000
--- a/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import random
-import re
-from string import ascii_letters, digits
-    import processing
-except ModuleNotFoundError:
-    from util import processing
-types = ('integer', 'unsigned_integer', 'character', 'string')
-list_sep = '...'
-re_task = re.compile(r'^-- (?P<title>.*)\n(USAGE: (?P<cmd>[\./\w]+) (?P<syntax>.*)|NO EXECUTABLE)', re.MULTILINE)  # noqa: E501
-re_args = re.compile(rf"<({'|'.join(types)}|{'|'.join(t + '_list' for t in types)})>")  # noqa: E501
-def call_function(name: str, *args, **kwargs):
-    return globals()[name](*args, **kwargs)
-def integer(bounds=50):
-    return random.randint(-bounds, bounds)
-def unsigned_integer(upper=50):
-    return random.randint(0, upper)
-def character():
-    return random.choice(10 * ascii_letters + 2 * digits + '%*+,-./:?@[]^_{}~')
-def string(lenght=31):
-    return ''.join(character() for i in range(2, 2 + unsigned_integer(lenght)))
-def type_list(_type):
-    def generic_list():
-        return ' '.join(str(
-            call_function(_type)) for i in range(2, unsigned_integer(6) * 2))
-    return generic_list
-def rubbish():
-    return str(call_function(
-        random.choice(tuple(t + '_list' for t in types) + types)))
-def argument_generator(syntax):
-    syntax, _ = re.subn(
-        r'<([\w\s]+)> <\1> \.\.\. <\1> <\1>', r'<\1_list>', syntax)
-    syntax, _ = re.subn(r'<(\w+)\s(\w+)>', r'<\1_\2>', syntax)
-    return ' '.join(
-        str(call_function(arg)) for arg in re.findall(re_args, syntax))
-def testcases_generator(task, n=10):
-    syntax ='syntax')
-    if not syntax:
-        return
-    if syntax == 'NO INPUT':
-        yield 'NO INPUT'
-        return
-    for i in range(n):
-        yield argument_generator(syntax)
-def testcases(description_path):
-    for t in types:
-        globals()[t + '_list'] = type_list(t)  # I fucking love it
-    with open(description_path) as description_file:
-        description =
-    return {
-        task['title']: {
-            'cmd': task['cmd'],
-            'cases': [t for t in testcases_generator(task)]
-        } for task in re.finditer(re_task, description)
-    }
-def evaluated_testcases(description_path, binaries):
-    task_testcases = testcases(description_path)
-    for task in filter(lambda t: t['cmd'], task_testcases.values()):
-        path_to_binary = os.path.join(os.path.join(
-            binaries, os.path.basename(task['cmd'])))
-        task['results'] = [processing.run_cmd(
-            f"{path_to_binary} {case}").stdout for case in task['cases']]
-    return task_testcases