import csv import json import os import readline from typing import Callable from django.db import transaction import util.processing from core.models import ExamType, Feedback, Submission, SubmissionType, Test from core.models import UserAccount as User from util.factories import GradyUserFactory from util.messages import info, warn WELCOME = ''' ______ __ ____ __ / ____/________ _____/ /_ __ / _/___ ___ ____ ____ _____/ /____ _____ / / __/ ___/ __ `/ __ / / / / / // __ `__ \/ __ \/ __ \/ ___/ __/ _ \/ ___/ / /_/ / / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / _/ // / / / / / /_/ / /_/ / / / /_/ __/ / \____/_/ \__,_/\__,_/\__, / /___/_/ /_/ /_/ .___/\____/_/ \__/\___/_/ /____/ /_/ ''' HISTFILE = '.importer_history' RECORDS = '.importer' PASSWORDS = '.importer_passwords' YES = 'Y/n' NO = 'y/N' valid = {"yes": True, "y": True, "ye": True, "no": False, "n": False} ORIGIN_ORDER = { Feedback.WAS_EMPTY, Feedback.DID_NOT_COMPILE, Feedback.COULD_NOT_LINK, Feedback.FAILED_UNIT_TESTS, } TEST_ORDER = ( util.processing.EmptyTest.__name__, util.processing.CompileTest.__name__, util.processing.LinkTest.__name__, util.processing.UnitTestTest.__name__, ) FEEDBACK_MAPPER = dict(zip(TEST_ORDER, ORIGIN_ORDER)) user_factory = GradyUserFactory() class chdir_context(object): """ Step into a directory temporarily. """ def __init__(self, path): self.old_dir = os.getcwd() self.new_dir = path def __enter__(self): info(f'Changing to {self.new_dir}') os.chdir(self.new_dir) def __exit__(self, *args): os.chdir(self.old_dir) info(f'Returned to {self.old_dir}') def i(prompt: str, default: str='', is_path: bool=False, is_file: bool=False): if default is YES or default is NO: answer = valid[input(f'[Q] {prompt} ({default}): ').lower() or ( 'y' if YES == default else 'n')] elif default: answer = input(f'[Q] {prompt} ({default}): ') or default else: answer = input(f'[Q] {prompt}: ') if (is_path or is_file) and \ not os.path.exists(answer) or is_file and \ not os.path.isfile(answer): path_or_type = "path" if is_path else "file" warn(f'The {path_or_type} does not exist. Please try again.') return i(prompt, default, is_path, is_file) return answer def add_feedback_if_test_recommends_it(test_obj): available_tests = util.processing.Test.available_tests() if test_obj.label == available_tests[].label_failure \ and not hasattr(test_obj.submission, 'feedback') \ and ( == util.processing.EmptyTest.__name__ or == util.processing.CompileTest.__name__): return Feedback.objects.update_or_create( of_submission=test_obj.submission, defaults={ 'score': 0, 'origin': FEEDBACK_MAPPER[], 'is_final': True, } ) def add_tests(submission_obj, tests): auto_correct, _ = User.objects.get_or_create( username='auto_correct', defaults={'is_active': False} ) for name in (name for name in TEST_ORDER if name in tests): test_data = tests[name] test_obj, created = Test.objects.update_or_create( name=test_data['name'], submission=submission_obj, defaults={ 'label': test_data['label'], 'annotation': test_data['annotation'], } ) add_feedback_if_test_recommends_it(test_obj) def add_submission(student_obj, code, tests, type): submission_type = SubmissionType.objects.get(name=type) submission_obj, _ = Submission.objects.update_or_create( type=submission_type, student=student_obj, defaults={'text': code} ) if tests: add_tests(submission_obj, tests) def call_loader(func: Callable) -> None: """ This function handles if a function will be executed at all. Currently it just checks in the RECORDS file for the name of the function. If it is present the function will not be executed Args: func (Callable): the loader specified below """ if os.path.exists(RECORDS): with open(RECORDS, 'r') as records_f: done = [line.strip() for line in records_f] if func.__name__ in done: warn(f'{func.__name__} has already been processed once.') if not i('Proceed anyway?', NO): return with transaction.atomic(): func() # This executes the specified loader with open(RECORDS, 'a') as records_f: records_f.write(func.__name__) records_f.write('\n') info(f'{func.__name__} is done.') def file_suffix_to_lang_name(suffix: str) -> str: suffix2name = { 'hs': 'haskell', 's': 'mipsasm', 'asm': 'mipsasm' } if suffix not in suffix2name: return suffix return suffix2name[suffix] def do_load_submission_types(): print( '''For the following import you need three files: 1) A .csv file where the columns are: id, name, score, (file suffix). No suffix defaults to .c Supported suffixes: .c , .java , .hs , .s (for mips) 2) A path to a directory where I can find sample solutions named <id>-lsg.c 3) A path to a directory where I can find HTML files with an accurate description of the task. File name pattern has to be: <id>.html Example: $ cat submission_types.csv a01, Alpha Team, 10, .c a02, Beta Distribution, 10, .java a03, Gamma Ray, 20 $ tree -L 2 . ├── code-lsg │ ├── a01-lsg.c │ ├── a02-lsg.c │ └── a03-lsg.c └── html ├── a01.html ├── a02.html └── a03.html ''') path = i('Where are your files located?', '.', is_path=True) with chdir_context(path): submission_types_csv = i('CSV file', 'submission_types.csv') lsg_dir = i('solution dir', 'code-lsg') desc_dir = i('descriptions dir', 'html') with open(submission_types_csv, encoding='utf-8') as tfile: csv_rows = [row for row in csv.reader(tfile) if len(row) > 0] for row in csv_rows: tid, name, score, *suffix = (col.strip() for col in row) if not suffix: suffix = '.c' else: suffix = suffix[0] suffix = suffix.lower().strip('.') lang_name = file_suffix_to_lang_name(suffix) with \ open(os.path.join(lsg_dir, tid + '.' + suffix), encoding='utf-8') as lsg, \ open(os.path.join(desc_dir, tid + '.html'), encoding='utf-8') as desc: data = { 'name': name, 'description':, 'solution':, 'full_score': int(score), 'programming_language': lang_name } _, created = SubmissionType.objects.update_or_create( name=name, defaults=data ) info(f'{"Created" if created else "Updated"} {name}') def do_load_module_descriptions(): print(''' This loader imports descriptions of modules in an exam. This step is purely optional -- Grady works just fine without these information. If you want to distinguish students within one instance or give information about the grading type you should provide this info. CSV file format: module_reference, total_score, pass_score, pass_only Example: B.Inf.1801, 90, 45, yes B.Mat.31415, 50, 10, no ''') module_description_csv = i( 'Where is the file?', 'modules.csv', is_file=True) with open(module_description_csv, encoding='utf-8') as tfile: csv_rows = [row for row in csv.reader(tfile) if len(row) > 0] for row in csv_rows: data = { field: kind(data) for field, kind, data in zip( ('module_reference', 'total_score', 'pass_score', 'pass_only'), (str, int, int, lambda x: x == 'yes'), (col.strip() for col in row) ) } _, created = ExamType.objects.update_or_create( module_reference=data['module_reference'], defaults=data, ) modification = "Created" if created else "Updated" info(f'{modification} ExamType {data["module_reference"]}') def _do_check_empty_submissions(): submissions = i( 'Please provide the student submissions', 'binf1601-anon.json', is_file=True) return ( util.processing.process('', '', '', submissions, '', util.processing.EmptyTest.__name__), submissions) def _do_preprocess_c_submissions(test_to_run): location = i('Where do you keep the specifications for the tests?', 'anon-export', is_path=True) with chdir_context(location): descfile = i( 'Please provide usage for sample solution', 'descfile.txt', is_file=True) binaries = i( 'Please provide executable binaries of solution', 'bin', is_path=True) objects = i( 'Please provide object files of solution', 'objects', is_path=True) submissions = i( 'Please provide the student submissions', 'binf1601-anon.json', is_file=True) headers = i( 'Please provide header files if any', 'code-testing', is_path=True) info('Looks good. The tests mights take some time.') return util.processing.process(descfile, binaries, objects, submissions, headers, test_to_run), submissions def do_preprocess_submissions(): print(''' Preprocessing might take some time depending on the amount of data and the complexity of the programs and the corresponding unit tests. You can specify what test you want to run. Tests do depend on each other. Therefore specifying a test will also result in running all its dependencies. The EmptyTest can be run on all submission types. The other tests are very specific to the c programming course. \n''') test_enum = dict(enumerate(util.processing.Test.available_tests())) print('The following test are available:\n') print('\t[q] Do nothing') for j, test in test_enum.items(): print(f'\t[{j}] {test}') print() test_index = i('Which tests do you want to run?') if not test_index or test_index == 'q': return test_to_run = test_enum[int(test_index)] # processed_submissions = None if test_to_run == util.processing.EmptyTest.__name__: processed_submissions, submissions = _do_check_empty_submissions() else: processed_submissions, submissions = _do_preprocess_c_submissions(test_to_run) output_f = i('And everything is done. Where should I put the results?', f'{submissions.rsplit(".")[0]}.processed.json') with open(output_f, 'w+') as outfile: json.dump(processed_submissions, outfile, sort_keys=True, indent=4) info('Wrote processed data to %s' % os.path.join(os.curdir, output_f)) def do_load_submissions(): file = i('Get me the file with all the submissions', 'submissions.json', is_file=True) exam_obj = {} if ExamType.objects.all() and \ i('Do you want to add module/exam information?', NO): exam_query_set = ExamType.objects.all() print('You have the following choices:\n') for j, exam_type in enumerate(exam_query_set): print(f'\t[{j}] {exam_type.module_reference}') print() exam_prompt_key = i('Choose wisely') exam_obj = {'exam': exam_query_set[int(exam_prompt_key)]} with open(file) as exam_data_file: exam_data = json.JSONDecoder().decode( for student in exam_data['students']: student_obj = user_factory.make_student(**exam_obj, **student).student for submission_obj in student['submissions']: add_submission(student_obj, **submission_obj) def do_load_tutors(): print('Please import tutor users by providing one name per line') tutors = i('List of tutors', 'tutors', is_file=True) with open(tutors) as tutors_f: for tutor in tutors_f: if len(tutor.strip()) > 0: user_factory.make_tutor(tutor.strip(), store_pw=True) def do_load_reviewer(): print('Please import reviewer users by providing one name per line') reviewers = i('List of reviewers', 'reviewers', is_file=True) with open(reviewers) as reviewers_f: for reviewer in reviewers_f: user_factory.make_reviewer(reviewer.strip(), is_staff=True, store_pw=True) call_order = ( do_load_submission_types, do_load_module_descriptions, do_preprocess_submissions, do_load_submissions, do_load_tutors, do_load_reviewer ) def start(): if os.path.exists(HISTFILE): readline.read_history_file(HISTFILE) print(WELCOME + ''' Welcome to the Grady import script! This script aims at making the setup of the database as easy as possible. At the same time it serves as a documentation on how data is imported into Grady. Let\'s dive right in.\n''') try: print('The following sub importers are available:\n') for fid, func in enumerate(call_order): print(f'\t[{fid}] {func.__name__}') print('\t[q] exit') print() fid = i('Choose a number or hit enter to start at the beginning') if not fid: for func in call_order: call_loader(func) elif fid in ('q', 'quit', 'exit'): return elif not 0 <= int(fid) < len(call_order): warn('There is no loader with this number') else: call_loader(call_order[int(fid)]) except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt) as err: print() return except FileNotFoundError as err: raise except Exception as err: import traceback traceback.print_exc() finally: readline.write_history_file(HISTFILE)