################################################################################ # # This is the uploader. It simplifies the testing process immensely and makes # autoILIAS finally obsolete, since this system uses a proper Ilias # implementation. # # The code is straight forward. You need to seed s couple of POST requests # in the right order an then the items appear at the right place. Currently # works for the Folder 'Sandkasten' of the test environment that ships # with hallgrim. Ilias changes often so maybe the urls have to be updated. # # The simplest way was to intercept the html traffic with wireshark. # # Sadly this script adds some ugly dependencies like requests_toolbelt. # ################################################################################ import os import requests from requests_toolbelt import MultipartEncoder from lxml import html __all__ = ['send_script'] # static data host = "" login = {"username" : "root", "password" : "homer", "cmd[showLogin]" : "Login"} upload_url = host + "ilias/ilias.php?ref_id=65&cmd=post&cmdClass=ilobjquestionpoolgui&cmdNode=26:gb&baseClass=ilRepositoryGUI&fallbackCmd=upload&rtoken=fd2f3337a6d4ae0689b5163d6af186a9" import_url = host + "ilias/ilias.php?ref_id=65&cmd=post&cmdClass=ilobjquestionpoolgui&cmdNode=26:gb&baseClass=ilRepositoryGUI&fallbackCmd=questions&rtoken=fd2f3337a6d4ae0689b5163d6af186a9" confirm_url = host + "ilias/ilias.php?ref_id=65&cmd=post&cmdClass=ilobjquestionpoolgui&cmdNode=26:gb&baseClass=ilRepositoryGUI&rtoken=fd2f3337a6d4ae0689b5163d6af186a9" import_data = { "cmd[importQuestions]" : "Import", } confirm_data = { "cmd[importVerifiedFile]" : "Import", "questions_only" : "1", } def send_script(filepath): file = MultipartEncoder(fields={ 'xmldoc': ( os.path.basename(filepath), open(filepath, 'rb'), 'text/xml' ) }) # session create and login session = requests.Session() r = session.post(host + "ilias/login.php", data=login) r = session.post(import_url, data=import_data) r = session.post(upload_url, data=file, headers={'Content-Type': file.content_type}) r = session.post(confirm_url, data=confirm_data) return r.status_code == 500