diff --git a/R/assemble.R b/R/assemble.R
index 9320b3ebc1cb4e456dfce6da54f875e3756ea632..3e526ba868ae5d7bc09ceaeaf4e41609335bfd28 100644
--- a/R/assemble.R
+++ b/R/assemble.R
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ setMethod("assemble", "i2dashboard", function(dashboard, pages = names(dashboard
 #' @return A markdown string with the final page.
 .render_page <- function(title, components, layout = c("default", "storyboard", "focal_left", "2x2_grid"), menu = NULL, sidebar = NULL) {
   if(!is.null(sidebar)) {
-    sidebar <- knitr::knit_expand(file = system.file("templates", "local_sidebar", package = "i2dash"),
+    sidebar <- knitr::knit_expand(file = system.file("templates", "local_sidebar.Rmd", package = "i2dash"),
                                   delim = c("<%", "%>"),
                                   content = sidebar, datawidth = 250)
diff --git a/R/components.R b/R/components.R
index 32967821a8effc5cb1123d9aefc8f89a324e5395..5b1791599fd0ec887e40b90fff085abdf1120f3e 100644
--- a/R/components.R
+++ b/R/components.R
@@ -23,14 +23,14 @@
 #' @param page The name of the page to add the component or sidebar to.
 #' @param component An R object, function, or string.
 #' @param copy Whether or not to copy images to \code{dashboard@datadir}.
-#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to the components render function.
+#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to the components render function. In case of an image, parameters \code{height} and \code{width} can be used to define the dimensions of the image with CSS or provide an alternative text with \code{image_alt_text}.
 #' @return The (modified) \linkS4class{i2dashboard} object.
 #' @rdname i2dashboard-content
           signature = signature(dashboard = "i2dashboard", component = "character"),
-          function(dashboard, page = "default", component, copy = FALSE, ...) {
+          function(dashboard, component, page = "default", copy = FALSE, ...) {
             # Logic to guess intended usage
             mode <- NULL
             if(stringr::str_detect(tolower(component), "\\.[md|txt]+$")) {
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ setMethod("add_component",
 #' @rdname i2dashboard-content
 setMethod("add_component", signature(dashboard = "i2dashboard", component = "function"),
-          function(dashboard, page = "default", component, ...) {
+          function(dashboard, component, page = "default", ...) {
             # validate "page" input
             name <- .create_page_name(page)
             if (!(name %in% names(dashboard@pages))) {
@@ -194,13 +194,21 @@ render_text <- function(file, title = NULL, raw = FALSE) {
 #' @param image_alt_text The alt text of the image.
 #' @param title The components title.
 #' @param raw Whether or not to emit solely the markdown image code.
+#' @param width Width defined with CSS in the HTML img-tag.
+#' @param height Height defined with CSS in the HTML img-tag.
 #' @return A character string containing the evaluated component
-render_image <- function(image, image_alt_text = NULL, title = NULL, raw = FALSE) {
+render_image <- function(image, image_alt_text = NULL, title = NULL, raw = FALSE, width = "100%", height = "auto") {
   if(is.null(image_alt_text)) {
     image_alt_text <- image
-  content <- glue::glue("![{image_alt_text}]({image})\n", image_alt_text = image_alt_text, image = image)
+  content <- glue::glue(as.character(
+    htmltools::img(
+      src = image,
+      alt = image_alt_text,
+      style = paste0('height:', height, ';width:', width)
+    )),as.character(htmltools::br()))
   if(raw) return(content)
   knitr::knit_expand(file = system.file("templates", "component.Rmd", package = "i2dash"),
diff --git a/R/sidebar.R b/R/sidebar.R
index a9a8933267400a974244f99fa440df23d50538f4..1bb1b9754eff5c8c701c5356b2ec6f8735886a1d 100644
--- a/R/sidebar.R
+++ b/R/sidebar.R
@@ -1,51 +1,62 @@
 #' @include components.R
 #' @param global Whether or not to add the content to the global sidebar.
 #' @rdname i2dashboard-content
-setMethod("add_to_sidebar", "i2dashboard", function(dashboard, component, page = "default", global = FALSE, copy = FALSE, ...) {
-  # Logic to guess intended usage
-  mode <- "function"
-  if(stringr::str_detect(tolower(component), "\\.[md|txt]+$")) {
-    mode <- "text"
-  }
-  if(stringr::str_detect(tolower(component), "\\.[png|jpg|jpeg|gif]+$")) {
-    if(copy) {
-      location <- file.path(dashboard@datadir, basename(component))
-      file.copy(component, location)
-      component <- location
-    }
-    mode <- "image"
-  }
+          signature = signature(dashboard = "i2dashboard", component = "character"),
+          function(dashboard, component, page = "default", global = FALSE, copy = FALSE, ...) {
+            # Logic to guess intended usage
+            mode <- NULL
+            if(stringr::str_detect(tolower(component), "\\.[md|txt]+$")) {
+              mode <- "text"
+            }
+            if(stringr::str_detect(tolower(component), "\\.[png|jpg|jpeg|gif]+$")) {
+              if(copy) {
+                location <- file.path(dashboard@datadir, basename(component))
+                file.copy(component, location)
+                component <- location
+              }
+              mode <- "image"
+            }
-  if(mode == "function") {
-    pn <- strsplit(component, "::")[[1]]
-    eval_function <- if(length(pn) == 1) {
-      get(pn[[1]], envir = asNamespace("i2dash"), mode = "function")
-    } else {
-      get(pn[[2]], envir = asNamespace(pn[[1]]), mode = "function")
-    }
-  }
+            component <- switch(mode,
+                                "text" = render_text(component, ...),
+                                "image" = render_image(component, ...))
-  component <- switch(mode,
-                      "function" = do.call(eval_function, args = list(dashboard, ...)),
-                      "text" = do.call("render_text", args = list(component, raw = TRUE)),
-                      "image" = do.call("render_image", args = list(component, raw = TRUE)))
+            if(global) {
+              dashboard@sidebar <- paste0(dashboard@sidebar, component)
+            } else {
+              # validate "page" input
+              name <- .create_page_name(page)
+              if (!(name %in% names(dashboard@pages))) {
+                warning(sprintf("i2dashboard dashboard does not contain a page named '%s'", name))
+                return(dashboard)
+              }
+              dashboard@pages[[name]]$sidebar <- paste0(dashboard@pages[[name]]$sidebar, component)
+            }
+            return(dashboard)
+          })
+#' @rdname i2dashboard-content
+          signature = signature(dashboard = "i2dashboard", component = "function"),
+          function(dashboard, component, page = "default", global = FALSE, copy = FALSE, ...) {
+            content <- component(dashboard, ...)
-  if(is.list(component)) {
-    warning(sprintf("Component function returned unsupported content for sidebar."))
-    return(dashboard)
-  }
+            if(is.list(content)) {
+              warning(sprintf("Component function returned unsupported content for a sidebar."))
+              return(dashboard)
+            }
-  if(global) {
-    dashboard@sidebar <- paste0(dashboard@sidebar, component)
-  } else {
-    name <- .create_page_name(page)
-    if (!(name %in% names(dashboard@pages))) {
-      warning(sprintf("i2dashboard dashboard does not contain a page named '%s'", name))
-      return(dashboard)
-    }
-    dashboard@pages[[name]]$sidebar <- paste0(dashboard@pages[[name]]$sidebar, component)
-  }
-  return(dashboard)
+            if(global) {
+              dashboard@sidebar <- paste0(dashboard@sidebar, content)
+            } else {
+              # validate "page" input
+              name <- .create_page_name(page)
+              if (!(name %in% names(dashboard@pages))) {
+                warning(sprintf("i2dashboard dashboard does not contain a page named '%s'", name))
+                return(dashboard)
+              }
+              dashboard@pages[[name]]$sidebar <- paste0(dashboard@pages[[name]]$sidebar, content)
+            }
+            return(dashboard)
+          })
diff --git a/man/i2dashboard-content.Rd b/man/i2dashboard-content.Rd
index 02543abefdb48e9f0507fa216402dbb90ecae000..20c113da029e95ac87c464d109e0478cdd1bfc60 100644
--- a/man/i2dashboard-content.Rd
+++ b/man/i2dashboard-content.Rd
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
 \title{Add content to an i2dashboard object.}
 add_component(dashboard, component, ...)
@@ -26,9 +27,9 @@ add_colormap(dashboard, ...)
 add_link(dashboard, ...)
-\S4method{add_component}{i2dashboard,character}(dashboard, page = "default", component, copy = FALSE, ...)
+\S4method{add_component}{i2dashboard,character}(dashboard, component, page = "default", copy = FALSE, ...)
-\S4method{add_component}{i2dashboard,`function`}(dashboard, page = "default", component, ...)
+\S4method{add_component}{i2dashboard,`function`}(dashboard, component, page = "default", ...)
 \S4method{add_component}{i2dashboard,gg}(dashboard, component, page = "default", ...)
@@ -51,7 +52,16 @@ add_link(dashboard, ...)
 \S4method{add_colormap}{i2dashboard}(dashboard, map, name)
+  dashboard,
+  component,
+  page = "default",
+  global = FALSE,
+  copy = FALSE,
+  ...
   page = "default",
@@ -65,7 +75,7 @@ add_link(dashboard, ...)
 \item{component}{An R object, function, or string.}
-\item{...}{Additional parameters passed to the components render function.}
+\item{...}{Additional parameters passed to the components render function. In case of an image, parameters \code{height} and \code{width} can be used to define the dimensions of the image with CSS or provide an alternative text with \code{image_alt_text}.}
 \item{page}{The name of the page to add the component or sidebar to.}
diff --git a/man/render_image.Rd b/man/render_image.Rd
index 3eee0774b9b009dc556b54d7dbbee3e8cbbce3df..5684a86e062250b27034fdc84bc15aaeb14caac6 100644
--- a/man/render_image.Rd
+++ b/man/render_image.Rd
@@ -4,7 +4,14 @@
 \title{Method to embed an image file in a component}
-render_image(image, image_alt_text = NULL, title = NULL, raw = FALSE)
+  image,
+  image_alt_text = NULL,
+  title = NULL,
+  raw = FALSE,
+  width = "100\%",
+  height = "auto"
 \item{image}{The path to the image file.}
@@ -14,6 +21,10 @@ render_image(image, image_alt_text = NULL, title = NULL, raw = FALSE)
 \item{title}{The components title.}
 \item{raw}{Whether or not to emit solely the markdown image code.}
+\item{width}{Width defined with CSS in the HTML img-tag.}
+\item{height}{Height defined with CSS in the HTML img-tag.}
 A character string containing the evaluated component