index f638530385f9bae926c19a84178566a95468b3c0..8955d02f2e261fc6e2780d68abe4893ae82fc475 100644
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Imports:
+    assertive.types,
index 1f686df528e94a82b8f43b90621863129aeed375..dd06e168c73b8b625542b808d340c65d29ed9848 100644
@@ -3,11 +3,15 @@
@@ -17,11 +21,14 @@ export(embed_var)
diff --git a/R/AllGenerics.R b/R/AllGenerics.R
index 4888ef2aa38e80d2d1d2395a155787dd61d38496..853951fc273f6e38fd0890fa6797c5b5613dad47 100644
--- a/R/AllGenerics.R
+++ b/R/AllGenerics.R
@@ -45,4 +45,22 @@ setGeneric("theme<-", function(dashboard, value) standardGeneric("theme<-"))
 setGeneric("datadir", function(dashboard) standardGeneric("datadir"))
 #' @export
-setGeneric("datadir<-", function(dashboard, value) standardGeneric("datadir<-"))
\ No newline at end of file
+setGeneric("datadir<-", function(dashboard, value) standardGeneric("datadir<-"))
+#' @export
+setGeneric("social_links", function(dashboard) standardGeneric("social_links"))
+#' @export
+setGeneric("social_links<-", function(dashboard, value) standardGeneric("social_links<-"))
+#' @export
+setGeneric("embed_source<-", function(dashboard, value) standardGeneric("embed_source<-"))
+#' @export
+setGeneric("source", function(dashboard) standardGeneric("source"))
+#' @export
+setGeneric("source<-", function(dashboard, value) standardGeneric("source<-"))
+#' @export
+setGeneric("add_link", function(dashboard, ...) standardGeneric("add_link"))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/assemble.R b/R/assemble.R
index d937e5d85ab1bcaab3d14cb270bbc9d1e9dc8bc1..dff109599126e813c7f1683d16b73960c96edf80 100644
--- a/R/assemble.R
+++ b/R/assemble.R
@@ -19,12 +19,24 @@ setMethod("assemble", "i2dashboard", function(dashboard, pages = names(dashboard
     saveRDS(dashboard@colormaps, file = file.path(dashboard@datadir, colormap_id))
+  # Hack to proper source and social
+  if (dashboard@source == "") {
+    source <- NULL
+  } else {
+    source <- dashboard@source
+  }
+  if (dashboard@social == "") {
+    social <- NULL
+  } else {
+    social <- dashboard@social
+  }
   # Add YAML header
   options(ymlthis.rmd_body = "")
   ymlthis::yml(date = F) %>%
     ymlthis::yml_title(dashboard@title) %>%
     ymlthis::yml_author(dashboard@author) %>%
-    ymlthis::yml_output(flexdashboard::flex_dashboard(theme = !!dashboard@theme)) %>%
+    ymlthis::yml_output(flexdashboard::flex_dashboard(theme = !!dashboard@theme, social = !!social, source = !!source, navbar = !!dashboard@navbar)) %>%
     {if(dashboard@interactive) ymlthis::yml_runtime(., runtime = "shiny") else .} %>%
     ymlthis::use_rmarkdown(path = tmp_document, include_body = FALSE, quiet = TRUE, open_doc = FALSE)
diff --git a/R/get_set.R b/R/get_set.R
index b51daf8b10859c8b5bbf6f204778146c80a5738c..70aeea16b878839907f8b3a261820202fd3dc40e 100644
--- a/R/get_set.R
+++ b/R/get_set.R
@@ -77,3 +77,83 @@ setMethod("datadir<-", "i2dashboard", function(dashboard, value) {
   dashboard@datadir <- value
+#' Get/set the links to be shown for sharing on social media. Any of the following services are allowed: “facebook”, “twitter”, “google-plus”, “linkedin”, and “pinterest”. You can also specify “menu” to provide a generic sharing drop-down menu that includes all of the services.
+#' @param dashboard A \linkS4class{i2dash::i2dashboard}.
+#' @param value The value of the desired property.
+#' @name i2dashboard-class
+#' @rdname i2dashboard-class
+setMethod("social_links", "i2dashboard", function(dashboard) dashboard@social_links)
+#' @name i2dashboard-class
+#' @rdname i2dashboard-class
+setMethod("social_links<-", "i2dashboard", function(dashboard, value) {
+  i <- intersect(tolower(value), c("facebook", "twitter", "google-plus", "linkedin", "pinterest", "menu"))
+  if (length(i) > 0) {
+    dashboard@social <- i
+  }
+  dashboard
+#' Get/set the embedding of the source code of the i2dashboard. Can either be a URL pointing to where the source code can be found online or whether or not to embed the source code into the document.
+#' @param dashboard A \linkS4class{i2dash::i2dashboard}.
+#' @param value The value of the desired property. A URL pointing to where the source code can be found online.
+#' @name i2dashboard-class
+#' @rdname i2dashboard-class
+setMethod("source", "i2dashboard", function(dashboard) dashboard@source)
+#' @name i2dashboard-class
+#' @rdname i2dashboard-class
+setMethod("source<-", "i2dashboard", function(dashboard, value) {
+  dashboard@source <- tolower(as.character(value))
+  dashboard
+#' @name i2dashboard-class
+#' @rdname i2dashboard-class
+setMethod("embed_source<-", "i2dashboard", function(dashboard, value) {
+  if(value) {
+    dashboard@source <- "embed"
+  } else {
+    dashboard@source <- ""
+  }
+  dashboard
+#' Add a link to the navigation bar.
+#' @param dashboard A \linkS4class{i2dash::i2dashboard}.
+#' @param href The target of the link.
+#' @param title The link title.
+#' @param icon An optional link icon (see https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/flexdashboard/using.html#icon-sets)
+#' @param align Optional argument that can be “left” or “right” (defaults = “right”) defining the alignment of the links in the navigation bar
+#' @param target An optional target (e.g. "_blank")
+#' @rdname i2dashboard-methods
+#' @export
+setMethod("add_link", "i2dashboard", function(dashboard, href, title = NULL, icon = NULL, align = c("right","left"), target = NULL) {
+  align <- match.arg(align)
+  if(is.null(title) & is.null(icon)) {
+    warning("Both, title and icon, cannot be NULL when adding a link.")
+    return(dashboard)
+  }
+  # Workaround for NULL values
+  if(is.null(icon)) {
+    icon <- ""
+  }
+  if(is.null(title)) {
+    title = ""
+  }
+  if(is.null(target)) {
+    target = ""
+  }
+  dashboard@navbar <- append(dashboard@navbar, list(list("href" = href, "title" = title, "icon" = icon, "align" = align, "target" = target)))
+  dashboard
diff --git a/R/i2dashboard.R b/R/i2dashboard.R
index 8761730d33473ce7a70b4646601ce8cabd86159a..8af9444465c2ddd3aac4b15acdf6181f5f827e70 100644
--- a/R/i2dashboard.R
+++ b/R/i2dashboard.R
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
 #' @slot pages A list of dashboard pages
 #' @slot sidebar Content of the global sidebar
 #' @slot colormaps A named list with color mappings.
+#' @slot source Either a logical value describing whether the source code should be embeded through an item in the navigation bar or a link to a URL where the source code can be found online.
+#' @slot social A vector with any number of the following services: “facebook”, “twitter”, “google-plus”, “linkedin”, and “pinterest”. You can also specify “menu” to provide a generic sharing drop-down menu that includes all of the services.
+#' @slot navbar A list of links in the navigation bar (see https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/flexdashboard/using.html#navigation_bar).
 #' @return An i2dashboard object.
@@ -25,14 +28,19 @@ setClass("i2dashboard",
     file = "character",
     pages = "list",
     sidebar = "character",
-    colormaps = "list"
+    colormaps = "list",
+    source = "character",
+    social = "character",
+    navbar = "list"
     title = "i2dashboard",
     interactive = FALSE,
     theme = "yeti",
     datadir = file.path(getwd(), "report-data"),
-    pages = list(default = list(title = "Default page", layout = "default", menu = NULL, components = list(), sidebar = NULL, max_components = Inf))
+    pages = list(default = list(title = "Default page", layout = "default", menu = NULL, components = list(), sidebar = NULL, max_components = Inf)),
+    source = "",
+    social = ""
diff --git a/man/i2dashboard-class.Rd b/man/i2dashboard-class.Rd
index d5a103c6403e41d4217e3ffabc0e441911e3c64b..61b7ee558f8e9d39bd003e3583c17765671d3dd2 100644
--- a/man/i2dashboard-class.Rd
+++ b/man/i2dashboard-class.Rd
@@ -23,11 +23,21 @@
 \S4method{datadir}{i2dashboard}(dashboard) <- value
+\S4method{social_links}{i2dashboard}(dashboard) <- value
+\S4method{source}{i2dashboard}(dashboard) <- value
+\S4method{embed_source}{i2dashboard}(dashboard) <- value
 \item{dashboard}{A \linkS4class{i2dash::i2dashboard}.}
-\item{value}{The value of the desired property.}
+\item{value}{The value of the desired property. A URL pointing to where the source code can be found online.}
 Get/set the interactivity of the i2dashboard.
@@ -39,4 +49,8 @@ Get/set the author of the i2dashboard.
 Get/set the theme of the i2dashboard.
 Get/set the datadir of the i2dashboard.
+Get/set the links to be shown for sharing on social media. Any of the following services are allowed: “facebook”, “twitter”, “google-plus”, “linkedin”, and “pinterest”. You can also specify “menu” to provide a generic sharing drop-down menu that includes all of the services.
+Get/set the embedding of the source code of the i2dashboard. Can either be a URL pointing to where the source code can be found online or whether or not to embed the source code into the document.
diff --git a/man/i2dashboard-methods.Rd b/man/i2dashboard-methods.Rd
index 0bbee3e0744ce74b3e8e59bd800b576f3da82cdf..7abd8b385a90db6fa67094359fbbb4ea596d7ed9 100644
--- a/man/i2dashboard-methods.Rd
+++ b/man/i2dashboard-methods.Rd
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/assemble.R, R/colormap.R, R/pages.R,
-%   R/sidebar.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/assemble.R, R/colormap.R, R/get_set.R,
+%   R/pages.R, R/sidebar.R
@@ -20,6 +21,15 @@
 \S4method{add_colormap}{i2dashboard}(dashboard, map, name)
+  dashboard,
+  href,
+  title = NULL,
+  icon = NULL,
+  align = c("right", "left"),
+  target = NULL
@@ -58,10 +68,18 @@
 \item{name}{A name for the color mapping.}
-\item{page}{The name of the page to which add the sidebar.}
+\item{href}{The target of the link.}
 \item{title}{The title of the page to be added.}
+\item{icon}{An optional link icon (see https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/flexdashboard/using.html#icon-sets)}
+\item{align}{Optional argument that can be “left” or “right” (defaults = “right”) defining the alignment of the links in the navigation bar}
+\item{target}{An optional target (e.g. "_blank")}
+\item{page}{The name of the page to which add the sidebar.}
 \item{layout}{The page layout (see below).}
 \item{menu}{The name of the menu, under which the page should appear.}
diff --git a/man/idashboard-class.Rd b/man/idashboard-class.Rd
index bb417746282728990f2550e26e39b4f01aee0362..05f1f66ce1ea1c49c984eaef36f870cd14415976 100644
--- a/man/idashboard-class.Rd
+++ b/man/idashboard-class.Rd
@@ -44,5 +44,11 @@ Create a new i2dashboard object.
 \item{\code{sidebar}}{Content of the global sidebar}
 \item{\code{colormaps}}{A named list with color mappings.}
+\item{\code{source}}{Either a logical value describing whether the source code should be embeded through an item in the navigation bar or a link to a URL where the source code can be found online.}
+\item{\code{social}}{A vector with any number of the following services: “facebook”, “twitter”, “google-plus”, “linkedin”, and “pinterest”. You can also specify “menu” to provide a generic sharing drop-down menu that includes all of the services.}
+\item{\code{navbar}}{A list of links in the navigation bar (see https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/flexdashboard/using.html#navigation_bar).}