% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/i2dashboard.R
\title{The idashboard S4 class.}
\S4method{initialize}{i2dashboard}(.Object, ...)


The idashboard S4 class.

Constructor method of the i2dashboard class.

Show method of the i2dashboard class.

Create a new i2dashboard object.

\item{\code{title}}{The dashboards title}

\item{\code{author}}{The author of the dashboard}

\item{\code{interactive}}{If a shiny-based report should be created}

\item{\code{theme}}{The theme of the dashboard}

\item{\code{datadir}}{Path to the directory, where report data is stored.}

\item{\code{file}}{Filename of the resulting report Rmd file.}

\item{\code{pages}}{A list of dashboard pages}