October Sprint (2021)
- The plan is to take at least 2 full days, in person, in Frankfurt, to make together a MAP of the different things to be done, highlighting what is blocking and makes it difficult to progress. NEed to identify the most urgent tasks and to do them in the sprint!
- Andreas, Manuela, Kateryna, Polina, Marcus
- for the "material" part of the work, see pictures in the Sprint folder in the Repository!
DAY one:
I) - [x] Set up the Sprint GOALS:
- make a MAP of the phases of the work; identify WORKFLOWS (mainly for segmentation and alignment): identification of blocking issues; identification of what each of us has to do first
- set up a timetable, with DEADLINES
- TALK ABOUT: what's next: Visualization and sustainability
Further points:
- Cleaning:
- project management: fix wiky
- repository: folders and files in the Master Branch Repository
- files and editions in LERA
Check differences in TEI-encoding of the 3 editions: if problems for segmentation and alignment
Andreas: moving GitLab Project to MPI account
Manu: golden standard (manual alignment of ch. 23); [] Check abbreviations; [] check segmentation
Kat: names
- cleaning in Master branch Repository
- fixed the wiky (only minor things to fix and display)
III) We discussed workflow for working in LERA on the segmentation and alignment >> see pictures >> Manu will need to do it for ch. 23 and see which problems we encounter!
IV) agreed in using ch. 23 to a) see if problems with enriching text with names, checked ids and expansions (actually at the moment names are manually added for that chapter) b) to test the segmentation and the alignment
DAY two: I) Draw a map of the different parts/phases of the projects, structured in epics, sub-epics, issues II) Concretely identified for several "epics" the concrete steps to be taken III) Organized the Git Lab Project accordingly IV) Migrated Azpi Project to the MPG space V)Fixed Manuela's problems with Oxygen VI) produced ch. 23 expanded files
DAY three
I) Talk to Marcus, ask him:
- about LERA (Issues: closed, things done);
- Cleaning LERA (documents, editions)
- check if problem with entire chapter displayed disappeared
II)set up the environment for test ch. 23 (ask Marcus to guide how to do segmentation, set up edition)
III) check timeline together
IV) think about how to keep the git lab updated
V) defined assignees for each issue
VI) Management: how to update, close issues