diff --git a/mpsd-software-environment.py b/mpsd-software-environment.py
index a2651bc488db7a9801ffdfa39b31719ded50132e..10bf6a552913d12af11ec1aa15600a91a9d5d9c5 100755
--- a/mpsd-software-environment.py
+++ b/mpsd-software-environment.py
@@ -835,14 +835,15 @@ def environment_status(mpsd_release: str, root_dir: Union[str, Path]) -> dict:
     mpsd_release : str
         A string representing the MPSD release version.
     root_dir : pathlib.Path
-        A Path object representing the path to the directory where
-        the release and toolchains will be installed.
+        A Path object pointing to the root directory of the installation.
+        Expect a subfolder root/mpsd_release in which we search for the
+        toolchains.
     toolchain_map : dict
-    A dictionary containing available microarchitectures as keys and
-    a list of available toolchains as values for each microarchitecture.
+        A dictionary containing available microarchitectures as keys and
+        a list of available toolchains as values for each microarchitecture.
     msg = f"Showing status of release {mpsd_release} in {root_dir}"