diff --git a/development.rst b/development.rst
index f034c980cf4e54eb7b229063b89c4b24950fae5b..0c733bf1134a6be6d20f022406f6a4fa9ccf54dc 100644
--- a/development.rst
+++ b/development.rst
@@ -33,4 +33,6 @@ Here is a list of exit codes and what they mean:
 | 20        | Requested package set is not available   | Use 'available' command to see list of available package_sets                    |
 | 30        | Current directory is already initialised | Check if you are in the  right directory                                         |
 | 40        | Current directory is not initialised     | Check if you are in the  right directory, if so use 'init' command to initialise |
+| 50        | No package set is selected               | Please specify package_sets to remove, or 'ALL' to remove all package_sets       |
+| 60        | User didnt confirm removing the release  | Please input 'y' if you are sure about removing the entire release               |
diff --git a/src/mpsd_software_manager/mpsd_software.py b/src/mpsd_software_manager/mpsd_software.py
index 73b4f4d6d151eb531f866ffe424928a8aa0a53e4..b26344a4b570773dd2e997dba95dd06e70ca3847 100755
--- a/src/mpsd_software_manager/mpsd_software.py
+++ b/src/mpsd_software_manager/mpsd_software.py
@@ -5,18 +5,17 @@
 import argparse
 import datetime
+import importlib.metadata
 import logging
 import os
+import re
 import subprocess
 import sys
 import tempfile
 import time
+from functools import cache
 from pathlib import Path
 from typing import List, Tuple, Union
-import re
-import shutil
-from functools import cache
-import importlib.metadata
 __version__ = importlib.metadata.version(__package__ or __name__)
@@ -1080,39 +1079,177 @@ def install_environment(
 def remove_environment(mpsd_release, root_dir, package_sets="NONE", force_remove=False):
-    """Remove release from installation."""
+    """Remove release from installation.
+    Handle 3 situations :
+    1. remove does not specify what to remove
+        -> warn and exit
+    2. remove all package_sets from release
+        -> remove release folder except logs
+    3. remove specific package_sets from release
+        -> remove spack environments via spack commands
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    mpsd_release : str
+        A string representing the MPSD release version.
+    root_dir : pathlib.Path
+        A Path object representing the path to the directory where
+        the release and package_sets will be installed.
+    package_sets : list of str
+        A list of strings representing the package_sets to remove
+        (e.g., "foss2021a-mpi", "global_generic", "ALL").
+    force_remove : bool, optional
+        A boolean indicating whether to force remove the release.
+        If False, the user will be prompted to confirm the removal.
+        Defaults to False.
+    Raises
+    ------
+    ValueError
+    """
     msg = (
         f"Removing release {mpsd_release}"
         f" with package_sets {package_sets} from {root_dir}"
     if package_sets == "NONE":
-            "Please specify package_sets to remove, or 'ALL' to remove all toolchains"
+            "Please specify package_sets to remove, or 'ALL' to remove all package_sets"
-        sys.exit(1)
+        sys.exit(50)
+    # 2nd case: remove the entire release for microarchitecture
+    dir_to_remove = root_dir / mpsd_release / get_native_microarchitecture()
     if "ALL" in package_sets:
         # we need to remove the entire release folder
-            f"Removing release {mpsd_release} from {root_dir}"
-            "do you want to continue? [y/n]"
+            f"Removing release {mpsd_release}"
+            f"from {root_dir} for {get_native_microarchitecture()}"
-        if force_remove or input().lower() == "y":
-            folders_to_remove = os.listdir(root_dir / mpsd_release)
-            # skip logs folder
-            if "logs" in folders_to_remove:
-                folders_to_remove.remove("logs")
-            for folder in folders_to_remove:
-                shutil.rmtree(root_dir / mpsd_release / folder)
-                sys.exit(0)
+        if not force_remove:
+            logging.warning("do you want to continue? [y/n]")
+            if input().lower() != "y":
+                sys.exit(60)
+            # Set the remove log file name from create_log_file_names
+        build_log_path = get_log_file_path(mpsd_release, "remove", root_dir, "ALL")
+        logging.info(f"> Logging removal of {mpsd_release} at {build_log_path}")
+        folders_to_remove = os.listdir(dir_to_remove)
+        for folder in folders_to_remove:
+            # shutil.rmtree(dir_to_remove / folder) #dosent delete file
+            run(
+                f"rm -rf {dir_to_remove / folder} 2>&1 | tee -a {build_log_path}",
+                shell=True,
+                check=True,
+            )
+        logging.warning(f"Removed release {mpsd_release} from {root_dir}")
+        return
+    # 3rd case: remove specific package_sets from release
     for package_set in package_sets:
         # we load the spack environment and remove the package_set
-        spack_env = ""
-        commands_to_execute = [
-            f"source {spack_env}",
-            f"spack env remove -y {package_set}",
-        ]
-        run(" && ".join(commands_to_execute), shell=True, check=True)
+        build_log_path = get_log_file_path(
+            mpsd_release, "remove", root_dir, package_set
+        )
+        logging.info(f"> Logging removal of {package_set} at {build_log_path}")
+        if package_set not in ["global_generic", "global"]:
+            remove_spack_environment(
+                dir_to_remove / "spack", package_set, build_log_path
+            )
+        else:
+            # list all specs from the global_packages.list
+            spe_folder = root_dir / mpsd_release / "spack-environments"
+            package_list_file = (
+                spe_folder / "toolchains" / package_set / "global_packages.list"
+            )
+            with open(package_list_file, "r") as f:
+                package_dump = f.read()
+            # remove all content from # to the end of the line
+            package_dump = re.sub(r"#.*\n", "\n", package_dump)
+            # replace \\n with "" to remove line breaks
+            package_list = package_dump.replace("\\\n", "").split("\n")
+            # remove all empty lines
+            package_list = [line for line in package_list if line != ""]
+            # remove all packages in package_list
+            for package in package_list:
+                logging.info(f"Removing package {package} from installation")
+                remove_spack_package(dir_to_remove / "spack", package, build_log_path)
+def remove_spack_environment(spack_dir, environment_name, build_log_path=None):
+    """Remove spack environment including packages exclusive to it.
+    First activate the environment,
+    then uninstall all packages exclusive to the environment,
+    then deactivate the environment,
+    remove the environment,
+    and finally remove the environment lua file.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    spack_dir : pathlib.Path
+        A Path object representing the path to the spack directory.
+    environment_name : str
+        A string representing the name of the spack environment to remove.
+    build_log_path : pathlib.Path, optional
+        A Path object representing the path to where the logs will be teed
+    """
+    logging.warning(f"Removing spack environment {environment_name}")
+    spack_env = spack_dir / "share" / "spack" / "setup-env.sh"
+    commands_to_execute = [
+        f"export SPACK_ROOT={spack_dir}",  # need to set SPACK_ROOT in dash and sh
+        f". {spack_env}",
+        f"spack env activate {environment_name}",
+        f"for spec in $(spack -e {environment_name} find"  # this line continues
+        r' --format "{name}@{version}%{compiler.name}@{compiler.version}");do'
+        " spack uninstall -y $spec; done",
+        "spack env deactivate",
+        f"spack env remove -y {environment_name}",
+    ]
+    build_log_path = build_log_path or "/dev/null"
+    run(
+        "(" + " && ".join(commands_to_execute) + f") 2>&1 |tee -a {build_log_path}",
+        shell=True,
+        check=True,
+    )
+    # remove the environment lua file
+    lua_file = (
+        spack_dir / ".." / "lmod" / "Core" / "toolchains" / f"{environment_name}.lua"
+    )
+    run(f"rm {lua_file}", shell=True, check=True)
+def remove_spack_package(spack_dir, package, build_log_path=None):
+    """Remove spack package.
+    Used to remove global packages.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    spack_dir : pathlib.Path
+        A Path object representing the path to the spack directory.
+    package : str
+        A string representing the name of the spack package to remove.
+    build_log_path : pathlib.Path, optional
+        A Path object representing the path to where the logs will be teed
+    """
+    logging.info(f"Removing spack package {package}")
+    spack_env = spack_dir / "share" / "spack" / "setup-env.sh"
+    commands_to_execute = [
+        f"export SPACK_ROOT={spack_dir}",  # need to set SPACK_ROOT in dash and sh
+        f". {spack_env}",
+        f"spack uninstall -y {package}",
+    ]
+    run(
+        "(" + " && ".join(commands_to_execute) + f") 2>&1 |tee -a {build_log_path}",
+        shell=True,
+        check=True,
+    )
 def start_new_environment(release, from_release, target_dir):
@@ -1315,7 +1452,7 @@ def main():
         ("available", "What is available for installation?"),
         ("install", "Install a software environment"),
         # ("reinstall", "Reinstall a package_set"),
-        # ("remove", "Remove a package set"),
+        ("remove", "Remove a package set"),
         # ("start-new", "Start a new MPSD software release version"),
         ("status", "Show status: what is installed?"),
         ("prepare", "Prepare installation of MPSD-release (dev only)"),
diff --git a/tests/test_mpsd_software.py b/tests/test_mpsd_software.py
index a65d5d84a7b7c1de4b55509c3692d8f6406a90b4..0a503315a89740ec09b1d98dab7b272e5c25d27b 100644
--- a/tests/test_mpsd_software.py
+++ b/tests/test_mpsd_software.py
@@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
 """Tests for mpsd-software-environment.py."""
+import copy
+import datetime
 import importlib
+import logging
 import os
 import shutil
 import subprocess
-from pathlib import Path
-import logging
-import datetime
 import sys
+from pathlib import Path
 import pytest
+import yaml
 mod = importlib.import_module("mpsd_software_manager.mpsd_software")
@@ -256,7 +258,7 @@ def test_install_environment_zlib():
     with open(
         package_set_src_dir / "global_generic" / "global_packages.list", "w"
     ) as f:
-        f.write("zlib@1.2.13 \n")
+        f.write("zlib@1.2.13 \nzstd@1.5.2\n")
     # add zlib to whitelist of module creation file by replacing anaconda3%gcc@10.2.1
     # with zlib@1.2.13
@@ -487,8 +489,11 @@ def create_fake_environment(tmp_path, mpsd_release, expected_toolchain_map=None)
         toolchain_lmod_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
         spack_folder = tmp_path / mpsd_release / microarch / "spack"
         spack_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-        logs_folder = tmp_path / mpsd_release / microarch / "logs"
+        logs_folder = tmp_path / mpsd_release / "logs"
         logs_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+        # Simulate the creation of APEX.log
+        # (which is created by the main function)
+        (logs_folder / "APEX.log").touch()
         for toolchain in expected_toolchain_map[microarch]:
             toolchain_lua_file = toolchain_lmod_folder / f"{toolchain}.lua"
@@ -509,33 +514,6 @@ def test_environment_status(tmp_path):
         assert set(toolchain_map[microarch]) == set(expected_toolchain_map[microarch])
-@pytest.mark.skip(reason="not implemented yet")
-def test_remove_environment(tmp_path):
-    """Test that the remove_environment works as expected."""
-    mpsd_release = "dev-23a"
-    # create a fake environment
-    create_fake_environment(tmp_path, mpsd_release)
-    # check that the environment status is correct
-    toolchain_map = mod.environment_status(mpsd_release, tmp_path)
-    assert toolchain_map is not None
-    # test removal  without arguments (should sys.exit(1))
-    create_fake_environment(tmp_path, mpsd_release)
-    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
-        mod.remove_environment(mpsd_release, tmp_path, force_remove=True)
-    # test removal of the complete environment
-    mod.remove_environment(mpsd_release, tmp_path, ["ALL"], force_remove=True)
-    toolchain_map = mod.environment_status(mpsd_release, tmp_path)
-    assert toolchain_map is None
-    # ensure that logs folder remains
-    logs_folder = tmp_path / mpsd_release / "logs"
-    assert logs_folder.exists()
-    # test removal of a single toolchain
-    # done in test_install_environment_zlib
 def test_initialise_environment(tmp_path):
     """Test that init_file is created as expected."""
     # test that the init file is created as expected
@@ -675,6 +653,227 @@ def test_argument_parsing_logic(mocker):
     ### Copy from 'install' when the time has come.)
+def test_remove_environment(tmp_path, mocker):
+    """Test that the remove_environment function works as expected."""
+    release_to_test = "dev-23a"
+    # check exit 50 when no package_sets are provided
+    with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
+        mod.remove_environment("dev-23a", tmp_path)
+    assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
+    assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 50
+    # Test case2  - remove entire release
+    ## exit with 60 when force is not set
+    ### patch the input function to return 'n'
+    mocker.patch("builtins.input", return_value="n")
+    with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
+        mod.remove_environment(release_to_test, tmp_path, "ALL")
+    assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
+    assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 60
+    ### patch the input function to return 'y'
+    mocker.patch("builtins.input", return_value="y")
+    # check that the release directory is removed and logs are kept
+    # create a release directory
+    create_fake_environment(tmp_path, release_to_test)
+    release_dir = tmp_path / release_to_test / mod.get_native_microarchitecture()
+    logs_dir = tmp_path / release_to_test / "logs"
+    toolchain_map = mod.environment_status(release_to_test, tmp_path)
+    assert toolchain_map is not None
+    mod.remove_environment(release_to_test, tmp_path, "ALL")
+    toolchain_map = mod.environment_status(release_to_test, tmp_path)
+    # check that no toolchain remains
+    assert toolchain_map is None
+    # check that the release directory is empty
+    assert len(list(release_dir.iterdir())) == 0
+    # check that the logs directory is non-empty
+    list_of_logs = list(logs_dir.iterdir())
+    assert len(list_of_logs) == 2  # APEX + remove_build_log
+    # check that one of the log has 'remove.log' as part of the name
+    assert "BUILD_ALL_remove.log" in ",".join([str(x) for x in list_of_logs])
+    # Test case3  - remove specific package_sets
+    # defined in test_remove_package_sets
+def simple_toolchain():
+    """returns a dict for a simple toolchain"""
+    dict = {
+        "spack": {
+            "specs": ["zlib@1.2.13"],
+            "view": True,
+            "concretizer": {"reuse": False, "unify": True},
+        }
+    }
+    return dict
+def install_test_release(tmp_path, simple_toolchain):
+    """Install a test release
+    with toolchain1 and toolchain2 to use for testing.
+    """
+    release_to_test = "dev-23a"
+    # prepare a release directory
+    mod.prepare_environment(mpsd_release=release_to_test, root_dir=tmp_path)
+    tmp_path / release_to_test / mod.get_native_microarchitecture()
+    spe_dir = tmp_path / release_to_test / "spack-environments"
+    # create sample toolchains
+    simple_toolchain_string = yaml.dump(simple_toolchain)
+    simple_toolchain_2 = copy.deepcopy(simple_toolchain)
+    simple_toolchain_2["spack"]["specs"] = ["zlib@1.2.13", "zstd@1.5.2"]
+    simple_toolchain2_string = yaml.dump(simple_toolchain_2)
+    toolchain1_dir = spe_dir / "toolchains" / "toolchain1"
+    toolchain2_dir = spe_dir / "toolchains" / "toolchain2"
+    toolchain1_dir.mkdir(parents=True)
+    toolchain2_dir.mkdir(parents=True)
+    (toolchain1_dir / "spack.yaml").write_text(simple_toolchain_string)
+    (toolchain2_dir / "spack.yaml").write_text(simple_toolchain2_string)
+    # install the release
+    mod.install_environment(
+        mpsd_release=release_to_test,
+        package_sets=["toolchain1", "toolchain2"],
+        root_dir=tmp_path,
+    )
+def test_remove_package_sets(tmp_path, simple_toolchain):
+    """Test removal of package_sets via spack."""
+    release_to_test = "dev-23a"
+    # Case1 - remove global / global_generic package_sets
+    # Case2 - remove specific package_sets (toolchains)
+    # Create a test install
+    install_test_release(tmp_path, simple_toolchain)
+    # check that the installation went through
+    release_dir = tmp_path / release_to_test / mod.get_native_microarchitecture()
+    assert len(list(release_dir.iterdir())) == 2  # spack and lmod
+    # check that the two toolchains are installed
+    environments_dir = release_dir / "spack" / "var" / "spack" / "environments"
+    set([environment.name for environment in environments_dir.iterdir()]) == set(
+        ["toolchain1", "toolchain2"]
+    )
+    # check that the two toolchains have the "handmade" module files
+    toolchains_list = list(mod.environment_status(release_to_test, tmp_path).values())[
+        0
+    ]
+    assert set(toolchains_list) == set(["toolchain1", "toolchain2"])
+    # remove toolchain2
+    # toolchain1 contains - zlib@1.2
+    # toolchain2 contains - zlib@1.2 and zstd@1.5
+    # we check that removing toolchain2 removes zstd@1.5 but NOT zlib@1.2
+    # and the environment toolchain2 is also removed
+    mod.remove_environment(
+        mpsd_release=release_to_test,
+        root_dir=tmp_path,
+        package_sets=["toolchain2"],
+        force_remove=True,
+    )
+    # now check that only "toolchain1" is installed in environments_dir
+    assert set([environment.name for environment in environments_dir.iterdir()]) == set(
+        ["toolchain1"]
+    )
+    # check that the only one toolchains has the "handmade" module files
+    toolchains_list = list(mod.environment_status(release_to_test, tmp_path).values())[
+        0
+    ]
+    assert set(toolchains_list) == set(["toolchain1"])
+    # check that zlib@1.2 is still installed
+    # spack location -i <package> exit 0 if installed and 1 if not installed
+    source_spack = (
+        f"export SPACK_ROOT={release_dir} &&"
+        f'. {release_dir / "spack" / "share" / "spack" / "setup-env.sh"}'
+    )
+    mod.run(f"{source_spack} && spack location -i zlib", shell=True, check=True)
+    # check that zstd@1.5 is not installed
+    # we are here flipping the exit code to check that it is not installed
+    mod.run(
+        f"{source_spack} && (spack location -i zstd && exit 1 || exit 0 )",
+        shell=True,
+        check=True,
+    )
+    # check that the logs directory contains a build log for remove cmd
+    # dev-23a_zen3_2023-08-11T15-55-54_BUILD_toolchain2_remove.log
+    logs_dir = tmp_path / release_to_test / "logs"
+    # remove_build_log is the last log file in the list
+    remove_build_log = sorted(list(logs_dir.iterdir()))[-1]
+    assert "toolchain2_remove.log" in remove_build_log.name
+    with open(remove_build_log, "r") as f:
+        logs = f.read()
+        assert "==> Will not uninstall zlib@" in logs
+        assert "==> Successfully removed environment 'toolchain2'" in logs
+def test_remove_global_package_sets():
+    """Test removal of global package_sets via spack."""
+    root_dir = Path("/tmp/test_global_generic")
+    release_to_test = "dev-23a"
+    if not root_dir.exists():
+        # we need the sample spack instance with global_generic
+        # this is already done in test_install_environment_zlib
+        # so we just need to call it
+        test_install_environment_zlib()
+    # check that zlib and zstd are installed
+    spack_dir = (
+        root_dir / release_to_test / mod.get_native_microarchitecture() / "spack"
+    )
+    source_spack = (
+        f"export SPACK_ROOT={spack_dir} &&"
+        f'. {spack_dir / "share" / "spack" / "setup-env.sh"}'
+    )
+    # check that zlib is installed
+    # location commands exits with non zero if not installed thus
+    # breaking failing test
+    mod.run(f"{source_spack} && spack location -i zlib", shell=True, check=True)
+    # check that zstd is installed
+    mod.run(f"{source_spack} && spack location -i zstd", shell=True, check=True)
+    # remove global_generic
+    mod.remove_environment(
+        mpsd_release=release_to_test,
+        root_dir=root_dir,
+        package_sets=["global_generic"],
+        force_remove=True,
+    )
+    # check that zstd@1.5 is not installed
+    # we are here flipping the exit code to check that it is not installed
+    mod.run(
+        f"{source_spack} && (spack location -i zstd && exit 1 || exit 0 )",
+        shell=True,
+        check=True,
+    )
+    # check that zlib is not installed
+    mod.run(
+        f"{source_spack} && (spack location -i zlib && exit 1 || exit 0 )",
+        shell=True,
+        check=True,
+    )
+    # check that the logs directory contains a build log for remove cmd
+    # dev-23a_zen3_2023-08-11T15-55-54_BUILD_toolchain2_remove.log
+    logs_dir = root_dir / release_to_test / "logs"
+    # remove_build_log is the last log file in the list
+    remove_build_log = sorted(list(logs_dir.iterdir()))[-1]
+    assert "global_generic_remove.log" in remove_build_log.name
+    with open(remove_build_log, "r") as f:
+        logs = f.read()
+        assert "==> Successfully uninstalled zstd" in logs
+        assert "==> Successfully uninstalled zlib" in logs
 def test_interface(tmp_path):
     """Test other things (not implemented yet)."""