diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 7a2383a57f10bb198a45851c1bb472de54244c77..56799427ec38593a0b1f88cf018f964d394dd607 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -177,6 +177,26 @@ Requirements for particular toolchains and package sets
 - ``foss*-mpi`` currently needs linux header files installed (to compile the ``knem`` package)
 - ``foss*-cuda-mpi`` (proably as `*-mpi, needs testing TODO`)
+Finding the Octopus configure wrapper
+For each Octopus toolchain, there is a Octopus configure wrapper available.
+The wrapper essentially calls the configure script with the right parameters,
+and library locations for the current toolchain. Once the
+toolchain is loaded, the variable ``$MPSD_OCTOPUS_CONFIGURE`` contains that
+path. The path can also be seen using the ``module show TOOLCHAIN_NAME`` command. For example::
+  $ mpsd-software install dev-23a foss2022a-mpi
+  $ module use ~/mpsd-software-manager/dev-23a/cascadelake/lmod/Core
+  $ module show toolchains/foss2022a-mpi
+  ...
+  depends_on("cgal/5.0.3")
+  depends_on("hdf5/1.12.2")
+  setenv("MPSD_OCTOPUS_CONFIGURE","~/mpsd-software/dev-23a/spack-environments/octopus/foss2022a-mpi-config.sh")
+  $ module load toolchains/foss2022a-mpi
+  ~/mpsd-software/dev-23a/spack-environments/octopus/foss2022a-mpi-config.sh
 Working example