#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import subprocess import time import datetime import argparse import sys from pathlib import Path about_tool = """ Build toolchains using Spack.\n This function builds toolchains for MPSD-HPC at the appropriate directory, \n for given system architecture and MPSD software stack version.\n The toolchains are built using the bash script spack_setup.sh, and the results are logged. """ config_vars = { "cmd_log_file": "install.log", "build_log_file": f"build_toolchains_mpsd_spack_ver_{time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')}.log", # TODO: modify toolchains,mpsd_spack_ver when the variable is available "spack_environments_repo": "https://gitlab.gwdg.de/mpsd-cs/spack-environments.git", } # Helper class to change directory via context manager class os_chdir: def __init__(self, new_dir): self.new_dir = new_dir self.saved_dir = os.getcwd() def __enter__(self): os.chdir(self.new_dir) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): os.chdir(self.saved_dir) def setup_log_cmd(mpsd_release, script_dir, msg=None, *args, **kwargs): release_base_dir = script_dir / mpsd_release with os_chdir(release_base_dir): # Write to the log file with the following format # -------------------------------------------------- # 2023-02-29T23:32:01, install-software-environment.py --release dev-23a --install ALL # Software environment installer branch: script_branch (commit hash: script_commit_hash) # Spack environments branch: dev-23a (commit hash: spe_commit_hash) # MSGs with open(config_vars["cmd_log_file"], "a") as f: if msg: # Write the message to the log file f.write(msg + "\n") else: # Write the header f.write("-" * 50 + "\n") # Gather data to log # call statement: cmd_line = " ".join(sys.argv) # script branch and commit hash script_branch = ( subprocess.run(["git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) .stdout.decode() .strip() ) script_commit_hash = ( subprocess.run(["git", "rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode().strip() ) # spack-environments branch and commit hash from kwargs spe_branch = kwargs.get("spe_branch", None) spe_commit_hash = kwargs.get("spe_commit_hash", None) # Write to log file f.write(f"{datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()}, {cmd_line}\n") f.write(f"Software environment installer branch: {script_branch} (commit hash: {script_commit_hash})\n") f.write(f"Spack environments branch: {spe_branch} (commit hash: {spe_commit_hash})\n") def create_dir_structure(mpsd_release, script_dir): # Create the directory structure for the release release_base_dir = script_dir / mpsd_release release_base_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with os_chdir(release_base_dir): # Clone the spack-environments repo if it doesn't exist if not os.path.exists("spack-environments"): subprocess.run( [ "git", "clone", config_vars["spack_environments_repo"], ] ) with os_chdir("spack-environments"): # Git fetch and checkout the release branch and git pull to be sure that the resulting repo is up to date subprocess.run(["git", "fetch", "--all"]) checkout_result = subprocess.run(["git", "checkout", mpsd_release]) if checkout_result.returncode != 0: raise Exception("Release branch does not exist in spack-environment repo \n. Check for typos.") subprocess.run(["git", "pull"]) def get_release_info(mpsd_release, script_dir): # Get the info for release release_base_dir = script_dir / mpsd_release if not os.path.exists(release_base_dir): raise Exception("Release directory does not exist. Run create_dir_structure() first.") with os_chdir(release_base_dir): with os_chdir("spack-environments"): # Get the branch and commit hash of the spack-environments repo spe_commit_hash = ( subprocess.run(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode().strip() ) spe_branch = ( subprocess.run(["git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) .stdout.decode() .strip() ) available_toolchains = os.listdir("toolchains") return spe_branch, spe_commit_hash, available_toolchains def prepare_environment(mpsd_release, script_dir): # create the release folder and clone the spack-environments repo # get the branch and commit hash of the spack-environments repo and available toolchains # log the command usage. create_dir_structure(mpsd_release, script_dir) spe_branch, spe_commit_hash, available_toolchains = get_release_info(mpsd_release, script_dir) setup_log_cmd(mpsd_release, script_dir, spe_branch=spe_branch, spe_commit_hash=spe_commit_hash) return available_toolchains def install_environment(mpsd_release, toolchains, script_dir, force_reinstall=False, skip_build_cache=False): print(f"Installing release {mpsd_release} with toolchains {toolchains} to {script_dir}") # Set required variables release_base_dir = script_dir / mpsd_release mpsd_os = os.environ.get("MPSD_OS", "UNKNOWN_OS") mpsd_microarch = os.environ.get("MPSD_MICROARCH", "UNKNOWN_MICROARCH") toolchain_dir = release_base_dir / mpsd_microarch toolchain_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) spack_setup_script = release_base_dir / "spack-environments" / "spack_setup.sh" install_flags = [] if skip_build_cache: install_flags.append("-b") # run the prepare_environment function available_toolchains = prepare_environment(mpsd_release, script_dir) # Ensure that the requested toolchains are available in the release if toolchains == "ALL": toolchains = available_toolchains for toolchain in toolchains: if toolchain not in available_toolchains: raise Exception(f"Toolchain {toolchain} is not available in release {mpsd_release}.") # Install the toolchains with os_chdir(toolchain_dir): # run spack_setup_script with the toolchains as arguments for toolchain in toolchains: # Set the install log file name to config_vars["install_log_file"] # and replace _toolchains_ with the toolchain name and _mpsd_spack_ver_ with mpsd_release print(f"Installing toolchain {toolchain} to {toolchain_dir}") install_log_file = ( config_vars["build_log_file"] .replace("_toolchain_", f"_{toolchain}_") .replace("_mpsd_spack_ver_", f"_{mpsd_release}_") ) subprocess.run( ["bash", spack_setup_script, *install_flags, toolchain, f" | tee -a {install_log_file} 2>&1"], ) def remove_environment(release, toolchains, target_dir): print(f"Removing release {release} with toolchains {toolchains} from {target_dir}") def start_new_environment(release, from_release, target_dir): print(f"Starting new release {release} from {from_release} to {target_dir}") def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=about_tool) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="action", title="actions", description="valid actions", required=True) subparsers.required = True list_of_cmds = [ ("prepare", "Prepare the environment for installation on the disk"), ("install", "Install a software environment"), ("reinstall", "Reinstall a software environment"), ("remove", "Remove a software environment or toolchains from an environment"), ("start-new", "Start a new software environment version"), ] for cmd, help_text in list_of_cmds: subp = subparsers.add_parser(cmd, help=help_text) if cmd == "start-new": subp.add_argument( "--from-release", dest="from_release", type=str, required=True, help="Release version to start from", ) subp.add_argument( "--to-release", dest="to_release", type=str, required=True, help="Release version to create", ) else: subp.add_argument("release", type=str, help="Release version to install or remove") if cmd in ["install", "reinstall"]: subp.add_argument( "--toolchains", type=str, nargs="*", default="ALL", help="List of toolchains to install (use ALL to install all toolchains)", ) subp.add_argument( "--enable-build-cache", action="store_true", help="Enable Spack build cache. Useful for reinstallation but consumes time and disk space", ) # Carry out the action args = parser.parse_args() # target dir is the place where this script exists. the release `dev` in script_dir/dev-23a script_dir = Path(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) # Check the command and run related function if args.action == "remove": remove_environment(args.release, args.toolchains, script_dir) elif args.action == "start-new": start_new_environment(args.from_release, args.to_release, script_dir) elif args.action == "install": install_environment(args.release, args.toolchains, script_dir, False, args.enable_build_cache) elif args.action == "prepare": prepare_environment(args.release, script_dir) if __name__ == "__main__": main()