"""Tests for mpsd-software-environment.py.""" import importlib import os import shutil import subprocess from pathlib import Path import logging import datetime import sys import pytest mod = importlib.import_module("mpsd_software_manager.mpsd_software") # set loglevel to debug - useful for understanding problems. # (if the tests pass, pytest doesn't show any output) mod.set_up_logging(loglevel="debug", file_path="tests.log") logging.debug(f"We have set up logging from {__file__}") def create_mock_git_repository(target_directory, create_directory=True): """ Create a git repository in the directory `target_directory`. Arguments --------- target_directory : pathlib.Path - path at which the root of the repository should be located (i.e. `.git` folder) create_directory : bool - create `target_directory` and parent directories if True """ # create directory first if create_directory: target_directory.mkdir(parents=True) # then create git repository: with mod.os_chdir(str(target_directory)): subprocess.run("git init .", shell=True, check=True) subprocess.run("echo 'fake content' > readme.txt", shell=True, check=True) subprocess.run("git add readme.txt", shell=True, check=True) subprocess.run("pwd", shell=True) # if email and username are not available (such as on naked test container), # git may complain. We set a temporary user for this one commit to work around # that. user_details = "-c user.name='Tes Ta' -c user.email='tester@some-ci.org'" subprocess.run( f'git {user_details} commit -m "first commit" readme.txt', shell=True, check=True, ) def test_os_chdir(tmp_path): """Test the os_chdir context manager.""" # create a temporary directory for testing temp_dir = tmp_path / "test_os_chdir" temp_dir.mkdir() # initial current working directory initial_cwd = os.getcwd() # change to the temporary directory using os_chdir with mod.os_chdir(str(temp_dir)): assert os.getcwd() == str(temp_dir) # current working directory should be back to initial directory assert os.getcwd() == initial_cwd def test_run_method(tmp_path): """Run tests for run method.""" run = mod.run # test a command with options: assert run(["date", "+%Y-%m-%d"]).returncode == 0 assert run("date +%Y-%m-%d", shell=True).returncode == 0 # tests interacting with the file system with mod.os_chdir(str(tmp_path)): # ensure single string command works assert run(("ls -l"), shell=True).returncode == 0 # test spaces are handled correctly: assert run(["touch", "file1", "file2"]).returncode == 0 assert os.path.exists("file1") assert os.path.exists("file2") # test output is captured: assert ( b"Hello, world!\n" in run(["echo", "Hello, world!"], capture_output=True).stdout ) # check exceptions with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError): run(["doesnotexistcommand"]) # check error code is checked # 1. expect this to parse: return code is non-zero, but we don't check run(["ls", "/doesnotexist"]), # 2. expect this to fail: with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError): run(["ls", "/doesnotexist"], check=True) def test_prepare_environment(tmp_path): """Simulate running preparation of environment. Simulate running ./install-software-environment.py --release dev-23a \ --target-directory /tmp/test_prepare_env prepare_env is run when cmd is not specified, we can test cmd='prepare' and cmd=None to check both cases """ root_dir = tmp_path / "mpsd_opt" / "linux_debian_11" spack_environments = "spack-environments" mpsd_release_to_test = "dev-23a" release_base_dir = root_dir / mpsd_release_to_test # check that the test directory does not exist assert not root_dir.exists() # prepare_environment expects to be executed in git repository # (mpsd-software-environments). It queries the commit on which we are to # log that information. For this to work, we need to execute the command # within a directory tree that has a git repository at the same or high # level. Let's create one: create_mock_git_repository(root_dir) # now call the function we want to test result = mod.prepare_environment( mpsd_release=mpsd_release_to_test, root_dir=root_dir ) # check if the directory now is created assert release_base_dir.exists() # check for spack-environments directory assert spack_environments in os.listdir(release_base_dir) # check if the git branch is correctly checked out. We expect output such as # git_branch_stdout = '* dev-23a\n develop\n' # The entry with the '* ' prefix is the active branch. git_branch_output_raw = subprocess.run( f"cd {str(release_base_dir/spack_environments)} && git branch", shell=True, capture_output=True, ) git_branch_stdout = git_branch_output_raw.stdout.decode("utf-8") assert f"* {mpsd_release_to_test}" in git_branch_stdout # check that result is a list and contains atleast ['global','foss2021a-mpi'] assert isinstance(result, list) assert "global" in result assert "foss2021a-mpi" in result # Expect an Exception when wrong mpsd_release is provided with pytest.raises(Exception): result = mod.prepare_environment( mpsd_release="wrong-mpsd-release", root_dir=(root_dir) ) def test_record_script_execution_summary(tmp_path): """Check that log is updated. Check that logs/install-software-environment.log is updated when the module is run """ cmd_log_file = mod.config_vars["cmd_log_file"] root_dir = tmp_path / "test_prepare_env" mpsd_release_to_test = "dev-23a" script_version = mod.__version__ if os.path.exists(root_dir / cmd_log_file): initial_bytes = os.path.getsize(cmd_log_file) else: initial_bytes = 0 # run the prepare_env functionality create_mock_git_repository(target_directory=root_dir, create_directory=True) mod.prepare_environment(mpsd_release=mpsd_release_to_test, root_dir=(root_dir)) # check that logs/install-software-environment.log is updated assert os.path.exists(root_dir / cmd_log_file) assert os.path.getsize(root_dir / cmd_log_file) > initial_bytes # Check that the log file has "Spack environments branch: dev-23a " in the last line with open(root_dir / cmd_log_file, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() assert "Spack environments branch: dev-23a " in lines[-1] assert f"MPSD Software manager version: {script_version}" in lines[-2] def test_install_environment_wrong_package_set(tmp_path): """Test exception is raised for non-existing package_set.""" # exits with exit code 1 when wrong package_sets are provided with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as e: mod.install_environment( mpsd_release="dev-23a", package_sets=["wrong-package_set"], root_dir=(tmp_path), ) assert e.type == SystemExit assert e.value.code == 1 def test_install_environment_wrong_mpsd_release(tmp_path): """Test exception is raised for non-existing mpsd release.""" # Expect an Exception when wrong mpsd_release is provided (part of # prepare_environment) with pytest.raises(Exception): mod.install_environment( mpsd_release="wrong-mpsd-release", package_sets=["foss2021a-mpi"], root_dir=(tmp_path), ) @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == "darwin", reason="install not working on OSX") def test_install_environment_zlib(): """Test installation of package_set.""" # Prepare a test installation of global generic # with only zlib to test the installation # This is a long test, # its handy to test this with print statements printed to # stdout, use: # pytest -s # for this installation avoid tmp_path as # the length of the path becomes too long and spack complains root_dir = Path("/tmp/test_global_generic") if root_dir.exists(): shutil.rmtree(root_dir) root_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) mpsd_release_to_test = "dev-23a" package_set_to_test = "global_generic" cmd_log_file = mod.config_vars["cmd_log_file"] microarch = mod.get_native_microarchitecture() release_base_dir = root_dir / mpsd_release_to_test create_mock_git_repository(target_directory=root_dir, create_directory=False) mod.prepare_environment(mpsd_release=mpsd_release_to_test, root_dir=(root_dir)) # Patch the spack environments to create a fake global_generic # create a test package_set package_set_src_dir = release_base_dir / "spack-environments" / "toolchains" # with mod.os_chdir(package_set_src_dir): # subprocess.run( # "cp -r foss2021a-mpi fuss1999a", shell=True, capture_output=True # ) # add zlib as a spec to global_generic with open( package_set_src_dir / "global_generic" / "global_packages.list", "w" ) as f: f.write("zlib@1.2.13 \n") # add zlib to whitelist of module creation file by replacing anaconda3%gcc@10.2.1 # with zlib@1.2.13 # in release_base_dir / "spack-environments/spack_overlay/etc/spack/modules.yaml" module_file = ( release_base_dir / "spack-environments/spack_overlay/etc/spack/modules.yaml" ) with open(module_file, "r") as f: lines = f.read().replace("anaconda3%gcc@10.2.1", "zlib@1.2.13") with open(module_file, "w") as f: f.write(lines) # Replace gcc@10.2.1 with gcc#13.1.1 or available system gcc for testing on laptop gcc_ver = ( subprocess.run(["gcc -dumpfullversion"], shell=True, capture_output=True) .stdout.decode("utf-8") .strip() ) assert len(gcc_ver) > 3, f"Couldn't find gcc {gcc_ver=}" setup_file = release_base_dir / "spack-environments/spack_setup.sh" with open(setup_file, "r") as f: lines = f.read().replace( 'system_compiler="gcc@10.2.1"', f'system_compiler="gcc@{gcc_ver}"' ) with open(setup_file, "w") as f: f.write(lines) # install global_generic package_set mod.set_up_logging( "WARNING", mod.get_installer_log_file_path(mpsd_release_to_test, "install", root_dir), ) mod.install_environment( mpsd_release=mpsd_release_to_test, package_sets=[package_set_to_test], root_dir=root_dir, enable_build_cache=False, ) # test that the build log is created correctly # check that a file with glob build_globale_generic_dev-23a*.log exists at # release_base_dir/microarch # print("Debug here ") # time.sleep(10) build_log = list( (release_base_dir / "logs").glob( f"{mpsd_release_to_test}_{microarch}_*_install.log" ) ) assert len(build_log) == 2 # take the most recent build log build_log = sorted(build_log)[1] # check that the build log contains statement ##### Installation finished with open(build_log, "r") as f: lines = f.read() assert "##### Installation finished" in lines os.path.basename(build_log) # assert that install log files exists assert os.path.exists(root_dir / cmd_log_file) # assert that the build log is written to the install log file os.path.basename(build_log) with open(root_dir / cmd_log_file, "r") as f: lines = f.read() assert ( f"installing {package_set_to_test} and logging at {str(build_log)}" in lines ) # assert that the module files are created correctly assert os.path.exists(release_base_dir / microarch) assert os.path.exists(release_base_dir / microarch / "lmod") # assert that lmod/module-index.yaml contains zlib with open(release_base_dir / microarch / "lmod" / "module-index.yaml", "r") as f: lines = f.read() assert "zlib" in lines # install again to ensure that # commands that skip creation of folders when # they are already present works as expected # reload the module to ensure that date changes importlib.reload(mod) mod.set_up_logging( "WARNING", mod.get_installer_log_file_path(mpsd_release_to_test, "install", root_dir), ) mod.install_environment( mpsd_release=mpsd_release_to_test, package_sets=[package_set_to_test], root_dir=root_dir, enable_build_cache=False, ) build_log = list( (release_base_dir / "logs").glob( f"{mpsd_release_to_test}_{microarch}_*_install.log" ) ) assert len(build_log) == 4 # test that the removal now works # mod.remove_environment( # mpsd_release=mpsd_release_to_test, # package_sets=[package_set_to_test], # root_dir=root_dir, # ) # # ensure that the module files are removed def test_metadata_logging(tmp_path): """Test that metadata is logged and read correctly.""" # Test that the metadata is logged correctly filename = tmp_path / "test-metadata.log" print(f"Writing to {filename}") mod.set_up_logging(loglevel="debug", file_path=filename) # our test data keys = ["important_key", "important_key2"] values = ["important_value", "important_value2"] expected_log_entries = [] for key, value in zip(keys, values): mod.log_metadata(key, value) open_tag = mod.config_vars["metadata_tag_open"] close_tag = mod.config_vars["metadata_tag_close"] expected_log = f"{open_tag}{key}:{value}{close_tag}" expected_log_entries.append(expected_log) logging.info(f"Add some other info (after adding {key=})") logging.debug("Add some other info") logging.warning("Add some other info") # Check that relevant lines show up in the log file somewhere with open(filename, "r") as f: logfile_content = f.read() for expected_log in expected_log_entries: assert expected_log in logfile_content # Test that the metadata is read correctly using our parser read_dict = mod.read_metadata_from_logfile(tmp_path / "test-metadata.log") # check all entries are in the file for key, value in zip(keys, values): read_dict[key] == value # check no additional entries are there assert len(read_dict) == len(keys) def test_get_available_package_sets(): """ Test that available package_sets are reported correctly. Needs internet access to succeed. """ package_sets = mod.get_available_package_sets("dev-23a") assert sorted(package_sets) == sorted( [ "foss2021a-cuda-mpi", "foss2021a-mpi", "foss2021a-serial", "foss2022a-cuda-mpi", "foss2022a-mpi", "foss2022a-serial", "global", "global_generic", ] ) def test_create_log_file_names(): """Test that the log file names are created correctly.""" create_log_file_names = mod.create_log_file_names mpsd_release = "dev-23a" microarch = "sandybridge" date = datetime.datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() action = "install" package_set = "foss2021a" # test build_log_file_name generation build_log_file_name = create_log_file_names( microarch=microarch, mpsd_release=mpsd_release, date=date, action=action, package_set=package_set, ) assert ( build_log_file_name == f"{mpsd_release}_{microarch}_{date}_BUILD_{package_set}_{action}.log" ) installer_log_file_name = create_log_file_names( microarch=microarch, mpsd_release=mpsd_release, date=date, action=action, ) assert ( installer_log_file_name == f"{mpsd_release}_{microarch}_{date}_APEX_{action}.log" ) # test no build log file for incorrect action build_log_file_name = create_log_file_names( microarch=microarch, mpsd_release=mpsd_release, date=date, action="status", package_set=package_set, ) assert build_log_file_name is None def create_fake_environment(tmp_path, mpsd_release, expected_toolchain_map=None): """Create a fake environment with toolchains for testing.""" if not expected_toolchain_map: test_microarch = mod.get_native_microarchitecture() expected_toolchain_map = {test_microarch: ["foss2021a", "intel2021a"]} for microarch in expected_toolchain_map.keys(): toolchain_lmod_folder = ( tmp_path / mpsd_release / microarch / "lmod" / "Core" / "toolchains" ) toolchain_lmod_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) spack_folder = tmp_path / mpsd_release / microarch / "spack" spack_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) logs_folder = tmp_path / mpsd_release / microarch / "logs" logs_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for toolchain in expected_toolchain_map[microarch]: toolchain_lua_file = toolchain_lmod_folder / f"{toolchain}.lua" toolchain_lua_file.touch() return expected_toolchain_map def test_environment_status(tmp_path): """Test that the environment status is correct.""" toolchain_map = mod.environment_status("fake-release", tmp_path) assert toolchain_map is None mpsd_release = "dev-23a" expected_toolchain_map = create_fake_environment(tmp_path, mpsd_release) # check that the environment statuxis is correct toolchain_map = mod.environment_status(mpsd_release, tmp_path) # convert each list to a set to ensure that the order doesn't matter for microarch in expected_toolchain_map.keys(): assert set(toolchain_map[microarch]) == set(expected_toolchain_map[microarch]) @pytest.mark.skip(reason="not implemented yet") def test_remove_environment(tmp_path): """Test that the remove_environment works as expected.""" mpsd_release = "dev-23a" # create a fake environment create_fake_environment(tmp_path, mpsd_release) # check that the environment status is correct toolchain_map = mod.environment_status(mpsd_release, tmp_path) assert toolchain_map is not None # test removal without arguments (should sys.exit(1)) create_fake_environment(tmp_path, mpsd_release) with pytest.raises(SystemExit): mod.remove_environment(mpsd_release, tmp_path, force_remove=True) # test removal of the complete environment mod.remove_environment(mpsd_release, tmp_path, ["ALL"], force_remove=True) toolchain_map = mod.environment_status(mpsd_release, tmp_path) assert toolchain_map is None # ensure that logs folder remains logs_folder = tmp_path / mpsd_release / "logs" assert logs_folder.exists() # test removal of a single toolchain # done in test_install_environment_zlib def test_interface(tmp_path): """Test other things (not implemented yet).""" pass # ensure that installing without package_sets only passes the available package_sets # check that the script branch and hash are correct when running the script # check that the help message is printed when no arguments are provided # check that the help message is printed when -h is provided # check that the error messages are also logged to the log file # other tests to add (ideally) # - get_native_microarchitecture()