import os
import pytest
import importlib
import subprocess
import time
import shutil
from pathlib import Path

mod = importlib.import_module("mpsd-software-environment")

def test_os_chdir(tmp_path):
    # create a temporary directory for testing
    temp_dir = tmp_path / "test_os_chdir"

    # initial current working directory
    initial_cwd = os.getcwd()

    # change to the temporary directory using os_chdir
    with mod.os_chdir(str(temp_dir)):
        assert os.getcwd() == str(temp_dir)

    # current working directory should be back to initial directory
    assert os.getcwd() == initial_cwd

def test_prepare_environment(tmp_path):
    # simulate running ./ --release dev-23a --target-directory /tmp/test_prepare_env
    # prepare_env is run when cmd is not specified, we can test cmd='prepare'  and cmd=None to check both cases

    script_dir = tmp_path / "test_prepare_env"
    spack_environments = "spack-environments"
    mpsd_release_to_test = "dev-23a"
    release_base_dir = script_dir / mpsd_release_to_test
    # check that the test directory does not exist
    assert not script_dir.exists()

    result = mod.prepare_environment(
        mpsd_release=mpsd_release_to_test, script_dir=(script_dir)
    # wait for 20 seconds for the git clone to finish
    # time.sleep(20)
    # check if the directory now is created
    assert release_base_dir.exists()
    # check for spack-environments directory
    assert spack_environments in os.listdir(release_base_dir)
    # check if the git branch is correctly checked out
    assert (
            f"cd {str(release_base_dir/spack_environments)} && git branch",
        == f"* {mpsd_release_to_test}"
    # check that result is a list and contains atleast ['global','foss2021a-mpi'] 
    assert isinstance(result, list)
    assert "global" in result
    assert "foss2021a-mpi" in result

    # Expect an Exception when wrong mpsd_release is provided
    with pytest.raises(Exception): 
        result = mod.prepare_environment(
            mpsd_release="wrong-mpsd-release", script_dir=(script_dir)

def test_setup_log_cmd(tmp_path):
    # check that logs/install-software-environment.log is updated when the module is run
    log_file = "install.log"
    script_dir = tmp_path / "test_prepare_env"
    spack_environments = "spack-environments"
    mpsd_release_to_test = "dev-23a"
    release_base_dir = script_dir / mpsd_release_to_test
    if os.path.exists(release_base_dir/log_file):
        initial_bytes = os.path.getsize(log_file)
        initial_bytes = 0

    # run the prepare_env functionality
    result = mod.prepare_environment(
        mpsd_release=mpsd_release_to_test, script_dir=(script_dir)

    # check that logs/install-software-environment.log is updated
    assert os.path.exists(release_base_dir/log_file)
    assert os.path.getsize(release_base_dir/log_file) > initial_bytes

    # Check that the log file has "Spack environments branch: dev-23a " in the last line
    with open(release_base_dir/log_file, "r") as f:
        last_line = f.readlines()[-1]
        assert "Spack environments branch: dev-23a " in last_line

def test_install_environment(tmp_path):
    # Test the installation part
    # This is a long test, its handy to test this with print statements printed to stdout, use:
    #   pytest -s
    # Expect an Exception when wrong toolchains are provided
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
    # Expect an Exception when wrong mpsd_release is provided ( part of prepare_environment)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
    # prepare a test of global generic with only zlib to test the installation
    # prepare dev-23a release
    # script_dir = tmp_path / "test_global_generic"
    # for actaual installation avoid tmp_path as the lenght of the path is too long and spack complains
    script_dir = Path('/tmp/test_global_generic') 
    script_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
    spack_environments = "spack-environments"
    mpsd_release_to_test = "dev-23a"
    toolchain_to_test = "global_generic"
    release_base_dir = script_dir / mpsd_release_to_test
    prepare_result = mod.prepare_environment(
    # Patch the spack environments to create a fake global_generic
    # create a test toolchain
    toolchain_src_dir = release_base_dir / "spack-environments" / "toolchains"
    # with mod.os_chdir(toolchain_src_dir):
    #         "cp -r foss2021a-mpi fuss1999a", shell=True, capture_output=True
    #     )
    # add zlib as a spec to global_generic
    with open(toolchain_src_dir / "global_generic" / "global_packages.list", "w") as f:
        f.write("zlib@1.2.13 \n")

    # add zlib to whitelist of module creation file by replacing anaconda3%gcc@10.2.1 with zlib@1.2.13
    # in release_base_dir / "spack-environments/spack_overlay/etc/spack/modules.yaml"
    module_file = release_base_dir / "spack-environments/spack_overlay/etc/spack/modules.yaml"
    with open(module_file,'r') as f:
        lines ='anaconda3%gcc@10.2.1','zlib@1.2.13')
    with open(module_file,'w') as f:

    # Replace gcc@10.2.1 with gcc#13.1.1 or available system gcc for testing on laptop
    gcc_ver =['gcc -dumpfullversion'],shell=True,capture_output=True).stdout.decode('utf-8').strip()
    setup_file = release_base_dir / "spack-environments/"
    with open(setup_file,'r') as f:
        lines ='system_compiler="gcc@10.2.1"',f'system_compiler="gcc@{gcc_ver}"')
    with open(setup_file,'w') as f:
    # install global_generic toolchain
    install_result = mod.install_environment(
    # assert that log files exists 
    assert os.path.exists(release_base_dir/'install.log')
    assert os.path.exists(release_base_dir/mpsd_microarch)
    assert os.path.exists(release_base_dir/mpsd_microarch/'lmod')
    # assert that lmod/module-index.yaml contains zlib
    with open(release_base_dir/mpsd_microarch/'lmod'/'module-index.yaml','r') as f:
        lines =
        assert 'zlib' in lines
    # test that the build log is created correctly
    # check that a file with glob build_globale_generic_dev-23a*.log exists at release_base_dir/mpsd_microarch
    build_log = list((release_base_dir/mpsd_microarch).glob(f'build_{toolchain_to_test}_{mpsd_release_to_test}*.log'))
    assert len(build_log) > 0
    # take the most recent build log
    build_log = sorted(build_log)[0]
    # check that the build log contains statement ##### Installation finished 
    with open(build_log,'r') as f:
        lines =
        assert '##### Installation finished' in lines


def test_interface(tmp_path):
    # ensure that installing without toolchains only passes the available toolchains
    # check that the script branch and hash are correct when running the script
    # check that the help message is printed when no arguments are provided
    # check that the help message is printed when -h is provided
    # check that the error messages are also logged to the log file