Creation of a proper CI/CD pipeline
Restructuring Folders by the standard proposed by "Serious Python" -
Different linter pipelines -
both PEP conformatity. Look into tox
for PEP 8 integraton) andPylint
Especially PEP 257 for docstrings
Maybe use other static analysis tools -
documentation generation from Docstrings -
Check for documentation coverage -
If possible, CD it to gitlab pages -
Evaluate it against Read the Docs
Create a few overview pages (or create an issue for it)
unit testing -
property based testing with Hypothesis -
Update accordingly
If I haven't completely read "serious python" by then, create another issue to revisit it once its read
Meta Tasks:
Read about best practises python pipelines -
Read about other possibly helpful toolings -
Read (and talk) about PyQT integration tests
Add package update to pypi as hook when the project is in a further state. -
Which intervals are best practise? Especially since PEP 440 isnt compatible with hash based version names. Maybe we can create a Hook for a release tag? When this is done, we can split up the GUI from the library in order to properly use it via pip.
Extra: Great quote for write-up later:
Edited by Lars Quentin