LTI Consumer XBlock
This XBlock implements the consumer side of the LTI specification enabling integration of third-party LTI provider tools.
Install the requirements into the Python virtual environment of your
installation by running the following command from the
root folder:
$ pip install -r requirements/base.txt
Installing in Docker Devstack
Assuming that your devstack
repo lives at ~/code/devstack
and that edx-platform
lives right alongside that directory, you'll want
to checkout xblock-lti-consumer
and have it live in ~/code/src/xblock-lti-consumer
This will make it so that you can access it inside an LMS container shell
and easily make modifications for local testing.
Run make lms-shell
from your devstack
directory to enter a running LMS container.
Once in there, you can do the following to have your devstack pointing at a local development
version of xblock-lti-consumer
$ pushd /edx/src/xblock-lti-consumer
$ virtualenv venv/
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ make install
$ make test # optional, if you want to see that everything works
$ deactivate
$ pushd # should take you back to /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform
$ pip uninstall -y lti_consumer_xblock
$ pip install -e /edx/src/xblock-lti-consumer
Enabling in Studio
You can enable the LTI Consumer XBlock in Studio through the advanced settings.
- From the main page of a specific course, navigate to
Settings -> Advanced Settings
from the top menu. - Check for the
policy key, and add"lti_consumer"
to the policy value list. - Click the "Save changes" button.
Testing Against an LTI Provider
LTI 1.1 provides a "Test Tool Provider" service that allows you to see messages sent by an LTI consumer.
We have some useful documentation on how to set this up here:
- In Studio Advanced settings, set the value of the "LTI Passports" field to "test:test:secret" - this will set the OAuth client key and secret used to send a message to the test LTI provider.
- Create an LTI Consumer problem in a course in Studio (after enabling it in "advanced_modules" as seen above). Make a unit, select "Advanced", then "LTI Consumer".
- Click edit and fill in the following fields:
: "test"LTI URL
: "" - Click save. The unit should refresh and you should see "Passed" in the "Verification" field of the message tab in the LTI Tool Provider emulator.
- Click the "Publish" button.
- View the unit in your local LMS. If you get an
ImportError: No module named lti_consumer
, you shoulddocker-compose restart lms
(since we previously uninstalled the lti_consumer to get the tests for this repo running inside an LMS container). From here, you can see the contents of the messages that we are sending as an LTI Consumer in the "Message Parameters" part of the "Message" tab.
LTI 1.3
IMS Global provides a reference implementation of LTI 1.3 that can be used to test the XBlock.
On LTI 1.3 the authentication mechanism used is OAuth2 using the Client Credentials grant, this means that to configure the tool, the LMS needs to know the keyset URL or public key of the tool, and the tool needs to know the LMS's one.
- Set up a local tunnel tunneling the LMS (using ngrok or a similar tool) to get a URL accessible from the internet.
- Create a new course, and add the lti_consumer block to the advanced modules list.
- In the course, create a new unit and add the LTI block.
- Set
LTI Version
toLTI 1.3
. - Set the
Tool Launch URL
- Set
- In Studio, you'll see a few parameters being displayed in the preview:
Client ID: f0532860-cb34-47a9-b16c-53deb077d4de
Deployment ID: 1
# Note that these are LMS URLS
Keyset URL: http://localhost:18000/api/lti_consumer/v1/public_keysets/block-v1:OpenCraft+LTI101+2020_T2+type@lti_consumer+block@efc55c7abb87430883433bfafb83f054
Access Token URL: http://localhost:18000/api/lti_consumer/v1/token/block-v1:OpenCraft+LTI101+2020_T2+type@lti_consumer+block@efc55c7abb87430883433bfafb83f054
OIDC Callback URL: http://localhost:18000/api/lti_consumer/v1/launch/
- Add the tunnel URL to the each of these URLs as it'll need to be accessed by the tool (hosted externally).
# This is <LMS_URL>/api/lti_consumer/v1/public_keysets/<BLOCK_LOCATION>
- Set up a tool in the IMS Global reference implementation (
- Click on
Add tool
at the top of the page ( - Add the parameters and URLs provided by the block, and generate a private key on and paste it there (don't close the tab, you'll need the public key later).
- Click on
- Go back to Studio, and edit the block adding its settings (you'll find them by scrolling down until you find the tool you just created):
Tool Launch URL:[tool_id]/launches
Tool Initiate Login URL:[tool_id]/login_initiations
Tool Public key: Public key from key page.
- Publish block, log into LMS and navigate to the LTI block page.
- Click
Send Request
and verify that the LTI launch was successful.
Testing using ngrok
When launching LTI 1.3 requests through ngrok
, make sure your LMS is serving session cookies marked as
and with the SameSite
attribute set to None
. You can do this by changing SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE: true
in your lms.yml
configuration files. Note that this will break logins
for locally accessed URLs in the devstack.
Custom LTI Parameters
This XBlock sends a number of parameters to the provider including some optional parameters. To keep the XBlock
somewhat minimal, some parameters were omitted like lis_person_name_full
among others.
At the same time the XBlock allows passing extra parameters to the LTI provider via parameter processor functions.
Defining an LTI Parameter Processor
The parameter processor is a function that expects an XBlock instance, and returns a dict
additional parameters for the LTI.
If a processor throws an exception, the exception is logged and suppressed.
If a processor returns None
or any falsy value, no parameters will be added.
def team_info(xblock):
course = get_team(xblock.user,
if not course:
return {
'custom_course_id': unicode(,
A processor can define a list of default parameters lti_xblock_default_params
which is useful in case the processor had an exception.
It is recommended to define default parameters anyway, because it can simplify the implementation of the processor function. Below is an example:
def dummy_processor(xblock):
course = get_team(xblock.user, # If something went wrong default params will be used
if not course:
return # Will use the default params
return {
'custom_course_id': unicode(,
dummy_processor.lti_xblock_default_params = {
'custom_course_id': '',
'custom_course_name': '',
If you're looking for a more realistic example, you can check the Tahoe LTI repository at the Appsembler GitHub organization.
Configuring the Parameter Processors Settings
Using the standard XBlock settings interface the developer can provide a list of processor functions:
Those parameters are not sent by default. The course author can enable that on per XBlock instance
(aka module) by setting the Send extra parameters to true
in Studio.
To configure parameter processors add the following snippet to your Ansible variable files:
- 'customer_package.lti_processors:team_and_cohort'
- 'example_package.lti_processors:extra_lti_params'
Dynamic LTI Custom Parameters
This XBlock gives us the capability to attach static and dynamic custom parameters in the custom parameters field, in the case we need to declare a dynamic custom parameter we must set the value of the parameter as a templated parameter wrapped with the tags '${' and '}' just like the following example:
["static_param=static_value", "dynamic_custom_param=${templated_param_value}"]
Defining a dynamic LTI Custom Parameter Processor
The custom parameter processor is a function that expects an XBlock instance, and returns a string
which should be the resolved value.
Exceptions must be handled by the processor itself.
def get_course_name(xblock):
course = CourseOverview.objects.get(
except CourseOverview.DoesNotExist:
log.error('Course does not exist.')
return ''
return course.display_name
Note. The processor function must return a string
Configuring the LTI Dynamic Custom Parameters Settings
The setting LTI_CUSTOM_PARAM_TEMPLATES must be set in order to map the template value for the dynamic custom parameter as the following example:
'templated_param_value': 'customer_package.module:func',
- 'templated_param_value': custom parameter template name.
- 'customer_package.module:func': custom parameter processor path and function name.
LTI Advantage Features
This XBlock supports LTI 1.3 and the following LTI Avantage services:
- Deep Linking (LTI-DL)
- Assignments and Grades services (LTI-AGS)
- Names and Roles Provisioning services (LTI-NRP)
To enable LTI-AGS, you need to set LTI Assignment and Grades Service in Studio to allow tools to send back grades. There's two grade interaction models implemented:
- Allow tools to submit grades only (declarative)(Default): enables LTI-AGS and creates a single fixed LineItem that the tools can send grades too.
- Allow tools to manage and submit grades (programmatic): enables LTI-AGS and enables full access to LTI-AGS endpoints. Tools will be able to create, manage and delete multiple LineItems, and set multiple grades per student per problem. In this implementation, the tool is responsible for managing grades and linking them in the LMS.
To enable LTI-DL and its capabilities, you need to set these settings in the block:
- Locate the Deep linking setting and set it to True (enabled).
- Set Deep Linking Launch URL setting. You can retrieve it from the tool you’re integrating with. If it’s not provided, try using the same value as in the LTI 1.3 Tool Launch URL.
To enable LTI-NRPS, you set Enable LTI NRPS to True in the block settings on Studio.
Workbench installation and settings
Install to the workbench's virtualenv by running the following command from the xblock-lti-consumer repo root with the workbench's virtualenv activated:
$ make install
Running tests
From the xblock-lti-consumer repo root, run the tests with the following command:
$ make test
Running code quality check
From the xblock-lti-consumer repo root, run the quality checks with the following command:
$ make quality
Compiling Sass
This XBlock uses Sass for writing style rules. The Sass is compiled and committed to the git repo using:
$ make compile-sass
Changes to style rules should be made to the Sass files, compiled to CSS, and committed to the git repository.
Package Requirements contains a list of package dependencies which are required for this XBlock package. This list is what is used to resolve dependencies when an upstream project is consuming this XBlock package. requirements.txt is used to install the same dependencies when running the tests for this package.
Downloading translations from Transifex
If you want to download translations from Transifex install transifex client and run this command while inside project root directory:
$ tx pull -f --mode=reviewed -l en,ar,es_419,fr,he,hi,ko_KR,pt_BR,ru,zh_CN
The LTI Consumer XBlock is available under the AGPL v3 License.
Please do not report security issues in public. Send security concerns via email to
Please See the [releases tab]( for the complete changelog.
4.4.0 - 2022-08-17
- Move the LTI 1.3 Access Token and Launch Callback endpoint logic from the XBlock to the Django views
- Adds support for accessing LTI 1.3 URLs using both location and the lti_config_id
4.2.2 - 2022-06-30
- Fix server 500 error when using names/roles and grades services, due to not returning a user during auth.
4.2.1 - 2022-06-27
- Add event tracking to LTI launches
4.0.1 - 2022-05-09
- Add Learner to LTI launch roles in addition to the Student value
4.0.0 - 2022-05-09
- Adds support for loading external LTI configurations from Open edX plugins implementing filters for the event org.openedx.xblock.lti_consumer.configuration.listed.v1. This can be enabled by setting a Course Waffle Flag lti_consumer.enable_external_config_filter for specific courses.
3.4.7 - 2022-07-08
- Fix server 500 error when using names/roles and grades services, due to not returning a user during auth. This is a bugfix backport of 4.2.2 for the Nutmeg release.
3.4.6 - 2022-03-31
- Fix rendering of lti_1p3_launch_error.html and lti_1p3_permission_error.html templates
3.4.5 - 2022-03-16
- Fix LTI Deep Linking return endpoint permission checking method by replacing the old one with the proper Studio API call.
3.4.4 - 2022-03-03
- Fix LTI 1.3 Deep Linking launch url - always perform launch on launch URL, but update target_link_uri when loading deep linking content. See LTI 1.3 spec at:
3.4.3 - 2022-02-01
- Fix LTI 1.1 template rendering when using embeds in the platform
3.4.2 - 2022-02-01
- Fix LTI 1.1 form rendering so it properly renders quotes present in titles.
- Migrate LTI 1.1 launch template from Mako to Django template.
- Internationalize LTI 1.1 launch template.
3.4.1 - 2022-02-01
- Fix the target_link_uri parameter on OIDC login preflight url parameter so it matches claim message definition of the field. See docs at
3.4.0 - 2022-01-31
- Fix the version number by bumping it up to 3.4.0
3.3.0 - 2022-01-20
- Added support for specifying LTI 1.3 JWK URLs.
3.2.0 - 2022-01-18
- Dynamic custom parameters support with the help of template parameter processors.
3.1.2 - 2021-11-12
- The modal to confirm information transfer on open of lti in new tab/window has been updated because of a change in how browsers handle iframe permissions.
3.1.0 - 2021-10-?
- The changes which led to this version change were not adequetly documented.
3.0.1 - 2021-07-09
- Added multi device support on student_view for mobile.
3.0.0 - 2021-06-16
- Rename CourseEditLTIFieldsEnabledFlag to CourseAllowPIISharingInLTIFlag to highlight its increased scope.
- Use CourseAllowPIISharingInLTIFlag for LTI1.3 in lieu of the current CourseWaffleFlag.
2.11.0 - 2021-06-10
- NOTE: This release requires a corresponding change in edx-platform that was implemented in As such, this release cannot be installed in releases before Maple.
- Move
to this repo while retaining data from existing model.
2.10.1 - 2021-06-09
- LTI 1.3 and LTI Advantage features are now enabled by default.
- LTI 1.3 settings were simplified to reduce confusion when setting up a LTI tool.
- Code quality issues fixed
2.9.1 - 2021-06-03
- LTI Advantage - NRP Service: this completes Advantage compliance.
2.8.0 - 2021-04-13
- LTI Advantage - AGS Service: Added support for programmatic grade management by LTI tools.
- Improved grade publishing to LMS when using LTI-AGS.
- Increase LTI 1.3 token validity to 1h.
2.7.0 - 2021-02-16
- Add support for presenting ltiResourceLink content from deep linking.
2.6.0 - 2021-02-16
- Deep Linking content presentation implementation, for resource links, HTML, HTML links, and images.
- Fix bug with config_id migration where an entry was created _during_ the migration and did _not_ receive a valid UUID value.
2.5.3 - 2021-01-26
- LTI Deep Linking Launch implementation, implementing DeepLinking Classes and request request preparation.
- LTI Deep Linking response endpoint implementation, along with model to store selected configuration and content items.
2.5.2 - 2021-01-20
- Fix issue with migration that causes migration failure due to duplicate config_id values.
2.5.1 - 2021-01-19
- Simplify LTI 1.3 launches by removing OIDC launch start view.
2.5.0 - 2021-01-15
- Add LTI 1.1 config on model.
2.4.0 - 2020-12-02
- Partially implemented the Assignment and Grades Service to enable tools reporting grades back. Tools cannot create new LineItems.
2.3 – 2020-08-27
- Move LTI configuration access to plugin model.
2.2 – 2020-08-19
- Modals are sent to the parent window to work well with the courseware micro-frontend. A new message is sent to the parent window to request a modal containing the contents ot the LTI launch iframe.
2.1 – 2020-08-03
- The LTI consumer XBlock is now indexable.
- Implement the LTI 1.3 context claim.
2.0.0 – 2020-06-26
- LTI 1.3 support.