diff --git a/CHANGELOG.rst b/CHANGELOG.rst
index e0a76ab1deb42a0ab17e85eb002b1795279cb71c..39be79612f595306a31b686aef02ded4e0911598 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.rst
+++ b/CHANGELOG.rst
@@ -16,6 +16,27 @@ Please See the [releases tab](https://github.com/edx/xblock-lti-consumer/release
+5.0.0 - 2022-10-12
+Please note that additional breaking changes will be forthcoming in future versions of this library.
+* Modified Python API methods to take Lti1p3LaunchData as a required argument
+** get_lti_1p3_launch_info
+** get_lti_1p3_launch_start_url
+** get_lti_1p3_content_url
+* Added an Lti1p3LaunchData data class
+* Added caching for Lti1p3LaunchData to limit data sent in request query or form parameters
+* Replaced references to LtiConsumerXBlock.location with Lti1p3LaunchData.config_id
+* Removed definition of key LTI 1.3 claims from the launch_gate_endpoint and instantiated Lti1p3LaunchData from within
+  the LtiConsumerXBlock instead
+* Added a required launch_data_key request query parameter to the deep_linking_content_endpoint and refactored
+  associated templates and template tags to pass this parameter in the request to the view
+* Changed the access token URL and Keyset URL to use the LtiConfiguration.config_id in the URL instead of the
+  LtiConfiguration.location
 4.4.0 - 2022-08-17
 * Move the LTI 1.3 Access Token and Launch Callback endpoint logic from the XBlock to the Django views
diff --git a/lti_consumer/__init__.py b/lti_consumer/__init__.py
index 0bcf3e49f7aa6cb28612ac2dae3e126504ecedc0..0e15340785ea2f0e2a1dbbcd7522144122c86585 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/__init__.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/__init__.py
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ Runtime will load the XBlock class from here.
 from .apps import LTIConsumerApp
 from .lti_xblock import LtiConsumerXBlock
-__version__ = '4.5.0'
+__version__ = '5.0.0'
diff --git a/lti_consumer/api.py b/lti_consumer/api.py
index d03be168810b0cdd9746ad018fbaba4fb513b7ef..3a4ff706a5449ea6d3f2a3470689dd4a675b2a3b 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/api.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/api.py
@@ -9,9 +9,11 @@ import json
 from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey
+from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.constants import LTI_1P3_ROLE_MAP
 from .exceptions import LtiError
 from .models import CourseAllowPIISharingInLTIFlag, LtiConfiguration, LtiDlContentItem
 from .utils import (
+    get_lti_1p3_context_types_claim,
@@ -24,7 +26,7 @@ def _get_or_create_local_lti_config(lti_version, block_location,
                                     config_store=LtiConfiguration.CONFIG_ON_XBLOCK, external_id=None):
     Retrieve the LtiConfiguration for the block described by block_location, if one exists. If one does not exist,
-    create an LtiConfiguration with the LtiConfiguration.CONFIG_ON_DB config_store.
+    create an LtiConfiguration with the LtiConfiguration.CONFIG_ON_XBLOCK config_store.
     Treat the lti_version argument as the source of truth for LtiConfiguration.version and override the
     LtiConfiguration.version with lti_version. This allows, for example, for
@@ -100,7 +102,11 @@ def get_lti_consumer(config_id=None, block=None):
     return _get_lti_config(config_id, block).get_lti_consumer()
-def get_lti_1p3_launch_info(config_id=None, block=None):
+def get_lti_1p3_launch_info(
+    launch_data,
+    config_id=None,
+    block=None,
     Retrieves the Client ID, Keyset URL and other urls used to configure a LTI tool.
@@ -116,9 +122,9 @@ def get_lti_1p3_launch_info(config_id=None, block=None):
     deep_linking_enabled = lti_consumer.lti_dl_enabled()
     if deep_linking_enabled:
+        launch_data.message_type = "LtiDeepLinkingRequest"
         deep_linking_launch_url = lti_consumer.prepare_preflight_url(
-            hint=lti_config.location,
-            lti_hint="deep_linking_launch"
+            launch_data,
         # Retrieve LTI Content Items (if any was set up)
@@ -129,22 +135,28 @@ def get_lti_1p3_launch_info(config_id=None, block=None):
         if dl_content_items.exists():
             deep_linking_content_items = [item.attributes for item in dl_content_items]
-    link_location = lti_config.location if lti_config.location else lti_config.config_id
+    config_id = lti_config.config_id
     # Return LTI launch information for end user configuration
     return {
         'client_id': lti_config.lti_1p3_client_id,
-        'keyset_url': get_lms_lti_keyset_link(link_location),
+        'keyset_url': get_lms_lti_keyset_link(config_id),
         'deployment_id': '1',
         'oidc_callback': get_lms_lti_launch_link(),
-        'token_url': get_lms_lti_access_token_link(link_location),
+        'token_url': get_lms_lti_access_token_link(config_id),
         'deep_linking_launch_url': deep_linking_launch_url,
             json.dumps(deep_linking_content_items, indent=4) if deep_linking_content_items else None,
-def get_lti_1p3_launch_start_url(config_id=None, block=None, deep_link_launch=False, dl_content_id=None, hint=""):
+def get_lti_1p3_launch_start_url(
+    launch_data,
+    config_id=None,
+    block=None,
+    deep_link_launch=False,
+    dl_content_id=None,
     Computes and retrieves the LTI URL that starts the OIDC flow.
@@ -152,25 +164,25 @@ def get_lti_1p3_launch_start_url(config_id=None, block=None, deep_link_launch=Fa
     lti_config = _get_lti_config(config_id, block)
     lti_consumer = lti_config.get_lti_consumer()
-    # Change LTI hint depending on LTI launch type
-    lti_hint = ""
+    # Include a message hint in the launch_data depending on LTI launch type
     # Case 1: Performs Deep Linking configuration flow. Triggered by staff users to
     # configure tool options and select content to be presented.
     if deep_link_launch:
-        lti_hint = "deep_linking_launch"
+        launch_data.message_type = "LtiDeepLinkingRequest"
     # Case 2: Perform a LTI Launch for `ltiResourceLink` content types, since they
     # need to use the launch mechanism from the callback view.
     elif dl_content_id:
-        lti_hint = f"deep_linking_content_launch:{dl_content_id}"
+        launch_data.deep_linking_content_item_id = dl_content_id
     # Prepare and return OIDC flow start url
-    return lti_consumer.prepare_preflight_url(
-        hint=hint,
-        lti_hint=lti_hint
-    )
+    return lti_consumer.prepare_preflight_url(launch_data)
-def get_lti_1p3_content_url(config_id=None, block=None, hint=""):
+def get_lti_1p3_content_url(
+    launch_data,
+    config_id=None,
+    block=None,
     Computes and returns which URL the LTI consumer should launch to.
@@ -189,20 +201,20 @@ def get_lti_1p3_content_url(config_id=None, block=None, hint=""):
     # If there's no content items, return normal LTI launch URL
     if not content_items.count():
-        return get_lti_1p3_launch_start_url(config_id, block, hint=hint)
+        return get_lti_1p3_launch_start_url(launch_data, config_id=config_id, block=block)
     # If there's a single `ltiResourceLink` content, return the launch
-    # url for that specif deep link
+    # url for that specific deep link
     if content_items.count() == 1 and content_items.get().content_type == LtiDlContentItem.LTI_RESOURCE_LINK:
         return get_lti_1p3_launch_start_url(
-            config_id,
-            block,
+            launch_data,
+            config_id=config_id,
+            block=block,
-            hint=hint,
     # If there's more than one content item, return content presentation URL
-    return get_lti_deeplinking_content_url(lti_config.id)
+    return get_lti_deeplinking_content_url(lti_config.id, launch_data)
 def get_deep_linking_data(deep_linking_id, config_id=None, block=None):
@@ -232,3 +244,40 @@ def get_lti_pii_sharing_state_for_course(course_key: CourseKey) -> bool:
         bool: The state of PII sharing for this course for LTI.
     return CourseAllowPIISharingInLTIFlag.current(course_key).enabled
+def validate_lti_1p3_launch_data(launch_data):
+    """
+    Validate that the data in Lti1p3LaunchData are valid and raise an LtiMessageHintValidationFailure exception if they
+    are not.
+    The initializer of the Lti1p3LaunchData takes care of ensuring that required data is provided to the class. This
+    utility method verifies that other requirements of the data are met.
+    """
+    validation_messages = []
+    # The context claim is an object that composes properties about the context. The claim itself is optional, but if it
+    # is provided, then the id property is required. Ensure that if any other of the other optional properties are
+    # provided that the id property is also provided.
+    if ((launch_data.context_type or launch_data.context_title or launch_data.context_label) and not
+            launch_data.context_id):
+        validation_messages.append(
+            "The context_id attribute is required in the launch data if any optional context properties are provided."
+        )
+    if launch_data.user_role not in LTI_1P3_ROLE_MAP:
+        validation_messages.append(f"The user_role attribute {launch_data.user_role} is not a valid user_role.")
+    context_type = launch_data.context_type
+    if context_type:
+        try:
+            get_lti_1p3_context_types_claim(context_type)
+        except ValueError:
+            validation_messages.append(
+                f"The context_type attribute {context_type} in the launch data is not a valid context_type."
+            )
+    if validation_messages:
+        return False, validation_messages
+    else:
+        return True, []
diff --git a/lti_consumer/data.py b/lti_consumer/data.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7d2bfcfe7c1a7fa42d5323d0660042ba3d8d0000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lti_consumer/data.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+This modules provides public data structures to represent LTI 1.3 launch data that can be used within this library and
+by users of this library.
+from attrs import define, field
+class Lti1p3LaunchData:
+    """
+    The Lti1p3LaunchData class contains data necessary and related to an LTI 1.3 launch. It is a mechanism to share
+    launch data between apps. Applications using this library should use the Lti1p3LaunchData class to supply
+    contextually defined or stored launch data to the generic LTI 1.3 launch.
+    * user_id (required): the user's unique identifier
+    * user_role (required): the user's role as one of the keys in LTI_1P3_ROLE_MAP: staff, instructor, student, or
+        guest
+    * config_id (required): the config_id field of an LtiConfiguration to use for the launch
+    * resource_link_id (required): a unique identifier that is guaranteed to be unique for each placement of the LTI
+        link
+    * launch_presentation_document_target (optional): the document_target property of the launch_presentation claim; it
+        describes the kind of browser window or frame from which the user launched inside the message sender's system;
+        it is one of frame, iframe, or window; it defaults to iframe
+    * message_type (optional): the message type of the eventual LTI launch; defaults to LtiResourceLinkRequest
+    * context_id (conditionally required): the id property of the context claim; the stable, unique identifier for the
+        context; if any of the context properties are provided, context_id is required
+    * context_type (optional): the type property of the context claim; a list of some combination of the following valid
+        context_types: group, course_offering, course_section, or course_template
+    * context_title (optional): the title proerty of the context claim; a short, descriptive name for the context
+    * context_label (optional): the label property of the context claim; a full, descriptive name for the context
+    * deep_linking_context_item_id (optional): the database id of the LtiDlContentItem that should be used for the LTI
+        1.3 Deep Linking launch; this is used when the LTI 1.3 Deep Linking launch is a regular LTI resource link
+        request using a content item that was configured via a previous LTI 1.3 Deep Linking request
+    """
+    user_id = field()
+    user_role = field()
+    config_id = field()
+    resource_link_id = field()
+    launch_presentation_document_target = field(default="iframe")
+    message_type = field(default="LtiResourceLinkRequest")
+    context_id = field(default=None)
+    context_type = field(default=None)
+    context_title = field(default=None)
+    context_label = field(default=None)
+    deep_linking_content_item_id = field(default=None)
diff --git a/lti_consumer/lti_1p1/tests/test_consumer.py b/lti_consumer/lti_1p1/tests/test_consumer.py
index 88482b1c70f5f3710a2f6154f4ec994f0cfe3da5..0ae9d04aab52e8c7d406732a55a862a902cc88a0 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/lti_1p1/tests/test_consumer.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/lti_1p1/tests/test_consumer.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
 from lti_consumer.lti_1p1.exceptions import Lti1p1Error
 from lti_consumer.lti_1p1.consumer import LtiConsumer1p1, parse_result_json
-from lti_consumer.tests.unit.test_utils import make_request
+from lti_consumer.tests.test_utils import make_request
diff --git a/lti_consumer/lti_1p1/tests/test_oauth.py b/lti_consumer/lti_1p1/tests/test_oauth.py
index 619dd6af2fc5c4faf9cb241b46694e91914440d9..a0899b4cde799a2bb077d1b891548b01005cdcc7 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/lti_1p1/tests/test_oauth.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/lti_1p1/tests/test_oauth.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from lti_consumer.lti_1p1.exceptions import Lti1p1Error
 from lti_consumer.lti_1p1.oauth import (get_oauth_request_signature,
-from lti_consumer.tests.unit.test_utils import make_request
+from lti_consumer.tests.test_utils import make_request
     ('oauth_nonce', '80966668944732164491378916897'),
diff --git a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/consumer.py b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/consumer.py
index f2b2a4f6ab58e893d2764e93ecc5a871da922ea4..c45a608384a58e0a758727776f807193e8557f03 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/consumer.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/consumer.py
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 LTI 1.3 Consumer implementation
+import logging
 from urllib.parse import urlencode
+from lti_consumer.utils import cache_lti_1p3_launch_data, get_data_from_cache
 from . import constants, exceptions
 from .constants import (
@@ -16,6 +19,8 @@ from .ags import LtiAgs
 from .deep_linking import LtiDeepLinking
 from .nprs import LtiNrps
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 class LtiConsumer1p3:
@@ -53,6 +58,7 @@ class LtiConsumer1p3:
         # IMS LTI Claim data
         self.lti_claim_user_data = None
+        self.lti_claim_resource_link = None
         self.lti_claim_launch_presentation = None
         self.lti_claim_context = None
         self.lti_claim_custom_parameters = None
@@ -90,20 +96,31 @@ class LtiConsumer1p3:
     def prepare_preflight_url(
-            hint="hint",
-            lti_hint="lti_hint"
+            launch_data,
         Generates OIDC url with parameters
+        user_id = launch_data.user_id
+        # Set the launch_data in the cache. An LTI 1.3 launch involves two "legs" - the third party initiated
+        # login request (the preflight request) and the actual launch -, and this information must be shared between
+        # the two requests. A simple example is the intended LTI launch message of the LTI launch. This value is
+        # known at the time that preflight request is made, but it is not accessible when the tool responds to the
+        # preflight request and the platform must craft a launch request. This library stores the launch_data in the
+        # cache and includes the cache key as the lti_message_hint query or form parameter to retrieve it later.
+        launch_data_key = cache_lti_1p3_launch_data(launch_data)
         oidc_url = self.oidc_url + "?"
+        login_hint = user_id
         parameters = {
             "iss": self.iss,
             "client_id": self.client_id,
             "lti_deployment_id": self.deployment_id,
             "target_link_uri": self.launch_url,
-            "login_hint": hint,
-            "lti_message_hint": lti_hint
+            "login_hint": login_hint,
+            "lti_message_hint": launch_data_key,
         return oidc_url + urlencode(parameters)
@@ -143,6 +160,37 @@ class LtiConsumer1p3:
                 "email": email_address,
+    def set_resource_link_claim(
+        self,
+        resource_link_id,
+        description=None,
+        title=None,
+    ):
+        """
+        Set resource_link claim. The resource link must be stable and unique to each deployment_id. This value MUST
+        change if the link is copied or exported from one system or context and imported into another system or context
+        https://www.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/v1p3#resource-link-claim
+        Arguments:
+        * id (string): opaque, unique value identifying the placement of an LTI resource link
+        * description (string): description for the placement of an LTI resource link
+        * title (string): title for the placement of an LTI resource link
+        """
+        resource_link_claim_data = {
+            "id": resource_link_id,
+        }
+        if description:
+            resource_link_claim_data["description"] = description
+        if title:
+            resource_link_claim_data["title"] = title
+        self.lti_claim_resource_link = {
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/resource_link": resource_link_claim_data
+        }
     def set_launch_presentation_claim(
@@ -233,7 +281,6 @@ class LtiConsumer1p3:
     def get_lti_launch_message(
-            resource_link,
@@ -263,17 +310,6 @@ class LtiConsumer1p3:
             # MUST be the same value as the target_link_uri passed by the platform in the OIDC login request
             # http://www.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/v1p3/#target-link-uri
             "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/target_link_uri": self.launch_url,
-            # Resource link: stable and unique to each deployment_id
-            # This value MUST change if the link is copied or exported from one system or
-            # context and imported into another system or context
-            # http://www.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/v1p3/#resource-link-claim
-            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/resource_link": {
-                "id": resource_link,
-                # Optional claims
-                # "title": "Introduction Assignment"
-                # "description": "Assignment to introduce who you are",
-            },
         # Check if user data is set, then append it to lti message
@@ -283,6 +319,13 @@ class LtiConsumer1p3:
             raise ValueError("Required user data isn't set.")
+        # Check if the resource_link claim has been set and append it to the LTI message if it has.
+        # The resource_link claim is required, so raise an exception if it has not been set.
+        if self.lti_claim_resource_link:
+            lti_message.update(self.lti_claim_resource_link)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Required resource_link data isn't set.")
         # Only used when doing normal LTI launches
         if include_extra_claims:
             # Set optional claims
@@ -307,7 +350,6 @@ class LtiConsumer1p3:
     def generate_launch_request(
-            resource_link
         Build LTI message from class parameters
@@ -319,7 +361,7 @@ class LtiConsumer1p3:
         # Get LTI Launch Message
-        lti_launch_message = self.get_lti_launch_message(resource_link=resource_link)
+        lti_launch_message = self.get_lti_launch_message()
         # Nonce from OIDC preflight launch request
@@ -551,21 +593,25 @@ class LtiAdvantageConsumer(LtiConsumer1p3):
     def generate_launch_request(
-            resource_link
         Build LTI message for Deep linking launches.
         Overrides method from LtiConsumer1p3 to allow handling LTI Deep linking messages
+        lti_message_hint = preflight_response.get('lti_message_hint')
+        launch_data = get_data_from_cache(lti_message_hint)
+        if not launch_data:
+            log.warning(f'There was a cache miss during an LTI 1.3 launch when using the cache_key {lti_message_hint}.')
         # Check if Deep Linking is enabled and that this is a Deep Link Launch
-        if self.dl and preflight_response.get("lti_message_hint") == "deep_linking_launch":
+        if self.dl and launch_data.message_type == "LtiDeepLinkingRequest":
             # Validate preflight response
             # Get LTI Launch Message
             lti_launch_message = self.get_lti_launch_message(
-                resource_link=resource_link,
@@ -598,7 +644,6 @@ class LtiAdvantageConsumer(LtiConsumer1p3):
         # set up or this isn't a Deep Link Launch
         return super().generate_launch_request(
-            resource_link
     def check_and_decode_deep_linking_token(self, token):
diff --git a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/exceptions.py b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/exceptions.py
index bc9551ff4b2346bc7369809f566860273bb01c9b..7ef835b906b4346c79e10257f447ac1e9867d9d9 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/exceptions.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/exceptions.py
@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ class PreflightRequestValidationFailure(Lti1p3Exception):
     message = "The preflight response is not valid."
+class LtiLaunchDataValidationFailure(Lti1p3Exception):
+    message = "The Lti1p3LaunchData is not valid."
 class LtiAdvantageServiceNotSetUp(Lti1p3Exception):
     message = "The LTI Advantage Service is not set up."
diff --git a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/tests/test_consumer.py b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/tests/test_consumer.py
index 77881b6e31962f0cc0ba3245211cee8ec22963c5..423c414e667b55cd84f57be733688ae84b686f66 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/tests/test_consumer.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/tests/test_consumer.py
@@ -9,9 +9,11 @@ from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlparse
 import ddt
 from Cryptodome.PublicKey import RSA
 from django.test.testcases import TestCase
+from edx_django_utils.cache import get_cache_key, TieredCache
 from jwkest.jwk import load_jwks
 from jwkest.jws import JWS
+from lti_consumer.data import Lti1p3LaunchData
 from lti_consumer.lti_1p3 import exceptions
 from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.ags import LtiAgs
 from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.deep_linking import LtiDeepLinking
@@ -54,23 +56,22 @@ class TestLti1p3Consumer(TestCase):
-    def _setup_lti_user(self):
+    def _setup_lti_launch_data(self):
         Set up a minimal LTI message with only required parameters.
-        Currently, the only required parameters are the user data,
-        but using a helper function to keep the usage consistent accross
-        all tests.
+        Currently, the only required parameters are the user data and resource_link_data.
+        self.lti_consumer.set_resource_link_claim("resource_link_id")
     def _get_lti_message(
-            resource_link="link"
         Retrieves a base LTI message with fixed test parameters.
@@ -88,7 +89,6 @@ class TestLti1p3Consumer(TestCase):
         return self.lti_consumer.generate_launch_request(
-            resource_link
     def _decode_token(self, token):
@@ -149,11 +149,17 @@ class TestLti1p3Consumer(TestCase):
         Check if preflight request is properly formed and has all required keys.
-        preflight_request_data = self.lti_consumer.prepare_preflight_url(
-            hint="test-hint",
-            lti_hint="test-lti-hint"
+        user_id = "1"
+        resource_link_id = "resource_link_id"
+        launch_data = Lti1p3LaunchData(
+            user_id=user_id,
+            user_role="student",
+            config_id="1",
+            resource_link_id=resource_link_id,
+        preflight_request_data = self.lti_consumer.prepare_preflight_url(launch_data)
         # Extract and check parameters from OIDC launch request url
         parameters = parse_qs(urlparse(preflight_request_data).query)
@@ -169,11 +175,18 @@ class TestLti1p3Consumer(TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(parameters['iss'][0], ISS)
         self.assertEqual(parameters['client_id'][0], CLIENT_ID)
-        self.assertEqual(parameters['login_hint'][0], "test-hint")
-        self.assertEqual(parameters['lti_message_hint'][0], "test-lti-hint")
+        self.assertEqual(parameters['login_hint'][0], user_id)
         self.assertEqual(parameters['lti_deployment_id'][0], DEPLOYMENT_ID)
         self.assertEqual(parameters['target_link_uri'][0], LAUNCH_URL)
+        launch_data_key = get_cache_key(
+            app="lti",
+            key="launch_data",
+            user_id=user_id,
+            resource_link_id=resource_link_id
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(parameters['lti_message_hint'][0], launch_data_key)
         # User with no roles
@@ -203,7 +216,6 @@ class TestLti1p3Consumer(TestCase):
                 "email": "jonh@example.com"
     def test_set_user_data(self, data, expected_output):
@@ -216,6 +228,15 @@ class TestLti1p3Consumer(TestCase):
+    def test_check_no_user_data_error(self):
+        """
+        Check if the launch request fails if no user data is set.
+        """
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context_manager:
+            self._get_lti_message()
+        self.assertEqual(str(context_manager.exception), "Required user data isn't set.")
@@ -225,7 +246,7 @@ class TestLti1p3Consumer(TestCase):
         Check if setting presentation claim data works
-        self._setup_lti_user()
+        self._setup_lti_launch_data()
@@ -266,7 +287,7 @@ class TestLti1p3Consumer(TestCase):
         Check if setting context claim data works
-        self._setup_lti_user()
+        self._setup_lti_launch_data()
@@ -306,7 +327,7 @@ class TestLti1p3Consumer(TestCase):
         Check if setting invalid context claim type omits type attribute
-        self._setup_lti_user()
+        self._setup_lti_launch_data()
@@ -345,7 +366,7 @@ class TestLti1p3Consumer(TestCase):
         Check if setting no context claim type works
-        self._setup_lti_user()
+        self._setup_lti_launch_data()
@@ -375,19 +396,56 @@ class TestLti1p3Consumer(TestCase):
-    def test_check_no_user_data_error(self):
+    @ddt.data(
+        (
+            {"resource_link_id": "id"},
+            {
+                "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/resource_link": {
+                    "id": "id",
+                }
+            }
+        ),
+        (
+            {"resource_link_id": "id", "description": "description", "title": "title"},
+            {
+                "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/resource_link": {
+                    "id": "id",
+                    "description": "description",
+                    "title": "title",
+                }
+            }
+        ),
+    )
+    @ddt.unpack
+    def test_set_resource_link_claim(self, data, expected_output):
-        Check if the launch request fails if no user data is set.
+        Test that setting the lti_consumer.lti_claim_resource_link attribute with
+        the lti_consumer.set_resource_link_claim method works correctly.
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+        self.lti_consumer.set_resource_link_claim(**data)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            self.lti_consumer.lti_claim_resource_link,
+            expected_output
+        )
+    def test_check_no_resource_link_claim_error(self):
+        """
+        Check if the launch request fails if no resource_link data is set.
+        """
+        # In order to satisfy the user data check, set some user data.
+        self.lti_consumer.set_user_data("1", "student")
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context_manager:
+        self.assertEqual(str(context_manager.exception), "Required resource_link data isn't set.")
     @patch('time.time', return_value=1000)
     def test_launch_request(self, mock_time):
         Check if the launch request works if user data is set.
-        self._setup_lti_user()
+        self._setup_lti_launch_data()
         launch_request = self._get_lti_message()
         self.assertEqual(mock_time.call_count, 2)
@@ -405,7 +463,7 @@ class TestLti1p3Consumer(TestCase):
             "custom": "parameter",
-        self._setup_lti_user()
+        self._setup_lti_launch_data()
         launch_request = self._get_lti_message()
@@ -522,7 +580,7 @@ class TestLti1p3Consumer(TestCase):
         Check if extra claims are correctly added to the LTI message
-        self._setup_lti_user()
+        self._setup_lti_launch_data()
         self.lti_consumer.set_extra_claim({"fake_claim": "test"})
         # Retrieve launch message
@@ -571,21 +629,50 @@ class TestLtiAdvantageConsumer(TestCase):
         self.preflight_response = {}
+    def _setup_lti_message_hint(self):
+        """
+        Instantiate Lti1p3LaunchData with the appropriate launch data and store it in the cache.
+        Return the cache key that was used to store the Lti1p3LaunchData.
+        """
+        user_id = "1"
+        resource_link_id = "resource_link_id"
+        launch_data = Lti1p3LaunchData(
+            user_id=user_id,
+            user_role="student",
+            config_id="1",
+            resource_link_id=resource_link_id,
+            message_type="LtiDeepLinkingRequest",
+        )
+        launch_data_key = get_cache_key(
+            app="lti",
+            key="launch_data",
+            user_id=user_id,
+            resource_link_id=resource_link_id,
+        )
+        TieredCache.set_all_tiers(launch_data_key, launch_data)
+        return launch_data_key
     def _setup_deep_linking(self):
         Set's up deep linking class in LTI consumer.
         self.lti_consumer.enable_deep_linking("launch-url", "return-url")
+        lti_message_hint = self._setup_lti_message_hint()
         # Set LTI Consumer parameters
         self.preflight_response = {
             "client_id": CLIENT_ID,
             "redirect_uri": LAUNCH_URL,
             "nonce": NONCE,
             "state": STATE,
-            "lti_message_hint": "deep_linking_launch",
+            "lti_message_hint": lti_message_hint,
         self.lti_consumer.set_user_data("1", "student")
+        self.lti_consumer.set_resource_link_claim("resource_link_id")
     def test_enable_ags(self):
@@ -639,7 +726,6 @@ class TestLtiAdvantageConsumer(TestCase):
         # Retrieve LTI Deep Link Launch Message
         token = self.lti_consumer.generate_launch_request(
-            "resourceLink"
         # Decode and check
diff --git a/lti_consumer/lti_xblock.py b/lti_consumer/lti_xblock.py
index be30ff3238c543bd2c6dfe961e4d54b897498d8c..c39387a09f4ab5299e6d6c9f4ca55238a622db3c 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/lti_xblock.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/lti_xblock.py
@@ -68,14 +68,15 @@ from xblock.validation import ValidationMessage
 from xblockutils.resources import ResourceLoader
 from xblockutils.studio_editable import StudioEditableXBlockMixin
+from .data import Lti1p3LaunchData
 from .exceptions import LtiError
 from .lti_1p1.consumer import LtiConsumer1p1, parse_result_json, LTI_PARAMETERS
 from .lti_1p1.oauth import log_authorization_header
 from .outcomes import OutcomeService
+from .plugin import compat
 from .track import track_event
 from .utils import _, resolve_custom_parameter_template, external_config_filter_enabled, database_config_enabled
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ DOCS_ANCHOR_TAG_OPEN = (
 RESULT_SERVICE_SUFFIX_PARSER = re.compile(r"^user/(?P<anon_id>\w+)", re.UNICODE)
     'student': 'Student,Learner',
     'staff': 'Administrator',
     'instructor': 'Instructor',
@@ -743,14 +744,13 @@ class LtiConsumerXBlock(StudioEditableXBlockMixin, XBlock):
     def role(self):
-        Get system user role and convert it to LTI role.
+        Get system user role.
         user = self.runtime.service(self, 'user').get_current_user()
         if not user.opt_attrs["edx-platform.is_authenticated"]:
             raise LtiError(self.ugettext("Could not get user data for current request"))
-        role = user.opt_attrs.get('edx-platform.user_role', 'student')
-        return ROLE_MAP.get(role, 'Student,Learner')
+        return user.opt_attrs.get('edx-platform.user_role', 'student')
     def course(self):
@@ -1031,7 +1031,13 @@ class LtiConsumerXBlock(StudioEditableXBlockMixin, XBlock):
         from lti_consumer.api import get_lti_1p3_launch_info
         # Retrieve LTI 1.3 Launch information
-        context.update(get_lti_1p3_launch_info(block=self))
+        launch_data = self.get_lti_1p3_launch_data()
+        context.update(
+            get_lti_1p3_launch_info(
+                launch_data=launch_data,
+                block=self
+            )
+        )
         # Render template
         fragment = Fragment()
@@ -1097,6 +1103,10 @@ class LtiConsumerXBlock(StudioEditableXBlockMixin, XBlock):
             real_user_data = self.extract_real_user_data()
             user_id = self.user_id
             role = self.role
+            # Convert the LMS role into an LTI 1.1 role.
+            role = LTI_1P1_ROLE_MAP.get(role, 'Student,Learner')
             result_sourcedid = self.lis_result_sourcedid
         except LtiError:
             loader = ResourceLoader(__name__)
@@ -1405,6 +1415,47 @@ class LtiConsumerXBlock(StudioEditableXBlockMixin, XBlock):
         return launch_url
+    def get_lti_1p3_launch_data(self):
+        """
+        Return an instance of Lti1p3LaunchData, containing necessary data for an LTI 1.3 launch.
+        """
+        # Runtime import since this will only run in the
+        # Open edX LMS/Studio environments.
+        # TODO: Replace this with a more appropriate API function that is intended for public use.
+        # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
+        from lti_consumer.api import _get_lti_config
+        lti_config = _get_lti_config(block=self)
+        location = self.location  # pylint: disable=no-member
+        course_key = str(location.course_key)
+        launch_data = Lti1p3LaunchData(
+            user_id=self.external_user_id,
+            user_role=self.role,
+            config_id=lti_config.config_id,
+            resource_link_id=str(location),
+            launch_presentation_document_target="iframe",
+            context_id=course_key,
+            context_type=["course_offering"],
+            context_title=self.get_context_title(),
+            context_label=course_key,
+        )
+        return launch_data
+    def get_context_title(self):
+        """
+        Return the title attribute of the context_claim for LTI 1.3 launches. This information is included in the
+        launch_data query or form parameter of the LTI 1.3 third-party login initiation request.
+        """
+        course_key = self.location.course_key  # pylint: disable=no-member
+        course = compat.get_course_by_id(course_key)
+        return " - ".join([
+            course.display_name_with_default,
+            course.display_org_with_default
+        ])
     def _get_lti_block_launch_handler(self):
         Return the LTI block launch handler.
@@ -1415,13 +1466,14 @@ class LtiConsumerXBlock(StudioEditableXBlockMixin, XBlock):
         if self.lti_version == 'lti_1p1' or self.config_type == "external":
             lti_block_launch_handler = self.runtime.handler_url(self, 'lti_launch_handler').rstrip('/?')
-            # Runtime import since this will only run in the Open edX LMS/Studio environments.
-            from lti_consumer.api import get_lti_1p3_content_url  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
+            launch_data = self.get_lti_1p3_launch_data()
             # Retrieve and set LTI 1.3 Launch start URL
+            # Runtime import since this will only run in the Open edX LMS/Studio environments.
+            from lti_consumer.api import get_lti_1p3_content_url  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
             lti_block_launch_handler = get_lti_1p3_content_url(
+                launch_data,
-                hint=str(self.location)  # pylint: disable=no-member
         return lti_block_launch_handler
diff --git a/lti_consumer/plugin/compat.py b/lti_consumer/plugin/compat.py
index 5f3d1eea8f6bbbec864cb9ca179520668a47c6f3..e7a1b1561841072bd9fc2035c9059a800da0d8a7 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/plugin/compat.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/plugin/compat.py
@@ -258,22 +258,3 @@ def get_event_tracker():
         return tracker
     except ModuleNotFoundError:
         return None
-def get_user_role(user, course_key: CourseKey) -> str:
-    """
-    Import the get_user_role from LMS and return the value.
-    """
-    # pylint: disable=import-error,import-outside-toplevel
-    from lms.djangoapps.courseware.access import get_user_role as get_role
-    return get_role(user, course_key)
-def get_external_id_for_user(user) -> str:
-    """
-    Import and run `get_external_id_for_user` from LMS
-    """
-    # pylint: disable=import-error,import-outside-toplevel
-    from openedx.core.djangoapps.external_user_ids.models import ExternalId
-    ext_user, _ = ExternalId.add_new_user_id(user, 'lti')
-    return str(ext_user.external_user_id)
diff --git a/lti_consumer/plugin/views.py b/lti_consumer/plugin/views.py
index 7818bffb3218b1ed6d235a3b5b70eeca2b6c0a73..09c0bc5f19c97b1bf90c5d2a19ca0c070027f540 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/plugin/views.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/plugin/views.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import logging
 import urllib
 from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
-from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist, PermissionDenied
+from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist, PermissionDenied, ValidationError
 from django.http import JsonResponse, Http404
 from django.db import transaction
 from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from rest_framework.decorators import action
 from rest_framework.response import Response
 from rest_framework.status import HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
-from lti_consumer.api import get_lti_pii_sharing_state_for_course
+from lti_consumer.api import get_lti_pii_sharing_state_for_course, validate_lti_1p3_launch_data
 from lti_consumer.exceptions import LtiError
 from lti_consumer.models import (
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ from lti_consumer.models import (
-from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.consumer import LTI_1P3_CONTEXT_TYPE
 from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.exceptions import (
@@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.extensions.rest_framework.parsers import (
 from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.extensions.rest_framework.utils import IgnoreContentNegotiation
 from lti_consumer.plugin import compat
-from lti_consumer.utils import _
+from lti_consumer.utils import _, get_lti_1p3_context_types_claim, get_data_from_cache
 from lti_consumer.track import track_event
@@ -143,32 +142,44 @@ def launch_gate_endpoint(request, suffix=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argume
     Gate endpoint that triggers LTI launch endpoint XBlock handler
-    This uses the location key from the "login_hint" query parameter
+    This uses the config_id key of the "lti_message_hint" query parameter
     to identify the LtiConfiguration and its consumer to generate the
     LTI 1.3 Launch Form.
-    usage_id = request.GET.get('login_hint')
-    if not usage_id:
-        log.info('The `login_hint` query param in the request is missing or empty.')
+    # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
+    request_params = request.GET if request.method == 'GET' else request.POST
+    lti_message_hint = request_params.get('lti_message_hint')
+    if not lti_message_hint:
+        log.info('The lti_message_hint query param in the request is missing or empty.')
         return render(request, 'html/lti_launch_error.html', status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
-    try:
-        usage_key = UsageKey.from_string(usage_id)
-    except InvalidKeyError as exc:
+    login_hint = request_params.get('login_hint')
+    if not login_hint:
+        log.info('The login_hint query param in the request is missing or empty.')
+        return render(request, 'html/lti_launch_error.html', status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+    launch_data = get_data_from_cache(lti_message_hint)
+    if not launch_data:
+        log.warning(f'There was a cache miss during an LTI 1.3 launch when using the cache_key {lti_message_hint}.')
+        return render(request, 'html/lti_launch_error.html', status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+    # Validate the Lti1p3LaunchData.
+    is_valid, validation_messages = validate_lti_1p3_launch_data(launch_data)
+    if not is_valid:
+        validation_message = " ".join(validation_messages)
-            "The login_hint: %s is not a valid block location. Error: %s",
-            usage_id,
-            exc,
-            exc_info=True
+            f"The Lti1p3LaunchData is not valid. {validation_message}"
-        return render(request, 'html/lti_launch_error.html', status=HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
+        return render(request, 'html/lti_launch_error.html', status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+    config_id = launch_data.config_id
         lti_config = LtiConfiguration.objects.get(
-            location=usage_key
+            config_id=config_id
-    except LtiConfiguration.DoesNotExist as exc:
-        log.error("Invalid usage_id '%s' for LTI 1.3 Launch callback", usage_id)
+    except (LtiConfiguration.DoesNotExist, ValidationError) as exc:
+        log.error("Invalid config_id '%s' for LTI 1.3 Launch callback", config_id)
         raise Http404 from exc
     if lti_config.version != LtiConfiguration.LTI_1P3:
@@ -177,50 +188,58 @@ def launch_gate_endpoint(request, suffix=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argume
     context = {}
-    course_key = usage_key.course_key
-    course = compat.get_course_by_id(course_key)
-    user_role = compat.get_user_role(request.user, course_key)
-    external_user_id = compat.get_external_id_for_user(request.user)
-    lti_consumer = lti_config.get_lti_consumer()
-        # Pass user data
-        # Pass django user role to library
-        lti_consumer.set_user_data(user_id=external_user_id, role=user_role)
-        # Set launch context
-        # Hardcoded for now, but we need to translate from
-        # self.launch_target to one of the LTI compliant names,
-        # either `iframe`, `frame` or `window`
-        # This is optional though
-        lti_consumer.set_launch_presentation_claim('iframe')
-        # Set context claim
-        # This is optional
-        context_title = " - ".join([
-            course.display_name_with_default,
-            course.display_org_with_default
-        ])
-        # Course ID is the context ID for the LTI for now. This can be changed to be
-        # more specific in the future for supporting other tools like discussions, etc.
+        lti_consumer = lti_config.get_lti_consumer()
+        # Set sub and roles claims.
+        user_id = launch_data.user_id
+        user_role = launch_data.user_role
+        lti_consumer.set_user_data(
+            user_id=user_id,
+            role=user_role,
+        )
+        # Set resource_link claim.
+        lti_consumer.set_resource_link_claim(launch_data.resource_link_id)
+        # Set launch_presentation claim.
+        launch_presentation_target = launch_data.launch_presentation_document_target
+        if launch_presentation_target:
+            lti_consumer.set_launch_presentation_claim(launch_presentation_target)
+        # Set optional context claim, if supplied.
+        context_type = launch_data.context_type
+        context_types_claim = None
+        if context_type:
+            try:
+                context_types_claim = get_lti_1p3_context_types_claim(context_type)
+            except ValueError:
+                log.error(
+                    "The context_type key %s in the launch data does not represent a valid context_type.",
+                    context_type
+                )
+                return render(request, 'html/lti_launch_error.html', status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
-            str(course_key),
-            context_types=[LTI_1P3_CONTEXT_TYPE.course_offering],
-            context_title=context_title,
-            context_label=str(course_key)
+            launch_data.context_id,
+            context_types_claim,
+            launch_data.context_title,
+            launch_data.context_label,
-        # Retrieve preflight response
-        preflight_response = request.GET.dict()
-        lti_message_hint = preflight_response.get('lti_message_hint', '')
+        # Retrieve preflight response.
+        preflight_response = request_params.dict()
-        # Set LTI Launch URL
+        # Set LTI Launch URL.
         context.update({'launch_url': lti_consumer.launch_url})
-        # Modify LTI Launch URL dependind on launch type
+        # Modify LTI Launch URL depending on launch type.
         # Deep Linking Launch - Configuration flow launched by
         # course creators to set up content.
-        if lti_consumer.dl and lti_message_hint == 'deep_linking_launch':
+        deep_linking_content_item_id = launch_data.deep_linking_content_item_id
+        if lti_consumer.dl and launch_data.message_type == 'LtiDeepLinkingRequest':
             # Check if the user is staff before LTI doing deep linking launch.
             # If not, raise exception and display error page
             if user_role not in ['instructor', 'staff']:
@@ -231,10 +250,9 @@ def launch_gate_endpoint(request, suffix=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argume
         # Deep Linking ltiResourceLink content presentation
         # When content type is `ltiResourceLink`, the tool will be launched with
         # different parameters, set by instructors when running the DL configuration flow.
-        elif lti_consumer.dl and 'deep_linking_content_launch' in lti_message_hint:
-            # Retrieve Deep Linking parameters using lti_message_hint parameter.
-            deep_linking_id = lti_message_hint.split(':')[1]
-            content_item = lti_config.ltidlcontentitem_set.get(pk=deep_linking_id)
+        elif lti_consumer.dl and deep_linking_content_item_id:
+            # Retrieve Deep Linking parameters using the  parameter.
+            content_item = lti_config.ltidlcontentitem_set.get(pk=deep_linking_content_item_id)
             # Only filter DL content item from content item set in the same LTI configuration.
             # This avoids a malicious user to input a random LTI id and perform LTI DL
             # content launches outside the scope of its configuration.
@@ -250,8 +268,7 @@ def launch_gate_endpoint(request, suffix=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argume
             "preflight_response": preflight_response,
             "launch_request": lti_consumer.generate_launch_request(
-                resource_link=usage_id,
-                preflight_response=preflight_response
+                preflight_response=preflight_response,
         event = {
@@ -263,18 +280,20 @@ def launch_gate_endpoint(request, suffix=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argume
         return render(request, 'html/lti_1p3_launch.html', context)
     except Lti1p3Exception as exc:
+        resource_link_id = launch_data.resource_link_id
-            "Error preparing LTI 1.3 launch for block %r: %s",
-            usage_id,
+            "Error preparing LTI 1.3 launch for resource with resource_link_id %r: %s",
+            resource_link_id,
         return render(request, 'html/lti_launch_error.html', context, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
     except AssertionError as exc:
+        resource_link_id = launch_data.resource_link_id
-            "Permission on LTI block %r denied for user %r: %s",
-            usage_id,
-            external_user_id,
+            "Permission on resource with resource_link_id %r denied for user %r: %s",
+            resource_link_id,
+            user_id,
@@ -438,10 +457,20 @@ def deep_linking_response_endpoint(request, lti_config_id=None):
-def deep_linking_content_endpoint(request, lti_config_id=None):
+def deep_linking_content_endpoint(request, lti_config_id):
     Deep Linking endpoint for rendering Deep Linking Content Items.
+    launch_data_key = request.GET.get("launch_data_key")
+    if not launch_data_key:
+        log.info('The launch_data_key query param in the request is missing or empty.')
+        return render(request, 'html/lti_launch_error.html', status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+    launch_data = get_data_from_cache(launch_data_key)
+    if not launch_data:
+        log.warning(f'There was a cache miss during an LTI 1.3 launch when using the cache_key {launch_data_key}.')
+        return render(request, 'html/lti_launch_error.html', status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
         # Get LTI Configuration
         lti_config = LtiConfiguration.objects.get(id=lti_config_id)
@@ -470,6 +499,7 @@ def deep_linking_content_endpoint(request, lti_config_id=None):
     return render(request, 'html/lti-dl/render_dl_content.html', {
         'content_items': content_items,
         'block': lti_config.block,
+        'launch_data': launch_data,
diff --git a/lti_consumer/templates/html/lti-dl/render_dl_content.html b/lti_consumer/templates/html/lti-dl/render_dl_content.html
index 0afa083bac7b3eb7ee12b70947751563d999d7fe..ef333b8a20c246c9969b6b34decc142ba0a9220a 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/templates/html/lti-dl/render_dl_content.html
+++ b/lti_consumer/templates/html/lti-dl/render_dl_content.html
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
         {% for item in content_items %}
                 {% if item.content_type == 'ltiResourceLink' %}
-                    {% include "html/lti-dl/render_lti_resource_link.html" with item=item attrs=item.attributes %}
+                    {% include "html/lti-dl/render_lti_resource_link.html" with item=item attrs=item.attributes launch_data=launch_data %}
                 {% elif item.content_type == 'link' %}
                     {% include "html/lti-dl/render_link.html" with item=item attrs=item.attributes %}
                 {% elif item.content_type == 'html' %}
diff --git a/lti_consumer/templates/html/lti-dl/render_lti_resource_link.html b/lti_consumer/templates/html/lti-dl/render_lti_resource_link.html
index 8e5b10abace9c8b6305a7de109025e994648128d..9b6baf4c472ced52961432fb106de7babf512bbf 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/templates/html/lti-dl/render_lti_resource_link.html
+++ b/lti_consumer/templates/html/lti-dl/render_lti_resource_link.html
@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@
 {% if attrs.title %}<h2>{{ attrs.title }}</h2>{% endif %}
 {% if attrs.text %}<p>{{ attrs.text }}</p>{% endif %}
-<a href="{{ item | get_dl_lti_launch_url }}" target="_blank">
+{% get_dl_lti_launch_url item launch_data as launch_url %}
+<a href="{{ launch_url }}" target="_blank">
     Click here to launch the LTI content in a new tab
     <i class="icon fa fa-external-link"></i>
diff --git a/lti_consumer/templatetags/get_dl_lti_launch_url.py b/lti_consumer/templatetags/get_dl_lti_launch_url.py
index 1dd97c9cc49b9e9bf8ee2c797131399f19058857..d49f5858d6234fed14822b6430679ac54dd2f91c 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/templatetags/get_dl_lti_launch_url.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/templatetags/get_dl_lti_launch_url.py
@@ -4,23 +4,22 @@ Template tags and helper functions for sanitizing html.
 from django import template
 from lti_consumer.api import get_lti_1p3_launch_start_url
 register = template.Library()
-def get_dl_lti_launch_url(content_item):
+def get_dl_lti_launch_url(content_item, launch_data):
-    Template tag to retrive the LTI launch URL for `ltiResourceLink` content.
+    Template tag to retrieve the LTI launch URL for `ltiResourceLink` content.
-    This uses the LTI Consumer API, but hardcodes the `hint` parameter to the
-    block id (used when LTI launches are tied to XBlocks).
+    This uses the LTI Consumer API to generate the LTI 1.3 third party login initiation
+    URL to start the LTI 1.3 launch flow.
-    TODO: Refactor `hint` to use generic ID once LTI launches out of XBlocks are
-    supported.
+    This template tag requires content_item and launch_data arguments, which are passed to
+    get_lti_1p3_launch_start_url to encode information necessary to the eventual LTI 1.3 launch.
     return get_lti_1p3_launch_start_url(
+        launch_data,
-        hint=str(content_item.lti_configuration.location),
diff --git a/lti_consumer/tests/test_utils.py b/lti_consumer/tests/test_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..192505b9d213926051fbce8e49d4d11ec3cc0506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lti_consumer/tests/test_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+Utility functions used within unit tests
+from unittest.mock import Mock
+import urllib
+from opaque_keys.edx.keys import UsageKey
+from webob import Request
+from workbench.runtime import WorkbenchRuntime
+from xblock.fields import ScopeIds
+from xblock.runtime import DictKeyValueStore, KvsFieldData
+FAKE_USER_ID = 'fake_user_id'
+def make_xblock(xblock_name, xblock_cls, attributes):
+    """
+    Helper to construct XBlock objects
+    """
+    runtime = WorkbenchRuntime()
+    key_store = DictKeyValueStore()
+    db_model = KvsFieldData(key_store)
+    ids = generate_scope_ids(runtime, xblock_name)
+    xblock = xblock_cls(runtime, db_model, scope_ids=ids)
+    xblock.category = Mock()
+    xblock.location = UsageKey.from_string(
+        'block-v1:edX+DemoX+Demo_Course+type@problem+block@466f474fa4d045a8b7bde1b911e095ca'
+    )
+    xblock.runtime = Mock(
+        hostname='localhost',
+    )
+    xblock.course_id = 'course-v1:edX+DemoX+Demo_Course'
+    for key, value in attributes.items():
+        setattr(xblock, key, value)
+    return xblock
+def generate_scope_ids(runtime, block_type):
+    """
+    Helper to generate scope IDs for an XBlock
+    """
+    def_id = runtime.id_generator.create_definition(block_type)
+    usage_id = runtime.id_generator.create_usage(def_id)
+    return ScopeIds('user', block_type, def_id, usage_id)
+def make_request(body, method='POST'):
+    """
+    Helper to make a request
+    """
+    request = Request.blank('/')
+    request.method = 'POST'
+    request.body = body.encode('utf-8')
+    request.method = method
+    return request
+def make_jwt_request(token, **overrides):
+    """
+    Builds a Request with a JWT body.
+    """
+    body = {
+        "grant_type": "client_credentials",
+        "client_assertion_type": "something",
+        "client_assertion": token,
+        "scope": "",
+    }
+    request = make_request(urllib.parse.urlencode({**body, **overrides}), 'POST')
+    request.content_type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
+    return request
+def dummy_processor(_xblock):
+    """
+    A dummy LTI parameter processor.
+    """
+    return {
+        'custom_author_email': 'author@example.com',
+        'custom_author_country': '',
+    }
+def defaulting_processor(_xblock):
+    """
+    A dummy LTI parameter processor with default params.
+    """
+defaulting_processor.lti_xblock_default_params = {
+    'custom_name': 'Lex',
+    'custom_country': '',
diff --git a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views.py b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views.py
index 5a5b5d64360bd2e09abb2ff573a68b95e830fa13..17db1dcfbd32600ada6a8aba2fdb96c94e268bee 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views.py
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ from django.urls import reverse
 from Cryptodome.PublicKey import RSA
 from jwkest.jwk import RSAKey
 from opaque_keys.edx.keys import UsageKey
+from lti_consumer.data import Lti1p3LaunchData
 from lti_consumer.models import LtiConfiguration, LtiDlContentItem
 from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.exceptions import (
@@ -24,7 +25,8 @@ from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.exceptions import (
 from lti_consumer.lti_xblock import LtiConsumerXBlock
 from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.tests.utils import create_jwt
-from lti_consumer.tests.unit.test_utils import make_xblock
+from lti_consumer.tests.test_utils import make_xblock
+from lti_consumer.utils import cache_lti_1p3_launch_data
 class TestLti1p3KeysetEndpoint(TestCase):
@@ -122,8 +124,14 @@ class TestLti1p3LaunchGateEndpoint(TestCase):
             'lti_1p3_oidc_url': 'http://tool.example/oidc',
         self.xblock = make_xblock('lti_consumer', LtiConsumerXBlock, self.xblock_attributes)
-        # Set dummy location so that UsageKey lookup is valid
-        self.xblock.location = self.location
+        self.launch_data = Lti1p3LaunchData(
+            user_id="1",
+            user_role="student",
+            config_id=self.config.config_id,
+            resource_link_id="resource_link_id",
+        )
+        self.launch_data_key = cache_lti_1p3_launch_data(self.launch_data)
         self.compat_patcher = patch("lti_consumer.plugin.views.compat")
         self.compat = self.compat_patcher.start()
@@ -139,13 +147,6 @@ class TestLti1p3LaunchGateEndpoint(TestCase):
         model_compat.load_block_as_anonymous_user.return_value = self.xblock
-    def test_invalid_usage_key(self):
-        """
-        Check that passing a invalid login_hint yields HTTP code 404.
-        """
-        response = self.client.get(self.url, {"login_hint": "useless-location"})
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
     def test_invalid_lti_version(self):
         Check that a LTI 1.1 tool accessing this endpoint is returned a 404.
@@ -153,7 +154,13 @@ class TestLti1p3LaunchGateEndpoint(TestCase):
         self.config.version = LtiConfiguration.LTI_1P1
-        response = self.client.get(self.url, {"login_hint": self.location})
+        response = self.client.get(
+            self.url,
+            {
+                "login_hint": self.launch_data.user_id,
+                "lti_message_hint": self.launch_data_key
+            }
+        )
         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
         # Rollback
@@ -164,19 +171,78 @@ class TestLti1p3LaunchGateEndpoint(TestCase):
         Check that a 404 is returned when LtiConfiguration for a location doesn't exist
-        response = self.client.get(self.url, {"login_hint": self.location + "extra"})
+        self.launch_data.config_id = "1"
+        response = self.client.get(
+            self.url,
+            {
+                "login_hint": self.launch_data.user_id,
+                "lti_message_hint": self.launch_data_key
+            }
+        )
         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
+    def test_missing_required_lti_message_hint_param(self):
+        """
+        Check that a 400 error is returned when required lti_message_hint query parameter is not provided.
+        """
+        response = self.client.post(self.url, {"login_hint": "login_hint"})
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
+    def test_missing_required_login_hint_param(self):
+        """
+        Check that a 400 error is returned when required login_hint query parameter is not provided.
+        """
+        response = self.client.post(self.url, {"lti_message_hint": "lti_message_hint"})
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
+    def test_missing_launch_data(self):
+        """
+        Check that a 400 error is returned when required lti_message_hint query parameter is not associated with
+        launch_data in the cache.
+        """
+        response = self.client.post(self.url, {"lti_message_hint": "lti_message_hint", "login_hint": "login_hint"})
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
+    @patch('lti_consumer.api.validate_lti_1p3_launch_data')
+    @patch('lti_consumer.utils.get_data_from_cache')
+    def test_invalid_launch_data(self, mock_get_data_from_cache, mock_validate_launch_data):
+        """
+        Check that a 400 error is returned when the launch_data stored in the cache is not valid.
+        """
+        # Mock getting the launch_data from the cache.
+        mock_get_data_from_cache.return_value = {}
+        # Mock checking the launch_data for validity.
+        mock_validate_launch_data.return_value = (False, [])
+        response = self.client.post(self.url, {"lti_message_hint": "lti_message_hint", "login_hint": "login_hint"})
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
+    @patch('lti_consumer.api.validate_lti_1p3_launch_data')
+    @patch('lti_consumer.utils.get_data_from_cache')
+    def test_invalid_context_type(self, mock_get_data_from_cache, mock_validate_launch_data):
+        # Mock getting the launch_data from the cache.
+        mock_launch_data = Mock()
+        mock_launch_data.context_type = "invalid_context_type"
+        mock_get_data_from_cache.return_value = mock_launch_data
+        # Mock checking the launch_data for validity.
+        mock_validate_launch_data.return_value = (True, [])
+        response = self.client.post(self.url, {"lti_message_hint": "lti_message_hint", "login_hint": "login_hint"})
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
     def test_lti_launch_response(self):
         Check that the right launch response is generated
         params = {
-            "login_hint": self.location,
             "nonce": "nonce-value",
             "state": "hello-world",
             "redirect_uri": "https://tool.example",
-            "client_id": self.config.lti_1p3_client_id
+            "client_id": self.config.lti_1p3_client_id,
+            "login_hint": self.launch_data.user_id,
+            "lti_message_hint": self.launch_data_key
         response = self.client.get(self.url, params)
         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
@@ -207,8 +273,8 @@ class TestLti1p3LaunchGateEndpoint(TestCase):
                 "client_id": self.config.lti_1p3_client_id,
                 "redirect_ur": "http://tool.example/launch",
                 "state": "state_test_123",
-                "nonce": "nonce",
-                "login_hint": self.location
+                "login_hint": self.launch_data.user_id,
+                "lti_message_hint": self.launch_data_key,
             response = self.client.get(self.url, params)
             self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
@@ -225,6 +291,8 @@ class TestLti1p3LaunchGateEndpoint(TestCase):
         mock_user_service.get_external_user_id.return_value = 2
         self.xblock.runtime.service.return_value = mock_user_service
+        self.launch_data.user_role = user_role
         self.xblock.course.display_name_with_default = 'course_display_name'
         self.xblock.course.display_org_with_default = 'course_display_org'
@@ -242,8 +310,8 @@ class TestLti1p3LaunchGateEndpoint(TestCase):
             "redirect_uri": "http://tool.example/launch",
             "state": "state_test_123",
             "nonce": "nonce",
-            "login_hint": self.location,
-            "lti_message_hint": "deep_linking_launch"
+            "login_hint": self.launch_data.user_id,
+            "lti_message_hint": self.launch_data_key,
         response = self.client.get(self.url, params)
@@ -262,7 +330,7 @@ class TestLti1p3LaunchGateEndpoint(TestCase):
         self.xblock.config_type = 'database'
-            location=self.xblock.location,
+            location=self.xblock.location,  # pylint: disable=no-member
@@ -270,14 +338,15 @@ class TestLti1p3LaunchGateEndpoint(TestCase):
         if dl_enabled:
             self.xblock.lti_advantage_deep_linking_launch_url = url
+            self.launch_data.message_type = "LtiDeepLinkingRequest"
         params = {
             "client_id": self.config.lti_1p3_client_id,
             "redirect_uri": "http://tool.example/launch",
             "state": "state_test_123",
             "nonce": "nonce",
-            "login_hint": self.location,
-            "lti_message_hint": "deep_linking_launch"
+            "login_hint": self.launch_data.user_id,
+            "lti_message_hint": self.launch_data_key,
         response = self.client.get(self.url, params)
@@ -299,14 +368,15 @@ class TestLti1p3LaunchGateEndpoint(TestCase):
         # Enable deep linking
         self.xblock.lti_advantage_deep_linking_enabled = True
+        self.launch_data.message_type = "LtiDeepLinkingRequest"
         params = {
             "client_id": self.config.lti_1p3_client_id,
             "redirect_uri": "http://tool.example/launch",
             "state": "state_test_123",
             "nonce": "nonce",
-            "login_hint": self.location,
-            "lti_message_hint": "deep_linking_launch"
+            "login_hint": self.launch_data.user_id,
+            "lti_message_hint": self.launch_data_key,
         response = self.client.get(self.url, params)
@@ -332,13 +402,17 @@ class TestLti1p3LaunchGateEndpoint(TestCase):
+        # We need to re-cache the launch_data with a new cache key that is specific to the content item.
+        self.launch_data.deep_linking_content_item_id = "1"
+        launch_data_key = cache_lti_1p3_launch_data(self.launch_data)
         params = {
             "client_id": self.config.lti_1p3_client_id,
             "redirect_uri": "http://tool.example/launch",
             "state": "state_test_123",
             "nonce": "nonce",
-            "login_hint": self.location,
-            "lti_message_hint": "deep_linking_content_launch:1"
+            "login_hint": self.launch_data.user_id,
+            "lti_message_hint": launch_data_key,
         response = self.client.get(self.url, params)
         content = response.content.decode('utf-8')
@@ -363,13 +437,18 @@ class TestLti1p3LaunchGateEndpoint(TestCase):
             attributes={"parameter": "custom"}
+        # We need to re-cache the launch_data with a new cache key that is specific to the content item.
+        self.launch_data.deep_linking_content_item_id = dl_item.id
+        launch_data_key = cache_lti_1p3_launch_data(self.launch_data)
         params = {
             "client_id": self.config.lti_1p3_client_id,
             "redirect_uri": "http://tool.example/launch",
             "state": "state_test_123",
             "nonce": "nonce",
-            "login_hint": self.location,
-            "lti_message_hint": f"deep_linking_content_launch:{dl_item.id}"
+            "login_hint": self.launch_data.user_id,
+            "lti_message_hint": launch_data_key,
         response = self.client.get(self.url, params)
         # Check response
diff --git a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views_lti_ags.py b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views_lti_ags.py
index 085816b3491c658d873d51ad1f969e99fb39b9b3..7a3e7f94441eb56327d7f93735752bd4547ce8c1 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views_lti_ags.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views_lti_ags.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ from rest_framework.test import APITransactionTestCase
 from lti_consumer.lti_xblock import LtiConsumerXBlock
 from lti_consumer.models import LtiConfiguration, LtiAgsLineItem, LtiAgsScore
-from lti_consumer.tests.unit.test_utils import make_xblock
+from lti_consumer.tests.test_utils import make_xblock
 class LtiAgsLineItemViewSetTestCase(APITransactionTestCase):
@@ -49,12 +49,9 @@ class LtiAgsLineItemViewSetTestCase(APITransactionTestCase):
         self.xblock = make_xblock('lti_consumer', LtiConsumerXBlock, self.xblock_attributes)
-        # Set dummy location so that UsageKey lookup is valid
-        self.xblock.location = 'block-v1:course+test+2020+type@problem+block@test'
         # Create configuration
         self.lti_config = LtiConfiguration.objects.create(
-            location=str(self.xblock.location),
+            location=self.xblock.location,  # pylint: disable=no-member
         # Preload XBlock to avoid calls to modulestore
@@ -177,7 +174,7 @@ class LtiAgsViewSetLineItemTests(LtiAgsLineItemViewSetTestCase):
         line_item = LtiAgsLineItem.objects.create(
-            resource_link_id=self.xblock.location,
+            resource_link_id=self.xblock.location,  # pylint: disable=no-member
             label="test label",
@@ -198,7 +195,7 @@ class LtiAgsViewSetLineItemTests(LtiAgsLineItemViewSetTestCase):
                     'scoreMaximum': 100,
                     'label': 'test label',
                     'tag': '',
-                    'resourceLinkId': self.xblock.location,
+                    'resourceLinkId': str(self.xblock.location),  # pylint: disable=no-member
                     'startDateTime': None,
                     'endDateTime': None,
@@ -215,7 +212,7 @@ class LtiAgsViewSetLineItemTests(LtiAgsLineItemViewSetTestCase):
         line_item = LtiAgsLineItem.objects.create(
-            resource_link_id=self.xblock.location,
+            resource_link_id=self.xblock.location,  # pylint: disable=no-member
             label="test label",
@@ -242,7 +239,7 @@ class LtiAgsViewSetLineItemTests(LtiAgsLineItemViewSetTestCase):
                 'scoreMaximum': 100,
                 'label': 'test label',
                 'tag': '',
-                'resourceLinkId': self.xblock.location,
+                'resourceLinkId': str(self.xblock.location),  # pylint: disable=no-member
                 'startDateTime': None,
                 'endDateTime': None,
@@ -262,7 +259,7 @@ class LtiAgsViewSetLineItemTests(LtiAgsLineItemViewSetTestCase):
                 'scoreMaximum': 100,
                 'label': 'test',
                 'tag': 'score',
-                'resourceLinkId': self.xblock.location,
+                'resourceLinkId': str(self.xblock.location),  # pylint: disable=no-member
@@ -276,7 +273,7 @@ class LtiAgsViewSetLineItemTests(LtiAgsLineItemViewSetTestCase):
                 'scoreMaximum': 100,
                 'label': 'test',
                 'tag': 'score',
-                'resourceLinkId': self.xblock.location,
+                'resourceLinkId': str(self.xblock.location),  # pylint: disable=no-member
                 'startDateTime': None,
                 'endDateTime': None,
@@ -287,7 +284,7 @@ class LtiAgsViewSetLineItemTests(LtiAgsLineItemViewSetTestCase):
         self.assertEqual(line_item.score_maximum, 100)
         self.assertEqual(line_item.label, 'test')
         self.assertEqual(line_item.tag, 'score')
-        self.assertEqual(str(line_item.resource_link_id), self.xblock.location)
+        self.assertEqual(str(line_item.resource_link_id), str(self.xblock.location))  # pylint: disable=no-member
     def test_create_lineitem_invalid_resource_link_id(self):
@@ -324,7 +321,7 @@ class LtiAgsViewSetScoresTests(LtiAgsLineItemViewSetTestCase):
         self.line_item = LtiAgsLineItem.objects.create(
-            resource_link_id=self.xblock.location,
+            resource_link_id=self.xblock.location,  # pylint: disable=no-member
             label="test label",
@@ -856,7 +853,7 @@ class LtiAgsViewSetResultsTests(LtiAgsLineItemViewSetTestCase):
         self.line_item = LtiAgsLineItem.objects.create(
-            resource_link_id=self.xblock.location,
+            resource_link_id=self.xblock.location,  # pylint: disable=no-member
             label="test label",
diff --git a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views_lti_deep_linking.py b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views_lti_deep_linking.py
index 77505f9a28c2fe20d171c97c75fc1839dd26c433..b19794d6bc831b93663b26ed9f7033299572ccd3 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views_lti_deep_linking.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views_lti_deep_linking.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Tests for LTI Advantage Assignments and Grades Service views.
 from unittest.mock import patch, PropertyMock, Mock
+import re
 import ddt
 from Cryptodome.PublicKey import RSA
 from jwkest.jwk import RSAKey
@@ -10,9 +11,11 @@ from rest_framework.test import APITransactionTestCase
 from rest_framework.exceptions import ValidationError
+from lti_consumer.data import Lti1p3LaunchData
+from lti_consumer.utils import cache_lti_1p3_launch_data
 from lti_consumer.lti_xblock import LtiConsumerXBlock
 from lti_consumer.models import LtiConfiguration, LtiDlContentItem
-from lti_consumer.tests.unit.test_utils import make_xblock
+from lti_consumer.tests.test_utils import make_xblock
 class LtiDeepLinkingTestCase(APITransactionTestCase):
@@ -22,11 +25,13 @@ class LtiDeepLinkingTestCase(APITransactionTestCase):
     def setUp(self):
-        self.location = 'block-v1:course+test+2020+type@problem+block@test'
+        # We define the XBlock first in order to create an LtiConfiguration instance, which is used to generate
+        # LTI 1.3 keys. Later, we set the necessary XBlock attributes.
+        self.xblock = make_xblock('lti_consumer', LtiConsumerXBlock, {})
         # Create configuration
         self.lti_config = LtiConfiguration.objects.create(
-            location=self.location,
+            location=self.xblock.location,  # pylint: disable=no-member
@@ -35,7 +40,7 @@ class LtiDeepLinkingTestCase(APITransactionTestCase):
         self.key = RSAKey(
             # Using the same key ID as client id
             # This way we can easily serve multiple public
-            # keys on teh same endpoint and keep all
+            # keys on the same endpoint and keep all
             # LTI 1.3 blocks working
@@ -54,10 +59,9 @@ class LtiDeepLinkingTestCase(APITransactionTestCase):
             'lti_advantage_deep_linking_enabled': True,
             'lti_advantage_deep_linking_launch_url': 'http://tool.example/deep_link_launch',
-        self.xblock = make_xblock('lti_consumer', LtiConsumerXBlock, self.xblock_attributes)
-        # Set dummy location so that UsageKey lookup is valid
-        self.xblock.location = self.location
+        for key, value in self.xblock_attributes.items():
+            setattr(self.xblock, key, value)
         # Preload XBlock to avoid calls to modulestore
         self.lti_config.block = self.xblock
@@ -406,7 +410,18 @@ class LtiDeepLinkingContentEndpointTestCase(LtiDeepLinkingTestCase):
     def setUp(self):
-        self.url = '/lti_consumer/v1/lti/{}/lti-dl/content'.format(self.lti_config.id)
+        self.launch_data = Lti1p3LaunchData(
+            user_id="1",
+            user_role="student",
+            config_id=self.lti_config.config_id,
+            resource_link_id="resource_link_id",
+        )
+        self.launch_data_key = cache_lti_1p3_launch_data(self.launch_data)
+        self.url = '/lti_consumer/v1/lti/{}/lti-dl/content?launch_data_key={}'.format(
+            self.lti_config.id, self.launch_data_key
+        )
     @patch('lti_consumer.plugin.views.has_block_access', return_value=False)
     def test_forbidden_access(self, has_block_access_patcher):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
@@ -420,9 +435,35 @@ class LtiDeepLinkingContentEndpointTestCase(LtiDeepLinkingTestCase):
         Test if throws 404 when lti configuration not found.
-        resp = self.client.get('/lti_consumer/v1/lti/200/lti-dl/content')
+        resp = self.client.get(
+            '/lti_consumer/v1/lti/200/lti-dl/content?launch_data_key={}'.format(self.launch_data_key)
+        )
         self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 404)
+    def test_missing_required_launch_data_key_param(self):
+        """
+        Check that a 400 error is returned when required launch_data_key query parameter is not provided.
+        """
+        # Use a new URL instead of self.url so that we do not include a launch_data_key.
+        url = '/lti_consumer/v1/lti/{}/lti-dl/content'.format(
+            self.lti_config.id
+        )
+        response = self.client.get(url, {})
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
+    def test_missing_launch_data(self):
+        """
+        Check that a 400 error is returned when required launch_data_key query parameter is not associated with
+        launch_data in the cache.
+        """
+        # Use a new URL instead of self.url so that we include a launch_data_key that is not associated with any
+        # launch_data in the cache.
+        url = '/lti_consumer/v1/lti/{}/lti-dl/content'.format(
+            self.lti_config.id
+        )
+        response = self.client.get(url, {"launch_data_key": "launch_data_key"})
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
     @patch('lti_consumer.plugin.views.has_block_access', return_value=True)
     def test_no_dl_contents(self, has_block_access_patcher):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
@@ -630,9 +671,12 @@ class LtiDeepLinkingContentEndpointTestCase(LtiDeepLinkingTestCase):
         resp = self.client.get(self.url)
         self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
-        # Check that there's three LTI Resource links presented
-        for item in content_items:
+        # Check that there's three LTI Resource links presented with the correct launch_data_key query parameter and the
+        # correct deep_linking_content_item_id parameter in the launch_data.
+        lti_message_hints = re.findall('lti_message_hint=(\\w*)', str(resp.content))
+        for lti_message_hint in lti_message_hints:
-                f"lti_message_hint=deep_linking_content_launch%3A{item.id}"
+                f"lti_message_hint={lti_message_hint}"
diff --git a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views_lti_nrps.py b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views_lti_nrps.py
index 4a9eabaf39282c425014197f69bd42ab85b68d5f..2a40014e2fefb7e86b6e2275326ad11a35b53281 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views_lti_nrps.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views_lti_nrps.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from rest_framework.reverse import reverse
 from lti_consumer.exceptions import LtiError
 from lti_consumer.lti_xblock import LtiConsumerXBlock
 from lti_consumer.models import LtiConfiguration
-from lti_consumer.tests.unit.test_utils import make_xblock
+from lti_consumer.tests.test_utils import make_xblock
 def generate_mock_members(num, role='student'):
@@ -135,12 +135,9 @@ class LtiNrpsTestCase(APITransactionTestCase):
         self.xblock = make_xblock('lti_consumer', LtiConsumerXBlock, self.xblock_attributes)
-        # Set dummy location so that UsageKey lookup is valid
-        self.xblock.location = 'block-v1:course+test+2020+type@problem+block@test'
         # Create configuration
         self.lti_config = LtiConfiguration.objects.create(
-            location=str(self.xblock.location),
+            location=self.xblock.location,  # pylint: disable=no-member
         # Preload XBlock to avoid calls to modulestore
diff --git a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_api.py b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_api.py
index c034a49d1cfe9ceabcc79820efc3ab27a8ee2df6..94633a97ff28773dccde9c3309cc505fb8965fc6 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_api.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_api.py
@@ -2,10 +2,12 @@
 Tests for LTI API.
 from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
+from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlparse
 import ddt
 from Cryptodome.PublicKey import RSA
 from django.test.testcases import TestCase
+from edx_django_utils.cache import get_cache_key
 from opaque_keys.edx.locations import Location
 from lti_consumer.api import (
@@ -14,11 +16,14 @@ from lti_consumer.api import (
-    get_lti_consumer
+    get_lti_consumer,
+    validate_lti_1p3_launch_data
+from lti_consumer.data import Lti1p3LaunchData
 from lti_consumer.lti_xblock import LtiConsumerXBlock
 from lti_consumer.models import LtiConfiguration, LtiDlContentItem
-from lti_consumer.tests.unit.test_utils import make_xblock
+from lti_consumer.tests.test_utils import make_xblock
+from lti_consumer.utils import get_data_from_cache
 class Lti1P3TestCase(TestCase):
@@ -52,11 +57,19 @@ class Lti1P3TestCase(TestCase):
             'lti_1p3_tool_public_key': public_key,
         self.xblock = make_xblock('lti_consumer', LtiConsumerXBlock, xblock_attributes)
-        # Set dummy location so that UsageKey lookup is valid
-        self.xblock.location = 'block-v1:course+test+2020+type@problem+block@test'
         # Create lti configuration
         self.lti_config = LtiConfiguration.objects.create(
-            location=self.xblock.location
+            location=self.xblock.location  # pylint: disable=no-member
+        )
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_lti_1p3_launch_data():
+        return Lti1p3LaunchData(
+            user_id="1",
+            user_role="student",
+            config_id="1",
+            resource_link_id="resource_link_id",
@@ -228,9 +241,124 @@ class TestGetLtiConsumer(TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(LtiConfiguration.objects.all().count(), 1)
+class TestValidateLti1p3LaunchData(TestCase):
+    """
+    Unit tests for validate_lti_1p3_launch_data API method.
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        # Patch internal method to avoid calls to modulestore
+        super().setUp()
+        patcher = patch(
+            'lti_consumer.models.LtiConfiguration.get_lti_consumer',
+        )
+        self.addCleanup(patcher.stop)
+    def _assert_required_context_id_message(self, validation_messages):
+        """
+        Assert that validation_messages is the correct list of validation_messages for the required context_id
+        attribute.
+        Arguments:
+            validation_messages (list): a list of strings representing validation messages
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(
+            validation_messages,
+            ["The context_id attribute is required in the launch data if any optional context properties are provided."]
+        )
+    def test_valid(self):
+        """
+        Ensure that valid instances of Lti1p3LaunchData are appropriately validated.
+        """
+        launch_data = Lti1p3LaunchData(
+            user_id="1",
+            user_role="student",
+            config_id="1",
+            resource_link_id="resource_link_id",
+            context_id="1",
+            context_type=["course_offering"],
+        )
+        is_valid, validation_messages = validate_lti_1p3_launch_data(launch_data)
+        self.assertEqual(is_valid, True)
+        self.assertEqual(validation_messages, [])
+    def test_invalid_context_values_context_id_required(self):
+        """
+        Ensure that instances of Lti1p3LaunchData that are instantiated with optional context_* attributes also are
+        instantiated with the context_id attribute.
+        """
+        launch_data = Lti1p3LaunchData(
+            user_id="1",
+            user_role="student",
+            config_id="1",
+            resource_link_id="resource_link_id",
+        )
+        launch_data.context_type = ["course_offering"]
+        is_valid, validation_messages = validate_lti_1p3_launch_data(launch_data)
+        self.assertEqual(is_valid, False)
+        self._assert_required_context_id_message(validation_messages)
+        launch_data.context_title = "context_title"
+        is_valid, validation_messages = validate_lti_1p3_launch_data(launch_data)
+        self.assertEqual(is_valid, False)
+        self._assert_required_context_id_message(validation_messages)
+        launch_data.context_label = "context_label"
+        is_valid, validation_messages = validate_lti_1p3_launch_data(launch_data)
+        self.assertEqual(is_valid, False)
+        self._assert_required_context_id_message(validation_messages)
+    def test_invalid_user_role(self):
+        """
+        Ensure that instances of Lti1p3LaunchData are instantiated with a user_role that is in the LTI_1P3_ROLE_MAP.
+        """
+        user_role = "cat"
+        launch_data = Lti1p3LaunchData(
+            user_id="1",
+            user_role=user_role,
+            config_id="1",
+            resource_link_id="resource_link_id",
+        )
+        is_valid, validation_messages = validate_lti_1p3_launch_data(launch_data)
+        self.assertEqual(is_valid, False)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            validation_messages,
+            [f"The user_role attribute {user_role} is not a valid user_role."]
+        )
+    def test_invalid_context_type(self):
+        """
+        Ensure that instances of Lti1p3LaunchData are instantiated with a context_type that is one of group,
+        course_offering, course_section, or course_template.
+        """
+        context_type = "invalid_context"
+        launch_data = Lti1p3LaunchData(
+            user_id="1",
+            user_role="student",
+            config_id="1",
+            resource_link_id="resource_link_id",
+            context_id="1",
+            context_type=context_type,
+        )
+        is_valid, validation_messages = validate_lti_1p3_launch_data(launch_data)
+        self.assertEqual(is_valid, False)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            validation_messages,
+            [f"The context_type attribute {context_type} in the launch data is not a valid context_type."]
+        )
 class TestGetLti1p3LaunchInfo(TestCase):
-    Unit tests for get_lti_consumer API method.
+    Unit tests for get_lti_1p3_launch_info API method.
     def setUp(self):
         # Patch internal method to avoid calls to modulestore
@@ -245,12 +373,21 @@ class TestGetLti1p3LaunchInfo(TestCase):
         return super().setUp()
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_lti_1p3_launch_data():
+        return Lti1p3LaunchData(
+            user_id="1",
+            user_role="student",
+            config_id="1",
+            resource_link_id="resource_link_id",
+        )
     def test_no_parameters(self):
         Check if the API creates a model if no object matching properties is found.
         with self.assertRaises(Exception):
-            get_lti_1p3_launch_info()
+            get_lti_1p3_launch_info({})
     def test_retrieve_with_id(self):
@@ -259,8 +396,10 @@ class TestGetLti1p3LaunchInfo(TestCase):
         location = 'block-v1:course+test+2020+type@problem+block@test'
         lti_config = LtiConfiguration.objects.create(location=location)
+        launch_data = self._get_lti_1p3_launch_data()
         # Call and check returns
-        launch_info = get_lti_1p3_launch_info(config_id=lti_config.id)
+        launch_info = get_lti_1p3_launch_info(launch_data, config_id=lti_config.id)
         # Not checking all data here, there's a test specific for that
         self.assertEqual(launch_info['client_id'], lti_config.lti_1p3_client_id)
@@ -273,6 +412,8 @@ class TestGetLti1p3LaunchInfo(TestCase):
         block.location = 'block-v1:course+test+2020+type@problem+block@test'
         block.lti_version = LtiConfiguration.LTI_1P3
+        launch_data = self._get_lti_1p3_launch_data()
         # Create LTI Config and Deep linking object
         lti_config = LtiConfiguration.objects.create(location=block.location)
@@ -282,7 +423,7 @@ class TestGetLti1p3LaunchInfo(TestCase):
         # Call API
-        launch_info = get_lti_1p3_launch_info(block=block)
+        launch_info = get_lti_1p3_launch_info(launch_data, block=block)
         # Retrieve created config and check full launch info data
         lti_config = LtiConfiguration.objects.get()
@@ -291,12 +432,12 @@ class TestGetLti1p3LaunchInfo(TestCase):
                 'client_id': lti_config.lti_1p3_client_id,
                 'keyset_url': 'https://example.com/api/lti_consumer/v1/public_keysets/{}'.format(
-                    lti_config.location
+                    lti_config.config_id
                 'deployment_id': '1',
                 'oidc_callback': 'https://example.com/api/lti_consumer/v1/launch/',
                 'token_url': 'https://example.com/api/lti_consumer/v1/token/{}'.format(
-                    lti_config.location
+                    lti_config.config_id
                 'deep_linking_launch_url': 'http://example.com',
@@ -316,7 +457,10 @@ class TestGetLti1p3LaunchInfo(TestCase):
             attributes={"test": "this is a test attribute"}
-        launch_info = get_lti_1p3_launch_info(config_id=lti_config.id)
+        launch_data = self._get_lti_1p3_launch_data()
+        launch_info = get_lti_1p3_launch_info(launch_data, config_id=lti_config.id)
@@ -346,22 +490,64 @@ class TestGetLti1p3LaunchUrl(Lti1P3TestCase):
         Check if the API creates a model if no object matching properties is found.
         with self.assertRaises(Exception):
-            get_lti_1p3_launch_start_url()
+            get_lti_1p3_launch_start_url({})
+    def test_get_normal_lti_launch_url(self):
+        """
+        Check if the correct launch url is retrieved for a normal LTI 1.3 launch.
+        """
+        self._setup_lti_block()
+        launch_data = self._get_lti_1p3_launch_data()
+        # Call API for normal LTI launch initiation.
+        launch_url = get_lti_1p3_launch_start_url(launch_data, block=self.xblock)
+        parameters = parse_qs(urlparse(launch_url).query)
+        launch_data = get_data_from_cache(parameters.get("lti_message_hint")[0])
+        self.assertEqual(launch_data.message_type, "LtiResourceLinkRequest")
+        self.assertEqual(launch_data.deep_linking_content_item_id, None)
-    def test_retrieve_url(self):
+    def test_get_deep_linking_lti_launch_url(self):
-        Check if the correct launch url is retrieved
+        Check if the correct launch url is retrieved for a deep linking LTI 1.3 launch.
-        # Call API for normal LTI launch initiation
-        launch_url = get_lti_1p3_launch_start_url(block=self.xblock, hint="test_hint")
-        self.assertIn('login_hint=test_hint', launch_url)
-        self.assertIn('lti_message_hint=', launch_url)
+        launch_data = self._get_lti_1p3_launch_data()
-        # Call API for deep link launch
-        launch_url = get_lti_1p3_launch_start_url(block=self.xblock, deep_link_launch=True)
-        self.assertIn('lti_message_hint=deep_linking_launch', launch_url)
+        # Call API for normal LTI launch initiation.
+        launch_url = get_lti_1p3_launch_start_url(launch_data, block=self.xblock)
+        parameters = parse_qs(urlparse(launch_url).query)
+        launch_url = get_lti_1p3_launch_start_url(launch_data, block=self.xblock, deep_link_launch=True)
+        parameters = parse_qs(urlparse(launch_url).query)
+        launch_data = get_data_from_cache(parameters.get("lti_message_hint")[0])
+        self.assertEqual(launch_data.message_type, "LtiDeepLinkingRequest")
+        self.assertEqual(launch_data.deep_linking_content_item_id, None)
+    def test_get_deep_linking_content_item_launch_url(self):
+        """
+        Check if the correct launch url is retrieved for a deep linking content item LTI 1.3 launch.
+        """
+        self._setup_lti_block()
+        launch_data = self._get_lti_1p3_launch_data()
+        # Call API for normal LTI launch initiation.
+        launch_url = get_lti_1p3_launch_start_url(launch_data, block=self.xblock)
+        parameters = parse_qs(urlparse(launch_url).query)
+        launch_url = get_lti_1p3_launch_start_url(launch_data, block=self.xblock, dl_content_id="1")
+        parameters = parse_qs(urlparse(launch_url).query)
+        launch_data = get_data_from_cache(parameters.get("lti_message_hint")[0])
+        self.assertEqual(launch_data.message_type, "LtiResourceLinkRequest")
+        self.assertEqual(launch_data.deep_linking_content_item_id, "1")
 class TestGetLti1p3ContentUrl(Lti1P3TestCase):
@@ -373,9 +559,11 @@ class TestGetLti1p3ContentUrl(Lti1P3TestCase):
         Check if the correct LTI content presentation is returned on a normal LTI Launch.
+        launch_data = self._get_lti_1p3_launch_data()
         mock_get_launch_url.return_value = 'test_url'
-        self.assertEqual(get_lti_1p3_content_url(block=self.xblock), 'test_url')
+        self.assertEqual(get_lti_1p3_content_url(launch_data, block=self.xblock), 'test_url')
     def test_lti_content_presentation_single_link(self):
@@ -384,6 +572,8 @@ class TestGetLti1p3ContentUrl(Lti1P3TestCase):
+        launch_data = self._get_lti_1p3_launch_data()
         # Create LTI DL content items
         lti_content = LtiDlContentItem.objects.create(
@@ -392,13 +582,13 @@ class TestGetLti1p3ContentUrl(Lti1P3TestCase):
         # Call API to retrieve content item URL
-        launch_url = get_lti_1p3_content_url(block=self.xblock)
-        self.assertIn(
-            # Checking for `deep_linking_content_launch:<content_item_id>`
-            # URL Encoded `:` is `%3A`
-            f'lti_message_hint=deep_linking_content_launch%3A{lti_content.id}',
-            launch_url,
-        )
+        launch_url = get_lti_1p3_content_url(launch_data, block=self.xblock)
+        parameters = parse_qs(urlparse(launch_url).query)
+        launch_data = get_data_from_cache(parameters.get("lti_message_hint")[0])
+        self.assertEqual(lti_content.id, launch_data.deep_linking_content_item_id)
+        self.assertEqual(launch_data.message_type, "LtiResourceLinkRequest")
     def test_lti_content_presentation_multiple_links(self):
@@ -407,6 +597,15 @@ class TestGetLti1p3ContentUrl(Lti1P3TestCase):
+        launch_data = self._get_lti_1p3_launch_data()
+        launch_data_key = get_cache_key(
+            app="lti",
+            key="launch_data",
+            user_id=launch_data.user_id,
+            resource_link_id=launch_data.resource_link_id
+        )
         # Create LTI DL content items
         for _ in range(3):
@@ -418,8 +617,8 @@ class TestGetLti1p3ContentUrl(Lti1P3TestCase):
         # Call API to retrieve content item URL
             # Checking for the content presentation URL
-            f"/api/lti_consumer/v1/lti/{self.lti_config.id}/lti-dl/content",
-            get_lti_1p3_content_url(block=self.xblock),
+            f"/api/lti_consumer/v1/lti/{self.lti_config.id}/lti-dl/content?launch_data_key={launch_data_key}",
+            get_lti_1p3_content_url(launch_data, block=self.xblock),
diff --git a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_lti_xblock.py b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_lti_xblock.py
index 242924b929d56f1bad19e3b8eef28b1496829fd0..7f535df62952f7db0cc11cf9ebe6393bc40a3a48 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_lti_xblock.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_lti_xblock.py
@@ -15,14 +15,15 @@ from django.test import override_settings
 from django.test.testcases import TestCase
 from django.utils import timezone
 from jwkest.jwk import RSAKey, KEYS
-from opaque_keys.edx.keys import UsageKey
 from lti_consumer.exceptions import LtiError
+from lti_consumer.api import _get_lti_config
+from lti_consumer.data import Lti1p3LaunchData
 from lti_consumer.lti_xblock import LtiConsumerXBlock, parse_handler_suffix, valid_config_type_values
 from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.tests.utils import create_jwt
-from lti_consumer.tests.unit import test_utils
-from lti_consumer.tests.unit.test_utils import FAKE_USER_ID, make_jwt_request, make_request, make_xblock
+from lti_consumer.tests import test_utils
+from lti_consumer.tests.test_utils import FAKE_USER_ID, make_jwt_request, make_request, make_xblock
 from lti_consumer.utils import resolve_custom_parameter_template
 HTML_PROBLEM_PROGRESS = '<div class="problem-progress">'
@@ -150,28 +151,28 @@ class TestProperties(TestLtiConsumerXBlock):
             'edx-platform.is_authenticated': True,
         self.xblock.runtime.service(self, 'user').get_current_user = Mock(return_value=fake_user)
-        self.assertEqual(self.xblock.role, 'Student,Learner')
+        self.assertEqual(self.xblock.role, 'student')
         fake_user.opt_attrs = {
             'edx-platform.user_role': 'guest',
             'edx-platform.is_authenticated': True,
         self.xblock.runtime.service(self, 'user').get_current_user = Mock(return_value=fake_user)
-        self.assertEqual(self.xblock.role, 'Student,Learner')
+        self.assertEqual(self.xblock.role, 'guest')
         fake_user.opt_attrs = {
             'edx-platform.user_role': 'staff',
             'edx-platform.is_authenticated': True,
         self.xblock.runtime.service(self, 'user').get_current_user = Mock(return_value=fake_user)
-        self.assertEqual(self.xblock.role, 'Administrator')
+        self.assertEqual(self.xblock.role, 'staff')
         fake_user.opt_attrs = {
             'edx-platform.user_role': 'instructor',
             'edx-platform.is_authenticated': True,
         self.xblock.runtime.service(self, 'user').get_current_user = Mock(return_value=fake_user)
-        self.assertEqual(self.xblock.role, 'Instructor')
+        self.assertEqual(self.xblock.role, 'instructor')
         fake_user.opt_attrs = {
             'edx-platform.user_role': 'student',
@@ -276,13 +277,29 @@ class TestProperties(TestLtiConsumerXBlock):
         with self.assertRaises(LtiError):
             __ = self.xblock.user_id
+    def test_external_user_id(self):
+        """
+        Test `external_user_id` returns the correct external user ID.
+        """
+        external_user_id = "external_user_id"
+        self.xblock.runtime.service(self, 'user').get_external_user_id = Mock(return_value=external_user_id)
+        self.assertEqual(self.xblock.external_user_id, external_user_id)
+    def test_external_user_id_none(self):
+        """
+        Test `external_user_id` raises LtiError when the external user ID cannot be returned.
+        """
+        self.xblock.runtime.service(self, 'user').get_external_user_id = Mock(return_value=None)
+        with self.assertRaises(LtiError):
+            __ = self.xblock.external_user_id
     def test_resource_link_id(self):
         Test `resource_link_id` returns appropriate string
-            f"{self.xblock.runtime.hostname}-{self.xblock.location.html_id()}"
+            f"{self.xblock.runtime.hostname}-{self.xblock.location.html_id()}"  # pylint: disable=no-member
@@ -579,7 +596,6 @@ class TestGetLti1p1Consumer(TestLtiConsumerXBlock):
         key = 'test'
         secret = 'secret'
         self.xblock.lti_id = provider
-        self.xblock.location = 'block-v1:course+test+2020+type@problem+block@test'
         type(mock_course).lti_passports = PropertyMock(return_value=[f"{provider}:{key}:{secret}"])
         with patch('lti_consumer.models.LtiConfiguration.block', return_value=self.xblock):
@@ -1275,7 +1291,8 @@ class TestGetContext(TestLtiConsumerXBlock):
     @ddt.data('lti_1p1', 'lti_1p3')
-    def test_context_keys(self, lti_version, lti_api_patch):
+    @patch('lti_consumer.lti_xblock.LtiConsumerXBlock.get_lti_1p3_launch_data')
+    def test_context_keys(self, lti_version, lti_api_patch, mock_get_lti_1p3_launch_data):
         Test `_get_context_for_template` returns dict with correct keys
@@ -1287,6 +1304,11 @@ class TestGetContext(TestLtiConsumerXBlock):
             'modal_vertical_offset', 'modal_horizontal_offset', 'modal_width',
+        # This test isn't testing the value of any of the above keys. Calling _get_lti_block_launch_handler raises an
+        # error because the mocked XBlock location attribute does not act like a UsageKey, so mock out
+        # get_lti_1p3_launch_data to avoid accessing it.
+        mock_get_lti_1p3_launch_data.return_value = None
         context = self.xblock._get_context_for_template()  # pylint: disable=protected-access
         for key in context_keys:
@@ -1332,8 +1354,9 @@ class TestGetContext(TestLtiConsumerXBlock):
         context = self.xblock._get_context_for_template()  # pylint: disable=protected-access
         self.assertEqual(context['launch_url'], lti_launch_url)
+    @patch('lti_consumer.lti_xblock.LtiConsumerXBlock.get_lti_1p3_launch_data')
-    def test_context_correct_origin_1p3(self, mock_get_lti_1p3_content_url):
+    def test_context_correct_origin_1p3(self, mock_get_lti_1p3_content_url, mock_get_lti_1p3_launch_data):
         Test that certain context keys relevant to 1.3 integrations that can be stored on different types of
         config_stores are pulled from the appropriate config_store.
@@ -1348,6 +1371,10 @@ class TestGetContext(TestLtiConsumerXBlock):
         type(mock_lti_consumer).launch_url = PropertyMock(return_value=lti_1p3_launch_url)
         self.xblock._get_lti_consumer = Mock(return_value=mock_lti_consumer)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
+        # Calling _get_lti_block_launch_handler raises an error because the mocked XBlock location attribute does not
+        # act like a UsageKey, so mock out get_lti_1p3_launch_data to avoid accessing it.
+        mock_get_lti_1p3_launch_data.return_value = None
         context = self.xblock._get_context_for_template()  # pylint: disable=protected-access
         self.assertEqual(context['lti_1p3_launch_url'], lti_1p3_launch_url)
@@ -1358,7 +1385,7 @@ class TestProcessorSettings(TestLtiConsumerXBlock):
     Unit tests for the adding custom LTI parameters.
     settings = {
-        'parameter_processors': ['lti_consumer.tests.unit.test_utils:dummy_processor']
+        'parameter_processors': ['lti_consumer.tests.test_utils:dummy_processor']
     def test_no_processors_by_default(self):
@@ -1390,7 +1417,7 @@ class TestProcessorSettings(TestLtiConsumerXBlock):
     }, {
         # Non-existent processor
         'parameter_processors': [
-            'lti_consumer.tests.unit.test_utils:non_existent',
+            'lti_consumer.tests.test_utils:non_existent',
@@ -1430,8 +1457,6 @@ class TestLtiConsumer1p3XBlock(TestCase):
             'lti_1p3_oidc_url': 'http://tool.example/oidc',
         self.xblock = make_xblock('lti_consumer', LtiConsumerXBlock, self.xblock_attributes)
-        # Set dummy location so that UsageKey lookup is valid
-        self.xblock.location = 'block-v1:course+test+2020+type@problem+block@test'
         self.mock_filter_enabled_patcher = patch("lti_consumer.lti_xblock.external_config_filter_enabled")
         self.mock_database_config_enabled_patcher = patch("lti_consumer.lti_xblock.database_config_enabled")
@@ -1440,21 +1465,72 @@ class TestLtiConsumer1p3XBlock(TestCase):
+    def test_get_lti_1p3_launch_data(self):
+        """
+        Test that get_lti_1p3_launch_data returns an instance of Lti1p3LaunchData with the correct data.
+        """
+        # Mock out the user role and external_user_id properties.
+        fake_user = Mock()
+        fake_user.opt_attrs = {
+            'edx-platform.user_role': 'instructor',
+            'edx-platform.is_authenticated': True,
+        }
+        self.xblock.runtime.service(self, 'user').get_current_user = Mock(return_value=fake_user)
+        self.xblock.runtime.service(self, 'user').get_external_user_id = Mock(return_value="external_user_id")
+        # Mock out get_context_title to avoid calling into the compatability layer.
+        self.xblock.get_context_title = Mock(return_value="context_title")
+        launch_data = self.xblock.get_lti_1p3_launch_data()
+        lti_config = _get_lti_config(block=self.xblock)
+        course_key = str(self.xblock.location.course_key)  # pylint: disable=no-member
+        expected_launch_data = Lti1p3LaunchData(
+            user_id="external_user_id",
+            user_role="instructor",
+            config_id=lti_config.config_id,
+            resource_link_id=str(self.xblock.location),  # pylint: disable=no-member
+            launch_presentation_document_target="iframe",
+            message_type="LtiResourceLinkRequest",
+            context_id=course_key,
+            context_type=["course_offering"],
+            context_title="context_title",
+            context_label=course_key,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            launch_data,
+            expected_launch_data
+        )
+    @patch('lti_consumer.plugin.compat.get_course_by_id')
+    def test_get_context_title(self, mock_get_course_by_id):
+        """
+        Test that get_context_title returns the correct context title
+        """
+        mock_course = Mock()
+        mock_course.display_name_with_default = "DemoX"
+        mock_course.display_org_with_default = "edX"
+        mock_get_course_by_id.return_value = mock_course
+        self.assertEqual(self.xblock.get_context_title(), "DemoX - edX")
     def test_studio_view(self):
         Test that the studio settings view load the custom js.
-        self.xblock.location = Mock()
-        self.xblock.location.__get__ = 'block-v1:course+test+2020+type@problem+block@test'
-        self.xblock.location.course_key = 'course-v1:Demo_Course'
         response = self.xblock.studio_view({})
         self.assertEqual(response.js_init_fn, 'LtiConsumerXBlockInitStudio')
+    @patch('lti_consumer.lti_xblock.LtiConsumerXBlock.get_lti_1p3_launch_data')
-    def test_author_view(self, mock_get_launch_info):
+    def test_author_view(self, mock_get_launch_info, mock_lti_get_1p3_launch_data):
         Test that the studio view loads LTI 1.3 view.
+        mock_lti_get_1p3_launch_data.return_value = None
         mock_get_launch_info.return_value = {
             'client_id': "mock-client_id",
             'keyset_url': "mock-keyset_url",
@@ -1497,8 +1573,7 @@ class TestLti1p3AccessTokenEndpoint(TestLtiConsumerXBlock):
             'lti_1p3_tool_public_key': self.public_key,
         self.xblock = make_xblock('lti_consumer', LtiConsumerXBlock, self.xblock_attributes)
-        # Set dummy location so that UsageKey lookup is valid
-        self.xblock.location = 'block-v1:course+test+2020+type@problem+block@test'
         patcher = patch(
             **{'load_block_as_anonymous_user.return_value': self.xblock}
@@ -1669,8 +1744,6 @@ class TestLti1p3AccessTokenJWK(TestCase):
             'lti_1p3_oidc_url': 'http://tool.example/oidc',
             'lti_1p3_tool_keyset_url': "http://tool.example/keyset",
-        self.xblock.location = 'block-v1:course+test+2020+type@problem+block@test'
-        self.xblock.save()
         self.key = RSAKey(key=RSA.generate(2048), kid="1")
@@ -1753,7 +1826,6 @@ class TestSubmitStudioEditsHandler(TestLtiConsumerXBlock):
     def setUp(self):
-        self.xblock.location = UsageKey.from_string('block-v1:course+test+2020+type@problem+block@test')
         self.xblock.lti_version = "lti_1p3"
         db_config_waffle_patcher = patch('lti_consumer.lti_xblock.database_config_enabled', return_value=True)
diff --git a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_models.py b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_models.py
index 58a2ccc40daf54747c7877fd2596d91e3c004303..aa06952c8ea2ed1fa7115ec9cb3621cc4873c528 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_models.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_models.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Unit tests for LTI models.
 from contextlib import contextmanager
 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
-from unittest.mock import patch, Mock, PropertyMock
+from unittest.mock import patch
 import ddt
 from Cryptodome.PublicKey import RSA
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ from lti_consumer.models import (
-from lti_consumer.tests.unit.test_utils import make_xblock
+from lti_consumer.tests.test_utils import make_xblock
@@ -54,22 +54,20 @@ class TestLtiConfigurationModel(TestCase):
             'lti_advantage_deep_linking_enabled': True,
         self.xblock = make_xblock('lti_consumer', LtiConsumerXBlock, self.xblock_attributes)
-        # Set dummy location so that UsageKey lookup is valid
-        self.xblock.location = 'block-v1:course+test+2020+type@problem+block@test'
         # Creates an LTI configuration objects for testing
         self.lti_1p1_config = LtiConfiguration.objects.create(
-            location=str(self.xblock.location),
+            location=self.xblock.location,  # pylint: disable=no-member
         self.lti_1p3_config = LtiConfiguration.objects.create(
-            location=str(self.xblock.location),
+            location=self.xblock.location,  # pylint: disable=no-member
         self.lti_1p3_config_db = LtiConfiguration.objects.create(
-            location=str(self.xblock.location),
+            location=self.xblock.location,  # pylint: disable=no-member
@@ -92,7 +90,7 @@ class TestLtiConfigurationModel(TestCase):
         Helper function to create a LtiConfiguration object with specific attributes
         return LtiConfiguration.objects.create(
-            location=str(self.xblock.location),
+            location=self.xblock.location,  # pylint: disable=no-member
@@ -385,10 +383,6 @@ class TestLtiConfigurationModel(TestCase):
         self.lti_1p3_config.config_store = self.lti_1p3_config.CONFIG_ON_DB
         self.lti_1p3_config.block = self.xblock
-        self.xblock.location = Mock()
-        course_key_mock = PropertyMock(return_value='course-v1:edX+DemoX+Demo_Course')
-        type(self.xblock.location).course_key = course_key_mock
         self.lti_1p3_config_db.block = self.xblock
         with patch("lti_consumer.models.database_config_enabled", return_value=False),\
@@ -495,11 +489,9 @@ class TestLtiDlContentItemModel(TestCase):
         self.xblock_attributes = {'lti_version': 'lti_1p3'}
         self.xblock = make_xblock('lti_consumer', LtiConsumerXBlock, self.xblock_attributes)
-        # Set dummy location so that UsageKey lookup is valid
-        self.xblock.location = 'block-v1:course+test+2020+type@problem+block@test'
         self.lti_1p3_config = LtiConfiguration.objects.create(
-            location=str(self.xblock.location),
+            location=self.xblock.location,  # pylint: disable=no-member
@@ -507,6 +499,7 @@ class TestLtiDlContentItemModel(TestCase):
         Test String representation of model.
         content_item = LtiDlContentItem.objects.create(
@@ -514,7 +507,8 @@ class TestLtiDlContentItemModel(TestCase):
-            "[CONFIG_ON_XBLOCK] lti_1p3 - block-v1:course+test+2020+type@problem+block@test: image"
+            "[CONFIG_ON_XBLOCK] lti_1p3 - "
+            "block-v1:edX+DemoX+Demo_Course+type@problem+block@466f474fa4d045a8b7bde1b911e095ca: image"
diff --git a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_outcomes.py b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_outcomes.py
index 9fe0337751e84e1b8a807c8438bba5e9e7a5fa21..d97d926f826436af4518df60645c79f69da9084a 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_outcomes.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_outcomes.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from unittest.mock import Mock, PropertyMock, patch
 from lti_consumer.exceptions import LtiError
 from lti_consumer.outcomes import OutcomeService, parse_grade_xml_body
 from lti_consumer.tests.unit.test_lti_xblock import TestLtiConsumerXBlock
-from lti_consumer.tests.unit.test_utils import make_request
+from lti_consumer.tests.test_utils import make_request
 REQUEST_BODY_TEMPLATE_VALID = textwrap.dedent("""
     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
diff --git a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_utils.py b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_utils.py
index 214db164fe6133d2e1408dd370d105823354ed1c..439377228da7224170de84f72b47f356f8ee015c 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_utils.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_utils.py
@@ -1,91 +1,115 @@
-Utility functions used within unit tests
+Unit tests for lti_consumer.utils module
+from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
-from unittest.mock import Mock
-import urllib
-from webob import Request
-from workbench.runtime import WorkbenchRuntime
-from xblock.fields import ScopeIds
-from xblock.runtime import DictKeyValueStore, KvsFieldData
+import ddt
+from django.test.testcases import TestCase
-FAKE_USER_ID = 'fake_user_id'
+from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.constants import LTI_1P3_CONTEXT_TYPE
+from lti_consumer.utils import (
+    get_lti_1p3_context_types_claim,
+    get_lti_1p3_launch_data_cache_key,
+    cache_lti_1p3_launch_data,
+    get_data_from_cache,
-def make_xblock(xblock_name, xblock_cls, attributes):
+class TestGetLti1p3ContextTypesClaim(TestCase):
-    Helper to construct XBlock objects
+    Tests for the get_lti_1p3_context_types_claim function of the utils module.
-    runtime = WorkbenchRuntime()
-    key_store = DictKeyValueStore()
-    db_model = KvsFieldData(key_store)
-    ids = generate_scope_ids(runtime, xblock_name)
-    xblock = xblock_cls(runtime, db_model, scope_ids=ids)
-    xblock.category = Mock()
-    xblock.location = Mock(
-        html_id=Mock(return_value='sample_element_id'),
+    @ddt.data(
+        (["course_offering"], [LTI_1P3_CONTEXT_TYPE.course_offering]),
+        (["course_offering", "group"], [LTI_1P3_CONTEXT_TYPE.course_offering, LTI_1P3_CONTEXT_TYPE.group]),
-    xblock.runtime = Mock(
-        hostname='localhost',
+    @ddt.unpack
+    def test_get_lti_1p3_context_types_claim(self, argument, expected_output):
+        """
+        Test that get_lti_1p3_context_types_claim returns the correct context_types.
+        """
+        lti_context_types_claims = get_lti_1p3_context_types_claim(argument)
+        self.assertEqual(lti_context_types_claims, expected_output)
+    @ddt.data(
+        ["course_offering", "nonsense"],
+        ["nonsense"],
-    xblock.course_id = 'course-v1:edX+DemoX+Demo_Course'
-    for key, value in attributes.items():
-        setattr(xblock, key, value)
-    return xblock
-def generate_scope_ids(runtime, block_type):
-    """
-    Helper to generate scope IDs for an XBlock
-    """
-    def_id = runtime.id_generator.create_definition(block_type)
-    usage_id = runtime.id_generator.create_usage(def_id)
-    return ScopeIds('user', block_type, def_id, usage_id)
-def make_request(body, method='POST'):
-    """
-    Helper to make a request
-    """
-    request = Request.blank('/')
-    request.method = 'POST'
-    request.body = body.encode('utf-8')
-    request.method = method
-    return request
-def make_jwt_request(token, **overrides):
-    """
-    Builds a Request with a JWT body.
-    """
-    body = {
-        "grant_type": "client_credentials",
-        "client_assertion_type": "something",
-        "client_assertion": token,
-        "scope": "",
-    }
-    request = make_request(urllib.parse.urlencode({**body, **overrides}), 'POST')
-    request.content_type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
-    return request
-def dummy_processor(_xblock):
-    """
-    A dummy LTI parameter processor.
-    """
-    return {
-        'custom_author_email': 'author@example.com',
-        'custom_author_country': '',
-    }
+    def test_get_lti_1p3_context_types_claim_invalid(self, argument):
+        """
+        Test that get_lti_1p3_context_types_claim if any of the context_types are invalid.
+        """
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+            get_lti_1p3_context_types_claim(argument)
-def defaulting_processor(_xblock):
+class TestCacheUtilities(TestCase):
-    A dummy LTI parameter processor with default params.
+    Tests for the cache utilities in the utils module.
-defaulting_processor.lti_xblock_default_params = {
-    'custom_name': 'Lex',
-    'custom_country': '',
+    @patch('lti_consumer.utils.get_cache_key')
+    @ddt.data(None, "1")
+    def test_get_lti_1p3_launch_data_cache_key(self, deep_linking_content_item_id, mock_get_cache_key):
+        """
+        Test that get_lti_1p3_launch_data_cache_key calls the get_cache_key function with the correct arguments.
+        """
+        mock_launch_data = Mock()
+        mock_launch_data.user_id = "1"
+        mock_launch_data.resource_link_id = "1"
+        mock_launch_data.deep_linking_content_item_id = deep_linking_content_item_id
+        get_lti_1p3_launch_data_cache_key(mock_launch_data)
+        get_cache_key_kwargs = {
+            "app": "lti",
+            "key": "launch_data",
+            "user_id": "1",
+            "resource_link_id": "1"
+        }
+        if deep_linking_content_item_id:
+            get_cache_key_kwargs['deep_linking_content_item_id'] = deep_linking_content_item_id
+        mock_get_cache_key.assert_called_with(
+            **get_cache_key_kwargs
+        )
+    @patch('lti_consumer.utils.TieredCache.set_all_tiers')
+    @patch('lti_consumer.utils.get_lti_1p3_launch_data_cache_key')
+    def test_cache_lti_1p3_launch_data(self, mock_get_cache_key, mock_set_all_tiers):
+        """
+        Test that cache_lti_1p3_launch_data caches the launch_data and returns the cache key.
+        """
+        mock_launch_data = Mock()
+        mock_get_cache_key.return_value = "launch_data_cache_key"
+        cache_lti_1p3_launch_data(mock_launch_data)
+        mock_get_cache_key.assert_called_with(mock_launch_data)
+        mock_set_all_tiers.assert_called_with("launch_data_cache_key", mock_launch_data, django_cache_timeout=600)
+    @patch('lti_consumer.utils.TieredCache.get_cached_response')
+    @ddt.data(True, False)
+    def test_get_data_from_cache(self, is_found, mock_get_cached_response):
+        """
+        Test that get_data_from_cache returns the data from the cache correctly or returns None if the data
+        is not in the cache.
+        """
+        mock_cached_data = Mock()
+        mock_cached_data.value = "value"
+        mock_cached_data.is_found = is_found
+        mock_get_cached_response.return_value = mock_cached_data
+        value = get_data_from_cache("key")
+        if is_found:
+            self.assertEqual(value, "value")
+        else:
+            self.assertIsNone(value)
diff --git a/lti_consumer/utils.py b/lti_consumer/utils.py
index c29eb45f6c9b3839b202ace7f5afeca30007d6f9..eba6abd7b0922db2018a89d89c9c055411cd675d 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/utils.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/utils.py
@@ -3,10 +3,13 @@ Utility functions for LTI Consumer block
 import logging
 from importlib import import_module
+from urllib.parse import urlencode
 from django.conf import settings
+from edx_django_utils.cache import get_cache_key, TieredCache
 from lti_consumer.plugin.compat import get_external_config_waffle_flag, get_database_config_waffle_flag
+from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.constants import LTI_1P3_CONTEXT_TYPE
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -30,15 +33,15 @@ def get_lms_base():
     return settings.LMS_ROOT_URL
-def get_lms_lti_keyset_link(location):
+def get_lms_lti_keyset_link(config_id):
     Returns an LMS link to LTI public keyset endpoint
-    :param location: the location or config_id of the LtiConfiguration object
+    :param config_id: the config_id of the LtiConfiguration object
-    return "{lms_base}/api/lti_consumer/v1/public_keysets/{location}".format(
+    return "{lms_base}/api/lti_consumer/v1/public_keysets/{config_id}".format(
-        location=str(location),
+        config_id=str(config_id),
@@ -53,15 +56,15 @@ def get_lms_lti_launch_link():
-def get_lms_lti_access_token_link(location):
+def get_lms_lti_access_token_link(config_id):
     Returns an LMS link to LTI Launch endpoint
-    :param location: the location or config_id of the LtiConfiguration object
+    :param config_id: the config_id of the LtiConfiguration object
-    return "{lms_base}/api/lti_consumer/v1/token/{location}".format(
+    return "{lms_base}/api/lti_consumer/v1/token/{config_id}".format(
-        location=str(location),
+        config_id=str(config_id),
@@ -97,16 +100,26 @@ def get_lti_deeplinking_response_url(lti_config_id):
-def get_lti_deeplinking_content_url(lti_config_id):
+def get_lti_deeplinking_content_url(lti_config_id, launch_data):
     Return the LTI Deep Linking content presentation endpoint
     :param lti_config_id: LTI configuration id
+    :param launch_data: (lti_consumer.data.Lti1p3LaunchData): a class containing data necessary for an LTI 1.3 launch
-    return "{lms_base}/api/lti_consumer/v1/lti/{lti_config_id}/lti-dl/content".format(
+    url = "{lms_base}/api/lti_consumer/v1/lti/{lti_config_id}/lti-dl/content".format(
+    url += "?"
+    launch_data_key = cache_lti_1p3_launch_data(launch_data)
+    url += urlencode({
+        "launch_data_key": launch_data_key,
+    })
+    return url
 def get_lti_nrps_context_membership_url(lti_config_id):
@@ -172,3 +185,82 @@ def database_config_enabled(course_key):
     return False if it is not enabled.
     return get_database_config_waffle_flag().is_enabled(course_key)
+def get_lti_1p3_context_types_claim(context_types):
+    """
+    Return the LTI 1.3 context_type claim based on the context_type slug provided as an argument.
+    Arguments:
+        context_type (list): a list of context_types
+    """
+    lti_context_types = []
+    for context_type in context_types:
+        if context_type == "group":
+            lti_context_types.append(LTI_1P3_CONTEXT_TYPE.group)
+        elif context_type == "course_offering":
+            lti_context_types.append(LTI_1P3_CONTEXT_TYPE.course_offering)
+        elif context_type == "course_section":
+            lti_context_types.append(LTI_1P3_CONTEXT_TYPE.course_section)
+        elif context_type == "course_template":
+            lti_context_types.append(LTI_1P3_CONTEXT_TYPE.course_template)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("context_type is not a valid type.")
+    return lti_context_types
+def get_lti_1p3_launch_data_cache_key(launch_data):
+    """
+    Return the cache key for the instance of Lti1p3LaunchData.
+    Arugments:
+        launch_data (lti_consumer.data.Lti1p3LaunchData): a class containing data necessary for an LTI 1.3 launch
+    """
+    kwargs = {
+        "app": "lti",
+        "key": "launch_data",
+        "user_id": launch_data.user_id,
+        "resource_link_id": launch_data.resource_link_id
+    }
+    # If the LTI 1.3 launch is a deep linking launch to a particular content item, then the launch data should be cached
+    # per content item to properly do an LTI 1.3 deep linking launch. Otherwise, deep linking launches to different
+    # items will not work via the deep_linking_content_endpoint view, because launch data is cached at the time that the
+    # preflight URL is generated.
+    content_item_id = launch_data.deep_linking_content_item_id
+    if content_item_id:
+        kwargs["deep_linking_content_item_id"] = content_item_id
+    return get_cache_key(**kwargs)
+def cache_lti_1p3_launch_data(launch_data):
+    """
+    Insert the launch_data into the cache and return the cache key.
+    Arguments:
+        launch_data (lti_consumer.data.Lti1p3LaunchData): a class containing data necessary for an LTI 1.3 launch
+    """
+    launch_data_key = get_lti_1p3_launch_data_cache_key(launch_data)
+    # Insert the data into the cache with a 600 second timeout.
+    TieredCache.set_all_tiers(launch_data_key, launch_data, django_cache_timeout=600)
+    return launch_data_key
+def get_data_from_cache(cache_key):
+    """
+    Return data stored in the cache with the cache key, if it exists. If not, return none.
+    Arguments:
+    cache_key: the key for the data in the cache
+    """
+    cached_data = TieredCache.get_cached_response(cache_key)
+    if cached_data.is_found:
+        return cached_data.value
+    return None
diff --git a/requirements/base.in b/requirements/base.in
index 2cf6882603c6a56c41990de9614bf4e2582b0ac3..f946ff4b31361dc3c6a7209b26e7b51c1e0841ed 100644
--- a/requirements/base.in
+++ b/requirements/base.in
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # Core requirements for using this package
 -c constraints.txt
diff --git a/requirements/base.txt b/requirements/base.txt
index 771f6e8428fab387a8fa20ef8934fc0722ca718a..eaa9a19927f6e01023aa0c6320938e39cbf7cacd 100644
--- a/requirements/base.txt
+++ b/requirements/base.txt
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ appdirs==1.4.4
     # via fs
     # via django
+    # via -r requirements/base.in
     # via -r requirements/base.in
diff --git a/requirements/ci.txt b/requirements/ci.txt
index 4fe8d2af14d38e6de654ed57286bfc310ff444cd..81bcc0a7138deb0c1e341be23020391509e4f201 100644
--- a/requirements/ci.txt
+++ b/requirements/ci.txt
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ astroid==2.12.10
     #   -r requirements/test.txt
     #   pylint
     #   pylint-celery
+    # via -r requirements/test.txt
     # via
     #   -r requirements/test.txt
@@ -49,7 +51,6 @@ certifi==2022.9.24
     # via
     #   -r requirements/test.txt
-    #   cryptography
     #   pynacl
     # via
@@ -189,11 +190,6 @@ jaraco-classes==3.2.3
     # via
     #   -r requirements/test.txt
     #   keyring
-    # via
-    #   -r requirements/test.txt
-    #   keyring
-    #   secretstorage
     # via
     #   -r requirements/test.txt
@@ -391,10 +387,6 @@ s3transfer==0.6.0
     # via
     #   -r requirements/test.txt
     #   boto3
-    # via
-    #   -r requirements/test.txt
-    #   keyring
     # via
     #   -r requirements/test.txt
diff --git a/requirements/dev.txt b/requirements/dev.txt
index e89ce09246ad4d54b0d2787334a99e5f3c5f4fd1..772c68029fc1ae0e0d049df60db595c2b862f6e1 100644
--- a/requirements/dev.txt
+++ b/requirements/dev.txt
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ asgiref==3.5.2
     # via
     #   -r requirements/base.txt
     #   django
+    # via -r requirements/base.txt
     # via -r requirements/base.txt
diff --git a/requirements/quality.txt b/requirements/quality.txt
index 2125e0a1f356bcaff9e6a6b4dbe49a75ecf472bb..08d716593d4a1fda4a0c9ba700ed3038b944448d 100644
--- a/requirements/quality.txt
+++ b/requirements/quality.txt
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ astroid==2.12.10
     # via
     #   pylint
     #   pylint-celery
+    # via -r requirements/base.txt
     # via cookiecutter
diff --git a/requirements/test.txt b/requirements/test.txt
index 392b3cfcff8dfc0db3c60a277377e2d4898a39d2..4252b81b46f6ebaac5aeadc76499f558affba58f 100644
--- a/requirements/test.txt
+++ b/requirements/test.txt
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ astroid==2.12.10
     # via
     #   pylint
     #   pylint-celery
+    # via -r requirements/base.txt
     # via cookiecutter
@@ -39,7 +41,6 @@ certifi==2022.9.24
     # via
     #   -r requirements/base.txt
-    #   cryptography
     #   pynacl
     # via binaryornot
@@ -144,10 +145,6 @@ isort==5.10.1
     # via pylint
     # via keyring
-    # via
-    #   keyring
-    #   secretstorage
     # via
     #   code-annotations
@@ -293,8 +290,6 @@ rich==12.5.1
     # via twine
     # via boto3
-    # via keyring
     # via
     #   -r requirements/base.txt