From 5fc16b38c9cc2917ca25e8b2d0d1aff077efa5e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patrick Cockwell <>
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2020 03:28:39 +0700
Subject: [PATCH] [BD-24] Implement LTI AGS Score Publish Service and Results

* BD-24 Implement LTI AGS Score Publish Service and Results Service

* Address PR comments and add more validation

* Address PR comments

* Add tests; Fix error with scoreMaximum; Fix quality issues; Adjust user_id results url slightly

* Add permissions tests and address other PR comments

* Fix quality test

* Address PR comments
 .gitignore                                    |   3 +
 lti_consumer/lti_1p3/             |   2 +
 .../extensions/rest_framework/      |   9 +
 .../extensions/rest_framework/  |  35 +-
 .../extensions/rest_framework/    |  22 +
 .../extensions/rest_framework/  | 142 +++-
 .../rest_framework/        |  84 ++-
 lti_consumer/migrations/   |  32 +
 lti_consumer/                        |  92 +++
 lti_consumer/plugin/                  |  99 ++-
 .../tests/unit/plugin/   | 610 +++++++++++++++++-
 lti_consumer/tests/unit/        |  44 +-
 12 files changed, 1127 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 lti_consumer/migrations/

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index ca63093..449a99a 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -19,3 +19,6 @@ var/
 # virtualenvironment
+# pyenv
diff --git a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/ b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/
index 344978d..4fbb557 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/
+++ b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ LTI_1P3_ACCESS_TOKEN_SCOPES = [
     # LTI-AGS Scopes
+    '',
+    '',
diff --git a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/extensions/rest_framework/ b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/extensions/rest_framework/
index 836f362..17d92b1 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/extensions/rest_framework/
+++ b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/extensions/rest_framework/
@@ -14,3 +14,12 @@ class LineItemParser(parsers.JSONParser):
     It's the same as JSON parser, but uses a custom media_type.
     media_type = 'application/vnd.ims.lis.v2.lineitem+json'
+class LineItemScoreParser(parsers.JSONParser):
+    """
+    Line Item Parser.
+    It's the same as JSON parser, but uses a custom media_type.
+    """
+    media_type = 'application/vnd.ims.lis.v1.score+json'
diff --git a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/extensions/rest_framework/ b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/extensions/rest_framework/
index c24bda8..2cb5597 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/extensions/rest_framework/
+++ b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/extensions/rest_framework/
@@ -23,25 +23,32 @@ class LtiAgsPermissions(permissions.BasePermission):
         Check if LTI AGS permissions are set in auth token.
-        has_perm = False
         # Retrieves token from request, which was already checked by
         # the Authentication class, so we assume it's a sane value.
         auth_token = request.headers['Authorization'].split()[1]
+        scopes = []
         if view.action in ['list', 'retrieve']:
             # We don't need to wrap this around a try-catch because
             # the token was already tested by the Authentication class.
-            has_perm = request.lti_consumer.check_token(
-                auth_token,
-                [
-                    '',
-                    '',
-                ],
-            )
+            scopes = [
+                '',
+                '',
+            ]
         elif view.action in ['create', 'update', 'partial_update', 'delete']:
-            has_perm = request.lti_consumer.check_token(
-                auth_token,
-                ['']
-            )
-        return has_perm
+            scopes = [
+                '',
+            ]
+        elif view.action in ['results']:
+            scopes = [
+                ''
+            ]
+        elif view.action in ['scores']:
+            scopes = [
+                '',
+            ]
+        if scopes:
+            return request.lti_consumer.check_token(auth_token, scopes)
+        return False
diff --git a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/extensions/rest_framework/ b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/extensions/rest_framework/
index db71c63..b01cd81 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/extensions/rest_framework/
+++ b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/extensions/rest_framework/
@@ -26,3 +26,25 @@ class LineItemRenderer(renderers.JSONRenderer):
     media_type = 'application/vnd.ims.lis.v2.lineitem+json'
     format = 'json'
+class LineItemScoreRenderer(renderers.JSONRenderer):
+    """
+    Score Renderer.
+    It's a JSON renderer, but uses a custom media_type.
+    Reference:
+    """
+    media_type = 'application/vnd.ims.lis.v1.score+json'
+    format = 'json'
+class LineItemResultsRenderer(renderers.JSONRenderer):
+    """
+    Results Renderer.
+    It's a JSON renderer, but uses a custom media_type.
+    Reference:
+    """
+    media_type = 'application/vnd.ims.lis.v2.resultcontainer+json'
+    format = 'json'
diff --git a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/extensions/rest_framework/ b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/extensions/rest_framework/
index d173661..f3b684f 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/extensions/rest_framework/
+++ b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/extensions/rest_framework/
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
 Serializers for LTI-related endpoints
-from rest_framework import serializers
+from django.utils import timezone
+from rest_framework import serializers, ISO_8601
 from rest_framework.reverse import reverse
 from opaque_keys import InvalidKeyError
 from opaque_keys.edx.keys import UsageKey
-from lti_consumer.models import LtiAgsLineItem
+from lti_consumer.models import LtiAgsLineItem, LtiAgsScore
 class UsageKeyField(serializers.Field):
@@ -89,3 +90,140 @@ class LtiAgsLineItemSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+class LtiAgsScoreSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+    """
+    LTI AGS LineItemScore Serializer.
+    This maps out the internally stored LtiAgsScore to
+    the LTI-AGS API Specification, as shown in the example
+    response below:
+    {
+      "timestamp": "2017-04-16T18:54:36.736+00:00",
+      "scoreGiven" : 83,
+      "scoreMaximum" : 100,
+      "comment" : "This is exceptional work.",
+      "activityProgress" : "Completed",
+      "gradingProgress": "FullyGraded",
+      "userId" : "5323497"
+    }
+    Reference:
+    """
+    # NOTE: `serializers.DateTimeField` always outputs the value in the local timezone of the server running the code
+    # This is because Django is time aware (see settings.USE_TZ) and because Django is unable to determine the timezone
+    # of the person making the API request, thus falling back on the local timezone. As such, since all outputs will
+    # necessarily be in a singular timezone, that timezone should be `utc`
+    timestamp = serializers.DateTimeField(input_formats=[ISO_8601], format=ISO_8601, default_timezone=timezone.utc)
+    scoreGiven = serializers.FloatField(source='score_given', required=False, allow_null=True, default=None)
+    scoreMaximum = serializers.FloatField(source='score_maximum', required=False, allow_null=True, default=None)
+    comment = serializers.CharField(required=False, allow_null=True)
+    activityProgress = serializers.CharField(source='activity_progress')
+    gradingProgress = serializers.CharField(source='grading_progress')
+    userId = serializers.CharField(source='user_id')
+    def validate_timestamp(self, value):
+        """
+        Ensure that if an existing record is being updated, that the timestamp is in the after the existing one
+        """
+        if self.instance:
+            if self.instance.timestamp > value:
+                raise serializers.ValidationError('Score timestamp can only be updated to a later point in time')
+            if self.instance.timestamp == value:
+                raise serializers.ValidationError('Score already exists for the provided timestamp')
+        return value
+    def validate_scoreMaximum(self, value):
+        """
+        Ensure that scoreMaximum is set when scoreGiven is provided and not None
+        """
+        if not value and self.initial_data.get('scoreGiven', None) is not None:
+            raise serializers.ValidationError('scoreMaximum is a required field when providing a scoreGiven value.')
+        return value
+    class Meta:
+        model = LtiAgsScore
+        fields = (
+            'timestamp',
+            'scoreGiven',
+            'scoreMaximum',
+            'comment',
+            'activityProgress',
+            'gradingProgress',
+            'userId',
+        )
+class LtiAgsResultSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+    """
+    LTI AGS LineItemResult Serializer.
+    This maps out the internally stored LtiAgsScpre to
+    the LTI-AGS API Specification, as shown in the example
+    response below:
+    {
+      "id": "",
+      "scoreOf": "",
+      "userId": "5323497",
+      "resultScore": 0.83,
+      "resultMaximum": 1,
+      "comment": "This is exceptional work."
+    }
+    Reference:
+    """
+    id = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
+    scoreOf = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
+    userId = serializers.CharField(source='user_id')
+    resultScore = serializers.FloatField(source='score_given')
+    resultMaximum = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
+    comment = serializers.CharField()
+    def get_id(self, obj):
+        request = self.context.get('request')
+        return reverse(
+            'lti_consumer:lti-ags-view-results',
+            kwargs={
+                'lti_config_id':,
+                'pk':,
+                'user_id': obj.user_id,
+            },
+            request=request,
+        )
+    def get_scoreOf(self, obj):
+        request = self.context.get('request')
+        return reverse(
+            'lti_consumer:lti-ags-view-detail',
+            kwargs={
+                'lti_config_id':,
+                'pk':
+            },
+            request=request,
+        )
+    def get_resultMaximum(self, obj):
+        if obj.score_maximum <= 0:
+            return 1
+        return obj.score_maximum
+    class Meta:
+        model = LtiAgsScore
+        fields = (
+            'id',
+            'scoreOf',
+            'userId',
+            'resultScore',
+            'resultMaximum',
+            'comment',
+        )
diff --git a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/tests/extensions/rest_framework/ b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/tests/extensions/rest_framework/
index fbe7a5c..e41b6d5 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/tests/extensions/rest_framework/
+++ b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/tests/extensions/rest_framework/
@@ -72,14 +72,20 @@ class TestLtiAuthentication(TestCase):
-        [""],
-        [""],
-        [
-            "",
-            "",
-        ]
+        ([""], True),
+        ([""], True),
+        ([""], False),
+        ([""], False),
+        (
+            [
+                "",
+                "",
+            ],
+            True
+        ),
-    def test_read_only_lineitem_list(self, token_scopes):
+    @ddt.unpack
+    def test_read_only_lineitem_list(self, token_scopes, is_allowed):
         Test if LineItem is readable when any of the allowed scopes is
         included in the token.
@@ -95,14 +101,16 @@ class TestLtiAuthentication(TestCase):
         # Test list view
         mock_view.action = 'list'
-        self.assertTrue(
+        self.assertEqual(
             perm_class.has_permission(self.mock_request, mock_view),
+            is_allowed,
         # Test retrieve view
         mock_view.action = 'retrieve'
-        self.assertTrue(
+        self.assertEqual(
             perm_class.has_permission(self.mock_request, mock_view),
+            is_allowed,
     def test_lineitem_no_permissions(self):
@@ -134,13 +142,15 @@ class TestLtiAuthentication(TestCase):
         ([""], False),
         ([""], True),
+        ([""], False),
+        ([""], False),
-        )
+        ),
     def test_lineitem_write_permissions(self, token_scopes, is_allowed):
@@ -182,3 +192,57 @@ class TestLtiAuthentication(TestCase):
             perm_class.has_permission(self.mock_request, mock_view),
+        ([""], False),
+        ([""], False),
+        ([""], True),
+        ([""], False),
+    )
+    @ddt.unpack
+    def test_results_action_permissions(self, token_scopes, is_allowed):
+        """
+        Test if write operations on LineItem are allowed with the correct token.
+        """
+        perm_class = LtiAgsPermissions()
+        mock_view = MagicMock()
+        # Make token and include it in the mock request
+        token = self._make_token(token_scopes)
+        self.mock_request.headers = {
+            "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(token)
+        }
+        # Test results view
+        mock_view.action = 'results'
+        self.assertEqual(
+            perm_class.has_permission(self.mock_request, mock_view),
+            is_allowed,
+        )
+        ([""], False),
+        ([""], False),
+        ([""], False),
+        ([""], True),
+    )
+    @ddt.unpack
+    def test_scores_action_permissions(self, token_scopes, is_allowed):
+        """
+        Test if write operations on LineItem are allowed with the correct token.
+        """
+        perm_class = LtiAgsPermissions()
+        mock_view = MagicMock()
+        # Make token and include it in the mock request
+        token = self._make_token(token_scopes)
+        self.mock_request.headers = {
+            "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(token)
+        }
+        # Test scores view
+        mock_view.action = 'scores'
+        self.assertEqual(
+            perm_class.has_permission(self.mock_request, mock_view),
+            is_allowed,
+        )
diff --git a/lti_consumer/migrations/ b/lti_consumer/migrations/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4adeb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lti_consumer/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Generated by Django 2.2.16 on 2020-10-11 14:39
+import django.core.validators
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.models.deletion
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    dependencies = [
+        ('lti_consumer', '0002_ltiagslineitem'),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='LtiAgsScore',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('timestamp', models.DateTimeField()),
+                ('score_given', models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True, validators=[django.core.validators.MinValueValidator(0)])),
+                ('score_maximum', models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True, validators=[django.core.validators.MinValueValidator(0)])),
+                ('comment', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('activity_progress', models.CharField(choices=[('Initialized', 'Initialized'), ('Started', 'Started'), ('InProgress', 'InProgress'), ('Submitted', 'Submitted'), ('Completed', 'Completed')], max_length=20)),
+                ('grading_progress', models.CharField(choices=[('FullyGraded', 'FullyGraded'), ('Pending', 'Pending'), ('PendingManual', 'PendingManual'), ('Failed', 'Failed'), ('NotReady', 'NotReady')], max_length=20)),
+                ('user_id', models.CharField(max_length=255)),
+                ('line_item', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='scores', to='lti_consumer.LtiAgsLineItem')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'unique_together': {('line_item', 'user_id')},
+            },
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/lti_consumer/ b/lti_consumer/
index 882b723..ac4fb7b 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/
+++ b/lti_consumer/
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 LTI configuration and linking models.
 from django.db import models
+from django.core.validators import MinValueValidator
+from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
 from opaque_keys.edx.django.models import UsageKeyField
@@ -204,3 +206,93 @@ class LtiAgsLineItem(models.Model):
+class LtiAgsScore(models.Model):
+    """
+    Model to store LineItem Score data for LTI Assignments and Grades service.
+    LTI-AGS Specification:
+    Note: When implementing multi-tenancy support, this needs to be changed
+    and be tied to a deployment ID, because each deployment should isolate
+    it's resources.
+    .. no_pii:
+    """
+    # LTI LineItem
+    # This links the score to a specific line item
+    line_item = models.ForeignKey(
+        LtiAgsLineItem,
+        on_delete=models.CASCADE,
+        related_name='scores',
+    )
+    timestamp = models.DateTimeField()
+    # All 'scoreGiven' and 'scoreMaximum' values MUST be positive numbers (including 0).
+    score_given = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True, validators=[MinValueValidator(0)])
+    score_maximum = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True, validators=[MinValueValidator(0)])
+    comment = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)
+    # Activity Progress Choices
+    INITIALIZED = 'Initialized'
+    STARTED = 'Started'
+    IN_PROGRESS = 'InProgress'
+    SUBMITTED = 'Submitted'
+    COMPLETED = 'Completed'
+        (STARTED, STARTED),
+    ]
+    activity_progress = models.CharField(
+        max_length=20,
+    )
+    # Grading Progress Choices
+    FULLY_GRADED = 'FullyGraded'
+    PENDING = 'Pending'
+    PENDING_MANUAL = 'PendingManual'
+    FAILED = 'Failed'
+    NOT_READY = 'NotReady'
+        (PENDING, PENDING),
+        (FAILED, FAILED),
+        (NOT_READY, NOT_READY),
+    ]
+    grading_progress = models.CharField(
+        max_length=20,
+    )
+    user_id = models.CharField(max_length=255)
+    def clean(self):
+        super().clean()
+        # 'scoreMaximum' represents the denominator and MUST be present when 'scoreGiven' is present
+        if self.score_given and self.score_maximum is None:
+            raise ValidationError({'score_maximum': 'cannot be unset when score_given is set'})
+    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
+        self.full_clean()
+        super().save(*args, **kwargs)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "LineItem {line_item_id}: score {score_given} out of {score_maximum} - {grading_progress}".format(
+  ,
+            score_given=self.score_given,
+            score_maximum=self.score_maximum,
+            grading_progress=self.grading_progress
+        )
+    class Meta:
+        unique_together = (('line_item', 'user_id'),)
diff --git a/lti_consumer/plugin/ b/lti_consumer/plugin/
index a90febb..8763acb 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/plugin/
+++ b/lti_consumer/plugin/
@@ -6,14 +6,28 @@ from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
 from django.views.decorators.http import require_http_methods
 from django_filters.rest_framework import DjangoFilterBackend
 from opaque_keys.edx.keys import UsageKey
-from rest_framework import viewsets
+from rest_framework import viewsets, status
+from rest_framework.decorators import action
+from rest_framework.response import Response
 from lti_consumer.models import LtiAgsLineItem
-from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.extensions.rest_framework.serializers import LtiAgsLineItemSerializer
+from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.extensions.rest_framework.serializers import (
+    LtiAgsLineItemSerializer,
+    LtiAgsScoreSerializer,
+    LtiAgsResultSerializer,
 from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.extensions.rest_framework.permissions import LtiAgsPermissions
 from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.extensions.rest_framework.authentication import Lti1p3ApiAuthentication
-from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.extensions.rest_framework.renderers import LineItemsRenderer, LineItemRenderer
-from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.extensions.rest_framework.parsers import LineItemParser
+from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.extensions.rest_framework.renderers import (
+    LineItemsRenderer,
+    LineItemRenderer,
+    LineItemScoreRenderer,
+    LineItemResultsRenderer
+from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.extensions.rest_framework.parsers import (
+    LineItemParser,
+    LineItemScoreParser,
 from lti_consumer.plugin.compat import (
@@ -130,3 +144,80 @@ class LtiAgsLineItemViewset(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
     def perform_create(self, serializer):
         lti_configuration = self.request.lti_configuration
+    @action(
+        detail=True,
+        methods=['GET'],
+        url_path='results/(?P<user_id>[^/.]+)?',
+        renderer_classes=[LineItemResultsRenderer]
+    )
+    def results(self, request, user_id=None, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Return a Result list for an LtiAgsLineItem
+        URL Parameters:
+          * user_id (string): String external user id representation.
+        Query Parameters:
+          * limit (integer): The maximum number of records to return. Records are
+                sorted with most recent timestamp first
+        Returns:
+          * An array of Result records, formatted by LtiAgsResultSerializer
+                and returned with the media-type for LineItemResultsRenderer
+        """
+        line_item = self.get_object()
+        scores = line_item.scores.filter(score_given__isnull=False).order_by('-timestamp')
+        if user_id:
+            scores = scores.filter(user_id=user_id)
+        if request.query_params.get('limit'):
+            scores = scores[:int(request.query_params.get('limit'))]
+        serializer = LtiAgsResultSerializer(
+            list(scores),
+            context={'request': self.request},
+            many=True,
+        )
+        return Response(
+    @action(
+        detail=True,
+        methods=['POST'],
+        parser_classes=[LineItemScoreParser],
+        renderer_classes=[LineItemScoreRenderer]
+    )
+    def scores(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Create a Score record for an LtiAgsLineItem
+        Data:
+          * A JSON object capable of being serialized by LtiAgsScoreSerializer
+        Returns:
+          * An copy of the saved record, formatted by LtiAgsScoreSerializer
+                and returned with the media-type for LineItemScoreRenderer
+        """
+        line_item = self.get_object()
+        user_id ='userId')
+        # Using `filter` and `first` so that when a score does not exist,
+        # `existing_score` is set to `None`. Using `get` will raise `DoesNotExist`
+        existing_score = line_item.scores.filter(user_id=user_id).first()
+        serializer = LtiAgsScoreSerializer(
+            instance=existing_score,
+  ,
+            context={'request': self.request},
+        )
+        serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True)
+        headers = self.get_success_headers(
+        return Response(
+  ,
+            status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED,
+            headers=headers
+        )
diff --git a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/ b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/
index 20bbc4a..e58484c 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/
+++ b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/
@@ -12,17 +12,16 @@ from rest_framework.test import APITransactionTestCase
 from lti_consumer.lti_xblock import LtiConsumerXBlock
-from lti_consumer.models import LtiConfiguration, LtiAgsLineItem
+from lti_consumer.models import LtiConfiguration, LtiAgsLineItem, LtiAgsScore
 from lti_consumer.tests.unit.test_utils import make_xblock
-class TestLtiAgsLineItemViewSet(APITransactionTestCase):
+class LtiAgsLineItemViewSetTestCase(APITransactionTestCase):
-    Test `LtiAgsLineItemViewset` method.
+    Test `LtiAgsLineItemViewset` Class.
     def setUp(self):
-        super(TestLtiAgsLineItemViewSet, self).setUp()
+        super(LtiAgsLineItemViewSetTestCase, self).setUp()
         # Create custom LTI Block
         self.rsa_key_id = "1"
@@ -68,14 +67,6 @@ class TestLtiAgsLineItemViewSet(APITransactionTestCase):
         self._lti_block_patch = patcher.start()
-        # LineItem endpoint
-        self.lineitem_endpoint = reverse(
-            'lti_consumer:lti-ags-view-list',
-            kwargs={
-                "lti_config_id":
-            }
-        )
     def _set_lti_token(self, scopes=None):
         Generates and sets a LTI Auth token in the request client.
@@ -93,6 +84,24 @@ class TestLtiAgsLineItemViewSet(APITransactionTestCase):
             HTTP_AUTHORIZATION="Bearer {}".format(token)
+class LtiAgsViewSetTokenTests(LtiAgsLineItemViewSetTestCase):
+    """
+    Test `LtiAgsLineItemViewset` token based requests/responses.
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        super().setUp()
+        # LineItem endpoint
+        self.lineitem_endpoint = reverse(
+            'lti_consumer:lti-ags-view-list',
+            kwargs={
+                "lti_config_id":
+            }
+        )
     def test_lti_ags_view_no_token(self):
         Test the LTI AGS list view when there's no token.
@@ -118,6 +127,24 @@ class TestLtiAgsLineItemViewSet(APITransactionTestCase):
         response = self.client.get(self.lineitem_endpoint)
         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 403)
+class LtiAgsViewSetLineItemTests(LtiAgsLineItemViewSetTestCase):
+    """
+    Test `LtiAgsLineItemViewset` LineItem based requests/responses.
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        super().setUp()
+        # LineItem endpoint
+        self.lineitem_endpoint = reverse(
+            'lti_consumer:lti-ags-view-list',
+            kwargs={
+                "lti_config_id":
+            }
+        )
@@ -274,3 +301,560 @@ class TestLtiAgsLineItemViewSet(APITransactionTestCase):
         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
+class LtiAgsViewSetScoresTests(LtiAgsLineItemViewSetTestCase):
+    """
+    Test `LtiAgsLineItemViewset` Score Publishing requests/responses.
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        super().setUp()
+        # Create LineItem
+        self.line_item = LtiAgsLineItem.objects.create(
+            lti_configuration=self.lti_config,
+            resource_id="test",
+            resource_link_id=self.xblock.location,
+            label="test label",
+            score_maximum=100
+        )
+        self.primary_user_id = "primary"
+        self.secondary_user_id = "secondary"
+        self.early_timestamp = "2020-01-01T18:54:36.736000+00:00"
+        self.middle_timestamp = "2021-01-01T18:54:36.736000+00:00"
+        self.late_timestamp = "2022-01-01T18:54:36.736000+00:00"
+        # Scores endpoint
+        self.scores_endpoint = reverse(
+            'lti_consumer:lti-ags-view-scores',
+            kwargs={
+                "lti_config_id":,
+                "pk":
+            }
+        )
+    def test_create_score(self):
+        """
+        Test the LTI AGS LineItem Score Creation.
+        """
+        self._set_lti_token('')
+        # Create Score
+        response =
+            self.scores_endpoint,
+            data=json.dumps({
+                "timestamp": self.early_timestamp,
+                "scoreGiven": 83,
+                "scoreMaximum": 100,
+                "comment": "This is exceptional work.",
+                "activityProgress": LtiAgsScore.COMPLETED,
+                "gradingProgress": LtiAgsScore.FULLY_GRADED,
+                "userId": self.primary_user_id
+            }),
+            content_type="application/vnd.ims.lis.v1.score+json",
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(LtiAgsScore.objects.all().count(), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201)
+        # The serializer replaces `+00:00` with `Z`
+        response_timestamp = self.early_timestamp.replace('+00:00', 'Z')
+        self.assertEqual(
+  ,
+            {
+                "timestamp": response_timestamp,
+                "scoreGiven": 83.0,
+                "scoreMaximum": 100.0,
+                "comment": "This is exceptional work.",
+                "activityProgress": LtiAgsScore.COMPLETED,
+                "gradingProgress": LtiAgsScore.FULLY_GRADED,
+                "userId": self.primary_user_id
+            }
+        )
+        score = LtiAgsScore.objects.get(line_item=self.line_item, user_id=self.primary_user_id)
+        self.assertEqual(,
+        self.assertEqual(score.timestamp.isoformat(), self.early_timestamp)
+        self.assertEqual(score.score_given, 83.0)
+        self.assertEqual(score.score_maximum, 100.0)
+        self.assertEqual(score.activity_progress, LtiAgsScore.COMPLETED)
+        self.assertEqual(score.grading_progress, LtiAgsScore.FULLY_GRADED)
+        self.assertEqual(score.user_id, self.primary_user_id)
+    def test_create_multiple_scores_with_multiple_users(self):
+        """
+        Test the LTI AGS LineItem Score Creation on the same LineItem for different users.
+        """
+        self._set_lti_token('')
+        # Create Score
+        response =
+            self.scores_endpoint,
+            data=json.dumps({
+                "timestamp": self.early_timestamp,
+                "scoreGiven": 21,
+                "scoreMaximum": 100,
+                "comment": "This is exceptional work.",
+                "activityProgress": LtiAgsScore.INITIALIZED,
+                "gradingProgress": LtiAgsScore.NOT_READY,
+                "userId": self.primary_user_id
+            }),
+            content_type="application/vnd.ims.lis.v1.score+json",
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(LtiAgsScore.objects.all().count(), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201)
+        # Create 2nd Score with same timestamp, but different data
+        response =
+            self.scores_endpoint,
+            data=json.dumps({
+                "timestamp": self.early_timestamp,
+                "scoreGiven": 83,
+                "scoreMaximum": 100,
+                "comment": "This is exceptional work.",
+                "activityProgress": LtiAgsScore.COMPLETED,
+                "gradingProgress": LtiAgsScore.FULLY_GRADED,
+                "userId": self.secondary_user_id
+            }),
+            content_type="application/vnd.ims.lis.v1.score+json",
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(LtiAgsScore.objects.all().count(), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201)
+        # Check db record contents
+        # Score for primary user
+        primary_user_score = LtiAgsScore.objects.get(line_item=self.line_item, user_id=self.primary_user_id)
+        self.assertEqual(,
+        self.assertEqual(primary_user_score.timestamp.isoformat(), self.early_timestamp)
+        self.assertEqual(primary_user_score.score_given, 21.0)
+        self.assertEqual(primary_user_score.score_maximum, 100.0)
+        self.assertEqual(primary_user_score.activity_progress, LtiAgsScore.INITIALIZED)
+        self.assertEqual(primary_user_score.grading_progress, LtiAgsScore.NOT_READY)
+        self.assertEqual(primary_user_score.user_id, self.primary_user_id)
+        # Score for secondary user
+        secondary_user_score = LtiAgsScore.objects.get(line_item=self.line_item, user_id=self.secondary_user_id)
+        self.assertEqual(,
+        self.assertEqual(secondary_user_score.timestamp.isoformat(), self.early_timestamp)
+        self.assertEqual(secondary_user_score.score_given, 83.0)
+        self.assertEqual(secondary_user_score.score_maximum, 100.0)
+        self.assertEqual(secondary_user_score.activity_progress, LtiAgsScore.COMPLETED)
+        self.assertEqual(secondary_user_score.grading_progress, LtiAgsScore.FULLY_GRADED)
+        self.assertEqual(secondary_user_score.user_id, self.secondary_user_id)
+    def test_create_multiple_scores_with_later_timestamp(self):
+        """
+        Test the LTI AGS LineItem Score updating with a later timestamp updates the record.
+        """
+        self._set_lti_token('')
+        # Create Score
+        response =
+            self.scores_endpoint,
+            data=json.dumps({
+                "timestamp": self.early_timestamp,
+                "scoreGiven": 21,
+                "scoreMaximum": 100,
+                "comment": "This is exceptional work.",
+                "activityProgress": LtiAgsScore.INITIALIZED,
+                "gradingProgress": LtiAgsScore.NOT_READY,
+                "userId": self.primary_user_id
+            }),
+            content_type="application/vnd.ims.lis.v1.score+json",
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(LtiAgsScore.objects.all().count(), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201)
+        # Create 2nd Score with same timestamp, but different data
+        response =
+            self.scores_endpoint,
+            data=json.dumps({
+                "timestamp": self.late_timestamp,
+                "scoreGiven": 83,
+                "scoreMaximum": 100,
+                "comment": "This is exceptional work.",
+                "activityProgress": LtiAgsScore.COMPLETED,
+                "gradingProgress": LtiAgsScore.FULLY_GRADED,
+                "userId": self.primary_user_id
+            }),
+            content_type="application/vnd.ims.lis.v1.score+json",
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(LtiAgsScore.objects.all().count(), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201)
+        # Check db record contents
+        score = LtiAgsScore.objects.get(line_item=self.line_item, user_id=self.primary_user_id)
+        self.assertEqual(,
+        self.assertEqual(score.timestamp.isoformat(), self.late_timestamp)
+        self.assertEqual(score.score_given, 83.0)
+        self.assertEqual(score.score_maximum, 100.0)
+        self.assertEqual(score.activity_progress, LtiAgsScore.COMPLETED)
+        self.assertEqual(score.grading_progress, LtiAgsScore.FULLY_GRADED)
+        self.assertEqual(score.user_id, self.primary_user_id)
+    def test_create_multiple_scores_with_same_timestamp(self):
+        """
+        Test the LTI AGS LineItem Score updating with an existing timestamp fails to update the record.
+        """
+        self._set_lti_token('')
+        # Create Score
+        response =
+            self.scores_endpoint,
+            data=json.dumps({
+                "timestamp": self.early_timestamp,
+                "scoreGiven": 21,
+                "scoreMaximum": 100,
+                "comment": "This is exceptional work.",
+                "activityProgress": LtiAgsScore.INITIALIZED,
+                "gradingProgress": LtiAgsScore.NOT_READY,
+                "userId": self.primary_user_id
+            }),
+            content_type="application/vnd.ims.lis.v1.score+json",
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(LtiAgsScore.objects.all().count(), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201)
+        # Create 2nd Score with same timestamp, but different data
+        response =
+            self.scores_endpoint,
+            data=json.dumps({
+                "timestamp": self.early_timestamp,
+                "scoreGiven": 83,
+                "scoreMaximum": 100,
+                "comment": "This is exceptional work.",
+                "activityProgress": LtiAgsScore.COMPLETED,
+                "gradingProgress": LtiAgsScore.FULLY_GRADED,
+                "userId": self.primary_user_id
+            }),
+            content_type="application/vnd.ims.lis.v1.score+json",
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(LtiAgsScore.objects.all().count(), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
+        # Check db record contents are the original data
+        score = LtiAgsScore.objects.get(line_item=self.line_item, user_id=self.primary_user_id)
+        self.assertEqual(,
+        self.assertEqual(score.timestamp.isoformat(), self.early_timestamp)
+        self.assertEqual(score.score_given, 21.0)
+        self.assertEqual(score.score_maximum, 100.0)
+        self.assertEqual(score.activity_progress, LtiAgsScore.INITIALIZED)
+        self.assertEqual(score.grading_progress, LtiAgsScore.NOT_READY)
+        self.assertEqual(score.user_id, self.primary_user_id)
+    def test_create_second_score_with_earlier_timestamp(self):
+        """
+        Test the LTI AGS LineItem Score updating with an earlier timestamp fails to update the record.
+        """
+        self._set_lti_token('')
+        # Create Score
+        response =
+            self.scores_endpoint,
+            data=json.dumps({
+                "timestamp": self.late_timestamp,
+                "scoreGiven": 21,
+                "scoreMaximum": 100,
+                "comment": "This is exceptional work.",
+                "activityProgress": LtiAgsScore.INITIALIZED,
+                "gradingProgress": LtiAgsScore.NOT_READY,
+                "userId": self.primary_user_id
+            }),
+            content_type="application/vnd.ims.lis.v1.score+json",
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(LtiAgsScore.objects.all().count(), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201)
+        # Create 2nd Score with earlier timestamp, and different data
+        response =
+            self.scores_endpoint,
+            data=json.dumps({
+                "timestamp": self.early_timestamp,
+                "scoreGiven": 83,
+                "scoreMaximum": 100,
+                "comment": "This is exceptional work.",
+                "activityProgress": LtiAgsScore.COMPLETED,
+                "gradingProgress": LtiAgsScore.FULLY_GRADED,
+                "userId": self.primary_user_id
+            }),
+            content_type="application/vnd.ims.lis.v1.score+json",
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(LtiAgsScore.objects.all().count(), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
+        # Check db record contents are the original data
+        score = LtiAgsScore.objects.get(line_item=self.line_item, user_id=self.primary_user_id)
+        self.assertEqual(,
+        self.assertEqual(score.timestamp.isoformat(), self.late_timestamp)
+        self.assertEqual(score.score_given, 21.0)
+        self.assertEqual(score.score_maximum, 100.0)
+        self.assertEqual(score.activity_progress, LtiAgsScore.INITIALIZED)
+        self.assertEqual(score.grading_progress, LtiAgsScore.NOT_READY)
+        self.assertEqual(score.user_id, self.primary_user_id)
+    def test_create_score_with_missing_score_maximum(self):
+        """
+        Test invalid request with missing scoreMaximum.
+        """
+        self._set_lti_token('')
+        # Create invalid Score
+        response =
+            self.scores_endpoint,
+            data=json.dumps({
+                "timestamp": self.late_timestamp,
+                "scoreGiven": 21,
+                "comment": "This is exceptional work.",
+                "activityProgress": LtiAgsScore.INITIALIZED,
+                "gradingProgress": LtiAgsScore.NOT_READY,
+                "userId": self.primary_user_id
+            }),
+            content_type="application/vnd.ims.lis.v1.score+json",
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(LtiAgsScore.objects.all().count(), 0)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
+        assert 'scoreMaximum' in
+    def test_erase_score(self):
+        """
+        Test erasing LTI AGS Scores by omitting scoreGiven and scoreMaximum.
+        """
+        # Have a score already existing
+        LtiAgsScore.objects.create(
+            line_item=self.line_item,
+            timestamp=self.early_timestamp,
+            score_given=25,
+            score_maximum=100,
+            comment="This is exceptional work.",
+            activity_progress=LtiAgsScore.COMPLETED,
+            grading_progress=LtiAgsScore.FULLY_GRADED,
+            user_id=self.primary_user_id
+        )
+        self._set_lti_token('')
+        # Erase Score
+        response =
+            self.scores_endpoint,
+            data=json.dumps({
+                "timestamp": self.late_timestamp,
+                "comment": None,
+                "activityProgress": LtiAgsScore.INITIALIZED,
+                "gradingProgress": LtiAgsScore.NOT_READY,
+                "userId": self.primary_user_id
+            }),
+            content_type="application/vnd.ims.lis.v1.score+json",
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(LtiAgsScore.objects.all().count(), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201)
+        # The serializer replaces `+00:00` with `Z`
+        response_timestamp = self.late_timestamp.replace('+00:00', 'Z')
+        self.assertEqual(
+  ,
+            {
+                "timestamp": response_timestamp,
+                "scoreGiven": None,
+                "scoreMaximum": None,
+                "comment": None,
+                "activityProgress": LtiAgsScore.INITIALIZED,
+                "gradingProgress": LtiAgsScore.NOT_READY,
+                "userId": self.primary_user_id
+            }
+        )
+        # Check db record contents (because we don't delete the record, just blank it out)
+        score = LtiAgsScore.objects.get(line_item=self.line_item, user_id=self.primary_user_id)
+        self.assertEqual(,
+        self.assertEqual(score.timestamp.isoformat(), self.late_timestamp)
+        self.assertEqual(score.score_given, None)
+        self.assertEqual(score.score_maximum, None)
+        self.assertEqual(score.activity_progress, LtiAgsScore.INITIALIZED)
+        self.assertEqual(score.grading_progress, LtiAgsScore.NOT_READY)
+        self.assertEqual(score.user_id, self.primary_user_id)
+class LtiAgsViewSetResultsTests(LtiAgsLineItemViewSetTestCase):
+    """
+    Test `LtiAgsLineItemViewset` Results retrieval requests/responses.
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        super().setUp()
+        # Create LineItem
+        self.line_item = LtiAgsLineItem.objects.create(
+            lti_configuration=self.lti_config,
+            resource_id="test",
+            resource_link_id=self.xblock.location,
+            label="test label",
+            score_maximum=100
+        )
+        self.early_timestamp = "2020-01-01T18:54:36.736000+00:00"
+        self.middle_timestamp = "2021-01-01T18:54:36.736000+00:00"
+        self.late_timestamp = "2022-01-01T18:54:36.736000+00:00"
+        # Create Scores
+        self.primary_user_id = "primary"
+        LtiAgsScore.objects.create(
+            line_item=self.line_item,
+            timestamp=self.late_timestamp,
+            score_given=83,
+            score_maximum=100,
+            comment="This is exceptional work.",
+            activity_progress=LtiAgsScore.COMPLETED,
+            grading_progress=LtiAgsScore.FULLY_GRADED,
+            user_id=self.primary_user_id
+        )
+        self.secondary_user_id = "secondary"
+        LtiAgsScore.objects.create(
+            line_item=self.line_item,
+            timestamp=self.middle_timestamp,
+            score_given=25,
+            score_maximum=100,
+            comment="This is not great work.",
+            activity_progress=LtiAgsScore.COMPLETED,
+            grading_progress=LtiAgsScore.FULLY_GRADED,
+            user_id=self.secondary_user_id
+        )
+        self.empty_score_user_id = "empty_score_user"
+        LtiAgsScore.objects.create(
+            line_item=self.line_item,
+            timestamp=self.early_timestamp,
+            score_given=None,
+            score_maximum=None,
+            comment=None,
+            activity_progress=LtiAgsScore.INITIALIZED,
+            grading_progress=LtiAgsScore.NOT_READY,
+            user_id=self.empty_score_user_id
+        )
+        # LineItem endpoint
+        self.lineitem_endpoint = reverse(
+            'lti_consumer:lti-ags-view-detail',
+            kwargs={
+                "lti_config_id":,
+                "pk":
+            }
+        )
+        # Results endpoint
+        self.results_endpoint = reverse(
+            'lti_consumer:lti-ags-view-results',
+            kwargs={
+                "lti_config_id":,
+                "pk":
+            }
+        )
+    def test_retrieve_results(self):
+        """
+        Test the LTI AGS LineItem Result Retrieval.
+        """
+        self._set_lti_token('')
+        # Create Score
+        response = self.client.get(self.results_endpoint)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        # There should be 2 results (not include the empty score user's result)
+        self.assertEqual(len(, 2)
+        # Check the data
+        primary_user_results_endpoint = reverse(
+            'lti_consumer:lti-ags-view-results',
+            kwargs={
+                "lti_config_id":,
+                "pk":,
+                "user_id": self.primary_user_id
+            }
+        )
+        secondary_user_results_endpoint = reverse(
+            'lti_consumer:lti-ags-view-results',
+            kwargs={
+                "lti_config_id":,
+                "pk":,
+                "user_id": self.secondary_user_id
+            }
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            [dict(d) for d in],
+            [
+                {
+                    "id": "http://testserver" + primary_user_results_endpoint,
+                    "scoreOf": "http://testserver" + self.lineitem_endpoint,
+                    "userId": self.primary_user_id,
+                    "resultScore": 83.0,
+                    "resultMaximum": 100.0,
+                    "comment": "This is exceptional work."
+                },
+                {
+                    "id": "http://testserver" + secondary_user_results_endpoint,
+                    "scoreOf": "http://testserver" + self.lineitem_endpoint,
+                    "userId": self.secondary_user_id,
+                    "resultScore": 25.0,
+                    "resultMaximum": 100.0,
+                    "comment": "This is not great work."
+                }
+            ]
+        )
+    def test_retrieve_results_for_user_id(self):
+        """
+        Test the LTI AGS LineItem Resul Retrieval for a single user.
+        """
+        self._set_lti_token('')
+        results_user_endpoint = reverse(
+            'lti_consumer:lti-ags-view-results',
+            kwargs={
+                "lti_config_id":,
+                "pk":,
+                "user_id": self.secondary_user_id
+            }
+        )
+        # Request results with userId
+        response = self.client.get(results_user_endpoint, data={"userId": self.secondary_user_id})
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        # There should be 1 result for that user
+        self.assertEqual(len(, 1)
+        self.assertEqual([0]['userId'], self.secondary_user_id)
+    def test_retrieve_results_with_limit(self):
+        """
+        Test the LTI AGS LineItem Result Retrieval with record limit.
+        """
+        self._set_lti_token('')
+        # Request results with limit
+        response = self.client.get(self.results_endpoint, data={"limit": 1})
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        # There should be 1 results, and it should be the one with the latest timestamp
+        # Since the AGS Result Service format does not return a timestamp, the only
+        # way to know which record should be returned is to compare against a known
+        # value from the records created in the `setUp`. In this case, the
+        # `primary_user_id` was assigned to the record with the `late_timestamp`
+        self.assertEqual(len(, 1)
+        self.assertEqual([0]['userId'], self.primary_user_id)
diff --git a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/ b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/
index e18076b..d419eb2 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/
+++ b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/
@@ -8,16 +8,16 @@ from jwkest.jwk import RSAKey
 from mock import patch
 from lti_consumer.lti_xblock import LtiConsumerXBlock
-from lti_consumer.models import LtiAgsLineItem, LtiConfiguration
+from lti_consumer.models import LtiAgsLineItem, LtiConfiguration, LtiAgsScore
 from lti_consumer.tests.unit.test_utils import make_xblock
-class TestLtiCofigurationModel(TestCase):
+class TestLtiConfigurationModel(TestCase):
     Unit tests for LtiConfiguration model methods.
     def setUp(self):
-        super(TestLtiCofigurationModel, self).setUp()
+        super().setUp()
         self.rsa_key_id = "1"
         # Generate RSA and save exports
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class TestLtiAgsLineItemModel(TestCase):
     Unit tests for LtiAgsLineItem model methods.
     def setUp(self):
-        super(TestLtiAgsLineItemModel, self).setUp()
+        super().setUp()
         self.dummy_location = 'block-v1:course+test+2020+type@problem+block@test'
         self.lti_ags_model = LtiAgsLineItem.objects.create(
@@ -133,3 +133,39 @@ class TestLtiAgsLineItemModel(TestCase):
             "block-v1:course+test+2020+type@problem+block@test - this-is-a-test"
+class TestLtiAgsScoreModel(TestCase):
+    """
+    Unit tests for LtiAgsScore model methods.
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        super().setUp()
+        self.dummy_location = 'block-v1:course+test+2020+type@problem+block@test'
+        self.line_item = LtiAgsLineItem.objects.create(
+            lti_configuration=None,
+            resource_id="test-id",
+            label="this-is-a-test",
+            resource_link_id=self.dummy_location,
+            score_maximum=100,
+        )
+        self.score = LtiAgsScore.objects.create(
+            line_item=self.line_item,
+            timestamp='2020-10-04T18:54:46.736+00:00',
+            score_given=10,
+            score_maximum=100,
+            comment='Better luck next time',
+            grading_progress=LtiAgsScore.FULLY_GRADED,
+            activity_progress=LtiAgsScore.COMPLETED,
+            user_id='test-user'
+        )
+    def test_repr(self):
+        """
+        Test String representation of model.
+        """
+        self.assertEqual(
+            str(self.score),
+            "LineItem 1: score 10.0 out of 100.0 - FullyGraded"
+        )