diff --git a/CHANGELOG.rst b/CHANGELOG.rst
index 9a22b279addb7800b33fcffccae3ab4f3701d612..34832279037e0e872873df2158fa7ee4b9eb989d 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.rst
+++ b/CHANGELOG.rst
@@ -15,14 +15,28 @@ Please See the [releases tab](https://github.com/edx/xblock-lti-consumer/release
+6.2.0 - 2022-11-16
+* Adds support for LTI 1.3 Proctoring Service specification in-browser proctoring launch.
+  * Adds an Lti1p3ProctoringLaunchData data class. It should be included as an attribute of the Lti1p3LaunchData
+    data class to provide necessary proctoring data for a proctoring launch.
+  * Adds an LtiProctoringConsumer class. This class is used to generate LTI proctoring launch requests and to decode
+    and validate the JWT send back by the Tool with the LtiStartAssessment message.
+  * Adds an lti_1p3_proctoring_enabled BooleanField to the LtiConfiguration model. This field controls whether
+    proctoring is enabled for a particular LTI integration.
+  * Modifies the launch_gate_endpoint to support LtiStartProctoring and LtiEndAssessment LTI launch messages.
+  * Adds an start_proctoring_assessment_endpoint to support LtiStartAssessment messages from the Tool.
+  * Adds an LTI_1P3_PROCTORING_ASSESSMENT_STARTED signal. This signal is emitted when the LtiStartAssessment message is
+    sent from the Tool to inform users of the library that the LtiStartAssessment message has been received.
 6.1.0 - 2022-11-08
 * 6.0.0 broke studio functionality because it leaned more heavily on the xblock load which only worked in the LMS.
   * Fix by greatly limiting when we attempt a full xblock load and bind
 6.0.0 - 2022-10-24
diff --git a/docs/proctoring.rst b/docs/proctoring.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..20e2793a952b2314b1f0dd2ca24a346539823512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/proctoring.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+LTI Proctoring Features
+Using LTI Proctoring Features
+Currently, this library supports a subset of the functionality in the `1EdTech Proctoring Services Specification
+<http://www.imsglobal.org/spec/proctoring/v1p0>`_. It supports the Proctoring Assessment Messages (i.e. the in-browser
+LTI proctoring launches), but it does not support the Assessment Control Service (i.e. the proctoring service calls).
+These proctoring features are currently only supported for LTI integrations using the ``CONFIG_ON_DB`` ``config_store``
+To enable LTI Proctoring features, you need to set the **Enable LTI Proctoring Services** field of the
+``LtiConfiguration`` model to ``True``.
+To start an LTI 1.3 launch with the ``LtiStartProctoring`` or ``LtiEndAssessment`` LTI message, you need to call
+the ``get_lti_1p3_launch_start_url`` Python API function with the appropriate arguments. You will need to make a request against the URL
+returned by this function. The ``launch_data`` argument will contain all data necessary for the LTI 1.3 launch. The
+``launch_data`` argument must be an instance of the ``Lti1p3LaunchData`` data class. In order to support the proctoring
+features, you must also supply a value for the ``proctoring_launch_data`` field of the ``Lti1p3LaunchData`` class. The
+``proctoring_launch_data`` argument must be an instance of the ``Lti1p3ProctoringLaunchData`` class.
+LTI Start Proctoring Launch
+Below is an example instantiation of the ``Lti1p3LaunchData`` class for an ``LtiStartProctoring`` LTI message. Please
+see the docstring of both data classes for more detailed documentation.
+This library implements the view that handles the ``LtiStartAssessment`` LTI message that is sent by the tool. The name
+of the URL for this view is ``lti_consumer.start_proctoring_assessment_endpoint``. You should use this URL as the
+.. code:: python
+    proctoring_start_assessment_url = urljoin(
+            <URL_ROOT>,
+            reverse('lti_consumer:lti_consumer.start_proctoring_assessment_endpoint')
+        )
+    proctoring_launch_data = Lti1p3ProctoringLaunchData(
+        attempt_number=<attempt_number>,
+        start_assessment_url=proctoring_start_assessment_url,
+    )
+    launch_data = Lti1p3LaunchData(
+        user_id=<user_id>,
+        user_role=<user_role>,
+        config_id=<config_id>,
+        resource_link_id=<resource_link_id>,
+        message_type="LtiStartProctoring",
+        proctoring_launch_data=proctoring_launch_data,
+    )
+    return redirect(get_lti_1p3_launch_start_url(launch_data))
+Note that for an ``LtiStartProctoring`` LTI launch message, the ``message_type`` field of the ``Lti1p3LaunchData``
+instance must be ``LtiStartProctoring`` and the ``start_assessment_url`` field of the ``Lti1p3ProctoringLaunchData``
+instance must be supplied.
+LTI End Assessment Launch
+Below is an example instantiation of the ``Lti1p3LaunchData`` class for an ``LtiStartProctoring`` LTI message. Please
+see the docstring of both data classes for more detailed documentation.
+In order to determine whether the platform should send an ``LtiEndAssessment`` LTI message to the tool, you should use
+the ``get_end_assessment_return`` Python API function. This will return a boolean representing whether the tool
+requested that the platform send an ``LtiEndAssessment`` LTI message at the end of the proctored assessment.
+.. code:: python
+    end_assessment_return = get_end_assessment_return(<user_id>, <resource_link_id>)
+    if end_assessment_return:
+        proctoring_launch_data = Lti1p3ProctoringLaunchData(
+            attempt_number=<attempt_number>,
+        )
+        launch_data = Lti1p3LaunchData(
+            user_id=<user_id>,
+            user_role=<user_role>,
+            config_id=<config_id>,
+            resource_link_id=<resource_link_id>,
+            message_type="LtiEndAssessment",
+            proctoring_launch_data=proctoring_launch_data,
+        )
+        return redirect(get_lti_1p3_launch_start_url(launch_data))
+Note that for an ``LtiEndAssessment`` LTI launch message, the ``message_type`` field of the ``Lti1p3LaunchData``
+instance must be ``LtiEndAssessment``. Unlike the ``LtiStartProctoring`` message, the ``start_assessment_url`` field of
+the ``Lti1p3ProctoringLaunchData`` instance should not be supplied.
diff --git a/lti_consumer/api.py b/lti_consumer/api.py
index f0f3dd7059dc72d8a392f07c68c0a96a26d19cfa..34290d574fac720c22bfd9c30fb0b8ac919dd9f4 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/api.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/api.py
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey
 from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.constants import LTI_1P3_ROLE_MAP
 from .models import CourseAllowPIISharingInLTIFlag, LtiConfiguration, LtiDlContentItem
 from .utils import (
+    get_cache_key,
+    get_data_from_cache,
@@ -261,7 +263,7 @@ def validate_lti_1p3_launch_data(launch_data):
             "The context_id attribute is required in the launch data if any optional context properties are provided."
-    if launch_data.user_role not in LTI_1P3_ROLE_MAP:
+    if launch_data.user_role not in LTI_1P3_ROLE_MAP and launch_data.user_role is not None:
         validation_messages.append(f"The user_role attribute {launch_data.user_role} is not a valid user_role.")
     context_type = launch_data.context_type
@@ -273,7 +275,42 @@ def validate_lti_1p3_launch_data(launch_data):
                 f"The context_type attribute {context_type} in the launch data is not a valid context_type."
+    proctoring_launch_data = launch_data.proctoring_launch_data
+    if (launch_data.message_type in ["LtiStartProctoring", "LtiEndAssessment"] and not
+            proctoring_launch_data):
+        validation_messages.append(
+            "The proctoring_launch_data attribute is required if the message_type attribute is \"LtiStartProctoring\" "
+            "or \"LtiEndAssessment\"."
+        )
+    if (proctoring_launch_data and launch_data.message_type == "LtiStartProctoring" and not
+            proctoring_launch_data.start_assessment_url):
+        validation_messages.append(
+            "The proctoring_start_assessment_url attribute is required if the message_type attribute is "
+            "\"LtiStartProctoring\"."
+        )
     if validation_messages:
         return False, validation_messages
         return True, []
+def get_end_assessment_return(user_id, resource_link_id):
+    """
+    Returns the end_assessment_return value stored in the cache. This can be used by applications to determine whether
+    to invoke an LtiEndAssessment LTI launch.
+    Arguments:
+        * user_id: the database of the requesting User model instance
+        * resource_link_id: the resource_link_id of the LTI link for the assessment
+    """
+    end_assessment_return_key = get_cache_key(
+        app="lti",
+        key="end_assessment_return",
+        user_id=user_id,
+        resource_link_id=resource_link_id,
+    )
+    cached_end_assessment_return = get_data_from_cache(end_assessment_return_key)
+    return cached_end_assessment_return
diff --git a/lti_consumer/apps.py b/lti_consumer/apps.py
index e50a43198a6e757e6f544f9becc0bb0633d396f9..f3f599687bc2bbff3df6db8473e762ecfdc4dc28 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/apps.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/apps.py
@@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ class LTIConsumerApp(AppConfig):
     def ready(self):
         # pylint: disable=unused-import,import-outside-toplevel
-        import lti_consumer.signals
+        from lti_consumer.signals import signals
diff --git a/lti_consumer/data.py b/lti_consumer/data.py
index 7d2bfcfe7c1a7fa42d5323d0660042ba3d8d0000..b450115db5d3becfaed4a1cb8bc41357ed5e8c43 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/data.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/data.py
@@ -3,7 +3,30 @@ This modules provides public data structures to represent LTI 1.3 launch data th
 by users of this library.
-from attrs import define, field
+from attrs import define, field, validators
+class Lti1p3ProctoringLaunchData:
+    """
+    The Lti1p3ProctoringLaunchData class contains data necessary and related to an LTI 1.3 proctoring launch.
+    It is a mechanism to share launch data between apps. Applications using this library should use the
+    Lti1p3ProctoringLaunchData class to supply contextually defined or stored launch data to the LTI 1.3 proctoring
+    launch.
+    Lti1p3ProctoringLaunchData is intended to be initialized and included as an attribute of an instance of the
+    Lti1p3LaunchData class.
+    * attempt_number (required): The number of the user's attempt in the assessment. The attempt number
+        should be an integer that starts with 1 and that is incremented by 1 for each of user's subsequent attempts at
+        the assessment.
+    * start_assessment_url (conditionally required): The Platform URL that the Tool will send the start
+        assessment message to after it has completed the proctoring setup and verification. This attribute is required
+        if the message_type attribute of the Lti1p3LaunchData instance is "LtiStartProctoring". It is optional and
+        unused otherwise.
+    """
+    attempt_number = field()
+    start_assessment_url = field(default=None)
@@ -13,34 +36,53 @@ class Lti1p3LaunchData:
     launch data between apps. Applications using this library should use the Lti1p3LaunchData class to supply
     contextually defined or stored launch data to the generic LTI 1.3 launch.
-    * user_id (required): the user's unique identifier
-    * user_role (required): the user's role as one of the keys in LTI_1P3_ROLE_MAP: staff, instructor, student, or
-        guest
-    * config_id (required): the config_id field of an LtiConfiguration to use for the launch
-    * resource_link_id (required): a unique identifier that is guaranteed to be unique for each placement of the LTI
-        link
-    * launch_presentation_document_target (optional): the document_target property of the launch_presentation claim; it
-        describes the kind of browser window or frame from which the user launched inside the message sender's system;
-        it is one of frame, iframe, or window; it defaults to iframe
-    * message_type (optional): the message type of the eventual LTI launch; defaults to LtiResourceLinkRequest
-    * context_id (conditionally required): the id property of the context claim; the stable, unique identifier for the
-        context; if any of the context properties are provided, context_id is required
-    * context_type (optional): the type property of the context claim; a list of some combination of the following valid
-        context_types: group, course_offering, course_section, or course_template
-    * context_title (optional): the title proerty of the context claim; a short, descriptive name for the context
-    * context_label (optional): the label property of the context claim; a full, descriptive name for the context
-    * deep_linking_context_item_id (optional): the database id of the LtiDlContentItem that should be used for the LTI
-        1.3 Deep Linking launch; this is used when the LTI 1.3 Deep Linking launch is a regular LTI resource link
-        request using a content item that was configured via a previous LTI 1.3 Deep Linking request
+    * user_id (required): A unique identifier for the user that is requesting the LTI 1.3 launch. If the optional
+        attribute external_user_id is provided, user_id will only be used internally and will not be shared externally.
+        If external_user_id is not provided, user_id will be shared externally, and then it must be stable to the
+        issuer.
+    * user_role (required): The user's role as one of the keys in LTI_1P3_ROLE_MAP: staff, instructor, student, or
+        guest. It can also be None if the empty list should be sent in the LTI launch message.
+    * config_id (required): The config_id field of an LtiConfiguration to use for the launch.
+    * resource_link_id (required): A unique identifier that is guaranteed to be unique for each placement of the LTI
+        link.
+    * external_user_id (optional): A unique identifier for the user that is requesting the LTI 1.3 launch that can be
+        shared externally. The identifier must be stable to the issuer. This value will be sent to the the Tool in the
+        form of both the login_hint in the login initiation request and the sub claim in the ID token of the LTI 1.3
+        launch message. Use this attribute to specify what value to send as this claim. Otherwise, the value of the
+        required user_id attribute will be used.
+    * launch_presentation_document_target (optional): The document_target property of the launch_presentation claim. It
+        describes the kind of browser window or frame from which the user launched inside the message sender's system.
+        It is one of frame, iframe, or window; it defaults to iframe.
+    * launch_presentation_return_url (optional): A URL where the Tool can redirect the learner after the learner
+        completes the activity or is unable to start the activity.
+    * message_type (optional): The message type of the eventual LTI launch. It defaults to LtiResourceLinkRequest.
+    * context_id (conditionally required): The id property of the context claim. It is the stable, unique identifier for
+        the context. It is required if any of the context properties are provided.
+    * context_type (optional): The type property of the context claim. It is a list of some combination of the following
+        valid context_types: group, course_offering, course_section, or course_template.
+    * context_title (optional): The title proerty of the context claim. It is a short, descriptive name for the context.
+    * context_label (optional): The label property of the context claim. It is a full, descriptive name for the context.
+    * deep_linking_context_item_id (optional): The database id of the LtiDlContentItem that should be used for the LTI
+        1.3 Deep Linking launch. It is used when the LTI 1.3 Deep Linking launch is a regular LTI resource link
+        request using a content item that was configured via a previous LTI 1.3 Deep Linking request.
+    * proctoring_launch_data (conditionally required): An instance of the Lti1p3ProctoringLaunchData that contains
+        data necessary and related to an LTI 1.3 proctoring launch. It is required if the message_type attribute is
+        "LtiStartProctoring" or "LtiEndAssessment".
     user_id = field()
     user_role = field()
     config_id = field()
     resource_link_id = field()
-    launch_presentation_document_target = field(default="iframe")
+    external_user_id = field(default=None)
+    launch_presentation_document_target = field(default=None)
+    launch_presentation_return_url = field(default=None)
     message_type = field(default="LtiResourceLinkRequest")
     context_id = field(default=None)
     context_type = field(default=None)
     context_title = field(default=None)
     context_label = field(default=None)
     deep_linking_content_item_id = field(default=None)
+    proctoring_launch_data = field(
+        default=None,
+        validator=validators.optional((validators.instance_of(Lti1p3ProctoringLaunchData))),
+    )
diff --git a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/constants.py b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/constants.py
index 5f85d2974820e8fb112208477555d40b423a1a9c..d00e3c203cdb29f5256b6f40da555b02a01ca6c1 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/constants.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/constants.py
@@ -83,3 +83,6 @@ class LTI_1P3_CONTEXT_TYPE(Enum):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
     course_offering = 'http://purl.imsglobal.org/vocab/lis/v2/course#CourseOffering'
     course_section = 'http://purl.imsglobal.org/vocab/lis/v2/course#CourseSection'
     course_template = 'http://purl.imsglobal.org/vocab/lis/v2/course#CourseTemplate'
+LTI_PROCTORING_DATA_KEYS = ['attempt_number', 'resource_link_id', 'session_data', 'start_assessment_url']
diff --git a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/consumer.py b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/consumer.py
index c45a608384a58e0a758727776f807193e8557f03..6360227de84f07c2f2340fcf784ef9cb9a606ef5 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/consumer.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/consumer.py
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ LTI 1.3 Consumer implementation
 import logging
 from urllib.parse import urlencode
-from lti_consumer.utils import cache_lti_1p3_launch_data, get_data_from_cache
+from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.exceptions import InvalidClaimValue
+from lti_consumer.utils import cache_lti_1p3_launch_data, check_token_claim, get_data_from_cache
 from . import constants, exceptions
 from .constants import (
@@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ from .constants import (
 from .key_handlers import ToolKeyHandler, PlatformKeyHandler
 from .ags import LtiAgs
@@ -101,7 +103,7 @@ class LtiConsumer1p3:
         Generates OIDC url with parameters
-        user_id = launch_data.user_id
+        user_id = launch_data.external_user_id if launch_data.external_user_id else launch_data.user_id
         # Set the launch_data in the cache. An LTI 1.3 launch involves two "legs" - the third party initiated
         # login request (the preflight request) and the actual launch -, and this information must be shared between
@@ -193,25 +195,27 @@ class LtiConsumer1p3:
     def set_launch_presentation_claim(
-            document_target="iframe"
+            document_target=None,
+            return_url=None,
         Optional: Set launch presentation claims
-        if document_target not in ['iframe', 'frame', 'window']:
+        if document_target is not None and document_target not in ['iframe', 'frame', 'window']:
             raise ValueError("Invalid launch presentation format.")
+        lti_claim_launch_presentation = {}
+        if document_target:
+            lti_claim_launch_presentation.update({"document_target": document_target})
+        if return_url:
+            lti_claim_launch_presentation.update({"return_url": return_url})
         self.lti_claim_launch_presentation = {
-            # Launch presentation claim
-            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/launch_presentation": {
-                # Can be one of: iframe, frame, window
-                "document_target": document_target,
-                # TODO: Add support for `return_url` handler to allow the tool
-                # to return error messages back to the lms.
-                # See the spec referenced above for more information.
-            },
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/launch_presentation": lti_claim_launch_presentation,
     def set_context_claim(
@@ -704,3 +708,193 @@ class LtiAdvantageConsumer(LtiConsumer1p3):
         # Include LTI NRPS claim inside the LTI Launch message
+class LtiProctoringConsumer(LtiConsumer1p3):
+    """
+    This class is an LTI Proctoring Services LTI consumer implementation.
+    It builds on top of the LtiConsumer1p3 and adds support for the LTI Proctoring Services specification. The
+    specification can be found here: http://www.imsglobal.org/spec/proctoring/v1p0.
+    This consumer currently only supports the "Assessment Proctoring Messages" and the proctoring assessment flow.
+    It does not currently support the Assessment Control Service.
+    The LtiProctoringConsumer requires necessary context to work properly, including data like attempt_number,
+    resource_link, etc. This information is provided to the consumer through the set_proctoring_data method, which
+    is called from the consuming context to pass in necessary data.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        iss,
+        lti_oidc_url,
+        lti_launch_url,
+        client_id,
+        deployment_id,
+        rsa_key,
+        rsa_key_id,
+        tool_key=None,
+        tool_keyset_url=None,
+    ):
+        """
+        Initialize the LtiProctoringConsumer by delegating to LtiConsumer1p3's __init__ method.
+        """
+        super().__init__(
+            iss,
+            lti_oidc_url,
+            lti_launch_url,
+            client_id,
+            deployment_id,
+            rsa_key,
+            rsa_key_id,
+            tool_key,
+            tool_keyset_url
+        )
+        self.proctoring_data = {}
+    def set_proctoring_data(self, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Sets the self.proctoring_data dictionary with the provided kwargs, so long as a given key is in
+        """
+        for key, value in kwargs.items():
+            if key in LTI_PROCTORING_DATA_KEYS:
+                self.proctoring_data[key] = value
+    def _get_base_claims(self):
+        """
+        Returns claims common to all LTI Proctoring Services LTI launch messages, to be used when creating LTI launch
+        messages.
+        """
+        proctoring_claims = {
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/attempt_number": self.proctoring_data.get("attempt_number"),
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/session_data": self.proctoring_data.get("session_data"),
+        }
+        return proctoring_claims
+    def get_start_proctoring_claims(self):
+        """
+        Returns claims specific to LTI Proctoring Services LtiStartProctoring LTI launch message,
+        to be injected into the LTI launch message.
+        """
+        proctoring_claims = self._get_base_claims()
+        proctoring_claims.update({
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/message_type": "LtiStartProctoring",
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/start_assessment_url":
+                self.proctoring_data.get("start_assessment_url"),
+        })
+        return proctoring_claims
+    def get_end_assessment_claims(self):
+        """
+        Returns claims specific to LTI Proctoring Services LtiEndAssessment LTI launch message,
+        to be injected into the LTI launch message.
+        """
+        proctoring_claims = self._get_base_claims()
+        proctoring_claims.update({
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/message_type": "LtiEndAssessment",
+        })
+        return proctoring_claims
+    def generate_launch_request(
+        self,
+        preflight_response,
+    ):
+        """
+        Builds and return LTI launch message for proctoring.
+        Overrides LtiConsumer1p3's method to include proctoring specific launch claims. Leverages
+        the set_extra_claim method to include these additional claims in the LTI launch message.
+        """
+        lti_message_hint = preflight_response.get('lti_message_hint')
+        launch_data = get_data_from_cache(lti_message_hint)
+        if launch_data.message_type == "LtiStartProctoring":
+            proctoring_claims = self.get_start_proctoring_claims()
+        elif launch_data.message_type == "LtiEndAssessment":
+            proctoring_claims = self.get_end_assessment_claims()
+        else:
+            raise ValueError('lti_message_hint must \"LtiStartProctoring\" or \"LtiEndAssessment\".')
+        self.set_extra_claim(proctoring_claims)
+        return super().generate_launch_request(preflight_response)
+    def check_and_decode_token(self, token):
+        """
+        Decodes a Tool JWT token and validates OAuth and LTI Proctoring Services specificatin related claims. Returns a
+        dictionary representation of key proctoring claims in the Tool JWT token.
+        Arguments:
+            * token (string): a JWT
+        """
+        # Decode token and check expiration.
+        proctoring_response = self.tool_jwt.validate_and_decode(token)
+        # -------------------------
+        # Check Required LTI Claims
+        # -------------------------
+        # Check that the response message_type claim is "LtiStartAssessment".
+        claim_key = "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/message_type"
+        check_token_claim(
+            proctoring_response,
+            claim_key,
+            "LtiStartAssessment",
+            f"Token's {claim_key} claim should be LtiStartAssessment."
+        )
+        # # Check that the response version claim is "1.3.0".
+        claim_key = "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/version"
+        check_token_claim(
+            proctoring_response,
+            claim_key,
+            "1.3.0",
+            f"Token's {claim_key} claim should be 1.3.0."
+        )
+        # Check that the response session_data claim is the correct anti-CSRF token.
+        claim_key = "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/session_data"
+        check_token_claim(
+            proctoring_response,
+            claim_key,
+            self.proctoring_data.get("session_data"),
+            f"Token's {claim_key} claim is not correct."
+        )
+        # TODO: This is a special case. Right now, the library doesn't support additional claims within the
+        # resource_link claim. Once it does, we should check the entire claim instead of just the id. For now, check
+        # that the resource_link claim is supplied and that the id attribute is correct.
+        claim_key = "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/resource_link"
+        resource_link = proctoring_response.get(claim_key)
+        check_token_claim(
+            proctoring_response,
+            claim_key,
+        )
+        resource_link_id = resource_link.get("id")
+        if self.proctoring_data.get("resource_link_id") != resource_link_id:
+            raise InvalidClaimValue(f"Token's {claim_key} claim is not correct.")
+        claim_key = "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/attempt_number"
+        check_token_claim(
+            proctoring_response,
+            claim_key,
+            self.proctoring_data.get("attempt_number"),
+            f"Token's {claim_key} claim is not correct."
+        )
+        response = {
+            'end_assessment_return': proctoring_response.get(
+                "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/end_assessment_return",
+            ),
+            'verified_user': proctoring_response.get("https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/verified_user", {}),
+            'resource_link': proctoring_response["https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/resource_link"],
+            'session_data': proctoring_response["https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/session_data"],
+            'attempt_number': proctoring_response["https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/attempt_number"],
+        }
+        return response
diff --git a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/exceptions.py b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/exceptions.py
index 7ef835b906b4346c79e10257f447ac1e9867d9d9..0b2c67c62987217ead6f9710d8e2dbe20ca70b92 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/exceptions.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/exceptions.py
@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ class NoSuitableKeys(Lti1p3Exception):
     message = "JWKS could not be loaded from the URL."
+class BadJwtSignature(Lti1p3Exception):
+    message = "The JWT signature is invalid."
 class UnknownClientId(Lti1p3Exception):
diff --git a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/key_handlers.py b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/key_handlers.py
index 7f52b4a70d0d43d1ce0d3e8bb924853fe662a757..64048c5df05910f1a60f2ed24dba8f66a66e669c 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/key_handlers.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/key_handlers.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import time
 import json
 from Cryptodome.PublicKey import RSA
-from jwkest import BadSyntax, WrongNumberOfParts, jwk
+from jwkest import BadSignature, BadSyntax, WrongNumberOfParts, jwk
 from jwkest.jwk import RSAKey, load_jwks_from_url
 from jwkest.jws import JWS, NoSuitableSigningKeys
 from jwkest.jwt import JWT
@@ -124,6 +124,8 @@ class ToolKeyHandler:
             raise exceptions.NoSuitableKeys() from err
         except (BadSyntax, WrongNumberOfParts) as err:
             raise exceptions.MalformedJwtToken() from err
+        except BadSignature as err:
+            raise exceptions.BadJwtSignature() from err
 class PlatformKeyHandler:
diff --git a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/tests/test_consumer.py b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/tests/test_consumer.py
index 423c414e667b55cd84f57be733688ae84b686f66..9528e344c2a927cf43d5924b98b205de25c526aa 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/tests/test_consumer.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/tests/test_consumer.py
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ from lti_consumer.lti_1p3 import exceptions
 from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.ags import LtiAgs
 from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.deep_linking import LtiDeepLinking
 from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.nprs import LtiNrps
-from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.constants import LTI_1P3_CONTEXT_TYPE
-from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.consumer import LtiAdvantageConsumer, LtiConsumer1p3
+from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.constants import LTI_1P3_CONTEXT_TYPE, LTI_PROCTORING_DATA_KEYS
+from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.consumer import LtiAdvantageConsumer, LtiConsumer1p3, LtiProctoringConsumer
+from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.exceptions import InvalidClaimValue, MissingRequiredClaim
 # Variables required for testing and verification
 ISS = "http://test-platform.example/"
@@ -247,12 +249,18 @@ class TestLti1p3Consumer(TestCase):
         Check if setting presentation claim data works
-        self.lti_consumer.set_launch_presentation_claim(document_target=target)
+        return_url = "return_url"
+        self.lti_consumer.set_launch_presentation_claim(
+            document_target=target,
+            return_url=return_url,
+        )
                 "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/launch_presentation": {
-                    "document_target": target
+                    "document_target": target,
+                    "return_url": return_url,
@@ -269,7 +277,8 @@ class TestLti1p3Consumer(TestCase):
-                "document_target": target
+                "document_target": target,
+                "return_url": return_url,
@@ -846,3 +855,260 @@ class TestLtiAdvantageConsumer(TestCase):
+class TestLtiProctoringConsumer(TestCase):
+    """
+    Unit tests for LtiProctoringConsumer
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        super().setUp()
+        # Set up consumer
+        self.lti_consumer = LtiProctoringConsumer(
+            iss=ISS,
+            lti_oidc_url=OIDC_URL,
+            lti_launch_url=LAUNCH_URL,
+            client_id=CLIENT_ID,
+            deployment_id=DEPLOYMENT_ID,
+            rsa_key=RSA_KEY,
+            rsa_key_id=RSA_KEY_ID,
+            # Use the same key for testing purposes
+            tool_key=RSA_KEY
+        )
+        self.preflight_response = {}
+    def _setup_proctoring(self):
+        """
+        Sets up data necessary for a proctoring LTI launch.
+        """
+        # Set LTI Consumer parameters
+        self.preflight_response = {
+            "client_id": CLIENT_ID,
+            "redirect_uri": LAUNCH_URL,
+            "nonce": NONCE,
+            "state": STATE,
+            "lti_message_hint": "lti_message_hint",
+        }
+        self.lti_consumer.set_user_data("1", "student")
+        self.lti_consumer.set_resource_link_claim("resource_link_id")
+    def get_launch_data(self, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Returns a sample instance of Lti1p3LaunchData.
+        """
+        launch_data_kwargs = {
+            "user_id": "user_id",
+            "user_role": "student",
+            "config_id": "1",
+            "resource_link_id": "resource_link_id",
+        }
+        launch_data_kwargs.update(kwargs)
+        return Lti1p3LaunchData(**launch_data_kwargs)
+    def test_valid_set_proctoring_data(self, key):
+        """
+        Ensures that valid proctoring data can be set on an instance of LtiProctoringConsumer.
+        """
+        value = "test_value"
+        self.lti_consumer.set_proctoring_data(**{key: value})
+        actual_value = self.lti_consumer.proctoring_data[key]
+        self.assertEqual(value, actual_value)
+    def test_invalid_set_proctoring_data(self):
+        """
+        Ensures that an attempt to set invalid proctoring data on an instance of LtiProctoringConsumer does not update
+        the consumer's proctoring_data.
+        """
+        self.lti_consumer.set_proctoring_data(test_key="test_value")
+        self.assertEqual({}, self.lti_consumer.proctoring_data)
+    def test_get_start_proctoring_claims(self):
+        """
+        Ensures that the correct claims are returned for a LtiStartProctoring LTI launch message.
+        """
+        self.lti_consumer.set_proctoring_data(
+            attempt_number="attempt_number",
+            session_data="session_data",
+            start_assessment_url="start_assessment_url",
+        )
+        actual_start_proctoring_claims = self.lti_consumer.get_start_proctoring_claims()
+        expected_start_proctoring_claims = {
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/attempt_number": "attempt_number",
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/session_data": "session_data",
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/message_type": "LtiStartProctoring",
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/start_assessment_url": "start_assessment_url",
+        }
+        self.assertEqual(expected_start_proctoring_claims, actual_start_proctoring_claims)
+    def test_get_end_assessment_claims(self):
+        """
+        Ensures that the correct claims are returned for a LtiEndAssessment LTI launch message.
+        """
+        self.lti_consumer.set_proctoring_data(
+            attempt_number="attempt_number",
+            session_data="session_data",
+        )
+        actual_get_end_assessment_claims = self.lti_consumer.get_end_assessment_claims()
+        expected_get_end_assessment_claims = {
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/attempt_number": "attempt_number",
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/session_data": "session_data",
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/message_type": "LtiEndAssessment",
+        }
+        self.assertEqual(expected_get_end_assessment_claims, actual_get_end_assessment_claims)
+    @ddt.data("LtiStartProctoring", "LtiEndAssessment")
+    @patch('lti_consumer.lti_1p3.consumer.get_data_from_cache')
+    def test_generate_launch_request(self, message_type, mock_get_data_from_cache):
+        """
+        Ensures that the correct claims are included in LTI launch messages for the LtiStartProctoring and
+        LtiEndAssessment launch message types.
+        """
+        mock_launch_data = self.get_launch_data(message_type=message_type)
+        mock_get_data_from_cache.return_value = mock_launch_data
+        self._setup_proctoring()
+        self.lti_consumer.set_proctoring_data(
+            attempt_number="attempt_number",
+            session_data="session_data",
+            start_assessment_url="start_assessment_url",
+        )
+        token = self.lti_consumer.generate_launch_request(
+            self.preflight_response,
+        )['id_token']
+        decoded_token = self.lti_consumer.key_handler.validate_and_decode(token)
+        expected_claims = {}
+        if message_type == "LtiStartProctoring":
+            expected_claims = self.lti_consumer.get_start_proctoring_claims()
+        else:
+            expected_claims = self.lti_consumer.get_end_assessment_claims()
+        decoded_token_claims = decoded_token.items()
+        for claim in expected_claims.items():
+            self.assertIn(claim, decoded_token_claims)
+    @patch('lti_consumer.lti_1p3.consumer.get_data_from_cache')
+    def test_generate_launch_request_invalid_message(self, mock_get_data_from_cache):
+        """
+        Ensures that a ValueError is raised if the launch_data.message_type is not LtiStartProctoring or
+        LtiEndAssessment.
+        """
+        mock_launch_data = self.get_launch_data(message_type="LtiResourceLinkRequest")
+        mock_get_data_from_cache.return_value = mock_launch_data
+        self._setup_proctoring()
+        self.lti_consumer.set_proctoring_data(
+            attempt_number="attempt_number",
+            session_data="session_data",
+            start_assessment_url="start_assessment_url",
+        )
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+            _ = self.lti_consumer.generate_launch_request(
+                self.preflight_response,
+            )['id_token']
+    @ddt.data(
+        "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/message_type",
+        "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/version",
+        "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/session_data",
+        "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/resource_link",
+        "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/attempt_number",
+    )
+    def test_invalid_check_and_decode_token(self, claim_key):
+        """
+        Ensures that LtiStartAssessment JWTs are correctly validated; ensures that missing or incorrect claims cause an
+        InvalidClaimValue or MissingRequiredClaim exception to be raised.
+        """
+        self.lti_consumer.set_proctoring_data(
+            attempt_number="attempt_number",
+            session_data="session_data",
+            start_assessment_url="start_assessment_url",
+            resource_link_id="resource_link_id",
+        )
+        start_assessment_response = {
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/message_type": "LtiStartAssessment",
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/version": "1.3.0",
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/session_data": "session_data",
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/resource_link": {"id": "resource_link_id"},
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/attempt_number": "attempt_number",
+        }
+        # Check invalid claim values.
+        start_assessment_response[claim_key] = {}
+        encoded_token = self.lti_consumer.key_handler.encode_and_sign(
+            message=start_assessment_response,
+            expiration=3600
+        )
+        with self.assertRaises(InvalidClaimValue):
+            self.lti_consumer.check_and_decode_token(encoded_token)
+        # Check missing claims.
+        del start_assessment_response[claim_key]
+        encoded_token = self.lti_consumer.key_handler.encode_and_sign(
+            message=start_assessment_response,
+            expiration=3600
+        )
+        with self.assertRaises(MissingRequiredClaim):
+            self.lti_consumer.check_and_decode_token(encoded_token)
+    def test_valid_check_and_decode_token(self):
+        """
+        Ensures that a valid LtiStartAssessment JWT is validated successfully.
+        """
+        self.lti_consumer.set_proctoring_data(
+            attempt_number="attempt_number",
+            session_data="session_data",
+            start_assessment_url="start_assessment_url",
+            resource_link_id="resource_link_id",
+        )
+        start_assessment_response = {
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/message_type": "LtiStartAssessment",
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/version": "1.3.0",
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/session_data": "session_data",
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/resource_link": {"id": "resource_link_id"},
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/attempt_number": "attempt_number",
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/verified_user": {"name": "Bob"},
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/end_assessment_return": "end_assessment_return",
+        }
+        encoded_token = self.lti_consumer.key_handler.encode_and_sign(
+            message=start_assessment_response,
+            expiration=3600
+        )
+        response = self.lti_consumer.check_and_decode_token(encoded_token)
+        expected_response = {
+            "end_assessment_return": "end_assessment_return",
+            "verified_user": {"name": "Bob"},
+            "resource_link": {"id": "resource_link_id"},
+            "session_data": "session_data",
+            "attempt_number": "attempt_number"
+        }
+        self.assertEqual(expected_response, response)
diff --git a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/tests/test_key_handlers.py b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/tests/test_key_handlers.py
index ab7a7734e299f57bd9b170a5a76ad87c6525938a..e087ad8da4ce59a1949a5cce33f68e71df7cddf7 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/tests/test_key_handlers.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/lti_1p3/tests/test_key_handlers.py
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ from unittest.mock import patch
 import ddt
 from Cryptodome.PublicKey import RSA
 from django.test.testcases import TestCase
+from jwkest import BadSignature
 from jwkest.jwk import RSAKey, load_jwks
 from jwkest.jws import JWS
@@ -300,3 +301,20 @@ class TestToolKeyHandler(TestCase):
         # Decode and check results
         with self.assertRaises(exceptions.NoSuitableKeys):
+    @patch("lti_consumer.lti_1p3.key_handlers.JWS.verify_compact")
+    def test_validate_and_decode_bad_signature(self, mock_verify_compact):
+        mock_verify_compact.side_effect = BadSignature()
+        key_handler = ToolKeyHandler()
+        message = {
+            "test": "test_message",
+            "iat": 1000,
+            "exp": 1200,
+        }
+        signed = create_jwt(self.key, message)
+        # Decode and check results
+        with self.assertRaises(exceptions.BadJwtSignature):
+            key_handler.validate_and_decode(signed)
diff --git a/lti_consumer/lti_xblock.py b/lti_consumer/lti_xblock.py
index 9973e4395917bec2af8bcea551442e282b3c4557..311f9fed743b51d88b816f21ff9b312e9a275fd2 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/lti_xblock.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/lti_xblock.py
@@ -785,7 +785,19 @@ class LtiConsumerXBlock(StudioEditableXBlockMixin, XBlock):
         return '', ''
-    def user_id(self):
+    def lms_user_id(self):
+        """
+        Returns the edx-platform database user id for the current user.
+        """
+        user_id = self.runtime.service(self, 'user').get_current_user().opt_attrs.get(
+            'edx-platform.user_id', None)
+        if user_id is None:
+            raise LtiError(self.ugettext("Could not get user id for current request"))
+        return user_id
+    @property
+    def anonymous_user_id(self):
         Returns the opaque anonymous_student_id for the current user.
         This defaults to 'student' when testing in studio.
@@ -863,7 +875,7 @@ class LtiConsumerXBlock(StudioEditableXBlockMixin, XBlock):
         return "{context}:{resource_link}:{user_id}".format(
-            user_id=self.user_id
+            user_id=self.anonymous_user_id
@@ -1100,7 +1112,7 @@ class LtiConsumerXBlock(StudioEditableXBlockMixin, XBlock):
         # return a 400 response with an appropriate error template.
             real_user_data = self.extract_real_user_data()
-            user_id = self.user_id
+            user_id = self.anonymous_user_id
             role = self.role
             # Convert the LMS role into an LTI 1.1 role.
@@ -1429,10 +1441,11 @@ class LtiConsumerXBlock(StudioEditableXBlockMixin, XBlock):
         course_key = str(location.course_key)
         launch_data = Lti1p3LaunchData(
-            user_id=self.external_user_id,
+            user_id=self.lms_user_id,
+            external_user_id=self.external_user_id,
diff --git a/lti_consumer/migrations/0016_lticonfiguration_lti_1p3_proctoring_enabled.py b/lti_consumer/migrations/0016_lticonfiguration_lti_1p3_proctoring_enabled.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ea218b5bce4e3fd4f318eafee295d3e73f739722
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lti_consumer/migrations/0016_lticonfiguration_lti_1p3_proctoring_enabled.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Generated by Django 3.2.14 on 2022-10-13 20:26
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    dependencies = [
+        ('lti_consumer', '0015_add_additional_1p3_fields'),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.AddField(
+            model_name='lticonfiguration',
+            name='lti_1p3_proctoring_enabled',
+            field=models.BooleanField(default=False, help_text='Enable LTI Proctoring Services', verbose_name='Enable LTI Proctoring Services'),
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/lti_consumer/models.py b/lti_consumer/models.py
index 0254f92ce6eb3fc00ed8fb5d3c14a8baf8597e0e..2eb9ae013f3fae1af34bd57e4e982b775b0e2f28 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/models.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/models.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from lti_consumer.filters import get_external_config_from_filter
 # LTI 1.1
 from lti_consumer.lti_1p1.consumer import LtiConsumer1p1
 # LTI 1.3
-from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.consumer import LtiAdvantageConsumer
+from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.consumer import LtiAdvantageConsumer, LtiProctoringConsumer
 from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.key_handlers import PlatformKeyHandler
 from lti_consumer.plugin import compat
 from lti_consumer.plugin.compat import request_cached
@@ -227,6 +227,13 @@ class LtiConfiguration(models.Model):
+    # LTI Proctoring Service Related Variables
+    lti_1p3_proctoring_enabled = models.BooleanField(
+        "Enable LTI Proctoring Services",
+        default=False,
+        help_text='Enable LTI Proctoring Services',
+    )
     def clean(self):
         if self.config_store == self.CONFIG_ON_XBLOCK and self.location is None:
             raise ValidationError({
@@ -245,6 +252,12 @@ class LtiConfiguration(models.Model):
                         "lti_1p3_tool_public_key or lti_1p3_tool_keyset_url."
+        if (self.version == self.LTI_1P3 and self.config_store in [self.CONFIG_ON_XBLOCK, self.CONFIG_EXTERNAL] and
+                self.lti_1p3_proctoring_enabled):
+            raise ValidationError({
+                "config_store": _("CONFIG_ON_XBLOCK and CONFIG_EXTERNAL are not supported for "
+                                  "LTI 1.3 Proctoring Services."),
+            })
             consumer = self.get_lti_consumer()
         except NotImplementedError:
@@ -470,9 +483,18 @@ class LtiConfiguration(models.Model):
         Uses the `config_store` variable to determine where to
         look for the configuration and instance the class.
+        consumer_class = LtiAdvantageConsumer
+        # LTI Proctoring Services is not currently supported for CONFIG_ON_XBLOCK or CONFIG_EXTERNAL.
+        # NOTE: This currently prevents an LTI Consumer from supporting both the LTI 1.3 proctoring feature and the LTI
+        # Advantage services. We plan to address this. Follow this issue:
+        # https://github.com/openedx/xblock-lti-consumer/issues/303.
+        if self.lti_1p3_proctoring_enabled and self.config_store == self.CONFIG_ON_DB:
+            consumer_class = LtiProctoringConsumer
         if self.config_store == self.CONFIG_ON_XBLOCK:
             block = compat.load_enough_xblock(self.location)
-            consumer = LtiAdvantageConsumer(
+            consumer = consumer_class(
@@ -488,7 +510,7 @@ class LtiConfiguration(models.Model):
         elif self.config_store == self.CONFIG_ON_DB:
-            consumer = LtiAdvantageConsumer(
+            consumer = consumer_class(
@@ -508,9 +530,11 @@ class LtiConfiguration(models.Model):
             # or CONFIG_ON_DB.
             raise NotImplementedError
-        self._setup_lti_1p3_ags(consumer)
-        self._setup_lti_1p3_deep_linking(consumer)
-        self._setup_lti_1p3_nrps(consumer)
+        if isinstance(consumer, LtiAdvantageConsumer):
+            self._setup_lti_1p3_ags(consumer)
+            self._setup_lti_1p3_deep_linking(consumer)
+            self._setup_lti_1p3_nrps(consumer)
         return consumer
     def get_lti_consumer(self):
diff --git a/lti_consumer/plugin/urls.py b/lti_consumer/plugin/urls.py
index 39496e8b94283bec37918f2ae51b9c46db4a42b9..69780718c8e77e34a59c6e4737624b8a2b5f5c5a 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/plugin/urls.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/plugin/urls.py
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ from rest_framework import routers
 from lti_consumer.plugin.views import (LtiAgsLineItemViewset,  # LTI Advantage URLs; LTI NRPS URLs
                                        LtiNrpsContextMembershipViewSet, access_token_endpoint,
                                        deep_linking_content_endpoint, deep_linking_response_endpoint,
-                                       launch_gate_endpoint, public_keyset_endpoint)
+                                       launch_gate_endpoint, public_keyset_endpoint,
+                                       start_proctoring_assessment_endpoint)
 # LTI 1.3 APIs router
 router = routers.SimpleRouter(trailing_slash=False)
@@ -59,4 +60,9 @@ urlpatterns = [
+    path(
+        'lti_consumer/v1/start_proctoring_assessment',
+        start_proctoring_assessment_endpoint,
+        name='lti_consumer.start_proctoring_assessment_endpoint'
+    ),
diff --git a/lti_consumer/plugin/views.py b/lti_consumer/plugin/views.py
index bc896a46d8f362301ca21edcaed4434788a96240..d1f971dc3ce286431927dabc4b0ac48812251fa8 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/plugin/views.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/plugin/views.py
@@ -6,67 +6,48 @@ import urllib
 from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
 from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist, PermissionDenied, ValidationError
-from django.http import JsonResponse, Http404
 from django.db import transaction
+from django.http import Http404, JsonResponse
+from django.shortcuts import render
+from django.utils.crypto import get_random_string
+from django.views.decorators.clickjacking import xframe_options_exempt, xframe_options_sameorigin
 from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
 from django.views.decorators.http import require_http_methods
-from django.views.decorators.clickjacking import xframe_options_exempt, xframe_options_sameorigin
-from django.shortcuts import render
 from django_filters.rest_framework import DjangoFilterBackend
+from edx_django_utils.cache import TieredCache, get_cache_key
+from jwkest.jwt import JWT, BadSyntax
 from opaque_keys import InvalidKeyError
 from opaque_keys.edx.keys import UsageKey
-from rest_framework import viewsets, status
+from rest_framework import status, viewsets
 from rest_framework.decorators import action
 from rest_framework.response import Response
 from rest_framework.status import HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
 from lti_consumer.api import get_lti_pii_sharing_state_for_course, validate_lti_1p3_launch_data
 from lti_consumer.exceptions import LtiError
-from lti_consumer.models import (
-    LtiConfiguration,
-    LtiAgsLineItem,
-    LtiDlContentItem,
-from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.exceptions import (
-    Lti1p3Exception,
-    LtiDeepLinkingContentTypeNotSupported,
-    UnsupportedGrantType,
-    MalformedJwtToken,
-    MissingRequiredClaim,
-    NoSuitableKeys,
-    TokenSignatureExpired,
-    UnknownClientId,
-from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.extensions.rest_framework.constants import LTI_DL_CONTENT_TYPE_SERIALIZER_MAP
-from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.extensions.rest_framework.serializers import (
-    LtiAgsLineItemSerializer,
-    LtiAgsScoreSerializer,
-    LtiAgsResultSerializer,
-    LtiNrpsContextMembershipBasicSerializer,
-    LtiNrpsContextMembershipPIISerializer,
-from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.extensions.rest_framework.permissions import (
-    LtiAgsPermissions,
-    LtiNrpsContextMembershipsPermissions,
+from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.consumer import LtiProctoringConsumer
+from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.exceptions import (BadJwtSignature, InvalidClaimValue, Lti1p3Exception,
+                                             LtiDeepLinkingContentTypeNotSupported, MalformedJwtToken,
+                                             MissingRequiredClaim, NoSuitableKeys, TokenSignatureExpired,
+                                             UnknownClientId, UnsupportedGrantType)
 from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.extensions.rest_framework.authentication import Lti1p3ApiAuthentication
-from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.extensions.rest_framework.renderers import (
-    LineItemsRenderer,
-    LineItemRenderer,
-    LineItemScoreRenderer,
-    LineItemResultsRenderer,
-    MembershipResultRenderer,
-from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.extensions.rest_framework.parsers import (
-    LineItemParser,
-    LineItemScoreParser,
+from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.extensions.rest_framework.constants import LTI_DL_CONTENT_TYPE_SERIALIZER_MAP
+from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.extensions.rest_framework.parsers import LineItemParser, LineItemScoreParser
+from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.extensions.rest_framework.permissions import (LtiAgsPermissions,
+                                                                        LtiNrpsContextMembershipsPermissions)
+from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.extensions.rest_framework.renderers import (LineItemRenderer, LineItemResultsRenderer,
+                                                                      LineItemScoreRenderer, LineItemsRenderer,
+                                                                      MembershipResultRenderer)
+from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.extensions.rest_framework.serializers import (LtiAgsLineItemSerializer,
+                                                                        LtiAgsResultSerializer, LtiAgsScoreSerializer,
+                                                                        LtiNrpsContextMembershipBasicSerializer,
+                                                                        LtiNrpsContextMembershipPIISerializer)
 from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.extensions.rest_framework.utils import IgnoreContentNegotiation
+from lti_consumer.models import LtiAgsLineItem, LtiConfiguration, LtiDlContentItem
 from lti_consumer.plugin import compat
-from lti_consumer.utils import _, get_lti_1p3_context_types_claim, get_data_from_cache
+from lti_consumer.signals.signals import LTI_1P3_PROCTORING_ASSESSMENT_STARTED
 from lti_consumer.track import track_event
+from lti_consumer.utils import _, get_data_from_cache, get_lti_1p3_context_types_claim
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -139,13 +120,18 @@ def public_keyset_endpoint(request, usage_id=None, lti_config_id=None):
 @require_http_methods(["GET", "POST"])
 def launch_gate_endpoint(request, suffix=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-    Gate endpoint that triggers LTI launch endpoint XBlock handler
+    Receives an LTI 1.3 authentication request from an LTI tool and returns an LTI 1.3 authentication response.
+    The authentication request and the authentication response are the second and third steps of the OpenID Connect
+    Launch Flow, respectively. The authentication response contains the LTI message and is the LTI launch.
+    Returns a response containing an auto-submitting form that directs the browser to make a POST to the Tool.
-    This uses the config_id key of the "lti_message_hint" query parameter
-    to identify the LtiConfiguration and its consumer to generate the
-    LTI 1.3 Launch Form.
+    Query Parameters:
+    * lti_message_hint (REQUIRED): a value used as a cache key to retrieved a cached instance of Lti1p3LaunchData
+    * login_hint (REQUIRED): an identifier for the user that initiated the launch; it is stable and unique to the issuer
     # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
     request_params = request.GET if request.method == 'GET' else request.POST
@@ -162,7 +148,10 @@ def launch_gate_endpoint(request, suffix=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argume
     launch_data = get_data_from_cache(lti_message_hint)
     if not launch_data:
-        log.warning(f'There was a cache miss during an LTI 1.3 launch when using the cache_key {lti_message_hint}.')
+        log.warning(
+            f'There was a cache miss trying to fetch the launch data during an LTI 1.3 launch when using the cache'
+            f' key {lti_message_hint}. The login hint is {login_hint}.'
+        )
         return render(request, 'html/lti_launch_error.html', status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
     # Validate the Lti1p3LaunchData.
@@ -193,7 +182,7 @@ def launch_gate_endpoint(request, suffix=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argume
         lti_consumer = lti_config.get_lti_consumer()
         # Set sub and roles claims.
-        user_id = launch_data.user_id
+        user_id = launch_data.external_user_id if launch_data.external_user_id else launch_data.user_id
         user_role = launch_data.user_role
@@ -204,9 +193,10 @@ def launch_gate_endpoint(request, suffix=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argume
         # Set launch_presentation claim.
-        launch_presentation_target = launch_data.launch_presentation_document_target
-        if launch_presentation_target:
-            lti_consumer.set_launch_presentation_claim(launch_presentation_target)
+        lti_consumer.set_launch_presentation_claim(
+            document_target=launch_data.launch_presentation_document_target,
+            return_url=launch_data.launch_presentation_return_url
+        )
         # Set optional context claim, if supplied.
         context_type = launch_data.context_type
@@ -240,7 +230,7 @@ def launch_gate_endpoint(request, suffix=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argume
         # course creators to set up content.
         deep_linking_content_item_id = launch_data.deep_linking_content_item_id
-        if lti_consumer.dl and launch_data.message_type == 'LtiDeepLinkingRequest':
+        if launch_data.message_type == 'LtiDeepLinkingRequest' and lti_consumer.dl:
             # Check if the user is staff before LTI doing deep linking launch.
             # If not, raise exception and display error page
             if user_role not in ['instructor', 'staff']:
@@ -251,7 +241,7 @@ def launch_gate_endpoint(request, suffix=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argume
         # Deep Linking ltiResourceLink content presentation
         # When content type is `ltiResourceLink`, the tool will be launched with
         # different parameters, set by instructors when running the DL configuration flow.
-        elif lti_consumer.dl and deep_linking_content_item_id:
+        elif deep_linking_content_item_id and lti_consumer.dl:
             # Retrieve Deep Linking parameters using the  parameter.
             content_item = lti_config.ltidlcontentitem_set.get(pk=deep_linking_content_item_id)
             # Only filter DL content item from content item set in the same LTI configuration.
@@ -265,6 +255,30 @@ def launch_gate_endpoint(request, suffix=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argume
+        if launch_data.message_type == 'LtiStartProctoring':
+            # In the synchronizer token method of CSRF protection, the anti-CSRF token must be stored on the server.
+            session_data_key = get_cache_key(
+                app="lti",
+                key="session_data",
+                user_id=launch_data.user_id,
+                resource_link_id=launch_data.resource_link_id
+            )
+            session_data = get_data_from_cache(session_data_key)
+            if not session_data:
+                session_data = get_random_string(32)
+                TieredCache.set_all_tiers(session_data_key, session_data)
+            lti_consumer.set_proctoring_data(
+                attempt_number=launch_data.proctoring_launch_data.attempt_number,
+                session_data=session_data,
+                start_assessment_url=launch_data.proctoring_launch_data.start_assessment_url
+            )
+        elif launch_data.message_type == 'LtiEndAssessment':
+            lti_consumer.set_proctoring_data(
+                attempt_number=launch_data.proctoring_launch_data.attempt_number,
+            )
         # Update context with LTI launch parameters
             "preflight_response": preflight_response,
@@ -302,6 +316,7 @@ def launch_gate_endpoint(request, suffix=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argume
 def access_token_endpoint(request, lti_config_id=None, usage_id=None):
@@ -471,7 +486,6 @@ def deep_linking_content_endpoint(request, lti_config_id):
     if not launch_data:
         log.warning(f'There was a cache miss during an LTI 1.3 launch when using the cache_key {launch_data_key}.')
         return render(request, 'html/lti_launch_error.html', status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
         # Get LTI Configuration
         lti_config = LtiConfiguration.objects.get(id=lti_config_id)
@@ -705,3 +719,113 @@ class LtiNrpsContextMembershipViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
                 "error": "above_response_limit",
                 "explanation": "The number of retrieved users is bigger than the maximum allowed in the configuration.",
             }, status=HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
+def start_proctoring_assessment_endpoint(request):
+    """
+    Receives the Proctoring Tool's message to start the assessment. Emits a signal informing interested parties that
+    the assessment should be started.
+    Form Parameters:
+    * JWT (REQUIRED): a signed JWT containing the LTI message
+    """
+    # In order to get the cached data (session_data and launch_data) from the cache, we need data from the JWT
+    # before it has been decoded and validated using the ToolKeyHandler. Grab the data we need and validate the JWT
+    # after.
+    token = request.POST.get('JWT')
+    try:
+        jwt = JWT().unpack(token)
+    except BadSyntax:
+        return render(request, 'html/lti_proctoring_start_error.html', status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+    jwt_payload = jwt.payload()
+    iss = jwt_payload.get('iss')
+    resource_link_id = jwt_payload.get('https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/resource_link', {}).get('id')
+    try:
+        lti_config = LtiConfiguration.objects.get(lti_1p3_client_id=iss)
+    except LtiConfiguration.DoesNotExist:
+        log.error("Invalid iss claim '%s' for LTI 1.3 Proctoring Services start_proctoring_assessment_endpoint"
+                  " callback", iss)
+        return render(request, 'html/lti_proctoring_start_error.html', status=HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
+    lti_consumer = lti_config.get_lti_consumer()
+    if not isinstance(lti_consumer, LtiProctoringConsumer):
+        log.info("Proctoring Services for LTIConfiguration with config_id %s are not enabled", lti_config.config_id)
+        return render(request, 'html/lti_proctoring_start_error.html', status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+    # Grab the data we need from the cache: launch_data and session_data.
+    common_cache_key_arguments = {
+        "app": "lti",
+        "user_id": request.user.id,
+        "resource_link_id": resource_link_id,
+    }
+    launch_data_key = get_cache_key(**common_cache_key_arguments, key="launch_data")
+    launch_data = get_data_from_cache(launch_data_key)
+    if not launch_data:
+        log.warning(
+            f'There was a cache miss trying to fetch the launch data during an LTI 1.3 proctoring StartAssessment '
+            f'launch when using the cache key {launch_data_key}. The LtiConfiguration config_id is '
+            f'{lti_config.config_id}.'
+        )
+        return render(request, 'html/lti_proctoring_start_error.html', status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+    session_data_key = get_cache_key(**common_cache_key_arguments, key="session_data")
+    session_data = get_data_from_cache(session_data_key)
+    lti_consumer.set_proctoring_data(
+        attempt_number=launch_data.proctoring_launch_data.attempt_number,
+        session_data=session_data,
+        resource_link_id=launch_data.resource_link_id,
+    )
+    try:
+        proctoring_response = lti_consumer.check_and_decode_token(token)
+    except (BadJwtSignature, InvalidClaimValue, MalformedJwtToken,
+            MissingRequiredClaim, NoSuitableKeys, TokenSignatureExpired):
+        return render(request, 'html/lti_proctoring_start_error.html', status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+    # If the Proctoring Tool specifies the end_assessment_return claim in its LTI launch request,
+    # the Assessment Platform MUST send an End Assessment Message at the end of the user's
+    # proctored exam.
+    end_assessment_return = proctoring_response.get('end_assessment_return')
+    if end_assessment_return:
+        end_assessment_return_key = get_cache_key(**common_cache_key_arguments, key="end_assessment_return")
+        # We convert the boolean to an int because memcached will return an int even if a boolean is stored. This
+        # ensures a consistent return value. This assumes end_assessment_return is a boolean or can otherwise be case to
+        # an integer.
+        try:
+            end_assessment_return_value = int(end_assessment_return)
+        except ValueError:
+            # If the end_assessment_return is not a boolean and cannot be cast to an integer, then assume that the value
+            # is False. We do not want to return a 404 at the end of a proctored session on account of an invalid value
+            # for this optional claim.
+            log.error(
+                "An error occurred during the handling of an LtiStartAssessment LTI lauch message for LTIConfiguration "
+                f"with config_id {lti_config.config_id} and resource_link_id {resource_link_id}. The "
+                "end_assessment_return Tool JWT claim is not a boolean value. An LtiEndAssessment LTI launch message "
+                "will not be sent as part of the end assessment workflow."
+            )
+        else:
+            # Set a long enough timeout to ensure learners can complete their assessments without a cache timeout.
+            timeout = 60 * 60 * 12
+            TieredCache.set_all_tiers(
+                end_assessment_return_key,
+                end_assessment_return_value,
+                django_cache_timeout=timeout
+            )
+        sender=None,
+        attempt_number=proctoring_response["attempt_number"],
+        resource_link=proctoring_response["resource_link"],
+        user_id=request.user.id,
+    )
+    return JsonResponse(data={})
diff --git a/lti_consumer/signals/__init__.py b/lti_consumer/signals/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/lti_consumer/signals.py b/lti_consumer/signals/signals.py
similarity index 96%
rename from lti_consumer/signals.py
rename to lti_consumer/signals/signals.py
index e9d928e9faea722b96f05febe3f48d4cb1cd6082..ccf1194fed9e31aa2cb6487bdb132f3e309c911e 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/signals.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/signals/signals.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ LTI Consumer related Signal handlers
 import logging
 from django.db.models.signals import post_save
-from django.dispatch import receiver
+from django.dispatch import receiver, Signal
 from lti_consumer.models import LtiAgsScore
 from lti_consumer.plugin import compat
@@ -62,3 +62,6 @@ def publish_grade_on_score_update(sender, instance, **kwargs):  # pylint: disabl
             raise exc
diff --git a/lti_consumer/templates/html/lti_proctoring_start_error.html b/lti_consumer/templates/html/lti_proctoring_start_error.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..21d9eeaad9d9b785c61cea33694664cbd76e1664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lti_consumer/templates/html/lti_proctoring_start_error.html
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+{% load i18n %}
+    <head>
+        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
+        <title>LTI</title>
+    </head>
+    <body>
+        <p>
+            <b>{% trans "There was an error while starting your LTI proctored assessment." %}</b>
+        </p>
+        <p>
+            {% trans "If you're seeing this on a live course, please contact the course staff." %}
+        </p>
+    </body>
diff --git a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_proctoring.py b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_proctoring.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..25a62456ba3e0f6463d1650c8db146396758110d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_proctoring.py
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+Tests for LTI 1.3 proctoring endpoint views.
+import uuid
+from unittest.mock import call, patch
+import ddt
+from Cryptodome.PublicKey import RSA
+from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
+from django.test.testcases import TestCase
+from edx_django_utils.cache import TieredCache, get_cache_key
+from jwkest.jwk import RSAKey
+from jwkest.jwt import BadSyntax
+from lti_consumer.data import Lti1p3LaunchData, Lti1p3ProctoringLaunchData
+from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.exceptions import (BadJwtSignature, InvalidClaimValue, MalformedJwtToken,
+                                             MissingRequiredClaim, NoSuitableKeys)
+from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.key_handlers import PlatformKeyHandler
+from lti_consumer.models import LtiConfiguration
+from lti_consumer.utils import get_data_from_cache
+class TestLti1p3ProctoringStartProctoringAssessmentEndpoint(TestCase):
+    """Tests for the start_proctoring_assessment_endpoint endpoint."""
+    def setUp(self):
+        super().setUp()
+        self.url = "/lti_consumer/v1/start_proctoring_assessment"
+        # Set up user.
+        self._setup_user()
+        # Set up an LtiConfiguration instance for the integration.
+        self.lti_config = LtiConfiguration.objects.create(
+            version=LtiConfiguration.LTI_1P3,
+            lti_1p3_proctoring_enabled=True,
+            config_store=LtiConfiguration.CONFIG_ON_DB,
+        )
+        # Set up cached data necessary for this endpoint: launch_data and session_data.
+        self._setup_cached_data()
+        # Set up a public key - private key pair that allows encoding and decoding a Tool JWT.
+        self.rsa_key_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
+        self.private_key = RSA.generate(2048)
+        self.key = RSAKey(
+            key=self.private_key,
+            kid=self.rsa_key_id
+        )
+        self.public_key = self.private_key.publickey().export_key().decode()
+        self.lti_config.lti_1p3_tool_public_key = self.public_key
+        self.lti_config.save()
+    def _setup_user(self):
+        """Sets up the requesting user instance."""
+        self.user = get_user_model().objects.create_user(
+            username="user",
+            password="password"
+        )
+        self.client.login(username="user", password="password")
+    def _setup_cached_data(self):
+        """Sets up data in the cache necessary for the view: launch_data and session_data."""
+        self.common_cache_key_arguments = {
+            "app": "lti",
+            "user_id": self.user.id,
+            "resource_link_id": "resource_link_id",
+        }
+        # Cache session_data.
+        self.session_data_key = get_cache_key(
+            **self.common_cache_key_arguments,
+            key="session_data"
+        )
+        TieredCache.set_all_tiers(self.session_data_key, "session_data")
+        # Cache launch_data.
+        proctoring_launch_data = Lti1p3ProctoringLaunchData(attempt_number=2)
+        launch_data = Lti1p3LaunchData(
+            user_id="1",
+            user_role=None,
+            config_id=self.lti_config.config_id,
+            resource_link_id="resource_link_id",
+            proctoring_launch_data=proctoring_launch_data,
+        )
+        self.launch_data_key = get_cache_key(
+            **self.common_cache_key_arguments,
+            key="launch_data"
+        )
+        TieredCache.set_all_tiers(self.launch_data_key, launch_data)
+    def create_tool_jwt_token(self, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Creates and returns a signed JWT token to act as a Tool JWT.
+        Arguments:
+            * kwargs: Keyword arguments representing key, value pairs to include in the JWT token. This allows callers
+                to override default claims in the JWT token.
+        """
+        lti_consumer = self.lti_config.get_lti_consumer()
+        token = {
+            "iss": lti_consumer.client_id,
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/message_type": "LtiStartAssessment",
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/version": "1.3.0",
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/session_data": "session_data",
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/claim/resource_link": {"id": "resource_link_id"},
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/attempt_number": 2,
+        }
+        token.update(**kwargs)
+        # Encode and sign the Tool JWT using the private key. The PlatformKeyHandler class is the only key handler that
+        # currently has code to encode and sign a JWT, so we use that class. The ToolKeyHandler will be used in the view
+        # to decode this JWT using the corresponding public key.
+        platform_key_handler = PlatformKeyHandler(self.private_key.export_key(), self.rsa_key_id)
+        signed_token = platform_key_handler.encode_and_sign(token)
+        return signed_token
+    def test_valid_token(self):
+        """Tests the happy path of the start_proctoring_assessment_endpoint."""
+        response = self.client.post(
+            self.url,
+            {
+                "JWT": self.create_tool_jwt_token()
+            },
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+    def test_unparsable_token(self):
+        """Tests that a call to the start_assessment_endpoint with an unparsable token results in a 400 response."""
+        with patch("lti_consumer.plugin.views.JWT.unpack") as mock_jwt_unpack_method:
+            mock_jwt_unpack_method.side_effect = BadSyntax(value="", msg="")
+            response = self.client.post(
+                self.url,
+                {
+                    "JWT": self.create_tool_jwt_token()
+                },
+            )
+            self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
+    def test_lti_configuration_does_not_exist(self):
+        """
+        Tests that a call to the start_assessment_endpoint with an "iss" Tool JWT token claim that does not correspond
+        to an LtiConfiguration instance results in a 404 response.
+        """
+        tool_jwt_token_overrides = {"iss": "iss"}
+        tool_jwt_token = self.create_tool_jwt_token(**tool_jwt_token_overrides)
+        response = self.client.post(
+            self.url,
+            {
+                "JWT": tool_jwt_token
+            },
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
+    def test_not_proctoring_consumer(self):
+        """
+        Tests that a call to the start_assessment_endpoint with an "iss" Tool JWT token claim that corresponds to
+        an LtiConfiguration instance that does not have proctoring enabled results in a 400 response.
+        """
+        # Disable LTI Assessment and Grades Services so we don't set it up unnecessarily. Otherwise, an exception is
+        # raised because there is no location field set on the LtiConfiguration instance.
+        with patch("lti_consumer.models.LtiConfiguration.get_lti_advantage_ags_mode") as get_lti_ags_mode_mock:
+            get_lti_ags_mode_mock.return_value = self.lti_config.LTI_ADVANTAGE_AGS_DISABLED
+            self.lti_config.lti_1p3_proctoring_enabled = False
+            self.lti_config.save()
+            response = self.client.post(
+                self.url,
+                {
+                    "JWT": self.create_tool_jwt_token()
+                },
+            )
+            self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
+    def test_cache_miss_launch_data(self):
+        """Tests that a call to the start_assessment_endpoint with no cached launch_data results in a 400 response."""
+        TieredCache.set_all_tiers(self.launch_data_key, None)
+        response = self.client.post(
+            self.url,
+            {
+                "JWT": self.create_tool_jwt_token()
+            },
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
+    @ddt.data(BadJwtSignature, InvalidClaimValue, MalformedJwtToken, MissingRequiredClaim, NoSuitableKeys)
+    def test_check_and_decode_token_exception_handling(self, exception):
+        """Tests that a call to the start_assessment_endpoint with an invalid token results in a 400 response."""
+        with patch("lti_consumer.lti_1p3.consumer.LtiProctoringConsumer.check_and_decode_token") as mock_method:
+            mock_method.side_effect = exception()
+            response = self.client.post(
+                self.url,
+                {
+                    "JWT": self.create_tool_jwt_token()
+                },
+            )
+            self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
+    def test_cached_end_assessment_return_valid(self):
+        """
+        Tests that a call to the start_assessment_endpoint with a valid end_assessment_return Tool JWT token claim
+        results in a 200 response and correct data in the cache.
+        """
+        end_assessment_return = True
+        tool_jwt_token_overrides = {
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/end_assessment_return": end_assessment_return,
+        }
+        tool_jwt_token = self.create_tool_jwt_token(**tool_jwt_token_overrides)
+        response = self.client.post(
+            self.url,
+            {
+                "JWT": tool_jwt_token
+            },
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        end_assessment_return_cache_key = get_cache_key(**self.common_cache_key_arguments, key="end_assessment_return")
+        end_assessment_return = get_data_from_cache(end_assessment_return_cache_key)
+        self.assertEqual(end_assessment_return, int(end_assessment_return))
+    def test_cached_end_assessment_return_invalid(self):
+        """
+        Tests that a call to the start_assessment_endpoint with an invalid end_assessment_return Tool JWT token claim
+        results in a 200 response and correct data in the cache.
+        """
+        end_assessment_return = "end_assessment_return"
+        tool_jwt_token_overrides = {
+            "https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ap/claim/end_assessment_return": end_assessment_return,
+        }
+        tool_jwt_token = self.create_tool_jwt_token(**tool_jwt_token_overrides)
+        response = self.client.post(
+            self.url,
+            {
+                "JWT": tool_jwt_token
+            },
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        end_assessment_return_cache_key = get_cache_key(**self.common_cache_key_arguments, key="end_assessment_return")
+        end_assessment_return = get_data_from_cache(end_assessment_return_cache_key)
+        self.assertEqual(end_assessment_return, None)
+    @patch("lti_consumer.plugin.views.LTI_1P3_PROCTORING_ASSESSMENT_STARTED.send")
+    def test_lti_1p3_proctoring_assessment_started_signal(self, mock_assessment_started_signal):
+        """
+        Tests that a successful call to the start_assessment_endpoint emits the LTI_1P3_PROCTORING_ASSESSMENT_STARTED
+        Django signal.
+        """
+        self.client.post(
+            self.url,
+            {
+                "JWT": self.create_tool_jwt_token()
+            },
+        )
+        self.assertTrue(mock_assessment_started_signal.called)
+        self.assertEqual(mock_assessment_started_signal.call_count, 1)
+        expected_call_args = call(
+            sender=None,
+            attempt_number=2,
+            resource_link={'id': 'resource_link_id'},
+            user_id=self.user.id,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(mock_assessment_started_signal.call_args, expected_call_args)
diff --git a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views.py b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views.py
index e1bce12dfd4c6de283d42f487a68301ec7200e0c..7c6740327ddd0c4433d331f949cd1356a40d607e 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views.py
@@ -8,11 +8,12 @@ import ddt
 from django.test.testcases import TestCase
 from django.urls import reverse
+from edx_django_utils.cache import TieredCache, get_cache_key
 from Cryptodome.PublicKey import RSA
 from jwkest.jwk import RSAKey
 from opaque_keys.edx.keys import UsageKey
-from lti_consumer.data import Lti1p3LaunchData
+from lti_consumer.data import Lti1p3LaunchData, Lti1p3ProctoringLaunchData
 from lti_consumer.models import LtiConfiguration, LtiDlContentItem
 from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.exceptions import (
@@ -456,6 +457,72 @@ class TestLti1p3LaunchGateEndpoint(TestCase):
         # Check response
         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+    def test_launch_callback_endpoint_start_proctoring(self):
+        """
+        Ensures that the launch_callback_endpoint works correctly for LtiStartProctoring LTI launch messages.
+        """
+        self.config.lti_1p3_proctoring_enabled = True
+        self.config.save()
+        self.launch_data.message_type = "LtiStartProctoring"
+        proctoring_launch_data = Lti1p3ProctoringLaunchData(
+            attempt_number=1,
+            start_assessment_url="start_assessment_url",
+        )
+        self.launch_data.proctoring_launch_data = proctoring_launch_data
+        session_data_key = get_cache_key(
+            app="lti",
+            key="session_data",
+            user_id=self.launch_data.user_id,
+            resource_link_id=self.launch_data.resource_link_id
+        )
+        TieredCache.set_all_tiers(session_data_key, "session_data")
+        params = {
+            "client_id": self.config.lti_1p3_client_id,
+            "redirect_uri": "http://tool.example/launch",
+            "state": "state_test_123",
+            "nonce": "nonce",
+            "login_hint": self.launch_data.user_id,
+            "lti_message_hint": self.launch_data_key,
+        }
+        response = self.client.get(self.url, params)
+        # Check response
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+    def test_launch_callback_endpoint_end_assessment(self):
+        """
+        Ensures that the launch_callback_endpoint works correctly for LtiEndAssessment LTI launch messages.
+        """
+        self.config.lti_1p3_proctoring_enabled = True
+        self.config.save()
+        self.launch_data.message_type = "LtiEndAssessment"
+        proctoring_launch_data = Lti1p3ProctoringLaunchData(
+            attempt_number=1,
+        )
+        self.launch_data.proctoring_launch_data = proctoring_launch_data
+        params = {
+            "client_id": self.config.lti_1p3_client_id,
+            "redirect_uri": "http://tool.example/launch",
+            "state": "state_test_123",
+            "nonce": "nonce",
+            "login_hint": self.launch_data.user_id,
+            "lti_message_hint": self.launch_data_key,
+        }
+        response = self.client.get(self.url, params)
+        # Check response
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
 class TestLti1p3AccessTokenEndpoint(TestCase):
diff --git a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views_lti_ags.py b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views_lti_ags.py
index a3dd32845daa67c2d345f1889b96758cbefa42a7..a80a142fb9bb365454396a44973a5f5681312824 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views_lti_ags.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views_lti_ags.py
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class LtiAgsLineItemViewSetTestCase(APITransactionTestCase):
         self._load_block_patch.return_value = self.xblock
         self._mock_user = Mock()
-        compat_mock = patch("lti_consumer.signals.compat")
+        compat_mock = patch("lti_consumer.signals.signals.compat")
         self._compat_mock = compat_mock.start()
         self._compat_mock.get_user_from_external_user_id.return_value = self._mock_user
diff --git a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views_lti_deep_linking.py b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views_lti_deep_linking.py
index 6f1c5eeb956f8efad7f979c86293ce75e8ee564d..5d29d12dd0529d5ffdc4865657d71dcf2e07d109 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views_lti_deep_linking.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/test_views_lti_deep_linking.py
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class LtiDeepLinkingResponseEndpointTestCase(LtiDeepLinkingTestCase):
         # Patch method that calls platform core to ask for user permissions
-        compat_mock = patch("lti_consumer.signals.compat")
+        compat_mock = patch("lti_consumer.signals.signals.compat")
         self._compat_mock = compat_mock.start()
         self._compat_mock.user_has_studio_write_access.return_value = True
diff --git a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_api.py b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_api.py
index 446e07743ec9b09728a9dacfdc27f033662b71d8..19ff9f2f7292e48b9438cde263c77486e2195675 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_api.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_api.py
@@ -13,13 +13,14 @@ from lti_consumer.api import (
+    get_end_assessment_return,
-from lti_consumer.data import Lti1p3LaunchData
+from lti_consumer.data import Lti1p3LaunchData, Lti1p3ProctoringLaunchData
 from lti_consumer.lti_xblock import LtiConsumerXBlock
 from lti_consumer.models import LtiConfiguration, LtiDlContentItem
 from lti_consumer.tests.test_utils import make_xblock
@@ -93,6 +94,8 @@ class TestConfigIdForBlock(TestCase):
     creation forks on store type.
     def setUp(self):
+        super().setUp()
         xblock_attributes = {
             'lti_version': LtiConfiguration.LTI_1P1,
@@ -236,6 +239,7 @@ class TestGetOrCreateLocalLtiConfiguration(TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(lti_config.external_id, None)
 class TestValidateLti1p3LaunchData(TestCase):
     Unit tests for validate_lti_1p3_launch_data API method.
@@ -306,11 +310,11 @@ class TestValidateLti1p3LaunchData(TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(is_valid, False)
-    def test_invalid_user_role(self):
+    @ddt.data("cat", "")
+    def test_invalid_user_role(self, user_role):
         Ensure that instances of Lti1p3LaunchData are instantiated with a user_role that is in the LTI_1P3_ROLE_MAP.
-        user_role = "cat"
         launch_data = Lti1p3LaunchData(
@@ -326,6 +330,22 @@ class TestValidateLti1p3LaunchData(TestCase):
             [f"The user_role attribute {user_role} is not a valid user_role."]
+    def test_none_user_role(self):
+        """
+        Ensure that instances of Lti1p3LaunchData can be instantiated with a value of None for user_role.
+        """
+        launch_data = Lti1p3LaunchData(
+            user_id="1",
+            user_role=None,
+            config_id=_test_config_id,
+            resource_link_id="resource_link_id",
+        )
+        is_valid, validation_messages = validate_lti_1p3_launch_data(launch_data)
+        self.assertEqual(is_valid, True)
+        self.assertEqual(validation_messages, [])
     def test_invalid_context_type(self):
         Ensure that instances of Lti1p3LaunchData are instantiated with a context_type that is one of group,
@@ -350,6 +370,51 @@ class TestValidateLti1p3LaunchData(TestCase):
             [f"The context_type attribute {context_type} in the launch data is not a valid context_type."]
+    @ddt.data("LtiStartProctoring", "LtiEndAssessment")
+    def test_required_proctoring_launch_data_for_proctoring_message_type(self, message_type):
+        launch_data = Lti1p3LaunchData(
+            user_id="1",
+            user_role="student",
+            config_id=_test_config_id,
+            resource_link_id="resource_link_id",
+            message_type=message_type
+        )
+        is_valid, validation_messages = validate_lti_1p3_launch_data(launch_data)
+        self.assertEqual(is_valid, False)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            validation_messages,
+            [
+                "The proctoring_launch_data attribute is required if the message_type attribute is "
+                "\"LtiStartProctoring\" or \"LtiEndAssessment\"."
+            ]
+        )
+    @ddt.data(None, "")
+    def test_required_start_assessment_url_for_start_proctoring_message_type(self, start_assessment_url):
+        proctoring_launch_data = Lti1p3ProctoringLaunchData(attempt_number=1, start_assessment_url=start_assessment_url)
+        launch_data = Lti1p3LaunchData(
+            user_id="1",
+            user_role="student",
+            config_id=_test_config_id,
+            resource_link_id="resource_link_id",
+            message_type="LtiStartProctoring",
+            proctoring_launch_data=proctoring_launch_data,
+        )
+        is_valid, validation_messages = validate_lti_1p3_launch_data(launch_data)
+        self.assertEqual(is_valid, False)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            validation_messages,
+            [
+                "The proctoring_start_assessment_url attribute is required if the message_type attribute is"
+                " \"LtiStartProctoring\"."
+            ]
+        )
 class TestGetLti1p3LaunchInfo(TestCase):
@@ -648,3 +713,26 @@ class TestGetLtiDlContentItemData(TestCase):
         with self.assertRaises(Exception):
             get_deep_linking_data(content_item.id, self.lti_config.config_id)
+class TestGetEndAssessmentReturn(TestCase):
+    """
+    Unit tests for get_end_assessment_return API method.
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        # Patch internal method to avoid calls to modulestore
+        super().setUp()
+        patcher = patch(
+            'lti_consumer.models.LtiConfiguration.get_lti_consumer',
+        )
+        self.addCleanup(patcher.stop)
+    @patch('lti_consumer.api.get_data_from_cache')
+    def test_get_end_assessment_return(self, mock_get_data_from_cache):
+        """Ensures get_end_assessment_return returns whatever is in the cache."""
+        get_data_from_cache_return_value = "end_assessment_return"
+        mock_get_data_from_cache.return_value = get_data_from_cache_return_value
+        self.assertEqual(get_end_assessment_return("user_id", "resource_link_id"), get_data_from_cache_return_value)
diff --git a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_lti_xblock.py b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_lti_xblock.py
index adbf3d2e533caa539760682fc942e094e8599e42..4824c8b29cb8541a3ad1dc05dd716d385c90f52e 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_lti_xblock.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_lti_xblock.py
@@ -257,11 +257,11 @@ class TestProperties(TestLtiConsumerXBlock):
         fake_user = Mock()
         fake_user.opt_attrs = {
-            'edx-platform.anonymous_user_id': FAKE_USER_ID
+            'edx-platform.user_id': FAKE_USER_ID
         self.xblock.runtime.service(self, 'user').get_current_user = Mock(return_value=fake_user)
-        self.assertEqual(self.xblock.user_id, FAKE_USER_ID)
+        self.assertEqual(self.xblock.lms_user_id, FAKE_USER_ID)
     def test_user_id_none(self):
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ class TestProperties(TestLtiConsumerXBlock):
         self.xblock.runtime.service(self, 'user').get_current_user = Mock(return_value=fake_user)
         with self.assertRaises(LtiError):
-            __ = self.xblock.user_id
+            __ = self.xblock.lms_user_id
     def test_external_user_id(self):
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ class TestProperties(TestLtiConsumerXBlock):
-    @patch('lti_consumer.lti_xblock.LtiConsumerXBlock.user_id', PropertyMock(return_value=FAKE_USER_ID))
+    @patch('lti_consumer.lti_xblock.LtiConsumerXBlock.anonymous_user_id', PropertyMock(return_value=FAKE_USER_ID))
     def test_lis_result_sourcedid(self, mock_resource_link_id, mock_context_id):
         Test `lis_result_sourcedid` returns appropriate string
@@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ class TestLtiLaunchHandler(TestLtiConsumerXBlock):
         self.xblock.runtime.service(self, 'user').get_current_user = Mock(return_value=fake_user)
-    @patch('lti_consumer.lti_xblock.LtiConsumerXBlock.user_id', PropertyMock(return_value=FAKE_USER_ID))
+    @patch('lti_consumer.lti_xblock.LtiConsumerXBlock.anonymous_user_id', PropertyMock(return_value=FAKE_USER_ID))
     def test_generate_launch_request_called(self, mock_course):
         Test LtiConsumer.generate_launch_request is called and a 200 HTML response is returned
@@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ class TestLtiLaunchHandler(TestLtiConsumerXBlock):
         self.assertIn("There was an error while launching the LTI tool.", response_body)
-    @patch('lti_consumer.lti_xblock.LtiConsumerXBlock.user_id', PropertyMock(return_value=FAKE_USER_ID))
+    @patch('lti_consumer.lti_xblock.LtiConsumerXBlock.anonymous_user_id', PropertyMock(return_value=FAKE_USER_ID))
     def test_publish_tracking_event(self, mock_course):
         Test a tracking event is emitted when generating a launch request
@@ -1472,6 +1472,7 @@ class TestLtiConsumer1p3XBlock(TestCase):
         # Mock out the user role and external_user_id properties.
         fake_user = Mock()
         fake_user.opt_attrs = {
+            'edx-platform.user_id': 1,
             'edx-platform.user_role': 'instructor',
             'edx-platform.is_authenticated': True,
@@ -1485,10 +1486,11 @@ class TestLtiConsumer1p3XBlock(TestCase):
         course_key = str(self.xblock.location.course_key)  # pylint: disable=no-member
         expected_launch_data = Lti1p3LaunchData(
-            user_id="external_user_id",
+            user_id=1,
             resource_link_id=str(self.xblock.location),  # pylint: disable=no-member
+            external_user_id="external_user_id",
diff --git a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_models.py b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_models.py
index e6d1298e3aad65eb5588e8423e7843022cd2595b..f9b189c9eee6e14b298e0c23c5d2627604df7b77 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_models.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/test_models.py
@@ -15,13 +15,8 @@ from jwkest.jwk import RSAKey
 from opaque_keys.edx.locator import CourseLocator
 from lti_consumer.lti_xblock import LtiConsumerXBlock
-from lti_consumer.models import (
-    CourseAllowPIISharingInLTIFlag,
-    LtiAgsLineItem,
-    LtiAgsScore,
-    LtiConfiguration,
-    LtiDlContentItem,
+from lti_consumer.models import (CourseAllowPIISharingInLTIFlag, LtiAgsLineItem, LtiAgsScore, LtiConfiguration,
+                                 LtiDlContentItem)
 from lti_consumer.tests.test_utils import make_xblock
@@ -375,6 +370,13 @@ class TestLtiConfigurationModel(TestCase):
+        self.lti_1p3_config.lti_1p3_proctoring_enabled = True
+        for config_store in [self.lti_1p3_config.CONFIG_ON_XBLOCK, self.lti_1p3_config.CONFIG_EXTERNAL]:
+            self.lti_1p3_config.config_store = config_store
+            with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
+                self.lti_1p3_config.clean()
 class TestLtiAgsLineItemModel(TestCase):
@@ -411,7 +413,7 @@ class TestLtiAgsScoreModel(TestCase):
         # patch things related to LtiAgsScore post_save signal receiver
-        compat_mock = patch("lti_consumer.signals.compat")
+        compat_mock = patch("lti_consumer.signals.signals.compat")
         self._compat_mock = compat_mock.start()
         self._compat_mock.load_block_as_user.return_value = make_xblock(
diff --git a/lti_consumer/utils.py b/lti_consumer/utils.py
index 2514c627a7b2d2e1e52a9e456a58d24decc2648d..9413dcd8bd69d55b2e09fa6de6420b44b8bb3e65 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/utils.py
+++ b/lti_consumer/utils.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from edx_django_utils.cache import get_cache_key, TieredCache
 from lti_consumer.plugin.compat import get_external_config_waffle_flag, get_database_config_waffle_flag
 from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.constants import LTI_1P3_CONTEXT_TYPE
+from lti_consumer.lti_1p3.exceptions import InvalidClaimValue, MissingRequiredClaim
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -271,3 +272,20 @@ def get_data_from_cache(cache_key):
         return cached_data.value
     return None
+def check_token_claim(token, claim_key, expected_value=None, invalid_claim_error_msg=None):
+    """
+    Checks that the claim with key claim_key appears in the token. Raises a MissingRequiredClaim exception if it does
+    not. If the optional arguments expected_value and invalid_claim_error_msg are provided, then checks that the claim
+    in the token with the key claim_key matches the expected_value. Raises an InvalidClaimValue exception with the
+    invalid_claim_error_msg as the message if not. If the invalid_claim_error_msg argument is provided, then a generic
+    message is used.
+    """
+    claim_value = token.get(claim_key)
+    if claim_value is None:
+        raise MissingRequiredClaim(f"Token is missing required {claim_key} claim.")
+    if expected_value and claim_value != expected_value:
+        msg = invalid_claim_error_msg if invalid_claim_error_msg else f"The claim {claim_key} value is invalid."
+        raise InvalidClaimValue(msg)