From d5d83acfd5cb4fa886f2dd870fbc42e5a19beea4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Giovanni Cimolin da Silva <>
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2021 14:49:00 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] feat: Improve grade publishing handling on LTI 1.3

This commit improves the functionality of the grade publishing method. Improvements:
* Doesn't publish grade to LMS if this isn't a graded block.
* Doesn't try to publish grades when LineItem is not linked (`resourceLinkId` is empty)
* Improves logging and properly logs exceptions
 lti_consumer/                       | 59 ++++++++++---
 .../tests/unit/plugin/   | 84 ++++++++++++-------
 2 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lti_consumer/ b/lti_consumer/
index 83f242f..b239349 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/
+++ b/lti_consumer/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 LTI Consumer related Signal handlers
+import logging
 from django.db.models.signals import post_save
 from django.dispatch import receiver
@@ -9,21 +10,55 @@ from lti_consumer.models import LtiAgsScore
 from lti_consumer.plugin import compat
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 @receiver(post_save, sender=LtiAgsScore, dispatch_uid='publish_grade_on_score_update')
 def publish_grade_on_score_update(sender, instance, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
     Publish grade to xblock whenever score saved/updated and its grading_progress is set to FullyGraded.
+    This method DOES NOT WORK on Studio, since it relies on APIs only available and configured
+    in the LMS. Trying to trigger this signal from Studio (from the Django-admin interface, for example)
+    throw an exception.
-    if instance.grading_progress == LtiAgsScore.FULLY_GRADED:
-        block = compat.load_block_as_anonymous_user(instance.line_item.resource_link_id)
-        if not block.is_past_due() or block.accept_grades_past_due:
-            user = compat.get_user_from_external_user_id(instance.user_id)
-            # check if score_given is larger than score_maximum
-            score = instance.score_given if instance.score_given < instance.score_maximum else instance.score_maximum
-            compat.publish_grade(
-                block,
-                user,
-                score,
-                instance.score_maximum,
-                comment=instance.comment,
+    # Before starting to publish grades to the LMS, check that:
+    # 1. The grade being submitted in the final one - `FullyGraded`
+    # 2. This LineItem is linked to a LMS grade - the `LtiResouceLinkId` field is set
+    # 3. There's a valid grade in this score - `scoreGiven` is set
+    if instance.grading_progress == LtiAgsScore.FULLY_GRADED \
+            and instance.line_item.resource_link_id \
+            and instance.score_given:
+        try:
+            # Load block using LMS APIs and check if the block is graded and still accept grades.
+            block = compat.load_block_as_anonymous_user(instance.line_item.resource_link_id)
+            if block.has_score and (not block.is_past_due() or block.accept_grades_past_due):
+                # Map external ID to platform user
+                user = compat.get_user_from_external_user_id(instance.user_id)
+                # The LTI AGS spec allow tools to send grades higher than score maximum, so
+                # we have to cap the score sent to the gradebook to the maximum allowed value.
+                # Also, this is an normalized score ranging from 0 to 1.
+                score = min(instance.score_given, instance.score_maximum) / instance.score_maximum
+                # Set module score using XBlock custom method to do so.
+                # This saves the score on both the XBlock's K/V store as well as in
+                # the LMS database.
+                    "Publishing LTI grade from block %s to LMS. User: %s (score: %s)",
+                    block.location,
+                    user,
+                    score,
+                )
+                block.set_user_module_score(user, score, block.max_score(), instance.comment)
+        # This is a catch all exception to catch and log any issues related to loading the block
+        # from the modulestore and other LMS API calls
+        except Exception as exc:
+            log.exception(
+                "Error while publishing score %r to block %s to LMS: %s",
+                instance,
+                instance.line_item.resource_link_id,
+                exc,
+            raise exc
diff --git a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/ b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/
index 791c677..cff1caf 100644
--- a/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/
+++ b/lti_consumer/tests/unit/plugin/
@@ -422,44 +422,63 @@ class LtiAgsViewSetScoresTests(LtiAgsLineItemViewSetTestCase):
-        LtiAgsScore.FULLY_GRADED,
-    def test_xblock_grade_publish_on_score_save(self, grading_progress):
+    def test_grade_publish_not_called_when_pending(self, grading_progress):
-        Test on LtiAgsScore save, if gradingProgress is Fully Graded then xblock grade should be submitted.
+        Check that the grade is not submmitted to LMS if the status is a pending one.
+        # Set xblock attribute and make score request
+        self.xblock.has_score = True
             "gradingProgress": grading_progress,
-        if grading_progress == LtiAgsScore.FULLY_GRADED:
-            score = LtiAgsScore.objects.get(line_item=self.line_item, user_id=self.primary_user_id)
+        self._compat_mock.load_block_as_anonymous_user.assert_not_called()
+        self._compat_mock.get_user_from_external_user_id.assert_not_called()
-            self._compat_mock.publish_grade.assert_called_once()
-            self._compat_mock.get_user_from_external_user_id.assert_called_once()
-            self._compat_mock.load_block_as_anonymous_user.assert_called_once()
+    def test_xblock_grade_publish_on_score_save(self):
+        """
+        Test that the grade is submitted when gradingProgress is `FullyGraded`.
+        """
+        # Set up LMS mocks
+        self._compat_mock.load_block_as_anonymous_user.return_value = self.xblock
+        self._compat_mock.get_user_from_external_user_id.return_value = 'user_mock'
+        self.xblock.set_user_module_score = Mock()
-            call_args = self._compat_mock.publish_grade.call_args.args
-            call_kwargs = self._compat_mock.publish_grade.call_args.kwargs
-            self.assertEqual(call_args, (self.xblock, self._mock_user, score.score_given, score.score_maximum,))
-            self.assertEqual(call_kwargs['comment'], score.comment)
-        else:
-            self._compat_mock.load_block_as_anonymous_user.assert_not_called()
-            self._compat_mock.get_user_from_external_user_id.assert_not_called()
-            self._compat_mock.publish_grade.assert_not_called()
+        # Set xblock attribute and make score request
+        self.xblock.has_score = True
+        self._post_lti_score({
+            "gradingProgress": "FullyGraded",
+        })
+        # Check if publish grade was called
+        self.xblock.set_user_module_score.assert_called_once()
+        self._compat_mock.get_user_from_external_user_id.assert_called_once()
+        self._compat_mock.load_block_as_anonymous_user.assert_called_once()
+        call_args = self.xblock.set_user_module_score.call_args.args
+        self.assertEqual(call_args, ('user_mock', 0.83, 1, 'This is exceptional work.'))
     def test_grade_publish_score_bigger_than_maximum(self):
         Test when given score is bigger than maximum score.
+        # Return block bypassing LMS API
+        self._compat_mock.load_block_as_anonymous_user.return_value = self.xblock
+        self._compat_mock.get_user_from_external_user_id.return_value = 'user_mock'
+        self.xblock.set_user_module_score = Mock()
+        # Set block as graded
+        self.xblock.has_score = True
+        # Post and retrieve score object
             "scoreGiven": 110,
             "scoreMaximum": 100,
+            "comment": "comment",
-        score = LtiAgsScore.objects.get(line_item=self.line_item, user_id=self.primary_user_id)
         # Check that the function was called as expected
         # and that the correct variables were passed as arguments
@@ -490,35 +509,38 @@ class LtiAgsViewSetScoresTests(LtiAgsLineItemViewSetTestCase):
         Test grade publish after due date. Grade shouldn't publish
+        self.xblock.set_user_module_score = Mock() = + timedelta(days=30)
+        # Check that the block wasn't set if due date is past
-        self._compat_mock.publish_grade.assert_not_called()
+        self.xblock.set_user_module_score.assert_not_called()
     def test_xblock_grade_publish_accept_passed_due_date(self, timezone_patcher):
         Test grade publish after due date when accept_grades_past_due is True. Grade should publish.
-        xblock_attrs = {
-            'accept_grades_past_due': True,
-        }
-        xblock_attrs.update(self.xblock_attributes)
-        xblock = make_xblock('lti_consumer', LtiConsumerXBlock, xblock_attrs)
-        self._compat_mock.load_block_as_anonymous_user.return_value = xblock
+        # Return block bypassing LMS API
+        self._compat_mock.load_block_as_anonymous_user.return_value = self.xblock
+        self._compat_mock.get_user_from_external_user_id.return_value = 'user_mock'
+        self.xblock.set_user_module_score = Mock()
- = + timedelta(days=30)
+        # Change block attribute
+        self.xblock.has_score = True
+        self.xblock.accept_grades_past_due = True
+        # Try sending grade after due date
+ = + timedelta(days=30)
-        self._compat_mock.load_block_as_anonymous_user.assert_called_once()
-        self._compat_mock.get_user_from_external_user_id.assert_not_called()
-        self._compat_mock.publish_grade.assert_not_called()
+        # Check that the grade is published
+        self.xblock.set_user_module_score.assert_called_once()
+        call_args = self.xblock.set_user_module_score.call_args.args
+        self.assertEqual(call_args, ('user_mock', 0.83, 1, 'This is exceptional work.'))
     def test_create_multiple_scores_with_multiple_users(self):