diff --git a/initialize.jl b/initialize.jl
index 4e41a7d77b71674aac3bb8fb41f37a6f8c41a357..ecc52be463637bda919fb036b01bfdd21f203ad1 100644
--- a/initialize.jl
+++ b/initialize.jl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 export data_functions, save_path, getValues
 import Pkg
-include("../RidePooling/src/RidePooling.jl") #How can I use using instead
+import RidePooling #How can I use using instead
 RP = RidePooling
 using DataFrames
 using DelimitedFiles
diff --git a/sim.jl b/sim.jl
index 0f3181273f20d8c1c7bb31dccdb572b33c7415ac..ead35feea3040dd431100d37fa2313b3139dd81c 100644
--- a/sim.jl
+++ b/sim.jl
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@ using Pkg
 Pkg.instantiate()   #there may be an error here concerning PyCall. The dependencies assume Python to be installed on your system, with package 'matplotlib' installed.
                     #Either just run 'conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib' in your system shell, or follow instructions below (after running this cell and getting an error) to solve everything from within Julia.
-include("../RidePooling/src/RidePooling.jl") #How can I use using instead
+import RidePooling
 RP = RidePooling
 using DataFrames
 using CSV