diff --git a/initialize.jl b/initialize.jl
index 2e66284026625f0bb79153031432a5154beade55..8c087d3016ea011cfa8acce7c0360678e4b42f4d 100644
--- a/initialize.jl
+++ b/initialize.jl
@@ -53,11 +53,10 @@ function simulate_rp(paths::Dict, N::Int64, x, y, t0::Float64, specs; served = 1
     # Save the calculated Data
     data = DataFrame(data)
-    #CSV.write(paths[:data]*"$(x)_$(y).csv", data) #QUESTION what savepath
+    #CSV.write(paths[:data]*"$(x)_$(y).csv", data)
     open(paths[:data]*"$index.csv", "w") do io
         writedlm(io, Iterators.flatten(([names(data)], eachrow(data))), ',')
     #Save the model for possible later reference
-    RP.savemodel(paths[:model]*"$index.model",model;route_matrix=false) #QUESTION What savepath
-                                    # QUESTION How do I use the saving
+    RP.savemodel(paths[:model]*"$index.model",model;route_matrix=false)
diff --git a/put_together.jl b/put_together.jl
index 885c0ab711c46a30fbb3007638087b8c99779b32..c62f76c4655afb3c39f15ffcdac9921abf0978e5 100644
--- a/put_together.jl
+++ b/put_together.jl
@@ -1,11 +1,40 @@
+using Plots
+using CSV
+path = ARGS[1]
+len = eval(Meta.parse(ARGS[2]))
+archive_path = ARGS[3]
+xname = "frequency"
+yname = "dt_earliest_pickup"
+df = Dataframe(path*"1.csv")
-for index in indxes
+for i in 2:len
     #TODO put all the generated CSV Files together into one big file which is then saved to the correct location
+    temp = DataFrame(path*"$i.csv")
+    append!(df, temp)
+println("Saving Combined Dataframe to $archive_path")
+CSV.write(archive_path*"$name.csv", df)
+x, y = df[xname], df[yname]
+ks = names[df]
+deleteat!(ks, xname)
+deleteat!(ks, yname)
+for name in ks
+    data = df[name]
+    map = heatmap(1:size(data,1),
+    1:size(data,2), data,
+    #c=cgrad([:blue, :white,:red, :yellow]),
+    xlabel="Frequency", ylabel="dt_earliest_pickup",
+    title="$name")
+    savefig(path*"$name.png")
 #TODO put all the generated models in an archive file and save it to the archiving location
-#TODO make Plots from the CSV file
+#TODO make Plots from the CSV files
diff --git a/sim.jl b/sim.jl
index 8ac38b6d1121d210240a38db4be16bd9d8f1c689..d68df3b0ab5fc69c85c8d651bc415f0c2ab4d730 100644
--- a/sim.jl
+++ b/sim.jl
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 using Pkg
 #Pkg.add(url="https://gitlab.gwdg.de/smuehle1/RidePooling/", rev="planned_pickup")
 #Pkg.instantiate()   #there may be an error here concerning PyCall. The dependencies assume Python to be installed on your system, with package 'matplotlib' installed.