import Pkg Pkg.activate(".") import RidePooling import RidePooling_eval RP = RidePooling ev = RidePooling_eval if length(ARGS) == 3 name = ARGS[3] settings_path = ARGS[2] index=eval(Meta.parse(ARGS[1])) println("Taken Command line values:\n\tIndex=$index\n\tsettings_path=$settings_path") else throw("Value Error: Please give the command line arguments in the following order\nname\nsettings_path\nindex") end using DataFrames include(settings_path) ################################################################# ### Setting everything up using the specified settings include("functions.jl") include(mapPath*"/maps.jl") include(dispatcherPath *"/dispatchers.jl") savePath = savePath * "$(String(request_type))/$cost/$name/" index -= 2 #So that index starts at 0 dt_earliest_pickup = getX(index, dt_earliest_pickup_range..., ylen) args = (; routing = :lookup, speed_dict = mapToSpeed[map], speed_factor = mapTo_t0[map], route_matrix = RP.get_route_matrix(mapPath*mapToMatrix[map]), random_gens = Dict([request_type => [rng_type, dt_earliest_pickup], ]), cost_idle_weight = getY(index, cost_idle_weight_range...), resubmission_time_factor = getY(index, resubmission_time_factor_range...), ) index +=2 #find the correct Dispatcher dispatchers = dispatchers_ν_80 dispatchers = eachrow(dispatchers) dispatcher = filter(x -> == map && x.cost == cost && x.N_bus == N && x.rejection_criterion == rejection, dispatchers)[1] #TODO?If it is more than one it should be chosen randomly # Change Dispatcher Format to fit keyword args dispatcher = NamedTuple(dispatcher) args = merge(args, dispatcher) #############################Simulation#################################### # If index == 1: Do Vanilla simulation if index ==1 @time model=RP.get_model(;args...) model.request_type = :now @time!(model;requested=requested) elseif index > 1 @time model=RP.get_model(;args...) @time!(model;requested=requested) end #############################-Save Results-############################### results = Dict() for quan in req_quantitys_mean results[quan] = ev.quantity(quan, model) end for quan in req_quantitys_sum results[quan] = ev.sum(quan, model) end for quan in bus_quantitys results[quan] = ev.quantity(quan, model.agents, model) end for quan in model_quantitys f = @eval (ev.$quan) results[quan] = f(model) end results = NamedTuple(results) data = merge(args, results) data = DataFrame([data]) select!(data, Not(:route_matrix)) select!(data, Not(:routing)) using DelimitedFiles open(savePath*"$(lpad(index, 5, "0")).csv", "w") do io writedlm(io, Iterators.flatten(([names(data)], eachrow(data))), ';') end