using Pkg Pkg.activate(".") #Pkg.add(url="", rev="planned_pickup") #Pkg.instantiate() #there may be an error here concerning PyCall. The dependencies assume Python to be installed on your system, with package 'matplotlib' installed. #Either just run 'conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib' in your system shell, or follow instructions below (after running this cell and getting an error) to solve everything from within Julia. import RidePooling #include("../RidePooling/src/RidePooling.jl") RP = RidePooling using DataFrames using CSV try global name = ARGS[3] global settings_path = ARGS[2] global index=eval(Meta.parse(ARGS[1])) println("Taken Command line values:\n\tIndex=$index\n\tsettings_path=$settings_path") catch e print(e) global settings_path = "./standard_settings.jl" global index=1#eval(Meta.parse(ARGS[1])) println("Take standard values:\n\tIndex=$index\n\tsettings_path=$settings_path") end include(settings_path) #TODO Is this actually needed? include("./sim_functions.jl")# #TODO Gucke ob die Ordner existieren if !isdir(paths[:data]) error("Please create data folder at $(paths[:data])") return end if !isdir(paths[:model]) error("Please create model folder at $(paths[:model])") return end map_folder = paths[:map] include(paths[:map]*"map.jl") # include(paths[:dispatcher]*"dispatcher.jl") x, y = indexing(index) random_gens = Dict(request_type => [rng_type, y*t0]) specs=(; map=mymap, route_matrix=RM, subspaces=:all_edges, routing=:lookup, speed_dict = speed_dict, seed = 1, request_type = request_type, random_gens = random_gens, t_max_wait = t0 ) specs = merge(specs, dispatcher) @time data = simulate_rp(paths,N, x, y, t0, specs, request_type, served=served, requested=requested)