Renovate does not recognize docker-compose files
Renovate does not recognize the Docker compose files in the docker-compose
INFO: Repository started (repository=snet-asclepios-demo/snet-asclepios-deployment)
"renovateVersion": "30.0.0"
INFO: Dependency extraction complete (repository=snet-asclepios-demo/snet-asclepios-deployment)
"baseBranch": "master",
"stats": {
"managers": {"gitlabci": {"fileCount": 1, "depCount": 1}},
"total": {"fileCount": 1, "depCount": 1}
INFO: Repository finished (repository=snet-asclepios-demo/snet-asclepios-deployment)
"durationMs": 3878
Definition of Done:
try to set a broader scanning mode on Renovate -
try to explicitly mention these directories to Renovate -
maybe file a bug report to Renovate
- none...
Edited by Ilka Schulz