Navigating from search breadcrumb to website error
Just leave a short summary what the bug is about and in which context you noticed it. Feel free to delete sections that doesn't suit the case you're dealing with.
I expected the following to happen
- Successfully navigate to search page with the existing search list displayed.
On the contrary, I observed
- Error in the url which resulted in displaying an empty page.
Url is not right.
How to reproduce the bug
Please describe briefly how you discovered the bug and what a developer has to do to reproduce it.
- Step 1
- On a develop Website navigate to search page and search for
- Step 2
- Click on any of the search result, we will be navigating to Tido and can observe the search breadcrumb displayed with the search result.
- Step 3
- Click on the search breadcrumb and try navigating back to the website. This throws an error in the url.
How much impact does this bug have on the product or further development?
Minor -
Major -
Critical -
Unix -
Windows -
Safari -
Chrome/Chromium -
Firefox -
Other: ?
Program and – if applicable – dependency version
Which version of the software did you use?
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Edited by Manikanth Dindigala