Enable selecting annotated text in text panel
As a user I would like to be able to select the highlighted annotated text passages in the text panel and see the corresponding annotation highlighted in the annotation panel, so that I can directly recognize the corresponding annotation in the annotation panel without having to search through the list while reading.
klick on the text passage makes the icon visible -
klick on the text passage highlights the correspondig annotation -
corresponding annotation scrolls into view -
Selecting and deselecting should be possible bidirectionally: from the text panel to the annotation panel and from the annotation panel to the text panel. Selecting must trigger the scroll into view from both directions.
Question: selecting and deselecting all is currently only possible under options in the annotation panel. discuss with nils if necessary. We already have a concept for annotations and variants...we have to make sure that no conflicts arise...and if there are conflicts adjust the general concept.
Challenge: Embedded Annotations. In Gfl (and in ahiqar motifs it is the case, that a word has more than one annotation. If you click on it scroll into view might be tricky. An idea could be to stick to the mouse over approach like in the ahiqar motifs. We would need to make the mouseover klickable to choose the annotation you are interested in. Currently the overlapping of the entities and also the tooltip is not visible. It is only visible if you highlight the annotations.