{ "projects": "Projects", "processors": "Processors", "workflows": "Workflows", "list": "List", "table": "Table", "sort_by": "Sort by", "group_by": "Group by", "documents": "Documents", "no_content": "This view is not created yet. Please try again later. ", "no_gt_workspace": "No information about Ground Truth Workspace available", "no_ocr_workflow": "No information about OCR Workflow available", "no_document_metadata": "No information about the document available", "unknown_workflow": "Unknown workflow", "wall_time_asc": "Wall Time ascending", "wall_time_desc": "Wall Time descending", "cer_asc": "CER ascending", "cer_desc": "CER descending", "cer_min_asc": "CER Min ascending", "cer_min_desc": "CER Min descending", "cer_max_asc": "CER Max ascending", "cer_max_desc": "CER Max descending", "no_table_data": "No table data available", "workflow_steps": "Workflow steps", "external_repo_url": "External link to the repository", "change": "Change", "datasets_selected": "datasets selected", "of": "of", "select_all": "Select all", "document": "Document", "workflow": "Workflow", "fastest": "Fastest" }