""" Functions used by several modules. """ def remove_mongodb_id_from_result(json_data, result_type) -> list: """ When retrieving results from MongoDB, the Mongo ID is included by the DB. This function removes this ID from the result. """ purged_list = [] for obj in json_data: d = dict(obj) print(d) del d['_id'] if result_type == 'gt': d = d['gt_workspace'] purged_list.append(d) return purged_list def remove_key_from_dict(d: dict, tbr_key: str) -> None: """ This function removes keys with the value of null from the result. """ for key in list(d.keys()): if key == tbr_key and d[key] == None: del d[key] else: remove_key_from_dict(d[key], tbr_key)