# Website for studentische Informatiktage Goettingen
The live instance is shown at https://sit.informatik.uni-goettingen.de/
## Events
To add a new year it is recommended to copy the app/events/template directory to app/events/XXXX. Now add missing information within app/events/index.json and the files within app/events/XXXX.
All following paths are relative to app/events/XXXX.
### Overview
The overview description can be set within overview/de.hbs and accordingly for other languages. It uses [handlebars](http://handlebarsjs.com/) syntax; Basically plain HTML can be used.
The poster to be shown needs to be present as poster/sIT-YYYY-200.jpg (200px width) as well as sIT-YYYY-full.jpg (full size).
### Presentations
Within the presentations.json the key of an entry is considered its ID. The entries itself may hold the following attributes:
"language": [String], // Array of language keys (e.g. "de") sorted by preference
"title": String, // Optional; Title of the presentation
"short": String, // Optional,HTML; Short description of the presentation (visible by default)
"details": String, // Optional,HTML; Appended to description when "show more" is clicked
"duration": Number, // Optional; Estimated presentation duration in minutes
"author": String|Object|Array, // Optional; Details of the speaker
"company": String|Object, // Optional; Details of the company the speaker represents
"icon": String, // Optional; font-awesome icon name to use; default: "comment"
"color": String, // Optional; bootstrap standard type to use for icon background; default: "info"
"page": String, // Optional; ID of custom page to refer to (see below)
"assets": [ // Optional
"file": String, // file-name (see below)
"icon": String // font-awesome icon name
"translate": Object // Optional
#### Schedule
Within the schedule.json define the schedule of presentations as following:
Within the workshops.json you may define workshops as following:
"workshops": [
"language": [String], // Array of language keys (e.g. "de") sorted by preference
"title": String, // Optional; Title of the presentation
"short": String, // Optional,HTML; Short description of the presentation (visible by default)
"details": String, // Optional,HTML; Appended to description when "show more" is clicked
"author": String|Object|Array, // Optional; Details of the speaker
"company": String|Object, // Optional; Details of the company the speaker represents
"page": String, // Optional; ID of custom page to refer to (see below)
"assets": [ // Optional
"file": String, // file-name (see below)
"icon": String // font-awesome icon name
"times": [ // Optional; It is recommended to add an entry for each day and use multiple entries per day if the pauses are known
"datetime": "YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm", // Start time of the workshop
"duration": Number // Optional; Estimated workshop duration in minutes
"translate": Object // Optional
### Special presentation and workshop attributes
The `translate` attribute may overwrite any of the other attributes language-dependent. It needs to map the language-key to an extending object.
If the `author` is set to `null`, it will be shown as To Be Announced (TBA). If it is not set, it is not shown at all. The `author` and `company` attributes need to follow the [npm people-fields syntax](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package.json#people-fields-author-contributors).
#### Event-specific pages and assets
A custom event-page can be defined by creating a markdown (`*.md`) or [handlebars](http://handlebarsjs.com/)(`*.hbs`) file within pages/. The filename without extension is considered the page ID which can be referenced within the events `page` attribute.
Assets (e.g. pdf files, etc.) can be stored within assets/. The filename (including extension) can be referenced within the events `assets.file` attribute. The `assets.icon` attribute is supposed to [symbolize the file-type](http://fontawesome.io/icons/#file-type).
#### Presentation Icons and colors
##### Icons
Please use an icon according to these conditions:
*`comment` (default) if the event is a common presentation.
*`commenting` if the event is a meta/organizational presentation or discussion.
*`briefcase` if the event is a preperation or introduction for another event.
*`gamepad` if the event is a fun competition.
*`cutlery` if the event contains BBQ as main part.
*`eye` if the event is the showcase of workshop results.
*`user-secret` if the event is intended to be a surprise.
*`trophy` if the event is a competition including awards.
Feel free to extend this lists if a new category is needed.
##### Colors
Please use a color according to these conditions:
*`success`if the event is a meta discussion (e.g. greetings).
*`info` (default) if the event has no (excessive) audience participation.
*`primary` if the event is intended to be a surprise.
*`warning` if the audience may participate on a voluntary basis.
*`danger` if the whole audience is supposed to participate.
This is the codebase to render content as provided by the