: ifweb.xql offers a simple interface for creating the website specific BdN
: intermediate format of a given resource.
: @author Michelle Rodzis
: @version 1.0
xquery version "3.1";
module namespace ifweb="";
declare namespace tei = "";
import module namespace console="";
import module namespace pre="" at "xmldb:exist:///db/apps/interformat/modules/intermediate_format/preprocessing.xqm";
import module namespace ident = "" at "xmldb:exist:///db/apps/interformat/modules/intermediate_format/identification.xqm";
import module namespace config = "" at "xmldb:exist:///db/apps/interformat/modules/config.xqm";
declare option exist:serialize "method=xml media-type=text/xml omit-xml-declaration=no indent=no";
declare function ifweb:main($resource as xs:string) as xs:string? {
let $doc := doc($config:sade-data || $resource)
let $filename := substring-before($resource, '.xml') || "-if.xml"
return ifweb:transform($doc, $filename)
declare function ifweb:transform($doc as node()*, $filename as xs:string)
as node()* {
let $preprocessed-data := pre:preprocessing($doc/tei:TEI, $replace-whitespace)
let $intermediate-format := ident:walk($preprocessed-data, ())
let $store := xmldb:store($config:sade-data, $filename, $intermediate-format)
return $intermediate-format
declare function ifweb:complete-xml($author as xs:string, $xml as node()*)
as node()* {
let $log-dir :=
if(xmldb:collection-available($config:app-root || "/logs")) then
$config:app-root || "/logs"
xmldb:create-collection($config:app-root, "logs")
let $log-name := "log.xml"
let $create := xmldb:store($log-dir, $log-name, <root/>)
let $filename := $author || "-full-if.xml"
return ifweb:transform($xml, $filename)
declare function ifweb:single-xml($resource as node()*, $filename as xs:string)
as node()* {
let $filename := substring-before($filename, '.xml') || "-if.xml"
return ifweb:transform($resource, $filename)