Stefan Hynek authored
`prepare` builds the xar file depending on the branch; `publish` uploads to the exist repo
Stefan Hynek authored`prepare` builds the xar file depending on the branch; `publish` uploads to the exist repo
publish 432 B
usage () {
cat << EOF
Usage: $(basename $0) file
This script is ment to be invoked in a CI environment only.
exit 2
# TODO: check for `CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA` and/or `EXIST_UPLOAD_PW`; if not set, show warning that not in CI
[[ $# -ne 1 ]] && { usage; }
export FILE=$1
echo "Uploading $FILE ..."
curl -u ci:${EXIST_UPLOAD_PW} -X POST -F file=@${FILE} https://ci.de.dariah.eu/exist-upload
exit $?