Scripts to convert bdn-TEI into an intermediate-format dealing with reading markers
# bdn:IntermediateFormat.v2 - eXistDB Application
# Notes in Advance
- The Directory "stable_old" contains the old version and is just of documentary nature
- The Directory "oxygen" contains files for the Development in oxygen
- The Directories "modules" and "rest" hold all files of the new Intermediate-Format version
This repos contains the BdN IntermediateFormat-conversion Application to produce several kinds of intermediate formats of the XML-Data of the DFG-Project "Bibliothek der Neologie"
# setup and description
# Requirements
# Setup
- Call `ant` to build the app as `build/interformat.{VERSION}.xar`
- integrate it into your eXistDB instance
# Modules
## modules/intermediate_format/identification.xqm
- This is the main module integrating the main conversion and node identification functions
- place it in your app modules path: "/modules/intermediate_format/inter_form.xqm"
@@ -27,7 +32,7 @@ Scripts to convert bdn-TEI into an intermediate-format dealing with reading mark
- This is the REST script running the conversion on a given document within eXist-DB
- place it in your app somewhere or as suggested here in a subfolder /rest
# Running the conversion
# Use
- call intermediate_format.xql via REST with the GET-Parameter "path" (exemplary call: http://localhost:8080/exist/apps/interformat/rest/intermediate_format.xql?path=/db/apps/interformat/data/samples/samples4.xml")
- "path" must be a XML-URI existing in your eXist-instance context (There is no existence-check yet)